24 Jan 2021 | Pivot: Receiving Feedback

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] hello church it is so good that you're with us today my name is jeff and i serve with the k group and equipping ministry now today we're going to begin with something a little bit different we're going to talk about the spiritual discipline of praise praise is easy to do when times are good but hard to do when times are hard hey church we are so glad that you are joining us today earlier this week i was reading the book of hebrew and it talks about how faithful our god is god is great and he is faithful that's why we are celebrating him today now coming up on your screen surely will be a prompt and this prompt is an invitation for you to participate as one church in celebrating the faithfulness of god now it's very simple how do we do this begin with the phrase i've seen god's faithfulness through and then insert your own story after that and then you place it in the online chat when they get things rolling we're gonna speak to past albert first pastor albert where have you seen god's faithfulness in your life thanks jeff you know i've seen god's faithfulness in the way that he helped me to navigate my family through this pandemic time my wife was teaching online my son was attending class online i was doing some call we have computer crash the wi-fi was not working and god really helped us to get through this he's faithful in our family and how about you jeff great question i've seen god's faithfulness in my life through the provision of a new job that's really a laminate exercise my gifts and strengths and leadership now church we would love for you to share your story with us so that we can also share with other people remember to follow the link and share with us your story and for now why don't we join our voices together and to sing praises to [Music] for god you've brought me through now i'm ready for whatever you wanna do moving forward moving forward after you [Music] now i'm ready for whatever you want to do your presence is [Music] your presence [Music] grace has been enough [Music] your presence [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it let's sing it out i know a breakthrough is coming [Music] i know breakthrough is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] breathe [Music] maybe [Music] is never before [Music] your presence is an open door so come now lord like never before god we just welcome you into each home into each space on every screen right now god we just welcome you into our hearts into this place we give you glory we worship you we believe in jesus name amen [Music] i cast my mind to calvary where jesus [Music] his hands his feet my savior [Music] my cursed [Music] they laid him down [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the blazing sun shall pierce the night and i will rise [Music] [Music] church let's take a moment and just fix our gaze on jesus's face right now i want to just turn our attention to the word of god this is psalm 145 verse 2 it says every day i will praise you and extol your name forever and ever [Music] great is the lord and most worthy of praise his greatness no one can fathom it says this one generation commends your works to another and that's this is thousands of years ago but we're still doing that we're committing his works one generation to another they tell of your mighty acts they speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty and i will meditate on your wonderful works that's what we're doing now we're just meditating on his wonderful works this is a good practice for us these days they tell us the power of your awesome works and i will proclaim your great deeds let's do that together oh phrase [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] father god we come here to praise you god you are such an amazing god you are such a wonderful god and god today there is nothing else that we want to do except to come to your presence to focus on you to worship you and to pour out our hearts to you god because there is nothing on earth that can satisfy us and there is no nobody else who is worthy of all the worship so god we want to thank you this morning for allowing us to worship you we want to praise you worship you god we love you in jesus name we pray amen hey church we are so glad that you are joining us this morning you know as i was worshiping god my heart really feel like there is nothing else on earth you know except worship that can really help me to align myself with god's purpose and with god's own heart this is a great way to recalibrate my thinking my heart last week if you were with us you will remember that pastor rick started a new video series called recalibrate as a church we are committed to help you to go through this new normal difficult time with lots of uncertainties but in a way that god desires for us so if you missed last week's video i want to encourage you to go back and watch it again it is very helpful and today we have pastor eric to pick up the episode too he has a really really good sharing for us and sharing with us how we can encounter the uncertainty and also the difficult time that we are going through this time so let's welcome pastor eric to share with us hey everyone i'm really excited to talk about recalibrating with you today because recalibrating means no matter what trajectory you're on you have a chance to set a new one in partnership with god and today we're going to be talking about limits especially in this coveted season and that takes us back to the first story of the bible where adam and eve had an amazing life in harmony with each other and nature and god but they gave into the one limit god gave them they struggled and they wrestled with it and they gave into it and their story has been our story the story of humanity that we struggle with the limits we have and so honestly as we grow up we spend our whole life trying to accept that we have limits and that god is limitless in this coveted season we've come face to face with those limits some that we have broken limits we had set of what it meant to be healthy we've gone way over and other limits that have broken us where we've experienced loss and grief because we're human and we can't rescue everybody we can't save in every situation and we're not in control and so i want to give you some practical tips surrounding this idea of limits today and i hope that they are helpful in you and helpful to recalibrate and get on the path that god would have for you and so first i want to talk about limits that we have broken because honestly in covet season we've all broken some of the limits we had set before we have we have ate too much we have watched too much maybe online we have spent too much with the disintegration of kind of a dichotomy of work and home we have worked too much often we have just too much that's it we have too much and so i want to give some practical tips to help you kind of navigate your way back to a healthy way of having limits and one of these is is just to reflect and so i'm going to give you some questions to think through what healthy limits have i crossed through this year you know did i financially spend beyond my means especially if my income um changed over the course of the coveted year did i relationally cross limits as i stayed in close quarters for a prolonged period of time with those people you call your family did i morally cross limits because i thought in this season i wouldn't get caught or no one would know and did did i cross limits with my work-life balance that kept me from being present or being healthy or kept my family from being healthy reflecting is so important and the second thing i want to encourage you to do is to schedule make a schedule every week to do what you want to do and i know that sounds awesome and it's so awesome i made it my phrase for this year to do what i want to do because here's what i found out and it may be similar to you is that often year after year i'd get to the end and i didn't actually do or become who i wanted to be and so i found i've got to get in front of this in each week's schedule in partnership with god god what are the things you want me to do and what do i need to do uh what discipline so i can start becoming who you want me to be and whether your schedule is really really busy or maybe in the season uh has a lot of flexibility wherever it's important to schedule i remember in the early 90s my family brought they bought like a light pickup truck and immediately we threw sandbags in the back to create some weight because we found if we didn't it would start to drift and i learned in college as my mentors would tell me that men are a lot like trucks they drive straighter with a heavy load and so don't discount this uh tip even if your light if your load is lighter right now because we all know if we don't make our schedule it will fill up with other things so do what god would have for you do what is healthy and what is best now ultimately that's what this is all about is becoming who god wants you to be and so i also want to talk about our other kind of limits the limits that have broken us as we deal with grief and sorrow and disappointment this year and the first tip i'd give you is to acknowledge it it's so easy and maybe natural for us to discount it to say oh this person has it worth or that family dealt with that or this country is going through that but on the spectrum sorrow is sorrow disappointment is disappointment and if you have it you have it and so just because someone else has a different degree of it doesn't discount what goes on in your life because when we discount it then we don't acknowledge it and we don't deal with it and the real problem is not grief grief is a natural part of life and so is sorrow the the problem is unresolved grief is when we bury it and then later it leaks out you know i've shared that my dad experienced cancer this past year and that's something that's a loss not being able to go see him to know what it was like for him to be there for him that's something that if i don't deal with will leak out so i want to encourage you you know journal think through what have i lost in this past year uh make a coffee date with a friend to talk through last year and what you have lost but take time to do that and the second thing i want to encourage you to do and this is a practice to practice trusting that god understands the shortest verse in the bible is jesus wept and it's the shortest but the most powerful i think because not only did jesus weep because he had friends that were mourning the death of his friend but in that moment he not only wept but he knew he knew that lazarus would rise again that he would be okay but because i watched jesus weep it tells me not only did he know what was going on intellectually but he entered into that sadness and that grief with his friends and because jesus is like that that means that's what god is like that's the kind of god that we have that enters into our sorrow and so you can intellectually know that god understands the facts of what happened in your life without believing he is willing to come and be with you in that moment to sit with you and have empathy through those messy seasons you go through that's the kind of god we serve and so you have to practice trusting that we all have a default it says no one gets me no one really understands and sometimes we take that into our faith with god the one who really does understand and so i hope these tips have been helpful now they're not magical these practical tips you have to practice so that they can help you recalibrate and i want to end with a verse out of psalm 90 that says this in verse 12 god teach us to number our days that we may have a heart of wisdom teach us to understand our limits so that we can live wisely and that is my prayer for you church thank you pastor eric that is such a good and relevant sharing in church i would like to encourage you to re-watch it again and if you have friends who are in difficult situations you can also share this with them as well i'm sure that the sharing today and last week can be very helpful for your friend now church you may remember that in last december the global outreach team launched a project that we call the virtual art journey exhibition many of you have attended that event and the comment that we received was it is amazing if you have never seen it before we would love for you to go online to visit this exhibition again now when you go online you can see the 13 wonderful artwork you know they were not just usual artwork they were specifically uniquely created to support our overseas supported partners so when you go there you can appreciate enjoy the artwork you can also read more about the story and the inspiration behind that now this is the catch i don't want you to just go there and watch it i would love for you to go there appreciate and then pause from time to time so that you can also pray for our supported partners many of them overseas they are also going through a lot of challenges as well so we as a church would like to invite you to be part of this mission that we support them so that they can be more effective in ministering the people around them so remember to go online and do that and pray for them now talking about prayer many of you already know that you can send in your prayer requests to us we have prayer volunteers to pray for you um so you can send in your prayer request but today i would like to share with you that um the prayer after service is back that means that if you are joining us live today you can also participate in this prayer after service through soon i'm going to tell you more information at a later time towards the end of the service now i would like to invite you to join me in prayer let's prepare our hearts and also our minds to go to the sermon time let's pray father god we are amazed by you you are such a awesome wonderful god and we want to invite your presence here as we worship you god we are not just sitting on the sofa or sitting alone we are participating in this worship together with our brothers and sisters in hong kong and around the world and our only purpose is to worship you god and god we want to acknowledge that your word is still active and alive today your word is relevant so i pray that the holy spirit will come now speak to us open our hearts help us to be humble and ready to receive your word so that we can be encouraged and we are also ready to act on your word god we thank you in jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] check [Music] hey good morning church i want to welcome you to island ecc wherever you may be listening from and uh at whatever time of day it is for you we're glad that you've joined us today we're continuing this series called pivot looking at the opportunities that we have to make adjustments to make changes and one of the big areas in which we have opportunity to make adjustments is in how we make decisions i remember hearing i don't remember who said it or when it first was that i heard this but they said first you make your decisions and then your decisions make you that actually there's no such thing as really big decisions but only a lot of small ones that then determine the options that you have moving forward now here's the thing about that decisions that you make that i make they have huge impact on us right and the most difficult person to manage in all of our lives is yourself you the one that you see in the mirror that's the most difficult person to manage in all of our lives and so today we want to talk about what that looks like how is it that we can manage ourselves well how is it that we can take on board wisdom and make decisions that will be excellent that will be a blessing for years to come that we will reap the benefits from in our life going forward not only us but those in our circles as well you know it's interesting uh the brother of jesus james do you remember him he spoke about this idea of how easy it is to be deceived how easy it is for us to be self-deceived the one that we see in the mirror he says is the very one that is prone to to give ourselves a pass an exception or to justify uh something that we want uh and not listen to outside wisdom so we're gonna talk today about this idea of receiving feedback how important it is actually how important it is that we cultivate within ourselves a real openness a teachability a climate around us so that we can receive feedback from others it only makes sense doesn't it if you and i are most prone to be deceived in our own thinking that leads to making decisions that then we would later regret doesn't it make sense to back it up and make sure that we don't just operate with an autonomous view toward life but we cultivate people around us we we nurture our own heart to be teachable listen to what james has to say do not merely listen to the word he writes and so deceive yourselves it's interesting familiar words to many of us but he says it is possible to listen to to be around to be immersed in godly wisdom godly people the word of god and still be deceived that just the presence of godly wisdom around you doesn't guarantee that that will protect you from the dangers that god's word promises it will don't merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves he emphasizes to do something about it do what it says he says anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like now you get to see what i look like but i don't get to see what you look like now you may be sitting somewhere and you haven't looked in a mirror lately and maybe you should most of us when we look into a mirror we make adjustments we we comb our hair we we do something to improve what we see but spiritually speaking james says it is possible to actually look into the mirror of our soul to hear wisdom and suggestions from god and then to walk away how foolish that would be he says and so we want to talk for a few moments today about the value of teachability now teachability is is a it's a tricky concept because like greed for example most of us would never say oh oh yeah i'm greedy we we give ourselves a pass and we think that we're generous and the same is true with teachability if i were to ask you hey how many of you consider yourselves teachable i'm guessing most would say oh yeah i am but the reality is is that people often make decisions when they were given advice against that decision that makes us go what were you thinking you probably have some decisions in your own life regrets that you can track back to a decision you made you wish you could undo see being teachable taking advice and wisdom on the front end it protects us from from this desperate attempt most of us make to justify our own desires in the 17th century francis bacon philosopher says this in a little bit of antiquated english so bear with me he says the human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion draws all things else to support and agree with it and though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side yet these it either neglects or despises or else by some distinction sets aside and rejects that's some really old wisdom a really old assessment of of the condition of the human heart that so many people bacon would say that once they've decided on something would find a way to justify their own opinion and to reject wisdom that is offered to them it's kind of the nature of who we are in in our modern language we would simply call it confirmation bias that you have an idea you have a a plan of action and that you look for validating criteria comments people instances circumstances emotions things that will then line up with what it is you want to do so that you feel better about moving forward all the while disregarding anything to the contrary it's dangerous very dangerous we're going to look today just briefly at a story about a leader by the name of of jeremiah now jeremiah is a prophet and there's a book of jeremiah tucked away in the old testament that details his role as this this prophet this advisor and when he comes onto the scene he is going to be the advisor for judah now there's jerusalem right there and this is the divided kingdom of israel and judah and jeremiah will serve as the the advisor if you will certainly he was a prophet but he he spoke not only prophetic words from god but he gave very godly counsel to the kings of judah now jeremiah's story is fascinating because he represents a man who was steady throughout all the ups and downs all the political upheavals through all the changes that happened he would move from one administration to the next to the next giving council that was always grounded in godly wisdom and he would be able to observe the reaction of of many a king and how they responded to his input how they responded to when he would respectfully challenge their plan of action if you only know one verse from from jeremiah my may i suggest it ought to be this one his conclusion at the end of his career having seen and summarized the the commonality among all of these wayward kings he says this the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure who can understand it deceitful those are strong words aren't they it goes beyond dishonest think about the distinction there see dishonest is someone that knowingly lies right you were dishonest to me you told me this but you knew that and we might say that as dishonest that's not admirable but deceitful is is even more insidious because he says the heart is deceitful it means that that you can twist things and so that you don't even necessarily see the lies you don't even willingly embrace and untruth you're not purposely shading something but he says the very nature of who we are again based upon a track record of so many fallen kings he says you know what i see in all of us is a deceitful heart a heart that is deceitful in all areas and it is beyond cure it means there is no book there is no seminar no verse no song no fix that this side of heaven that you and i all live in this place where we have a tendency of fallenness a self-justifying demeanor and it will often take us to places that will not be to our advantage now god has a remedy it's not that he's just kind of said wow look at you messing life up he certainly comes alongside us and provides offsetting wisdom to help us see more clearly we'll talk about that in a minute but i want to quickly just brief you on three of these kings that jeremiah dealt with three of them these are stories that oftentimes we run right over quite quickly tucked away in the old testament not giving any much play time but when we look at the common thread and we see what these king's lives have to offer you and i can benefit greatly by learning from them three young kings jehoiakim jehoiakim comes unto the scene as a quite young king and he has ruled the nation of judah for about three years and part of that ruling is that he would then pay a tribute to babylon every year there would be an amount given to babylon that would represent loyalty but it would also guarantee military support if needed babylon agreed to protect judah well not having needed any protection for a while jehoiakim comes up with this brilliant idea of saving money let's decrease the defense budget shall we and he decides he's not going to pay the tribute to babylon well enter jeremiah and he says not a good idea in fact this is really going to tick off nebuchadnezzar he has recently been defeated by egypt and so you're kind of going against him this isn't a good time to be offensive this is not a good time to negotiate not a good time to save money but as kings do he rejected the advice he saw himself impervious he saw himself above unteachable and so he decided to reject the wisdom that jeremiah gave him he would pay the price for that because just as jeremiah predicted nebuchadnezzar was furious and so he shows up he comes to jerusalem and he captures jehoiakim and he takes him back to babylon and as would be his habit nebuchadnezzar would take him back and chain him enslave him in golden chains and drag him out occasionally as a trophy for his greatness of his victories and that would be the fate that jehoiakim would face but before he left jerusalem nebuchadnezzar needed another king somebody else to take over and so jehoiachin takes over this guy is young arguably around 20 years old and jehoiachin steps onto the throne but it will be a short-lived kingdom for him in fact only three months three months later nebuchadnezzar comes back to jerusalem and does just the same thing with jehoiachin he captures him and he takes him back imprisoned and shackled in gold back to babylon thus the need for king number three zedekiah zedekiah didn't know it at the time but he would be the last of the kings of judah when he steps into this place he too is very young 18 years old best estimates tell us and he steps into this place and he decides like those who had gone before that he was going to reject paying the tribute to nebuchadnezzar he was going to save money he was not going to give respect or homage certainly no money to nebuchadnezzar and nebuchadnezzar is furious jeremiah changes his tack a little bit he certainly tells zedekiah you really ought to pay this you've really ought to just kiss up just kind of send it to him but when he rejects it jeremiah in a last-ditch effort decides i'm going to go to the city i'm going to tell the city what's going on i'm gonna let them know that nebuchadnezzar is certainly going to come and what you need to do is open up the gates let him in show him some respect and pay him the tribute hoping to garner some support from the commoners he tries to drill up support from people in the streets well of course zedekiah arrogant as he is he's furious makes him look bad and so he takes jeremiah and he throws him in to a dry cistern just to shut him up and just as jeremiah predicted along comes nebuchadnezzar he comes to the city gates he comes into the city and he will capture zedekiah and just like the other three he takes him back back to babylon but it isn't before he shows his might in ways that are horrendous see zedekiah had snuck out of the city at night with his children thinking that maybe that would be a good thing and jeremiah said don't do that do not do that but he did that and that made nebuchadnezzar even more angry so he captures him and his kids kills all of his kids and then hauls zedekiah back to babylon to be set among his collection of captive kings what a tragic story repeated over and over he zedekiah he did what was evil in the sight of the lord his god he did not humble himself before jeremiah the prophet who spoke from the mouth of the lord he also rebelled against king nebuchadnezzar who had made him swear by god he stiffened his neck and he hardened his heart against turning to the lord the god of israel see so much to learn there but at the very least we see that that bad decisions lead to awful consequences every single time and so it is so imperative that you and i recognize the disposition of our hearts i always cringe and sometimes correct when people say oh i'm just gonna follow my heart like whatever you do don't just follow your heart now i know what people often mean is i'm just gonna go with my passion okay that's great but maybe you should get some advice maybe you should welcome other people into your life because decisions often have horrific consequences and you can't always recover i don't know if this picture looks familiar to you this was a crash of korean airlines flight 801 uh it took off from seoul korea and would crash about three and a half miles before finding the runway in guam 1999 i believe now up until this time korea airlines had suffered a large amount of crashes some of them inexplicable and they were beginning to take on a reputation of an airline you wanted to avoid and this would be kind of the the punctuation mark on that bad reputation over 290 people would perish a few survivors in this particular crash malcolm gladwell speaks a little bit about this crash and the reason behind it in his book outliers now there were some weather issues there was a faulty runway system there were contributing factors but gladwell points out that perhaps this crash could have been avoided if one thing had changed and that was teachability see the pilot picking up a signal that erroneously he thought was a sign of the runway uh in spite of what his instincts were telling him to do land the plane others around him and the crew were saying that's not it don't do it but korean culture its hierarchy and its respect for elders contributed to that in some way but it put him in a place of being unresponsive and unteachable even those others suggested i don't think you should land yet he did it three and a half miles too soon the effects of being unteachable unaware or unwilling to admit that your heart can be and often is quite deceived the effects of that can be disastrous so how can we avoid plane wrecks in your life three things i want to suggest to us today the first one is this to cultivate a teachable demeanor to cultivate in your own environment a heart a disposition a demeanor that that is approachable that welcomes others in that that you would often seek out advice from other people see the problem is not that others don't agree with you the problem is right here is that you were convincing yourself all the time of of how right you were how justified you are why they shouldn't have done shouldn't have said and you and in that little uh echo chamber of yourself you can lead yourself to a place of not hearing good wisdom around you so you got to cultivate a a demeanor a posture that that welcomes input into your life there's a great book that a lot of our staff have read in the past couple of years called thanks for the feedback by douglas stone and sheila heen in this book among many of the treasures that it puts out a secular book by the way one aspect they point out is that a stanford research study basically said people fall into one of two categories one group of people uh see themselves as is kind of fixed their personalities as as fixed and so that group of folks then would receive any feedback or any opposition is kind of an assault on their personhood on who they are at their very core and because of that this has seen a suspect and must be rejected because they see themselves as basically a fixed personality but they go on to say that there are another group of people with a a growth mentality they call it and they say these folks see themselves as ever evolving ever growing they have what is called a growth identity how they are now is simply how they are now feedback is therefore welcome input rather than an upsetting verdict that's worth repeating isn't it feedback is welcome input rather than an upsetting verdict do you see yourself as welcoming input or perhaps more importantly how do others see you if you are prickly if you are defensive if you quickly kind of explain your actions without investigating further maybe why you have wrong thinking if you isolate yourself and it may be that others don't feel the freedom to say hey have you thought about this and you've created that environment so it starts with us all doesn't it to create a teachable demeanor secondly to create a team of coaches now i chose the word coaches because it seems like that's more palatable than counselors so many people now have life coaches that are effectively counselors helping us to navigate the challenges in our career and our families but the scripture really points to the wisdom of this to create a team of coaches of people around you whose advice you seek out who have been given the the privilege and the authority to speak into your life who you have released who you have said i need you to protect me from me because see we're our worst's own worst enemies right listen to what it says here in proverbs 24 by wise guidance you can wage your war and an abundance of counselors there is victory you have to be intentional about this and what better time than this weird season that we're living in to start cultivating relationships more intentionally and making sure that you've got wise people around you people who are not sycophants not people that just simply tell you what you want to hear not yes people but rather people that love you enough to actually challenge your thinking to to make you a better version of you do you have that have you got good community around you have you got people that will challenge you occasionally or or pride your motives in doing what you do if not my suggestion is to to find him to cultivate him we say all the time here at the church that that that it's better to be in circles than in rows that it's great to have people to do life with that that you need to have a group of people a care group a service team some group of folks that that you have given that permission to to speak wisdom to you if you don't have it if you have trouble naming actual names of voices of people that you would go to that that you listen to informal mentors in your life then my suggestion is you do it you pray about it you seek it out you make the call you set up the lunch surround yourself with godly people because our hearts are deceitful and you need more than you to manage you one last thing change something soon like we are given every single day so many opportunities right so many opportunities to actually to adjust to to recalibrate to to think differently to recognize errors or to recognize imbalances to recognize bitterness as it creeps in and to to take every thought captive see every single day every single conversation every single response emotion that you have is an opportunity to to figure out is this healthy is this good and it's easy to just just go through life in the same way you've gone through life while expecting different results that's the definition of insanity isn't it to do the same thing but to expect different results so why not change something soon i like to decide i'm gonna change my my schedule i'm gonna change my friend group i'm gonna i'm gonna change my priorities i'm gonna change the way i think on this particular issue i'm gonna change something soon see if you don't make changes then you are just like those kings who have advice have wisdom but ignore it or reject it that you would choose autonomy over the wisdom of taking on board other people into your life so i don't know where you sit i don't know what the challenges are that you face but i know this that you like me have a same kind of heart a heart that has glimmers of hope and goodness but is all mixed up with motives that are sometimes impure and vision that is blurry and we need others around us so get your group find your coaches make a change soon and cultivate an environment around you that says you are approachable you're teachable even eager to hear what others have to say let me pray for us father god we are so grateful for your word and even as old and as ancient as these stories are we see the the truths that run through the commonality of humanity and so god we we ask that you would give us wisdom that you would give us the courage that you would give us insight into the condition of our own hearts and you would that you'd provide just like you provided a jeremiah to speak on your behalf would you give us one would you give us a jeremiah a godly person that would speak truth but may our responses be more admirable there are no big decisions just small ones and so god guide us step by step we pray as we walk in your wisdom in jesus name amen [Music] am holding on to faith cause i know you make a way and i don't always understand and i don't always get to see but i will believe it i will believe it cause you make mountains move you make giants fall you use songs of hope to shake prison walls and i will speak to my fear and i will preach to my doubt you are faithful then you'll be faithful now [Music] i am standing on your word [Music] calling heaven down to earth and you will fight my enemies and this will end in victory and i will believe it yes [Music] you use songs of praise to shake [Music] [Music] i know yes i know [Music] you songs [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just declare [Music] for greatness thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness mourning by [Music] [Music] i [Music] great is thy faithfulness lord [Music] church what a privilege that we can sing about god's faithfulness together this song was called faithful now and not to sing about it i actually went online and looked at some of your comments that you posted i said i'm gonna read through these out if in case you didn't see the online chat best says i've seen god's faithfulness through physically healing and bringing me to recovery after a week of persistently high fever that is the goodness of god belinda says i've seen god's faithfulness through his unceasing guidance and training through my mistakes praise god for that and ivy says i've seen god's faithfulness through my mother's conversion and reliance on christ at 93 years old and so thank you everyone that person today we as a church celebrate with you and along you for the faithfulness of god yes that's true church remember god is faithful and that's why you can always go to god in prayer and also remember if you want us to pray for you you can follow the link in the description box send us your prayer requests we have volunteers to pray for you and for those of you who are live today you can join us in our prayer after service here is a qr code just scan the qr code that will bring you to our sum meeting and we will pray together and so next week we'll be continuing our series on pivot and we're gonna do something special we're doing communion as one church family so make sure that you prepare in advance your elements so we can come together and do it well so church that's it for today thank you for being with us have a great week week ahead see you later bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Island ECC
Views: 5,024
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Id: fz6HRr_p-48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 5sec (5045 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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