22-250 vs 243 vs 204 Ruger

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hello everyone and welcome back i was recently making a video in which i was shooting at 300 yards with a 204 ruger 40 grain vmax wanted to super performance and i was comparing that to a 22 250 50 grain vmax bullet and one of you guys wrote in and you had a pretty worthwhile question you asked me would i take a shot at a coyote past 300 yards with either of those cartridges and that got me thinking well with the 204 you're not going to get much of a better ballistic coefficient than what i already had that day so i'd probably leave that one alone but with the 22 250 i think i would trade in the 50 grain b-max bullet i was using and i would opt for a 55-grain v-max bullet and here's why past 300 yards neither of those calibers is giving you as much speed as what you'd like i mean they're pretty fast don't get me wrong but they're not as fast as what they were at 150 yards so i figure at that point you're depending on shot placement and as much bullet weight as you can get downrange and then i got to thinking would i just leave it there or would i maybe opt for a 243 winchester why wouldn't i do that and then i got to thinking oh i know why i wouldn't do that because when i was a kid people used to tell me that you can hunt coyotes at the 243 if you want to but eventually it might just look like you did if you know what i'm saying but i think that the people that were telling me that they were obviously hunting coyotes with 95 or 100 grain jacket at soft point from for their 243 and they were doing it from 70 80 yards away well that could get a little bit messy this just in but it doesn't have to be that way today's ammunition companies are designing that 243 winchester to be just a little bit above a 22-250 if that's where you want it to be so what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at the 22 250 we'll compare that to the 243 winchester and we're going to get a feel for why the 243 is in the conversation these days what they're doing with that 243 is they're taking the best of the ideas of a 22-250 and they're borrowing some of the best of the ideas of the 40 grain uh 204 ruger and they're kind of putting it together into one new package so we'll kind of take a look at that today and give you a chance to see if that's for you or not if you like today's video please remember to click the like button do subscribe turn on the notification icon if you haven't already done so and as always we're looking forward to your comments help us make that next video thanks again okay so if you were to pull the bullets off of the individual ammunition that you see right behind it from the left you've got the 204 ruger 40 grain v-max here you've got the bullet that would sit on top of the 22-250 this is a 55-grain v-max bullet another 55 grain ballistic silver tip for the winchester ammo right here another 55 grain winchester ballistic silver tip this one goes to the 243 though and here you've got a 65 grain ballistic tip bullet over here for your 243 winchester as well okay so on the left you still have your vmax bullet for the 204 ruger take a look at the boat tail that little shaving that they've put on the back side of that bullet to improve ballistic coefficient they claim that helps to give it a bc of 0.275 now this 22 caliber bullet that came off of the 22 250 notice the flat bottom on it so they're claiming this has a ballistic coefficient of 0.255 so even though it's a heavier bullet they're claiming that this bullet right here is more aerodynamic and may in fact do better in the wind now this bullet here is another 22 caliber bullet it came off of the uh 22 250 winchester ballistic silver tip it has a little bit better ballistic coefficient i believe that's .267 so they're trying to get closer to that point two seven five if you take a look at the back side of that bullet they've tapered it in a little bit so it does have kind of a real small boat tail on the back of that bullet right there all right i've now added in both of the bullets from the 243 the darker colored bullet right here is the 55 grain bullet they claim that this has a ballistic coefficient of 0.276 it does have just a real small boat tail on the bottom of that bullet and then this is the 65 grain bullet from the 243 also it looks like it has just a real small boat tail on the bottom of it as well to help with the ballistic coefficient they're claiming 0.28 on the bc there all right we're just going to begin by looking at the 204 ruger just for some background information i pulled apart a hornady super performance 40 grain v-max bullet it has a ballistic coefficient 0.275 i measured the powder charge right at 28.5 grains of powder that means that for every one grain of powder it's pushing 1.40 grains worth of bullet weight keep that in mind now on the fiochi 22 250 it uses pretty much just a standard 55 grain vmax bullet it's pretty much the same bullet that you would find on a hornady varmint express for example ballistic coefficient 0.255 i weighed the powder charge it had 33.1 grains of powder in it that means that for every one grain of powder it's pushing 1.66 grains worth of bullet weight on the 22 250 55 grain winchester ballistic silver tip it has a slightly different bullet shape on the bottom of it especially it has a little bit of a boat tail at the bottom so you've got a little bit better ballistic coefficient 0.267 the powder charge is definitely more 37.3 grains of powder that means you've got one grain of powder pushing only 1.47 grains worth of bullet now let me pause right here for a moment when i was chronographing the 55 grain v-max bullets by fiocchi the recoil seemed rather crisp rather stout not painful or a shotgun or anything like that not like a 12 gauge but you know you knew you were shooting some power there so then when i went ahead and i started shooting the 22 250 55 grain winchester ballistic silver tip the recoil was just real soft real easy and i kept thinking okay i'm going to be afraid to check the chronograph readings on this and that's because the 55 grain vmax by fiocchi was definitely not living up to what i thought it should be which would have been 36 80 feet per second so what i shot these winchester ballistic silver tip the recoil was so soft so easy i was shocked to see that it was actually living up or almost living up to the manufacturer claims of 36 80 feet per second and i still remember thinking how is it that the recoil was less and the performance was actually a lot better and then it dawned on me that they're probably using a little bit more gun powder in it and it's going to be a slower burning powder so i thought when i got home i would kind of measure the powder charge i figured i would find maybe three four five percent more powder charge but it actually had 12.6 percent more powder charge in it at any rate on the 243 55 grain winchester ballistic silver tip because of the shape of the bullet they're claiming a little bit better bc they've got a ballistic coefficient of 0.276 notice how that's almost identical to the 0.275 ballistic coefficient on the 204 ruger 40 grain here though you have 44.9 grains of powder pushing a 55 grain bullet they're claiming 39 10 feet per second 1867 foot-pounds of energy so here you have one grain of gun powder so for every one grain of powder you're pushing 1.22 grains worth of bullet that's actually 20.3 percent more powder than what's in the 55 grain winchester ballistic silver tip 22 250 and it's 35.6 percent more powder than what's in your 55 grain vmax bullet by fiocchi and then lastly your 243 65 grain bullet which is the bxv which is by browning it's basically a ballistic tip bullet they're claiming ballistic coefficient 0.28 notice they're wanting to make sure that they're above that 0.275 bc they've got 46.3 grains of powder so that's about 3 percent more powder than what's in the 55 grain 243 bullets you've got one grain of powder pushing 1.40 grains of bullet weight where have we seen that before oh i know we've seen that exact same ratio over here on the 204 ruger 40 grain vmax alright so we've got a lot of numbers here to look at how are we going to make sense of this let's start by looking at the advertised velocities that the manufacturer claims that we should be seeing on the ruger they're claiming 3 900 i haven't seen that whenever i chronograph i usually get an average to fight around 36.89 so that's what i'm plugging in the 22 250 55 grain vmax by fiocchi you would think it should be right around 36.80 i'm usually finding they're about 3 400 feet per second so that's what i'm plugging in on the 22 250 55 grain ballistic silver tip they do claim it's 36.80 i found that they're awfully close they're only missing gold by about 1.6 they're coming in at 36 21 feet per second now i haven't chronographed it to either of the 243 offerings yet so here's how i'm going to come up with my numbers i figure since the 22 250 ballistic silver tip is only missing gold by 1.6 percent and they're working with 37 grains of powder i figure if they want to work with 44.9 grains of powder and push the exact same bullet weight and it's the exact same company winchester either way i figured we can probably give them the benefit of the doubt that they're awfully close to 39 10 if not completely there so i'm just going to say that they're missing gold but they're only missing it by 1.6 percent same as the 55 grain and i figure since they're working with 46 grains of powder over here on this browning 65 grain bullet maybe we'll just say that they're only missing gold by 1.6 percent also and as soon as they get some real numbers if these need to be adjusted i'll post some real numbers for you so i figure these are the starting numbers right here that we're going to work with as opposed to their actual stated claims and then just kind of run our numbers from there now one of the things that you'll notice on this 22 250 55 gram ballistic silver tip which is easily the better performer of the two you'll notice that at any yard mark when you look right to the right and you compare it to the 243 the 243 always has 200 feet per second or more in its favor so for example the 200 yard mark you've got 3062 feet per second compared to 28.52 that's just a tad more than 200 feet per second faster in terms of the energy numbers you almost want to go diagonal on this so that again example the 243 55 grain has a thousand and 18 foot pounds of energy but that's at 250 yards you compare that to the 993 foot-pounds of energy on your 250 at 200 yards and you're basically better by 2.5 percent more energy and it's 50 yards further downrange in terms of how the 65 grain 243 compares it's usually a little bit slower than your 22 250 55 grain ballistic silver tip however it does have a little bit more energy overall so at 200 yards for example 1016 foot pounds of energy on the 243 compare that to 993 on your 22-250 and that's 2.3 percent more energy with a heavier bullet in terms of what happens if we go out there to 400 yards and you want to look at the 204 ruger for a moment you've got 200 i'm sorry you got 20 to 84 feet per second compared to 1988 on your 22-250 v-max by fiocchi so this is about the last place where the 204 ruger can can really state that it's competitive with the 22-250 it does have you know roughly 300 feet per second more speed it has almost the same amount of energy 463 compared to 483 so you could argue either way and probably make a strong case for either of those two bullets being your better choice at 400 yards but in terms of what happens if you move into the 22 250 55 grain ballistic silver tip now look at your speed number 2200 feet per second compared to 2284 on the ruger that's awfully close probably not enough of a difference to argue about but in terms of your energy number you've got 591 on your 250 compared to 463 on the ruger that's almost 28 percent more foot pounds now you're winning the argument now there really is no argument at that point however if you want to look at the 243 55 grain bullet the ballistic silver tip how does that 250 compare not very well it simply loses is how it compares you've got 2200 feet per second on the 22 250 compared to 2402 out there at five 400 yards so you've got 200 feet per second slower speed and you've got 704 on the 243 for the foot pounds numbers compared to 591 so that's about 19 percent more energy on the 243. in terms of the heavier 243 the 65 grain bullet you could probably make a claim that you could go either way the 22 250 55 gram ballistic silver tip does have about 150 feet per second more speed than your 243 65 grain however that heavier bullet has a little bit more energy overall you've got 610 foot pounds compared to 591. it's about 3 percent more energy in favor of that 243. remember it is a heavier bullet with a slightly better ballistic coefficient so it may be a little bit better bullet for larger game maybe a little bit better bullet in the wind keep that in mind as well so what we'll do next is we're going to take a look at some shooting from 200 yards i'm going to shoot the 22 250 i'm going to shoot this better performing bullet the 55 grand ballistic silver tip and whatever performance you see at 200 yards it's safe to say that you should see that exact same performance if not a little better at 250 from the 243 55 grain bullet we'll be shooting this water jug from a distance of 200 yards with a 22 250 55 grain bullet winchester ballistic silver tip this is the water jug that was just now hit at a distance of 200 yards with a 250 55 grain winchester ballistic silver tip it would appear that this was a dead center shot as near as i can tell that is the the entry hole and that's pretty much what's left of him right there you
Channel: outdoor adventures
Views: 1,038
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 22-250 vs 243 vs 204 Ruger, 22-250, 204 ruger, 243, 243 win, 22-250 vs 243, Long range coyote hunting, Wolf hunting, Atn, Atn scopes, Bog pog, Jesus saves, Jesus, 223, 223 Remington
Id: e2Rb--EIBUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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