300 AMP DISCHARGE !!! Generator from 220V Microwave Synchronous Motor DIY

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ah that's enough let's try it this time [Music] hey everyone you are watching channel mr electron and today in this video i'm again going to do some experiments with the same synchronous motor that i showed in my previous video it's from a microwave plate motor if you haven't watched my previous video link will be provided in the description don't forget to check it out and uh what's new in this video is i'm going to change the winding for this motor so that i can convert this motor that generates useless 500 volts we cannot utilize it in anything to around 6 volts or 12 volts we will decide that later so before doing that modification let's do the current that this synchronous motor generates when being used as a generator which i think is going to be so low that it is going to be useless [Music] [Music] so the connections have been made let's turn this generator and see how low the current actually is now let me also see it so the current is as low as 0.01 amperes so no wonder as i said that it is going to be a useless generator since even though the voltage is very high but the current is so low that it cannot charge any battery and all that you can do with it is connect some direct load like your uh 220 volts loads small loads like three watts or five watts led bulbs that's it as i showed you in my previous video let's proceed further and see what it can do let's see if it can at least charge this capacitor even though the current output is very low let's try that since it's a dc capacitor i am going to connect this rectifier so guys let's start the charging part of this capacitor the current is very low from this generator so it's completely harmless so all you got to do is turn like this like you have to go through a lot oh safety first hmm i think it has just charged so guys charging it once again let's hope that it does not start success this time one thing is for sure that at least it is not harmless ah that's enough let's try it this time yeah remember guys the experiment is really dangerous so don't even think about trying it at home well obviously the spark was going to be that high because it was coming out from a high energy capacitor i was storing the current the negligible current from this synchronous motor in steps to this capacitor but when it was coming out from this capacitor it was coming out in one millisecond because of that very reason it was huge the current multiplied with the help of added up time i will show you now guys the calculation is as follows okay um the capacitor rating as you can see here it is voltage is equal to 450 volts dc capacitance is 1400 micro farad micro stands for 10 to the power of minus 6 okay and energy is denoted by half cv square where c is the capacitance of the capacitor and v is voltage at which the capacitor is charged at so uh the calculation is like this half into capacitance 1400 which is here 1400 micro 10 to the power minus 6 and v squared is 450 so 450 square you do the calculation uh for me turns out to be 141.75 joules and energy is also denoted by the vit voltage into current into time and v is for power if we have to take out i i will be e by v t which is here and then we put the values e being 141.75 and v we already know 450 volts dc here i have taken uh one millisecond because uh like when i did the short circuit with this rod it was uh like in a millisecond and the current discharge is usually in milliseconds or even less than that but i'm going to go with milliseconds 1000 milliseconds equal one second so here you can see one millisecond equals 0.001 seconds placing that value you will get a max peak of 315 amperes under short circuit which is a very high current so you can see how big the spark can be even though i understand that i did not charge this capacitor to full value still it was uh dangerous enough to create that spark so the current the peak current for such a short time period should be somewhere around like 200 amps or maybe 180 amperes now guys that instant millisecond dissipation of this capacitor can be related to the one inch punch of bruce lee what he did was he placed his hand to a wooden piece like this and the distance was not much and after that he just punched from there and less than a second and the board broke which is exactly what i'm going to try over here so get ready because i'm going to unleash the power bruce lee seems like it's not my thing but at least i can bear more electric current and voltage than bruce lee so guys did you know that a synchronous motor was invented in 1806 which was 20 years almost 20 years before induction motors got invented actually induction motors were invented in 1988 somewhere around that and of course tesla invented it but still even though uh the centronus motors were invented 20 years before induction motor still induction motors got the market reached the industries and household much much before than synchronous motors because the centronus motors suffered automatic starting which was not the case with the induction motors almost half a century was spent on figuring out the automatic starting part of the synchronous motors and finally the squirrel cage rotor of the induction motor was used to cover the rotor of the synchronous motor and because of that synchronous motor started as an induction motor and once it got its magnets locked with the rotating magnetic field it became a synchronous motor and that's how at the beginning they achieved self starting so here if you can see guys that here i have placed this mark black okay here and here because this is the cover and when i'm going to take it out afterwards when i'm going to place it back it is going to be difficult for me to identify which side was in contact with which side of the outer body so with that being said let's open it up so guys this is how the gearbox looks from inside and before you open it further take the marker and make a mark here also you see and this way you will know that which side was facing this part of the body so let's take them all off step by step so guys this one is the coil and this time the magnet piece is bigger than before so guys i have removed all the thin copper wires from this wire holder and now i'm going to replace that wire with this 20 gauge thick wire you see and this is how i'm planning on increasing the current now i'm pretty sure that the voltage is going to be very low but still let's do that since the current is priority this time so guys your hidden question for today is what was the power rating of this motor as i stated in my previous video nine turns i have given on the first layer and now i'm going to proceed for the second and uh so on to the third and i'm going to fill in maximum number of coils that this pulley can hold [Music] so guys here as you can see that i've completed the rewinding part i've completely filled the pulley which was initially holding only half the thin wires now these thick wires are completely filled with it let's remove the insulation here [Music] after that some sandpaper [Music] oh it was really hot so after removing the insulation comes the part of placing everything back as it was before and then testing it so guys i've assembled back everything as before initially it used thin wires the only change is that now it uses like much thicker wires it's 20 gauge enameled copper wire and i have given around 21 turns as you can see that the meter is flashing zero volts let's turn the shaft and see how much voltage we can generate the gearbox broke now guys here i'm going to share with you a super interesting fact and i'm pretty sure none of you could guess it when i opened up this motor once again to see where the fault was i found out that the gears were perfectly all right but the ferrite magnet you see it broke into four different pieces this means that when i hand cranked it the speed of the magnet or the rpm of the magnet was so high that it crossed the tensile strength of the ferrite magnet and it broke into four different parts and got stuck to the armature poles and that's how it happened luckily i have another piece just another a second piece with which i can reassemble it and do the current test which was left out so i have assembled back the motor and it is working perfectly fine now add to the end wires i have connected these two red and black jumper cables and at the end point here you see a 12 volts bulb now i know that the voltage output voltage was 3.8 volts max but at least this will prove that it can generate enough current to light it up a little bit and uh accordingly when you are going to modify it you can uh use a little thinner wires like if i used 20 gauge you can go for 25 or even 30 gauge or maybe 40 and give twice more number of turns or maybe even three times to get around 12 volts well you are going to see it now for sure [Music] you see that it is blowing much brighter now so guys here i'm going to do the maximum current generation test and i have connected the rectifier here let's start that's the max i can do so guys with that i'm finishing off the video hope you enjoyed it and learned a lot from it see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Mr Electron
Views: 167,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microwave Synchronous Motor, mr electron, 300 amp, synchronous motor generator, microwave motor generator, generator diy, 220v generator, 220v motor, synchronous, microwave motor, generator from motor, amp, electric, motor, generator, electrical, volts, current, make, diy, watts, electric motor, electric generator, motor volts, make generator, motor watts, generator watts, 220v, Synchronous Motor
Id: c1uBUBr9YU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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