220V Microwave Transformer to AC Electric Generator 100W DIY ( Type -1 )

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hi guys this what you see is a microwave transformer and this is the primary winding from another similar microwave transformer from which i cut off this core so today i am going to use this primary winding to turn it into an electric generator so guys for magnet i am going to use this armature that i modified into a magnetic rotor and i have this 350 watt drill machine this generator is going to generate A.C now with that being said let's start let's see the voltage let's do the generated current test so for that i am going to use this 1 square mm wire so i have done the short circuit over here and i have to keep the clips as apart as possible we did around 3V AC such a huge difference with and without core here as you can see guys that i have connected two wires to one point and then again two wires to one point to increase up the short circuit current so starting with the current measurement for the core type 3.45 Ampere almost 3.5 Ampere that was pretty good so guys now comes the part of using the neodymium magnet and these are from the rotor of the E-Rickshaw motor you see so many of them although i will have to cut this part off ok this one so guys here as you can see that i have cut off the rotor and now it's free to use for many of my upcoming project it has super strong 8 neodymium magnets that's the bearing and that's the holder placing it inside this pipe i am going to place it on the shaft it's not fitting perfectly i will have to hammer it so guys your hidden question for the previous video is why is silicon added to the steel core of the transformer so guys our experimental generator is ready now both at the front at the back i have installed bearings so it's running pretty smooth as you can notice i have not use any core so it's a coreless generator let's start the testing part so guys the multimeter has been connected and pointing towards A.C voltage measurement mode let's give it a turn easily 0.7V easily 1.1V pretty good 1.5V almost so what i have done initially it was only two poles but now there are 8 poles because of which for one single rotation of this rotor to many inductions to the coil and hence more voltage per turns that's how low RPM is archived 1.6V 1.9V 1.997V 2.083V crossed 2V with hand rotation so guys enough with the hand rotation let's try my 850 watt drill machine ok let's give it a spin 13.5V A.C petty good so moving on to the current measurement 2 Ampere 2.05 Ampere coreless so guys here as you can see that i have connected this car headlamp bulb 12V let see how bright it glows lets turn off the lights wow once again pretty bright now guys it was really difficult to keep the core away from the neodymium magnet because the magnet are really strong they are attracting the core towards them now that it has been done i would really like to know the difference with and without core now there is some magnetic locking ofcourse because of the presence of core let's see how it's performs ok this time it was really really bright you see the difference i think it is 4 or 5 times more bright now and that's how the core works so guys now that we have seen large power output from this generator setup it's time to do the voltage and current measurement and then we can figure out the maximum power output capability of this one so guys as you can see that i have connected the multimeter pins to the generator let's give it some hand spin easily 2.6V now 2.6V again 3.2V 4.1V is the maximum i can do with hand rotation now let's do the drill machine test 19V 30V i m doing here with 30v A.C and now you can see the difference for generator with and without core same is when you use it as a D.C motor you are going to get more torque with the core when compare to the coreless and i m just thinking that if i had like more coils like this one i would place a one at the top one at this side and one at the bottom and then connect all of them in series so 30 cross 4 making it 120V A.C i would be a propper generator 120V generator A.C starting it 2.73 Ampere was the maximum that i could do over here i don't know reason but power output seems to be somewhere around 100 watt increasing the RPM is not changing the current but it's changing like increasing the voltage but the current is almost constant
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 136,573
Rating: 4.70116 out of 5
Keywords: mr electron, electric, motor, generator, electrical, volts, current, make, diy, watts, electric motor, electric generator, motor volts, make generator, motor watts, generator watts, microwave transformer, transformer, transformer to generator, 100w, ac generator, 220v generator, 220v, microwave to generator, 100w generator, generator diy, AC Electric Generator, 220V Microwave Transformer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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