I Tried Using a 3D Pen

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Hey everyone so in today's video I'm trying out a 3D pen for the first time I got this one off Amazon I just looked at what pens were available and went for one that was on the cheaper end with good reviews This one is regularly fifty dollars Canadian, but it was on sale for forty-five And I checked the American Amazon website where it's available for forty two US dollars It came with some accessories like some filament It came with a little spatula that you can use to scrape your creations off. Whatever surface you're working on and there's also a charger and a pen holder and some instructions Then I bought another pack of filament there are 24 different colors in this set and this one was 42 dollars Canadian And then on the US Amazon it was much cheaper. It was only 22 US dollars. I think oh my god They really marked that up on the Canadian Amazon so probably not the best deal there But I'll have the pen and the filament link down below if you want to check it out on Amazon The instructions were a little confusing so it took me a while to figure out how this all worked because a lot of it has To do with pressing a button then waiting and pressing the same button. Because the forward button is what you use to load the filament and it will just automatically start spitting it out and then to stop it from spewing filament you press that same button you only use the backwards button if you want to expel the filament out of the back of the pen. Then there's another button on the other side which is for changing the temperature and speed Because if you want to build something that needs to be very rigid and freestanding You need the filament to come out slower So it can start to harden so that it stays stiff as you're creating your pillar or whatever it is that you're doing the problem of these buttons is that I'm left-handed and the buttons were definitely configured for a right-handed person and So I either had to hold the pen upside down or use my index fingers to push the buttons so I flip-flopped a little bit between the two methods But my issue was because I was holding it so weird I kept pressing the wrong button so sometimes that accidentally changed the temperature and other times I'd click the back button Which would cause it to spit out all the filament and that was the worst because I had to wait it was you have to Wait for it to spin it out, and then it does it for like another ten or fifteen seconds It keeps acting like it's spewing it out Just to make sure everything is out And I have to sit there and wait for it to spit out all the filament and then put it back in but other than That I had no issues and that was mainly just a left-hander issue although I suppose someone who's right-handed might accidentally press the wrong button too But I think it's mostly due to the fact that I was holding the pen a really weird way After fiddling around on a couple different surfaces just making a little square and then a rectangle along that thing of tape I Decided I wanted to make a potion bottle because I had a glass bottle that I could just trace right over The problem with this is that the glass is very slippery so the plastic doesn't stick to it So I would always have to try to get some kind of initial Mesh going without it slipping off and then quickly connect some pieces so that it will stay Wrapped around and will all fall off and because it's spherical. I couldn't just cover the entire thing and pop it off I suppose if I left one long seam down an edge I could probably get it off, but I wanted to incorporate a couple different colors, so I did the bottom half And then I did some stars to put inside of it And then I did the upper piece as a separate color With the Stars I drew a star on a piece of paper, and then just traced it with the pen And then I would trace two half stars And then attach those to the first star so that it's like a little three star the upper portion I started with the neck of the bottle and then I constructed a frame for this section right underneath And I actually had to cut off the top piece so that I could slip it off fully I just needed that initial ring around the top so that it would all stay cuz like I said it's slippery so I'm trying to Figure out a way to make it stay out of the glass I started by constructing a frame And then I would use little scribble motions to fill in all the gaps for the neck of the bottle I wouldn't be able to just wrap my pattern all the way around and then slide it off because there's a lip on the top So what I did is I left a slit down one side and fill in everything else and that way since the plastic is flexible I could just pop it off the bottle [ music] 3d pen videos are just so satisfying to watch just seeing the creation come to life I mean, I guess it's the same way that art videos are Appealing to watch because of that whole creating something from nothing aspect, but this is just something different I don't know. It's so fascinating. I guess it's the whole 3d aspect you watch it being like wow There was nothing there, and now there's a 3d object wow [music] For the cork I made two circles one slightly bigger than the other one and then I just combined them by streaking some filament across [music] And there is my finished little potion bottle with some stars inside So that one involved tracing over a 3d object I wanted to create something where I would have to create the pieces myself and combine them to create the base mesh I thought I'd be fun to do spongebob, but that's actually one of the first 3d pen videos I saw on YouTube and so I just wanted to do something a little different I still want it to be spongebob themed but not spongebob himself And so I thought of doing his pineapple house first I drew the size I wanted on a piece of paper And then I drew some circles one was gonna be halfway up at the pineapple And then one was gonna be for the base And then it actually made a small one that I was gonna use towards the top of the pineapple But ultimately I didn't end up using it I just made my vertical pieces curved around and touch each other right at the top Because of the shape I couldn't just take one big flat piece and wrap it around my mesh I had to use little strips and stick them on Individually, it's neat because as you go you can just create the shape you need to fill in the gaps So not all these pieces were the same size some were thicker Some were straight up and straight down other ones tapered at the top and bottom just whatever I needed to fill in the space [music] Then I just scribbled all over the object to fill in some of the gaps because the gaps were pretty big I probably could have just made smaller gaps when I first made all the little strips but I just waited until it was all constructed and Covered the holes because I'm gonna be coloring this one solid and I didn't want the filament to ooze through the mesh [music] To make it easier to cover the whole thing I worked in small sections I worked in little squares And I did them diagonally because the pattern on SpongeBob's house does run diagonally and I wanted it to match that Direction this part took a very long time to do the base Mesh took a while to but because this involves filling in every little crack it took a very long time I actually spent about seven or eight hours on this pineapple house in total one thing I should probably mention is that I did use more than one coil of the orange filament for some reason they sent me two of The same orange by accident, but it worked out perfectly because I did need more than one to complete the pineapple [music] Next I decided to draw on all the lines for the pattern of the pineapple and This is where I really screwed up because I didn't know how to make the pattern Seamlessly wrap around and so I just took a leap of faith at one point. I'm like okay I'm just drawing a line all the way across I'm gonna connect this line to this line and we'll see how it goes But it totally messed up the pattern because as I went the other pieces didn't line up properly and because this thing does taper at The top of that also created an issue and so the pattern is actually really messed up in the back I fixed a few parts by going over with orange kind of like I'm erasing the line But there are still areas where they don't converge properly And then there's a triangle in one spot when it should be a diamond shape But I sort of hid that when I did the window on the back of the house But the back still just isn't pretty the front looks good though, and that's really all that matters I mean it is a 3d object, but when you display it you see it from the front So I just did the best I could with what I did after creating that pattern I got started on the leaves on the top of the house And I just drew them flat on my mat and then peeled them off and after peeling them They're still warm so you could actually bend them a little bit to create a bit of curve for the leaf The first one I made though was way too thick I thought it was okay initially But then after making the second one in seeing how thin that was I decided The first one was just too thick and so I didn't end up using that one But I just made a few different sizes and then connected them around the top of the pineapple [music] At one point my filament got tangled and then just snapped off because it was forming a knot basically and it just snapped So I had to put it back in you know how it feels when a slinky gets tangled That happens with the filament so try to not let it get all tangled [music] Next it was time to start on details for the house, so this is his little chimney spout thing I don't know what it's called. It's a vent. I hope (laughing)for up the side of his house For this one I tried the technique of just slowly Building something from scratch I didn't wrap around a pencil or anything like that to get the shape I just went to a cooler temperature so the filament would come out slower and just Gradually went in a circle and built up the shape and then I flipped it 90 degrees and Continued to build it up then for the door and windows I drew them directly on the pineapple I draw the basic shape fill it in with solid color and then create borders for the What's it called the frame of the door and windows? I did a couple layers for the outline so to create almost like a groove And then I just filled in the groove with more filament [music] Of course I had to include the flowers at the base of the house and for this part I was switching between colors a lot as you can see me do it actually doesn't waste all that much Filament when you do switch between colors which is nice for some reason after the green It expelled a lot of green. I was like how much is in here so that one was a bit weird But for the rest I was actually pleasantly Surprised at how little filament was wasted when switching between colors There are bolts along the frame for the door and windows And I initially just did it in blue because I was gonna have all the window and door details in blue but I thought it looked a little bit weird and I decided to fill in the windows with silver and I decided the bolt should also be silver just to help balance it out But I'd already done the bolts in blue and you can't just break pieces off. It's very hard You'd need to grind them off or something like that for little pieces You can just snip them off, but for something like that. I would need a little grinder or something So I just went right over top with this silver, so it's a bit thick and lumpy, but it's okay [music] All right here is the finished pineapple house. I do really like how it turned out It's so fun creating something like this. It's time-consuming, but it's it just feels so cool cuz it's plastic It's different than sculpting something in polymer clay and then once again Here's my little potion bottle which I also like I like how that one's really meshy and the other ones more solid It's just a different look yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you want me to do any future 3d pen creations Let me know what you'd like to see thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you guys in my next video
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Views: 3,901,867
Rating: 4.8842802 out of 5
Keywords: baylee jae, baylee, tutorial, how to, how to draw, art, illustration, cartoon, comic, 3d pen, 3d pen spongebob, 3d pen pineapple, 3d pen spongebob house, spongebob house, pineapple house, 3d spongebob, filament, pla filament, 3d pen art, 3d, sculpture, 3d pen sculpture
Id: 4crusY-l1FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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