Warcraft 3 | Custom | Art of Defense

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[Music] let's choose I'm dead okay so this is art of defense a hero defense map where you can produce units as well if you wish to do so you get a gold mine each player does there is a protected gold mine but you need to break through the divine armor in order to unlock it so it's pretty hard to do we're gonna give this a try I've just had a little test in the map to check which hero I like and it's this one the unbroken battle meaning some of them have chaos damage so she does she's definitely got my interest for that purpose I suppose I mayor's or tech whilst I'm waiting he produced the normal heroes or you can get the standard ones there's different versions of this map there's ones with like three or four heroes this one has only one hero I decided to choose that and see if we're going to be good enough with just one hero to defend forces everything this map will throw us 20 waves the unis produced quite quickly as you can see I chose Undead mostly I suppose banshees could be quite good with potential possession against really strong creatures but otherwise frost rounds would be a very easy way to defeat enemies suffer too much we'll get a decent chunk of ghouls and I'm gonna come over and consider getting my hero in a moment you can only have one hero in this version of the map but ideally if I can buy enough tomes I can make that hero so strong about it doesn't matter because I figured having four heroes is a little bit too much a little bit not everyone's gonna want to do that you'll get a bit messy it's more fun to or focus on one powerhouse hero speaking of which after we go so powerhouse hero she has one more we're gonna try to utilize that I might just buy some times to start off with and then go there's all sorts of little things to pick up so the quickie start off with the better pick up some of the nonce Alisa lanius stuff some of these creatures can see invisibility so I could end up getting killed doing this I don't know if I'm quick enough maybe I won't die damn didn't have my lets guys Warcraft okay on a double press f5 for it to go off but I'll activate it now so that way we don't have that error happening again you can actually rebuild your hero instantaneously from the tavern or you can just do it oh you can do it from your altar actually you can have a pay for the slow build or the fast build anyway I gotta sell a bunch of these items I don't know what they're all for most of them trash so we'll just sell them and then carry on let's go to the fountain of health and mana there's a whole bunch of stuff I'll just get the times to start off with so you can pick up some goodies around here gold coins and go exploring let's go that should be enough booster speed would be good actually do we have a boost of speed I might pick up a boost of speed involve ocean oh okay and I've got a boost of travel so there's some recipes in this map but I'm not sure of all of them teleports the unit combines from booster speed stuff a teleportation fair enough scroll a speed over here she definitely moves quite fast let's go through [Music] it's got the nerfed version of win walk the most recent one where after it runs out you have to wait like a couple of seconds before you can reactivate it so it's a bit dangerous I don't know the map very well but I know that it looks like the more you explore the more you can potentially find so that's exactly what I'm gonna try to aim to do whilst I'll just take up with the main base towards frost once and easy enough endeavor or just save up the resources for my hero to get strong enough to break red tree cake I could even use that to scout a little bit see what else the map has in store so you get some items here but there garnish there's gonna be a lot of stuff to pick up here so just sell the majority of it and go go go I don't know the absolute max way to do this game nor do I intend to find out because that would be a bit boring I'd rather just try to swing it what are they always in snare the right one cheating computer that's what the invulnerability potion is for in case they do manage to cheat a bit too efficiently scroller speed it's very very useful thank you very much mayor cue frog for the host there hope you had a nice stream enjoying that undead dreadlord ghoul gameplay but the rest of us aren't good enough to utilize so we just stick to mess fiends instead again did I get I get instead before I even see them cheese is like 700 gold probably used for recipes or something like that involve please there we go if I can have control of my character again maybe fire okay that's not a shot that you can sell to off you go come around here so cast healing oh never mind that's a bad place to cast healer let's try that again over here Tech is still going through let's put on some more defense let's build some more structures let's do some more upgrades in case I do choose to go through units but I haven't quite decided that yet okay so she's healing up a level three women walk will be much more efficient back with the invulnerability potion we're getting attacked by the way and these will get more and more out of hands as the game goes on so I'm trying to do the exploring now before I have to come back who the hell Legolas how did you get up here have you played this before that's very good well done he's come straight up here and he's expanded so he's got an extra gold vine there unless this is where you spawn from it's just where you spawn from Legolas what did you sort of build up this place you sir he starts there apparently okay I thought everyone starts at the bottom but apparently not so he's got like an additional base there's a whole bunch of stuff to buy here but I don't think we're gonna have time to faff about whether like I say I'll just stick to buying terms of science simpler whilst trying to speed through there's more cheese I'm the cheesiest I guess that means I've built a lot of cheese I can charm can any of these be charmed level I can get you try to speed scroll him out don't have a town portal though did I just get and snared again now I got stunned no he's stuck how do I get you out of this situation without a crow need some more how do I even get out here there's a character over here villager some cheese Aska put me into a leg Alaska space hopefully that'll be enough all sorts of chaos happening here I can actually get a town portal have I still got my character I do just come over here and it's a town portal back to my base I'm gonna just research some of these things I have no idea what they do I'm really got time to work that stuff out we'll just get that on the go right so we got a ascended mutant he's got chaos damage he might be able to bust through this it does have a high hill that could take a really long time so that's the idea between the chaos hero getting strong enough fast enough to just bust through that what else can he do poly what he's got quite a lot of tricks so how we doing on the defense path Mezger all Tyrell hopi monster with the Archmage units right I think lifesteal would be very useful is there some sort of lie still do splash damage to nearby unis or is that just the air version fiery hatch it sounds like it could be interesting if it does do splash because I could be useful for dinner with a whole bunch of those mobs there's your mask of death let's just buy that then I'm gonna try this weight gain and see where it goes [Music] okay so it's just to the other side of which there are still some goodies and things like that to pick up I'll see how I get here drops the cause of attack don't think my mirror image does any damage unfortunately that would have been really nice okay so I'll just use to build frost once this guy's quite tough isn't it we've got mass Camaro's defending I'll have to come over here and see how I get on I imagine not very well there nice try though that's why I wanted to level or level her up a little bit so she can maybe have the power this guy's got auras so we don't really want him doing all we could have Charmian maybe I'll see if something bigger comes along there's Sparta let's give you a little here or something there's a tiny barracks how was my hero she's gonna do okay here looks like she liked her and she will lose helping away she's not quite super okay anything to steal super öthey mops I'm not seeing anything particularly special so maybe if I come back round then get on the prowl there's a whole bunch of gold coins and stuff over here if you stole something from here be pretty hard to get it to escape since there's so much stuff clumped up over there this guy looks maybe even to steal the shredder No so certainly won't work on a hero [Music] right okay stop building some Frost bombs or something [Music] okay we can get him can't be used increase above level 12 or something [Music] I'm coming back mothers go for the attributes so you got King here got to defend him if he dies it's pretty much good game P you know what keep I think so you you are safe to mass units see he looks like you'll be good for especially he's got that star fallibility let's get Cal facade no I tried to banish him but it's too late he would have died anyway because he's doing magic damage my first ones the best versus potentially heavy anti-air or just lots of range units it's crippled this is very tough gotta send my frost ones back they might be more useful later on maybe just getting necromancer's is something to try to summon some corpses okay got some health back I wanted to find another kill for sad that has the staff off it's very useful you can't get a second here on this [Music] trying to look out for any super special moves I see really kingly are Legolas is just trying to hold his own at the top left ear suffering first is cool down there [Music] no there's a care facilities that cannot be sorry knocking on the hobby frenzy my hero that would be nice that fact that we needed to that charm could be very useful but now we do we can get here Oh strong enough to slice through them we want we all push him back a little bit here we've got to keep the King alive by we can't have the King died he's a little aggressive the king you'd think less banshees with procession would be useful here than here they can only go out to level 5 and a lot of these creatures come here for a level I think they can only got to look at five or six a lot these creatures coming through all that level settle mate how's my extra gold mine looking getting their level six monsters I'm gonna get easier [Music] are you in trouble down there glass maybe I should stick in that I should go in the top left position or something King is dead no I don't think we should save though you know the deal use that experience and come back again stronger key to win this map is to defend other than mass mortar teams I was thinking maybe mass mortar teams can really help you sort of splash versus all the mobs are stacked up together I saw that Legolas do you want to try that position again Legolas or should I go there and I don't even know how you got there actually what color were you is were you like dark green maybe the computer is supposed to be there [Music] okay [Music] sorry Mela I'm very suspicious of people with colored names to try this again yeah it's gonna take a while before that blade master hero can get useful why am i suspicious because people that hide behind colors like that can do some damage it's harder to kick them and remove them can I focus only on hero with no unis you can do what you like Tyra Michael say whatever you think is best there's no easy way to do this as far as I know unless you've played the map enough times that you know exactly where to go so far away from the goldmine ah alright ready to work this is a slightly squished in base gonna have to squeeze my hero in somehow let's chop some trees we got one two three four five six and the goldmine probably needs life seven on the goldmine close to it there I think that seems to be enough so I'm gonna go for the altar unbroken battle maiden here I could hire these mercs if you wanted you get sieged quite heavy by these creatures Legolas was in this position in the previous attempt so I'm gonna try to maybe rush two more teams click a peasant and take a person they click on the Scout towers to capture them click on the DG priest next to the goldmine shopping I don't think I can capture these towers oh okay whichever ones are the best ones I'll have a look man in a moment so what have we got fire bolts anti-air moon well cold tower def tower you would think it could be maybe over overpowered let's go deaf tower I'm gonna get the castor Tower with supporting spells to see if there's anything that could buff my hero in the background otherwise a moon loyal one I'm scared to get this town in case it gets destroyed by the Horde over there I just get like insta gift right and get my hero now any detail is almost up deaf tails are almost down keep upgrading come over I say repair keep those towers up they're gonna be very important she is just gonna go on the prowl for anything that can be picked up basically if she can get past him she can't go through them with Wynn walk somehow I can you not be freedom with Wynn war how on earth does this win war supports our as the inner fire not much else going for it though I don't think you can grab the chaplain clicking on it doesn't give it to me so and we want to get blacksmith we need to chop of the trees probably kill this rifleman just sitting there this is such a closed in place all the others are like over here and they got to defend the King starts off fairly easy but will get pretty crazy you need to click on it with a unit next to it okay well I've got a hero next to it I'm clicking on it but it's not giving it to me so you know there's only so much effort I can put in before I have to give up on it all right let's hire of footman then put the footman next to it clicking on it doesn't give it to me so I don't know I don't know what more I can tell you i right-clicked I left clicked just trust me on this it didn't give it to me take his gun free needs more space there's nothing here I really want strange wonders good stance yeah Tech is complete right why it will give you such a small closed in space I'm not exactly sure but it does try to keep your heroes alive though boys be impossible to pick up time of Health our fastest got some nice items I would like some of those vampiric potion give for some health back if it wasn't for us some people doing massive damage they always get the right one don't they funny I wonder the computer has that advantage it just always knows which one is the right one so far it does it's always got the right one it was Chain Lightning yes the Chain Lightning does less damage the more Tigers it is and he initially targeted me over my open mirror image the point stands your counterpoint is mute the alchemist is trying to get in now my favorite question is very useful I could do with an although so I can hit the air there's stunts [Applause] I won't buy how did I combine those two scroll a sample you can bring about pairs of peasants peasants oh you guys are holding up there or for your towns hello well I'm holding up for the moment and you guys are holding up over here so that's good I saw I have random things he can come here and do what he needs to do and say there just make sure you guys don't fall at the ball tricky as is I'm trying to get my Mustangs and maybe they can just charge for everything the Augean is just spawn randomly here again turns to face the one that's the real one compute a properly cheats versus mirror image oh he didn't she that time at one time he didn't she yeah pick up my scarf at God's house attacking it they're trying to open up the extra gold - available I want the bios of all creating a secret one they sell a whole bunch of these crappy items now I'm not using because there's a shop nearby rinse them feet try get whatever money you can't all right I think me anywhere can bust through here is just constantly level out for here oh she just got to carry this these researchers take a really long time so many creatures oh okay combined with my staff plus cause of attack plus 25 I can almost afford that Wow siege engines managed to destroy a couple of buildings at least which is about the mask of death now 42% of our attack damage well that is really crazy what's up coming up you guys need more towels it means that I have several people maybe mass in towers moppy monsters doing a good job getting those towers in the first place these creeps have so much damage it's really hard to just break through them because they spawn quicker than I can kill them I need like a superhero or something capable just slicing through them like within a couple of shots I don't know how to stop them from spawning to be frank with you I wouldn't destroy each and every oh let's go down and what watch out for him is really strong there goes my production from thank you it's starting to lag out quite a lot now because there's so many creatures on the map now you can stay everyone braum if you're working there it's working looks like stuff is gone really Bertie down here you go down as a hero can't Sean that one so much for the gold wine I got a life steal item I'll just need to do more damage though you're so much armor his health regeneration is ridiculous what is this he'll predict what the hell he has gone down there Oh all right we got some new lights on us to play with you know what that does or a flamestrike okay there's King dead right yeah but it's gonna die how the hell can we do this the towers will get for a while need like one person maybe mass gyrocopters or something and this seems tense all our though I don't normally like safe does that actually work though our record show heroes level what was the code I'll have to check my Warcraft read details and see this in there so just gives you the hero level doesn't give you anything else Warcraft free map you're right FB g RW apparently it's got a - there but in the file on my computer alright I'll type in either one of those re hosted them I'll tell you in a moment Tyrell I just wait for Warcraft free to finish crashing and then come up and host it so PC documents Warcraft free custom map data save as where it is well levels won't make it that much easier random pick new but it certainly won't be worse gamename are of defense her you think walk maybe for the heating was they're gonna help you a lot in the first waves that's a good point so you can maybe make more of an impression or still go human for the siege engines because the siege engines can sort of break through the BS buildings more teams for their range or walk for demolishes anyway demolishes are good [Music] I'm dead mass banshees possession I'm not sure I'm not sure Night Elf for Camaros now hippos I think maybe Night Elf might be the easiest you can go mass hippos for anti air and just mass cámaras to decimate the ground I there's very few things easier than ship oh there's a reason why it was a thing in Reign of Chaos triple hero ship oh my go now elf then in that purpose plus the wisps can see on the wood [Music] don't process when you take an enemy you get a normal version of it because they were dropping armor weren't they because they don't keep the upgrades right sorry loads oh she comes back level 14 right off the gate you get your hero right away as well that seems pretty good build more farms you can't deal there or you don't want to build there [Music] I speaking about the meanwhile I'll just still get with the deaf town it's quite hard to get this town still hash so hard to break for this thing you think they'll get mass agility I can't think of a way to do this other damage powerful items let's get the lifesteal item what I can maybe a fairy dragon for some reason you can't charm the shredder no not that most people would normally have to K go but have you got it and then fair enough you might not splint it also know I sent towers under siege every other day for some reason overclocks you need one more a kite and a gold mine what is almost here [Music] I'll be glitched it into maybe to save ability is glitched into having more than one hero hour let's just stick with the one hero they're rescued the captain betta whatever that's worth he's an ultra of elders I need a tree to start eating up all of these trees and clear in the space [Music] stack those hailstones hey guys Thank You dog slam our town is under siege that's basically the premise of this map yes hurry up seven Thank You Fred they trying to bust free honor emissaries s finke suraíh me you're welcome 40% increased damage to gobbling the orc units well that's pretty goddamn good actually if that is legitimately gonna actually work goblins Slayer they actually have a vision can you believe it it's hard to tell her that definitely works I'm not they destroyed my ancient of war ancient of wonder how am I going collect some more items see what else I can build crown of kings killings lucky dagger more lumber Kevin staggers out my price range thank you overclock okay so we got a new item there stats and Cullen's dagger [Music] one gold for killing them I've got chaos damage I'm just gonna focus the build instance there if I can come here I guess stunned all the time it's not working just casually use some implement Villa T rinse and repeat she's the past 25% chance to do two times damage but it's not really as good as the plate masters correct by any margin I think I might be my best approach for destroying the buildings is just using the involve potions over and over we're gonna to use the town portal to get my hero out I'll get my units out again don't usually do this 2times Guardians angel this is similar ability for ten seconds so that would be useful super useful for trying to break this destroy these all buildings stops them from spawning that'd be fantastic but I don't know if it does if anyone has like a ridiculous abundance of gold like Tyrell for example now's the time Sparta's got 7k as well like you've got to use that gold guy you got to jump on though he can't can't be sitting on that much girl this game's not forgiving enough for that kind of more longer is required shut down just need 30 more lumber hey guys boy come over oh yeah he can't breach it from there excited for Warcraft 3 Forge well Ritz thank you so that's the inventor ability they get tougher and tougher I think these creatures as the game goes on yeah let's go up and up those numbers so it gets even higher to bring them down with Victoria's fall you say let's see what you can do about that what a fat bad goat huh the hell kids taking my gold mine huh like a peon is able to destroy my gold mine yes there's a lot of mobs with evasion with Bosch just makes it even more conky and cumbersome to try to destroy them I never have so having some invulnerability [Music] [Music] I really hope if I can just get these orcs killed I can maybe come down to the bottom and try to help out there oh yeah hey [Music] banished banished to the hills from whence he came really how's the kingdom doing just swell I think you guys losing so many heroes why do you like losing here so much like you have to kill cooldown how else do I stop this I'm fighting go down still not even really strong enough for him you guys know what needs to be done I only just I basically just cleared up all of this orc territory swear Gordon's got something to do with this hopefully if you kill Gul Dan it says that you've finished and the orcs no longer spawn because the unit's just get stronger and stronger so Luffy I can build is going to be strong enough to deal with them other than my hero but my hero can't just sit there all day just trying to right-click go down at the moment I think I killed him before and he didn't stop spawning they're doing my mirror image of something to avoid the Life Drain it works but then it was cast again and it displaces me at the moment this is working unless I'm gonna get unlucky and suddenly his helps not gonna drunk anymore go down down so what does it take to actually kill the Horde over here I guess we try it one more time or something [Music] there is this thing that increases the maximum hit point of all towers so if I my if my hero can she's free levels higher than she was before is that gonna really be able to make enough of a quick different because the only other way to deal with these consistent spawns is just to have ancients of war or ancients of protection or something just everywhere this is map is interesting but I'm not sure if there's actually a way to beat it other than just constantly leveling I don't think I even saved to be honest did I how I did save yes get the items destroy the buildings any other ideas yeah war free likes to crash that's one thing it definitely likes today last hours human towers that's the issue is the orcs town centers they just spawn out of thin air like if there was a way to stop them from spawning it would make more sense but I'm not even sure if I can stop them from spawning even if I clear everything they're just gonna keep coming back and they're gonna be stronger and stronger they spawn from the cave they were just spawning and not even well I'll investigate the cave but they were just spawning in the middle as well because I just had peons just like literary spawning right next to me grunts Raiders are you trying to get back in round and pick now who else was in in the last one because he had to save curves oh you're not trying to get back in yeah you sure about that anyone else was that it this is a silly map yes absolutely no doubt about there's one spot open let's go then the dream would be to have a hero that gets like ridiculous but they don't seem to get so ridiculous in this even with the one I've got there's got chaos damage you need to build up more agility times like it 200-300 agility 400 agility so they're just attacking like non-stop think what I'll do is I'll just take my hero on a journey and just try to find everything and everything I can so what was I gonna do is to try the human can't pick up the cake eval you're doing that thing again aren't you there we go thank you get old mirror image breaking through the boundaries 15% chance to stop you know P monsters come up here now you lost your hero already I'll just sell they think everything's good I want to start combining the items ASAP with these sleazy wrestling oh my god no why don't we don't win when were you even dying - I'm not even sure if I died once in the last plater for like consistent attack our hero has fallen all right or get environments and stuff stuck up on there right [Music] [Music] [Music] you just gotta go as fast as you can in this game there is no slow mode [Music] [Music] time for some ice cream there's the upgrade for finger G that's the one [Music] [Music] fold-in himself [Music] [Music] bass is still alive for the time being so I'll just keep picking out whatever our bloody world camps [Music] well they said the merlok you never knew [Music] [Music] I feeling when you can't pick up items even are you clicking on them [Music] [Music] hmm already had that one available I see I see anyone got an absorbent amount of gold are you doing quite well spinning it workaholics while aah I [Music] won't bite [Music] aren't level free now well that gold feels like it comes in our two mile an hour check a checker before crown of kings plus claws of attack was supposed to give me a mask cause of attack plus 25 plus musket there are my bad actual moscow death name is serious is Frank's she is me Plus 45 stats though that's definitely helping I'm trying to focus these peons shop all these trees down let's just clear the whole down forest No you'll meet cleric spirit wife whistle reminds me of the world of warcraft dog item dog oh right by the power of Grayskull let's try this cave and shall we need a way to destroy those trees in a second 200 IQ instantaneous [Music] while we clear this up a much quicker than where we're having to go down did he get picked off killed him and I didn't even pay attention or that damaged back from those burrows I can definitely break that goal for him so that's something to look into just drop that there actually it's kind of a useful item [Music] see these pills just spawn out of nowhere that's not gonna work overclock I'm sorry to tell you [Music] didn't dare do today although they did it they did it at that there father to go yeah I'm gonna do the same i fee oh wait we're ready where does this guy so we've got top more or less under control which is a thing stuffy coming in there help get it cleared up ASAP tidy this mess up it might take me a wild if I can break that you approximately take about two minutes maybe shop dem trees destroy all these trees that will go down there got a whole bunch of shy T creeps over here to kill or any of my towel is actually gonna get finished I want [Music] it take so long to bust free that doesn't it but double goldmine wants any help a lot if his towers getting destroyed by the filthy orcs I have to continue this attack on this goldmine because the health regeneration just kicks in if I leave it while that's kicking in anyway of it funny a voice let's give these towers go I got 43 - 47 damaged so those upgrades are definitely gonna kick in it's gonna keep upgrading before they do oh I can't kill your girl whines this is taking me long enough to kill this it's doable though maybe have we lost the King yet we haven't lost him yeah I'm losing my toes see God [Music] almost for a goldmine you saw it here first this is incredible news you might be right Opie we should at least try to kill that to see if that will do it I really hope you can stop this morning otherwise you just have to get like a multitude of Defense's Oh what how I see it gets a tiny gold wine all right now we know so you don't have to peel it there I could just let this pace go well and maybe not because you've got the towers just build enough towers around here right [Music] [Music] how many letters let twenty levels isn't that Intel [Music] hey guys that's good boy boy okay high rise which lets me sub twice in a month they're not real selves or one of them isn't okay seems fair become stunned kopi you're more than you bargained for they're like that Blizzard would be useful go red dragon man that's bloody good although he's getting his ass kicked might be able to break this boss pogchamp oh she stole it back what a scam these peons had like taken over my base the endless spawning is the King dead he's got 91% he'll pig [Music] [Music] there's nowhere safe to put this dragon I don't know how you just got himself to full health [Music] from mirror image as well there's a nightmare boss doable but not very pretty much it no random Peter knew this is our life now only need like two peons please gold mine it's the only gold mine I got there I can't actually blink out now I can the way do I go about my life still for the first time ever lost my hero after all of these hours of plant cheese well they said she was level 222 but when she higher than that I did have a shield of whom Connor ability yeah I forgot about that item I recently picked that up didn't get into the habit of using it Kings still a hundred percent for how other are there he is I was going to say I haven't seen the king got to rebuild my hero first and then do the same okay ah he was very useful to start therefore push him back the we still does this dragon just keep repo on it rebirthing them I'm curious just have some Splash Damage perhaps [Music] now he's gone for good unless that brings him back 200 G's [Music] she's level 22 see here felt like she was higher level Kings still alive there's times if you can't spam or just give the gold off from someone else over cross-scar like a strong player master could almost level up a little bit here from these creeps yeah you do lose some items okay mask up that I don't think I have anymore hello there we go that's the mask of death still for the calories I don't have the teleport things we're actually strong enough here aren't we to just keep pushing back for the time being although it's any level 9 isn't it this goes out to level 20 getting perma stunned at the moment you know I can't see units being useful just tower upgrades maybe try to get those on the guy do they have like a hundred percent chance to bash us on now I think with this again be done but you just have to basically beast your way for it we're saves it's like the most epic RPG of all time so if we do this again clear this as fast as possible similar deal pick up a whole bunch of bits and bobs hopi monster did good last time right if a couple of you can just come up to the top or a bunch of you can come out to the top we can just clear this ASAP that's right keep Rona we've already invested an hour and a half probably of time seems mad to stop now make sure you save before you leave I promise of course the King's not gonna die but I think he would die hey guys sheriff ROTC thank you very much some hot okay you can't hold that position because they keep spawning I know you can hold it for a while there or you can just give up on it maybe maybe clear the goldmine ASAP just attack it with my hero get the tiny gold miner set up a base at the bottom and just give up on the base at the top it might be too much work too much effort to just try to maintain that base at the top can always try killing that Nagato I don't doubt killing her is gonna stop them from spawning I feel like I've already played that map before in the past Seraph lasse we've already got the perfect map to play why would you play anything else game name of defense and I'll be back very briefly I mean I always like a challenge that's why I don't mind shitty Maps because if they provide me a challenge and stuff to do I quite like it back in a moment all right let's start this off I might be able to kill other people's gold minds have we decided on Shastra by the way as our what a Warcraft server I think we have don't have your mouth should you be hard no they didn't hire a phaser you guys just don't have the the fortitude to play a map as epic as this it's not my fault you can't handle the intense rigorous training require Stefan decided did human do much for me [Music] that's good right we're off we're off to the races give me that drag what's cooldown doing out there my heroes somehow come all the way around Oh you know I still got to get the items on this character you mean our town is under attack yeah this base will hold for a while says worth trying to keep just for the gold one that you can't get out of it that's my dragon there not that one clearing up the gutter trash Oh I'm sorry they're using those going suckers as well I'll have to cool down I guess he teleported down here oh I see so they keep him up there for a while so they teleport over almost it's scary there should be a dragon over here it's just like that what's the dragon I can't rescue oh you can rescue anything come your mind oh yeah you can get the items off them that's a quick way to do it isn't it look at that boots of travel for a fee Dragons leasing the fight fest is the gold mine I can still pay arms yeah but they just feel like kind of towers I don't know their towers are any better or not get him huffing boudin does not like dying where is some stuff that laborious task alright okay I need whatever gives me the most damage so maybe try to break free I wanted to see what that does forty second quarter okay that's 25 damage Oh our Brethren's tower is under attack what kind of tech 50% faster with that so for the time being that would be good Oh double claws yeah attack speed by 5% ooh you spoil me huh it's not exciting job is that but the quicker I can break this thing down we'll be on level three or something or we can go kill the boss and this is gonna be our hand isn't it hello taste how do I can't turn that manner shield off nothing that turns it off don't know if anyone wanted that one there's pretty easy to make that could it maybe use the spy collar actually they got chaos damage in mind forget the double fiery hatches as well for the damage need lumber now consider selling the goldmine it sells for 10k and you can only harvest 25k from it sound like a good deal to me you tryna that is your real name I gotta see if this splashes any good what II hope it is no it's gonna be like fire or splashes in there and many do like five damage yeah it's basically non-existent so it's just damaged miss Martha this bloody map what the hell is wrong with this man Oh [Applause] are there any more of those freaking dragons oh hell no I almost cut it almost destroy the bloody gold wine right let's go you've done well sorry Frostwolf I'm just gonna kill your apologies shade Factory right I school I see you guys have cleared out some of this stuff this hasn't been cleared out and there's a goldmine here are angry peasant are the best presents I can only build up empty towers I wish my mirror image did vanish how did spy gate level 99 my guess would be he went into single-player cheats even then because I've not even seen him where is he now see most other people's heroes but not Sparta with all of us Sparta would be the first to cheat without about somehow managed to get my hero as well I don't remember you having that here over for spire how'd you manage to pull that off that's impressive how'd you do such a thing very good okay I'm undead now I guess I was undead anyway I'm not really a huge fan of that item don't be shy Oh a Brethren's town is under attack kevin staggers obviously useful don't finish anything much better to be honest all these creatures over here so there's another girl mind to be had on that front should try to take all the go might as we possibly can did someone just give some gold or just got a huge him Fox I think your time if you can you keep stacking the same item might be worth checking into that at some point anyway I need life still of course lumber is what I need as well King is a 36% hell for help they brought us to prove you guys managed to kill whatever was over here anyone got lumber before King dies so I can buy some items I guess no one's got lumber there okay Kings are 37% spot the kingdom because I can't stop to 39% so he must have gone somewhere safe of areas splashes crap bloody are I was able to hear mo come on girl Kings at 65% so he's getting back into the game like he's trying to keep this alive a little bit longer okay messantia probably wouldn't work very well first of those gargoyles Kings going down where's the king I think the top left hang on now you might be happy advice mr. king all those no he's already fill up about Kings in a lot of shovel we need some anti-air I was king be dead everyone's like saved should we go one more I think we should all just cheat like sparked a bit go single-player get a level 99 hero I just see if we can still better I mean that's effectively what we're doing at the moment except we're just gonna speed up the process here you can what do you mean you can't miss part I've managed to do it you can have four heroes I mean we have made this a bit more difficult because there aren't four heroes we've only got one hero age you didn't she how he was given the level 99 hero by Phaedra so you didn't she that's what you're saying I didn't save Ivor because it just ended I put too busy it's sort of chatting Twitter all right I'm gonna take that code as well then I'm not even sure what we can really do to stop the heroes aren't strong enough you need like more gold okay thank you it's just the gaga's yeah mobs have bash and stuff when does the end when does the madness and should we try it one more time and then give up on it regardless of what happens you would need someone with about a hundred hippogriffs to beat those gargoyles I could do that maybe maybe I go a night off and I try that I wasn't using human after all every one user scum save Cola so I don't know there might there might be a specific hero that's perfect for it but there's so many heroes in this game and it's hard to test it because you have to wait like three minutes before you can build a hero and if you tried to save the game just before you can build a hero and unload it it just corrupts and doesn't let you do it so you have to every time you have to start the game wait about three minutes and then pick a hero and go all that heroes bad try again I don't I couldn't open it in world editor I'm sorry Phaedra there's one spot fade Rick if you want to try to get in or two spots there you go we've got a professional with us now that's the guy it's the code of truth Frostwolf do you want to go green if not I can go back to it it's kind of a dead it's a lost cause though cheating Tyra was given up yeah he hasn't got the cojones required to take on such a I mean he does say it's an RPG it's not wrong if there was just a way you could somehow get gold quicker so you could consistently biodomes to consistently update your hero to consistently keep up with the power of the waves you know come on Tyrell we're waiting for you Arius I don't know if you can load the same code let's hope you can this map is a mess but this map is a mess the person that suggested it to me a long time ago said that they were stuck on a different version of it one that you can have four heroes with and I said wow they're playing two different version of the map and they said this is the one I'm currently playing this is a different version of the map as well this is the one with only one hero and they said like I just can't beat the map and there's a reason why you can't beat it because you effectively have to cheat to beat this thing and even then I'm not sure if it's possible some I'm not here tomorrow Nick might have to be Tuesday and that's like come in the evening I don't know yeah you can use the code Tyrol I'm gonna go that night off load right so I've got 99 hopefully you guys got it as well where's the cheap for unlimited girl I mean she's got much better damage now 274 damaged as a post like the 60 or so she had before probably want to get the lifestyle item as fast as possible oh look how fast you go for that gold wine nice legit let's do it then if we open up these gold wines we can get more people getting more gold let's go the one up here did you get it I know you did I was gonna say gotta get something out of it alright we're getting somewhere now now it feels like we can actually do something fine we actually feel like we can actually have an impact it's a Christmas miracle gonna go get an item the player that that goldmine belongs to yeah should that ship they should all each get an extra go of mine inch it's a life steel claws of a tech and that so let's get the cause of attack part because that also helps for the attacking the ancient gold wines we like the literary stand right on top of each other I think we are how'd you get that one in Tyrell so the first part is like the hero and that's the level or something is it chief fire or g5 said g5 is different here or something overclocked with the extra gold don't forget we also got the gold mines in light here so we also got that today anything that gives us the extra gold mine so we can actually build up our heroes and get enough agility terms or whatever is required cheesy open monster right go crazy on the wisps your fader may as well help myself no problem no problem me this is a fair and balanced map and you have to play it in a fair and balanced manner relax these arms are so confident I'd plus one and whatnot scepter of the sea top left maybe silver Mustafa so many bloody items it's not even worth picking all them up just trash too much trash I think the Kellan's dagger escape might enable some interesting places to go to you I was going to get the crown of Kings but I'm thinking mascot deaf still without dragon to deal with though there's a captain up here that will give you the anti-air item I can't charm the black dragon but I could charm the red dragon ha ha this is how it feels like I should have been to be honest you feels like you have to have heroes this strong and even then I'm still scared they won't be good enough the gold needs to fly where is he a female centaurs respond the same as they should be gone by this point while I was just an illusion come on pictures time not even sure she dropped anything on this Tyrol picked it up I'm a fun person yeah other people work versus buildings ah Opie stole my gold mine and my bike come on to the top oh my right let's try and gum up here do this bit ping let's go kill him on a whim I'll take too much damage from the Baris reinforced defenses how you doing my town is being attacked really not sure buddy ever itis Qingwei you need help Fiat Sauron I've got an oil perfect with the frost guard so we've got the anti-air there that's one cheating I'll scratch their eyes to chase the hell can actually blocking the path oh my god just go yes Father don't presume to think you would know what I would like Shino look at this Manor mask of death right here that's a nice so if no one wants that most transmit this target isn't vulnerable okay I thought there might be something in there well you'd think this would be like the last bus you kill these the new your can unlock and kill arkem on and you're done well you just survived the 20 waves one or the other angry scenarios over here the Train looks like one base might be overrun no Goulding come for me double deaf mask I can't even sell that one I've got whispers at the bottom okay I'll just check up here Heydrich and then I'll come down I don't think there's anything else up here maybe just double check on the old argument see if he's become vulnerable it's just the best map we've ever play I think I can safely say they're not vulnerable I think you probably have to survive 20 waves and then you can start tacking on a sign there's the mosque repair for traffic I'm also part my plan to get the other item there's another gold one over here maybe I can get this one filthy orcses all right so we got do we actually right after we destroyed that for the free gold mine either boys should cut him off the right one course you do hypocrite yeah drink there's the corrupted tree of eternity requires more boroughs so we got the finger mochi we don't have the in front of the legality one of us should just get more terms though I don't like any of the other items haven't come across anything better it just spawns a new tree that can make really bad unis okay you know if you know involves the best a man can get on bark she should be on one shot and really she's level 99 for goodness sake I'm even then she still can't one shot it's ridiculous it was supposed to blow up there feels bad what what if a drink there comes in to get a goldmine yeah the king is in a bit of a pickle me [Music] is he definitely he's getting his health back slowly why the hell have I not got the damage to kill this goldmine I listen getting stunlock to say how is the peons have we got enough any air it's a good question where would you like to build fracking Phaedra stole my gold mine I don't know what destroyed it over then maybe another player to be honest with you there wasn't no black dragon there though oh yeah there's more gold mines there's good point now you can have it now did you destroy it that's what I want to know didn't realize you didn't have one so you destroyed it and then built there did you what do you mean a nun utilized gold wine what the unutilized gold mine where my tree of life was Bill spotted destroy it oh that's great thanks guys real helpful can't decide who's worse part or overclock nice times over there by the way how's a guy in I feel I'm sorry I still need more anti-air I'm not even really got migrated or nothing pikeys I've literally don't even have one gold mine by the way well I got one now okay I got one gold one if it's requested incognito Heydrich's still feeling guilty Sparta's crimes we're doing it though actually getting to explore so you this is the difficult it just go cheap basically use whatever code I typed at the start and do that so you can actually play the map and fly in units yes flying units are very important at some point I could convert them into massive progress maybe but they're not going to do much damage versus I have to want anyway [Music] they're like another 10 11 levels after this so we're not even really in the clear [Music] I mean look at all the abilities these creatures get and I wonder they're so hard to kill Oh God I got four groups of hippos dragons there and attack every time aren't they our town am I missing an item for the mosque of death got a boost of speed for killing stagger it upgrade that as well is that the real woman up here he's taking damage what a thing of beauty where he's not taking much damage now he's next to the fount of hell might want him not standing next to there it's just some casual Splash Damage this dragon has all this motor strays is there I need more hypocrites then because I will loser punished it's pretty hard to kill you know they kept records now I might need to pull back a little bit with my hippo so I don't lose too many I see a lot for now I'm trying to reel them they're not as useful because they got curse so they have like increased chance to miss with a large number sin alright sending my hippos now whose Causton estoppel kite I cast the staff I was going to destroy my hippos shut the off bunch of kodos with staff or what the hell does this look like a map where someone wants more stuff to control than they already have see these bankers Oh Mike this is just stupid our town is being attacked research Oh really really mr. dragon no I don't want to micro your boss the front wants to do that but these things respawn out of here they did that's good more he gave like every creature Starfall for some reason by fair enough of his once every five levels or something but why is every creature got Staffel maybe that's how long the map goes on for so you have to get to the bottom right of the trees as soon as like cast a mirror image I get curse reapply apply immediately even trying to do that to remove the curse that's counting on me it looks like we can only upgrade our unit seven times I think or I know we can't keep going the research time is really long suppose doing that early as possible is really key thing is my hero can't really get that much stronger because I think she's already I mean if this is by the 400% attack speed cap she's already achieved in so the only way you can increase the damage is just like +2 damage at a time with agility do where's the shield of honor oh that's an aura don't we have other people with that yeah someone's already got it [Music] [Music] take them magic immunity I feel pretty about wave living at least oh my god our level 15 okay that's the computer for you the computer just used avatar when I cast charm I thought charm was instantaneous I don't know how he managed to counter charm with avatar that's incredible because you can't cast charm on a character that has avatar they have to be charm a ball in the first place for you to cast charm so he cast avatar after I cast charm an account in it someone that's bonkers research finished 76 125 damaged pretty darn gear if this was an OPA Monster map which it looks like it bloody well is there should be dropping like 20,000 times more times oh I get gold for kills there don't want my hippos randomly died into a star for something when I'm not paying attention his office office is taking like how many hits here they're all deaf climb of each other it's a level 8 off as he level 2 it's taking I'm a level hundred and I can't kill why the hero suit teenis this is like the most impotent freakin heroes defense survival map I think I've ever played those to share a cool-down which is kind of crappy yeah that's point mister they share a cool-down it's pointless for me sharing a freaking cool down we're under attack we're under attack we're under attack terney how you doing research finish patchi's are in now should be doing like twenty thirty thousand damage Chris has anyone got that mask Amira's we've like maximum damage off grace oh okay I can't upgrade them anywhere I can only go to 7-7 I guess 7 7 s all over that's a shame she'll just keep going level 16 so close yet so far sausage I'm not really strong enough to kill him that's why I've wondered a hero with chaos damage so that way she you know you should be secured damage so you can't get screwed over by anything with like divine our mother doing some serious overtime I hope you appreciate it where's the subscriptions act where's the twitch primes what's the question we'll go the gold mines as far as I know apart from the top left one which is site oh yeah the Kings at 59 how is he being see cave Oh yes he is BMC cave what you doing Opie monster I'm watching you okay why would you TK the king now at this point a rim tickler thank you very much there for the stuff that's a nice bunch of interesting creeps you got there we've only got to survive a couple more levels seems a bit redundant to Tk the king now should have just done that like an hour ago sorry I can't stop him unfortunately hey guys thank you for Sheila that was a bit of a thing today to be honest opening monster-y that was really stupid we've literally just invested about three plus hours into this I get it the map is bad and we're literally just at the point now where we would just want to see what happens at the end that's really kind of depressing just leave if you was that upset I don't get it and now we can't go any further ah that's anticlimactic as okay key chrono says there's no ending cutscene the last wave is more of the same and the bosses don't really do much except be really tanky yeah probably true I guess the point I'm making is is we went this far it seems like so stupid though you know like whatever used to run a marathon run 28 miles and on the 27th mile you just say it I can't be bothered and then just quit like this seems so stupid to me
Channel: wtiiwarcraft
Views: 118,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: art of defense, art, defense, hero, hero defense, team, defend, king, kingdom, strategy, waves of enemies, rpg, epic, funny, custom, map, download, link, Warcraft 3 Reforged, Warcraft, Warcraft 3 remastered, warcraft 3 patch notes, warcraft 3 cheats, warcraft 3 download, warcraft movie, Warcraft III, Warcraft III Reforged, Warcraft III Remastered, Warcraft III Remake, WC3, War3, youtube, video, google, gameplay, Video Game, new, wtii, wtiiwarcraft
Id: y0o8V0_qfPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 39sec (13299 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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