You'll Never Have A Better Pasta Bake Than This One | Easy & Delicious Pasta Recipe

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what's up guys welcome back when I was a kid one of my favorite things to eat was a pasta bake I loved lasagna I loved baked ziti baked spaghetti you name it I loved it today we're taking a few of those classic ideas and putting a Twist on it and elevating the childhood classic of a pasta bake but before we get into the recipe please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that Bell to enable notifications as well alright guys so we'll get the party started with some Italian sausage I'm using mild you could also use ground beef pork turkey whatever you like we're getting this going with a pound and a half of Italian sausage though but again feel free to substitute that with whatever floats your boat we're just going to Brown this up nicely make sure we get some good crust and flavor that's what you want to see right there and this is going to act as a foundation for our sauce it's going to release some of that fat and flavor that's going to help saute our onions and our garlic and this episode is sponsored by bright sellers bright sellers is the wine club that believes anybody can experience the joy of wine you can personalize your selections by taking a quick seven question quiz that will match you with the wines from all over the world curated to your taste palette there's also a lot of variety and convenience you can choose from 12 different plan options and get 100 plus varietals sourced from 80 plus wine regions delivered right to your doorstep one of my favorite things is the education value that you get from this each box comes with wine education cards for each bottle to outline tasting notes suggested pairings best serving temps and origin and satisfaction is guaranteed you can learn why their bottles have over 600 000 5 Star reviews if you don't like a bottle they'll replace it I'm a huge fan of red wine and I couldn't be more happy with the selections that were sent to me I absolutely love this Cabernet sponsors like bright sellers help me make content that you guys enjoy so by supporting bright settlers and supporting my channel as well so I want to give a huge thanks to Bright sellers for giving my followers their first six bottle subscription box which is usually 150 for just 70 bucks click the link in the description to take the quiz and get started today is most of the way cooked we're going in with one diced onion [Music] just a rough dice nothing crazy give that a good mix allow the onion to start to sweat down at this point we're going to add a pinch of salt just to help the onions sweat down a little bit that salt will start to release some of the moisture from The Onion [Music] and you always want to season as you go anyway so pinch of salt get that worked in let the onions soften a bit then we're going in with our tomato paste next up we're going in with about three tablespoons of good quality tomato paste this is going to add some concentrated tomato flavor it's going to thicken up the sauce a little bit as well there we go followed by one to two tablespoons of Italian herb paste [Music] I also like to add a little bit of red pepper flakes just for a little pop of heat on the back end season it up with my all-purpose or just a little salt pepper garlic onion powder whatever flavors you like guys go ahead and mix that in smelling incredible in here and last but not least I want to add about four cloves of minced garlic you want to add that towards the end that way it doesn't burn up on you we got a flavor party in here now just to deglaze the skillet we're going in with about a half cup of red wine you could use beef broth here as well just give that a mix that wine is going to cook off completely safe for kids to eat I get that question a lot but by the time this is done there's going to be no alcohol left in here just the flavor beautiful color developing at this point we're going to go ahead and add in our crushed tomatoes quick reminder guys that all the specific measurements and ingredients for this recipe can be found in the description box below so don't forget to check that out there's 28 ounces of crushed tomatoes and then we're going to add in some diced tomatoes as well you use tomato sauce if you want depending on the consistency you're looking for then we're going in with some diced tomatoes as well about 14 ounces of those just give that a good mix and let that cook down those diced tomatoes are cooked down and get nice and soft basically emulsify right on into the sauce we'll just let this roll for about 30 minutes all right so I say one of my favorites as a child with lasagna and baked ziti they usually have like a ricotta mixture in the middle I'm not a big fan of ricotta so we're going to use this mixture we have half a cup of sour cream 5.2 ounces of boars and garlic and herb cheese trust me on this one guys most ricotta that you get from the store kind of sucks if we're being honest there are there is some good like homemade whipped ricotta recipes out there but I really like this ever since I started using this combination so give it a try let me know what you think in the comments I'm sure the Italian folks in the comments are losing their mind I still love you though you're gonna lose your mind over this too because I'm using one tablespoon of garlic paste it's easy I always got it in the fridge assuming next we're going to season it up with some Italian seasoning a little pinch of parsley and some Parmesan cheese when I say some I mean a lot about a cup get in there and give that a good mix now if you want to use ricotta instead of the sour cream that's totally fine definitely go with the Boars in though you guys gotta trust me on that it's great on a charcuterie board too so if you find it on sale stock up on it because it is a kind of expensive at certain stores I think I got this for 4.99 on sale which is a steal these days I've seen it as expensive as 7.99 which is ridiculous it's going to give that a good mix you want to mix it good so that it kind of spreads out that boars and cheese is kind of tough until you break it down next up we're going to add a little bit of seasoning along with some red pepper flakes just to add a little Heat that's optional though I'm actually going to add a teaspoon of this Italian herb paste to the situation as well just because we got it nearby give that a good mix then we're going to taste it as always guys taste as you go and adjust the flavor to your preference but this is where we're going to be layering in between our pasta bake nice little cheesy element plenty of garlic flavor in there as well all right so our sauce has been rolling for about 45 minutes I'm gonna go ahead and add in a pinch of sugar which again may be controversial in the comments but hey feel free to say mean things to me down there when I add that Sugar I'm also going to add just a splash of cream give that a mix and we'll let this roll for another 15 minutes and then we'll build our casserole dish and get this bad boy in the oven for one of the most delicious pasta bakes you probably ever had in your life last but not least we're gonna add a little fresh chopped basil I am a basil stand so I love it I love to add it to all of my pizzas my pastas my sandwiches if you like it go ahead and add it to yours if not you can leave it out but there you have it guys we'll let this sauce go for 15 minutes and then it'll be time to get this in the oven all right my friends once the pasta is cooked to a perfect al dente we're going to add it to our sauce quick PSA to always salt your pasta water but you guys know that by now we're using mafodeine noodles just to switch it up a little bit these are superior in my opinion due to the ridges and the noodles or the pasta The Ridges hold the sauce beautifully so we're going to bake it you guys can find this at Wegmans at Whole Foods on Amazon and just mix until it's well combined and then we'll start to build our casserole dish all right so we're going down with a light layer of pasta sauce at the bottom of the casserole dish because grandma said so and then we're going to go ahead and start to add in our methodine pasta so just try to you know make a nice even layer of it then that cheese mixture we made is going right in the middle one more layer layer of pasta and then some mozzarella to top things off now for that cheese mixture let's kind of dollop it around and kind of smooth it into a nice even layer it doesn't have to be perfect it'll kind of melt all together right on top of that a little freshly grated Parmesan cheese because why the hell not We're Here for a Good Time not a long time then one more thin layer of pasta another layer of palm and then top it with mozzarella ends with 375 degree oven for about 25 to 30 minutes all right guys that's how we're looking fresh out of the oven at 375 for exactly 25 minutes golden brown and Beautiful on top I'm gonna hit it with just a pinch of parsley for a pop of color this is the part where I say brace yourself for a trademark money shot say it with me guys looking good the only thing left to do my friends is digging here for a taste test but before we do that please take a quick second to subscribe to the channel make sure you hit that Bell to enable notifications as well all right guys time for the moment of truth I'm going to tell you what I already love about this recipe one of my favorite things about lasagna is you get those crispy bits at the end but with the shape of this noodle you get way more of those bites here we go too bad I'm on a diet thank you y'all gotta try this one
Channel: Mr. Make It Happen
Views: 58,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta, pasta bake, pasta recipe, easy pasta, pasta recipes, mrmakeithappen, mr make it happen, baked pasta, baked spaghetti, pasta bake recipe, recipe, recipes, dinner, dinner ideas, dinner idea, easy dinner, how to make pasta
Id: BXMog5E0qTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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