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so today we're running around we're looking at people's projects generating ideas for business still um but we're also making some soil preps biochar and making concentrate leaf protein and we're about skype with a friend Marco in the Luxembourg who's got a wonderful market gun set up for 250 box shares open all these black currants we've got us some harvesting to do here so we've got about I reckon 300 baby crows that spending a lot of time behind the boiler pens picking up mould fee and spending time in the neighbours firms there's not a problem they're not causing any nuisance yet but it's interesting to see how many young birds there are this year like there's an abundance of baby birds everywhere actually have been seen many more than the past three years I've been here day seven we want to add a little moisture at this point it's going well it looks a modernist and the farm owner is going up to feed and mulch the nut trees up in nut field right over there and to add some bit and felder which is an apple that grows true from its own see just like antonov chicken so there's three apples will be good some seeds that producing the acceptable apple on their own seed so anything growing on its own roots it's got a tap root and it's going to be more resilient and disease and pest resistant so we're going to put in bitten Felder in place of some dead nuts we've also got two English walnuts coming from a neighboring interested their friends who's growing them in the shield which is about 30 40 kilometres away and they're giving that to 25 year old tree now putting up a bigger tree so anyone pushing the edges with nut trees it sounds like growing them up in nurseries longer before putting the mountains a good idea but all the nut trees have been cleared then they're going to be fed and mulch again nicely and new steaks put up so they're identified in the long grass up there mr. P is lost every single one of his tail feathers now now I think he's a bit confused as girlfriend's organics hanging out with the dust all of his tail feathers are hid and that happens every year and it's fun to see how quickly these Ducks have grown really want to start ducking tritak as they grow just as fast as the boilers but my preference would be to be supplied young hatched chicks as opposed to having a breeding program because it's just too much for us to manage with everything else going on but I think that'll be something for next year a lot of changes happening next year as we keep talking about that they're slowly getting clearer and clearer and I'll be updating you throughout the rest of the season as that process develops so bed plans have changed a lot of messaging has been pulled out because of the overproduction I talked about before and what do you see in there tell us carrots right so we have 70 new beds going into a different production because there's the and sheer amount of material we get out of a meskan bed and so nice quick things within the team and we got a good new plan and the mounds and the fees these are all edible flowers we grow for adding to the salad bang is our veg team we got more beautiful this is a small share that goes out for 15 euros what we got turnips we got romaine lettuce we got yellow and orange carrots fennel sugar peas very tasty onion garlic this is a Mongol child here we have lava and a nice for the velocity and this one's nice the cookie here we have two different types of kale cucumbers cucumbers cabbage okay so we forgot little also dragon messily mix to marrying a beautiful box that's a small chair that's a very generous small chair I think that's very good value for money and very happy that you guys come to a very beautiful box we can take a look at the big box as well this is the big box so big box has done nice bunch of char and tabs and flowers and romaine lettuce and then figure bunch of onions kale and turnips oh nice nice bunch of lemon yellow carrots - fennel baby fennel still and we've got look at that fat zucchini coming into the boxes and a couple of cucumbers at greenhouse and a cabbage - green garlic's and a big bag of peas and to bag the best and we're there Amanda Wow so this box is a twenty nine a half year back air box and what do I can evaluate for putting in I reckon laps between 450 and 500 grams yes so 4550 years if you cannot buy organic food make this beautiful book happy with it very happy with I think it's one of the most respected going out anywhere no where you going statement we're going to Carlstadt we have our regular drop-off point which has now been mixed the regular viewers know now with the reco reco yeah we have two one time first time customers rather go far the averages that every week we have people from first time customers that then feedback that they want to become subscribers yeah which is happened every week if they're paying a higher price just for one time but satisfy them better to us because we can sound easier and we're giving away free beer again from our local boo boo beer we also have you people like that when you call they love it I mean you don't expect to get free beer when you're going to a parking lot to pick up vegetables so they love it and we also have chickens in our fresh chickens beautiful temperature controlled all the way there and work so we also have a printed recipe where people can do like a beer brine for chicken very night we're providing a recipe for carrot top pesto and we're also providing some information about making the tea with the herbs that we provide you guys are rocking it yeah you've also got 14 boxes of eggs 19 times five boxes of eggs and that's for a combination of local restaurants where they sell where they'll sell them in 12 talk to people and Rico and our regular customers so expecting station seems to be working okay is very rudimentary and simple they've just invested a bit in building the structures you saw if you watch our videos but really it's a lot of free timber that we took out the sawmill in one of the old videos you might see seems to be working fine she's a bit of they're planning to the harvest schedule really loving the garden tears and ability to just rock out or converse so water testing from snorter is part of the control program we to tie all the documentation but also water sampling etc that's very high quality water needed to run your own slaughtering with checking out the compost see this bubbling because the bacterial come back in style yesterday for application cloud 180 liters which is the maximum you can run on this sewage pump to saturate the air so nice film developing us good scientists and seven kilos of good aerobic bacteria compost from a pilot's finished and we've added 500 Mills sugarcane molasses we walked up and some plant extracts legs and come clean nettle to help feed back to it aspecty Realty for the medica and you'll be looking under the microscope evening seeing if it turned out how we like we normally add fish hydrolyzed egg that we make on the farm that we have unless you made any this clean so we're trying it without that see how it goes to be like so we're prepping to make biochar tonight and we'll talk about that later also running around doing concentrated leaf protein which we're going to put into some brownies to taste test and see if we like that it's a way of extracting the proteins out of green leaves and concentrating them that could be used for animal feed could be used for human food so we're reducing different things we're going to our Aspen cabbage and nettles which all known they're poplar is the known least concentrate protein but it's Aspen's and safe family so we're going up so the guys are making the whole silicon tips very simple and is simply the easiest way to get consistent charcoal and we're selecting out this is our winter firewood supply but we're selecting out thin bits of down these chopping just to save time and it uses quite a lot of wood to make you know a third of a cubic meter of charcoal so this is how we're going to cook the concentrate loose clothing so it's just a little rocket stove we might have seen by Brian so it's going to form a coupling and it charges up a battery in here that blows the fan I press this button you might be able to hear blowing aerosols to make a more complete conversing and then it has a little USB port where I can charge a phone or an iPhone both of them I often have this grill attachment for it and you can drill a hole fish with a handful of tweak that's the idea very small amount of clicks and get biochar as an output now we're burning and I'm hugging in the phone here and we're charging so if you just fed and we could pop in here and aspen actually and we got nettle and we've got cabbage leaves so we're going to juice them and take them individually put them in here boil them that will separate like almost like cheese-making separate the keratin way then all we have to do put it to a compost tea strain and press it you will get a concentrate leaf potion and there's a few different plants that are used for this like for there is in probably stays with malnutrition but it's an interesting idea for any on animal feed boating on a small scale or human food but some people say it takes okay but i'm yet to be convinced but tim inside talk about it nothing good to go up so this is a stove attached but it just sits on top of here and you can feed the fire through there when they close that things for here to cooking fish on the canadian so now this is cabbage juice and we bring it to the boil and it will coagulate and then we'll strain that through compost tea strainer to smack the referee to charge it I load it up yeah [Music] so I'm starting to separate and we wait till it regulated so this is below and maybe make out the time to separate that we can collect with fear so that was a scale 300 mil of juice comes out as this intensive protein mush we're going to press it now he'll charge it yeah let's have metal use and it's cleaner you can consume not sure how well this one will work but we scrap the poplar and we're going for mescaline mix because it's quite hard to get the juice out of things like poplar so we're going to take a bit of excess mescaline and do that so this is metal looks quite disgusting yeah that's alright tastes like fish so we reckon there how much probably narrating this one about 3 grams mainly working about 3 grams of protein in this which is equivalent to like a cabbage worth of leaves juiced and impressed it's about half an egg of protein and I reckon we got a higher yield out of it yeah I mean a nettle is obviously higher potent and it tastes really fish but I reckon then inside the chocolate brownie will be forgiving I reckon but then laughing this mess will mix which is not exactly known first something either dead okay huh this is meskan mix premium rich style salad yum-yum-yum-yum okay so this is a masculine protein so quite different colors and light cuts only visit they're interesting we can't give this to the chef's and see what they called it so as with making this biochar pit here you have the opportunity to see what the soil is like before we've come along during the farming practices we have and we're going in a moment to look at the keyline rips and they did a cut through through places with key lines you see here we've got about 14 friends minutes we do that down to here not very far we can measure it perhaps nearly all the route activities happening in the top 15 maybe 18 centimeters and that's how thin the top sole is here where we haven't worked around this place has never been disturbed about the end of the market guns here and this is just an area we dumpster so be interesting to compare what we find doing me understand okay getting down here tonight this is I know my son is old home a little thing now this is very different immediately right so this this looked the same when we first moved here what we've done in this field is pulled the keyline clouds hook through twice and we've been planning our grazing three seasons now and we see immediately that the topsoil is down to somewhere here and the roots are obviously much deeper let's measure that so this is the result of three seasons of having animals this is the third main season we didn't have many other first year and we're down at 40 now and you see it's quite homogeneous it's not like you can see where a key line cloud shank went through it's uh modernist all over now in theory you might pull the key line plow a little bit to the right a little bit to the right be really you can't even see where you are lousy ously just pulling it wherever you can probably parallel to the tree lane and then just going back and forth but I would say to get really conclusive picture you would want to do multiple pits around the farm maybe five in each field but I'm pretty certain that we've done this all over the place because of the grazing mainly I would say the grazing is the bigger influence on this allowing plants to like keep actively photosynthesizing as long as possible and rooting and then planning the grazing that we're not eating the root reserves and allowing them to express themselves but you see the density of the roots is a lot greater and up there so I'm quite happy like this is what I would expectancy and one thing I can't tell you is whether the keyline plow made any difference from just grazing management I don't know that and I don't think many people actually have any data they can really tell you that I think for me it's still worthwhile as a mechanical kickstart because it does immediately break up that plow pan so it's a quicker way in but I think you could do that just by grazing anyway but for me it's worthwhile to particularly it's just a subsoil tickle it's not damaging the surface you can't you can't see anyplace we pull the keyline plow from here now I thought here perhaps yes but you can see that only from the surface looking sort disrupted that you can't see it in the profile at now you might feel it with the pen automata so it could benefit from one more keyline plow i decided not to do it this year just because the chickens make a quite intense interaction with the keyline the open bit of soil they will just make dust buster and I just feel like it's unnecessary at this point in the same way that using a board fork just won't be necessary in our gardens probably even now like you know we can pull characters out the ground without digging them it's like we'll do actually need the boardwalk I think we'll use it this year maybe next year and then we'll stop using it and that would be the same in the keyline plow it's like we've got active topsail and routes down 40 centimeters we don't actually need to improve that in any way it's like you know we're 25 centimeters better off than we were three years ago so what's the point it's going the right way we don't need to drag metal through the ground anymore we just keep our grazing planet very nice to see you know yeah like crazy 25 centimeters in is three years it's harvest time we always pay it forward and put about 200 jars of gems hundred kilos of blue beads in the freezer for next year we've been eating berries all spring but we've got a lot of harvest into this these bushes are just laden so it's time to get in here start picking feeding time in the girls alone when a novena misdemeanor so we've been doing for more than time monitoring we're doing talking about efficiency and time and motion studies a lot so there's been a pair doing egg sorting and packing each day I went in there yesterday and we did eggs I did half the eggs in 22 minutes so it's a 44 45 minute job to do the eggs from 800 layers which gives me confidence to scale it up next year to 1,500 Birds perhaps we'd have 4 egg Mobile's so it would double the amount of time in moving in the morning because we'd have an extra one to move each day about 45 minutes maybe for morning chores and then it would double both egg collections and feedings in the day and about now and a half sorting and packing in the evening but that'd be turning over about 1.2 million crowns 120,000 euros that high have margins is very neat ten pies and we already know we can sell that many eggs because the restaurants have already ordered all the eggs we produced this year and we've had to refuse them because we already have many other customers and we value keeping those customers so that's the plan for next year with the laying operation there's two bubble systems new one bike goes down along with small one has many holes drilled in it if the bubbles here and this one just has a straight tube and that's because we sometimes to spend compost in a bag of this one and we're blowing at lower organisms off their particles and so we just set the tap to equally distribute the airflow to get as much vegetation going as possible smells wonderful this slightly sweet and amend not mentees it's sweet and Forrest Laurie it has a really nice mouth now that was not the Goblin over just holding the bubbling down in a ward things are going good we're going to have a Skype call now and then come and look at this under the microscope cut-up is basically a cooperative that going through veg on about two heads of lamps which is situated just outside of Luxembourg City about a 10-minute Drive away but it still feels like you're in the middle of nowhere and had eyes based on three main pillars that would be production that's the main thing we do we produce fruit and vegetables for a CSA we also do all sorts of educational activity we have about 50 different workshops throughout the year that's everything from a full-on PVC to kindergarten visits and everything in between and the third main pillars of community building so really creating a new social cohesion around agriculture which is something that was definitely not happening in Luxembourg so I'll take these three things one by one and dive a little bit deeper into each one of them so we start off with production this is what Terrans like when we first found it you but if you ever around here or interested in seeing more than you're more than welcome there's all those people coming and be pleasure to share more and especially the ones that are seriously thinking and setting stuff up we be very excited to share the little bits and pieces that we learn come okay one is thank you very much for your attention can you question it all yeah thank you this is my new creating loop and I'll just play about like you can get wishing you happy you can create better than the name of it it's made a harvest be rich there you go so we've got the so microscope set up we're looking at 400 times magnification via the big screen and it's a little bit of a time lag but these are all vectors and there were some photos in there too and they are moving as you see which is how we know they're organisms now there's some rod-shaped bacteria and some other bacterias yeah this is one method like if we wanted to count the number of organisms we would use a gridded slide or take an image or video here and then because she count per sample so this is a bit of compost tea just in a cup because we haven't got at the moment and one drop put on a slide and squished down and then looking through 400 times magnification there and there are thousands and thousands and thousands of organisms in this just small field of view because there's actually if we change the focus there are layers of organisms it's going to be really hard to see that because of the time lag but there's many layers thick of organisms and we've got 200 liters so we've made billions of organisms which means it's worked out very well so it's actually quite hard to see on the screen in the resolution you can through the eyepiece quite hard to hold a camera actually but there are many really fast-moving organisms that affiliates that you might just catch racing across the screen so protozoans with fine hairs that they use for propulsion there's definitely amoebas in here so I'd say large presence of protozoa of different types I Susan said it's running across the screen there and real massive amount about to and I'm just going to zoom around the slide see if we have things like nematodes which I wouldn't expect many of in in this TLB mainly bacterial with a decent amount of protozoa so we found a planar dead dead nematode you see it's full of bacteria this is a nematode leading back to probably it's about 10,000 of these a day and excretes them as plant available nutrients alum nitrogen will come out in the excretion with all these little pots are bacteria some rod and other types of bacteria you'll see coming around things like lactobacillus look a bit like that well maybe he's not dead maybe it's a Semler net but there's also ciliates that you see better through the eyepiece but they often move very fast across the screen you have flageolets so the Drunken looking things ago you did you did you don't study biggety biggety don't they're also predator and amoebas are morning pulsating things but bigger than these bacteria so this is very heavily bacterial as we'd expect and perfect for putting on a vegetable gun so a very interesting day and I've had a great time thanks for watching our videos as always you can find out a lot more in the book making small farms work really appreciate the support through that then if you want to give us comments and feedback about the book please do it's great to hear some people around the world [Music]
Channel: Richard Perkins
Views: 103,232
Rating: 4.8944845 out of 5
Keywords: ridgedale, ridgedale permaculture
Id: x2wwCSzaYis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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