EASIEST Houseplants Even YOU Can't Kill 🌱 Top 10 Easy Plants In My Collection

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know we'll play later the early you're treading on the plants what do you want hello everyone welcome back to my channel if you're new here hi my name's Claire and this is Yoli I make videos all about house plant care sharing tips and tricks I've learned over the years to help keep your plants happy and healthy and I made a video recently taking you through some of my most difficult house plants so today I thought I would flip that and take you through some of my easiest some of the plants that I'm going to show you in this video kind of just take care of themselves to a certain extent they can go weeks on end without water some of them even months and they are just so low maintenance and so easy to care for so yes I hope you enjoy it let's get into it [Music] so for this video I've chosen my top 10 plants but there were actually quite a few more that I almost included so if you like this video and you would like a part two let me know down in the comments but I've tried to select ones that maybe aren't spoken about that much and are a little bit more obscure and the first one is the aglanima Cutlass and I mean it is just the most beautiful plant it's got such amazing coloring the pattern on its leaves is just beautiful it's almost like a cartoon plant and aglanima as a Genus anyway is often very very easy to care for I've got quite a few in my collection that I literally barely do anything to and they stay looking pretty perfect but this one I only watered this one I mean obviously and with all of the plants I speak about in this video it does come down to your home environment and the conditions you're keeping your plant in some are going to require slightly more water than others but compared to all of the other plants in my collection this one is definitely one of the lowest maintenance I only water it every kind of three weeks or so I wait for the soil to pretty much completely dry out and then I give it a thorough soak through and that's pretty much all I do it's also a plant that's very adaptable in terms of its lighting conditions the spot that I've got my one in at the moment is probably kind of like a medium to low light spot it doesn't get any direct sun at all it doesn't get huge levels of light but as you can see it is looking really happy and really healthy so yeah I would 100 recommend this as a beginner plant because I think sometimes when you see plants with really kind of striking foliage like this it's often very easy to see assume that they are quite temperamental I think probably for me because there's something about them that almost kind of gives me calathia Vibes and that just makes me go oh my goodness that's going to be a little bit trickier but this one is just so laid back also if you're just looking to build your collection and you don't want everything to just to be so intense because I know plant care can be a little bit overwhelming when you've got a lot of plants and although I love caring for my plants so much it does also make me very happy to know that I've got some in my collection that I can just essentially not really worry about if I was to go away for a month I probably wouldn't worry too much about this plant again depends on the time of year but I wouldn't be too worried there's others that would really make me go oh but this one this one is just great I could have actually included quite a few Hoyas in this as well as a Genus Hoya does tend to be oh I'm sitting on it does it tend to be fairly straightforward to look after but it is the Hoya chroniana Super Silver and I think this is just the most beautiful plant I love how shimmery and blue its leaves are again it looks very unusual and it grows so quickly but this is a plant that I mean very similar to the aglanima I I very rarely water I I check on it when I obviously check on all of my other hanging plants because I've got them all along the rail in my house and nine times out of ten this one is probably not ready for a drink when a lot of the others are so yeah I would say at the moment on average I'm probably watering this one every two to three weeks but I know as well if I was to go slightly longer it's so drought tolerant it probably it probably wouldn't mind at all it probably would cope absolutely fine I can actually looking at it at the moment I can tell that it is ready for a drink and this is a really great thing about hois as well is they are very good at telling you when they're dehydrated because if you look at I might need to put some shots in because I'm not sure if you'll be able to tell that well on camera but you can see its leaves are just a little bit wrinkly and that's it basically just saying I'm thirsty give me a drink so I will definitely be watering this plant after this video but it's not one that's prone to dropping leaves I've I've honestly I mean touch wood with all of these but in the time I've had this plant it's never given me any grief at all and I think just as a hanging plant I love how delicate its foliage is it's also just starting to bloom for me there as well I just think the color the texture everything about it is just really gorgeous really unusual but it's one that I just never worry about it never it never gives me any grief so yeah again all of these I would say personally would be really great beginner plants but with the majority of the ones I'm going to speak about the one thing you do have to watch out for is over watering because they tend to be the ones that I'm talking about in terms of low maintenance do tend to be incredibly drought tolerant and I know the biggest killer in plants such as Hoya for example is root rot so if you go a little bit overboard if you don't actually monitor the soil and you just kind of guess or schedule your watering then you can go overboard quite easily and your plant will essentially turn to Mush so definitely go on the underwatering as opposed to over watering side of this plant but if you do that I can pretty much guarantee it will be it will be happy it's another one that's very very adaptable when it comes to light at the moment it doesn't get again very similar to the last one doesn't get any direct sun it's in a fairly low light spot and its color hasn't faded it's still giving me beautiful new growth it's obviously still still flowering as well so yeah it's very adaptable and very easy to care for and one that pretty much always makes the list in Easy plant care videos is the snake plants and I know it can be considered a little bit generic nowadays it's very common so I thought I would include one that maybe maybe you haven't seen before or I mean definitely not as common but this is the sun severia Metallica I say sansevieria I know that's its previous classification I think it is now dracana but most people I know still refer to its antiviria and I am very stuck in my ways so I do too um but yeah this is the Sans very Metallica And as you can see it's got a slightly different growth structure to for example the sanseveria laurentii or the Moonshine or anything like that and it's just got the most beautiful foliage like it's really really silvery it's really stripey and striking and this has got to be one of the most adaptable and easy to care plants that I I think I've ever owned I can say that about all of my snake plants but this one is definitely my favorite I have gone I feel like I've gone months without watering this plant before which is not ideal it is drought tolerant it should probably be watered more than that but it is just a plant that is not going to complain if it does get a little bit neglected from time to time and it's also another one that is ridiculously adaptable when it comes to light ideal lighting conditions for this plant would be because it's a succulent they would be fairly high but it's also the snake plant is known for being able to survive in very low light conditions and this one currently lives on top of my fridge and it gets again similar to the others so far medium to low light but I know if I wanted to achieve much kind of a fuller faster growth putting it in front of a window would do that but it's never given me any issues I mean I'm saying that about all of them none of these plants that I'm going to show you I don't think have ever really given me any issues hence why they're on this list but yeah again the one thing you obviously have to watch out for with this one is over watering snake plants in my experience are yes they are known as the unkillable plants but if you if you do go overboard then rotting is something that you are going to have to deal with and usually that means chopping the whole plant up and starting again and they can be quite difficult to propagate for some people so yeah I would definitely definitely err on the side of less as opposed to more but I just think it's a gorgeous plant as I say it's got beautiful texture beautiful colors and it requires virtually no care so yeah that is definitely a tip top on the list and this next one's one that's definitely becoming a favorite of mine at the moment it is the red coral Cactus and I just absolutely adore hanging succulents hanging cacti I think they are so beautiful and again texture I think it's just gorgeous but this one again requires very little water I watered this one only when the soil is pretty much bone dry and although it is a cactus and it does require fairly highlight in order to be able to thrive I've actually got two of this plant and this one lives in a window box literally on my window and as you can see for that reason it's got the beautiful kind of sun-stressed red tips but I have got another one that hangs over in a corner over there that I mean again it gets kind of medium to low light and it's also growing really beautifully for me so it is a much more adaptable plant than you would think and I know I've banged on about over watering with a lot of these plants but this is one where you do really have to watch it because because it is a cactus it really doesn't require much water at all it much prefers the soil to be pretty much dry before you water again then even just a little bit of moisture in the soil because that can cause it to start rotting but again it does come down to the conditions you're keeping it in so for example this one that I've got on the window I watered this one probably around about every three weeks at the moment and the one that I've got hanging over there I water like every month every month and a half which might sound absolutely crazy but that's how long it takes the soil to dry out in those conditions and it's not actually I'll put some clips in about as I say but it's not the structure of that one isn't kind of stretched and leggy in the same way as if you were to put some other plants in low light that didn't like it so it's obviously happy in those conditions and I think that's just really amazing I think it's incredible when you find a plant that can be so adaptable and so yeah for that reason this is one that I really wish I'd known about sooner when I was first getting into houseplants because I love the look of it I think it's a really cool little kooky plant and it's one that I very rarely have to do anything to again when I go around with my watering can and I kind of go around my a lot of my tropical plants and they check the soil more often than not this one is not ready for a drink and even if it is leaving it a few extra days it's not going to do any harm at all so yeah I think it's lovely and I really love it and oh okay so the next one is a little bit it's not very secure in its pot so I had to lean it up here but it is a little pepperoniacifolia and it might seem surprising to some of you that I've got a peperomia on this list because on the whole papromia are known to be quite difficult plants but with this one I think maybe it's because it's its leaves are so succulent like they almost kind of feel like Hoya leaves they're very very waxy but this one it's it's definitely not a fast grower but I think it's a really beautiful plant and I find its growth very rewarding I I again do very little to this plant I water it probably about on par as the red coral Cactus to be honest every every month or so I've got it over there just in the corner where I've got another snake plant as well and it it seems fine they're lightswise it's also one that's been again so adaptable it was in the conservatory before I moved here where it was getting really highlights now I would say it's getting kind of medium light and it seems happy it's still giving me growth and yeah it's just a very rewarding plants grow and I know they are capable of growing to be huge obviously mine is very not there yet and probably if I wanted to increase the growth rate in this plant then upping its light would be the best shout but as I say it is still growing it does still look healthy it does still look happy and it is so ridiculously easy to care for um and I'm going to lean it back up there again because it is not stable um but the last one the last one that I can actually fit in the shot I've got some bigger ones that I'll take you around to but the last one that I can hold is the Ace cannanthus marmaratus which is commonly known as the black Pagoda lipstick plant it's essentially a variegated lipstick plant and it's got that beautiful bushy structure to its growth it literally it literally looks like looks like a very pretty Bush and this one has been so so so easy to look after whilst still giving me a really decent amount of growth I got this one in one of my first episodes of my house plant tour UK so I think that was probably getting on for a year ago now and it was it was beautiful when I got it but it was very kind of stretched and leggy and as you can see now I mean it's actually pretty much outgrown the pot that it's in it probably is due for a repot but it has just got so full and so gorgeous and again I've never owned this plant before I got this one that I didn't know a huge amount about it but I let it soil pretty much completely dry out each time so that means that sometimes it goes up to a month without a water and it's still looking really on the whole really full and healthy and hasn't really given me any grief and the thing that I really love for this plant as well it is actually a little bit curly at the moment because it does need a drink but if you look at the undersides of its leaves how beautiful are those they're just so they're almost kind of like leopard print it's very unusual and I just as I've said so many times I'm just obsessed with texture in plants and next to my other hanging plants I think this one is just a gorgeous kind of statement plant and it's also very very easy to propagate I've got quite a few propagations of this plant currently and I'm propagating them in water it seems to be working really well but yeah it's one that I I literally just kind of ignore I appreciate it I'll throw some water on it every now and again but apart from that it really just takes care of itself again lighting wise incredibly adaptable it's well in the time that I've had this plant it's been in highlights it's been in really quite low light as well and never give me any issues but yeah so those are all the ones that I can hold up and show you here but I'm gonna take the camera off the tripod and I'm going to take you around and I'm going to show you a few more so this one here is now trailing like crazy this is my epipremlin marble queen and I love epipermanum as a Genus anyway and it does tend to be a fairly easy genus to take care of but the variegation on this one's leaves is just so so so beautiful and as you can see the spot I've got it in is it doesn't really get much natural light I've got a window there but it doesn't let through that much light and this one is just growing like a weed it's it's the easiest plant to care for it's ridiculously easy to propagate it's so ridiculously adaptable when it comes to lighting conditions and I just think it's all round a really really wonderful plant I also just love because it is so fast growing like I love having it trailing down there I think it looks beautiful again I'm going to use the word tax texture I think it adds lots of texture and yeah I water it I would say at the moment currently I'm probably watering this plant about once a month I did repot it fairly recently so it has got more soil in the pot than it had before it's got a decent root system but yeah I would say around about once a month and it's another plant that's very good at letting you know when it needs the water because its leaves go quite curly so whenever I see them start to kind of curl up like that I'll kind of think okay right I'll feel the soil and I'll see if it's ready but yeah it's been super easy and a very rewarding plant to grow and this one is one of my favorites this is the euphorbia accurensis and as you can see mine has got really really really huge now to the point that I'm actually leaning her up against the wall but this plant requires again virtually no care at all but because although it looks like a cactus it's actually a succulent it grows so quickly like I've had this plants fur I think about two years now and when I first got it it came up to about there and as you can see that is a huge amount of growth for two years and again it is very very adaptable it obviously prefers to be in a spot by a window where it's getting good light but I do know for a fact these plants can also survive and continue to grow in lower lighting conditions as well despite what a lot of people might say I have tried it and tested it when I lived in my basement bedroom and it still did well for me but yeah it's a plant that brings me a lot of Joy I water it every month and a half or so at the moment I really don't give it a lot and again it's quite easy on the whole to tell with these plants when they need a water because as you can see they're quite kind of plump and thick with their growth but when they need a water they become a lot thinner and oh it's got some webbing there need to make sure to make sure that that's just a spider and not spider mites um but yeah it becomes quite kind of sucked in and shriveled and that's usually that plus obviously testing the soil is how I can tell whether or not this plant needs a drink but I personally just wait for the soil to completely dry out before I re-water it and that tends to at the moment as I say be about every month month and a half but yeah I find it a very rewarding plant to own I think it's gorgeous it's very very different to any of my other plants and it's a proper kind of proper statement plant it's just yeah gorgeous so yeah I would definitely recommend this one and the next one is the ZZ plant and I never used to be a massive fan of ZZ plants I I don't know why exactly they just didn't grab me but I found this one on sale at B and Q and I was looking for a plant to fill a spot that was very very dark and since I've moved here as you can see I've got it in my hallway and it really doesn't get much natural light at all it only gets what's coming through that door and the door behind me so lighting wise it's incredibly adaptable but also in terms of watering it's I'm trying to think it can be it can literally be well over a month that this plant gets the water and it still stays looking really happy really conditioned its leaves are really actually they need to dust I was going to say really glossy they are in desperate need of a dust but on the whole it is just a very easy to care for plant and I think it looks really beautiful I really don't do a lot to it again it's a very easy one to propagate I've taken multiple cuttings of this plant in the time that I've had it and have subsequently got lots of lovely little plant babies but yeah I just think it's fantastic and if if I'd known about this plant when I was first getting into house plants I would have rushed out and bought one immediately because it's another one that's kind of known as unkillable and I can totally see why because I have neglected this plant so much in the time that I've had it and it still has given me beautiful growth and seems to very very healthy and the last one for this video is one that has been ridiculously easy to care for and as you can tell very very very fast growing it is my heartly philodendron and this one I really don't do a lot to at all at the moment I think on average I'm probably watering it about every three and a half weeks or something like that obviously it does change depending on the time of year and the temperature and all that sort of stuff but at the moment as you can see it's in quite a dark corner it doesn't get a lot of natural light it gets a little bit from that window but I would say it's in a fairly low light spot and it's it's growing really well for me so yeah those are the plants for this video as I say there are more that I could speak about so if you'd like a part two to this video then do let me know in the comments down below and if you enjoyed this video please make sure to give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel have a lovely day and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: The Jungle Haven
Views: 29,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easiest houseplants even you can't kill, top 10 easy plants in my collection, easiest indoor plants, easy houseplants for beginners, low maintenance houseplants, unkillable house plants, Hardest plants to keep alive, the easiest houseplants in my collection, plants I will never buy again, plants I would not buy again, Plants I will never buy again, why I wouldn't own these 10 houseplants again, plants i will not buy, worst houseplants, top 10 best houseplants
Id: 4s0WLP__nKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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