24 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture

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one of the things great companies are very good at is retention retention how do you retain how do you keep your best people to not want to leave you and and Steve Jobs said everything is about vision and Tony Hsieh from Zappos said everything is about culture right so you know if you have vision people going to stay with you forever and then Tony Shea would say it's about culture because people want to have fun and all this other stuff and I think if you really think about the great companies like Walt Disney you think about vision and culture if you think about companies like Apple you think about vision and culture when you think about Google you think about vision and culture when you think about Amazon it's a vision and culture where are we going and this is our culture and it's very very critical on being able to make a great environment where you're working out that people want to come and belong to and they want to buy into it long term but they also want to have a blast while they're working there so today we're going to talk about mainly culture and before I get into this message it's going to be let me see how many points this is it is going to be 25 points I'll cover on creating a great culture at your company but I am wearing on cyberdust shirt you know most people tell you to practice safe sex safe sex they say practice safe sex right I think I believe in practice and safe texting this is why you cyber does this is love to our friend our buddy Mark Cuban mark this is dedicated to you Cindy thanks for the shirt love the shirt and love using cyber that's anyways that's the plug for cyber does let me get right into it so how do you create a great environment for a company now money I'm gonna make the points and give stories as well so you know how to do it for yourself this is stuff that you can do for your business yourself point number one okay create a great culture where a create a culture where feedback is open your place you want to hear feedback right not error against pure feedback have we thought about doing this what if we can do this what if we can do that and a type of environment where people want to give their opinions people want to give their ideas people want to you know share with you on what they're doing that's working for them but also a place where everything is about what can we do to improve as a team what can we do to do this better can we make this thing better how can we make the system better how can we make this website by the how Kume everything's about something being better because everybody's got their eyeballs on something on saying hey I thought about this one thing we do if we do this this this could this make it better possibly what if it does right so it's a culture of constantly thinking about making things better - pranks I'm big on pranks ever since being a kid I love pranks and yes I said prank like pran K pranks pranks when I was in a military when I was a kid I put pranks on people all the time my friends would tell you what kind of pranks I pulled some of them are pretty bad pranks if you remember a frank rizzo and what was what was that movie is called Jerky Boys or something like that with those guys with poor pranks on people it was hilarious and then we pulled pranks in school I put pranks on my teachers I pull pranks on my parents pranks on my aunties you know my one of my aunties didn't like I haven't told you the story she didn't like worms she couldn't stand warm so I would you know eat gummy bears and tell her you know you want to eat a warm and I would eat a warm and she would just be completely disgusted by I would come and I would say hey did you hear about what happened and she said what I say you will not believe who married who who marry do Mike Tyson and Madonna are getting married no way they just got married today Mike Tyson and Madonna no and then my auntie would flip out calling everybody relatives saying did you hear Mike Tyson married Madonna but I'm big on pranks military we did a lot of pranks work we did a lot of pranks Mario is epic when it comes up to pulling pranks Mario one time pulled a prank on one of our branch managers Chad and he brought a paper that was FedExed in and he put the envelope in there as if it's coming from FedEx and in the FedEx it's a letter with the same company letterhead saying the following five agents have been terminated according to IRS SEC code 5:30 I which is 5:30 I said BMW so he puts IRS SEC code 5:30 I and as he's given this to the branch manager Chad he puts a camera on the side to record the whole thing this is hilarious he puts the cameras SH out we got this from FedEx I just wanted to give it to you first and Chad stays and Mario stands right in front of him and Chad opens it and he says what why'd he get terminated according to IRS SEC code 530 I've never heard of this before oh my and he starts panicking and it says call this number so he calls this number furious I need to talk to your manager I just got a letter here that's such and such and such and such agent are getting terminated because of the IRS SEC Co 530i how is that possible furious this whole thing's on video and the gentleman on the phone says let me place you on hold so he's placed him on hold seven minutes he's on hold seven minutes they come back later says look you put me on hold I need to speak to your manager why the following agents got the SEC IRS code 5:30 out that they're getting terminated how is that possible we run a very compliant business here and the guy says sir do you know where you call yes I do know where I call this is Hooters he says where this is odors a black yep Georgia he says Hooters he says yes he looks and Mario Mario's and tears cracking up trying to hold themselves cameras right there everybody's cracking was one of the most incredible pranks that the more you pulled on one of our guys and then these guys come in when you anytime you create a culture of pranks you gotta know it's gonna come back on you as well these guys pulled a prank on me one time set up the whole thing with cameras everywhere in my office I sat in the chair and make the sound of a law loud honk horn but you know pranks loosens people up you know in the world of sports they say play loose because when you play loose you're playing to gain your love when you play tight you throw an interception when you play tight you get a turnover when you play type you don't swing well you strike out when you play tag you don't make the right cup you know tackles when you plate you just you're not able to play well pranks tend to lose some people up when you have that going on your environment I know this sounds very very different to some of you that are watching to say well you've got to be very very serious if you want to be like IBM and get your butt whooped by Apple you be a you know guy like in a box that everything is about this is how we do it cuz this is how we know you got to loosen it up a little bit and change if you want to just point number three competition I am very big on creating a competitive environment and I know they're almost like contradictory but let me explain to what I mean by competition friend of mine the army Bradford and he and I and another guy named Larry McElroy a good buddy of mine he's now loud on where he's living at her but I love these guys these guys are good buddies on my until today we regularly communicate so we were very competitive and everything to us was competition everything so we would talk about you know who can do the most pushups who can do to Moses who can do it and it was always competing who can bench the most who can curl the most who can run the most everything was a spirit of competition now there's a lot of people you got to realize this lots of journalists lots of magazines lots of popular publications cannot stand when I talk about competition because today it's competition is very bad because you shouldn't beat people well then you shouldn't watch sports because in sports somebody beats somebody you should stop watching boxing US FC baseball basketball hockey Olympics stop watching Olympics stop watching Soccer World Cup do you know why billions of people around the world watch the Olympics and soccer because of competition that's why because the best performers in the world come and beat another record so anybody who tells you they don't like competition ask him if they like sports you'll see how much contradiction to have in their lives the only reason many people don't like competitions because they've lost a couple times very bad and they were humiliated and that feeling stings here and they don't want to do something about it I love competition I've got my butt whooped so many times it's not even funny but I'm all about competition will do competition see who can do the most pushups will do right here will do the competition so we can come out with the best ideas will do competition see who can do the everything's about competition matter of fact I just put a recent competition together on who can make one who can make who can decorate their cubicles the best at the home office staff right and they can do whatever they want in first place gets a $250 gift card - what did I say Amazon or something like that right whatever they want so he want your yours is gonna be around what thing you said Led Zeppelin he's a big let's level heavy metal guys so we'll see maybe you're going to show it on next episode how it's going to look like and that 30 days to fix their place up I love it go fix it up make it look good on how I want to do it one time I remember and I love this because the more people are seeing a competitive environment you're always going to get a better the everything is going to improve and constitu get better one time I was in it in my office this is 13 years ago and a guy came and he started talking smack to everybody and he said you know I'm 41 years old and I'm coaching a but what's the school that was across the street from victory in Birmingham Birmingham Birmingham high school he says I can kick everybody's butt and sprinting and running in all this and I'm dressed in suit and I said scuzz just don't irritate me a lot and he says I'm faster than all of you so I said let's go step outside I'll race you says but you got dress shoes and I'm going to do to my socks now this is a little bit crazy I know people will say this as well so we go outside and there's a bunch of people waiting I said let's go 100 yards to pick a car so it's like at this victory in babul office I said let's pick 100 so we mark the car so let's race to that no prom so he's in his shorts he just came from practice okay it's like 10:30 at night 10 o'clock at night I take off my tie I'm winning dress shirts dress pants and I take off my shoes I'm more in black socks it's already ready so I said guys give us a signal 6 1 2 3 we start racing so we start racing and I beat him and I beat him pretty good it was a pretty good race and now I'm beating them and all of a sudden I'm looking back and looking at I'd be like why are my feet so sticky well I look down on my feet my entire socks have been pulled back and my skins been pulled back there's foot marks on the ground of you-know-what blood literally for week and a half I couldn't walk now somebody could say this is what they could say this is absolutely you can call it foolish crazy whatever you want to call it I would agree with you I would say you're right I wouldn't be baited but that's the spirit of a competitor you want to find out if you can do it better you want to find out if we can you know improve something and when there's in a competitive environment people come up with better ideas you know never combative because combative is something if the top allows that to happen then that's the problem of the top I'm not talking combative I'm talking competitive I'm talking competitive not combative but a competitive environment number four humor use humor all the time I love using humor all the time it loosens things up if you look at again I said it earlier with the pranks part but humor is different you know just can how does in a military why is it that anybody that goes into military if you ask him how it is everybody thinks you're so serious you're so this you're so that you're serious when it's you know wartime you know in sports you're serious when it's playoff fort we got to go win and make it happen of course we've been practicing to win and we got to win because you don't win you and getting a championship and why else are you playing the game to do what you just say you're in the NBA no you're playing to win a championship right you're going to war to either win the war or create some kind of a peace treaty with the other enemy but you're not going to work you're dying you ain't playing a game to lose you plan to compete and win right to dominate now now with that being said would that being said in the military almost anybody I've met that's been in a Marines Air Force Army Navy whatever it is your sense a certain level of humor maybe a little bit of sarcasm very witty why because if you're in the military and if you don't have humor sarcasm and and you're very sensitive you're going to get crushed in a military same happens on sports teams if you're on sports teams you'll sense a lot of look at him smack-talking if you're too sensitive you're not going to be able to make you're playing against a guy like Chris Paul or Gary Payton or Kobe or Jordan they will demoralize you but in sports you got to play that game there's humor so there's a little bit going on in a culture that we created and I think it gets everybody to be tougher funner and it just it just makes for a better environment when there's humor being above next one five music I'm very big on music I think music being played loosens people up and energizes people you know there was always great songs you can play throughout the day I like music playing constantly whether it's plain don't stop believin by your journey or it's you know Josie's got was that one song I would always play Josie's gotta go talk it over so many long to say you know you I just want to lose you I just want to lose your life tonight I just want to something like that anyways we would play that up or do one by eros madhurima oh my the other day we play dream on here I got emotional just listen to cuz it fires you up every time we would have like let's just say session was getting started was about to start we would like to play the song the theme song of the Chicago Bulls remember and now the star lineup what is Chicago we would start it off like that people are fired up right it absolutely jacks you a music plays a very big role in culture six higher the right kind of people that fit the culture it's very very important do not try to force somebody who doesn't fit the culture in your culture I'll tell you why because when you try to force that it doesn't work out and everybody's uncomfortable everybody is uncomfortable and generally for us we'll interview somebody and sometimes the interview process will talk and last question will bring somebody on board or even in an office we would bring in you know sales side I would talk to them how you did sorry that are you this and you'll generally know somebody who fits the culture very well and there are those that are coming and say whoa this is I don't know if I can do this you know and they're very much liking to be a corporate absolute like wait where you go to the job and no one talks to everybody and we're kind of like robots and that's not the culture I want to create not at all so they don't fit the culture so sometimes a person you may hire and they'll come into the culture they'll get filtered out by themselves through the culture don't worry about that you're not trying to retain everybody you want to retain the type of people that fit the culture that you have I was in France having breakfast at Angelenos with my wife and we're sitting next to a couple and anybody that always sits next my life to talk to them and I said so well you guys speak very good English where are you from so some work from Chicago so who do you work for coca-cola sounded like working for coca-cola I've been with them for 14 years so what does that mean to me so we met in coca-cola my wife and I say so tell me about Co Co Co they went for 14 minutes my house I have everything in my house is coca-cola this is coca-cola that is coca-cola they sold me on the culture of working for coca-cola that fires me up because it tells me how great of a job coca-cola to create an environment where two people who are in France not working in France they're just there to visit her relatives are fired up to talk about coca-cola next to a couple other people who are there for vacation with a few friends there sharing our culture with them there is something there you know when you hire the right type of people who stick around and fall in love with the brand next one is seven add your own personality to it let me explain to what I mean by personality to it if you're into sports use sports metaphors if you're sports show sports if you're music show it if you're you know rock show it if you're you know somebody that likes a biggie show it if you're Tupac guy show it if you're you know a Taylor Swift show it if you're into motorcycles show do you like cars showed your Mustang 1964 and a half guy showed you're a Corvette 59 and a half show it you're a Lambo guy Corbit guy Porsche guy doesn't matter shows you whoever you are you like politics you like Aristotle you like Socrates like you know stoicism you like show it right things that are you showed your Laker fan Jets fan Yankees fan doesn't matter show the culture that you have if your golf guy you like certain movies you're a Scarface person you're a I don't know you're a casino person you're a you know gladiator person you're 300 you're about Braveheart show it it shows call your ascent of a woman person your note book person whatever show the culture that you have and add your personality to it you have nothing to be embarrassed of of the way you are that's who you are show the world people want to know how you're because you're unique in your own way eight initiation process we've always had initiation processes and I love initiating people when we were at the army unit we had a lot of initiating process but that one I can't share with you because that's more of a private initiation process I'll share Monday where if we're at a session together I'll share that with you but initiation process are very critical somebody would get a promotion we'd get them in the office and we say listen you are now a senior leader with our affirm so we need to make sure we initiate you and what do I was going to do we would turn off the lights everybody would go further to the wall but everybody would be shouting at him and he would think we're about to jump him as if we're back in high school and he would turn on the lights five seconds late he was always funny to see them because you would see some that were like this thinking we're about to hit them you would see some that already [ __ ] you would see sucked started like oh we learned a lot about you this was a fighter that's great you see wounds covered up you see one that just standing there not even know what's going on right it was great though we had different types of things for initiation because I think I think you got to do that to have fun with it as you're as you're creating your environment another one is monthly contests very exciting to have monthly contests it doesn't matter what the monthly contests are it could be anything you know we can have as big of a monthly contest as going to Dubai or going to Tuscany Italy or go into Caribbean or going to you know Aspen and staying at st. Regis as big as giving away Ferrari or giving away a Corvette or giving away whatever and it could be as small as given $100 gift card to Amazon doesn't matter every month have a contest for something that people are fighting for it's exciting to keep getting better and to hunt people want to stay later to win people spend time on weekends to improve certain things it adds to the culture next invest in them I think I think sometimes we don't invest into our people enough I'm big on investing into people I think we need to invest into people it doesn't matter what it is if somebody's doing accounting what can they do to go to a course that's going to teach them to be better in accounting if somebody is doing marketing what can you do to get better at that if somebody is doing you know sales what can we do to bring the best sales speaker if someone wants to learn how to become more how to sales when I may bring the Tom Hopkins if someone wants to be more audacious I may bring the Grant Cardone if somebody's you notice your culture is not good at goal-setting you may bring Brian Tracy if you're you know you need vision you may bring your Mark Cuban if you're you know you need somebody that's talking about what it is to have the right manners you can make if it's marriage you may bring somebody if it doesn't matter bring something that's constant education to your field force it will always give the return on the investment you made for that speaker what was that oh it's the sprouts I thought it was like sprinkles going on okay read together I'm very big on reading together I think it's very critical for people to be reading together we do monthly book club every single month y'all already run a book club called the entrepreneurs book club but every single month for as long as we've been around we read a book and everybody turns in a report and we read it together for every single month as long as we've been around we've read a book together because it's something that I expect everybody to invest into themselves and improve and if you get into the culture and if you don't like reading you're gonna be filtered out because it's just the culture that we have we like people to improve we were going through the interview process the other day and one of the people that made it to the last interview with me she went through three different people before me and I sat and I said I asked one question I said how much do you read so I haven't read ever since I graduated college I said why not since I have kids I have this address so have you read any business books no what do you read I don't read well that's a problem you know because we're big on reading so you got to be willing to improve and constantly working on yourself next incentivize incentivize them for anything that this is different than contests it could be something very small that if you do this and if you notice somebody that's doing their part you know make them feel good by doing certain things on the side incentivize people to go out there and do something you do this the best will do this you do that the best you'll do this if you do this I'll do this if you do that we'll do this there's always a you know way of getting people to want to move in getting certain things going past just certain contest next celebrating birthdays together it's a small thing but listen it means a lot to people just today I was one of my friend's birthday today Erica del Toro you get some love on this video Erica happy birthday to you her birthday and so I sent a message to her I told her exactly how I feel about her and she said you know just the most amazing message I got etc etc and we sing a certain way you know we have a certain thing that we do when we sing it's different our song has certain whistling to it and everybody now sings that way it's just just how we sing right and you know what we'll pick in an office whatever office we are in if it's one of the leaders birthday chip and five bucks get something small bring the cake surprise him and try to find a way to do where he or she expected the least because no one was expecting it because the smart ones you can't surprise them so you know birthdays are a very big thing to know that you know you're paying attention to their personal lives as well next one is cards I'm big on sending cards to folks I think it shows that you take the additional time most people want to do that because it's like time for cards why would I want to send a card I would say we average twenty to thirty thousand cards per year I think last year was twenty-seven thousand cards something like that I may be off by a few thousand but that's the number that I get 15 emotion emotion emotion may explain what I mean by a motion motion motion when somebody is not in a good place when somebody is confused when somebody and we are going to go through certain phases in our lives you know you ask what do you want but what is an ideal situation for you what are you doing it for why are you here why'd you get excited about this tell me about the goals you have and and I could tell you what's Mario's dream car I could tell you why what's the dream situation for you know what some of our people want to do I could go through it because it's important to me because I want to know what things they want to do I could tell you many of our leaders on what their goals were what their car was the house they want to get the place they want to live the place they want to travel it's important because at the end of the day a company excels and does very well when a lot of people's dreams within it become a reality as well now you know it's all based on contribution and value it's not like oh you want this I'll do this for if you stick around no it's you do this and if you do this you have the possibility to earn XYZ so it's still a merit system that they got to go earn but it's knowing what people want to do long term with their lives as well another one is this next one point over 16 don't be too lopsided on one type of a sex like gender don't just be an environment that's only male driven or only female driven unless if that's your business let's just say your business is you know make up okay it's going to be probably female driven right if your business is I don't know whatever it is for certain things that men will do it may be male driven but if it's not if it's Disney it can be both sexes you know if it's technology it can be both sexes if it's if it's sales it's both for us you know we're 54% in our company are filled with women it's not men it's 54% of women 46% men so it's pretty much 50/50 but I like to ask both sides you know I like to ask ladies hey what do you think we can do with the company on things that you want to see and what men what do you want to see because sometimes there may be a lot of competition on one side and the other side is and there's no empathy and compassion and emotion hey we need to go in sometimes you may go way way too much empathy compassion and emotion and you have kind of no competition and so there's always a good balance just like politics Republicans cancer you have to do this and then if we go too far decide we're in trouble and then you know Democrats may say we do this and if we go too much it's like we are right now we're in trouble generally this is good to be right in the middle so get feedback from both sides on what we can do to improve the company or the environment that you're creating next point number 17 surprise your team surprise your team surprise your team I mean as much as you can't surprise your team just last month you know was so proud of our guys what they did I brought several masseuse to the office surprised everyone put a massage bed in an office and everyone when I got a massage for themselves and they came out like they were in heaven you know the look on your face when you come out of massage it looks like you just got done it looks good when you just got that getting a massage you know what I'm talking about look it's like man I am so relieved they were so happy when they got the massage surprise guys today we're gonna go watch a movie let's go watch a movie hey guys today we're gonna go grab something to eat let's go grab something to eat you know we're going to go to this place you know just six weeks ago seven weeks ago we figured out what the best cars that are you know top leaders liked and I decided to surprise them and put blindfold the video is going to come out here next week or two I'll put it I'll share with value Taemin as well you know put a blindfold on them and walk them all the way through in Vegas with hundreds of people around and I rendered you know we got what is it nine cars was a nine cars we got to McClaren's we got a Lambo we got a Ferrari two we got two Ferraris a Ferrari California Ferrari four or five eight rows rows guys ghosts we got a Bentley I'm missing one an Aston Martin db9 convertible we got all this and they're standing right in front of it and someone's revving the car mmm and you see them shaking it was unbelievable reaction right they opened it oh man then we went and had dinner at Dell Frisco's and James Bond room and you know saw the presentations of how the wine bottle opens up in Las Vegas you should see this two million dollar a wine a what'd he call it that's not a cellar it's like a wine up what would you call that Mari that thing that opens up with wine bottles with something called James pots a million bucks James Bond or something like that anyways it's just beautiful and we had dinner you know everybody's there we're having a great time everyone everybody was surprised and it adds to it you know in Dubai we were in Dubai six months ago we decide to rent a yacht you know and in the yacht we decided to have a yacht party and just do lamb chops and steak and food and dinner and jumping off the yacht at 128 degree temperature in Dubai to surprise the guys and just had a phenomenal time we had a great time together these are memories we're gonna have for the rest of our lives but it's bonding its relationship it's fun what are we gonna do it in life anyways just be you know to yourself and extremely serious all the time and you die in what happens you die alone in a cemetery end video alone for the rest of your life stuck in is that way now it's enjoying the whole purpose of what you're doing anyways with with the environment you're creating next get to know your people I think a lot of times there is this CEO and you are someone else and listen you can't get too close to me or we can do all this other stuff know the reason why there's not time to get closest maybe there just isn't time but there isn't a I am better than you because I have this title right I am better than you because they have this position it means nothing it means nothing it means nothing let me tell you you know position you can call yourself any positions you want if somebody else doesn't see you as a CEO you're not a CEO you can say your seal it doesn't matter nobody else sees you as a CEO it's it's treatment of people so what we did a few months back is we went on bought an RV we wrapped the RV and we decided to come up with something called the startup entrepreneur tour I lived in the RV for 30 days with six of us Mario was one of them okay six of us it was me you Merl Tigran Paul and Alex right and we went from LA to Arizona New Mexico Dallas Austin San Antonio New Orleans Jacksonville Miami uh we went Atlanta Chicago Toronto New York I don't know what else and all the way around we went everywhere right Canada spoke at 16 different cities Redding San Diego Van Nuys always other places that we went to and then we came back and we met everybody we shook everyone's hands now my anniversary was on the tour June 26 so I'm on the tour and its my anniversary not typical oh my gosh you can't do this you know my wife and I we pretty much celebrate every every single week to us this anniversary because we don't wait for a day to dictate we're having anniversary so I flew and my wife and my son and they went with us with the RV and you know my kid is with me he's sleeping with me into bed we had a great time was phenomenal but we had a chance to shake everyone's hands we had a chance to go to everybody and say hey what do you got going on what's going to talk to people here's ideas he's we had a blast and we connected with everyone because the business is a business of built by a lot of different people and it takes time and resources and energy if you sit in a corner and just hide from everybody all the time eventually people gonna say man I don't even know you how do I if I don't know you how to like you how do you how do you you know capture my heart if I don't know you well it takes a lot of energy it takes a lot of energy that you got to put into it this isn't something that happens overnight next next thing I'll talk about turn you guys into heroes you know you got out you got to make sure you're the top performers people are felt like they're there above and beyond everybody else you know I love what a professor from Cornell University said he said uh pump up the collective but make sure you don't forget the individual right pump up the collective but recognize the individual because the individual is someone that is putting maybe twice as effort everybody else and there are cases where people put twice as much as effort everybody else they are more valuable on a team there is people that are more valuable on the team you could be fair with everybody but you can't treat everybody equally there are people that are doing above and beyond and they need to know that they're being you know above and beyond everybody else because of their effort that's putting in where someone wants to go because five o'clock I'm going on boom 459 they're out this other guys think till 8:30 and you know notice that you don't recognize that yeah you got to make sure you recognize what people are putting the efforts in a tournament to heros allow for crazy things to happen okay crazy ideas one time I said listen before I die guys how about we go out then broke break a Guinness Book of World Record how do we do that I have no idea but let's decide if we can break the Guinness Book of World Record well we called Guinness Book of World Record Guinness World Record and we wanted to break a record and we decided to break the record for the most what is it most of checkers players which they call it draughts though they call it drown tell you how do you pronounce that cause droughts droughts yeah most droughts right so we they have to fly somebody in they have to lock the door was a whole technical thing that you have to do and I think was a thirty thousand dollars to do it illegally I mean it was very very intense and we were in Reno and we broke the world record for the most checkers players in one room and you know you know what's great about it NBC came all the news stations came the congressman came the mayor came everybody came and you know many people left with a world record this is a Guinness Book of World Record that we broke it was on national television they shared the video it went bonkers when they shared it on their a Facebook page I don't know how many fans have on their Facebook page I do know it's a lot of people hundreds of thousands that they shared Mari I don't wanna throw this to you but so we did that another thing we did is we did a flash mob in front of Planet Hollywood and the way we did it was hilarious we set it up where we created a video with the choreographer video was sent to everywhere but it was practicing the dance in front of Planet Hollywood we decided to stop in the middle of everything and act as if somebody was flirting with one of our guys girlfriend at that time so everybody thought of fights about to break out so everybody shows up to see what's going on and then they took on put on their shirts PHP and they did a flash mob - uh what was the song at that time that was a big kid size with Gangnam style by psy right Gangnam style I think I 150,000 views on YouTube another one is the Nene dance that our buddy John did John tends to do a lot of this stuff with the dance we had the candy in them that did what they did a one of the song was a risk Alton what was the name of the song it's called the Ritz Carlton I mean that nothing but yet I don't know how many millions of people watch that one did yeah he ran out of there was hilarious right it was on history I did very well I went viral on Instagram my buddy you know here's one that we did we did a video of like Olympics and here's a George drinking egg we drank what he drank eggs and Gaitan you see him eating spaghetti it's just messy fun fact that we created that video we have one here what Hosea's is acting like he's who is he in this video he is what's the guy's name the Rico suave right Rico suave is in % in Rico suave but look allow for crazy things allow for crazy things to happen for the culture because it makes people want to work for that environment it makes people want to take it to a whole different level makes people want to have fun and makes people want to you know it just takes it to a whole different level look sometimes we forget that you're going to spend more time with people you work with in your own family at times especially if you're building a startup and you're building your own business why not have fun with the people you're working with why have to be so serious why not be able to create an environment of very high standards and expectation for people to perform a very competitive environment combined with a fun loose prank type of an environment where you're laughing yourself to the top that's kind of fun to do isn't it you'll live longer you have more fun you make good relationship you make great memories so when your time comes to lay down and say you know I've done my part in the world you're gonna you know leave this planet with a lot of great memories that you had that you built in business as well accountability everyone's got to be held accountable this point number 21 everyone's got to be held accountable but the part of accountability process is everyone's got to pull their weight everybody does and a part of accountability to me is call out so you can put this point as accountability slash call out I've always been a fan of everybody being able to call out every call out everybody uh I don't want to wait for instance I have two sons right let's just say these kids are now 16 and 14 years old and I have a daughter is going to be born in a couple months and she's gonna be 16 14 12 years old hypothetically I don't want them to come to me every single time and call out and say he did this did you see this he did this he didn't know you called him out won't you cut him out what he did I saw me at school doing this once you call him out and pull him aside and tell him he's not doing he's not doing the right thing oh that I was gonna tell you it's okay you tell me but why are you waiting on me calling out so the work environment if somebody is off call them out we have a pure call-out environment where permission is given from the top for anybody to call out everybody why is that so critical because one everyone is four it's not necessarily force you're put in a position to start leading even though you don't have a leadership position yet because you realize sometimes somebody is a leader that no one knows about you never knew that person was a leader it's like the Golden State Warriors you know how people say you know curry is the MVP the league but draymond Green is the MVP of Golden State Warriors no one knows who draymond Green is but now people do because these the modern-day Oscar Robertson who's a leader in the locker room he calls everybody out now imagine you take drum draymond green out you think they're gonna win a championship last year no way in the world there's no way in the world they're gonna win a championship no way in the world because it's a callout environment I go to some offices and businesses and I Center I'm like this i cannot even stay here for another second everybody i was invited to go to a place on speak i couldn't wait to leave couldn't wait to leave because everybody was sensitive oh we don't say things like that here really oh my gosh please send me home already send me home already I mean everybody's lying to everybody is that kind of an environment you want for business doesn't work it's not effective you got to call them out if their person is not doing their part call and I pull your weight you are not pulling your weight it's affecting everybody's job so this isn't just about fun and you know hokey and pranks and humor and all this other stuff there's a business side you got to perform someone's not doing their part you got to pull them aside and say man what's up with this spin up with your attitude lately I don't like your behavior lately man you can't affect in everybody else's mood the other day you got upsetting snapped at the other guy he didn't do anything to you I just snap at him yeah oh man you just don't know what's happening at home bro you want to go for a walk let's go for a walk tell me why what's going on oh you know me and my girl man we're going to that's fine bro I promise what my girl I'm going through this one my kid but we can't bring that in the workplace so these are the types of environments that you got a lot of people to call each other out next high standards I'm a big fan of high standards I'm not a fan of low standards you know just yesterday entrepreneur put up a video the video was what the video was it's time for Millennials to take vacations because they have too much pressure of not taking vacations look I mean I've traveled so many places in the world I don't even know where I've gone it's just you name a place I've gone to it anywhere you name it I've gone I've gone a lot of if I've had the privilege go into a lot of different places but I bust my behind I work hard and I am NOT a fan of low standards I'm not a fan of theirs it's a lot easier thing to sell for someone to say oh poor you you work too hard honey come home this is too much it's not good this younger generation capitalism's making them work so hard this is not good for your spirit honey come home I'm sorry that's a low standard conversation that's a low standard conversation I like high standard I guarantee you nothing great ever happened with low standards I guarantee you no team ever won a championship with low standards I guarantee you no one ever won a gold medal with low standards I guarantee you no one ever won a World Cup with low standards I guarantee you no one ever ran a 100 billion dollar company with low standards I guarantee you no one ever became a president or prime minister of a country on low standards I guarantee you no one won mr. Olympia on low standards nobody high standards no one does high standards is what it's at now you can disagree with thing you don't have to agree with there's a lot of people that don't like you when I talk about high standards but I believe in high standards I go to restaurants sometimes or businesses sometimes it drives me insane when I see a business ran on low standards I get up and walk out literally my wife will tell you my friends will tape I go to a restaurant and I see something I'm like not with can we get out of here we get up and walk out absolutely get up and walk out went to a sushi spot the other day in Plano I'm looking for some great sushi spot some plain old Alice and I went to this place and my dad was in town I took him there because we both like sushi and we sat and I ate the sushi I was honestly I was mesmerised I was in love I was in heaven I was in heaven where you know everybody in heaven eats sushi and you know what kind of sushi I'm talking like fatty tuna sushi the real salmon sashimi and eat Gouda real real sushi is what I'm telling that I might know California I'm talking real ikura salmon sashimi yellowtail white tuna albacore type of sushi and I'm sitting at this man's making it for me and I'm like man this this guy's on top of it he's bringing a salmon it's flawless they've been in this one you don't put sauce and I just eat it the way that's and they knew what they were doing look around clean clean clean clean clean clean clean everything's clean right and I said man this place deserves a 30% tip you know well go to places like that these are a big tip we should we should announcer the places we should say the name of the place on what it's called sushi Yokohama Yokohama sushi can we put a logo of sushi Yokohama up there and give him some love if you ever share this video you go to that place as well let them make make sure they see this video just phenomenal and I asked the guy who's the owner of this place I'm asking my waiter who's the owner of the place the man making the sushi for me is the owner of the place that's who ran the place no wonder the guy that places ran on high standards when the owner is at nine o'clock I'm not making sushi for people on a Friday night on a Friday night instead of being with his family that's high standards to me that's a place I will be loyal to that's a place I'll give my money to that's a place I'll give my time to next is sending gifts I think you got to send gifts to people and gifts that mean a lot to that person um you know I'm not just talking about black and white gifts you know if somebody has a kid kid send them a book on parenting if somebody has their first kid somebody becomes a daddy for the first time you send them a shirt that says first time daddy rookie daddy you know rookie you know whatever it is there's there's so many ways to to have fun with the gift side you don't need to spend $500 on yes although sometimes that may be a way to do it as well you know we had one of our girls worked so hard to them work so hard that you know I just decided to take you to hold it from level that no this was not part of a recognition or anything it was just a gift I sent them wondering am i sent him to the most incredible spawn Chicago and they had a good time another one I sent him to one of the most incredible spots in Beverly Hills montage you know if you're in Beverly Hills you know that area and they had a great time it was nothing there's a few guys that did very good and out of nowhere to get Ferrari watches sent to them some guys that I just think you need to you need to gift people sometimes with or without a reason to just give them guys next with a dress code have fun with a dress code at this point number 24 funky Friday you know you don't have to wait for Halloween to dress up we like to dress up all the time I'm talking dressing up like we've done Great Gatsby themes right will do I don't know a PHP to the future yeah we did a theme you know you can probably see a clip here I'm dressed like the jock right I'm dressed as dot and then yeah that we'd another one that's slash and John Mason hi John what's who Axl John's Axl and Emma I'm slashing these Axl you know we've done gaps people were dressing up we've done so many different things that adds just a funk component to it to it right now again some of these things you may watch and you may say I completely disagree it's completely fine my suggestion to you is create an environment where people want to belong to and they make a decision to plant their flag to want to be in business with you forever I love what Richard Branson once said Richard Branson said teach everybody your secrets so they can leave and be your competitor but treat them so well so they don't want to let me say one more time teach everybody your secrets and concepts on what you do so they can go out and be your competitor but treat them so well that they don't want to give them such a great opportunity that they don't want to and that's retention because vision and a culture combined together creates for an incredible winning environment people ask so what books do you recommend there's two books I would recommend for cultures what I would recommend two books get to chatter throw books man the middle of the video send me a book like this this is assumed squatchers I do it I understand it but I'm doing a video you Center like that and from mildewed video fish fish is a great book if you haven't read fish it's a phenomenal book phenomenal book it's simple I think it's like 80 pages or something like this let me see how many pages it is it's like a ninety nine page pages are like big font this is another one that's phenomenal by 20 shade this is a must read by our buddy Tony Hsieh we went to got a private tour of Zappos in Vegas it's phenomenal I highly recommend this book Tony's a stud with the way he explains culture and he takes it to a whole different level when you read I love that book so here's what I want to here's what I want to do I want to know if you're the very serious type all around the world where we are if you're very serious or if you're loose so here's a contest for you this is what we'll do I want you to take the most creative picture yourself the most creative picture yourself and watching value tainment so whatever the creative pictures you watch in value tainment let's see there's got to be a picture of value taming there's got to be picture with you in it and it's got to be creative the most creative picture of value tainment you take and either you share it on facebook with hashtag patrick be david or you take the picture and post it on instagram with hashtag patrick bid david and hashtag value tainment we'll take the best picture that's put on instagram with hashtag Patrick Bay David a hashed value tainment and the two most creative pictures we will send you a copy of 25 loss for doing the impossible signed by me that's a book I wrote myself 25 loss for doing the impossible but I want to see how much culture you got how creative are you are you just a person who's very square and everything's got to be very you know perfectly done or are you willing to loosen up a little bit and have some fun so take the picture with you watch and value taming an episode of it and then be creative put it on Instagram we'll put the hashtag Patrick baited ilya let's make sure we put the hashtag Patrick may david in value tainment here and then from there we'll reach out to you and private message you and tell you hey great pick send us your andres we're gonna send you a signed book of doing the impossible with that being said if you got any questions if you got any questions about what I just talked about here any questions about what I just talked about here comment on the bottom if you like what I just talked about on a PDF go to my website Patrick Bay David comm if you want this in PDF go to my website Patrick Bay David calm there should be one link on the bottom or if you're watching this already on my website the PDF should be on the bottom keep going to the bottom you'll see PDF on the bottom for you to subscribe to my weekly newsletter if you subscribe to the newsletter you will get the PDF sent to you right off the bat so you can just have this and go out there and look at it within your business to see how closely you run your culture on the way we just talked about right now with that being said thanks for watching and body take care bye bye
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 128,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, how to build team culture, how to build team environment, how to create a great company culture, 24 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture, best companies to work for, best teamwork videos, how to create a positive environment
Id: PW-ivdroycc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 42sec (2802 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2016
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