25 Facts About Time That Will Hurt Your Brain

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have you seen any of our prior videos on time well as it turns out we barely scratched the surface and since you can't get enough then we can't get enough well get ready to have your mind blown all over again as we dive even deeper into the fascinating world of time from historical quirks to mindbending paradoxes this one is a video you're not going to want to miss I'm Mike with list 25 and here are 25 facts about time that'll hurt your brain sorry the faster you move the slower time passes time is relative and it actually slows down as you approach the speed of light this is due to a fundamental principle of the universe the speed of light in a vacuum is constant for all observers no matter how fast they move so technically if you were zooming through space at nearly the speed of light time would pass slower for you compared to people back here on Earth think about it this way if you hopped on a spaceship and traveled at 99% of the speed of light for a year when you return to earth almost 7 years would have passed for everyone else you essentially have time traveled into the future but don't get too excited we haven't quite figured out how to build spaceships that fast yet 24 everything we see is in the past that's right even the screen you're looking at right now isn't actually there it's a ghost image from a fraction of a second ago why light while incredibly fast still takes time to travel so the light from your screen has to flash across the room and into your eyes before your brain could even process it that means you're living in a constant time delay and nothing is what it seems 23 that Daylight Saving myth you've probably heard that daylight saving time was invented to help farmers right well get ready for a stunner that's a total myth from Farmers weren't big fans of the idea and for good reason cows and crops don't care about clocks they follow the sun's natural Rhythm the sudden time shift disrupted Farmers carefully planned schedules particularly when it came to coordinating with markets and suppliers this in turn messed up their routines for milking feeding and harvesting basically it created a whole bunch of unnecessary problems for them while offering no real benefits in return 22 we we've been tracking time for thousands of years our ancestors were timekeeping Masters long before digital displays and Ticking gears even existed thousands of years ago under the Open Sky some genius had an idea so simple it's brilliant stick a stick in the ground and watch its shadow move and boom the sun dial was born but it wasn't just about sticking a stick in the dirt the early Invaders carefully marked the Shadow's path slicing up the day into segments and Paving the way for our modern concept of hours as civilizations grew so did our timekeeping tools water clocks stripped candle clocks burned and hourglasses flipped all in the name of measuring time when the sun wasn't around to help 21 new clocks are set at 1010 for a reason that 1010 you usually see isn't just a coincidence there's actually a sneaky reason for it symmetry yep that 1010 position creates a perfect balanced look on the watch face kind of like a little happy smile and who doesn't want a smiling watch or clock it all boils down to Aesthetics that symmetrical setup is super pleasing to the eye making the watch or clock look more attractive in ads and store displays this is my clock from when I was a kid this is my bathroom one it actually floats in the water it's like waterproof it's kind of sweet I've had this thing for like 30 something years 20 the Nepali bam sbat calendar did you know that Nepal follows the beam sbat calendar which is typically 56.7 years ahead of our Gregorian calendar in fact as of today they're living in the year 2081 the unique calendar is a fascinating blend of ancient tradition and astronomical precision and it's based on both solar and lunar cycles so they're not just ahead of the curve they're lapping us and then some that's that's nothing nothing the Hebrew calendar what are we Alexa what year is it in the Hebrew calendar right now according to the Hebrew calendar the year is 5,784 yeah we're in near 5,784 sup bringing on Nepal we're even further in the future it's also lunar which is why Hanukkah seems to move constantly cuz word Hebrew is a lunar calendar you're welcome bonus 19 the average US city commuter loses 38 hours a year to traffic delays that's 38 hours you could have spent with family and friends binge watching your favorite shows or finally taking up that hobby you've been putting off and it gets worse in big cities like DC LA or San Fran drivers are losing over 60 hours a year to traffic jams that's 2 and 1/2 days of your life per year wasted just just staring at the bumper in front of you 18 until the 1800s every village lived in its own little time zone before the late 1800s every town basically set its own clock based on the sun's position at noon this meant that if you walk down the road you could suddenly gain or lose a few minutes 105 in one toown could magically become 115 in the next it was like a real life time travel Adventure but you know with without the cool DeLorean or tardis or the time machine so many cool time machine Anyway by the late 1800s the rise of railroads and the need for accurate scheduling across long distances led to the adoption of standardized time zones this brought order to the chaos and set the stage for the globally synchronized timekeeping we rely on today 17 flies see time differently fly eyes process information four times faster than our human peepers which as you can imagine gives them an incredible Advantage when it comes to detecting and reacting to threats that's also why it's so damn hard to swat them to them your hand is moving in slow motion giving them plenty of time to dodge and Escape it's like they're living in The Matrix while we're stuck in dialup 16 the OMG particle in 1991 scientists at the University of Utah discovered a cosmic ray with such ridiculously high energy that it immediately earned the nickname the oh my God particle the particle was hauling butt at nearly the speed of light over 10 million times more energetic than anything we'd ever created in a particle accelerator however the OMG particle was not just mind-blowing because of its speed scientists also discovered that they encountered a cosmic Time Capsule that probably originated from a distant Source like an exploding star or super massive black hole billions yes billions of years ago that means that when it finally reached Earth it gave us a glimpse into what time long before our solar system existed 15 Ethiopian time is unique Ethiopia's days don't start at midnight they actually measure time from Sunset so their day begins when the Sun goes down so when they say it's 1:00 they actually mean it's 1 hour after Sunset which could be just about 700 p.m. for some of us depending on the time of year Ethiopia's time keeping system is deeply rooted in their ancient Coptic Christian Traditions they're not changing their Traditions just to fit in with the rest of the world and you know that's that's pretty neat 14 temporal Illusions you know that feeling when you're taking an exam and time just seems to go on forever when you get on a roller coaster and time simply seems to fly by it's called a temporal illusion and it happens when your brain struggles to accurately judge the duration of events temporal Illusions aren't just quirky brain behaviors they have real world implications and can affect everything from our decision-making to our experience of pain 13 another thing about Daylight Saving is it daylight saving time or daylight savings time it's a question that Sparks grammar Corrections Every Spring and fall or anytime we do a video on it well the technically correct term is daylight saving time the pluralized daylight savings time has become so widely used that it's almost as common as the correct version the debate has even LED some dictionaries to list both forms as acceptable but why the confusion in the first place the answer is simply that language isn't always perfectly consistent and sometimes the most common usage wins out even if it's not technically correct 12 Putin the time lord Vladimir Putin famous for his decisive acts ditched the whole daylight savings thing back in see I did it right there back in 2011 deciding to just stick with summertime all year round while this got rid of two time zones within Russia there were still 11 different ones across the country but he wasn't done following the invasion of Crimea in 2014 Putin moved the Region's Clocks 2 hours forward bringing them in line with moscow's time zone while it was done to make Crimea feel more at home and I am paraphrasing there it also had the added benefit of consolidating authority over the newly acquired territories 11 the ones that can't decide in Tuba City Arizona time itself can be different depending on where you stand I know it sounds crazy but Tuba City is part of the Navajo Nation which follows daylight saving time while the rest of Arizona doesn't that means that for 6 months of the year there's a 1our time difference between Tuba City and its surrounding areas which as you can imagine creates horrible leg itical challenges for the town's residents their frustration has fueled a growing movement in support of abolishing the silliness and synchronizing their time with the rest of the country 10 duration and time have you ever heard the saying time flies when you're having fun well the philosopher hry Bon would say that that's because you're experiencing lived time not just watching the clock he called this subjective experience of time lad and it's different from objective time the kind measured by ticking clocks and calendars objective time ticks away at a constant rate but L is influenced by our emotions and memories nine birds and time Birds aren't just winging it when it comes to timekeeping their internal clocks known as the Circadian rhythm are regulated by light sensitive cells in their eyes and brains which tell them when to sing sleep eat and even migrate while humans also possess a circadium rhythm that influences our sleep wake cycle our internal clocks aren't as precisely calibrated to the changing seasons and migratory cues as Our Feathered Friends instead our timekeeping mechanisms primarily help us to maintain regular sleep patterns and optimize our bodily functions throughout the day eight the guys who want to get rid of time zones I know it sounds like something out of a science fiction novel and yet a pair of academics have dared to dream of a world without them Economist Steve hanky and physicist Richard Henry from John's Hopkins University proposed a radical solution to the complexities of global timekeeping abolish all time zones and adopt a single universal time while it could help us coordinate meetings and events and improve communication and efficiency across different locations it could also disrupt time specific operations so it might not be a win for everyone seven Spain has been in the wrong time zone for 80 years Spain's national time dates back to a controversial wartime decision in a gesture of solidarity with Nazi Germany during World War II General Francisco Franco the authoritarian dictator who ruled Spain from 1939 to 1975 moved the nation's time zone one hour ahead aligning it with Berlin instead of its Geographic neighbors strangely this shift made in 1940 remains in effect today leaving Spain perpetually out of sync with its geographic location in Western Europe six daylight savings dark side we all know that daylight saving time is how we extend daylight hours and save energy to make the most of daylight during the winter seasons however it has a dark side a 2022 study revealed a disturbing link between the spring DST transition and a 6.25% spike in suicide rates that percentage moved to 6.59% after they combined it with the substance abuse deaths the alarming Trend attributed to the Sleep disruptions caused by the time change underlines the unintended consequences of messing with our body's natural rhythms five sometimes time is everything in the world of competitive Sports time is the ultimate currency and athletes will go to extraordinary lengths to save even a few precious seconds take try athletes for example in their Relentless Pursuit Of Shaving off time during races some have adopted rather unconventional strategies shall we say when Nature Calls some have been known to relieve themselves while swimming cycling or running all in the name of gaining a Competitive Edge yeah they they pee their pants I guess when you've dedicated countless hours to training and qualifying for prestigious events like the Iron Man World Championship in Hawaii a little leakage might seem like a small price to pay for a Podium finish four Swahili speaking countries have an almost perfect time zone While most of us grapple with the complexities of time zones and the ever shifting hands of the clock people living in many Swahili speaking countries enjoy a unique Advantage thanks to their proximity to the equator these nations live in near perfect alignment between their timekeeping and the natural Rhythm of the Sun in places like Kenya and Tanzania the sun both Rises and sets at approximately 6:00 which means that these people are used to a natural Harmony between day and night three how Greenwich became the prime meridian have you ever wondered why the Prime Meridian is called the Greenwich Meridian this seemingly arbitrary line passing through the Royal Observatory in grenwich marks the starting point for measuring longitude the angular distance east or west of a particular location on Earth it all came together in 1884 when the world gathered for a time- defining conference where representatives from 25 nice Nations and States including the US and the then dependent Kingdom of Hawaii cast their votes ultimately crowning this Meridian as the prime meridian of the world the historic decision established a global standard for timekeeping in the process forever modifying how we perceive and coordinate our lives with the Relentless March of the Clock Two jet lag is worse if you had East instead of West jet lag that groggy feeling after a long flight can be a real drag but here's a fun fact it's actually worse when you travel East instead of West that's because your body's internal clock or circadian rhythm naturally runs on a cycle slightly longer than 24 hours traveling west aligns more closely with its natural Rhythm as it effectively lengthens your day and gives your body more time to adjust traveling East shortens your day forcing your body to play catchup and resulting in more pronounced jetl symptoms like fatigue insomnia and difficulty concentrating I had none when I flew oh I did go west I did go west getting there sorry I flew to Singapore but I went West I went Orlando San Fran Singapore ha just kidding one the time capsules from Earth's infancy in 1983 geologists in Western Australia Unearthed a treasure Trove of tiny Zircon crystals dating back an incredible 4.4 billion years they revealed a young Planet far different from the one we previously thought existed at the formation of the Earth including the presence of liquid water and a continental crust in fact the discovery completely changed our perception of the world's earliest history and scientists now believe life could have emerged much sooner than we previously believed maybe The Narrative of time is right for a rewrite what do you think one thing's for sure though as we continue to explore all the facets of time we're likely to encounter even more astonishing Revelations forever challenging our understanding of the past present and future so do you think we should abolish daylight saving time also do you pronounce it saving or savings let me know in the comments below also don't forget to like share comment subscribe hit that notification Bell and check out our social medias including my personal ones links in that description and if you like this video it's about time you watched this one 25 mind-blowing facts about time because again you guys seem to love the love this one so if you haven't seen this one click it if you have watch it again give us more views I'll see you guys next time oh okay I'm done
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Keywords: list25, list 25, mike with list25, lists, science, facts, learning, education, listicles, mind blowing facts, mind-blowing facts about the universe, mind blowing facts about time, interesting facts, 20 mind blowing facts, facts about time, mind-blowing, facts to blow your mind, mind-blowing facts most people don't know, interesting facts about the world, facts about earth, facts about planet, facts about people.
Id: yeTyzEcLQ0M
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Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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