23 Amazing Street Art Magic

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23 examples of street art magic number 23 who's painting who this artist took to the street for his self-portrait this is Julian beaver an incredible chalk that's right chalk artist who's been drawing since the 90s from his floral shorts red belt cap and frosty cold beer he has created a mirror masterpiece from our perspective it looks like his portrait might come alive at any moment number 22 basketball only the most discerning eye can see what's wrong with this picture incredibly that basketball that is rolled into the middle of the street is actually a 3d painting usually our eyes are trained to spot anything out of the ordinary but this artist would have you fooled right up until you went to go pick up the ball number 21 house illusion notice anything look closely no really closely this house in trail bridge UK is not actually a house at all in fact this illusion was created by Roger Smith who crafted a realistic looking home design on the side of a bear wall we guarantee people have tried to peer through the windows only to find they're actually painted on number-20 center of the earth this astounding piece takes up an entire block it was created by Edgar Muller a renowned street painter hailed for his large-scale optical illusion if you've ever wondered what the apocalypse might look like here's an idea with crashing waves in pouring lava this painting turns an entire Street into something out of a sci-fi adventure movie number 19 koi pond looking at her work you might be tempted to dip your hands into the cool pond or stick around to watch the ripples of the koi fish the reality is you could walk on this water this is a 3d painting by Tracy least um and it takes up an entire walkway making passers-by a little uneasy to cross it maybe if she had painted a bridge we wouldn't mind walking over it number 18 pastoral perspectives this stunning mural was painted by matey Guardian Lou in Tehran by blending his artwork with the existing sidewalk it's almost impossible to tell where reality ends and fantasy begins although it looks like you might be able to walk right into those fields we don't recommend you try it number 17 balloon graffiti in Lisbon Portugal you'll find famous street artist Sergio Odie's his artwork seemed to pop straight out of the wall and hang in midair his use of light and shadow make it seem like you could reach out and grab his signet your pieces number 16 running water another piece by Julian beaver is this interactive piece beaver likes to put himself into his work and this is no exception this illusion works perfectly with its environment to create a mind-boggling conundrum if the hose is part of the artwork how would be holding the nozzle in his hand number 15 flying carpets current winner is a master illusionist for this street art he's built an entire city within a city the buildings seem to rise out of the earth and if you look down you can see people roaming the streets below but if you're afraid of heights a ride on the magic carpet might not be the thing for you number 14 ice age this icy illusion is another masterpiece by Edgar Muller the sheer scale of this illusion is breathtaking but the terrifying perspective he's created is no less impressive the falling icicles in the black abyss make it look like you might slip and fall right into this incredible painting number 13 floating illusions from swiss-born Felice vorenii we see floating shapes that come in pops of color contrasting with their urban backdrops when viewed from the right angle her pieces seem to defy gravity and reality if you could photoshop the real world we think it might look something like this number 12 canopy air on the side of the Palais de Bourgh's pierre de la vie has created this incredible illusion using a massive canvas delle Vigne the side of this building into an archway of illusion giving the impression you can walk straight through to the same historic streets of Marseille France de la vie is a renowned artist of illusion who has turned parts of France into his playground for nearly 30 years number 11 rubble illusion looking at this building you might think it's destined to be demolished it might have way be there already in fact John Pugh has only created the illusion that half of this building is missing the incredible optical illusion gives you the sense that you're seeing straight into what could be an Egyptian crib when in reality you're simply looking at the side of a restaurant even the woman about to walk in is part of the illusion that's right she's a painting to number 10 layered illusion these colourful layered illusions are popping up all over the place but very little is known about their artist someone who goes by the name of 10/10 his signature style is to layer colors on top of one another in order to create an illusion of depth his illusions are turning urban landscapes into incredible colorful caverns but where they lead is just as mysterious as the artist himself number 9 melting paris from a distance it looks like the plaster even the windows and metal work is melting in the Sun right into the street below the new facade brought surrealism to life and is the work of pierre de la vie amazingly this is all the work of illusion photography an image of the building was distorted using photoshop and then set over the buildings actual facade this illusion stayed in place for an entire year in 2007 number 8 indoor swimming pool this installation was put in place by famous artist Leandro Ehrlich there's no need to worry the people in the swimming pool aren't in danger of drowning in fact they are in an empty room viewing the people above them the illusion is created by suspending water between two transparent sheets of glass only about 10 centimeters thick this way it feels like you might dive right into the pool and swim to people below in a reality you could walk across the pool safely number 7 Nelson Mandela viewed from its side this sculpture appears to be nothing special it is simply a collection of black poles or pipes however if you view them from the correct angle they form the face of Nelson Mandela a famous politician from South Africa the sculpture can be found in South Africa on the same spot where Mandela was arrested this illusion is both striking and powerful made up of a total of 50 unattached column number 6 tree line vendor Olsen photography Zander Olsen photography project had a simple enough idea wrap the trunks of trees to blend in with the horizon line behind them who knew that the effect would be so incredible by creating this relationship between the horizon and the trees directly in front of the camera Olsen blends foreground with background and almost seems to make the sections disappear entirely number 5 Hawaiian waves the story behind this larger-than-life illusion goes that while the artist John Pugh was working on this mural a fire truck pulled up in order to rescue the children standing above the door he had painted the children staring in awe at the wave but had not yet painted the stairs you see now would you believe us if we told you that in fact the entire side of the building you see is perfectly flat even the two square windows to the right of the wave are painted on and if you look closely enough there is a man standing in the top window peering out at the surfer number 4 cup of coffee Manfred stater specializes in a type of art called hyper realism this giant illusion is a perfect example you can almost smell the freshly brewed coffee through anime using talent he was able to make it look as though the cup is made of real porcelain and there could really be a giant metal spoon balancing on the saucer in reality the only real thing about this cup of coffee are the coffee grounds stator is pouring across the film number three Russian caves as part of a series Edgar Muller turn the streets of major cities into gorgeous lake filled caverns covering over 100 square meters this incredible illusion is another testament to Mueller's work with this series of nature inspired illusions Muller makes the viewer feel as though they can see right into the center of the earth number two flying tree many street artists make attempt to add to their environments but daniel searing and mario shu are taking something away these incredibly talented street artists have used foil and cans of plain old spray paint to create this fascinating illusion by painting the image of the cloudy sky on the mid section of the tree which has been covered in tin foil these artists give the illusion that this massive tree is floating in mid-air number one the grass globe this illusion designed by Francois hablen a is so well executed that even after some careful study it is still difficult to figure out although it appears compact the globe Park is actually a massive installation spanning over 300 feet in length it took 90 people in five days to complete it was designed using the idea of an amorphous which requires it to be viewed from one particular angle in order to look normal from any other angle this jaw-dropping illusion appears to be just a segmented grass dog park [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 10,182,013
Rating: 4.5607052 out of 5
Keywords: Talltanic, amazing, street, art, magic, painting, illusion, art illusion, optical illusion, street art, graffiti, street artist, drawing, streetart, 3d street art, artwork, artist, best, 3d, illusions, viral, compilation, beautifull, creative art, creative street art, best street art, funny street art, amazing street art, artists, popular, urban art, creativity, mind blowing, draw, murals, most creative street art, amazing spray painting, wall, 3d illusions, drawings, 3d art, optical illusions
Id: ATZFjJA2izc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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