Acrylic Case Assembly of DSO138 Digital Oscilloscope kit step by step

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Hi, welcome to Robojax. in this video I'm going to show you how you can build this case for the DS0138 Oscilloscope. The protection of the case is very important because all the components are exposed at any time they can get damaged so this is a nice protection a nice case so let's get When building DSOS0138 kit, I promised to assemble the case. Here it is. with this oscilloscope I also bought a something called a case for this so it's laser-cut so this doesn't have any instruction or anything so I have cleared them all from the protective sheet the first thing remove the monitors the one that has this shape cut cut for all of the pieces so this goes here and make sure that you can fit it properly or move some of their parts that are on the place just bend them a little so this can fit properly then after that we just put this here and make sure that we use one of the these small tiny screws/nuts from this side now the four screw the nuts are on this side and screws are on here now let's insert this top piece so the monitor is inserted from all sides so the switches are not on the whole now they are inserted. now take two of these they're the same exactly the same just put them, they spacers so on one side when that these lines are long these are for the sliding switches and I one on this side or for this normal switches just put them here. you might receive it as one piece just break them and five of these push-button switches will go here then we have three switches so this slider for for the switches and the one that has small notch here so this will go to the bottom and make sure that you invert it and the switch to this grabs the switch so if I hold this up and push the switches they should work fine and also if I slide this a little make sure yes you can do it Initially Ibuildit without putting the 4 nuts to hold the 3 layers with switches. Then I rebuild it. this portion showing side pieces, is from early recording before the nuts. so this stage just hold this with hand and then put the nut here once you put the nut align it to the hole and then insert the screw from the top now I can just hold this with my one finger and then tighten this now if you see it here I'm tightening it or hold it with a finger and then tighten it so the same thing for all four this switch already seems to be pressed these screws here before I tighten the tapas so this will hold the PCB for me so on this side this switch is already depressed so meaning I have to fix it so I'm removing this tiny piece here and removing this and this and then opening this and then I'm gonna open this one again holding that nut so I will open it only as much as I can enter the nut there there okay that's enough now I'm inserting another nut here so I have to nuts this nut and this nut. so I will tighten this okay now I'm holding this nut to tighten this first and then testing the switch for the switch works fine then I am tightening or opening it so it come it comes this way now this will hold this PCB so it cannot be pressed so there is no way it can be pressed so the switch now works perfect let me test these other switches they are all working. Inserting this one and this this whole is for that test point that we have beside the power so make sure that you understand that and then insert it here and then this piece should be insert into the lower bottom now after that I'm going to insert this one these two are closer these two are far apart the site will go here so making sure that this also goes in it and same thing here these two pieces that are far apart will go here this went without any issues same thing here these two that are far apart will go down these two are closer they go up now I have to push the other side so away so I have enough room so all of them have been inserted and sitting properly and this is the last piece so the last piece just fits easily and I have here longer part and those are shorter now all of them when they fit they look nice now let's put these screws here before I tighten the top piece so this will hold the PCB for me I have so this is the 6 millimeter nut driver not much I'm not fighting there because I'm worried that it might break so there is a space now this fit also here so that is good Oh okay that's good so that is a 6 kilohertz so let me show you the data again so this was how to assemble the casing for the DOS 0138 thank you for watching please thumb up 👍 the video please share it and also subscribe so you can get updates of my upcoming videos Typed and corrected on Mar 04, 2020 by Ahmad Shamshiri. Please share and subscribe. you
Channel: Robojax
Views: 53,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electronic, drone, tutorial, training, video, robojax, arduino, code, download, case, box, dso138, dso 138, ds 0138, oscilloscope, build, assembly, how to, step by step, push button, issue, Acrylic
Id: rg0nzCmUGG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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