20240113 | The Unholy Alliance | Pastor John Lomacang

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bow your heads with me as I go to the Lord in prayer father we come to you in jesus' name to Proclaim that truth as was so wonderfully said by bond this morning proclaim the truth in Jesus name I ask that you now take this message and wrap it in a way that will bring Glory and Honor to you and as I deal with the delicate issue of Liberty and choice and freedoms so all these components of the United States of America give me the wisdom to communicate it that it would it may draw someone to know you better and that they can find Liberty and freedom in your righteousness in Jesus name I pray amen if you have your Bibles this morning go with me to Revelation chapter 13 we're going to consider the passage for the morning Revelation chapter 13 and we're going to look together at verses 11 and 12 I like to I like to refer to Revelation 13 as the fulcrum point in the Book of Revelation the fulcrum point there are 22 chapters and as you know the story was not originally put in chapters it was a continual narrative but it was as it were a chastic structure it rises to a certain level and then it begins to descend on the other side not descend into irrelevance but the picture begins to be completed and Revelation 12 and 13 I consider the center of the book introducing the controversy that has existed throughout the ages and then how America is figured into into God's Endtime scenario so the verses that we're going to cover this morning bring to the Forefront two particular powers that are instrumental and irreversible in God's Endtime scenario we read in Revelation 13 beginning in verse 11 and you can follow along John says then I saw another Beast coming up out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence or as the King James version says before him and causes the Earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed that's a 1-hour sermon right there all by itself but just to lay the foundation so that you can understand where we're headed the first Beast is reintroduced and another Beast is introduced the another Beast has a particular deference to the first Beast the another Beast recognizes the authority of the first beast and then begins to exercise the power and authority of the first beast and when you look at Revelation 13's scenario you find carefully that the first Beast the Bible says in Revelation 13 I believe verse four the dragon gave him his power his seat in great Authority in Revelation 12:9 describes the dragon as that Serpent of old called the devil and Satan so follow me carefully from the very introduction of the creation of God Satan has had an attitude and his attitude is I don't like that you left me out of the process of creation and I'm determined to do whatever I can to get you out of the way and replace you and your Authority and so Revelation 12 looks at this war that begins and a woman comes into focus and when you follow the Bible you have in Genesis chter 3 The Serpent and the woman and you have in Revelation 12 The Serpent and the woman it is going to end the way it began the serpent deceived the woman in re in Genesis 3 but praise God by Revelation chapter 12 he comes knocking on her door and she sends Jesus to answer the door she saysi not doing this again this is not going to occur again I am wiser now I'm informed now and the woman is a representation of the church as long as the church remains informed the devil cannot come with his artifacts of deception and I say artifacts because he doesn't do anything new he just recycles all the old methods and he only has two deception and destruction what did I say deception and destruction where he cannot deceive he seeks to destroy and today we're going to talk about how the two are going to merge together deception and destruction in this end time scenario are going to both be in full activity because when you consider when you consider the issue as brought out in Revelation chap 13: 11 and 12 the issue is worship what's the issue always has been that has always been the issue the issue has not been money the issue has not been Politics the issue has not even been religion the issue has always been worship and everything that surrounds that issue is either being strengthened and buttressed for the glory of God on one side and eroded and corroded and manipulated on the other side so Satan is eroding corrupting and manipulating God is strengthening and buttressing and I praise God he has guaranteed that the woman will go through but in Satan's last Act of grand deception he says well since he has a woman I'm going to get me a woman and Revelation 17 shows a woman not God's woman Satan's woman but I want to submit to you something that may shock you because Revelation 12 talks about the exploits of the enemy and all of his forces the powers of Rome during the Dark Ages how the church was the object of Extinction that Satan through the powers of pagan Rome sought to eliminate the church at every level and when he could not he sought to replace its teachings with the dogmas of paganism wrapped in the garbs of Christianity and the Bible says the Earth opened its mouth and helped the woman so when the woman was about in our vision to disappear or to be the victim of the Dragon because he tried first of all to deceive her when he couldn't he tried to drown her the Bible says the dragon spewed water out of his mouth after the woman to cause her to be Carried Away by the flood what was the water science and art and music and literature and the golden Cathedrals and the glass stained glass windows that were as it were in their day their light show that was an enamoring sight for people that have never seen light passing through various color pain window glass so Satan to a large degree was very successful during the Dark Ages because the word of God the light was prohibited it was almost completely removed but God will always have the last word and so he opened the mouth of the Earth the Bible says the Earth opened its mouth and helped the woman and the earth when you follow the prophetic Cadence the Earth represents the United States and in this verse we just read the United States is introduced as a land L as a as a two-horned beast like a lamb but the picture quickly changes because you look at this Lamb with two horns and it instead of going it goes speaks like a dragon and if you know any way that the nation speaks it always speaks through its legislature through its laws and as a seventh day Adventist Pastor I firmly believe that if any church on this Earth need to be proclaiming this message with distinction it ought to be Seventh Day Adventist pastors because God has given us a responsibility we are Watchmen on the wall no one has been called to blow the trumpet with such a clear distinction as we have been given Revelation is not a mystery even though it's still an unfolding Revelation it is not a mystery to a large degree and this message which is the central focus of the three angels's messages is the call that God has extended to his servants in these closing hours of Earth's history So today we're going to talk about the role that the America is playing and as you've known I have a many sermons on the internet on our church website TV sd.org you can go and look at the wine of Babylon you can look at the the Sunday mask uh the Sunday versus Sabbath you can look at all these various sermons that are put there to help you understand the unfolding artichoke of Prophecy you peel back one page only to realize there's another and another and another so the picture is much too large for me to cover all the aspects the Sunday movement the claims of Rome apostate protestantism all of these components coming together so this morning I'm going to focus on some of the latter developments because there's never a time that Satan is not trying to come up with something new but I must say God is always a step ahead of them freedom is the issue it is fragile you know friends we live at a time when freedom is the subject of the globe some are gaining it for the first time that is the Cry Of The Immigrant you know we have a and the issue in America about immigration must be addressed but why are people coming in the hundreds of thousands as they are because in the lands where they live they're losing freedoms in America one of its inviting statements is we lift our golden doors bring us your tide you poor you're tossed invite them to our teeming Shore as we lift our lamp but some people are coming around the lamp coming under the fence coming from the north from the south they're not just coming from the south southern borders they're coming from all over the world but we live at a time when some are gaining freedom for the first time others are beginning to lose it and the challenges on the scales of human reasoning legislators and politicians hear me carefully today are measuring the risks they call it involved in preserving freedom to its citizens they're saying if we give them this unchecked Freedom we put our nation at risks and that seems to be an ironic statement Freedom being a risk follow me carefully so go back with me to at the beginning there was a time and there was a place when and where Freedom was unrestricted there was no challenge of it there was no reason to fear it and Eden was that place Eden was Smoke free drug free alcohol free crime free pain free lust free hate free death free and sin free amen it was free follow this and if God had exercised the prerogative that he alone has he would have withheld the right for Adam and Eve to choose and Eden would have stayed free I want you to get that if God had had stepped in and said to Adam and Eve you can do this but you can't do that Eden Eden may have been free to this very day and we would all have been citizens of a free Society but God created Adam and Eve with one additional Freedom they were given the right to choose they were created to be free moral agents they were given the right to exercise Liberty of conscience and you think about how this unfolded we've received questions I've received questions that from 3abn throughout the years in Ministry and the and the repeating question has been if God knew that it was going to come out this way why would he put man in a position to risk the fall that occurred and then people say today I mean God knew that this would occur why didn't he stop it God gave man something that when they misused it look at the results and we know when we go back to the days of Noah we find these strange words in Genesis 6 and it gri belied God that he had even made man and because he's Sovereign we ask ourselves the question knowing the end from the beginning why would you put the weapon of freedom in the hands of your children I use the word weapon for a reason because nobody would put a weapon in a baby's hand knowing its potential freedom in the hand of a person whose heart is corrupt is a weapon but freedom in the hand of a person whose heart is pure is a blessing but it's not the freedom that's the issue it is the heart of the one that is operating in the confines or the Liberties of that freedom are you hearing me so when God gave Adam and Eve access to everything including the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil that was not the only contest the contest over Freedom of Choice was not limited to and did not begin in the earth there was a contest in heaven over the same issue Lucifer questioned God's fearness and as a result of not getting the answer that he desired he began to spread the cancer of discontent throughout the courts of heaven and Isaiah and Ezekiel takes us Center Stage as to how this happened and how he attempted to overthrow God's government the Bible says speaking of Lucifer when you look at Ezekiel 28 Lucifer is the focal point the Lord says by the abundance of your trading you became filled with what friends violence within in other words his anger continued to intens intensify and then the Bible says you were filled with violence within and you sinned therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the Mountain of God and I destroyed you a covering cherub from the midst of the fiery Stones you see Lucifer prior to his vengeful Spirit prior to the the discontent rising up in his heart he had questions about God's fairness and because God did not give him the answer that he sought he decided to trade when it says the abundance of your trading that means Lucifer was evicted from his position as covering cherub do you know that Lucifer was one of the angels that walked back and forth in the presence of God in the midst of the fiery Stones the Bible calls him in the earlier verses the covering cherub even right here oh covering cherub he had a privilege he had a privilege other Angels did not enjoy he was the covering cherub but before he he was expelled from heaven when the Bible says I destroyed you a covering cherub from the midst of the fiery Stones it meant that he was expelled from his position before before he was expelled from his location before being kicked out of heaven he lost his job God said I can't have you working for me with that attitude and when it says by the multitude abundance of your trading he started spreading his venomous lives his venomous lies among the angels of heaven that is what is is meant by the abundance of your trading now I know that um well I don't know for a fact but I think that it's possible we might see that videotape when we get to heaven because the Bible refers to it as the mystery of iniquity you see the hardest thing that we have to deal with sometimes is God created Lucifer and Lucifer turned evil so did God create evil no God created an angel with free moral agency no more than Hitler's mother said I can't wait to give birth to this murderer he made his own choices you look at all the mass murderers and the serial killers and the people whether male or female that have been atrocious throughout our history their parents didn't say on the day of their birth what a beautiful Thief you heard about the Black Widow lady who married many many men and every time she get married another one dies and she married another one all three of her husbands she killed on the day she was born I'm sure her mother said what a beautiful child I'm sure she didn't say man I can't wait till she start killing her husbands what am I saying she had free moral agency she decided somewhere along the way to abuse that freedom and became known as The Notorious Black Widow Charles Manson the list goes on and on Hitler kaisa will Adolf Hitler idam Dada the list goes on and on God gave them all something that they chose to abuse so is God to be blamed for the freedom he gave to them no every one of us is given this tremendous fragile gift this porcelain of divinity but what we do with it will not hold the Gift Giver responsible but the one who received the gift must give an account during the creation of the world the great controversy was in its early stages Revelation 12:7 and 8 takes us to that setting as the Bible so Faithfully lifts the curtain on this amazing production we are told and war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon and his angels fought hours like verse eight but they did not Prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer you see what happened when the dragon was evicted there was an impact to his consequences and that consequence affected the angels that took their stand alongside Satan because while he traded Darkness uh he traded light for Darkness Truth for error contentment with discontentment he traded all that God had given him for this this couet mindset he wanted to overthrow God's government and he had everything access to the entire universe and when you read in the book story of redemption one of the reasons why he was cast to the Earth is because the other worlds knew him in Book of Job the Bible says the day came when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also and they said where did you come from and he says from walking back and forth and going to and fro in the earth these representatives of the other unfallen world said where'd you come from oh I own Earth that was the Declaration he made after the fall of Adam but when he fell his taale brought with it consequences and Revelation 12 vers vers four tells us his tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the Earth the tail is a representation of the symbol of deception the word there Drew or threw is an indication of in the Greek flung or dragged his tail his tail Drew or dragged the a third of the stars of heaven and threw or flung them to the Earth in other words there's this Vortex if you could think about it he's being cast out and they're holding on to his tail and they're taking the ride with him and because of the Sympathy for the Devil they received the same fate that he himself received you know it's called comrades in crime the criminal when he gets caught it's so sad but they turn on one another and when you read that the dragon and his angels fought when you read that in the Greek it doesn't only mean that they fought against the government of God it mean they had disharmony among themselves they fought among themselves and the reason why Satan was evicted is because his plan to overthrow God's government failed say Amen somebody it failed what did he say what was his intentions Isaiah 14:1 14- 15 he told God to the face I will Ascend above the heights of the clouds he's talking to God I will be like the most high and God says wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no yet you shall be brought down to shio that is to hell to the lowest to the lowest depths of the pit and so evil angels were also expelled from Heaven along with Satan but God restrained them from forcing the decisions of Adam and Eve so when creation was taking place Earth had become the planet of incarceration for Satan and his sympathizing angels they were here with him they were here with him but God placed a limit they could not follow Adam and Eve and say hey come and meet me at the tree the serpent waited at the tree Eve had to go to the tree and that's how Temptation happens it doesn't often find us we often find it she went to the tree you see when you violate the consequences of Freedom the Restraint of God must step in and that's exactly what happened when Satan was thrown out of Heaven that's exactly what happened when he was evicted he was cast to the Earth his angels were here with him but they could not force the hand of Adam and Eve because God had given Adam and Eve their freedom to choose Peter describes it this way in 2 Peter chapter 2 and verse4 for if God did not spare the Angels who sinned but cast them down to where hell that word there is to tarus a spiritual prison and delivered them into chains of darkness and what was their fate to be reserved for judgment now let look at the picture now Satan loses round one he's cast to the Earth with his angels they're down here and the creation of God is winding up they see the first man and the first woman and they know that everything that God created was very good and God knowing that because of the fall of Satan and his angels the risk in Eden was elevated you see it was already as it would have been as God intended but the risk was now elevated because not only was Adam and Eve destined to be placed before the test because before they were to receive the gift of God which is eternal life they had to prove their loyalty to God and that's why Romans 6:23 says for the wages of sin is death but but the gift of God is what eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord the Apostle Paul wrote that many years in the distance after the fall of humanity but that was the fact in the very beginning the wages of sin would be death but if they endured the gift of God would have been eternal life he would have endow he would have endowed Adam and Eve with immortality had they endured the test but before they endured the test before the even were face with the test they needed access to the tree of life that was the only way to continue to live they didn't have eternal life they were not Immortal the tree gave them that vitality and knowing that they were now in an elevated risk God warned Adam and Eve of the circumstances he says I'm going to give you every tree in the garden but notice Genesis chapter 2 and verse1 17 he says but of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil you shall not do what you shall not eat for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die now let's look at this in the context of freedom God did not build an electric fence to block The Forbidden tree I mean how many parents put that little gate at the top of their steps when their children are toddlers you don't say you're going to fall down the steps and I'll give you a right to choose whether you're going to fall or not you say oh no you not going to fall down on my watch but God making these strong specimens of perfection some suggest that Adam was about 21 feet tall and Eve was about 12 to 14 feet tall they said eve worked hard to keep her weight down to 12200 lb but she was the specimen of what women could never look like and Adam was without any gold gy he was the the man per perfection in every characteristic his mind already instantly intelligent yet he must face the test of obedience and Allegiance God gave Adam and Eve full access to the tree the tree was not the issue however the tree was the object over which the issue would be decided the tree was not the issue the Sabbath is not the issue the Sabbath is the focal point over which obedience is determined the Commandments are not the issue the Commandments are the object of which obedience is to be determined are you following me we make the Sabbath the issue no it's not the issue it's the human heart that the issue is if you are obedient then remember the Sabbath is not a problem and so we fight over the Sabbath when we fail to realize the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked it is not the issue so God gave them equal access equal access to everything but the tree was the location where the test would be carried out and this is where Satan lowered his vulnerabilities and became as the Bible says more subtle than any beast of the field before before the fall these leviathans these creatures that we call snakes nowadays they [Music] flew they flew if they when you follow the Genesis record why would it be such a curse for them to eat dust for the rest of their lives unless that was not the condition that they were in prior to the fall they flew these that's why the Bible uses the phrase in the Book of Revelation Dragon they're Leviathan you find that same word in the Book of Job leviathans these are the Glorious golden creatures flying through the air and he came and nestled in the tree how you doing Eve he speaks and what he said was how Eve got deceived they had their conversation about God's prohibitions but he said you know I know what God Said but he said you will not surely die Genesis 3 and verse4 and we can all look back with some sense of dread because we know the results were catastrophic The Narrative was she took of the fruit and gave to her husband with her and he did eat and even though the eyes of them both were open you know the rest of the story and they knew that they were naked and they hid themselves up until the point that Adam took that fruit he still had the freedom to tell his wife no I'm choosing God above you but he exercised the freedom and says well I'll have a bite how could something so appearing irrelevant have such catastrophic irreversible results how could just pressing the button as it were release a nuclear Holocaust we say pressing the button we know it's not that simple but how could something that seems to be so innocuous have such devastating results I read a story about I forgot what part of the world it was but I believe it was somewhere overseas yes it was somewhere overseas in a in a factory that housed fireworks and but what they did not know is there was ammonium nitrate in its Warehouse right next to this right next to this firework Factory and somehow one of the workers inadvertently threw his in the wrong direction and the end result was a Devastation that took more than 200 lives barely practically devastated the city in Lebanon that's where it was in Lebanon and the force of the blast was a 2.9 on the RoR scale the outward blast of just the the the the traveling force of that explosion blew buildings leveled buildings buildings shattered windows for Miles you could see that video continually on YouTube whenever I see that you see the explosion and then they show the the the white cloud a mushroom cloud and it pushes out and the forest was phenomenal how could something so innocuous as just flicking up a cigarette in the wrong direction result and such a catastrophic ending the Bible describes what happened Romans 5:12 therefore just as through one man sin into the world and death through sin and thus death spread to how many of us all men because all sinned the questions have been too great to count why did God let Adam do that some people ask me did he not know that it would result in the death of my unborn child did you not see that it would cause the Jews more than six million of their lives did you not see the devastating impact that slavery will bring to the African-American race did he not see the the tremendous restraint under which the children of Israel will be subjected to under the reign of the Egyptian Dynasty did you not see that did he not see war and bloodshed where was God did he not see that did he not see the millions of children that die from Hunger year in and year out did God not see the disappearing Green Forest being replaced by devastating deserts did he not see that I mean where was God when my mother died one day before her 30th birth it was God when my child was on his way home from school and he just passed all his classes and he got killed in a car accident before he told me the good news where was God and these are the questions that trouble our human hearts and we say why didn't God just step in and do something why is it that my wife is still on life support one good friend of mine is struggling with that a dear pastor friend of mine it's been almost 300 days and his wife went in for a basic procedure and every day he posts on Facebook God could you free her today and my heart bleeds when I hear his cries God if you knew that freedom would cost us so much why did you give it to us did you not see that the gun was loaded did you did you not understand that there would be no limit to its extent these tentacles of Sorrow would extend in every direction where were you God why did you do that I want you to know friends that that was not the first time that question was asked because on the heels of Adam and Eve's fall Satan infused all of the unfallen worlds with the same indictment against God he said you see I told you I I to did you see what just happened I told you he can't be trusted this quotation blew me away when I read it I'm going to share with you today mind character and personality book two page 420 paragraph 3 Satan jumped right in and through the same question out there in society as I'm bringing before you today servant of the Lord said to stir rebellion in the Fallen race he Satan now represented God as unjust in having permitted man to transgress his law why said The Artful temper tempter to stir up Rebellion when God knew what would be the result why did he permit man to be placed on trial to sin and look at this and bring in misery and death those are questions that people they leave the church over the over over the unfound answer they go from light to dark they go they get reclus they shut down because they cannot understand just this week a lady sent me an email she says my husband just turned 60 why did God let him die we had such a good life together we read an email on our Thursday Night Live lady said I just lost my husband four months ago and my two children are now diagnosed with cancer why God today is the same thing we're wondering this question but what we fail to see is the exercise of freedom is the Genesis of the issue not Freedom itself the unleashing of a pandemic called sin that has irreversible effects was what God warned Adam and Eve of before they made that decision to open the door like somebody says you can open a door on a hurricane but you can't prevent what comes in your house from coming into your house it's coming in and the world is in today a place where we must recognize we cannot blame Adam and Eve for being responsible for the condition of the world today we might say they misuse their freedom to choose but what we fail to realize is the same choice they had is the same choice we have we cannot eradicate sin it must run its course but let me take you back let me pull you back into the stadium That You Don't See I mentioned briefly I just gave you an Insight that this was not the only world this is not the only World God created this is not the only existing place where people exist without sin all those representatives of of unfallen Worlds that presented themselves there in that unnamed place place where Satan showed up when that meeting took place where are you coming from he claimed the Earth as his own and he says it was delivered to me when Adam fell he said it was delivered to me the Dominion that God gave to Adam was Now usurped by one to whom Adam traded his Allegiance allegiance to wrong allegiance to Darkness Satan took ownership of the earth and from that day to this make no mistake about it all you can do is yield yourself to be the servant of Darkness but you cannot tell the slave master how far to take you you might say I'm only going to try this drug once but the drug has other intentions and they are those people that have lost their lives that all they did was they just took one pill and they never survived it they got into one car they just accompanied some guys who they did not know were about to rob a bank innocent bystanders now serving 12 15 years and they said I had nothing to do with it I just asked for a ride they opened the door today we are in the same predicament as Adam and Eve were outside of the scenario of sin playing itself out we are given the same privileges that they give that they were given by god notice how the Lord brings this out so clearly in Deuteronomy 30: 19 we cannot blame Adam and Eve because they misus their choice we cannot say because of them this is what we do notice this Deuteronomy 30: 19 the Lord says I call Heaven and Earth as witness today against you everybody's watching that I have set before you look at this life and death the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil the same thing is offered us he makes it very clear out what the end result is going to be I have set before you life and death look at the contrast blessings and cursings and look at the love of God therefore he says what say it together with me choose life I'm coming at you today say it again what are the two words choose one more time choose life that both you and your descendants may live he is saying your choice will affect those who come come after you your family your children your home your job everything that happens after this decision will be affected by your choice and he loves us so much he doesn't say pick one he says choose life is that a loving God don't pick door number one door number two door number three he says pick the one that says life on the front of it choose that one if that's not love I don't know what it is he doesn't say pick which one you want he says choose life he said to Adam and Eve if you pick the wrong one you're going to die stick with all the garden but here they are no but I want this one you can touch everything in the church but don't touch this mic when you tell kids don't touch your mic what are they gonna do touch the mic that's the human nature the moment you lead that's why psychologists say don't ever tell a child not to do something tell them what to do make it positive don't touch that cookie you leave the kitchen what are you doing by the cookie well mama was going to fall you know that story Aza died trying to help God don't touch that Ark I was just trying to help I mean it was going to fall that human nature God loves us so much he says choose life now so how does this all fit into religious liberty how does this all fit into to religious liberty religious liberty let me explain very carefully what it is why do we as a church a denomination hold this so high hold onto this with such gloves of great responsibility hear me carefully I wrote it down I'm going to read it exactly as God gave it to me religious liberty is the freedom to exercise our god-given right to choose and to uphold the rights of those that have have their rights violated what is the extent of these rights from conception to death all were given by God a right that should never be revoked by anyone from conception did you hear what I say from the moment a child is conceived they have a right and we got to protect that right because they can't stop these clinics from taking their lives I know they're odd and rare situations but we have been given the responsibility to protect The Unborn because God didn't say well you're you're just an embryo you don't have the right can you imagine when Jesus was in Mary's womb and she went to see Elizabeth she just got pregnant and when she walked into to see Elizabeth John the Baptist now 3 months old leaped in his mother's womb because Divinity was in Mary's womb but they call that an embryo nowadays that was the Divine Son of God somebody say somebody say Amen when my mother was pregnant many years ago she thought she had a an upset stomach she thought she ate something that just made her upset that's how I got started I I started with an upset stomach so before they had all this ultrasound stuff and all that gel stuff they put then they start seeing babies she went to a doctor and he did exploratory surgery and she said he looked and said ah you're not sick there's a baby there and he stitched it back up and I am the result I want to make it clear born out of wedlock I am nobody's accident thank you God had a plan for the rejected he made me his son so I always hate that phrase calling children that are born out of wedlock illegitimate no the parents are illegitimate right I didn't do anything wrong I just came out all ugly and wet coming out and I just I haven't even done any I haven't pushed over I haven't spilled anything I haven't thrown up I haven't even made my first bow Power movement as a baby and you slap me for coming out what did I do wrong and then you call me illegitimate because my parents are not married praise God he took this illegitimate child and made him the Son of God one of the sons of God so I firmly believe in the defense of The Unborn and I make no mistake and no apologies about that because we've been given this tremendous gift of bringing a life into the world that could result in look at all that would not have happened had I not arrived but some people don't understand how this whole thing about rebellion occurred God gave my mother the freedom to decide to keep me or the freedom to decide to get rid of me and thank God she chose life but that's not how it's always been ever since the fall of humanity Satan has tried his best to make it look like God's the problem look at this quotation from Patriarchs and Prophets page 331 and 332 there are thousands today echoing the same rebellious complaint against God they do not see that to deprive man of the freedom of choice would be to Rob him would be to Rob him of his prerogative as an intelligent being and make him a mere automaton automaton it is not God's purpose to coer the will Man was created a free moral agent like the inhabitants of all other worlds he must be subject to the test of obedience but look at this but he is never brought into such a position that yielding to evil becomes a matter of necessity you can't say well if God didn't want me to sin he wouldn't have made marijuana people have come up with these dumb examples of what God is responsible for God didn't want beer he shouldn't have made hops if God one cigars he should have made tobacco they come up with all these things they make God the culprit and it started with Adam and Eve the woman you gave me is the problem the serpent you made Lord is the problem God has always seen as the person who causes the problem when all he did was give us the freedom to choose and I like what uh former president I was a little boy I was only three or four years old when he made this statement so just want to put that in context I like the way that former president John F Kennedy said he said the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil were in the same Garden the purpose behind them the purpose behind them one obedience and loyalty one Disobedience and death and so today we live in a world where we are being manipulated to think and hear me carefully today hear me carefully today we are in a world today where we are being manipulated to believe that to abandon our choice to the convictions of others is the best thing we can do in other words we say let the government decide what my choice should be let me make a very important point you you could legislate all you want but you cannot legislate morality if the heart is not converted it will always find a way to perpetrate the darkest and the most degrading acts of evil you cannot pass any law to keep me from doing what I want to do but you can pass a law to say that there's a consequence to it there's a consequence to murder there's a consequence to theft but you can't stop the person from stealing you can't per stop people from killing but you cannot legislate morality our politicians and our leaders and as religious liberty uh supporters we believe in legislation we believe that there should be in place parameters and Concepts and and ordinances to let individuals know this is how you live in this community this is how you live in this country we've got laws that should not be VI violated do you as an American citizen promise to uphold the Constitution of the United States if you say no you ain't going to become a citizen I was there when my wife did that in San Francisco she was there being all declaring everything and all these people from different countries were making their declaration to do what they're supposed to do and uphold the Constitution she was there raising her hand and half of the stuff she said yes to I never heard of and and I saidou mean I I unconsciously as a citizen have to do all that that you declared as a new citizen that you would do that she had to study she had to study to know what America stood for we've got to study God's word to know what God stands for because when you are a free moral agent you are responsible for how you exercise that freedom today we're confronted with the coercion to abandon our convictions but when we are in that place we must follow the examples of the Hebrews in Babylon we must be like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when Nebuchadnezzar who began as a friend decide to impose a method of worship notice how they responded to King Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 3:16 Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said to the king oh Nebuchadnezzar we have no need to answer you in this matter what happened here let's look at the Cadence this was not the their first test their first test was in Daniel 1 when they were told this is what you're going to eat this is what you're going to drink I want to make this very clear this is powerful this not about the health message so the test did not begin on the plains of dura in Babylon it did not begin when the image was set up it began when they were taken captive in Babylon as slaves the first test came in the form of the Babylonian diet now you think I'm talking about food I'm not but look at the text Daniel 1 ver8 but Daniel what is the next word purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's Delicacies nor with the wine which he drank therefore he requested of the chief of the Unix that he might not defile himself what am I saying here you see Revelation that's the Babylon that Daniel and the Hebrews stood up against today there is another Babylon Babylon is Fallen is Fallen does the bible say that yes but today we've got to make a decision not to ingest what Babylon is feeding us and not to swallow a Babylon is suggesting we drink because the end result of following the ideology the political maneuverings the policies of Babylon will defile us and today I must say it as your pastor too often politics has had a greater impact on us than God's word and the danger is pointed out in Jeremiah 51 and verse 7 Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord's hand that made the Earth what drunk the Nations drank her wine therefore the nations are deranged deranged you you keep drinking a constant diet of Pol you'll be deranged am I right I don't care what side you stand on they're both deranged you don't have to say Amen cuz I don't need one they're both derang Jesus stood on the cross and there was a criminal on his left and there was a criminal on his right if you're on the left or right you are both criminals and we spend all our time voting for criminal and not voting for Jesus I wish you spend more time talking about Jesus as you do about the red and the blue and the left and the right and the conservative and liberal because I want to be conservative living I want to be conservative when it comes to living for the world I want to be liberal when it comes to living for Jesus don't have that constant diet Babylon Daniel said we are not eating what you're telling us we are not swallowing what you're giving us and that is the problem the devil has created the new Babylon and the diet is in the dictates of those that we exalt above the Lord Jesus Christ you want to see a you want to see a definition of deranged just recently Associated Press talk about a recent decision made and this decision was published December 18th 2023 this is an example of how deranged Babylon is Pope Francis formally approved letting Catholic priests bless same-sex couples I'm going to say this they better not ever say this at the general conference session because I won't I'll be without a job the Vatican announced Monday a radical shift in policy that aimed at making the church more inclusive while maintaining its strict ban on marriage is that a split tongue or what watch this you go get married and we'll bless it but we won't do the wedding if that's not drunk I don't know what it is amen that's why we got to stand up against that no matter what the sin is we can't say on one side we we don't want you to do it but if you do it we'll bless it it's like saying I'mma bless an adult I'mma bless a fornicator now I ain't going to tell you who to go to bed with but I'll bless it afterwards that's the same thing I'mma bless you robbing Macy's but I'm not going to tell you which Macy's to rob you just rob it and I we'll share the money afterwards is that is that confusion or what we're not going to perform the wedding when you drink babylon's wine it'll mess you up so this system that was established by Satan is slowly dripping wine into the mouths of her daughters these evangelicals that have an issue with God's Commandments God's Sabbath the the the day of rest that God ordained the drinking babylon's wine in its teachings in its political structure and in its form of worship but I love that Shadrach mhach Abednego and Daniel says we will not allow that to be an impact on our walk with God and they were in an adverse environment they had no rights as slaves but they say we're not doing it and Brethren can I say it to you today when you are faced by compromising circumstances your response should be just like theirs we're not doing it do we love other people that have done things wrong do we love those who are gay those who are lgbtq yeah you got to love them because you are a Christian but you don't have to compromise your stand let them know that our message is not Conformity it's transformation God changes but don't give a special category to certain sins and make it appear as though well those are really sinful but this one's not because this one is legislated that's drunk under the most severe circumstances the Hebrews were at a greater disadvantage than Adam and Eve but they stood their ground look at this other quotation this is amazing from the book forn knowledge and for warn to page two paragraph three freedom to do right implies freedom to do wrong if a man were made so that he could not do wrong he would have no Freedom at all not even to do right he would be less than what less than brutes it continues there is no virtue and forced obedience that's why God did not force Adam and Eve nor would there be any virtue in doing that which is right if it were impossible to do wrong did you get that so God is saying life and blessings death and cursings I'm not giving you access to death and cursings you only have access to life and blessings he didn't do that he said you got to choose life so today we may not agree with what a person exercises his freedom of choice to do but not even God coerces man's will and don't forget it you must give an account for how you have abused or how you have appreciated the freedom that God has given to you we must all give an account but the moment I say I disagree with you must Muslim beliefs you can say I disagree with your Adventist beliefs I can pass a law to restrict your Muslim practice you can then pass a law to restrict my Adventist practices I can't hinder your worship any more than you can hinder mine I don't have to agree with you we must all agree with God's book amen somebody because God ultimately will be the one by whom all decisions of Eternal issues will be decided we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ but right now there's a movement in America that does not like even the Evangelical world so they want to go a step farther it's called a darker movement it's called Christian nationalism Christian nationalism they want to go down that dark dark dark path and they want to bring into our core things that are not a part of our society I'm going to bring this quotation up very carefully this page right now has the reference because it's a very long reference religious Freedom expert Amanda Tyler of the Baptist Joint Committee for religious liberty what a title and she did an article called Christian nationalism is single biggest threat to America's religious freedom now let me read the article religious liberty is enshrined in the US Constitution yet the meaning of this core American value has been debated through the nation's history but look at the metamorphosis today conflicts most often arise from Christian nationalism the anti-democratic notion that America is a nation by and for Christians alone at its core this idea threatens the principle of the separation of church and state and undermines the establ M Clause of the first amendment that these issues will only draw more attention in the years ahead appears eager to hear more religious liberty cases advancing Christian nationalism or nationalist arguments than in previous years what's happening is we have right now a six to3 conservative majority in the Supreme Court six to three what do you think the six are Roman Catholic and the three couple of Protestants one Jew and right now in the Supreme Court there is an Open Door they want to hear more arguments from Christian nationalists as to VI as to the viability and validity of establishing something called Christian nationalism so this movement is making their arguments that this is the reason why America needs to be only for Christians and the and the and the Supreme Court says well convince us we're open to hear your arguments give us some more arguments they're actually considering the Val the validity or viability of these arguments as to whether or not the nation should move in that direction friends let me say Let me say something Christian nationalism is the weaponization of Christianity in America it's not according to God's word God never intended Christianity to be weapon ized God intended Christianity to be that which helps people conform to the image of Christ amen somebody but we're moving in the direction that Jesus always warned in every generation the same issue comes to the Forefront he warned the children of Israel he warned the disciples in their day and notice what he said in John 16 veres 2 and 3 he says the time is coming that whoever killed you will think he offers God's service that's what happened in the Dark Ages that would happen in the early New Testament Church and these things they will do to you because they have not known the father nor me notice this they will think they offer God's service in other words I like the way that blae Pascal said this bla Pascal is a French philosopher mathematician and and physicist considered one of the great minds in Western intellectual history and notice what he said he said men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it for religious conviction how many people died in the name of Jesus how many people were beheaded for religious reasons from Egypt the New Testament the Dark Ages slavery every system that has used religion to control the minds of others have always resulted in the death of someone and they do it with religious conviction that's what they did with the slaves they said slaves are subject to the master they used the Bible to cause African-Americans to listen to their to their counterpart slave owners and they said the Bible says this is how you must obey us men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it for religious conviction and when America becomes conciliatory to one system of religious beliefs it begins the subtle deception that always results in the removal and the Restriction of our freedoms the serpent is subtle again the serpent is subtle again but now let me wind up on this particular point and I'm going to bring this home now don't forget Revelation I'm G say it again don't forget the scenario that God already predicted in Revelation I'll say one more time don't forget Revelation let me tell you why because you cannot change the Revelation scenario what's really behind this issue who is really the major concern of the Dragon who is Satan's Nemesis who does Satan not like and what's really behind this anger that seems to be focused in all different directions why Point me there there there there and there when the real issue is right there the Bible makes it clear where this is headed not a new passage but one I must remind you of the foundation of why we must be who God has called us to be Revelation 12:7 said with me and the dragon was in rag with the woman and went to make war with the rest of her Offspring or the remnant of her seed who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ make no mistake about it the pencil is leading us to the point and when the point is aimed in the direction that the enemy has always had his eyes fixed it will be on those who keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ there was an article written by David Hudson in fire.org August 25th 2020 and notice what he said about America he said the first 16 words of the Bill of Rights contain two religious liberty Clauses of the First Amendment The Establishment Clause and the free exercise clause the first 10 words of the First Amendment collectively comprise The Establishment Clause and here it is he says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion so why are they considering Christian nationalism the metamorphosis is coming the next six words are prohibiting the free exercise thereof comprising the free exercise clause in a nutshell Congress can't say we favor this one religion and Co Congress can't say we prohibit this one religion we have a freedom in America to believe practice and teach and preach and live how we want and God Alone will be the one to whom we give an account and so we see today the issue comes up over and over and over and we say well then what would Jesus do in these political circles what would Jesus do how would Jesus respond to that well I want to tell you today I got an answer for you because a lot of people wonder well hey as Christians what should we do when these political issues come up let me give you an answer right here testimonies for the church volume 9 page 218 again and again Christ had been asked to decide legal and political questions look what his response was but he refused to interfere in temporal matters he stood in our world as the head of the great spiritual Kingdom that he came to our world to establish what kingdom was that the kingdom of righteousness it goes on his teachings made plain the ennobling sanctifying principles that govern this Kingdom he showed that Justice and mercy and love are the controlling powers in Jehovah's Kingdom can the church say amen that's the focus of Christ said leave that polit leave that politician Stu stuff leave it out the Unholy Alliance religion and politics the Unholy Alliance church and state the Unholy Alliance when they merge together it's like somebody gave me a piece of chocolate one day and you know chocolate is solid but chocolate is easy to easy pliable I mean chocolate in under the worst circumstances chocolate breaks down you know how I know I put that chocolate in my suit jacket Donna and I intended to eat when I got home only to put my hand in that jacket and come out what am I saying you didn't get there where I'm going when we when we place delicate issues too close to our heart they fall apart when things that should not be too close to our heart get too close to our heart they are no longer solid F issues they just run in every direction we must protect our heart because America as it is today is not the same America as God established it to be right now we are on the verge of metamorphosizing and fulfilling the words of Revelation 13 that I read today and I close with this quote and then two last this scripture and then two last quotations which are vitally important Revelation 13 once again I saw another Beast coming up out of the Earth the rise of America in the 1700s he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon what two horns do we enjoy in America we enjoy a republican form of government and a Protestant form of religion these were never to merge together what to but to remain separate but what happened when he allowed Rome to get involved in America verse 12 he exercised all the authority of the first Beast the power of of Rome in his presence and causes the Earth the impact is worldwide and causes the Earth and those who dwell in it to worship impacting the way we worship what Beast the first Beast the power of Rome whose deadly wound was healed and don't forget it Rome received its power and its great Authority from the dragon let's not forget that this seems to be an unpopular message people shy away from it but God has given us the responsibility to warn the world of what is coming and how is it going to happen next to my last quotation the great controversy page 588 through the two great errors the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness which is common among Catholics and evangelicals Satan will bring the people under his deception while the former lays the foundation of spiritualism the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome the Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hand across the gulf to clasp the hands of spiritualism they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power and under the influence of this three full Union watch this this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience why do we still believe in religious liberty because your conscience is your right you give a god an account of what you do with that so what are we told today evangelicals and Catholics are moving together toward the Fulfillment of a goal that they have in mind that will give their power and authority to the Beast for one hour they have the same mind through religious liberty it is our responsibility to hold back Satan's attempt as long as God gives us the power to do so our last last quotation testimonies for the church Volume 5 page 452 it is our duty to do all in our power to avert the threatened danger look at this we should Endeavor to disarm Prejudice by placing ourselves in a proper light before the people we should bring before them the real question at issue thus interposing the most effective ual protest against measures to restrict Liberty of conscience if you want to if you want the rest of the story read in great controversy that chapter Liberty of conscience threatened today we are told in America that somebody's got to decide for you how to worship somebody's got to decide for you how to practice your freedom somebody's got to give you Direction because you're too dumb to make your own choices my friends God told me Adam you're going to die if you make that choice Adam you'll live if you make that choice you got to decide who you're going to serve I'm not going to restrict you I'm not going to force you I'm not going to co your will I'm not going to say you have no right I'm going to say I'm giving you the right so when you stand in the Judgment you can't say God stopped me or God forced me or God prevented me I don't want to be in heaven but because I had no other choice I ended up here no you'll be there because you want to be amen and as a church those of you watching religious liberty I want you to see Ron afterwards if you have not signed up see ronberg now you can't do that but if you want to be the people that preserve what God gave to us from the foundation of creation and pray that people use it for the right reasons you got to understand that one day we'll we'll see the glory of God but you must do your part if you believe that religious liberty is a value that God has given to us and we want to use it for the glory of God would you stand with me today God gave it to us I want to pray for the spirit of God to use it in me to glorify God because those who stand for the rights of others those who exercise the freedoms that God has given to them and use it for the the propagation of the truths of heaven will one day see the glory of God you want to see the glory of God As we sing this song together I want our praise team to raise their voices come on up raise their voices because this is the glory that God has given to us this is the glory that God wants us to one day enjoy but we don't have to wait by looking into God's word your eyes can see the glory of the coming of the Lord let's sing This Together my eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord he is tramping out V where gra bre Heth of his terrible his truth is in Glory Glory [Music] Hallelujah Glory Glory Hallelujah glor Glory Hallelujah his truth is Maring that's right what did he do he has sounded for the trumpet that shall Retreat he ISS of soul to answer you be in my feet our God is mar yes together glor Glory Hallelujah yes Glory Glory Hallelujah Glory Glory Hallelujah let's go to the last in the beauty of the Christ Bor ACR the sea with a glory in his b that transfigures human as he died to make holy let us live to make men free while God is marching together Glory Glory [Music] Hallelujah Glory Glory Hallelujah glor Glory Hallelujah is one more Glory GL GL Glory Glory Glory Hallelujah Glory Glory Hallelujah Glory Glory Hallelujah going his truth is [Music] Maring our heavenly father your truth will continue to march on in the hearts and lives of your children and the churches where truth is proclaimed in the communities where your people are looking and longing for something greater and more endearing than that which has been presented to us as citizens of this great nation father we pray for our legislators for our leaders for our congressmen our Senators our President we pray for even that which is going to happen in 2024 the election Lord we know that you have not lost your Authority we know that righteousness exalts a nation but father we know that legislated morality never change the human heart so we pray Lord that through our impact through our effort we can disseminate this beautiful message of Salvation and through religious liberty impact our thought leaders our local leaders our police officers our lawyers our doctors our Senators our politicians that their minds could be fully informed so that when the judge of all the universe the only head of the only just government stands before them they will know that his truth has led them to understand his sovereignty so be with us Lord guide us may we do our part that your glory may clearly be revealed and souls will be saved in your just Kingdom in Jesus name we pray and all of God's children said amen and amen
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 21,299
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Id: RDtUnA_xN3M
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Length: 84min 38sec (5078 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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