25 Minute Creamy Cajun Shrimp Alfredo​

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Cajun shrimp Alfredo let's make it happen [Music] okay folks when I look I'm gonna go ahead and just address who it is you guys already know who he is that he got like a million people to follow him already close you know what I'm saying hey close enough getting close you know what I mean hey so with that being said listen we got a recipe we know you guys are gonna like so we're gonna just get right into it so tell me what you're gonna start off with all right so we're gonna go ahead and season the shrimp first extra large shrimp we're gonna season them up with some Cajun seasoning get them in the skillet and then we're gonna remove the shrimp and use that same flavor from the skillet to make our alfredo so after today you'll never need to buy a Jarred alfredo sauce again super easy to make just a few ingredients nobody to better do it with than you hey you know what uh I like that you know what I mean I give people the options you know to go buy but when you can make it as easy as what we're gonna do right now why not do it just absolutely so I'm gonna let you go ahead and do that and look I'm gonna put a little twist on this you know right here I'm gonna put a little bit of my original you know my little AP on here I mean just a little bit that's good stuff for sure then we'll go ahead and cheese in with the rest all right so ab's already added to AP I'm gonna hit it with a little Cajun not too much save the rest to go into your alfredo sauce hey but you know what for me to add just some you know be myself you know I always got to add the crack you know oh yes sir and you know what it's a difference a lot of people don't know this but the first uh crack they got like a little stronger taste to it you know what I mean so once your skill is nice and hot probably like medium heat or so you don't want it to be too hot because shrimp you cook super fast we're gonna go ahead and add them in there give them a little Elbow Room so they get some good color and cook evenly [Music] all right so once the shrimp is just about cooked we're gonna go ahead and remove it with the slotted spoon leaving all that flavor behind for our alfredo sauce shrimp is looking ass smelling good hey look I gotta address this part too for all of the new people that are here that heard that you can't use metal utensils to try to you know non-stick type pans and pots you can with hex Clan listen that's one of the things that I like about it not to mention that it holds so much you know heat almost just like a cast iron you know I mean real even but you see this right here you don't have to worry about that flaking off or nothing like that and as you would say that's that fun baby a lot of flavor down there so what we're going to do now is we're gonna kill the heat because we're gonna add some butter I don't want the butter to Scorch right why are you doing that I'm gonna go ahead and load up my little smile gun you know just right here put that smile on my face man quick reminder also all the specific measurements and ingredients are going to be listed below as you guys always do so if you guys want to make this at home quick and easy have it on a dinner table in less than 30 minutes really can't go wrong so we're basically going to take this butter and allow that to kind of like start picking up some of that flavor off the bottom of the skillet okay now that we got that melted I'm gonna go ahead and put that smile on my face man I ain't used to nobody working my spatula you know go ahead the glass of God so we got the garlic in there with the melted butter we're gonna let that saute for a minute or so you don't want the garlic to burn you just want it to kind of like you said get fragrant start the saute a bit and then we're gonna go in with our heavy cream let that simmer and reduce parmesan cheese season it to taste you got alfredo sauce simple as that all right heavy cream we'll put this on medium heat bring that to a simmer let all those flavors come together and Mary all right so what you want to do is just bring it to a simmer for a few minutes it's going to allow it to start to reduce which is going to thicken up the sauce the other thing is with thicken up the sauce is this grated Parmesan cheese right all right so I'm gonna do it like this man because I like to just get it in here I don't know I don't want it to like fall in the club but you know what when the chefs are here a lot of people tell me man just put it in there it's going to be okay yeah but this is the way I've been taught to do it you know I mean just a little bit at a time that you work that in there and then I'll add the rest I also like to do it over low heat or kill the heat completely because if it's too hot sometimes the fat will separate and your sauce will get all oily now you know what man that explained a lot right there that right there is like all the people in the comments how do you get your alfredo sauce not to be oily make sure you add the cheese towards the end like we just did and kill the heat like the residual heat in the pan melt the cheese all right so we're gonna save a little bit of that pasta water that we just drained add that to our sauce and then ultimately finish cooking the noodles and the sauce as well and another thing to look just to explain like a little bit more in detail look the pasta water be cool uh key listen it makes it you know like super creamy and it also helps that the creaminess of the Alfredo sauce sticks to your noodles that right there if you guys want to know why sometimes it just coats and kind of like just slides off that's because it doesn't have another pasta water yeah or should I say starchy water right so you see me right here with the uh with my just my little texture spoon you can see how small it is I love this set right here so look I'm gonna go ahead and just hit it and then you guys can see the consistency that right there is what we're looking for now we taste it man that's fire bro yes sir just a little bit of seasoning let's do it so it's gonna add a little bit more seasoning what you want to do at the end like I said Alfredo um the parmesan cheese and the alfredo sauce is pretty salty so I always add your seasoning towards the end like we just did then a little touch of lemon juice doesn't hurt it's a pretty fatty dish we got a lot of butter a lot of heavy creams that are acid in the lemon juice kind of cuts through that brightens everything up a little bit while I'm over here looking like I'm brand new and watching you stir that right now look over here licking my lips with all of that that right here that came out right lovely because it's like lunch time right right now you guys saw like in the very very beginning like how we did our noodles we did our pasta noodles we're doing my Al Dente right so listen read your package you know whatever is suggested you do 10 12 8 whatever that is that's what you want to do right so now got this here oh yeah these is right [Music] foreign [Music] thing we got left to do is now I'm gonna use this slotted spoon because we got a little bit of that Ooey in there I know what you're gonna tell me to go ahead and put that flavor Left Behind no flavor left behind I got it so I want you guys to pay attention to one thing if you take a look at right here look this is not all of the shrimp that we made deliciousness about that presentation right so what we're doing is we're just putting some of this in now you should want to reserve something back because that's why we're going to top the dish and make it look beautiful [Music] oh [Music] okay folks look ain't no need me doing all of that you know what I mean uh this is fire I'm gonna go ahead and take a taste test while you guys get a chance to watch me I'm gonna go ahead and let you just wrap this up right here no problem this is a great Alfredo recipe but we also have another great Alfredo recipe right here in The Best of Both Worlds cookbook these are still in stock and ready for you use the promo code down below for 20 off plus free shipping gotta share though there we go remember the truth the big bite here we go one of the things I like especially when you're doing it with shrimp just shrimp is cooked just right you know I mean not overcooked it's not chili that's money hey so he just told you about the cookbook this right here is fire let us know what you think down in the comment section below hey better yeah after you do that talk to us and tell us how you guys like seeing me and him together hey this is my guy right here with that being said listen if you're new to my channel check this out you know what I'm about to say you know what we out oh [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 51,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Satisfy Your Cravings with Cajun Shrimp Alfredo with @MrMakeItHappen, cajun shrimp alfredo, cajun shrimp alfredo pasta recipe, shrimp alfredo, cajun pasta with shrimp, ab's cajun cuisines, cajun pasta recipe, cajun recipes, shrimp pasta, shrimp recipe, cajun shrimp pasta, how to make cajun pasta, pasta recipe, cajun shrimp pasta - an easy recipe for a delicious dinner, pasta recipes, cajun shrimp, 25 Minute Creamy Cajun Shrimp Alfredo
Id: qZ5qaljjIyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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