.223/5.56 Deer Hunting Load with 65gr Sierra Game Kings

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welcome back guys got a pretty straightforward little video planned today and what it's all about is I want to work up a huntin load for my AR in you know my 556 AR and my nephew also needs one so we both want to kill a deer with our ARS here in the next couple weeks so I need to load us up some ammo really quick and this is kind of the second time I've tried to make this video I loaded up some ammo last week went to the range and it was a freaking mess it was it was actually the day before gun season opened the range was packed I had every I had every possible crazy person you could think of roll through while I was trying to shoot I had the guy who needed to check his target after every single shot I had the guys all might one of my favorites was they pulled in and parked my range is like a group of small ranges so each range has four or five benches and berms and stuff so they pulled in and parked and just sat there and I figured they were waiting to see if I was about to leave and I was going down to check my target and as I'm walking back they had got out of their car and started picking up brass and my brass was all over the freaking place and I was the only person shooting there so I'm yelling at him like oh man brass prep takes too long to let somebody pick up your freaking brass but yeah those guys were jackasses and then they informed me that are one of them that suppressor should be illegal and it's kind of ridiculous that I can have one so it was just that kind of day at the range I was shooting really poorly I was getting constantly interrupted it was windy so it was just a crappy day at the range I want to forget that it ever happened what I had loaded up that day I loaded up some you know some 65 grand game Kings that's the bullet I'm going to go ahead and use I've got a bunch of them and I have full confidence that these guys are going to be able to get the job done on some white-tailed deer I loaded up some CFE 223 which we already shot with that bullet here on the channel and I also pulled out some RAM shot tak and some Hodge tin H 335 these are both pretty high velocity powders like you can really get get a bullet screaming downrange with these guys and that's what I was looking for so basically everything shot terrible because I was shooting terrible but I was able to at least gather velocity data and make sure you know look at some pressure signs so I know that I'm not going to blow my face off with these powders because we've already you know I've already shot them once so this time I can just load it up not worry too much about pressure signs and concentrate on shooting some good groups and seeing which ones are going to be the yeah what our load is going to be I want to drop CFE 223 we've shot it quite a bit and these guys were a little higher on velocity so just a little bit 25 40 feet per second I don't remember exactly but they shot a little bit faster so we're going to stick with these we've shot quite a few quite a bit of CFE 223 so load data what I'm going by so Ram shot or Western powders has got their load data available on their website got a big PDF they actually have two twenty three and five five six data and you know the five five six data is really hot stuff you know that takes advantage of those higher pressures that are allowed in five five six well for TAC I shot all the way up to their maximum and didn't blow my face off so I want to shoot twenty six point one grains and twenty six point three grains twenty six point three was their backs this was crazy it was like twenty nine hundred and fifty feet per second somewhere in that range which is just smoking fast out of a sixteen inch barrel so that's what we're going to shoot with TAC is twenty six point one twenty six point three with a ch3 35 I'm going by Sierra's data and I want to shoot I shot up to twenty five point six which this was even faster it was uh it was crazy fast so twenty five point four and twenty five point six so I think I started at 25 and worked up but yeah twenty five point four and twenty five point six are going to be our H three thirty five loads so we're shooting over all length of two point two five zero the brass is Lake City 14s so 2014 Lake City Head stamps and primers I am using come on come on there it is I'm using federal a are small rifle match primers this is these are their a our primers mainly just because I shoot too many CCI number forty ones just wanted to mix things up and shoot some shoot some Federals this time so that's pretty much it I just need to get the Loudoun I'm just going to load up all well I think I'm touched on it earlier but I'm going to be shooting my gun and my nephew's gun so I need a load that shoots reasonably well in both guns so I'm just going to load up two loads attack in two loads of age three thirty-five for each gun so a total of 40 shots eight five shot groups should get us hopefully the information we need to know so that's it I'm going to these are ready for powder and bullets so I'm going to get set up and start with TAC start done with some powder alright for those of you who haven't seen TAC or H 335 yet figured I'd give you guys a quick look at the powder these are both spherical powders the little balls of powder very fine run great through powder measures and all of that jazz so that's what they look like so I'm not going to dwell on the loading here too much since we've covered it several times in several other videos with this bullet at the CFE 223 video and a couple others actually so yeah kind of going to skip over a few things got our first 10 charges here quick visual inspection yep they all got powder the dyes should already be set here from my loading last week so let's seat one here have a look at our overall length should be two point two five zero yup two point two five - close enough yep two point two four nine so it's rock-and-roll tommnow really light crimp just for the heck of it and we're off to the races here all right so that didn't take long at all 40 rounds ready to test I also load it up like 20 ciders so we can make sure we're hitting where we're aiming okay whatever let's get to the range all right let's jump right into it what I want to do I want to start with the Colt and shoot it all the way through and once we finish this I want to move this scope over to the Palmetto gun because I have more confidence in it and my ability to shoot with it so we're going to run completely through the Colt groups and then move over to PSA so unfortunately we are at 90 yards the hundred yard range is packed and ninety yards is close enough so the range I'm on this is as far as I can get but good enough for our for our purposes so first up 26.1 grains attack I have I just shot some ciders like seven shots through this guy so it's warmed up sighted in ready to rock so we shouldn't have any cold barrel issues okay 26.3 grains attack alright so that was good group let's move on to h3 thirty five twenty five point four grains is first so what in the world happened on that first shot that was a mile left very strange it didn't feel like a bad one all right let's move on to twenty five point six screams of h 335 all right not too bad nothing to be ashamed of freaking smoke and hot velocities crazy alright I need to get this scope moved over to the other gun and then we can see what that one will do okay our scope is moved over to the Palmetto State Armory upper so let's see how it shoots I didn't shoot about 15 shots getting it close to zeroed so that will be on paper so it's nice and warmed up shouldn't have any cold barrel issues first up twenty six point one grains attack okay not that impressive nice velocity and standard deviation of okay 26.3 grains alright disappointing from tax oh3 35 this is 25.4 grains well apparently my problems getting this gun to shoot weren't the fault of the optic certainly good enough to hunt with but after hunting season i'm gonna have to borrow his gun and tear it apart and see i don't know to tear it apart put it back together maybe square up the receiver because this guns just not shooting as well as it should let's see our final hope twenty five point six grains of h3 35 all right I'm going to get packed up let's get back to the bench see what we can make of the results okay so this turned out just a little bit disappointing especially on the Palmetto done we've tried a couple bullets in this gun now and it just it's not shooting as well as I feel like it should so as I mentioned at the range we're going to do some more work on this gun later see if we can get some more accuracy out of it I don't know if yeah I don't know if something's going on there I just want to tear it down double-check everything maybe square up the receiver put it back together and if it still doesn't shoot at that point we may just need to frickin swap barrels or something but it ought to shoot a little bit better than that overall the the colt was okay except that one crazy shot that went way left no clue what happened there but otherwise all the other shots looked good if they were in the you know inch and a half to a little under an inch range so nothing stellar but nothing too super disappointed for a completely stock you know Colt 69 20 so pretty happy there the Palmetto it definitely liked attack better than it liked h 335 the both of the h 335 groups were over two inches and both of the TAC groups were in the inch and a half range so it's looking like TAC is going to be our powder we were pushing h 335 a little faster right so with the Palmetto was twenty nine seventy and three thousand three that's that's freaking smoking fast so it might have been you know if we back down 335 a little bit the group might have tightened up I don't know but for this range trip it's looking like tack and to be honest my gun kind of like tack a little bit better maybe it was pretty close there but I think what we'll do is we'll call twenty six point three grains of tack the winner here just to get that extra little bit of velocity it shot 2952 out of my gun and 2942 out of his gun so basically twenty nine hundred and fifty feet per second that's a good smoke and fast hunting load so we'll call that the winter inch and a half that's not bad you know that's not bad so that ought to be perfectly serviceable for hunting here and we should be good to go one thing I found interesting was his gun was a little bit slower with tack so like 2942 to twenty nine fifty to twenty nine eighteen to twenty nine twenty four so it was lagging maybe you know five to ten feet per second behind with tack but on age three thirty-five it was like almost twenty feet per second faster actually it was exactly twenty feet per second faster here and what seventeen feet per second faster there so that that was kind of weird how that flip-flopped I have no explanation for that just one of the one of the mysteries of reloading overall I'm happy we're ready for hunting so that was the whole point of this video we've got a load I'm going to load up a bunch of them and we're going to go kill some Durer hopefully so that's about it for this one we've got a lot more 223 content coming we've got bullets coming out of our ears that we need to test lots of powders to test so stay tuned for some 223 five five six work lots more brass testing the brass testing video you know nobody's called me a total idiot so want to keep on continuing with that and yep lots more to come so I will see you guys next time you
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 64,474
Rating: 4.8631177 out of 5
Id: l1gnU0rxYCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2016
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