24 HOURS LIVING ON A SAIL BOAT (with sailing La Vagabonde)

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a portion of this video is sponsored by pronamel we are currently in the beautiful abacos bahamas and we have just moved on to riley and elena's 48-foot catamaran we're not sailors in fact before this trip we had never hoisted a cell that's it kara or spent the night on a sailboat but this lifestyle is something that we are genuinely curious about because full-time boat life is something we can see ourselves doing in the future lenny come back with me what are you doing lenny with two kids we sit out you wanna intro the video instead in our minds it's kind of like living in a van except you sleep parked beside beautiful beaches like this every night i'm sure about life isn't always this glamorous but we are pumped to be spending a week on board la vagabonde to see what life is really like living full time on a sailboat our goal is to learn as much about sailing as possible that's the wrong rope guys oh shoot because then riley and elena are going to put us to the test riley is going to hand over the captain's hat and give us full control of their boat for 24 hours nervous aiding a wrong way and we're going to do our best not to wreck it or put their family's life in danger [Music] if you've ever watched a sailing video on youtube these guys probably need no introduction but in case you haven't let us quickly introduce you to riley and elena better known on the internet as sailing law vagabond they've been sailing around the world full-time for the last seven years so to say that they're expert sailors would be an understatement and now they've taken on the challenge of raising their two super cute kids on a sailboat on a more personal note they started their youtube channel back in 2015 a year before we did and we've always been inspired by them so to be invited into their home for the last week has been really special for us all right it's the night before we take over the boat and our training is officially complete if you want to see how our first few days aboard la vagabond went head over to riley and elena's channel even though we didn't exactly thrive during the training phase they're still going to allow us to take over their boat and they've put together a checklist of things we must do in order to prove that we're competent sailors [Music] so [Music] [Music] morning morning night i'm gonna see thanks tonight [Music] good morning are you going to help me with the boat today yeah so we have determined that i'm the captain yeah y'all here to bring me more coffee oh making coffee is about the only thing on that list that i am 100 comfortable with so we're off to a strong start but we'll see how the rest of the day goes is there anything you think's missing from this west yeah i was going to say there's definitely a couple of things that i would like to add holding a baby in one arm whilst driving cook lunch make my bed riley's dropping us off at this incredible dive site we're all just to jump in that was incredible well done hey no before we mark anything else off the list i'm gonna give you a quick tour of la vagabonde the boat that we're in charge of the next 24 hours starting back here at the stern the stern is the back of the boat in case you know this is where we get in and out of the water because there's a little ladder right here so when we get back in we have this fresh water shower give a little rinse you feel super clean to my right is where the dinky usually lives right now it's floating in the water so at some point today we're gonna have to figure out how to get it from down there to up here should be very interesting what do we do wrong it goes like definitely not there if you follow me upstairs oh also i have not touched my shoes since we boarded the boat here we have a secondary captain's chair which i just learned about you can actually steer the boat with this thing this controls the rudders then you have a little screen with all your numbers right here and to the front of the bug oh gosh i feel like this is the equivalent of hitting my head in the van like walking into ropes and cords up front is the bow of the boat and it is my favorite area i love just being out here on these trampolines and the sunshine especially when we're sailing but i did learn that these are not trampolines for adults to jump on gotten a little bit of trouble by riley day one so you just you can do a little bounce that's all over here this little window opens up to this giant storage hole there's actually one on the other side as well this is our headset head sail which we'll be using later in this box we have an emergency life raft which hopefully we will not have to use today and if you're linear darwin these windows are an alternative entrance to the saloon and here is where we're going to be spending a lot of time today this is where you drive the sailboat there are tons of ropes tons of buttons this is called the helm and if you're really relaxed you can do it from here i believe you can just kind of take your foot and drive like this never seen rightly do that really this is totally what i would do here we have the main sail and this is called the cockpit it's kind of like an outdoor hangout area we have a net with all of our beautiful produce moving on into the saloon salon if you're american basically like the living room dining room hangout area this is the saloon if you follow me to my left we'll be in the galley which is the kitchen pretty basic sink oven stove refrigerator number one lots of storage and over here is the navigation station i don't understand any of this though so i'm not gonna touch it autopilot so i'm gonna take over and then steer the boat which i didn't actually have to do you never did it hopefully you don't have to today did you think about it as we were going through the cut no i i you guys did a good job yeah well trained and here where riley and elaine are sitting is like the office slash indoor dining and technically bedroom number one this is just like van life you put the table down you put the cushions on top and it becomes a big bed here we have refrigerator number two and downstairs are the cruise quarters in the hallway we have what do you call a bathroom head number one never heard that before shower that we haven't used yet sink toilet beautiful windows where you can see the crystal blue waters at the end of the hallway is crew bedroom number one this is ellie's room who is their full-time nanny and across the hall is our bedroom this is one similarity to van life so our door doesn't open all the way because a backpack is behind it this is our bedroom there's really no reason to spend any time in here unless you're sleeping or changing because one it's tiny and it's also pretty warm we have this little fan that's just like the one in our van give me just a second to get in here we have some storage up here this is where we put all of our clothes this is my little office where my computer's been living basic but all you need you've called their boat basics so many times it sounds so negative and now we're making our way from the port side to the starboard side which is over here we've heard a lot of that she's just been talking an australian accent since she got here here is where a lot of our food is stored these little bins that open like drawers and this is the owner's suite so here's riley and atlanta's bedroom they have pretty much the same closet we have on our side fill it tight they actually have a second closet here and their very own oh what was it called hit their very own head it's quite a bit bigger it looks very nice and sleek yeah their showers about the same toilet lots of storage and this beautiful view can you imagine getting to walk in the bathroom every morning and seeing this all right and i think that about wraps up our tour of le pak bond our time on board has been nothing but amazing so far but i will say that these guys are roughing it a little more than i originally thought this all looks very luxurious but in a way it has a lot of similarities to van life in the sense that you have to be very careful about conserving power conserving water and whatever the temperature is outside that's the temperature that you're experiencing on the boat there is no ac we're going to be very very conscious of the weather and change anchorages to keep constantly protected especially with the kids on board if the weather's bad in the van we can just park it and it is what it is in the boat [Music] all right second mate i'm gonna tell you where we were thinking of sailing if it's okay with you okay we're gonna go from here up and around over around this bank and in here i'm gonna let you decide how you would do that doing some blue water saline today that's not a bad idea it is okay that's nothing we've been told that green and blue colors are good and if i scrub through the day it seems like it's mostly blue and green i think that's wind speed the yellow one is the land yes the yellowest land don't sail into the land correct this is talluque and i think we're trying to anchor here so the plan is we're gonna motor out into the deeper water the white is deeper water the blue is shallow water and we'll start sailing north avoiding the blue stuff i think i'm a bit lost and then eventually we'll end up here where we'll anchor for the night sounds pretty simple scale of one to ten how confident are you right now this is the part i'm most nervous about the sailing part but also planning the route although i'm pretty confident riley's not going to let me wreck his boat so like a good video before we do any sailing we got to lift the thingy up i'm stress eating right now me too elena's also stress eating we have not done this a single time and we haven't even watched it being done somehow every night it just magically goes up all on its own yeah i'm gonna try to kick it to you you just pull on the rope and then push it you just push it can you push it to nate oh it almost made it he can't even get a hold of the dinghy these guys have just lost their tender i gotta go and grab it okay when you're done could you just go ahead and and put it up there rescue riley while riley's taking care of that we are going to take care of stowing away everything on the boat to get it ready to sail which means taking all of our wet things off the sides so we can look cool when we're sailing past people i think the bigger concern is actually something blowing off the boat and getting stuck in the motors i think it has a lot less to do with the cool factor what happened an old couple left there tender on the beach and it went floating past so i went and got it for him that's what we do here in the cruising community we look after each other all right back to the dinghy and then i think we just get back on board put the rope on the winch and top it goes did we do wrong i'm really glad i checked the hook placement that it goes like definitely not there we haven't shown you how to do this yeah we shouldn't be paying attention we knew we were gonna have to do this ah that makes more sense okay that's the first one the second one is back here got it this doesn't get the full check mark oh wait that's anticlockwise thingies should lift out of the water [Music] that was less smooth than expected i've never seen riley roll a rope like this either dingy check patches need to be shot and locked so we put all of our bathroom products into a bucket and put that down if you were going offshore anything that you think might fall over will we're just throwing all of our stuff on our bed like we do when we're in the van hopefully that's a safe place on boats too so like the buttons um in the galley here click in those buttons so the covers can't fly open is this button broken yeah we stowed away everything so we're here we're gonna motor out to the white part which is that way yeah which i'm pretty sure is this way honestly it's so hard just to even understand this navigational system because it's based on north and south and not actually the direction that you're pointing ah we're about to start the boat i don't remember which one it is we're having trouble starting the boat i feel like this is it oh like what are we starting when we do that all right the anchor's coming up everybody hold on tight keep going keep going well keep going hey stop turn this out like that all right start coming up on it give it a little tap forward keep coming up on the anchor while you're doing it your commands are confusing [Music] please don't let it go bang i'm sorry all right i think that looks pretty good to me now i have to say these guys are taking boat life a little bit too seriously which i guess i'm grateful for but it's time these two need a shower it's been three days now and they've taken the rationing with water a little bit too seriously so we're gonna add take shower to this list stinky pan all right now nate is using the motors to turn us around we are currently surrounded by other boats and surrounded by a very shallow reef so this is going to be a little tricky sorry we made it a grand total of 60 seconds i'm being super cautious i just don't want our rudder to get anywhere close to that yeah and i want to take us around here as well i can't imagine why you're not relaxed right now these are all the boats we have to navigate around nervous aiding [Music] i'm wrong wrong way wrong way okay now i'm going to attempt to turn the boat into the wind we'll put the cells up and then we'll be on our way sounds simple enough steering wheel helps tonight if you want to turn in a hurry yeah see look at that turning nicely wait what is clockwise yeah okay we're getting close to being turned into the wind so i'm gonna get this rope ready okay let's do it yeah yeah start pulling that's the wrong rope guys oh shoot oh wrong route it's the dark blue one they're all the same color to me wrong blue wrong blue rope if you think we're just doing this to be dramatic for the video they're really not they're not that's anti-clockwise again this is not going as smoothly as we'd hoped squares back up to the window help can i get him on auto auto pilot yeah and just just in the gear because he's gonna take a walk i felt it take over the steering wheel the autopilot's holding us facing the wind are you ready yeah one down just a hair no now you have to go push it okay i see that hard piece it's on this side of the rope it needs to be on that far side of the rope maybe go on the other side and pull it just put hard through the rope pull it towards you really hard pull pull yeah okay okay all right and start pulling one two three all right now we're letting out the head sail so i'm gonna be down here nate's gonna go up there and pull on the green rope which is slowly gonna unravel that sail that's it give him some that's it stop on both okay stop and then off and off yeah beautiful oh my god we did it we're doing it whoa we're doing it the engines are off and we're officially sailing [Applause] [Music] ah we're sailing we're going in a good direction right now everything is working the way it should and i feel like i finally have a minute to just sit here and take a deep breath and enjoy sailing i was really stressed until just now but i'm feeling good up but now there's a boat you see this little boat all right little boat what's he doing all right so these guys have done pretty well so far there's islands around there's reef there's other boats nate was actually so worried about a boat that was like 0.5 of a nautical mile away and we're like don't worry you'll be fine you'll be fine to be good at this you literally have to be thinking about 10 things at once you have to be thinking about which way the boat's pointing which way the wind's blowing you have to be thinking about the motors which ropes to pull on to get the right cells to go up you have to know which cells to put up any time we try something for the first time i always have so much more appreciation for the people who are really good at it and the owners of this boat are very good at it and they do it all while raising two kids on board pretty incredible ellie's massaging some kale for lunch we're going to have wraps something easy because it's been such a big day riley's massaging darling's belly and uh these guys have done really well so far they've navigated through their tiny channel they've jived the boat which means the wind going from one side of the boat to the other from behind so the sails all flipped to the other side yeah yeah yep very nice they did a good job there and now i guess we're coming up to our anchorage where they're going to drop the sails and anchor which will bring that in i want you to bring it to about here just wrap it around in a knot and tie lots of knots if you don't know how to tie a knife tail light one two three that's good now do half hitches on this rope here i want to see the grimace tighter more of them all right tack time attacking hold on everyone tax success so we just tacked there which basically means the wind was blowing the cells in this direction and we had to change which direction the wind was blowing into the cells so we're pretty much doing zigzags to get to the point where we're gonna anchor now okay so we're about to drop the cells and then we'll motor the rest away into the anchorage kicks that nine nine okay here we go keep going keep going keep going here we go all right taking down the head sail turn around and face his downwind okay i can't remember how to do this all right we're facing downwind keepers pointing in that direction and then you're going to loosen off on this and cara is going to pull in all that black rope here yeah hurry this way yeah pull it yeah keep going keep going keep going beautiful are away for the most part that was hard good work just in time you too sailing is stressful enough and then add filming to the mix and it's more than any one person can handle there are so many things to be considered when you're sailing just when we thought our work was over now it's like okay where do we anchor are there gonna be mosquitoes where is the wind where are the sandy patches how deep is it it's just so much and they make it look so easy it's insane how much they have going on in their heads and they don't even show it i don't say everything that's going on in my head i have a new captain he's getting a little impatient with this came over to speed things up when is lunch time [Music] [Music] we're anchored now we get to reward ourselves with food are you excited about lunch darwin noodles i need this food we have eaten so well here on the vagabond probably the healthiest we've eaten in weeks all thanks to ellie full-time nanny slash chef for lunch today we're having veggie wraps which include massaged kale with some tofu and some beans sun-dried tomatoes it's fabulous according to the west the next things we need to do are pack away the cells turn off the electronics and dive on the anchor to check that it's dug i'll do it you're gonna dive on the anchor yeah do you know what it means for it to be dug no i just want to get in this water stingray sharks are beautiful to swim with are you serious oh my gosh what kind is it it's a little bite it looks like a baby right before i jump in to check the anchor there's a shark it looks huge [Music] looks pretty done to me [Music] i'm glad to know i'm not the only one that's exhausted after our day of sailing there is just so much to think about my brain feels completely fried because even though it might not have looked like it we were trying our best to be in full control of the boat so i was thinking about a million different things plus filming and a nap does sound really good right now we should have a boat wide nap time i would do that [Music] [Music] yo good morning we didn't quite get through the list yesterday we still have to catch a fish cook dinner learned to tie a bow line drive the dinghy and still haven't taken that shower that they added to the list let me quickly sum up the rest of our day first riley gave me a free diving lesson and i learned to hold my breath for three minutes which was pretty incredible then we checked out a wrecked barge with tons of fish but it was inside a national park so we weren't allowed to shoot any of them so we drove out into the open ocean in about 20 feet of water and for the next couple of hours riley was very patient with me i'll try my best to catch us dinner i did not shoot this fish and since i could not provide food for the crew we decided to take everybody out for a nice dinner this is probably better anyways definitely a bigger portion size captain cara driving us home you want me to back us out of here i want you to not fall in first so what i want you to do is if you're pulling with your right hand ready yep [Music] oh my god right sorry everyone is that my fault yeah and what you're trying to do is not get the prop dart great all right okay now forwards see the green and the red flashes go in between them should we get in some speed enough we may not make it back to the boat i think we're good now okay earlier today elena taught us how to tie a bow line the short end is the bunny route the long end is going to be the butter hole bunny rabbit goes down the hole around the tree which is the long part and back up the hole simple enough if i remember how to do this correctly the dinghy won't float away tonight okay there's the rabbit hole rabbit goes through the hole around the tree back up through the hole there we go our list is finally complete on our last night on board la vagabonde we took our first shower we must have been pretty stinky for riley and elena to ride this are we real sailors now
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 1,662,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pronamel, Pronamel partner, pronamel toothpaste, sensodyne pronamel, pronamel repair, pronamel repair whitening, travel, sailing, kara and nate, travel couple, travel vlog, boat life, bahamas, sailing the bahamas, full time travel, couple vlog, travel family, catamaran sailing, catamaran build, catamaran living, catamaran tour, sail boat tour, full time sailing, tiny home, floating tiny home, learning to sail, sailboat, sailboat tour, sailboat life, sailing la vagabonde
Id: uIY4PSilhb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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