Night 8 - Muawiya’s Legacy: Crimes against Islam - Part 1 - Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani

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i think it's everyone's dream to work and serve the bait working with this project allows us to contribute back to the community our main objective is to bring imam hussain to every household or to take people to karbala producers cameraman and editors all synchronized to capture inspire and bring you closer to abba abdullah working here is an honor and a privilege yet nothing compared to the sacrifice of imam hussain alaihissalam pass on the lantern of imam hussain why should you support why should you support why should you support imam hussain tv is our husseini to the world it's an open university to learn theology history law quran and many more sciences many rely on our channel as they have no access to any hersenia's or any mosques and they have no access to any community events nor scholars and they solely rely on our broadcasting children in the west have so many questions to ask and are bombarded with questions about their faith we aim to educate youth and revert in a 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karbala your name will be written alongside those who held lectures and programs for imam hussain the majorities of imam hussain alaihissalam cannot stop and with your support it won't sponsor an angelus and help feed the mourners you can pay via paypal bank transfer or online by visiting [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] against the religion of islam require two parts not one indeed tonight is the first of the parts where we look at the legacy of a man who was the chief cause of dissension mischief making trouble as well as oppression in islamic history no doubt there were personalities to pave the way for muawiyah indeed not all the blame could be leveled at muawiyah for indeed before muawiyah there had been those who had appointed muhawiyah or those who had innovated before muawiyah or those who had oppressed before muawiyah so for a person to blame everything in islamic history on muawiyah alone would mean that they have not had a thorough reading of the first 25 odd years after the prophet passed away but no doubt when a person examines life you see numerous occasions where he literally sought to destroy the muslim faith i say destroy the muslim faith because about 15 years ago i remember reading a book which i still think is available online for sale by an author called aisha bhuli and the book is called muawiyah restorer of the muslim faith of war the titles that could be given to muawiyah restorer of the muslim faith even the most ardent of muawiyah supporters whether a person might look at the odd moment where eben tamiya looks after him or even has looks after him or even looks after him even they would say that restorer of the muslim faith is not necessarily the title that we'd apply a person must have a great amount of venom towards imam ali for a person to see that muawiyah was the restorer of the muslim faith indeed you find that no doubt when a person looks at muawiyah even logically speaking someone who joins the religion of islam in the last couple of years of the life of rasulallah is not going to be the restorer of the muslim faith when you see the likes of abu dharr al-rifari for example referring to as omara these are the authority the leaders of authority who have within them evil why is it that people discount what abu dhabi says and instead hold on to muawiyah we all know comes towards the religion of islam either as one of two categories either the category of those whose hearts were inclined to islam so the prophet in a way tried to show them some leeway maybe even by helping fund them on certain areas of their life as you know in the quran allah mentions in surah 9 verse number 16 are a group of people who literally the english sadaqa is meant to go to the needy the poor as well as who as well as those whose hearts are inclined to islam they don't necessarily become muslim but their hearts are inclined so the prophet may either look at them and say listen at least if we keep this person near keep your friends close or your enemies even closer you bring your enemies much closer towards you because these people can suddenly turn against you so on the one hand for example after a war may be given a bit more of the bhuti than others in the hope that you could ward off some of their evil that they're evil that may come and hurt you that's one group of them another group that muawiyah may be part of the are those who are freed on the opening of mecca published in the time of the king king fahed in saudi arabia looking at the legal verdicts of ibn taymiyyah you find that in one of the margins it's clearly mentioned that muawiyah when he joined the religion of islam joined out of either fear of being a captive or fear of being killed not joined because he had a vision in the middle of a desert for example where he wants to really join the religion or out of his love for the religion not at all the reason i mention these two points that muawi has either of them or of the is because these aren't meant to be leaders of the muslims these are people who join the religion of islam not out of conviction but rather out of fear for example rather out of fear of being captives you know sometimes when someone comes to you and says that i want to get married sayidna and i have someone i want to get married to who's a convert that convert could be two types you either have the convert who's come to the mosque but hasn't got a clue where islam is i remember i done the conversion of someone who came to the mosque once the whole reason he's converting is because he wants to marry a girl from a mosque i said to him so what do you think of islam he says it sounds all right to me you know now that type of reaction is not someone who knows what's going on here he's just thinking i just need to say a few words in arabic i just want to marry the girl i'm never going to come to your mosque i'll make that clear to you but let me do the shahada that type of person are you going to make him imam of the mosque that type of person is only joining because he knows you utter the words and that's it you can marry this girl then there's someone else who's kat victor nika you do who you look at and you're like masha allah this convert knows more than the whole congregation this convert is someone who's read everything inside out and this person has understood does not come under the rubric of those who joined islam because of their conviction either those whose hearts may have been inclined or those who were freed even eben tamiya and saying this eben as an ardent supporter of muawiyah hebentamiya believes all of these merits of ali are exaggerations by the shia but when it comes to muawiyah says listen one thing we've got to be clear on muawiyah abu sufyan these people don't join islam because they're convinced they join islam because they know that listen islam has become powerful we might as well join the status quo and see where it takes us hence therefore when a person then in islamic history the greatest injustice begins when you compare this man who joins islam without conviction with the very meaning of conviction when you look at islamic history the man who joins with no conviction is now suddenly compared a nathara and the how do you compare haley and but the reality is that that's what happened in islamic history and that injustice meant that if you could compare me with ali why could you not compare my son with husain the reality was that what muawiyah did is he paved away with his supporters who are his supporters one of the saddest things when a person examines morawi has crimes against islam is don't forget the sons of the sahabah who were with mu'awiy and the hate of bait don't forget two sons one loved ali of them the other hated had a son by the name of abdul rahman hated amir al-mu'min with a passion he had another son muhajir loved amir al-mu'min with a passion imagine was on one side with ali abdul rahman with more away i ask your sons why they come out like this let me give you another example i'll give you although many of them were sons of companions what did they have in common a hate towards ali all it needed was for some of them to remain alive until karbala and they'll take out the same hate towards the son of ali sadly in the muslim world today you see people who try and rehabilitate muawiyah's character now i hear for example from one side amir al-mu'min all of these rehabilitations let's make clear not all of our sunni brothers and sisters admire some of the most famous ones are clear how dare you show admiration for a man whose crimes so many could be listed but then there is one particular school they push for more away they even go on to push for yazid no problem if you want to push for these why not necessarily out of love form or away either out of hate for amir and mo minion or because the ultimate decency of the companions theory cannot be rocked by you questioning muawiyah because then the door of questioning opens up for others but when you look at morawi and what he instituted then without a doubt karbala was a formality because the way he went about what he did he paved the way for his son to say if my father had supporters who were alongside rasulullah then what's wrong if i do to hussain what my father did too to ali let's examine tonight in the first part muawiyah's crimes against the religion of islam and i'd like to do this in the following stages number one did imam ali get a warning from the prophet peace be upon him his family that people would fight him in this way and if he did on what incident was this shown number two is a truly catabel did he write the quran if he did what position did this put him in is he truly is this a title in which a person deserves merits number three after the battle of jamal what did imam allah face in the muslim ummah and why wouldn't muawiyah pledge to ali and if muawiyah doesn't pledge to ali does this make him bari and if it makes him bari and rebellious what's the ruling on the rebels in this case number four did imam al-islam turn around and say allah and therefore we shouldn't wake jihad against each other or rather did he mobilize his troops and get them ready for a jihad number five when he did mobilize his troops did he have any famous companions with him and what stain and legacy does muawiyah have in terms of the sahaba of rasulallah that muawiyah went ahead and killed even after suffering how did muawiyah continue to loot kill plumage especially the shia of emily alaihissalam after that is it true that on one night ahmed nilhaas got away with death muawiyah got away with death and imam ali was struck by ebin jim or is that the biggest load of nonsense made up in islamic history just to cover the tracks of others and then further after that if one masum's killing wasn't enough how did he ensure that another massam was poisoned and how was that one who was poisoned ensured that he had a legacy at kerbela that you may have killed me in medina but my boys will always be there to protect hussain let's examine this and dissect this topic in depth sometimes a person wonders did the prophet ever sit with molar and say to him you've got to be ready for this one day did the prophet ever warn him something like this was going to happen muhammad bin hambal and his muslim has this very interesting narration and the narration is actually repeated in several places it's the narration of the repairing of a shoe it seems innocuous a shoe that's being repaired but within this narration is arguably the whole of the apida of the shia in which sense in this narration one of the great companions of rasulallah just in case you say i don't like companions no we like abu sayyid he's all right we take from him and we take from jabber and we take from salman abu dharr narrates that the prophet peace be upon him and his family was there with the companions on one day and he made this point that in the same way i was fought over the revelation of the quran one of you will be fought over the interpretation of the quran revelation in arabic is what tenzil an interpretation is what in arabic the holy prophet peace be upon him in his family states that in the same way that i was fought over the tensile of the quran one of you will be fought over the wheel of the quran first and foremost what do we take from this narration that whoever this person is going to be his role in islam one may argue is as important as the role of rasulallah because the prophet has to protect the revelation whoever he's talking about is going to affect thee or protect the interpretation and if he's going to protect the interpretation then his must be at such a level where the treasures of the quran are all within him and the prophet also is warning all of these muslims that tenzil is with me ta wheel is with him but that in the same way question if someone fought the tenzil someone fought the revelation of the quran what do we classify them as when the tenzil of the quran happens when wahi comes to the prophet and you say that this is for example a madman or this is a sorcerer or this is a magician or this is a truth sayer what do we classify a person who says that to the prophet do you agree we classify them as kafir in some cases we classify them even as a munafiq because there was some around him who even begun to question his own prophethood yes so do we classify these who fought the tens the ta wheel or the tensile those who fought the tensile anyone who fought rasulullah on the tensile these people who fought the prophet every muslim agrees that these are out of islam do you agree the prophet says now those who fight you on the ta wheel are like those who fought me over the tenzil who was present there at the time when the prophet was walking he had a slight damage on his shoe let's say for example in our language a shoelace that needed fixing for example as an example who was there the prophet said one of you abu bakr and omar were there and everybody put their head up saying who's this person who the prophet says will be fought over the interpretation of the quran the way i am fought over the revelation of the quran he said the one who's repairing the shoes who was the one repairing the shoe of rasulallah according to this non-shi hadith who's the one who was repairing the shoe of the prophet imagine the prophet shulas was needing repairing or the shu needs repairing who was it they turned around he said that man repairing the shoe he is the one who will be fought in the wheel of the quran the way i was fought over the ten seed of the quran question ya rasulallah those who fought you over the tanzil we call them all kuffar why those who fought ali over that's how at the end of the day what did rasulullah prove in this hadith is the walking quran on the earth when i say above what do i mean because if the quran anyone can use the quran for their own whims and desires the one who gives the explanation of the quran is the real hajj of allah on earth so therefore the prophet already told him oh ali you will be fought over the interpretation of the quran why in the same way that i was fought over the revelation of the quran nobody else was given this honor and that's why imam kept on saying at jamal at safin that's what are we albeit we all bait our watch we are also the beacons of knowledge and the protectors of the quran we are the ones who are protecting the quran because if i came to jamal i see one side this group one side that group the question i have to be asking is in did he say indeed confirmed that's enough for me there's no need for confusion where is al muhammad that's the path that i take there's no need for confusion i ask all of you here 2021 if you were a jamal or you're a sufian who would you be with straight away you'll say hey quran ali is with the truth and the truth is with ali straight away i would have the answer there for me ali is with the truth and the truth with ali but someone says how does he defend himself if there is that praise of imam ali alaihissalam how does muawiyah end up defending himself muawiyah knew that i can't really use much praise for me from rasulullah we don't want to use for example that the prophet called me look for example or that the prophet gave me other titles we don't want to use these so how does muawiyah defend himself by using two titles and these two titles are still applicable to him in a way the first title is what the first title is that he is meaning that he is one of the scribes those who wrote the quran those who wrote the quran so you join islam and then suddenly there's a job available for you to write the quran you came a from a lady who eats the meat and the flesh of the muslims that's your mom your dad's cv doesn't really help much you join islam and straight away you're the writer of revelation a person has to sit back and think hold on a minute you'd think if you told me for example you tell me i said okay suddenly because he's the one who will be writing the quran for us number two writing the quran let's say he did write the quran that means there's a stamp called asthma on him i give you hundreds of ayahs about infallibility of no not sure does it refer no hadith he just writes a word of the quran if we say he did yes we say he did straight away that's a stamp of infallibility that means you can't touch muawiyah now why because now he's got the stamp of asthma he wrote the quran all those of the quran weren't enough suppose that he writes the quran that's it you say a single word he wrote the quran he wrote the quran number three being at that time is nothing to be proud of it's not like medina was oxford or cambridge how many people were able to write even at that time the prophet had to beg people afterwards can you teach our people how to read and write you're not talking a thousand people and of those thousand they people who were 12 to 17 people were able to write for example at that time further than that abdullah bin sarah he was one of those who used to write the quran ends up apostating so now just because he wrote the quran and he did write the quran he was of those who had written the quran he ends up what he ends up apostating so just because of that further than that did more away really write the quran was writing for example letters contracts nothing more than that this writing of the quran is something which is done which will be given what which is giving him some sort of credibility i'm giving you all the points that muawiyah wants to throw as the points to defend himself if not as lovers today this is the importance of you owning fox and bbc is if you own them then you make sure that hadiths go in your path they look after you everybody else whose sisters married to the prophet is not what we did only has a discussion with his dad he says to him dad what's your opinion on ali and he blatantly tells his son ali nabi talib has many faval but his enemies couldn't take it so they began to make up for the informa not because muawiyah has any fava el but just out of the hate of ali and he goes there isn't a single hadith with an is not that is reliable in the father i love muhammad and and at the end he concludes he says the likes of nasa's hawaii he says these are the likes of people who said that there isn't father in formula has none why a man who is able to raise an army to kill fight imam ali imam hasan imam hussain put an x on that person straight away there's no fatherhood for such a person all these are made up and that's why how did he pounce on it after jamel finished aisha went back quiet nothing else she can't talk now maharis like well you know what i'll take my opportunity remember omar had paved a wonderful path for muhawiyah wonderful path why are you just in charge of jordan baba take sham take everything enjoy sitting in sham and he's thinking you know what in medina i'll finish him off imam ali decides what will he do he leaves medina after jamal to go to kufa strategically kufa is a place where you can counter the syrians and imam ali shows that kufa shouldn't always be looked down upon if al-muhammad's first imam took it as a capital and the last of their imams will take it as a capital so why are we always condemning kulfa kofakufa some of us have to sit back when we hear people in their latmiya saying relax is like any other city in the world it has the good the bad and the ugly who where they blame the kuffins they say you guys let down imam hussain masha allah makkah and medina done a great job with imam hussain what's an amazing job they did how does imam hussain get to kuwa if it wasn't mecca and medina remaining quiet when they wanted to be abdullah but no one blames makkah and medina everyone jumps on kufa because of its shiite inclination and heritage comes towards kufa knows he wants to counter muawiyah you know in arabic literature one of the phrases you use when you want to throw an excuse is kamehameha man means what gets killed everyone abuses his shirt abuses his shirt in which way and i'm gaining vengeance for us you know when you have family members when a family members died no one used to know him when he was alive the moment he died there's lots of money everyone jumps out and i i knew him well one allah said salam to him one life was my cousin baba before where were you when uthman was being attacked where were you suddenly more aware came church of uthman i want to gain vengeance for us he said i want to make sure that i gain that vengeance is he the imam of the time or no he's the imam of the time i always go back to this when abu bakr had people who didn't give him bayer the government consented to even burning the house but at that time anyone who was against abu bakr was seen as being what someone causing issues in the muslim community how comes when muawiyah has an imam presence sitting imam tells him you have to remove from your position you cannot stay in your position muawiyah turns around says i'm not going why he goes omar put me here why should you remove me blatant omar placed me here i'm not going i'm not getting out of here okay but this is the imam you who are not she i keep telling me there are four rightly guided yes you also admit that the moment the fourth died kingship begun they admit yes and he proudly says i'm the first of the kings proudly say first of the kings that means what came before you if it is right then you are a bid but if you are right then they will bid up no problem when i see therefore that the fourth rightly guided khalifa is there somebody who sits in sham imam ali wanted ibn abbas to become governor of shem you got to go that's it your time's up not moving what are you going to do about it you're moving again imam ali sends another message that you know what come to medina let's chat me and you that's true why do we need to go towards war what do you have an issue with uthman's death you know it wasn't me and you know i had nothing to do with it well what's more we got the issue with imam you think it's uthman's death is his granddad's death still has vengeance for hind's father from better and his uncles from badr and that's why hazid would say in front of say the zainab later i wish my ancestors from better were present wants justice for the ummah with justice when you have sufyan on one side the heart been raised on another marwan abdul hakam one another and he literally is violent all around you all of the trash of history are all around you what do you want you don't want islam is the sign of islam the hagman is the sign of islam is a sign of islam these aren't signs of islam you just want vengeance imam says come to medina let's talk in medina we'll resolve the issues of the ummah as an imam how much he tries to find a resolution with all of these before jamal he tries to open a resolution that's not fire there's an easy way until you want to find peace why are you going to bastard here i am in medina why are you taking a flight to masra if you want peace you don't go to basra you come medina i'm here why is everyone and we are likewise he told him come to medina well he had been akbar told muawiyah if i find out you've gone towards medina while i'll never call your father's son never will i accept madeleine in his succession to muhammad all of you should read the book the succession to muhammad wilfred madeleine he explains how muawiyah himself had some of his father's friends around him saying to him allow this don't listen to ali what he wants is not what we want we've waited years to gain vengeance from the son of abu talib this is what this is our opportunity looks at it he says i'm not moving a single step imam notices what does that mean that means now we've reached the stage whoever fights imam ali ask any muslim in the world today any person with a pure heart neutral observer you will agree with me fighting ali means you're a hypocrite yes turns around to the people of kufa to all his soldiers he said get ready for jihad yes because he looked towards muawiyah and he would write and najib explains all of these things wonderfully makes it clear on many occasions where he tells the likes of muawiyah that since when you muawiyah are the one who looks after the people's affairs and has the rights over the people yes never were you in that position or in that situation whatsoever so then imam ali salam gets his soldiers ready gets all his soldiers ready who is his soldiers the likes of us in all of these discussions has such a big mosque in egypt it's unreal you go to cairo go and see that mosque assistance we're not going to sit back no one's holding back we're going to go towards that area which area safin raqqa you saw where isis had captured in raqqa that area imam ali look who imam ali went with this is a vital point imam ali and his army they were some of the most famous companions of rasulallah of course all of these are going heaven let's just put a disclaimer it doesn't matter they kill each other but you know we could all go and sit in heaven together and have breakfast and whatever why don't you kill each other that happens baba you kill who was with imam ali is that not enough you as a muslim there's an army with say they shall be with is that not enough for you but it goes to show you the achad of badaran how much it had infested the hearts of the people who else was with imam ali alayhi salaam there at safin a new one they went towards that area again tried to find a way in which you would discuss with them to say there's no need for us to fight they were adamant that they wanted to fight it doesn't matter baba we want you dead all of muhammad's family if we have a chance we'll kill them karbala is no surprise 24 years before karbala half of rasulullah his family could have been killed karbala was the conclusion of what could have happened 20 years earlier we just it didn't happen maybe one may argue because of amir al-mu'min's presence on that day but who did muawiyah end up being the cause of their deaths because you keep telling us you shi i don't respect the sahaba oh i do i do and i respect three in particular who were killed because of muawiyah number one companion of rasulallah probably not having even met him used to live in yemen his mom was blind used to look after his mom his dream was to meet the holy prophet peace be upon him his family as is our dream insha allah to one day see the holy face of rasulullah his dream was to meet rasulullah that's all he wanted in life his mom's like no i don't let you mom please no i don't mom please i don't until he sends a letter to the holy prophet peace be upon his family ya rasulallah i'd love to come and do your ziyarah and the prophet replies to him of me is obedience to your mom is wajib allahu akbar look at the position there of how islam values the mom that ziara of me sunnah obedience to your mom is wajib your mom says to you this year you don't go ziara that's it somebody will say but say no my parents aren't happy with me going ziyarah why are they not happy number one for what reason maybe you're the thai person the whole year you don't pray and then suddenly in ziara you're causing havoc the whole year no salah and then you go see and cause havoc your parents are saying baba the whole year we've been asking you to turn religious and now in sierra you're going what to pray and fast or just to hang out with friends a waste on the other hand his parents were what his parents were saying you can't go always said mom please mom please rasulallah said to him sunnah visiting me obedience to mom is watch oh he said okay until one day when he reached there he looked for the prophet didn't find him the prophet was not there he returned back and the prophet mentions lines about waste which are phenomenal i smell the fragrance of jannah in madinah allahu akbar i smell the fragrance of gender and medina who has been here they said imagine there's a human living in the time of the prophet through the prophet says you can smell jannah from him just that's remarkable that really is this always the prophet used to say he can intercede for people if they're in hell he can take them to heaven if he wants to imagine because iman sometimes when you're in a land like yemen may allah bless the people of yemen in sha allah when you are in a land like yemen iman is not easy when you're far from medina and meccan you hear about the sahab you hear about a little bit but you don't see them to hold on to that iman it's not easy but for him to hold on the prophet said what away it's so great that if someone's in hell he can make him go to heaven because of his that's how great always is ask muslims out there you respect all waves say yes yes yes why say rasulallah praised them so much okay and that's a great answer tell me more about his life he said all i know is that he's he's a great company no no after the prophet where is he what's happened to always have very high respect for always very spiritual ascetic known for his asceticism how they always die who don't know how always died by the way i'm not going to blame non-shia owais where was he he was with rasul with imam amir muhammad on the side of imam aliyat safin outspoken against muawiyah when a person leads an army against who awaits al-qarani and there's a reason i'm saying is that not enough for a person to run and say that this person has nothing to do with islam this person is far from islam away silk and he died on the day of safein martyr buried who else was there killed on the day of saphen you say we the shia i don't respect the sahaba i'll give you another sabbath in islamic law if i give a witnessing me how many witnessing does it count for one only one man his witness counsels to him normally if your divorce is being done in islamic law you can say this person and this person listen if you've got nothing to do today come sit in front of the mawlana you want to do you get two people divorce is done if jose mourinho turns up you don't need a second person that's why what's his title ask the muslims you know why he's two witnessing why the prophet's horse was called mortajs horse of the prophet the prophet bought it from an arab paid him the amount when he goes back the arab goes what he goes no he didn't pay me anything i mean what he says i paid straight away you have to believe the prophet said to him but i paid you said no no you ain't paid me he said come on you know i paid you so no prophet saw a couple of companions that we don't need to bring any more names so a couple of companions said you know this person says i bought i bought the horse from him and i've paid him he says haven't paid him and he wants witnesses from me one of the companions said well if you don't have witnesses then you might be right if you find me someone now in our community in the muslim world today who's trustworthy some of us will say baba this guy i don't even need to write a contract with him even though islamically were meant to write but people have such a high re he said he said to the prophet said well if you don't have witnesses maybe it's right who's walking past josema here what's the issue said i bought this horse and they say that i haven't paid and the man saying that is their witnesses who's your witnesses he said me because i believe you i testify so what do you mean he said i gave you my life for revelation i've not seen and i believed you in everything you've said from the heavens i'm gonna doubt you over horse of course those around him there's a lord there's a lot of this people around him you know they're around him but this josema he are you guys kidding me we believe that he gets revelations from the heavens i'm going to doubt him over this horse you guys are what's wrong with you guys used to be proud of him that's of all the sahaba muhammad that's the type of level he reached sacrifice his life after ahud wherever the prophet needed him muslim what happened to khazema well i don't know like it's a great combat because i love these books the books about the sahabah's lives which end abruptly you know there's like you know what happens it's like this guy was great with the prophet it was amazing with the prophet he was such a good man prophet died on saphen why why'd he die in suffering come on come on author be brave say he died and suffering fighting alongside ali no i've seen so many of these books in islamic bookshops i swear name me the companion prophet this is some story i know about donkey in a day dates falling off a tree and you know some hadith about garlic and stuff like that and then after the prophet dies all it says is he died in safin if he died in safin and you haven't got a problem with muawiyah allah to go to one day where you have to meet one day the providence say that i sided with those who fought your family day of safin josema got killed with who with amir al-mu doesn't convince you enough of the disbelief of muawiyah well i feel sorry for you but there's nothing else that we can do man always don't come near ammar paradise yearns for four salman abu dharr mcdonough amar ben yasser has the whole of iman from the top of his head until the crown of his feet amar and the truth is look at these booklets used to carry bricks with the prophet nice nice he built the mosque of the prophet nice his father yasser first mata in islam his mother saw my effort nice i love all of this stuff this is the wonderful why does it stop there come on tell me tell me because he died in his 90s you can't just tell me about 30 or 40 or 50 odd years 60 odd years of his life i want to know how he died oh but you can't tell me how he died because puts you in trouble doesn't it i died at the sahaba study becomes wishy-washy because amongst those who killed him were those who pledged to the prophet under the tree because you always hear this argument those who gave baa to the prophet under the tree ravi allah and if giving bay i was that call what's he doing fighting ammar yaniwal i use your aqua for the love of god i know that your med habilia sometimes gives you asabi i know but sometimes you have to use your aqua picked up a brick with the prophet and the prophet said to him amar you will be killed by a rebellious group by infidels whatever the word is who killed him first wonderful argument they always give is that you know that classic argument where it's like yes he didn't kill him because he wasn't sham so he didn't kill him saddam hussein never killed anyone he because he's in his palace in baghdad so if twelve thousand people die in a mass grave it's not for them he never killed him no problem why didn't kill him a man whose whole body was serving islam gets killed by another sahabi at safin 25 people from bethel were in imam ali's army that day 25 from the battle of bader imam ali's the moment amar died there was a problem what's the problem everyone's like ahmad got killed he's like someone said hold on a minute the prophet said ahmad will be killed by the rebellious group we're in trouble you know later in islamic medieval text you know what they wrote about this by the way this is the person who killed them that i should kill nonsense nonsense they gave the killer of ammar that sight soul of much to head some of the others were like hold on we've killed hamar we must be wrong the news reached more away what's more say but then again you say that but the man leading the opposition is going to reply to you with a crucial blow back to you muawiyah said we didn't kill ammar the man who bought him is the one who killed him to which imam ali al-islam says that means the prophet killed hamza allah allah what a reply that means the prophet killed hamza why because the prophet brought hamza to uh so it wasn't you killed him do you know what's the saddest of all of this incident one thing is the saddest always dies people are like you know what we must be wrong ammar dies people are like damn we're wrong how about the man who's leading the opposition it took ammar to die so what ali was what wasn't the man who saved you had better than all of these he never saved you and mars one hadith and they're like how about the man leading hammer how about that made it clear we go all the way to finish more but then cleverly the kindy family led by al-ashath and the rest of the rubbish wanted the quran to be placed on the spear from there the moment was placed on the spear you knew very well half these people don't know which side to go everyone's got masala until that arbitration happened when the arbitration happened what group said that we want us to be the arbitrator the other said what that we want i live we want ibn abbas we want malika imam ali wanted malik first even abbas eventually said no we want they came as arbitrators what's he noted for in his life either animosity to the prophet or pulling his pants down at saphen so that imam ali would not kill him because imam ali would turn his face hence imam because imam ali never put his face to idol so he never put his face to this person and what else is he known for he tells about that listen you leave ali i'll leave yeah okay cool did not stop even though imam ali kept on telling his soldiers we'll go back to him and we'll finish him muawiyah made sure that he had certain henchmen and these henchmen would go around massacring tomorrow i'll continue where we look at how he had the henchmen who found it normal to kill any lover of muhammad al-muhammad which set the planes for karbala that shia of ali of hassan or hussain go round and massacre and find them and that's why one of the myths they created was what the night that imam ali was martyred they created a major myth what was it that there were three who the khawarij wanted dead in egypt ali in kufa but that one of them never turned up to the mosque the other the knife didn't go through and the other even will jump struck him subhanallah the potluck doesn't get injured does it turn up to the most but imam ali gets shrunk don't believe this nonsense there's more and all of these and others all of them had planned for ibn munjim to kill amir al-mu'min and yet you know what's wonderful about tamir mohammadin even in the middle of that battle of safin you see the class of ali versus the lowliness of muawiyah when muawiyah had control of the water and imam ali and his soldiers said can we have he said i'll never give you a sip of that water to which imam turned round to his companions and he said to them go and get that water and when imam had the water and muawiyah's soldiers were thirsty imam said let them have access to water because no group of army or soldiers should be thirsty on a battlefield it should never reach a stage where you have a family who are thirsty let alone horses that are thirsty look at the principles of the man that he was trying to show that listen you guys are fighting me i have water come and drink from the water it's no issue you guys want to that's why some say ali never thought on the battlefield used to even smile and giving hope to the opposition that maybe with my smile it softens your heart when i fight you and that's why for amir and muhammad you'd think that the assassination of ali would be enough for people to think that muawiyah was more aware until after that who does he also originate or orchestrate the assassination of imam al-hassan imagine gives jordan the daughter of al-ashrath that family which had filth from every angle possible he gives the daughter he says listen you kill hassan and i will give you yazid and she goes towards the poisoning of imam al-hassan and when she does it thinking that i'm going to be now marrying yazidi is like if you're willing to do that to hasan bin ali you think i'm going to trust you with my son and that lady loses this world and the hereafter but that pain that she initiated and what is the story of al muhammad up to karbala pain after tragedy after pain after tragedy that poison that she gives it's easy for us from manabu to sit in narrate imam al-hasan was poisoned as if it's nothing but when our imam say that the only imam who straight away after being poisoned within the day passed away was imam al-hasan al-islam imagine how strong that poison was against imam al-hassan and when i come to the discussion of imam al-hasan the hostility of what happened to him you'll see how much hatred they had towards him but while that poison was affecting him imam al-hasan alaihissalam seeing the pain of imam al-hussein seeing his brother dying even his brother when he saw him dying how much pain he was in and imam al-hasan looks towards him and he says there's no day like your day about abdullah your day is the day it's the day that we know that all of what we've been through will be meted out against you and those around you what can i offer you i am not going to be there with you at karbala on one side all i can give you is he's going to be there for you yes and other than abel my sons abba abdullah at that time imam al-hasan died it was 11 years before karbala it meant that some of these sons were about five years old four years old three years old six years old they were all around because seven sons of imam al-hassan were at karbala of those seven sons you had one who survived karbala hasan al-muthenna survived karbala he was injured at karbala and he managed to survive what took place at karbala then you had others the way they laid down their lives for imam al-hussein you could see that they upheld their mother and their father's will one of them people don't mention him abdullah son of imam al-hassan this abdullah son of imam al-hasan right at the end of the maktal you hear his name arrows all over the body of abba abdullah wallah the rates of the makkah you know what he says he says imam al-hussein look like a hedgehog i i sometimes try and envision this i i really cannot imagine what this feels or means arrows all over the body what's a hedgehog god and hedgehogs with spikes all over his body how many arrows were on the body of the son of fatima all of these arrows were all over the body and then um turns you know what finish him can you see the whiteness of his neck and chest shoot your arrow i asked harumala you already took a six-month-old out and you already took the eye of abel fard he got that arrow he put it back all of a sudden there was a young man running out of the tent and he ran towards his uncle's body he sat there and his auntie zainab said abdullah come back come back and he turned around to i listened to his line how can i come back and my uncle sits alone in karapala with arrows all over his body he went he put himself literally in front of the arrow literally and the arrow struck him and he fell next to abba abdullah that was another of the sons of imam al-hasan alaihissalam but no doubt the one we relate to the most the one we remember every year yes tonight we remember him as well and how many of us yearn to be next to his father first and foremost in baki on a night like this but next to him as well yes that man who when his uncle said to him how do you view death he said if it's with you death is sweeter than honey what feeling is there like the feeling of being with say this it's an honor for me but he also because of his young age when he came to imam hussain and said let me go out uncle abba abdullah said no your mother is alone i want you to make sure that you look after your mom and when he came back to his mom his mom looked at him she said to him what's wrong he said my uncle says no he says i must look after you where was the turban of imam al-hasan now think of the scene she places the turban on qasim he comes to his uncle his uncle's heart breaks why because it's as if he saw imam al-hasan alive again yes when he saw him he looked towards him he said my mother said that i'm the one of my father and i'm the amana of my mother so i have to come out and i want to defend you imagine this young man when he came out on the battlefield everyone else came out the shield wouldn't carry them the sword would be enough for them except him the shield would drag him it was heavy for him the army was heavy for him the armor and his thirst had overtaken him but when he came out a young man people were amazed look at the moon shining in front of us and he came out and he wanted to make a statement to everybody this poetry that he recites is something phenomenal why because he wanted to make clear to them that number one hassan min ali never dies hassan ali is always alive you can try and remove his name from history straight away if you deny me then of my relationship who am i i'm the son of hassan ali if you think you're gonna eradicate the holy prophet peace be upon him and his family then no neville mustafa i am alongside who i am the son of the one who is the grandson of the holy prophet peace be upon him and his family but his next line breaks our hearts every year and i want every single one of you to picture the scene this is a line people go over this line they gloss over this line but they don't understand the power of this line imagine the scene what happened to islam 50 years after rasool allah dies that his grandson isn't the king isn't the emperor isn't the most beloved he's like a captive who has to lose his life give his life between these groups of people how could my uncle be alone like this what are you people doing how dare you he did a farewell to his uncle abba abdullah he hugged his uncle one final time he turned to his mother he embraced his mother and he embraced his honesty zayna balaya salam when he came out on the battlefield he fought them one by one valiantly every time he'd strike anyone he'd turn to a barbie he continued to fight valiantly one-on-one none of them could come near him until all of a sudden they began to surround him still they couldn't come near him until his slipper his slipper broke accidentally he didn't want to walk barefooted on the plains of carabella he tried to come down and fix his slipper i ask you a young man thirsty imagine him as he beds down all of a sudden a man called out i'll take all the sins of all the arabs and i'll break the heart of abba abdullah all of a sudden this man came and he struck class him then all of them began to strike us i wonder what the heart of fatamatizara went through when she saw her grandson on the ground i wonder what happened to the eyes of ramla when she sat and saw kasim on the earth but the line that breaks my heart every year is when you imagine his voice calling out as he came out towards him the exchange the two of them have one light breaks the heart imam jose looks into the eyes of class he saves him it hurts that you call him and he can't reach you or that he reaches you but he's not able to help you uh [Music] [Music] [Music] at that moment you found about abdullah carrying him back he carried him back towards the tent imagine the heart of ramla when she saw her son his body in front of her there's al-hussein carried him back to the temple when muhammad fell imam al-hussein carried him back to the center fell imam al-hussein carried him back into the center i asked [Music] [Music] who carried his body back to the center i'll give you the answer the horse is a very ominous body everywhere allah raised us with muhammad allow us to be amongst those who receive the intercession of qasim the originators of this majesty allah blessed them there are people who have asked me to recite the eye of the quran there is someone of our friends whose mother is in urgent need of our duas there are others who have difficulties in their personal lives there are others who have difficulties with their health with their children with the tear that flows from your eye in honor of qasim ibn hassan [Music] [Music] [Music] the loudest of yours [Music] go back to your mother and the words of the poet says stay your mother wants you to smile stay [Music] [Music] i am your uncle and this is my battle i sing and tell me the earning for death why do you feel cause him i am your uncle and this is my battle i see him tell me they're ironing for death why do you feel i seem this is my tragedy this is my trial by sim don't let me hear another mother's will i see him don't let me hear another mother's way you leave her to cry and well [Music] us your eyes they see a path that's before your beams tell me is it your martyrdom or your mother's dreams tell me for her emotions what shall tomorrow redeem tell me will tears of joy or of grief from her i stream tell me will tears of joy or of grief from her i scream stay a heart is caught in a gale stay you leave her to cry and while stay my son my son i'm listen she's a mother and every mother's the same listen every day of your wedding your mother dreams listen if this dream of her's impossible became listen her heart would ache every time she heard your name listen her heart would ache every time she heard your name stay away daily she'll recall to cry [Music] she entrusted to you left it in your hands her heart she gifted to you all its rivers and lands so tell her why with no heart your mother stands [Music] oh my her eyes would wake in the morning longing for your sides her eyes saw all as darkness but saw your face as light her eyes would wake in the morning longing for your sight her eyes so roll as darkness but saw your face as light her eyes in the comforts of your eyes when left in fright her eyes for but a glance of you the world they would fight her eyes for but a glance of you the world they would fight stay away without your sight her skin pale stay you leave her to cry and well stay you leave i to cry and well my son my son [Music] i find your eyes make me realize you won't sleep if left behind your eyes looked like a sans eyes when with mine they aligned your eyes and my brother's requests i've never declined your eyes and my brother's requests i've never declined [Music] my you go wearing your father's armor and disturbance you go wearing your father's armor and disturbance you go whilst your mother prepares for you a coffin you go she throws away every marriage thought and dream you go her dreams die and become a tribulation you go her dreams die and become a tribulation stay is something she cries out while stay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] am [Music] [Music] with the recent covet 19 pandemic it has become tougher to attend majalis at centers this maharan millions of people will not get the chance to go to their local hussein or imam baga fly into khalbalah has become really difficult this will mean that we all solely rely on tv stations such as ours to participate and recount the tragedies that befell upon imam hussain alaihi salaam and his 72 companions our duty during the holy months of muharram and suffer is to bring to you 40 days of exclusive feeds depicting the story of kabbalah through live lectures eulogies and images from the holy land of kabbalah and not forgetting our 24 7 live broadcast of the world's biggest gathering on earth the urbain walk the holy footsteps of bibi zainab and bibi rakia and the family of the prophet will be shown all over the world this is made possible by the sincere hard work and dedication of our media teams in london and kerbala who braved the early hours of the morning to film edit broadcast fresh content for you every single day many other departments work tirelessly day in and day out to keep the five channels running smoothly for our dear viewers especially those in the financial department raising funds to allow the channel to keep on streaming the beauty of karbala in the comfort of your own homes for free and so we are turning to you for your support that you would normally provide to your local hussainir to raise funds in the name of the master of the martyrs imam hussain alaihissalam and his 72 companions the marmoset media group are looking to raise 72 000 pounds per channel in order to help and finance the broadcasting of its five channels during muharram and the umayyin season this is a combined effort between all five channels to raise a total of 360 thousand pounds make sure the name of imam hussain alayhi salaam shall continue to echo throughout the ages of time help spread the message of imam saying allah salaam be a part of the movement and be a part of the legacy of omaha salam today
Channel: Sayed Ammar Nakshawani Official
Views: 39,765
Rating: 4.9051385 out of 5
Id: UEqshkAXtpI
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Length: 83min 28sec (5008 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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