Finding The Best Doughnuts In Los Angeles | Food Tours | Insider Food

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This is Dad's Donuts in Burbank. This is a Cambodian-owned family shop. Classic LA doughnut shop. Obviously a lot of the places we're going to today have classics. I wanted to take you here because this is the classic look, the classic setup. Harry: I'm excited about today, man. I love doughnuts. Are there going to be a few doughnuts that we get at each spot today to kind of compare? Joe: Definitely going to have the glaze, the sprinkle, the long johns. Dude, when I was a kid, I loved long johns. I don't know why. Long johns are my favorite. Harry: Long johns. Joe: Yeah, the long johns. Harry: Interesting. Joe: The long ones. Do you call them long johns there? No. In the UK, long johns are like thermal trousers. Thermal pants. No, we call those, yeah, we also call it that too. Same thing. OK. Yeah, two names. When I go in there, I'll make sure. Maybe that's just something that I started calling them for some reason. It's unique to Joe Avella. Yeah. One thing I'm really looking forward to is having doughnut-shop coffee. OK. I feel like the diner coffee that we had slightly underwhelmed me. Doughnut-shop coffee? Joe: No, no, no, no, no. Doughnut-shop coffee's where it's at. Is that where it's at? OK. All right, man. I think we should get some doughnuts and some coffee. OK, let's do it. I'm losing my mind. This is going to be so much fun. Harry: I'm psyched, yeah. OK, here we go. Ba-ba booyah! Oh, yeah. By the way, they call these chocolate bars. Harry: Not long johns. Joe: Yeah, but she said that some people do call them long johns. Let's get a glazed here, man. Start with the glazed. Straight in with the classics. Diving right in. Joe: Look at this thing. Look at this thing. Right? Look how pillowy and thick this is. By the way, six doughnuts, two coffees, $13. That's really not bad. Joe: That's a pretty good, that's a nice price. Yeah, that is. That really is. Just before we bite into it, I want to say, like, usually in the UK, you don't get a ton of glazed doughnuts. Why not? Generally just go for more granulated sugar on top. Glazed doughnuts for me are more associated with Krispy Kreme or a fast-food doughnut, for example. Yeah. Wait a second. So Krispy Kreme was the first time glazed doughnuts were really introduced to the UK? Yeah, maybe not. I don't know if it's the exact first, but they definitely popularized it. You guys must have lost your minds. You must have been like, "What is this? This is brilliant." Glazed doughnut's so good. I mean, it's the classic. It's the standard for a reason. So good. Doughnut time? Yeah, let's do it. Mm. Yep. I'm in trouble today, man. Joe: Slow down. Oh, goodness. Harry: Mm-hmm. It looks like a big doughnut. Second it hits your mouth, mm. What? Did you want to chew in there? No. No, I gotta talk. The glaze can be very sweet. Very delicious, but very sweet. Harry: Sure. Joe: It isn't too glazed, right? Harry: No. Joe: The pairing of the glaze and the dough, absolutely fantastic. Works so well together. I mean, you're biting into a sweet cloud. It's so delicious. If I was commuting to some soul-sucking job, I probably would get doughnuts and coffee on the way there. Just a little treat, you know? Joe: Just something to, like, OK. Just like, whew, all right, I need a moment to myself before I go into battle. And also, let's not forget we got other doughnuts here, including my boy the long john. Now, this one, not glazed but covered in chocolate frosting. Harry: Sure. Effectively just glazed. What's the difference between frosted and glazed? Frosted is frosting and glazed is with a glaze. OK. Joe: How do you like that? How do you like that insight? Harry: I got it. Is there chocolate inside here? Joe: Nope. Right? Harry: Whatever they're doing with the dough, so good. So light, deceptively light. That's what I love about places like this. You look at it, you're like, yeah, doughnuts, I got it. Who hasn't had a doughnut? But then you have these, and you're like, wait a second. What's going on here? And in there, classic setup. Doesn't look like they're doing anything fancy or special. I think it's just, they're leaning in and have leaned in to quality ingredients, great taste. I feel like with the glazed ones, the amount of sugar on there, I would be really productive for, like, an hour and then just, pff, out cold. But that's why you got the coffee. Joe: What do you think? Harry: Yeah, good coffee. Joe: What I've noticed about doughnut-shop coffee is there's some sort of quality, and everyone who's had it knows what I'm talking about. It's always really good. But you see they do it, they have, like, the big bags, and you're looking at it, you're like, what's that brand? It's some unknown brand that they're buying in bulk. Right? They're cooking, they're burning it. It's going 24/7. Just cooking the coffee. It's like that perpetual stew. You see when they made that? That's right. That's perfect. That's exactly what I'm trying to say. This coffee, it's perpetual coffee. It's got the flavor of this coffee, and also the 40 coffees that came before it. That's so right. Perpetual stew. Perfect! Thank you! Yeah. And I gotta say, it's great. Can I try something? Is this sacrilegious? Joe: No, do it. Do it. Harry: This is encouraged? This is some "Twin Peaks" stuff you're doing right here, buddy. Get in there. Harry: Oh, yeah. Joe: Right? It's not a bad idea. Harry: I just feel like — And then if you like sweet coffee, your coffee is sweetened with the glaze. Harry: Mm-hmm. Mm. That's kind of the move. Welcome to America, baby. Right? I see one more doughnut in here. The pink sprinkled. The Homer Simpson. Now, this one might be a cakier one than you're used to. You see? Harry: Yeah. The dough looks very different in this one. Joe: Now, you know what an old-fashioned is, right? An old-fashioned doughnut? Harry: The cocktail, yes. Not the doughnut. Man. I'm realizing doughnuts are named after other things. Long johns, old-fashioneds. An old-fashioned is a doughnut that is a cakier doughnut. Harry: Right, OK. Joe: Yeah. Definitely a dipping doughnut. Not for the first bite, but this is definitely a dipping doughnut. Harry: OK. Joe: Want to do a bite? Harry: Yes, sir. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The flavor of the icing, really good. Joe: Yeah, really good. Strawberry? Harry: The texture. I think it's some kind of fruit or berry. Joe: Some berry. Harry: Mystery. Panberry. A panberry flavor. Maybe our boy Rudolph Boysen back again. Go for a little dip. We're really building a world across these episodes. Harry: One thing I'll point out, I'd say most of the doughnuts that you find in the UK, particularly these kind of sugared doughnuts, will tend to be the yeasted, bready dough, but they tend to be quite chewy, which personally I quite like, actually, as a texture. Really? You prefer your doughnut to be more like a war ration. Pretty much, yeah. I just want something with some chew in it. Just give me a big ball of a rubber. Well, I mean, I understand. As someone who doesn't have doughnuts this light, what do you think? How does it land with you? I like it. I think it's not really a case of, one's better than the other. I think for me it's just a slightly different style. I also think when they're this light and fluffy, easy to eat more of them. I could put this whole box away pretty easily. Whereas in the UK, if I had six doughnuts, I'd be like, oh, my God. Yeah, that's true. That's more like having six bagels. Yeah. There is a small chance my opinion will be changed during this, but either way I'll still be able to appreciate these, I'm sure. All right, man. I'm glad to hear it. I could sit here all day and do a nice doughnut session here, but we have more LA doughnuts to try. Want to head out to the next spot? I very much do. Let's go. Joe: Let's do it. Oh, man. All right. I'm already having a sugar high and a crash and a caffeine buzz all at the same time. This is definitely the quintessential American experience for you. Right? It's, like, 9:30 a.m. We're all jacked up on sugar and caffeine. All the food drugs just coursing through your system at once! USA, baby. Joe: All right. Next stop. We're at Donut Man in Glendora, California. This place, fantastic doughnuts, but I want you to specifically try their strawberry doughnuts. They're absolutely incredible. They are bursting with giant pieces of delicious fresh strawberries. So good. You have to have it. That sounds good. Fruit and doughnut, particularly fresh fruit and doughnut, not something I've had a lot of in the past. I'm excited to try these. All right, let's go. Let's go. So, can I have two of the strawberry doughnuts, two glazed, and one of the chocolate long ones. Is that called a long john? Server: It's a chocolate bar, but everyone calls them long johns. Thank you. Yeah. One long john. [car alarm beeping] Harry: Helpful. Joe: OK, thanks. Thank you. Yeah, let's go this way. Whew! So, they don't have any tables and chairs here, so I thought we would complete the full American experience by eating in the car. In the car. Perfect. My girlfriend always makes fun of me for waiting for my food and drinks to cool down before I eat them. Joe: Well, don't let it cool. What do you think of this temperature right here? What the hell is wrong with you? What are you doing? That's far too hot. No, it's perfect. Harry: I want to be able to taste these doughnuts. I need some taste buds left. Ah. Oh, my God. Joe: I could bathe in this coffee. You're insane. Teflon mouth. OK, let's take a look at some doughnuts. Harry: This box looks wild. Joe: Yeah. Beautiful, right? Harry: We're going to get onto them in a second, but those strawberry doughnuts are very exciting to me. Joe: Yeah. You can see why they're so famous. Now, this is glazed. Looks nice though. Looks like a good bite. Harry: Yeah. Not the thickest one, which is fine. I think sometimes actually if they've gone too thick, they can have overproofed a little bit in the baking stage, and you can end up with almost too fluffy and not enough texture to it. Also not too heavy on the glaze, right? Joe: Good observation. I'll get a half of that. OK. Definitely doughier on the inside. Maybe closer to what you like. Harry: Yeah, almost. We'll give it a try and find out. Joe: Mm-hmm. Mm. That's good. I think it definitely does have a bit more chew to it. Joe: Uh-huh. Harry: Do you get that? I do. Not as pillowy. More of a bite to it. I don't know if I would consider it cakier, but has a thickness to it that I like. Lets you know it's there. So, something that I don't think you've ever had would be these strawberry doughnuts. Harry: No, sir. I mean, look at that. Joe: This is technically a doughnut, but look at this. It's like a strawberry sandwich. Harry: Mm-hmm. This thing is ridiculous. There's, like, a whole punnet of strawberries on here. Joe: A what? Harry: Punnet. Is that, like, a unit of strawberry? Like a bushel? No, it's just a container. Oh, OK. We're all learning. So if you're watching at home, this is a punnet version for those in the UK. Ee! Harry: Oh, no. Joe: Oh, crap. Harry: Straight on the jeans. Yeah. Literally bursting with strawberries. Harry: Yeah. There are lots of strawberries on here. All the kind of jam and stuff that comes with it as well. Joe: Look, there's a lot in the box, too. That strawberry syrup. Joe: I'm going to just try one right now. I'm going to get this one because it's going to fall off otherwise. Oh, wow. Mm. That's so good. It's a good strawberry on its own. Try and get some with the doughnut somehow. Mm! Wow. Holy moly. That's really good. Wow. I feel like doughnuts, ideally, are a convenience food you can kind of eat one-handed with a coffee. This one I think you need to be sat down. Maybe even a knife and fork. Joe: Yeah, this one's more of an event, but wow. This is so fantastic. If you get a bite with everything in there? Wow. So I think for me, they need the doughnuts here to be on the chewier side because a lot of the doughnuts on the menu are full of stuff like this. Joe: Absolutely. Harry: Like jam, fruits. The thickness of the dough here also has almost a support doughnut buttress use to make this thing, so — I can barely talk, this is so good — to make this thing possible. I mean, wow. This is really good, though. This is so fantastic. Is this still a breakfast food? I mean, how do you even come up with the idea for a strawberry doughnut with that much strawberry in it? Joe: Well, from what I hear, the owner actually had a friend who owned a strawberry patch, and one year the guy had more strawberries than he knew what to do with, so designed the strawberry doughnut just to help him out. And then over the years it's become their most popular item. Harry: Love that. Kind of by accident ends up becoming iconic, and, yeah, you can see why when it's that good. Joe: It's fantastic. Now, one of the secrets they say to making these doughnuts is they use potato flour and a soybean shortening. I don't know what they're taking out or what you normally use, but I think that probably is why it has that, a little thicker consistency but not too thick. Right? Harry: Yeah. It's got a starchiness to it. Yeah, yeah. Speaking of fruit, another fresh fruit they have here is an apple doughnut. The apple slice is a little more manageable than the size of these strawberries. Harry: A little bit. Joe: But I got this one too because from a distance it looks like it's filled with beans. And I know you like your beans. Harry: You wanted just to make me feel at home? I appreciate that. Joe: Mm. Harry: Oh, yeah. Joe: Also fantastic. Harry: Mm-hmm. That filling is so good. With the cinnamon in there, the apple. The fruit that they're doing here, man. The fruit, it's so fresh and flavorful. You know, people I think would forgive a lesser-quality fruit in their doughnut because they're kind of coming for the sweetness. Right? But Donut Man's like, "Uh-uh. Nah, forget that, you're also getting the fresh fruit too." Which I really like. It's that attention to detail, I think, is why this place stands out. You can taste the difference. It's still got that crunch to it, that fresh-apple crunch. The textures are good. The flavor's great. So fantastic. Yeah. These fruity ones, man, delicious. Look what I got. Huh? Another long john, and it is a long, long john, but they're calling them chocolate bars. Sure. So still no one has fully confirmed that it is a long john. This one I think he said is a tiger tail. Joe: That's what he said, yeah. Which is enormous. Joe: Oh, cool, look at that. Got a little twist to it. It's got tiger stripes to it. Yeah. OK. Go. Harry: Mm. Joe: Switch. Harry: There's chocolate inside there. It's like a babka doughnut. Oh, yeah? All right. Harry: It's really good. Oh, yeah. Wow. Is this unique to this place? This is really good. He said it was one of their signatures. One that they're known for. So, how do you like eating in a car? I mean, it wouldn't be my first choice. Well, this is considered the boot. The boot of a car. Yeah. Your car boot. Just eating gigantic doughnuts in the boot of a car in a parking lot somewhere on the side of a really busy road. Sipping my scalding-hot coffee. All right. This is fantastic, but a couple more spots I want to take you to. So you want to head out to eat some more doughnuts? Absolutely. All right. More doughnuts, let's go! The next spot I'm taking to you is The Donut Hole. This place is great because it's a drive-through and feels like you're driving through a giant doughnut. Harry: Amazing. Joe: Yeah. Not a lot of scones to drive through over there in the UK, is there? Not enough holes in scones to get a car through, I'll tell you that much. I can't wait to see what this is going to be like. Joe: Yeah, this place is great. Yeah. This I think is a pretty American thing, to the restaurant be shaped like the thing it sells. Harry: Yeah. Joe: Right? Hi, how are you? Great. Can I do two glazed doughnuts? Can I get two of the chocolate sprinkles? And let's also do two of the maple long johns. Thank you. Harry: Man. This is a good-looking box of doughnuts, Joe. Joe: Yeah, man. I took you here to The Donut Hole. Parked right in front of the titular hole. What are you laughing at? Just the word "hole." Joe: It's a doughnut hole! Can't take this guy anywhere. Drive-through, cash only, give me the doughnuts and go. Fantastic spot. Famous for its structure and doughnuts. Grab yourself a glazed. Harry: Start with glazed. Yep. Joe: Look at this guy. This is a pillowy doughnut. Harry: You know it's pillowy when you pick it up and just from the act of picking it up, your fingers kind of squish it. Joe: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Harry: It's, like, feather-light. Joe: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Harry: On the bulkier side of the glazed ones that we've had so far, I would say. Nice and fluffy. Makes me think it's going to be quite an airy bite when we bite into it. And also great glazing coverage as well. Joe: Coverage, yeah. Good glaze coverage. This doughnut's so pillowy, and I'm not going to, but I'm resisting the urge to completely just shove the whole thing in my mouth. I bet I could. I don't think I could chew it and swallow it, but I feel like I can compact this one. That's how pillowy this doughnut is. Now I feel like we should try that. Joe: We'll see. Harry: Now you've said it. We'll take a couple bites and we'll see. We'll have a doughnut-shoving-into-mouth contest in a minute here, but first, let's just do a regular bite. All right. Joe: Baseline comparison. Here we go. Mm. Harry: Mm. Yep. I'm actually getting more flavor from the dough, maybe, than some other places we've been to so far. Joe: Interesting. Harry: Getting vanilla-y notes from that one. I think sometimes I actually do just want a nice plain dough and let the toppings do the talking. But particularly with a glazed doughnut, where there's so few ingredients and no toppings on it other than the glaze, it's quite nice to have a little bit of additional flavor coming through from the dough. Now, I feel like the way that the hot-dog-eating guys do it, they dunk it in water and then shove it in their mouth. Think the coffee would make it? It might help. Yeah, it might help with the digestion. OK. Harry: Are you going for it? Joe: Yeah. Not hard to fit! Harry: Mm-hmm. Actually, despite my face during that, that was actually very satisfying. I'm really glad we did that. Harry: That was good. Joe: Yeah. I'm going to hit you with some doughnut facts slash history. Harry: Bring it on. Joe: You ready for doughnut history? Harry: So ready. Joe: All right. Who originally brought olykoeks, aka oily cakes, to America in the early 18th century? How are we spelling olykoeks, though? O-L-Y-K-O-E-K. Koek. That's either German or Dutch. Dutch. You got it! Yeah, yeah. The Dutch brought it over here. So, the recipe for "dough nuts" dates back to the 1750s, and it was actually more of a ball and not a ring doughnut. Sure. I guess like a nut shape, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, they say that the actual ring shape of the doughnut wasn't invented until around 1847. A specific year, which is strange. Harry: It really is. Joe: And they got that, I mean, how did they even record history back then? I don't know. History is recorded by the winners. So if there was any doughnut wars, this guy's like, yeah, I did it. 1847. Mark it. The only one in this village who can read or write, so I'm documenting it. So it's all, yeah, all up to you. Next up is the long john. Harry: I'm going to ask this at every spot, but did they call it a long john here or are you still the only person who says that? Well, I said long johns, she got them, but. Harry: OK, that's fine. This is a good long john. Mm. Great chocolate flavor from the icing. What is it that draws you to the long johns rather than regular doughnuts? I think because they're easier to eat. You just kind of go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It's like Bugs Bunny eating a carrot. Brrrrng. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly what it was like as a kid. And then last but not least, when I got these chocolate doughnuts, I wanted to get something cakier so we could get a different version of the type of doughnut here. So, this is a smaller doughnut. It's denser. I feel like this is still more doughnut than any of the two we've had before. Harry: Yeah, I think this would fill you up more than even a very long, long john. You're going straight in for the coffee? Gotta go for the dip. I'm going to get one bite dip-less. Joe: Gotta loosen it up. All right. Go for it. Mm. Yeah. This is the first time we've had a chocolate or a flavored dough today as well. Joe: Is it? Harry: Yeah. Oh. The others have just been all plain doughnuts, right? Joe: Yeah, good point. With the icing on top. But this one, the actual obviously dough is chocolate-flavored itself. I want you to notice that although it is a doughnut, by doughnut standards, the dough itself is not very sweet. Right? But it's topped with the frosting and the sprinkles, which adds to the sweetness. So they know that you're going to get a lot of sweet on top, so they don't go crazy with sweetness in the dough. Don't want to overload it. Which is crucial, actually, because I think if the dough itself were really sweet here, it would be too much. But right now it's actually kind of fine. Figured it out. They cracked the code over here at The Donut Hole. That's why "it's the quality." That's why it's shaped like one of these. Well, I don't want to sit in the boot any longer. I want to go get some more doughnuts. All right, let's get out this trunk. Let's go. Joe: Trunk. You're more American. Both: Primo's Donuts. Harry: Let's go. 6 a.m., they open. Jeez, man. Early morning. Breakfast food. Joe: You couldn't pay me to start working at 6 a.m. This is Primo's Donuts. We're kind of on the Westside of LA. I believe this town is Westdale. Fantastic place. Been here since 1956. Originally opened by Ralph Primo Sr. As the story goes, he was in the area looking to buy a house. After a day looking for houses, he stopped in here to get some doughnuts, and after a few minutes he came out to the car and surprised his wife with the news that he in fact bought this doughnut shop. And we are here because these have some of the best doughnuts in LA. Harry: OK. High praise. Also, if you bought a doughnut shop without asking your wife, how do you think that would go down? That'd be it for me. That's a wrap. That's it. She'd be like, "Have fun at your doughnut — you're sleeping there, pal." And peel off with the car and the pets. One thing you definitely gotta try here is the buttermilk bar. It was my favorite doughnut from a couple years ago. It's absolutely fantastic. And of course a glazed. Also going to do an apple fritter and the cinnamon twist. Harry: That's a lot of doughnuts, but they all sound very tasty. Joe: Oh, they're all fantastic. Harry: More fruit seasonings involved. Love to see it. Joe: First things first. Of course, the glazed, which we've been trying all day. First impressions looking at it. They look beautiful. Very picturesque doughnut. Pretty much 360-degree glaze coverage, which I like. Not seeing many bald spots there. Joe: Nice and warm too. They're fresh. Harry: Yeah. Smells good. Got a little bit of a weight to it, which I like. Harry: Bit hefty. Joe: Want to take a bite? Harry: I really do. Joe: OK. Cheers. Mm. There are few greater pleasures for me in life than biting into a still-warm doughnut. That right? Harry: There's a thing in the UK, getting doughnuts by the seaside. You get these little huts right along the beachfront that would just be making and selling fresh doughnuts throughout the day. Because the way they do it is that they're really small, so they fry really quickly, so they're almost made to order, and you get them and they're still really hot. And so it's kind of evoking those memories. Just reminds you of that? Harry: A nice, warm, fresh doughnut. That's so nice. With the sugar on there. That's all it needs. Doesn't need much more than that. That's really good. Texture-wise, how's this stacking up for you compared to some others? It has a nice thickness to it. It isn't as pillow as other ones we've had today, but I really like how it still is incredibly soft just biting into it, right? Just, whew. Because it looks thicker, it's a bit deceitful. You think it's going to be a thicker doughnut, but when you bite into it, oh, man, just melts in your mouth. Harry: It's an interesting mix, actually, because like I say, sometimes it'll be a bit chewier, sometimes a bit lighter. It's definitely got some chew to it, but you chew it once or twice and then it just kind of melts, which is really impressive. I don't know how they're achieving that texture, but that's a really fantastic glazed doughnut. Slow down there, man. We got other doughnuts to try. Anything else jumping out at you that we want to try next? I mean, you've been raving about this buttermilk bar. This is the one. This is the one. OK. You want to jump right into it? Harry: I think we should, man. Joe: Grab yours, buddy. Which one do you want? While they're still fresh. Oh. These are still just a little bit warm. Joe: Signature menu item right here. Harry: Talk me through what I can expect. Why did you like this so much last time? I don't, I can't describe, I mean, like, compared to other doughnuts, it just had a unique flavor that was fantastic. But with the glaze, you just gotta taste it for yourself. Harry: All right. Joe: Want to go for a bite? Harry: Very much so. Mm. Pairing that savoriness of the buttermilk doughnut with the glaze, it's so incredible. So, this is more of a kind of cakey style as well, right? Joe: Yeah. Harry: Chew your food. It has a heaviness to it that I really think, that I think is really good. I could just have one of these. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think it's fantastic. I don't think we've had any other doughnuts that taste like this one today. And to be honest, I don't really have doughnuts like this very often. That's why I think it really stands out as being so special. To me, it's pushing the boundaries of what a doughnut is. Go on. But in terms of the textures, in terms of the shape, just, I don't know, kind of unique compared to a lot of other things that I've had. I agree. It's incredibly unique, and it's really delicious. Very tasty. OK. Few more to try. Starting to hit a wall here. Let's do this. OK. Cinnamon. At one point these were shaped like a butterfly, but now it looks like they've morphed into more of a swirl. Harry: Right. Joe: But still. This looks somewhere between a cinnamon roll and a pain au chocolat, which is kind of an impressive shape. It's got the cinnamon inside, you said? I believe so, yes. Harry: Crumble stuff on top. OK. I agree, I'm also starting to get on the, on the more full side of things. So measuring my bites a little bit more. Joe: Oh, man. A lot fluffier. Harry: Mm. The amount of cinnamon sugar that's packed into that. Yeah. Harry: That's a lot. You do get a real cinnamon roll kind of vibe from that when you bite into it, especially with the icing. Joe: Yeah. It's like a Cinnabon that you don't have to eat with a knife and fork and then take a nap immediately after. Yeah, like how Cinnabon's dripping with their weird sauce that make them impossible to eat. This tastes just as good and is more of a manageable doughnut, or roll, to eat, whatever you want to call it. Yeah. Cinnamon is great. Correct. And I feel like as good as cinnamon doughnuts or pastries are, I usually don't get cinnamon. I usually go with chocolate, you know, something else. But whenever I have something cinnamon, I'm like, oh, yeah, cinnamon rules. Cinnamon's so good, man. Yes, dude. Cinnamon is so good! Harry: If there's one thing to take away from this video. Harry: Cinnamon. Joe: Cinnamon is awesome. Thumbs up from me. Oh, wow. We got one more. Harry: Yes. Joe: Apple, baby. Ah, this is warm as well. That just fell apart, man. Harry: That just, yeah. Oh, that's so soft. Still so warm and soft. Joe: Yeah. Oh, goodness. Harry: I was expecting this to be more of a cakey one, but again, it's more doughnut. It's more of that yeasted dough. Joe: It's just so light. It's so fluffy. And with the amazing glaze, it melts perfectly in your mouth. It's so delicious but isn't overly sweet. I want to point out, you'd think something that's covered in glaze is going to be too much. But it's not here. It's the perfect amount. Harry: I've actually been impressed by that throughout the course of today. I think particularly my perception of American food is that sometimes it can be a little bit in your face with the flavors, so I was expecting — Joe: No! Really? Harry: I know, right? Believe it or not. Yeah, I guess I could see that. I think I was expecting to be really hit. You know, sometimes you bite into something and your teeth hurt because there's so much sugar in it. Yeah, I do actually know what you mean. Yeah. You just feel it in your gums. You can feel your gums, like, receding. Like, my teeth are getting bigger! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. There's some places that do that, yeah. Sometimes. But honestly, the places that we've been to today, including this one, the glaze itself isn't actually absurdly sweet. No. Harry: It's actually quite balanced. And again, when you've got other sweet ingredients in there, you've got the apple in here, you've got some cinnamon in there, still not, somehow, still not overdoing it. Now, you had said something earlier that I think is funny. You'd said that the term "doughnut" is an insult? Yeah. I mean, it still means doughnut in the UK, but I've often heard "doughnut" used as an insult. Often combined with a word like "absolute." So like, "You absolute doughnut" or something would be, you know, "You're an idiot." I feel like that's the tone too. Because if you were over here and someone's like, "Ah, you absolute scone," It'd be like, I'm going to go ahead and assume that wasn't a compliment. Yeah. I don't think anyone's just being like, "Oh, you mean I'm nice and sweet?" Harry: "Oh, cool." Joe: No, no, no, no, no. Harry: "Stop it." "Go on. Fresh." Yeah, I like that. Yeah. So, this was absolutely fantastic. I would love nothing more than to stay here and finish these doughnuts and then roll ourselves back home, but I got one more place I want to take you to before we head out. We can do that. Let's go. So, what is your go-to I guess sweet breakfast in the morning? It's just not common in the UK to have that sweet a breakfast. Especially not doughnut-level sweet. Maybe a croissant, a pain au chocolat, or something like that is kind of in the acceptable sweet breakfast-pastry realm in the UK. So you guys aren't getting doughnuts in the morning? Harry: No, no. So Krispy Kreme is dead in the morning. Harry: Yes. Joe: Really? Pretty much, yeah. Weird. Harry: Is that peak time in the US? Yeah, I would think so. Yeah. All the doughnut chains. All the doughnut spots are just bumping in the morning. It's such a bizarre thing to say that you guys don't have it for breakfast. It's so ubiquitous here. If my mum had come home with a box of doughnuts for breakfast, I would've lost my mind when I was a child. I would've been losing it. We all did. It was the best. Yeah. Doughnuts are the best. And maybe doughnuts just don't go as well with tea. Maybe that's why they've never really taken off in the UK. Oh, yeah. Absolutely not. Doughnut and coffee versus doughnut and tea. I don't know, man. Yeah, but you guys would have scones instead, right? Even those aren't really a breakfast food. Afternoon tea, man. So bizarre. My man. More doughnuts, baby. Harry: There he is. Joe: Here it is. Harry: Saved you a seat. Thank you. Thanks. All right, last spot. Randy's. You know the iconic doughnut. You've seen it in film and TV. I really have. Yeah. Been here since 1952. 32 feet wide. In meters, what is that? Joe: 29? Harry: Just over 10. Oh. I refuse to ever get that right. You went way over. Yeah, that's pretty big, right? It's pretty big. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And also falls in line with our theory when the building is somehow shaped with the food that they're selling, you know it's going to be great. This place is like a destination. We've got people pulling up pretty much just to take a photo of it, and hopefully buying some doughnuts while they're here. But we're not here to talk about wild architecture. We're here to talk about doughnuts. Harry: Doughnuts. What do you have for me here, Joe? Joe: All right. Definitely got the standard glaze. Harry: Of course. Joe: I feel like you couldn't leave my country without having a doughnut with meat on it, so I got a bacon maple-glazed doughnut. And then some fun. This one has Fruity Pebbles on it. They have Fruity Pebbles in the UK? We do not. We do not have any cereals this color in the UK. Joe: Oh, no? They're a lot more dull because they're made without using these, like, petroleum-based dyes. Be prepared for your mind to be rewired by that. And bacon meets doughnuts. Going to be great. Oh, man. I don't think I've ever had a meat doughnut before. Are these common? We are undisputed! Broken-up bacon bits on top of a maple-glazed long john, and it's fantastic. Harry: All right, man. Joe: But first things we gotta do, we gotta try a glazed doughnut. Harry: Glazey boys. Joe: Now these two, I'm going to have this one. Why don't you grab that other one? Yeah, OK. Why did that one catch your eye there, Joe? I think it's more like the size inconsistency. Hold yours up next to mine. Harry: I've got a slightly wider one, I would say. Yeah, but the hole's the same size. Don't, don't say anything. All right? We're almost out of here. Come on, man. Joe: But yours is a lot wider than mine. It's — look at your face. Our producer, Charlie, went home sick, and now we're just like, "Dad's gone!" When the cat's away, the mice will play. All right. Anyway, let's try this doughnut. Harry: All right, man. Joe: Go. Oh, bruv. Harry: Mm-hmm. Joe: Mm! Harry: Mm. I like the glaze. Again, not in-your-face sweet. I actually think from this one I maybe get a slightly more oily taste than I have from some of the other ones. I feel like it's maybe just soaked up a little bit more of that oil in the cooking process. Joe: Now, speaking of savory, we have meat doughnuts. Especially a long john — oh, and it's warm! Harry: There is a lot of bacon on here. They've not skimped on the bacon. I don't think I hate the idea. I've had bacon pancakes before, and those are good. With the maple glaze I guess taking the place of a maple syrup that you might put on the pancakes. I'm intrigued. Should we try? Yeah, let's do it. I'm going to get an extra bacony bite. I'm going to go from this end. Joe: Mm. Harry: Mm. It really is like biting into a stack of bacon pancakes with maple syrup. That's fascinating. Yeah. Keeping it American, want you to definitely experience — Harry: So, what are these called, sorry? Fruity Pebbles? Yeah, Fruity Pebbles. So you don't know what Fruity Pebbles are? Never had Fruity Pebbles in my life. Judging from the looks and the color, I would be shocked if there was much actual fruit in here. I don't think so. Let's give it a go. All right. Let's go. I think Fruity Pebbles and chocolate is a weird mix. Somewhat controversially, this might actually be my favorite one of these three. Oh, wow! I don't love the Fruity Pebbles on their own, because there's not a lot of real fruit flavor going on there. To me, it just tastes like I'm eating, like, a cleaning wipe. OK. But I actually think with the chocolate icing, it kind of mellows that out. Joe: Oh, OK. Plus with obviously this lovely spongy doughnut, I don't know. Joe: Oh, wow. Harry: I think for me, this actually works quite well, somehow. Great. All right. So. Now is the time to make a decision. We went to five fantastic places today. All of them were delicious, but we gotta choose our favorites. Let's start at the top. Went to Dad's classic doughnut shop. Classic doughnuts. Great coffee. I think as far as the standards, the classics, they're doing it fantastically well. I loved their glazed doughnut. I thought it was just so pillowy and soft, and the other doughnuts, man, they were also fantastic. Yeah, I agree. I thought they did the basics very well there. Probably my favorite coffee that we had today. I'm not much of a coffee guy, so might not be the best person to comment on that, but I just thought that one went down really smooth. Dipping the doughnut in the coffee, sensational experience, can recommend. Nice. OK. After that, we went to The Donut Man. Big strawberry doughnuts. What they're known for. Those strawberries, oh, my goodness, were so delicious, so savory, and fresh. Everything there just, I think it was the syrup, or the sauce, whatever you want to call it, that was dripping with it. Absolutely fantastic. Such a great doughnut. Harry: They were doing things that I don't think anyone else today has done with a doughnut, in terms of, yeah, the fillings that they're using, the quality, the fresh ingredients. Really loved that. Strawberries were amazing. Messy. Not an eating-on-the-go doughnut, but a very tasty doughnut. Really loved the apple as well. And also the glazed. Still doing a great job. Then we took a quick trip through The Donut Hole. I mean, that was a fun experience, right? The only place that we truly drove through. Yeah. Literally a drive-through, which I appreciated. Cool visuals, but also some really good doughnuts. Yeah, we really liked those doughnuts. I think that the glazed was particularly nice there. Harry: Yes. I think that might have been the best glaze I had today, actually. If I just had to isolate the glaze. Gotcha. Donut Hole's your favorite. All right, all right. Then off to Primo's. One of my favorite spots. Absolutely love their unique buttermilk-glazed bar. Haven't had anything like that today, possibly any other doughnut I've ever had. But the other ones they did? Also absolutely fantastic. Love that place. Harry: Yeah, that buttermilk bar, like you say, unique, I think. No real other basis of comparison for that. Because it was kind of cakey but also had the elements of a glaze. That buttermilk was giving it that sour flavor that I really, really loved. And also the vibe in there. I like the family-run, old-school. It's good fun. Yeah. And lastly, Randy's Donuts. Iconic institution of a giant doughnut, but actually the doughnuts? Pretty incredible. Harry: Yeah. We had to come here. Just driving down the road and seeing this enormous doughnut, it draws people in, though. It's like a beacon of flavor. I thought the doughnuts were good. I will say maybe just with the glazed doughnut, had slightly more of an oily taste to it, which I didn't massively appreciate. But glaze was really good. Texture was good. The maple bacon doughnut, interesting. Don't know if it would be my first choice coming back here as a Brit with my weak palate. But those Fruity Pebble doughnuts kind of surprised me, actually. I know you weren't as much of a fan, but that might be my top choice here. All right. So, we gotta pick. Go for it. What was your favorite? I think for me it's a race between Primo's and Dad's. Whoa. All right. It's a 50/50. There's not a lot to separate them. But I think I might lean slightly more towards Primo's, if I had to choose one. I think it was your favorite back in the day. And coming here, I think I'm inclined to agree with you, but I want to know if your opinion has changed, or is Primo's still No. 1? You know, it's tough because the other places we went to today were also so fantastic. I'd had Randy's before. Donut Man, that strawberry doughnut was just absolutely incredible. I really thought it was fantastic. I loved it. It's something I would love to go back and get, something I would tell people to go get if they came and visit. But, after all these years, I think Primo's is still my No. 1. There you go. I mean, everything they did was the best. It was primo. Joe: Yeah, it was primo. But I want to point out real quick, looks like I'm not so crazy after all. A long john, right? Harry: Vindication. Joe: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Channel: Insider Food
Views: 348,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pZn-SLx0gwg
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Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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