25 Well Known "Facts" Debunked

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a car will explode if you shoot it in a certain spot right well how about the idea that natural products are always healthier some facts have been floating around so long that you just stop questioning them well that's what I'm here to do today from treating back pain to comforting a baby when they cry I'm Mike with list 25 and join me as I debunk 25 well-known facts 25 Sweden is organizing a sex tournament when the news of a sex tournament in Sweden circulated on the Internet it's no surprise that it piqued many people's interests if nothing else the pure Logistics of it all were fascinating how could you judge a winner who who was even eligible and what exactly were they expected to perform disappointed for anyone who considers themselves a sex athlete though Sweden is not hosting a sex tournament apparently the fake news originated with a Swedish strip club owner who submitted an application to the Swedish Sports Confederation for sex to become an official sport needless to say that application was denied but it was enough to spawn a cycle of news reaching far and wide across the world getting a whole lot of people very excited 24 ante eaters inhale their prey has anyone ever told you to slow down while you're eating oh my God all the time next time they do Point them to an eaters these sleepy mammals troll through the dirt and grass to scaven for as their name suggests ants but also termites and other insects and because they don't have teeth aners consume their food whole without so much as a chew but an anater might take offense if you describe them as inhaling their food there's actually a much more complicated process going on underneath the surface aners slurp up small rocks and other objects to help break down food inside their stomach I have never been so glad to have teeth 23 Penguins fall backwards when they look up at airplanes this fact may have spread because the image of it is well pretty comedic as the fact goes when a plane flies overhead Penguins become so focused on it that they fall backwards there's a little more to the story though it was first observed by British pilots who did in fact see Penguins stumbling backward as they flew over but it had nothing to do with their overc concentration it was because planes flying at low altitudes generate an enormous amount of noise which scares penguins and triggers them into Panic causing them to lose their Happy Feet 22 sealing up a wound by burning it here's something you won't see in a modern surgery theater a naked flame underneath a wound to seal it up but for centuries in a time before stitches precise instruments and antibiotics were available doctors believed it was the best way of stopping an infection I mean sounds kind of logical right if the wound is sealed up then there's not much chance for bacteria to get it well turned out to be wrong not only does it not work to prevent an infection it actually makes it more likely for a wound to become infected because tissue is damaged they had a hot idea but unfortunately scientists sent it Up in Flames 21 grenades explode if you shoot them are you a gamer well then you'll be familiar with certain mechanics and physics used in video games one of those is that basically anything you shoot will blow up cars fuel grenades unfortunately the real world doesn't quite work like that while it is technically possible for a hand grenade to explode after being shot it is incredibly unlikely that's because a bullet colliding with a grenade doesn't automatically pull the pin which is required to cause an explosion it needs to penetrate deeply past a hard outer shell through the inside and ignite The Detonator still I'd actually rather keep those effects in video games more fun 20 you can shoot open a lock speaking of shooting things you might have seen movies where a policemen shoot open locks with their guns it definitely saves the TD's process of picking it but how realistic is it as it turns out not very any high security padlock worth its salt should hold up to the direct impact of a bullet in a series of experiments a competitive shooter wasn't able to break through any high security models as for the low security padlocks though that's actually a different story most of these broke open with a single shot 19 cars explode when you shoot them let's get back to making things explode we can all agree there's nothing more exciting in an action movie than when the main character takes aim at a car and finds the perfect spot to hit it that's spot of course is the fuel tank and it usually sends the car flying into the air with a fiery explosion sorry to burst your bubble but this too isn't really possible gas tanks and most cars are incredibly well insulated not specifically for bullets but to protect against high-speed collisions on top of that even if a bullet did get through to the inside of the tank a regular bullet doesn't carry enough Force to actually set it a light has anyone told James Bond this 18 hypo IIA always occurs in cold weather when checking your body temperature the number you are looking for is around 98.6 de F if that number drops just a few degrees to below 95 call an ambulance this is when the body can go into a state of hypothermia slowly shutting down your organs heart function and soon leading to death contrary to a popular misunderstanding though hypothermia doesn't always happen when the temperature outside is cold things like excessive sweating or rain can also be enough to push your body into a hypothermic State that's probably why mothers always tell their kids to stay out of the rain seven tight bras can cause breast cancer this next one concerns the women out there did you ever learn that there was a link between how tight your bra was and breast cancer this common myth has been circulating for decades probably because developing cancer can almost seem random but breathe easy there isn't any evidence backing up this claim one study analyzed 500 0 cases of breast cancer over a period of 4 years and found that there was no correlation between bra wearing cup size or what kind of underwear worn with cancer so you're free to wear a bra as tight as you want 16 washing with coffee will keep clothes dark the the internet is a weird and wonderful place search for an answer and you can stumble across a truly outlandish idea for example if you search Wiki how for how to keep your dark clothes from becoming light one guide will tell you the secret is to use coffee that's right apparently adding an entire cup of brewed coffee is the magic ingredient for keeping those dark colors however a scientist has responded to this myth claiming that it is wrong on two accounts firstly in a normal rinse cycle once all the water is pumped into the machine the amount of coffee is so diluted that it basically has no effect at all and secondly if you're using a low water rinse the coffee is actually more likely to stain your clothes rather than protect them 15 adding painkillers whitens your clothes okay so according to the internet coffee keeps clothes dark but how about whitening them for the second time the answer isn't what you might think aspirin the common pain medication used for moderate pains is said to provide a spark of white to your clothes rather than bleach and once again science says uh no acetyl Sal acidic acid which is what aspirin is made up of doesn't have any effect on clothes at all because it breaks down immediately when mixed with water 14 you can get STDs from using public washing machines if you're not lucky enough to have your own washing machine then usually your only option is a laundromat the only problem is that they often have a reputation for being dirty but can they really cause STDs first of all the strong heat and Powerful detergents are usually enough to get rid of most germs at worst a public washing machine leaves you exposed to the tiny risk of catching a common flu but as for STDs no there haven't been any cases recorded or evidence of transmission from a washing machine 13 teething causes a fever newborn mothers are understandably a little paranoid suddenly taking on the responsibility of another life is a task no one can prepare you for and between 4 and 7 months old when a baby's first teeth begin emerging from their gums is an especially difficult time one enduring warning is that teething causes babies to break out into a fever or cause more serious conditions like diarrhea but don't worry new parents this is not true any of those symptoms are still serious but they're related to other illnesses not the tiny teeth coming down through their gums 12 back pain should be treated with bed rest are you one of over 600 million people around the world who suffer from low back pain if so listen up the most obvious remedy might seem to be to lay down get rest and avoid moving around too much but in most cases this can just make things worse while it can be healthy to take a break from stressful activity the solution is usually getting back to doing more activity not less that doesn't mean weight training or high-intensity exercise however moving around and stretching can be vital to recovery 11 a mirror image reverses left and right there are videos floating around on Tik Tok where a new generation seems to be discovering the wonders of mirrors despite some counterintuitive physics though they aren't in fact Windows to a different dimension when you stand in front of a mirror and raise your right hand the copy of you looking back seems to raise its left hand as if it's turned around to face you flipped 180° but what you're actually seeing on the photons bouncing off a smooth reflective surface and meeting your eyes again reversed back to front your brain fills in the blanks and assumes that this is a 180° rotation 10 St Bernard's carry flasks of Brandy the name St Bernard originates from a monastery in the Swiss albs where this specific dog breed work to rescue Travelers in trouble according to Folklore St Bernard's also transported Brandy to Mountain goers that reputation can be traced back to a single painting where St Bernard was depicted with a barrel of whiskey around its neck unfortunately for climbers looking for a stiff drink to warm them up this connection has no basis in reality monks working in that Swiss Monastery have denied that whiskey was ever transported via Kines unless they're saving it all for themselves H nine you will explode drinking so soda with pop rocks for a brief period in the 1970s and 80s a craze swept the Children of America a type of candy called po rocks that fizzled and crackled in the mouth back then the myth was that if you swallowed a bunch of pop rocks and then drank of fizzy soda it would be enough to make your insides explode given how Mentos react to Diet Coke it isn't actually such a crazy idea however the rumor has been put to rest by the team at MythBusters who showed that after touching any kind of liquid Pop Rocks simply fizzle out dissolve rather than exploding eight the whole in Lifesavers is to prevent choking speaking of candy what are those Lifesavers candies get their name from According to one study the hole in the middle is a safety mechanism to stop anyone from choking on them that's not such a bad idea when you learn that over 27% of non-fatal choking incidents for children are caused by candy however it doesn't take much thinking to realize that making a hole in the middle isn't exactly the most effective way to bring that number down the real reason was originally to stand out out from the competition and when production began the inventor thought they looked similar to the life preservers that you throw out to someone drowning in the ocean hence the name Lifesavers seven tumble weeds are native to America more than anything tumble weeds are associated with the wild wild west of the United States but if you do a little digging you'll learn that they aren't actually native to the American landscape their name actually might give that away because they're known as Russian thistles and come from Eurasia they invaded America when people and agricultural products started moving to the new world in the 19th century since then the species has damaged agriculture injured animals and played havoc on vegetation but at least they provide some comic moments in films six you should not Comfort babies too much when they cry over the past few decades though as research has shown how big the long-term effects of a baby's first few years are new parents can be cautious not to give them too much attention according to one psychologist though there is no real concern the main task of the first few months and years of a tiny human is to Grapple with a new reality learn who and what to trust all while feeling protected that means there is no limit to how much attention a baby should get and no such thing as spoiling them who wrote this study of baby five California was an island with beautiful beaches good weather all year long and some of the most stunning parks in the Country California is a state like no other and with the fifth largest economy in the world for some C cians breaking away from the US doesn't sound like such a bad idea well once upon a time back in the 16th century California was actually depicted in maps as an island tracing back to one map that was MISD drawn by one Dutch geographer named Cornelius Von whitet it wasn't until more than a century later that the map was finally corrected sadly for proud Californians it's not really an island four the founding fathers were all Christian there's a common idea that the US is a Christian Nation and that the founding fathers all shared that Faith but that's not quite true some of them were what's called theistic rationalists meaning they believed in some kind of God but they didn't belong to any particular religion this gave them and their ideas a certain shape like the principle of mutual respect for all different faiths for the most part though the separation between church and state in the Constitution means that the government has to be neutral about religion three medieval people only drank alcohol in most depictions of the Medieval Era there's a lot of beer drinking in taverns and pubs the idea is that in many ways alcohol was more commonly drunk than water some of that is backed by history with the fall of the Roman Empire much of the European infrastructure suddenly was left unmanaged meaning that clean water became more difficult to access some people did in fact resort to beer rather than stomaching the dirty water however this wasn't the majority and if you head to a bar on an average Saturday night out you'll still see plenty of people choosing alcohol over water but not for the same reasons two red cars cost more to ensure red cars going faster is a well busted myth but what about the price of insurance some people believe that because of the flashy color it might be an indicator for insurance companies that the driver is a little more dangerous speed demons can rest assured though if a red car is what you desire there is no red Insurance fee instead the factors that are used by a company to calculate Insurance are the type of car the age of the driver how often they drive and where they drive so your premium will be likely higher if you're an 18-year-old driving a red Ferrari but it has nothing to do with the color one natural is always better these days the word natural is one of the best marketing tools for good reason most of us have come to associate artificial chemicals and high processed foods or products as unhealthy while this is sometimes the case it's not always and it certainly doesn't mean that everything natural is better for your health the most effective medicines we have to fight against disease and illness do not spontaneously produce in nature but they are still incredibly beneficial for our health and vice versa many natural products have been linked to serious side effects for instance the natural crop of Cava used for anxiety has been found to cause liver damage so what are some other debunked facts that we missed let me know in the comments below also don't forget to like share comment subscribe hit that notification Bell and check social medias including my personal ones links in that description and if you like this list you need to click here for 25 facts about things you've always heard but aren't true so kind of more of the same check it out
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Id: lXvbKa7iCK4
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Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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