$25 Color Oscilloscope! The Incredible DSO138 (4K)

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this just came yesterday it is a dso 138 oscilloscope and they come in either a kit or a pre-assembled i got mine pre-assembled uh and all i can say is oh wow i mean i really wish i had something like this when i was learning electronics in high school back then even a used scope you couldn't find them but a used scope would cost a huge amount of money so i didn't get my first scope until i was 30 something years old this is amazing because it'll do a lot of the same stuff my five six hundred dollar scope will do okay so let's talk about the big picture we'll zoom in and we'll go from there this is uh nine volts input some of them run on five to twelve uh a car supply whatever yours requires this is a probe it does not come with a probe it comes with a set of alligator clips do yourself a favor get a probe yes and i have it hooked up to the test output and that's what we're seeing running over here and then the other end of the probe goes into the input of the oscilloscope okay so now let's do that zooming in and we'll talk about in detail what all the rest of the stuff around here is doing for us part one of our walk around let's uh talk about well let's start with the case i got a case with it and no i i wouldn't do that again in case of waste time it's terrible uh i just used some parts of the case to to create a little holder for it and the rest of it is i don't know get recycled somewhere that's the case does not come with a manual the uh yeah this is kind of like an adventure game so that's one of the drawbacks is i've had to get online and kind of scrounge information and then trial and error so yeah wish they had a manual for it but they don't so okay uh we have a ground ac dc switch so nothing coming in on the ground uh dc looks a lot like the ac we have a voltage setting so 1 volt 0.1 volts 10 millivolts and then over here we have a 5x switch a 2x switch and a 1x switch let's see moving on around make sure i keep this in camera this is a communications port for a uart this is a standard usb for loading software haven't seen any software it says this version 1.5 then we have a looks like a serial communication port and then the trigger light get this back centered again um we have a reset button so we punch that and then uh resets the uh data output and we have over here a select button a uh minus plus and an okay the top button has three different functions i've already mentioned one i believe a long press will turn on and off the detailed information right there a short press does the run stop function right there and also it is the ok button so when it's in the menu mode you can hit ok to approve of whatever you selected now speaking of selection let's go down here to the select button and when i press it the first time this little arrow right there with a one on it's going to turn blue and that is our probe zero point and we can change that up and down yeah okay so you can either most of these you can either press and hold or press once to get it to move it a small amount okay one more press and i believe this is the probe i haven't found good information on this but i believe this is the probe information it's either 200 millivolts or 2 volts and next we see the time scale changed to 500 microseconds and this one you have to poke uh multiple times so it goes down as far as 10 microseconds and i believe it goes up to five 500 seconds rather so right there let's put it back to something a little more usable whoops let's put it back to 500 okay if we press it again this little arrow right there turned blue and that is our trigger level and if we get the trigger too far out of the of the wave then the wave becomes unstable it's not triggering properly so we'll put that back if we press select again it'll go up here to auto we can choose normal or single and when we're in single it came down here and says stop so we have to put it back in auto we'll press this once and we'll put it back in the run mode now we press select again and this little symbol right there turned blue and it took me a long time to figure that out but what that is is that's trigger rising trigger falling so if we do that there's rising and falling okay select uh now we are uh up to the duty cycle and we can change this most of these you have to be in run mode to change so if it doesn't if it doesn't want to move check to make sure you're in run mode okay so that's changing the duty cycle press it again we'll change the pwm and that'll go up and down as needed and if we press it again that's pretty much it we're out of uh our options wow i really wish i had one of these when i was learning electronics well i hope you found this little tour interesting and helpful in your home electronics work you
Channel: tsbrownie
Views: 15,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low cost, oscilloscope, o-scope, DIY, cheap, inexpensive, portable, joule thief, frequency generator, test, review, how to, electronics, beginner, hobby, DSO 138
Id: I5jvzTOeHKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2022
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