24 Hours in USA's Most Haunted Hotel | THE STANLEY HOTEL

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if there's anyone in this room blow out this candle [Music] [Music] hi everyone my name is Trent and I live and travel out of my van all across North America and along my travels I often stumble upon creepy abandoned or even haunted places and today I am at the historic and supposedly severely haunted Stanley Hotel this is a place where many years ago Stephen King one of the most renowned horror authors out there stayed at and had such a nightmarish experience here that it inspired him to write The Shining which is one of his best-selling horror novels and on top of that there are so many stories about ghostly apparitions appearing in the hallways and spooky stuff just happening all around this hotel and we're gonna dive into that tonight when I stay at the Stanley Hotel in one of their most haunted rooms all by myself [Music] [Music] hello how are we doing great I am here to check in there's any credit cards right away all right cool man this place is awesome [Music] gotta ask I mean experience anything crazy all right nope I think that's it all right thank you [Music] foreign [Music] wow this is both beautiful and spooky I cannot believe I am here right now this is a place that I have been wanting to go to for a very very long time specifically this room right here which is called the cowboy attic and if any of you guys out there follow Paranormal Investigator YouTubers you would know that Sam and Colby one of the biggest paranormal Duos on YouTube have come and stayed In This Very Room twice and those are some of their most watched videos because of the crazy things that have happened in here thank you that door just moved [Music] this door is moving hold on let me grab this camera [Music] right off the bat this door is moving [Music] and there's nothing in here [Music] but that window is open this window is open which could be causing some sort of vacuum inside of this room making that door over there move a little bit I'm willing to bet that that is the case because I can see the door moving right now see if we close this window if it stops yeah it stopped debunked [Music] The View out this window is spectacular I can see my van down there I've got a good view of the maze out front and then over this way is a bunch of snowy mountains I was also looking at the forecast before coming up here and there's actually supposed to be a very severe storm coming in tonight and through tomorrow which I'm kind of excited for I just think that would really elevate my experience here in the Stanley we just up the spooky Vibes you know I can see it rolling in past those Snowy Mountains now it really follows through because that would be really fun [Music] okay we've got a few hours before the sun sets here so I figured I'd take the time and set the tone for the rest of the night by telling you guys a brief history of this place and tell you guys a few paranormal stories that a few guests have experienced while staying here at the Stanley a man by the name of Freeland o Stanley who's known for creating a steam-powered car known as the Stanley steem engine came to Estes Park Colorado with his wife Flora in hopes that high elevation and fresh air that the Rocky Mountains offer would help clear freelance tuberculosis which apparently it did after just one summer of being here which I think is pretty cool and shortly after coming here Freeland and Flora fell in love with this area so much that they decided to call it home and eventually start the construction of the Stanley Hotel when the hotel finally opened in 1909 it was a pretty big deal because even though this place was surrounded by Lush forests and snowy mountains somehow this place was equipped with electricity telephones modern bathrooms and even a made in cooking staff so this place attracted a lot of notable and rich people over the years including a man by the name of Stephen King which is something I mentioned at the beginning of this video but essentially Stephen King and his wife stayed here in the fall of 1974. it was the brink of winter and there was a brutal snowstorm when Stanley and his wife arrived here and the hotel was getting ready to close for the season because this place didn't have heat at the time so when Stephen and his wife arrived at the hotel they were told that if you were to stay here just know that you guys are the only ones staying in the hotel but they needed a place to stay for the night so they stayed here anyway and after walking up to the second floor to their room and wandering these eerily lonely empty hallways to room 217. they laid down to rest for the night and that night Stephen King had a nightmare about a fire hose chasing his son down these empty hallways of the Stanley Hotel he jolted awake in a sweat after this nightmare and sat at the end of the bed and had a cigarette while he collected himself and this is where the entire storyline of The Shining was created apparently that room is haunted by a woman named Elizabeth Wilson she was a maid that worked here way back in the day and one day when she was in Room 217 cleaning up the place there was a gas leak and it exploded and nearly killed Elizabeth however she ended up surviving and she lived a pretty long life and continued to work here at the Stanley for years however a lot of people say that the entire fourth floor of the Stanley is haunted by children they often hear children running up and down the Halls which is really freaking creepy to me and I am actually staying on the fourth floor in room 428 which is the cowboy attic and in this room in particular is where they hear furniture moving on its own they hear Footsteps in the middle of the night and some have even seen a ghostly Cowboy manifesting at the end of their bed which would be absolutely terrifying to experience and there are a ton of other ghost stories from real people that have experienced things while staying here in the Stanley Hotel and we'll get more into that later on in the video but as the sun begins to set I'm going to start getting ready for my own paranormal investigation I really hope we capture something of our own tonight but I don't know we'll see all right it is officially night time and before I do my investigation in this room which will kind of be the finale I want to go explore the rest of the hotel walk down the hallways go to the Stephen King Suite there's a few other buildings that I want to go walk to as well and I want to save this room for Witching Hour which is 3 A.M and it's about 10 30 right now so we've got quite a bit of time so yeah let's go do some exploring no I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but this actually isn't where they shock The Shining it's just where Stephen King got the inspiration for the book The Shining and they actually shot The Shining at a hotel over in Oregon um but this place still holds a very spooky vibe to it but it's also at the same time really beautiful like these hallways are so elegantly designed but also at the same time they're kind of spooky and maybe it's because of the lack of people in the hallways I don't know it just has like an eerie vibe to it and it's awfully quiet [Music] now this hotel offers ghost tours which I feel like is pretty standard for a haunted hotel you know but the craziest thing that they do here is they have seances in this room every Wednesday which is freaking crazy to me so if there's not anything haunted here now I mean they're probably summoning something every Wednesday wow this looks crazy they've got a Ouija board a doll spooky freaking pictures that's freaking wild that is wild here it is 217. the Stephen King Suite this is the room where Stephen King stayed in many years ago and had his nightmare that inspired The Shining now unfortunately this room you have to book months in advance so I wasn't able to stay in it but honestly I'm not too upset about that because based off the stories that I've read it doesn't really seem like that room is very haunted I mean there was a Lady Elizabeth Wilson who was a maid here many years ago and there was a gas leak that exploded and she got really injured but she survived and ended up working in the hotel for many years after that until one day she went home and died in her sleep and some people say that she came back to this hotel and now haunts that room and is maybe why Stephen King had his nightmare but for me I I don't know something about that just doesn't add up but outside of that to my knowledge that room's really not all that haunted but it's still cool nonetheless that Stephen King was right in that room [Music] so I decided to come back to the hotel room because I don't know once you've seen one hallway of this hotel you've kind of seen them all so I wanted to go outside and walk around a bit show you the other buildings a bit but it started raining and on top of that there are just so many places in this hotel that I'm not allowed to film at so I'm kind of restricted to filming in my hotel room and in the hallways and that's about it but the night is young I'm not giving up yet and as a matter of fact I'm going to spice things up a little bit since it's raining and thundering outside I wanted to elevate the atmosphere a little bit I brought a candle inside I feel like turning off the lights and lighting a candle in a haunted room automatically just kind of makes it more creepy so let's do it okay that certainly made a big big difference it is a lot creepier in this room now and with it thundering and storming outside honestly this is a vibe you know last night I arrived here early because I wanted to film a bunch of b-roll shots of the hotel outside just so I didn't have to do that today when I'm experiencing the hotel and while I was doing that I met one of the tour guides that does the ghost tours here at the Stanley and she was able to show me around some of the parts of the hotel that the public doesn't necessarily have access to and that was really cool however I wasn't allowed to film in most of these places which is really unfortunate however she did take me into the concert hall building which is supposedly one of the more haunted buildings in the Stanley Hotel essentially the concert hall was built by Freeland Stanley because Flora his wife always wanted to be a performer so he built this building for her to perform at and now people claim to have seen Flora's Spirit walk across the stage in a white dress which is pretty creepy the the first floor of the concert hall wasn't really all that spooky to me but when we got down into the basement is when it started getting a little eerie um it's it's it's a dark basement and there's this story that the tour guide was telling me that kind of piqued my interest a little bit it was about this girl back in the day this Homeless girl that apparently snuck into the Concert Hall basement and was living down there for the very for a very long time and every night when security would come in and start locking up the concert hall this girl would hide behind this door which was an access way to the underground tunnel system that the Stanley has up under it and she would hide in there until the security left and then she would come out and live in the basement throughout the night however one day the security ended up finding her living down in the basement and they kicked her out and at the time it was winter time and in the winter here in Estes Park it gets really really cold and really snowy so she ended up freezing to death and dying and supposedly she haunts the basement of the concert hall and even the Stanley Hotel and the most intriguing part about it all for me is the fact that they claim that she really likes dum-dum lollipops so much that if you put a dum-dum lollipop in the palm of your hand standing up like this she'll play with it and when I was down in the basement with that tour guide she was showing me this and she put the dum-dum in the palm of her hand and it was going back and forth which I thought was really strange but every time I turned the camera on it would stop moving which I thought was really really weird now after analyzing this a little bit I I just assumed that you know if you put the Dum Dum in the palm of your hand there's a lot of blood vessels in your hand and when your heart beats it's naturally going to make this dum-dum move a little bit but the way that it was moving for her looked so unnatural it really was it literally was going like this and this but for me it's like these small micro movements you see that so I don't know I can't I can't really explain it but hello I thought I just heard something over there that was weird it almost sounded like tapping on that wall is there anyone in this room or is it just me if there's anyone in this room blow out this candle make something move foreign within this wall but to be honest I feel like that could have been someone shutting their door below me and it just carrying up the pillars of the hotel because these doors shut really really hard but apparently that story comes from a lady that used to work here at the Stanley Hotel as a ghost tour guide and apparently she was sitting down in the basement with a Spirit box for a couple of hours trying to communicate with the ghost and she kept hearing the name Lucy so she was like oh I must be talking to a girl and throughout talking to these Spirits through the Spirit Box she gathered that there was a homeless girl that lived down here and then she was kicked out and froze to death in the winter snow however there is zero documentation that ever happened here and that is one of the biggest ghost stories here at the Stanley now I don't know how factual that is that's just what I've been told but I do think it's very interesting to me and then on top of that we were in the basement of the concert hall and there's this really old mirror down there very out of place it's kind of just placed there it doesn't look like it belongs apparently the owner just bought an antique mirror and put it there but supposedly if you sit in front of the mirror and take photos you'll capture ghosts behind you and there have been several people that have caught weird objects in the background she showed me a few pictures they did look really weird and I took a few photos myself but I didn't capture anything but again that's just one of those things that are a part of this hotel that there's no reason why it's on it it's just a creepy looking mirror that sometimes people capture ghosts in front of there's no story behind it no one died in front of this mirror you know what I'm saying like it just just like those stories on top of the Elizabeth story in Room 217 and the fact that Stephen King never actually saw anything here he just had a bad dream it's just all so strange to me that this place is considered one of the most haunted hotels in America yet all of these ghost stories don't really add up I'm not usually a huge skeptic when it comes to this stuff because I love being scared I love you know the Paranormal I mean as you guys know it's it's fun to be scared for me but I feel like so many aspects of this hotel can be severely debunked like another aspect of this room is the fact that people hear furniture moving around they hear footsteps a lot and like I've been hearing that all day but it's certainly like the building settling like this this building is so old like I hear creaks and cracks all the time and I hear people walking down the hall constantly I I'm not trying to come here and say this place isn't haunted because I really don't know I'm not an expert Ghost Hunter I don't have all the Paranormal tools I don't have a Spirit Box EMF reader or anything I just kind of put myself in these positions to feel scared because feeling scared for me is fun it's entertainment foreign I don't know I'm not quite sure what this video is maybe I'm not the ghost hunter that I thought I was either way this is a pretty cool experience [Music] staying in a historic haunted hotel during a thunderstorm and I candle it dark room with a delicious dum-dum dude free life is good it doesn't really get much better than this [Music] that's for sure [Music] okay folks I am going to start getting ready for bed now it's getting late I'm getting tired and [Music] not much is happening here in the Stanley Tonight but even though I'm not experiencing a bunch of Paranormal Activity I really am still having a good time here The Vibes are Immaculate right now but I'm gonna get some sleep I will catch you guys in the morning oh [Music] well good morning everyone I am packing up to get ready to leave the Stanley Hotel after probably one of the best sleeps I have ever had in my entire life that bed is actually incredibly comfortable and unfortunately I didn't wake up in the middle of the night to any spooky ghosts I didn't hear anything I didn't see anything I kind of just slept through the night which I honestly haven't done in a long time and it felt really refreshing but to be completely honest you know even though I'm disappointed that I didn't really feel scared while being here at the Stanley I did really enjoy my time here this is such a wonderful beautiful hotel with a lot of history and it's an honor to stay here especially in this room a lot of content creators have come and stayed in this room specifically and honestly I think they should rename this room to like the content Creator Suite because it seems like every content creator that comes to the Stanley stays in this room and it's kind of cool to see this room on YouTube and then be here myself so overall this has been a really really cool experience this video didn't turn out the way that I wanted it to but I had fun and that's all that matters and hopefully you guys enjoyed this video too and if you did make sure to like this video it helps me out tremendously how helps my channel grow and Thrive here on YouTube and on top of that if you want to continue supporting me I have a merch store and here's one of my mini shirt designs van life Gamers what's up and if you want to continue to support me even further I have a patreon where you can subscribe to me and get access to so many videos that you will not find here on YouTube but with that being said thank you guys for watching I will see you all next time peace [Music] [Music]
Views: 403,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, vanlife travel, van dweller, van life, ttthefineprinttt, living in a van, vanlife vlogger, Solo Vanlife, living in a van alone, solo male vanlifer, van living, ghost adventures, vanlife ghost hunters, ghost hunting, creepy, sam and colby, exploring with josh, abandoned, ghosts, creepy videos, mr ballen, urbex, exploring, are ghosts real, paranormal, horror stories, the stanley, the shining, ghost hunters, demon, paranormal activity, haunted hotel, alone, haunting
Id: Cjc8TOu5H_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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