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this is so loud right now [Music] you guys welcome back hope everyone is having an amazing day and today the buds are back with the classic og 24-hour overnight challenge we legit just did one of them a couple weeks ago on the top of our roof you guys absolutely loved it so he said yo let's bring back in even more classic one overnight on the light as you can see we have a bunch of goodies that we're gonna be using to attach to the floating dock we're gonna take the foliage out to the middle of the lake because we're going bigger and better but we're also going a little bit smaller because we are joined by none other than the one the only the mini man Jack oh we're going crazy with this video as you can see we got a life raft where you got a pool because you need to have somewhere to swim in the middle of the lake right if you don't have a pool how are you gonna swim like how are you how are you gonna swim if you don't have a pool in the middle of Lake I don't know who was thinking about that but you like you can't just swim in the lake little boat you know we'll pretend it's not regular sized boat but we also have the main thing right here the llama flamingos some people call it laugh lingo some people call it flub Li la la what and this thing they call it swimming what flip-flops yeah swimming you clubs yeah you wait you want so we got to start going out there because we have so many cool things planned we're gonna try to order food out to the middle of the lake and we're gonna pay the delivery driver a big hefty tip if he comes out on a kayak and actually delivers it all the way we also got a bunch of cool games a bunch of cool stuff and we gotta give you the IBP crib throw later by boys we gotta start settin up right you gotta go go let's go boys but before we head out there we gotta give a big THANK YOU to today's video sponsor race legends for making videos like this all possible if you guys don't know what rage shadow legends is it's a free-to-play game that you can play on your phone or on PC it's an RPG based game where you can unlock a bunch of different types of heroes and to unlock the hero you use these shards so I'm gonna go ahead and open up a few oh this one's pretty good oh this one not as good but the good thing about this game is actually depending on if they're good you can use them but if they're bad you can still use them to sacrifice them to make your other players better so this one honestly I might have to sacrifice the bud oh not bad not bad but another cool part in the game is that there isn't actually an arena tournament mode where you can face off against different players in the red community and you can get awesome rewards in the local and global tournament so hit the link in the top of the description and download rage shadow legends because they hook you guys up with a special code if you guys use that link you get 200k free silver and a free champion oh ok the Grinner right here guys and also be sure to check your inbox when you download it up in the top right corner because that is where all your awards will golf for the next 30 days download the game right now guys we're gonna go head out there [Music] leading us out to the middle of the dock is gonna be this bad boy coming down below what we should name it but boys let's get this out there in the front cuz he's gonna be the one taking us out you can't push it like that right now ah you're holding scissors right next to him you wanna pop in [Music] Oh yo buddy fell right in buddy I think sucks I think once we set foot on here there's no going back no way ain't no coming back if you have to go ye you gotta take it ye in the middle of the fine but yeah easy easy on the play go all right so we got everything set up that we on this loading dock and it's time to set sail boys into the open waters I've been doing this all day trying to get it to go and how's it been going let me we've moved closer you gotta say yeah oh yeah it doesn't move it doesn't move at all so we need to get one of the jet skis so we can tow it out to the middle so we're kind of cheating but we need to be need to do it let's go bye doing there we go rescind sale or keep moving you can feel the movement Oh shoo it's gonna scrape the tree oh we got it let's go no we're sorry - so long IBM let's see what other people have to say because there's a lot of people out on the lake right now so we're gonna ask them what they think of the bus for no can I get thank you one more one more one more let's go yeah this is good right here out in the middle we round the middle this is good so thank you're still Dankers down oh okay I'm sorry man so you're sorry right now I'm sorry no people are riding bags on skis it's didn't pretty wavy out here buds so screwed I was this candy we got him earlier is always nice Jack Daugherty just left off this thing for a tiny piece of candy and Nick just left me out here to drive by myself don't ever do that again bro whoa let me just show them what hugs are the candidate one more time you're I sure if you did have the camera give me the camera oh he'll bring you back he'll bring you back yeah god nobody tried to catch the Nick on the tiny little boat Nick's way out there no this guy can't stay on a few moments later we're pulling this out we ordered some food because we knew we were gonna be hungry later it turns out the delivery guy is already here so we got to go pick up the pie guys I'm going to pick up the food I'd seen the delivery guy literally waiting on the dot I'm gonna go get the food secure the bag and bring it back for the boys yo you wanna come on with me yeah okay you don't dare I give you the fruit but what's coming on I'm coming boys you got to get it ready you gotta get it yo big time shout out to everyone went down and the big time shout out to fish let's go yo man high five high five to you what's the name Peter shouts up here from fishbowl bro they'd flip the ski everyone went down Nick went under Peter Winston can pull under but he kept the food alive yo we are pulling up on some random person's house right now we are pretty much in their yard I don't know if you guys can see it but our anchors snapped way down there that's why we drifted all this way so Nick had to swim all the way back to our dock get another jetski because our jetski is ruined right now all the rope got caught in there and that's why they flipped wall the buds were on there yo Peter thank you so much bro thank you there goes the legend Peter absolute legend man you're an absolute shambles right now the umbrellas falling down the pool is detaching liffe lingo is on its side completely ruined the jet ski doesn't work anymore because the streams in there and it's only been less than an hour we've been out here boys boost sorry dude I just broke my toe knee on your arm just broke my arm with your toe nails [Music] Oh chill iMac bro chill well the waves are massive out here feels like we're about to fall off everyone's riding there's like probably seven skis out here in four boats [Music] I'm sorry hold on bro we're in the middle again for the second time Nick's going to drop off the ski over there and then he's pulling back what is this man why are you bro nobody won right over it oh my god we're so on everything's going down the pools detached so what is it doing it smells bad glass is mine yo get the book you don't we go to massive role in it bro how are we gonna swim now what is this guy talking about he's going crazy Nik ripped a massive hole in the pool now we can't swim bro what does it say you just tried to jump in the pool and completely miss well he broke the pool so you know I biddies coming out here now what is this video I literally have no idea this is the most chaotic 24 hour challenge that has ever happened like a Metis paddling out on a kayak IVD what is this man coming out here to do what are you doing man the only thing that can make a beggar big roman candles but I ve just brought fireworks out for the boys don't hold the fireworks that close to the merch but as you guys can or you may not be able to see we just dropped new IBP merch we got the camel collection right here camo shirt and camo hat we got the design on the sleeve right here as you guys know all of our merch is super soft and this one super soft on the inside but we made him a little more thicker and more rugged on the outside so when you guys go on adventures it just lasts and it feels more sturdy you know we're gonna try - oh God won't stick pull this off finally this man is back Hey Raina's takes time okay but we do have one question now what the heck were you doing riding over the pool yo buddy I was just trying to go for a little swim you guys could've came and join me by then no why don't you whoa it's almost two hours since we got the food delivered and we're finally gonna grow up because this man just came in after wrecking our pool I had to make a few deliveries and go for a few laps boys it's time to grab I'm hungry you know me too those boys from fish bowl were really good but they didn't fill the buds up hey J but we're just hungry yeah we're just super hungry cuz it's been a few hours so me and Jack decided to start fishing jack is gonna hit him with a little cast right now today I'm a fisherman so we've been out here for a couple hours fishing knowing that have you actually caught you haven't caught anything right now and also guys we are gonna be shooting the fireworks off in just a bit but we're gonna be waiting til later till all of our neighbors are asleep so we can shoot the fireworks and when we shoot them it'll hopefully wake them up right yeah and we just can't scare it in for a right now because yeah yeah don't want to scare the fish away that's the main reason what are you doing I'm sleeping on your piano you can't be wrong we thought we had a fish on the line and that's what we're gonna see we're gonna see you pissing over their boat disrespecting love lingo and all of us brought 12 seconds late tail jacks take a little break from fishing buddy we don't take breaks out here but my crew wait time out it's in my pants in my frickin pants like it's it's in my dad's went up this guy's cheese guys as you can tell by the cleverest shorts or Parmesan cheese on luckily my merch is so hot it burns off and it steams away early our dad dropped off some fireworks from a boy dawn over a patriotic firework but now at the time we got some roman candles we're about to launch off and then after that we got some big boys think it's time boys Jack and I are gonna be hiding behind the air mattress so we don't get hit by the fireworks and hopefully everything goes well Loki this is very dangerous do not try this at home or on a lake but we're sending it because we're professional full senders this is our only bet it better not get shot I know if this pops oh then we lost the pool the bad stinking Liffe lingo already got pissed on I'm just saying my aim ain't the best so I'll be watching out your money I'm like my design okay this is so loud right now and this is only the light fiber closing sing bro they just started going boom my cops are definitely gonna be caught and we haven't even shot off the big one but now it is Jack's turn to shoot off one of these unlucky worried about the bud Oh actually I'm not worried about him I'm worried about me cuz I don't not trust this guy but you know what time it is now it's time for the grand finale the bigger boys we're lighting off trees lay them off both of the same time post at the same time it's the only way right it's the canary now you'll get the bunker ready bunches you don't mess around with the bunker is ready you guys ready yes [Music] do you hear that it literally sounds like there's lightning and thunder bro dude it was rumbling throughout the entire lake that just literally woke up the whole time they're looking around the lake and a bunch of houses just turned on their lights and I think I think I know why there's lights right here lights right here lights over here bunch right there lights right there lights all down there just so you can hear the sirens getting louder and louder so hopefully they don't come but if they do keep you guys updated yo yo yo yield hello someone is out on the lake who is that oh my thank you guys it's been a couple hours the cops ended up not coming it's already 125 in the morning Doherty is sleeping on this air mattress because as you know I pissed on la flamingo that was Jax ped but he didn't really want to sleep in my pants right no and then over on this side of the dock we got ninja Nick actually he's not even on the dock he's on a jetski right now but are you wait yeah no no I'm not so you're asleep yes I think I'm just gonna sleep right here on this little patch of grass that we bought definitely not the most comfortable thing but it is gonna have to do because I'm not sleeping in my own piss Oh keep you updated if anything happens in the middle of the night signing off its 1:27 and we will see you guys in the middle of night if not in the morning it's starting to get a little brighter out as you can see the Sun is starting to rise right now and I'm gonna try to you what do you do it but Bart it's about the letter e [Music] did you in school - no well then one other just I'm leaving y'all no go dancing guys what are you doing [Music] the Schneider good learner he's been all the jetski the entire night you spend more time on a jetski than he has on the dock morning what's he doing - who knows time is currently 624 in the morning as you can see it is morning now the boys overnight challenge just to prove that it is 625 in the morning and I have to fart oh my gosh bah no we got to take this in thank you guys so much for watching we got to give a big time shout out to the fame of the week right here if you want to be fan of the week all you got to do follow the buds on instagram tag us in a picture of you wearing IBP merch remember if you want to get high BP merch go to IBP merch calm that's the only place to get the official IVP merch there's a lot of fake ones this is the only place to get real ones we appreciate you guys thank you so much for watching and until next time shame on them don't bail on them take shots in the main minutes yo you thought the fireworks were done that was the real grand finale buddy who literally can't tell which is which is this the sky is this the lake you don't know you don't know wow I didn't know the lake was in the air bud
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 1,368,820
Rating: 4.9318352 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys, overnight, overnight challenge, overnight challenge on lake, overnight on lake, spending the night, spending the night on lake, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour overnight challenge, 24 hour overnight challenge on lake, lake, 24 hours on water, 24 hours in lake
Id: 1IouNT_kj4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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