How to use JYE Tech DSO138 Digital Oscilloscope kit

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Hi, Welcome to video tutorial from Robojax. My name is Ahmad Shamshiri. I am from Canada. now I'm going to show you how you can use this DS 0 1 3 8 oscilloscope kit. so the input is connected to function generator now with the sinusoidal wave that I have and then here this is for ac/dc and ground coupling so when you grounded the input would be grounded this input will be connected to the ground and if I go now this is AC it shows here if I go DC the signal if it's shifted it goes to the original position with respect to 0. so AC will bring it back from the same point up and down so it'll be at the middle. that you will see it then this is a sensitivity this side is which is written here 10 millivolts and then at the middle is 100 millivolt so this becomes 10 times smaller displayed and then 1 volts again 10 times more so 10 times 100 is 1 volts so this is how it is shown. so I'm gonna put it back. and this is the scaling by the way when you move that you will see it here also it displays no yeah it shows so this is defective maybe I've soldered it incorrectly or something this should have been 100mV millivolts okay so the last one is working and then this portion is not working. and then this one is scaling this one times 1 mean exactly what you see times two mean twice smaller and times five mean five times smaller whatever is a signal so whatever is whatever you did make sure that you see this is being multiplied it shows and change it accordingly so this is 10 millivolts but if I go to 5 times small as choose 50 millivolts each division so that is done. these four switches are for different purpose so this is for selecting an or holding so anytime you just press hold it will just hold the signal and it will stay even if I disconnected so the signal is here so you can read. it to the rhesus back just press it it will go back to running. and then this square around this value is time base it shows each square wave is supposed to be 50 micro second it shows as as "U" incorrectly but that is referring "mu" or µ micro because maybe this cannot show the micro symbol. so when the square is here these two buttons are up and down or ready to function so 50 micro second C 20 micro second 10 micro second the maximum that we can go for lower it goes one millisecond so each division will increase and decrease so you can see the waveform to move it to the next one we press this button it moves to the next this is the triggering mode so when you set it on auto auto means regardless of the trigger level happens or not the signal is displayed. because sometimes you need to see a certain level of signal to be displaced so you set the trigger level but now it's Auto regardless it is displayed now if I press this up and goes to normal so when the trigger level happened it will display otherwise it will not and then signal means when the signal triggers happen it just stays there and goes to hold so a signal triggered it. now it's on hold you cannot exit to exit back you have to make sure with this two button make this normal and then press this so you can exit. now when pressing this this is for rising edge let's go back to the square wave so this is for rising H now the trigger happens when each waveform goes up that trigger happens and the waveform is viewed now this also can be changed with these two I'm going down that's falling edge and rising edge the shape also changes. so after this I'm pressing this and cursor move this is now green. now this is for the trigger level so you can change it to see at what level it can trigger because this is normal I'm pressing it it comes down down down now if I press this again now the square waved and gone here now the color now we can slide the signal left and right. and this shows that we are on the right side of the signal. I'm holding this and make sure you pay attention that portion is coming to the left. so now if I press it again the cursor will move here this is for vertical shift of the signal. now when I move this again it's coming back to timebase. now to see the data about this waveform just present holders you see the data and HOLD . but if you want to see live value just press this and all the value will be live for example I can change the amplitude and you can see it 27 millivolts it changes to 17 and then 8 and so forth so to exit back press and hold it. it exists but it goes to hold and press it once more and it will exit. that is it. thank you for watching please thumb up 👍the video please share it and also please subscribe.
Channel: Robojax
Views: 109,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electronic, drone, tutorial, training, video, robojax, dso138, dso 138, ds 0138, oscilloscope, kit, how to, guide, using, jyt, tech, measure, frequency, voltage
Id: 7zLEJkVn9us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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