In the Home circle | Randy Skeete

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I will lift up mine eyes into the hills from whence cometh my help my Help Cometh From The Lord which made Heaven and Earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not Slumber behold he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep The Lord Is Thy keeper The Lord Is Thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the Moon by Night the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy Soul the Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever more God is good all and all the time when you say God is good are you saying that because you've seen the goodness of God in your life or are you saying that because it's the chorus God is good all and all the time yes I like God a lot God is a nice person no he really is yes I love him everyone says that but I I like to say I like God he's a nice person and I look forward to seeing him one day face to face before I get into that which may lead me to my message is there anyone present you are not a seventhday Advent you are not here this morning may your hand you are not an SDA you were not here this morning anyone all right how many of you were here this morning can I see your hand all of you did anyone come for the first time today you in here ah what's your name H rosn how are you Roslin what church are you from the what ly oh Lynchburg okay my brother what's your name Keith is that in the Bible Keith but you're still a good man Keith where are you from Rono oh Rono where you from originally California okay I like California but I don't like the earthquakes but I really like California you see in Michigan you're warned the blizzard is coming are you with me you're warned the snowstorm coming there's ice there's sleep but in California they don't tell you when the earthquakes are coming all right good to have you both and may the Lord bless you I really mean that uh for the sake of time let me run along uh turn this off if you're not using it and mine is off by the way I say turn off phones all the time I'm not opposed to technology are you with me I love technology all the writings of el white are right here so I'm grateful to God for that decades ago you needed a whole house now all her writings are right here so I'm grateful for technology but this does not ring in the service can you say Amen no it doesn't ring it doesn't need to be plugged in it comes fully powered and stays fully powered all right favor number two while I'm speaking pray for me and say Lord what put your words in that man's mouth mhm and I really mean that Jeremiah 1:9 then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the Lord said unto me behold I have put my words in thy mouth and surely as God is alive I want him to put his words in my mouth I think of 2 Samuel 23:2 where David said the spirit of the Lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue I think of Moses to whom God said in Exodus 4:12 now therefore go I will be with thy mouth and teach thee what Thou shalt say and I want all of those done for me today because Moses doesn't need them and Jeremiah does not need them favor number three think Isaiah 11:18 come now let us reason together my brothers and sisters you are morally responsible for thinking when you think you're acting like God God gave us a mind to think why do I not keep the Sabbath think why do I do this or that think why am I dating that man or that woman think just think why have I not gone to the gym for six years think I mean think are you with me that yes was half dead but okay Father in Heaven as I speak to Those whom you love it's a love that cannot be measured help me to speak with respect compassion and boldness let the soft voice of the spirit tell me do not say that or say that help me to understand constantly that the pulpit needs Christ as much as the Pew now father use me as a musician uses an instrument no opposition from me in Jesus name I pray amen let's go to Genesis 2 our subject for this afternoon in the home Circle what did I say in the home Circle mm Genesis 2 we'll read verse 9 I speak again at 3:15 I hope you've developed some Bible questions for that session and out of the ground may the Lord God to grow every tree that's Pleasant to the sight and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil when were trees made according to the chronology of creation on what day day three now keeping this in mind read verse 31 of chapter 1 of Genesis you have that and God saw what everything that he had made and behold it was very good God saw everything including what was made on day three vegetation including the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil everything was good let's read verse 16 of chapter 2 our subject in the home Circle and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou May freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil Thou shalt not eat of it for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shal surely die and based on this morning's program we can say that's what you say and he came to pass you read Genesis 5 verse 5 and all the days of Adam lived and Adam lived 130 year 930 years and begat sons and daughters and he died the same thing for Seth and all the days of Seth were 912 years and he died Enos and all the days of Enos were 95 years and he died or Methuselah 969 years and he died and he died so God said Thou shalt surely die that's what you say and it happened Satan said in verse 4 chapter 3 he shall not surely die that's what he said and people keep dying so again I want to stress trust What God Says and that's it now so God forbid them forbad them to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil let's go from the prohibition to the physical location of the tree verse 9 again read with me and out of the ground may the Lord God to grow every tree that's Pleasant at the sight and good by the way ladies and I hope I don't I'm not being chauvinistic by saying ladies but well ladies and men notice that verse for those of you who cook out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that's what ah food should look good nobody's listening I mean it's too early to turn me off food should look good are you with me it helps the digestion you know the reason why we get sick so much we eat things that look good but they're not good for us there's nothing wrong with looking good are you with me being nutritious is not enough it must look good if you give me something that's good for me will strengthen my immune system but it looks like liquid mud I don't want it if you give me something that'll kill me but it's nicely made and lovely and colorful AR aromatic I'll eat it so God says look when you cook let it look good it must appeal to the eyes as well as the taste but you can take that too far chapter 3 says when a woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and so we have to be careful I just wanted to appeal to those of you who cook make sure the food looks good and out of the ground may the Lord God to grow every tree that's Pleasant to the sight and good for food the tree of life also where in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil can I come down to a lower level who's the high priest of this church do I have permission can I come there I feel high and lifted up let me come down Rono is in Virginia how many locations do we have if you make that statement Rono is in Virginia how many locations do we have two name them Rono come on and Virginia okay my favorite subject in school was English and geography now listen to Genesis 2:8 you read it for me and the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed so we have the Garden of Eden and what else do we have Eastward where ah name the two locations Eden and the garden the garden the garden wasn't in all of Eden in all of Eden wasn't the the garden are you with me the garden was in a part of Eden to the East are you not with me it's my fault let me try again here's an area called East and the garden was in a certain section of Eden so we have the garden we have Eden and we have the rest of the planet and C went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of n on the East of Eden the guard was Eastward in Eden why do I feel so lonely am I confusing you yes I am you see it's important God bless you it's important to read the Bible microscopically listen and the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden and the pastor put a pew to the left side of the church so we have the Pew which is in the church we have the garden which was in Eden when Kain left the presence of God he went to the Land of Nod on the East of Eden so we have that area we have Eden we have the garden now what was the garden read verse it again you're exhausting me and the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden and there he put the man who he had formed what was Eden his home thank you my handsome brother you remind me of myself handsome the garden was his home now read verse 9 and tell me what you see come on out loud if you have my version penite and good for food the tree of life also stop tell me something about the Tree of Life where was it where was it where was it where was it where was it what did we say about the garden you told us what did you say is his home where was the tree of the knowledge of of where was the Tree of Life in his home I should be a carpenter this preaching is frustrating the tree of the light was in his home his home was in the garden the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden what's our subject the home Circle where tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil does verse 9 tell you yes or no oh does it but show me where it tells you are we told specifically that the tree of life was in the midst of the garden yes we're not told specifically about the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil but let's go find out go to chapter 3 and there's a good reason why I'm putting you all this torture chapter 3 we'll read from verse one our subject the home circle is 25 after 2 I speak again at 3:15 we have verse one chapter 3 now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yeah hath God said he shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the Trees of the garden but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God have said he shall not eat of it neither shall he touch it lest he die where was was the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil in the midst of the in the midst of the in the midst of the home home was the garden the tree of life was in the middle of the garden you're looking at me as though I'm reading another version the tree of knowledge was in the midst of the garden and he had a choice did you between one or the other is this working what's our subject Adam made a choice are you with me so did Eve but sin entered the world when Adam sinned not when Eve sinned what what watch what I say is when Eve sinned she was in the world yes but the Bible says wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world everything was affected the animals vegetation the ground was curse everything when Adam sinned all right so where was Adam when he sinned stop telling me the garden where was Adam when he sinned at home where do children begin to go wrong at home where do they begin to go right at home your biggest challenges don't come from the community or from another state they come from home God could have placed the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil miles away from Adam he placed it in the midst of the garden that did not mean that God contributes to sin no God does not do that Adam was armed by the word of God Adam knew everything he saw was made by the word of God and if God said you'll die you'll die that should sustained him but Adam sinned and he sinned at home let's go to an even closer place than home the mind are you with me the mind we don't sin when we do something physically the sin begins where in the garden MH who so lookth on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already where in his mind on the heart M I'm trying to tell you that you and I are responsible for our spiritual conditions unless you're 2 years old or 6 months then that's a different story too often we blame the pastor for the reason why we don't know the Bible and you're 36 years old and you have a PhD and a master's and you blaming the pastor for the reason why you can't explain the 2300 day prophecy it's your fault not his or in this modern world not hers it all begins at home if I'm being clear say Amen the toughest challenges begin at home now having said that go to Genesis 22 Genesis 22 we'll read from verse one our subject the home circle 230 do you have it and it came to pass after these things that God dett Abraham and said unto him what Abraham and he said what behold here I am and he said take now thy son keep reading thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of Mariah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of okay let's read microscopically but I'll ask you this question at that stage in Isa in Abraham's life how many sons did he have two what did God say take now thy son come on thine only son whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of Mariah and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of that's the home God called when Abraham to make a sacrifice ELO tells us it was the most severe test God had ever given to a human being worse than the test of job God said take the closest thing to you and give it up for me what's our theme for the weekend my Lord and I question for you here's God here's Jesus if you read the Gospel of John you cannot escape the constant referral of John to the relationship between the father and the son in the Gospel of John and I suspect John gives us that emphasis because there was a similarly close relationship between John and Jesus and so John stresses the closeness of the father and the son the Gospel of John you read what happens to the son happens to the father if you love me you love my father if you know me you know my father he that hateth me hath my father also all through John father and son like this then the father in order to save us us had to give something up and it was the closest thing to him his son you read what Ela has to say Christ had to ask the father three times to come and die because it was a struggle for the father to give up his son and the Angels were standing watching this Christ went to the father he was swallowed up in the light and he was in there with the father communing and the Angels were waiting he had to ask three times Ela said for permission so if you don't just do whatever you want in heaven you surely can't do whatever you want on the earth he had to get permission from the father so when you read John 3:16 for God so Lov the world that he gave his only begotten son it wasn't a kick walk for the father because he was giving everything he had but he had to give it from the home Circle that which was closest to him and our subject for today is the home Circle our theme is my Lord and I how close are you to your lord or I am that I or you are willing to give up the closest thing to us and that which is most precious until we come to that point Satan has a way to get us because he only has to threaten that precious thing and we'll back up and so God told Abraham now thy son thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest and get thee the land of Mariah and offer him there for a burnt offering let's look at the burnt offering there were five basic offerings five major one the burnt offering the the trespass offering sin offering the the meal offering there were about five of them but the most basic of all offerings was the burnt offering and so Paul said I beseech you therefore Brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a Living Sacrifice keep reading wholly acceptable unto God we must be give we must give ourselves to God as a whole it was the only offering where everything was burned on the altar except the skin everything was burned and it Rose to God as a sweet smelling Savor that was the offering of Christ that was the offering Abel offered outside the gates of Eden that was the offering that Noah offered when he stepped out of the ark that was the offering God required Abraham to give in the person of Isaac offer him therefore in other words a total sacrifice don't just break a finger consumed him completely completely for me my Lord and I let me put it differently here is God and Jesus and here am I drowning in sin the only way God can save me is for me to switch places with Jesus you got drown so I can pull him out that's what the Bible says for God so loved the world keep going that he gave his only begotten son you know the rest that whosoever believeth in him whosoever believes that God made this tremendous sacrifice should not perish but have everlasting life the question then arises as we continue the home Circle what is there so close to you or to me that I would not give tell you we tell God don't ask me for this I'll give you this I'll give you that do not ask me for that don't ask me to give up my career don't ask me to give up a relationship don't ask me to whatever don't ask me that ask me this this and that there 100 God ask for 999 but that one don't do that to me and that's the one God wants to prove us whether or not we love him and God loved us so much that he gave up that which was closest and most important to him Jesus Christ his own son equal with himself as Divine as he is and so we combine Genesis we uh 2 and 3 and Genesis 22 I want to show you something about our Father Abraham why do I say he's our father why is Abraham called the father of the faithful anyone who accepts Christ becomes a a child of Abraham spiritually Galatians 3:29 if you be Christ then are you Abraham's seed all the promises God made to Abraham are for anyone who accepts Christ now let's look at our father how he behaved when God said offer Isaac let's read verse three of Genesis 22 let me pray again father as I continue give me simple and direct piercing language in Jesus name I pray amen verse three of Genesis 22 do you have that read with me and Abraham rose up early in the morning and what sadle his ass and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and caved the wood for the burnt offering and Rose up and went un the place which God had told him of all right now when did Abraham get up what does that tell you about Abraham's response to God's word h right away right away he decided to obey go to chapter 21 the the chapter before that Abraham had another difficult test he had to give up another son what was that son's name now ishmail was making fun of Isaac ishmail by then was about 14 years old Isaac was just recently born they had a just a few years old not recently born and it was a feast for him he had been wean you're no longer being breastfed okay Sarah told Abraham get rid of Hagar and Isaac ishmail and God said unto Abraham verse 12 what let it not grieve the because of the lad and because of thy Bond woman in all that Sarah hath hearkened unto her for in Isaac shall thy say be M and verse 303 he says as for the son of the Bor woman I will make him what why because he's thy seed read verse 14 and Abraham what Rose up early in the morning and took bread and a bottle of water and gave him unto Hagar doing what laying it on her shoulder and the child and she departed and wandered in the wilderness of BBA now look at verse 12 again read I keep telling you read but I can hardly hear you read verse 12 for me what what does God tell Abraham and God said unto Abraham let it not be grieved why would God say that because it was his son and his heart was breaking Isaac wasn't the first boy Abraham had to give up God knew was breaking the heart of a father and God said don't let it cause you such suffering do what sah said give him up I'll take care of him but I will tell you how give him up and Abraham rose up early in the morning to obey God chapter 21:14 chapter 22:3 Abraham rose up early in the morning delay in obeying God is deadly because the desire to obey will fade go to chapter 19 our subject the home Circle you have 19 in this chapter God and Abraham are discussing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that's chapter 18 sorry discussing in chapter 19 the Angels come to Sodom lot meets with them lot realizes their Divine Heavenly beings and uh the Angels tell Lot leave the city he leaves he goes to the mountain eventually after going to a city and in verse 27 read that verse for me and Abraham get up what early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord you see the day before God had spoken to him now he believes what God has said and to see the Fulfillment of God's word Abraham did what he got up early in the morning now Abraham is Our Father Abraham had this habit and it must be a habit why we've read it three times and the Bible says in the mouth of two or three Witnesses every word shall be established now go to John 8 John 8 you have John 8 it's my second favorite book The Gospel of John beautiful book study it sometime verse by verse let me pray again Holy Father continue to direct my thoughts and my speech in Jesus name I pray amen you have John 8 Christ is having a running battle with the scribes and Pharisees verse 37 he says I know that you Abraham seed but he seek to kill me because my word what hath no place in you I do that which I have seen with my I speak that which I have seen my father and you did that which you've seen with your father meaning there two fathers the father of Jesus and the devil let me say it again I said it too quickly there are two fathers God and Satan some belong to God some belong to Satan verse 44 read with me what does that say ye are of your father the devil let me say it as politely as I can a lot of people who attend churches their father is Satan Christ wasn't speaking to the Greeks and the barbarians and the Gentiles he was speaking to the Jews since you don't believe me let me ask you this who said crucify him the Jews what did pilate say I find no fault all church members cannot claim God as their father and the only other choice is Satan anyway let's leave that unpleasant thing I speak that which I have seen with my father he that which you've seen with your father now read verse 39 they answered and said unto him what come on read 39 what did they say in 39 Abraham is our father Jesus said unto them what if you were Abraham's children come on you would do the works of what is Jesus saying like father like son it's hard to get you to respond I'm losing weight up here trying Jesus said look if you were If Abraham were your father you'd behave like Abraham of course spiritually what does that mean for us how did Abraham behave when God gave him instructions he responded immediately we want to discuss it for 6 weeks and 9 months because what God requires sometimes goes against our desires so we want to discuss it and perhaps discover a psychological argument that can overthrow God's requirements for us Abraham would rise early in the morning to do what God Said and Jesus said there's a spiritual principle if you're Abraham's child you'll behave like Abraham they continue verse 40 Jesus said but now ye seek what to kill me a man that have told you the truth finish reading this did not Abra Abraham never tried to kill me therefore you are not not Abraham's children a child of Abraham behaves like Abraham but you see in the Bible Abraham represents God are you with me there are two begotten sons in the Bible Jesus who's the other one Isaac the Bible says that go to Hebrews 11 you always look at me strangely Hebrews 11 let's read from verse 17 I just said there are two begotten sons in the Bible Hebrews 11 let's read from verse 17 by faith Abraham when he was tried offered up whom and he that had received the promises did what offered up his yes but God himself said that go back to Genesis 22 let's read from verse one Genesis 22:1 and after it came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abraham and said unto him Abraham and he said behold here I am and he said what take now thy son only son mean only begotten son because he had two but Ishmael was not begotten Ishmael was born not begotten Isaac was both Abraham had by the way how many sons did Abraham have quickly quickly he had eight go to chapter 25 of the Book of Genesis I wish you could see the way you're looking at me Genesis 25 let's read from verse one it's 10 to uh something Genesis 25 reading from verse one do you have that not yet still trying to find the book of Genesis okay first book of the Bible do you having okay okay I'll try I don't want to be deported from Rono all right do we have verse one Genesis 25 then again Abraham took a wife and her name was ketura and she be him zimran and Jan and maidan and midan and ishak and shua how many boys seven or six plus ishmail and Isaac Abraham had eight Boys by the way let me digress when Abraham had ishmail he was physically able of fathering children was I too blunt should I say that nicer what's a nice way to say that he was physically able to father children when he had Isaac he was unable physically to father children go to Romans 4 please Romans 4 you keep looking at me as though I need medication okay Romans 4 let's read verse 19 I said Abraham was unable by the time it was you know time for Sarah to have a child he was unable verse four verse 19 Romans 4 do you have that and being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about 100 years old he was physically reproductively dead keep reading neither yet come on the deadness of Sarah's womb he could not father child she could not get pregnant but when he had ishmail that was not the case Hagar could get pregnant and Abraham could still father child Ishmael was born not begotten when it came time when God God waited until Abraham was over the hill and Sarah was over the same Hill then he said ah now I'll step in and I'll do do what you can't do I'll do what you can't do I'll give you a but did Abraham and Sarah still have to come together yes or no well yes you can't do that by Skype are you with me or SnapChat they had to come together because Faith requires works but the child was from God so out of dead loins Abraham dead womb Sarah came like did Jesus come from the dead did Jesus rise from the dead by the glory of the father Romans 6 verse 5 verse 4 Isaac rose from the dead Isaac was begotten Abraham having this precious son I'm told when a man has a child in his old age your child becomes very especially a boy becomes very precious to him and Abraham said she's borne me a son in my old she said that in Genesis 21 and then God said okay give him up in the home Circle give him up put me first give him up now what's our theme for the weekend my Lord and I here is my Lord here's I what should come between nothing not Isaac not ishma not your career not your PhD not nothing this is not symbolic the problem God has with some of us or many of us there's something between my soul and the Savior the himym says nothing between my soul and the Savior but for many of us there is something my problem with God is not the fault of my neighbors or my ancestors it's me it's me home my own home myself or the home socially it it starts right here I have a question for you I had one this morning I have one for you don't answer me what is it in your life you would not give up for God don't answer me or who is it or what is it you know Jesus told tells us count the cost following Christ is Serious Business following Christ Christ requires death death to what ah God bless you now we're on the same page finally since Friday night we're on the same page following Christ requires death to serve that's what Jesus died in Gethsemane El white could say in desire of a page 694 paragraph 1 he tasted death for every man in Gethsemane because he died totally to self Matthew 26 ver 44 three times he prayed father if thou be willing remove this scup three that was that's what he wanted and he prayed three times he was so close to going back God had to say send an angel it was Gabriel why did God have to send an angel because human support was asleep the disciples should have been there to encourage him remember when Jesus went to Gethsemane he left eight disciples at the gate Matthew 26 36-38 he took Peter James and John right in with him then went a little further from them but he took them closer than he took the eight Judas was gone this should have seen him El said they could see his face and the agony they should have gone to him look look hang in there Jesus hang in there m they started snoring and so God sent Gabriel H says Gabriel took the head of Jesus in his arms a beautiful picture and showed him all those who would be saved if he went through it by the way what does that mean for you and me that was the first time God said and angels to Jesus Matthew 4:1 after the third Temptation then the devil leaveth him and behold Angels Came and ministered unto him now Mark tells us the only people with Jesus in the wilderness were wild animals they can't minister to Jesus after 40 days of fasting and tremendous Temptations He collapsed there were no human beings to help him God sent Angels now if you are in a bind and you are child of God and God cannot locate someone human to help you finish my Words he s because he has to he'll send an angel because he said I will leave thee nor forsake thee and so God may be saying to someone listening to me I want you to sacrifice this this for me I was in certain country last year I believe it was I met this young man very talented in soccer and a European Club offered him millions of dollars got a house for him a car millions of dollars then he heard about the Sabbath talk about God getting in the way he heard heard about the Sabbath and was I met him he spoke to me he was so convicted he gave back to house the car the millions now he's unemployed and his father no longer speaks to him because the father lost the house the father lost Prestige the family just but he was convicted and he told me I gave it all up to obey God give me what's closest to you as a sacrifice you heard this morning what Peter said Lord I'm ready to go with thee both into prison and to death and he ran my Lord and I is our theme is there something between you and your God if there is by his grace remove it because the only way you and I can have a thriving relationship with God is because if if nothing stands between us and God it does not mean we get everyone out of our Lives no we get everyone out of the proper out of their illegal position and put them into their proper position which is way way after God so this is God then spouse then children then whatever and so Joshua said Joshua 24:15 as for me and my house come on finish it we will serve the Lord re reflect on those words microscopically what does it mean by my house my family is he a part of the family so he could have said as for my house we'll serve the Lord what does he say as for me you see Joshua was an individual in his house I didn't say it clearly let L help you mind character and personality Volume 2 page 423 paragraph 2 The Gospel deals with individuals every man must be convicted for himself converted for himself he must obey for himself when God made Adam did he make him and Eve at the same time yes or no he made them separately when he made Adam where was Eve he didn't exist when he made Eve where was Adam dead the Bible calls death sleep but not just any sleep what kind of sleep ah God took him out of the picture completely this is just between that woman I'm about to make and me when he made Adam that's just between him and me now when God made Adam he could have told Adam Adam watch this as he made Eve watch this when Adam opened his eye who was the first person he saw God because the Bible tells us that God well Eve was not a when God made Eve the first person she saw was God why because God had to take her to Adam by the way young people before you see a boyfriend see God come on say Amen ah weak I'll always remember your weak amens and your lovely faces before you see a boyfriend see God before you see a girlfriend see God so it clears up the eyes for those of you old enough like Visine takes the red out you remember that no you don't you're too young all of you all right what was our subject for this afternoon the home Circle where was the Tree of Life M of the garden where was the Tre the knowledge of Good and Evil in the m in the home where did Adam sin in the home where do children begin to go wrong in the home where the greatest influences on children in the home who made Adam's home God who should make yours God if you follow his prescription the home Circle what did God ask Abraham for the think ladies don't get mad Isaac was meant more to Abraham than Sarah when Abraham left Sarah was sleeping quietly he just went to obey God sleeping quietly that was for his own well-being because if he told her that uh he wouldn't have lived very long have you ever seen female animals defending the little ones you don't get close to a bear with Cubs or a lion with Cubs any even a chicken will peck your head you get close to those chicks are you following me you used to have chicks when I was a little boy a dog with pups and so Abraham left Sarah asleep and took off early in the morning to obey God and he left God to handle Sarah the previous chapter when God said get rid of Ishmael Abraham Rose early in the morning with tears in his eyes and God you know obeying God can be painful obeying God isn't always fun in games and pieces and cream and ice cream and cookies sometimes it hurts I mean it hurts someone wrote me from some country on the face of the Earth in a relationship the person said well the guy drinks and smokes and whatever else he's an Adventist I said why are you with well I hope you'll change God bless all women they're always hoping a man will change people don't change they don't don't ever give up this capacity for Hope but hope in something else are you following me and I said you've got to give that up read Matthew 5293 If thy right I offend thee do what plug it out and do what throw it away she said can I stay with him as a friend no M end it and end it wrote back again there tears in my eyes I said I know the Lord sees them he'll strengthen you obeying God is often painful but you think Calvary was fun in games you think gey was a joke Christ suffered to save us and we may have to go through the agony of total surrender to God and it begins in the home Circle not just father mother brother sister I mean your own private this home here your mind under the total control of God okay it's 5: after I start at 3:15 I want a couple minutes break only preachers know how hard it is to preach it's very energy draining but it's good work the Lord gives you back the energy can you say Amen what have you learned from this presentation raise your hand and tell us raise your hand what will you take okay let me put it will you take from this presentation raise yes as for me and my house we'll serve the Lord in other words if my house abandons God I will follow God if my house goes north and God is South I'm going south tears in my eyes my heart broken and bleeding but I'm going south where God is I saw a hand yes don't delay to obey God be like your father Abraham rise up early to do what God says however painful on each occasion it was painful yes there is value and growth in pain but don't bring the pain on yourselves you know Peter says 1 Peter 4:15 let none of you suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer as a busy body yes but don't bring it on yourself but yes there's pain there's growth in pain and suffering yes sister your children will watch you and learn one way or the other as they see you let them learn the way of righteousness listen children don't listen to what you say they listen to what you do oh no that's a hairstyle I thought was a hand okay yes say that again yes Christ empty themselves to make room for the father mhm mhm yes sister yeah what is God ask yes sister what is God asking me to do or not do if it's to do by his grace do it if it's not to do by his grace stop it or don't start it's easy to stop something you've never started hope you get that oh I thought I saw a hand right there okay he's just stretching must be sleeping yes nothing between my soul and and that word nothing is capitalized boldprint italicized and underline nothing yes everything starts in the home yes my brother yeah yes well I can't improve that if he asked you to give up the most precious thing give it up and what's the most precious thing your life we must be willing to die for God that's not symbolic we must be willing to literally die for God in every war there's a soldier who chooses to die to save his buddies it's nothing strange when guys talk about football they say we're going to war they're going to war they're willing to die for the you rough up a guy's quarterback he jumps on you he's willing to die for that quarterback you don't hear the guy's quarterback and walk the other guys there are there to protect that man at a cost of their own health and life and whatever else somebody else what will you take from yes guard your own mind yes the devil doesn't want your knees and your elbows he wants your mind Christ didn't die to change your KNE caps he died to change this everything starts here you and I can't sin unless we choose of here the will must consent that's why God wants the will the will is where we make choices M it's still him God wants that let this mind be in you which was also where in Christ Jesus what else will you take somebody else what will you take you know truth is very often distasteful but so is medication but it heals yes seek God not what's comfortable seek God what's comfortable is coming seek God you can't say that too much Jesus said come unto me seek God when you seek God you seek Holiness righteousness Integrity seek God you seek sinlessness you seek right doing when you seek God anybody else what will you take yes you must okay in other words you are the wrong species you've got to come back a different species you have to be born again with different information on your whatever DNA or whatever it is different genetic information so as verily as as you did what was wrong in the flesh now that you're in the spirit you learn to do what's right automatically and Ela says that which at first seems Difficult by constant repetition grows easy until right thoughts and actions become habitual Ministry of healing page 491 paragraph 3 someone else what will you take and I'm going to go right into it's already 10 after I have no time to take a break yes my brother ah yes now that's what counts low I am with not who's against you who is with you and that is Christ and he said unto The Bitter End you heard the end Christ will be with you to The Bitter End somebody else yes say it again oh offer your ear what's most precious to you be willing to give it up yes s it's not easy but as I said Calvary was not easy anything else yes say it again loudly oh yes oh this morning yes God owes us nothing he wants to give us everything and he gave us everything wrapped up in Jesus mhm literally h H what do you say what do you mean oh thank you Jesus okay thank you Jesus yes the whole life must be thank you Jesus even for trials as my sister said Thank You Jesus MH anybody else before I slide right into the next presentation without a break anything else what will you take yes my handsome brother oh oh okay a couple of questions all right okay all right sorry to interrupt here uh so at the end of the the third presentation there'll be a um offering plate if you'd like to give a love offering for his uh his travels in his ministry we would appreciate that he would appreciate that as well um and um also it sound like he was moving right into the the next next one so that's why I had to interrupt um the the other thing is that if you have any questions for the third presentation jot them down on a piece of paper if you can uh and then just give them to me or one of my sons anyone anyone you can find just give us the little piece of paper um he may offer the opportunity for verbally ask questions as well so thank my question ma'am okay all right I'll call for them I'll call for them all right any anybody else wanted to respond to uh the home Circle ES okay salvation blessings and Joy are from the Lord yes that's the only source yes God wants the husband to be respectful to the wife yes yes yes yes indeed mhm anything else yes uhhuh mhm mhm MH MH mhm yes MH MH right right right mhm let me say quickly God made two adults name them and grave everyone else comes into the world as a baby to grow up under influences uh am I is everybody listening God deliberately arranged that babies would grow up and be affected by surrounding influences M that's his arrangement which P which places are tremendous modal responsibility upon those who make up that environment to make sure the child grows up up under the right influ and there's no other influence than those that emerge from this all right let us sing a little chorus then I'll jump into the next presentation do you know God is so good God is so good God is so good God is so good he's so good to to me God answers prayer God answers prayer God answers prayer God answers prayer he so good to me he's coming soon yes he is he coming soon he's coming soon he's so good to me do you know the things I used to do I do them no more the things I used to do why do them no more the things I used to do why do them no more the things I used to do why do them no more there's a great chance since I is born there's a great change since I was born there's a great change since I was born there's a great change since I was born there's a great chance since I was born things I used to eat I eat them no more the things I used to eat I eat them no more the things I used to eat I eat them no more there's a great chance since I was born the things I used to wear I am we I wear them no more the things I used to wear I wear them no more the things I used to wear I wear them no more there's a great chance since I was born the friend I used to keep I keep them no more the friends I used to keep I keep them no more the friends I used to keep I keep them no more there's a great chance since I was born and this is a converted life one of the best things you can do for yourself is get rid of your friends who were with you in your life of sin a few years ago I was doing a Evangelistic Series in a certain city and um a pastor and I went to visit this lady and she showed us a telephone book she said see this book all the numbers of my friends that were no good to me spiritually I have deleted all of them now I'll get new friends there are few groups that can exert more pressure on your life than friends and if you have teenagers you know what I'm saying they will listen listen to their friends before they listen to you my friends do this why can't I do that my friends go this why can't I do that my friends come home at 1200 why do I have to come home at 8 my friends my friends my friends because friends mean everything to teenagers well at all ages but especially at that stage where they're trying to determine the identity friends friends friends and so we have to make these changes because we're preparing to go to a land that is absolutely different from this world do we understand that and God is preparing us so when we hit that land with our feet we have already been living that life now somewhere I read think it's l white our first day in heaven will be no different from our last day on Earth because the Heavenly lifestyle must be lived now before we enter Heaven let's pray Father in Heaven as I enter the second and last presentation well the third for today be with me I pray give me wisdom give me simple language in the name of Jesus Christ I pray and for his sake amen before I get the questions let me take you to Galatians 5 Galatians 5 well before we go to Galatians 5 go back to my favorite book Genesis we read chapter 1: 26 then read chapter 5 5: 23 not 23 sorry chapter 5:3 so we're in Genesis 1: 26 Genesis 5:3 do we have that read verse 26 for me and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness that's fine we stop right there let us make man in our image after our likeness that is physical Creation with a spiritual element to it now let's go to Genesis 5 we read verse three and Adam lived how long 130 years and begat a son in his own likeness after his image now question one how many images do we have now two name the first one the image of God name the second one the image of of Adam we we still have those two images but the image of Adam in chapter 5:3 which is not the image of God is really for all practical purposes the image of Satan because it is the image of rebellion and ELO tells us there is no enmity between Satan and The Sinner because both are rebellious we see that from the Bible where will Satan be destroyed how will he be destroyed how will Satan be destroyed how will Sinners be destroyed M the same place revelation 22 vers 20:14 and death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire which is the second death verse 15 and whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire Sinners burn where the devil Burns because they're the same now they burned for different lengths of time because no one has capacity to do evil as much as Satan had but a sinner and Satan are the same fruit so really two images the image of God and the image of Satan the first time God Made In His Image it was God who made let me pause see if you following me and God said let us make man in our image Creation in Genesis 1 has a spiritual parallel go to 2 Corinthians 5 2 Corinthians 5 let's read verse 17 2 Corinthians 5:1 17 you have that Shock Me and surprised me by reading what does that say therefore If any man being Christ come on he's a new the proper translation is New Creation let me say it again Creation in Genesis 1 physical creation has a spiritual parallel the same way God created in chapter one of Genesis he creates spiritually by the word and God said let us make man in our image and God said let the Earth bring forth grass and God said let there be lights and God said let uh the waters bring forth abundantly and God said let you br forth the living creature and God said let us make man God said the word Genesis 1 go to James chapter 1 read verse 18 James the half brother of J Jesus James chapter 1 verse 17 not 17 sorry 18 you have that read carefully what does that say of his own will begat he us how with the word what does begat mean to give birth to how is it done by the word now go to 1 Peter chapter 1 read verse 23 1 Peter 1 verse 23 by the way that's the way Adventists are to study the Bible here a little come on there a little line upon line precept that's our method of Bible study mhm so our conclusions are bible-based 1 Peter 1 vers 23 says what being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorrupt Able by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever the new birth being born again is by the word of God received Into the Heart creation Genesis 1 by the word of God spiritual creation by the word of God okay we know Adam sinned and a new image was introduced into creation that God did not make now for us to be born again it is God who has to do it the same way he did it the first time he has to do it the second time is that clear no it's not let me put it differently only God can create physically or spiritually now go to Galatians 5 you always respond like this to all preachers oh okay the lord loves honesty okay uh not just me okay you're not picking on me all right I feel relieved what book did I say Galatians what chapter 5 reading from what verse 19 now let's read carefully now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath Strife seditions heresies envyings murders drunking revelings and such like so the list goes on that's the image of Satan that's the image of Genesis 53 which Adam produced because of his sin that's how all people are born with that nature you don't have to do all of them have that nature that's the carnal nature now let's read 22 to 23 no don't look at it say it the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness Faith meekness Temperance against such come on now concentrate against such there is is there a law against love joy peace no is there a law against adultery fornication uncleanness let's see yes there is a law against 19 to 21 there's no law against 22 to 23 are you following me okay let's go to Psalm 119 let's read verse 172 Psalm 119 verse 172 the longest chapter in the Bible I'll wait for you when does the sun set :3 I think or 502 okay we have time it's uh 330 read verse 172 of Psalm 119 my tongue shall speak of Thy word for all thy Commandments are righteousness how many Commandments are there 10 each one is righteousness remember the Sabbath day when you obey that you're practicing what righteousness yes all thy Commandments are righteousness go to Psalm 51 not Psalm sorry Isaiah 51 I hope someone is saying Lord put your words in that man's mouth I hope someone has said that let me let me pray for myself father as I continue please tell me what how to say the God so I can reach your people For Your Glory and their blessing in Jesus name I pray amen Isaiah 51:7 read nice and loud and microscopically what does that say hearken unto me come on ye that know what stop hearken unto me ye that know righteousness you know it but you know it keep reading the people in whose heart ah mhm we have the law or the Commandments and righteousness go to Romans 8 Romans 8 Romans 8 Romans 8 let's read from verse one there's therefore now condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin condemned sin in the flesh now you finish verse four that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit so the law is what righteousness all thy Commandments are righteousness now go back to Galatians 5 read verse 22 and 23 we've just discovered the law of God the Commandments are righteousness but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness Faith meekness Temperance against such there is now if there's no law against it it if there's no law against it in other words if the law is not against it the law is ah mhm but we know the law is righteousness we know that so whatever the law supports is righteousness then Galatians 52223 is an expression of a righteous SC character what else can we say to strengthen that point because 19 through 21 is the expression of what a sinful character and there's a lot against that whatever the law opposes is sin whatever the law supports is righteousness and so we have Galatians 5:1 19-2 1 that's a character of Satan that's a character of a sinner who's a child of Satan Galatians 5:22 23 that's the character of Christ now we are born under Galatians 5:19-21 that's why everyone born into the world needs a savior how do we go from 19 to 21 to 22 23 22 to 23 wasn't a new development that's the way God has always been that's his character that's righteous it has always been love is not a recent invention noise you know joy peace long suffering God has always been that way he doesn't change 59- 21 was a recent development because of sin but we've got to go from 19 to 21 to 2223 in order to be saved why let's look at the world that we love to go to go to 1 Peter chapter 3 not first Peter sorry second Peter chapter 3 Let's see why righteousness is so important 2 Peter chapter 3 we read verse 13 we're told in verse 10 the day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night everything will be destroyed 11 and 12 now verse 13 do you have it read for me nicely and clear what does it say nevertheless we according to his promise look for what new Heavens come on and new earth where dwell in righteousness where is righteousness found where is righteousness found in the law of God and in the Life of Christ but the Life of Christ is a reflection of the law of God ELO tells us in Christ triumphant page 329 339 paragraph 2 Christ was both the law and the prophet and the gospel he was the law now if we're preparing for life where the lifestyle is all righteousness that's the way we must live now we must go from Galatians 5:19-21 to Galatians 5:22-23 but my question remains how does that happen the same way it happened in Genesis 1 when God said let us does make man in our image he has to make us in His image here's how he does it go to Luke Luke 18 we read from verse 9 Luke 18 reading from verse 9 tell me when you have it and he speak what this Parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were and despise others never trust yourself to produce righteousness because all our righteousness MH not just not all our sin we know that all our righteousness all our right doing us out of Christ is filthy rags keep reading two men went up into the temple to pray the one a Pharisee the other a Publican in the mind of the Jew those are two opposites the Pharisees stood and prayed thus with himself God I thank thee that I'm not as other men are extortioners un adulterers or even as this Publican next verse I fast twice in a week I give tithes of all that I possess question for you is it good to fast yes is it good to give tithes yes that's an impressive resume verse 13 but the Publican and the Publican standing where why why do you think he's a far off he's not worthy he is conscious he's not worthy he's also conscious of something else we'll find that out standing a far off would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven but smart upon his breast saying what God come on now he recognizes he's not worthy so he stands way back when he says be merciful what does he recognize he can't help himself someone else has to help him be merciful to me a sinner now listen to Jesus Christ what he says in verse 14 I tell you that just the same as verily verily this man went down to his house what justifi what does justify mean made right and the standard by which one is made right is the law of God that man was made right in other words he left covered in the righteousness of Christ just like that there the Pharisee he told God what he does not do I'm not like this guy I'm not extortioner unjust adult I'm not I don't do that then he tells God what he does I fast I give tithe and God wasn't impressed the Publican said please I'm wrong I can't help myself please be merciful went down to his house right now listen carefully in justifying the Publican God took Galatians 5:19-21 from the Publican who can finish my Words he took Galatians 5:19-21 from the Publican and put it on Jesus and took Galatians 52223 from Jesus come on finish my words and put it on the Publican like that like that but the Publican was sincere help me that is an Act of Creation the Publican went down right with God why because there's no law against G aians 5 22- 23 and anything the law supports is righteousness the Pharisee went back to his house the same way but thinking he was living in heaven go to Matthew 7 read verse 21 Matthew 7 reading verse from 21 all of the four well not 17 to4 you have Matthew 7 verse 21 those of you who are nice people read for me my version what does 21 say not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven stop don't lose that verse put one thing on that verse take another finger and find Luke 6:46 Luke 6:46 you have it Luke 6:46 keep in mind what we read not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven now read Luke 6:46 what does Jesus say and why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things that I yes in other words you don't do my will you don't know what I say so I cannot be your lord you see Christ is Savior and Lord savior means he delivers you from sin Lord means he has the right to your obedience so people want Christ to save them from sin but don't tell me what to do save me from don't tell me how to dress save me from sin don't tell me how to date if I save you I saved you to tell you how to live not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven next verse many shall say to me in that day what Lord Lord Matthew 7:22 come on come on can you put a smile on my face by reading read verse 22 many shall huh in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful now how do you get lost for that that's in your own strength no trust in God now ala makes a very very disturbing statement great controversy page 509 she said many a man of uh pleasing manners and cultured intellect who would not stoop to one is ordinarily or customarily regarded as an immoral act is but a Polish instrument in the hands of Satan I heard the Sabbath school teacher this morning he said morality is not what saves you there are people who've never gotten a ticket never cheated on the taxes never lied to the boss never whatever straight to hell because the lies were not LED in and through Jesus Christ if it is not of God it is not acceptable to God from the time Adam sinned anything acceptable to God must come through Jesus before he sinned Oh no just need no need for mediator before Adam sinned he had rights but he lost them when he sinned that's why blessed are they that do his Commandments that they may have a right we get it back by God the image of Genesis 1:26 was made by God the image of uh Galatians 52223 must be made by God if any man be in Christ he is a new creation and only God can create physically and spiritually what am I trying to tell you the most dangerous people are those who go to church well the Bible says they said crucify him who who were they church members by the way the most dangerous place to be is the wrong Church the most horrible event in the Old Testament was the destruction of Jerusalem or in the Bible ah read the writings of Josephus other historians to understand how horrible it was when the Romans surrounded that City from 66 to 70 was The Siege women were eating their children they'd make arrangement today I'll eat your child tomorrow we eat yours then next week we eat hers they were starving it was and this was the city God that rejected Christ the worst place you can be is the wrong Church what's this for you as I said earlier God can change you are you following me he can take whatever you are now now put it on Jesus Take what Jesus is and put it on you like that but you must be as sincere as that Publican God be merciful unto me a sinner you recognize you're no good you recognize you need help what is it that brings me to the recognition I am no good the law of God remove the law there's no conviction how can they be conviction in the absence of a standard it is the law of God that convicts a man or a woman you're wrong having received the conviction I'm wrong it comes immediately with what can I do because that which is born of the flesh is flesh that's all I do for those of you who are physicists there's a law one of is it Newton's third law I think it is no no no no not I think it's the first well one first second or third you figured out an object in motion or at rest tends to remain at rest or in Motion in a in a uniform Direction and velocity unless acted upon by an external and unbalanced force external means there's something from the outside to stop that object because there's nothing in the object to stop itself the object wants to continue its state or its inertia and so there must be a force from the outside that is greater to stop its progress and move it in the opposite direction now that external force is Jesus and your inertia and mine is sin Christ is the external and unbalanced force in other words take Christ out of the picture all you and I would do do is sin sin sin sin sin even if we wanted not to we'd sin there's a story of a crocodile and a scorpion the crocodile was sunbathing on the banks of a river trying to get a tan a crocodile a scorpion came to him and said Mr Crocodile I want to cross the river can you take me over the crocodile said no no no no if I take you over you'll sting me the COC the Scorpion said no no no no how can I be so ungrateful I won't sting you the C no no no you'll sting me the Scorpion said no you have my word this crocod said come on jump on so the Scorpion jumped on his back the crocodile started weaving his way across this Swift flowing river in the middle of the river where it was deepest the Scorpion bang and stung him poisonous well the crocodile began to sink as he began to die as he was sinking he turned his head painfully said Mr scorpion now we're both going to die why did you do that said what do you mean why did I do that I am a scorpion so I Sting the carnal nature sins Christ has to stop it that's why we have to be reborn we have to remade the Jeremiah said can the Ethiopian come on change his skin what's the answer or the leopard his spots what's the answer now the Ethiopian can't change it huh but God can change it you're not impressed with the Bible the Ethiopian can change it but God can change it the leopard cannot change his spots and become striped like a tiger but God can change it God can change you the Habit you have now you've had for years you think you can't break God can help you break it you really can the power to do that is the word let me show you the power of the word and then I'll take some questions go to Psalm 119 and may the Lord continue to put his words in my mouth as you search for Psalm 119 we'll read verse n all young people listen to this verse it was written for you put your name in it do we have Psalm 119 ver9 read with me wherewith all shall a young man do what cleanse his way come on by taking heed thereto according what is taking heed give me me one word for that obey now listen to Ellen White Christ object lessons page 100 paragraph 1 what did I say if studied and obeyed what are the two conditions the word of God works in the heart subduing every Unholy attribute how many every single one if studied and obeyed where with all shall a young man cleanse his way by taking he there to according to Thy word read verse 11 Psalm 119 what does that say Thy word have I hid where in my heart that I might not sin against listen to Jesus speaking to his disciples John 15 John 15 we'll read from verse one you have John 15 my second favorite book book I recommend it highly read from verse one I am the True Vine and my father is the husband man every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit now verse three you read it nice and loud and clear come on now he clean how through the word which I have spoken to you through the word it cleanses go to Ephesians 5 reading from vers vers 25 Ephesians 5 reading from verse 25 when you have it say Amen some of you still looking you have it now husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it that he might sanctify and cleanse it how with the washing of water how by the word that he might present himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it might be holy and without blemish and what is the instrument of that cleansing the word of God now go to John 17 John 17 you have John 17 Christ is praying it's called the high Priestly prayer of Christ here's what he says in verse let's read from verse 14 I have given them Thy word and the world hath hated them because they're not of the world even as I am not of the world I pray not that thou should take them out of the world but that thou should keep them from the evil question for you can God keep us from the evil Jesus asked him to do it Jesus said keep them from the evil is God able to keep me from Evil yeah yes or no yes will God answer the prayer of Christ yes verse 16 they not of the world even as I am not of the world now you read verse 17 without looking come on lift your heads up sanctify them thy M what does sanctify mean to cleanse remove Sin from the life Jesus said do that for them but how through your word Now read verse 19 and for their sakes I sanctify myself how did he do that through the word the word is always the word and it is through the word received by faith that this new creation is accomplished when you give your life to Christ truly recognizing your inability to save yourself you surrender to him Galatians 5:19-21 is taken from you and put on Christ and Galatians 52223 is taken from Christ and put on you and El said you are accepted before God just as if you had never seen why because if you covered by Galatians 52223 and against such there is no law there's no sin when you covered by Christ God sees Christ but remember John tells us in John 15 all the way through that chapter abide abide stay there stay there how do we stay prayer study Stay Stay Stay don't visit Christ what should you do move in we visit Christ move in don't squat live in Christ because his constant presence is your power against the constant attempt of the enemy to break into your house my brothers and sisters the creator of Heaven and Earth is the creator of a new character for you and me because what God expected of Adam before he sinned is still what he expects of us today without a microscopic lowering of that standard what God requ required of Adam before he sinned is what he requires of us today and that is possible through Christ okay any comments any questions what I've said in this 3:15 to 4:00 presentation then I'll take the questions any comments what did you hear that touched you that blessed you that you will take with you you'll meditate on anything just raise your hand and tell us where oh yes God's word is all powerful by the way if the devil is in your life the way to get him out is the word Matthew 8:16 and when the even was come they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils and he cast out the spirits with his word but the word of God is Not Abracadabra you've got to it it must be the guiding principle in your life it is not open sesame it is the guiding principle on the basis of that it cast out the devil you know why the word cast out the devil Satan is an angel a fallen angel he was a pure Angel he was created Ezekiel 2813 and 15 tells us he was created how were Angels created by the word the thing that that creates you is more powerful than you nobody's with me I can't wait to go home the thing that creates you is more powerful than you and if the word created Satan this is more powerful than Satan and he knows that that's why he keeps you busy so you don't have time for this mhm you causing me to look lose weight you're just looking at me not saying anything I'm not sure if I'm talking to a good-looking mosole you're just looking at me are you with me oh then it's my fault I apologize I sinned somebody else what will you take from what you heard from 3 to 4 yes yes uh-huh but on you mhm now stay when he puts it on you stay under it you know Christ takes a guy from The Gutter who's wearing Rags gives him a shower gives him a suit he says now behave like a guy in a suit behave like someone in a suit somebody else yes which what seminar oh Andrews University the Theological Seminary at Andrews well I I don't know my hand well there a lot of them you know Jesus God told Elijah I have 7,000 more who've not bowed the knee we just don't know where they are but they're all over the place yes my brother God bless you yes sister yes mhm MH uhhuh okay individ yes yes salvation is individual mhm mhm all right MH yes no you can't you can't your friend has to be Christ and Christ says you friends if you do whatsoever I command you Christ says you my if you obey me you can't even hang on the cils of your most Godly Parents you must have your own relationship yes my brother more like the oh yes I understand I understand yes okay all right yes okay my brother okay I understand yes yes say it again that was made yes yes okay okay and if you look at Galatians 59-21 of 19:21 the Bible says now the works of the flesh that's what you do 2223 is what the spirit does in you because they're the fruits of the spirit are you with me not the fruits of the sinner the fruits of the spirit it is he producing them in you when you set about to produce them yourself that's when you run into frustration they're the fruits of the spirit but the spirit comes to us through this that's why Jesus said the words that I speak unto you they are ah yeah mhhm they are the fruits of the spirit not the fruits of you can't produce that yourself how can you naturally produce righteousness you cannot somebody else yes by the word by the yes tremendous testimony John 1719 for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be Sanctified through the truth what Christ accomplished in his human ity you and I are supposed to do let me say it again what Christ did in his humanity is an example for us in his Humanity anybody else before I take a question yes don't visit Christ move in or don't invite Christ to visit invite him to stay stay forever Christ is not a guest he wants to be the member of the family and the head yes that's the image of a sinner that's the image of Satan M 2223 the image of God that's why the law is not against it but the law is against 19 to 21 and first sin first began in Satan not Adam that's why Christ could say ye of your father the devil in John 8:44 mhm he could call Cain a child of the devil for John 3:12 he can call uh Judas a son of predition which is the same word for the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 okay let's get to question one J Jude 2425 Jude 2425 tells us that God can keep us from falling um I have heard that the final generation will live without sin during the time of trouble after the close of probation M how can I have this experience of total victory over sin how will God accomplish this okay how does God accomplish this amazing experience of victory over sin this begins with a constant well it begins and continues with a constant surrender of the life to Christ the surrender must be daily that's why Paul says in uh Romans 8 I Die daily I think it was in Romans 8 now now this constant surrender has to be total the problem God has with many of us we surrender partially when the Scribe came to Christ in Mark 12:28 and one of the scribes came and having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he answered them well asked him which is the first commandment of all and Jesus answered him the first of all the Commandments is here oh Israel the Lord our God is one Lord and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength this is the submission God wants daily daily Moment by moment a constant surrender when that is the case God can do in us what he desires to do you see if I surrender to God I do what he says I obey him Romans 6:16 listen carefully know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom you obey you obey the one to whom you yield yield constantly to Christ and Obey him and he takes you to the point of total victory over sin you may not be aware of it are you with me you will never come to the point where you say ah now I've got it every day you struggling and striving to stay close to to Christ you're not striving to stay away from the devil you're striving to stay close to Christ and the other thing takes care of itself it's constant surrender uh steps of Christ page 48 paragraph 1 through the right exercise of the will an entire change may be made in your life by yielding up the will to Christ you Ally yourself with the power which is above all principalities and power you will have strength from above to hold you steadfast and thus through constant surrender to God you will be enable to live the new life even the life of Faith through constant surrender it must be daily and of course this is the power MH that's why people don't pray before they sin they don't have scripture reading before they commit fornication they don't do that they don't do it mm if they did they wouldn't do it are you listening to me nobody does that Lord be with us now as we M no no no no no first of all you're afraid that lightning will come down and destroy you and if you did that you couldn't go through with it so nobody prays before they sin you see to sin you have to let go God for that time you let him go sin then you go grab him again but you keep doing that you grab God less and less and less okay uh what is last generation Theology and why is it important last generation theology is simply a fancy way of saying God will have a people on the Earth before Christ comes who would have conquered sin completely in their lives now ELO tells us in uh Christ object lessons page 69 paragraph 1 Christ is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of himself in his church when the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in his people then he will come to claim them as his own perfectly reproduced per Perfection has no flaws perfectly reproduced Revelation 14:5 describes the people on Earth at the last days and in their mouth was found no G for they are without fault Before the Throne of God and in their mouth was found no Gile for they without fault Before the Throne of God this is a description of Jesus it must be found in his people total victory over sin is required before Christ come you see as Adventist those of us who read the original charge Satan made against God is that his law cannot be kept perfectly it cannot when Adam sin he said see see when whomever Noah got drunk see when lot's daughters slept with him and had children with him see when Israelites worship all the gods see and God got sick of CC Christ came and Satan had nothing to say because Christ kept it perfectly he can say see God finally had a chance to say see are you with me finally God could say C but the Jewish system says you need two C's two witnesses to establish anything the church in the last day will give God the opportunity to say the second time see then Christ comes let's be among that sea so when I sin Satan says see when I obey God says see you pick your C well last day theology generational theology is just God will have a people on the Earth in whose life God is Vindicated and Satan is shown to be a liar which means an Adventist says you cannot conquer sin he or she is supporting Satan charge and going against God mhm next question I just I guess to follow up on that says do do you have to be a Seventh Day Adventist to be saved you no no you have to be obedient totally surrendered you don't have to be an Adventist to be saved you have to be obedient the Bible tells us who will be saved Revelation 22:14 blessed are they that do his Commandment that they may have right to the Tree of Life is the obedient who sath why go to Romans 5 let's read verse 19 quickly Romans 5: 19 therefore as by one man's Disobedience many were made Sinners so by The Obedience of one shall many be made it is obedience Disobedience only the obedient will be saved and obedient means all 10 not n and a half all 10 because if you break break one come on mhm so the only way to keep the law is to keep it perfectly because if you break one you've broken all nothing short of perfection is acceptable to God nothing but Perfection is Christ given to us next question an interesting question if you could meet anyone in the Bible other than Jesus today who would it be and why oh brother eleasa Genesis 24 and Genesis 15 the chief servant of Abraham I love that man when I get to heav he and I must drink soy milk together I like elas a lot nice man you know why if Isaac had not been born you know who would have inherited all of Abraham's possessions eleasa and he knew that yet when Abraham wanted someone trustworthy to find a wife he chose El read Genesis 24 it's about almost 70 verses it's all about Eleazar elazar calls Isaac his servant he calls Abraham his servant Abraham trusts him the Bible says all Abraham's goods were under his control the man who knew if Isaac whatever everything would come to him yet when he went looking for a wife he could have chosen a woman who was a a hoochie mama you know what I mean to ruin the Plan of Salvation but he didn't you don't know what a hooi m is forget it he don't need it to be saved he he prayed and God led him to the right womb why else do I love this man he was a praying man unselfish no Envy in his body at all when he got to the house they said eat they put food before him to eat he said I will not eat until I've told my mission now the culture back then was eat then talk even today elasa said I'm not eating until I tell you where I'm here so they said go ahead tell us he told them then they gave him food that was one night then they said can the girl stay with us 10 days because she'll be gone forever he said uh-uh my mission is complete I've got to go the next day he was gone I like that in that man elazar was a spiritual Navy SEAL are you with me mission accomplished I am gone and he went back he was on a mission not a trip too many of us are on trips so we pull off on the you know there the highways there's a place to pull off to see the scenery the Smoky Mountains we pull off and we view the world ah how nice then we drive a little more along the Sabbath Highway then we pull off and we look at the world and we admire it know ell is ell I like ell no pulling off right back to Abraham and and Isaac and reported mission accomplished I love that by the way Abraham represents God Isaac Jesus Rebecca the Church elaz of the Holy Spirit eleasa I can't wait to see that man hang out a little bit then I go see Moses okay um what what does it mean that Jesus had a fallen nature uhhuh was he just like us and that his human nature had a natural pull towards sin Jesus had the nature you and I have a nature with have bent towards evil he never sinned because there's something more powerful than evil and that's the power of God are you with me there's something more powerful than evil that is the power of God Jesus was born with the weaknesses of the flesh we reading galatian not Galatians um Hebrews 4:15 we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities he had them was in all points tempted like as we are yes Jesus had a fallen nature he don't have a sinning nature he had a sinful nature two different things sinful means there's a tendency sinning means there's a practice let me say that again because this is so sensitive a sinful nature is a nature with a tendency to do something a sinning nature is one that does something so there's a difference between a tendency and the action Christ never carried out the action but he had the nature that was bent to sin that's why he trusted his father we have the same nature and he came to show us in this nature we can conquer sin so a sinful nature is not a sinning nature ELO speaks of you know people say Christ had a propensity to sin ELO identifies two kinds of propensities those that are to be controlled and those that are to be ejected the one to be controlled is not a sin the want to be ejected as a sin Christ never had a propensity that had to be ejected he had them that had to be controlled we all have urges to sin they must be controlled because the urge is not a sin sin is choice sin is choice no one goes to hell because he had a sinful nature we go to hell because we choose to sin do you know the devil cannot make you sin he has invite you and then you are SVP are you with me you have to respond and neither can God make you do right you have to choose him next question how do you understand 1 Timothy 4: 3 and 4 everything is good to eat let me pray again father as I continue speak through me I pray in Jesus name amen let's read from verse one now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving he to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils forbidding to marry and comp commanding to Asain from Meats which God hath created to Beed with Thanksgiving of them that believe and know the truth now we're at verse three look at verse three again now you read it for me I just read it what does verse three say forbidding to marry keep reading commanding to abstain from keep reading now wish God ha to be received by whom by whom Ah that's not the whole world that's not the whole world because the whole world does not believe I've have lost you again you have to read the Bible microscopically read read verse three again come on read it out loud as a church if you have my version what does it say forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meat which God hath created to be received by whom which believe and know the truth how many people know the truth few how many believe what does John say 1 John 5:19 we know that we're of God and the whole world lies in weakness Revelation 12:9 of the devil he deceives the whole world so those who know and believe the truth are few so there are some things God has created to be received by those who know and believe the truth not the whole world now verse four says for every creature of God is good and nothing to be received Every Creature referred to in verse three made for those who believe are you following me we must read verse to verse context verse three tells us the eating population those who believe and know the truth that verse four says in that world of those who believe everything made for them is fine not everything made for the world everything made for the Believers is fine if you receive the Thanksgiving for Sanctified by the word of God and prayer now Sanctified by the word of God we're talking about clean Meats in the Bible several forms of uncleanness exist Leviticus uh uh chapters 11 to 15 I think let me tell you what was unclean if a woman had a child she was unclean for seven days if it was a boy if it was a girl she was in clean 14 days if a man had a nocturnal emission he wasn't clean it was milu in your house that was in cleanness dandru un cleanness Mill you on your clothes uncleanness and there was a ritual for each one to purify the other form of uncleanness for which there was no ritual to purify it was unclean animals there was no way to make an unclean animal clean therefore when you read it is Sanctified by the word of God and prayer it cannot refer to unclean animals it refers to the clean ones that God made for those who believe and know the truth but people jump on 1 Timothy 4:3 and4 and say see the Bible says eat anything including slugs and lizards you must study carefully what am I reading microscopically Paul identifies the group he's referring to those who believe and know the truth and we know that group is small it is for them we read every creature of God is good Every Creature covers by the parameter of those who believe and know the truth so in Leviticus 11 when he says don't eat a swine it's unclean to you you read lus 11 5 to8 see it's unclean for you it's unclean for you it's unclean for you over and over it's unclean for you because you B you belong to that special group of Bel is unclean to you so don't eat everything you like please yes my handsome brother next question does denying the prophetic role of Ellen White endanger a person's salvation yes what is the Practical relation that Adventist should have to her writings all right good question denying Insight from God threatens your salvation the 7day Adventist officially regards elte as having exercised the same gift Isaiah had and Jeremiah and John the Baptist now her writings are not the Bible but they're from the same source so she speaks with authority on matters of Doctrine and Life Education Finance relationships Authority particularly when she says I will shown uh you better humble yourself I was shown I saw mhm that woman was a modern-day Prophet her writings are a lesser light to point to the greater light and she has by the way she also says don't use her writings as a test of Fellowship someone wants to join the church who doesn't believe in her writings that's fine just let the person read a little bit and see what happens what was the second part of the question or the relationship her writings are accepted as of a divine origin are not used to help correct the church in matters of Doctrine yes and life and she herself says Those Who deny her Works will eventually deny the Bible yes my brother yes it clarifies a lot of things in the Bible and Truth is very offensive truth is very offensive no you read something you know I've discovered people love Ellen White until they bump into something she says that they don't like all of a sudden now she's a false Prophet mhm I have seen that oh nice woman oh I like her very much then she says a woman who listens to the flattery of a man a married woman is an adulterous oo El white is not a prophet El White made some rough statements but the Bible prophets made some rough statements and they got killed listen to me do yourself a favor and read Ela White's writings here's my recommendation start start with steps to Christ but start with chapter 5 then read the whole book read it microscopically just to follow up a study was done sorry a study was done Years Ago by the church and it discovered those with spiritual decline in their lives there was a corresponding lack of interest in the writings of Ellen White and those who were spiritually strong there was a strong correlation with the interest in the writings of elen God has given that woman to this church and she has kept God through using her as an instrument has kept this church from the rocks of theological destruction are you listening to me the greatest favor one of the greatest favors you can do your children let them read the you want to raise your child read Child Guidance are you dating read letters to young lovers and messages to young people how do I handle my finances read counsels on stewardship how do I educate my child read education I'm always sick read Ministry of healing amen we leave her side and we go to people with no inspiration but we're no different from the Israelites yes my dear brother just to follow it says what is your favorite LG white quote ah my favorite I've never been asked that before I have to think maybe it'll come to me before I say Amen I'll think I'll think while I'm listening to you okay any other question any other question the Bible speaks of my people perish due to lack of knowledge yes however Daniel mentions that in the last days knowledge shall increase what then is the biblical definition of knowledge okay the biblical definition of knowledge knowledge is an awareness of God and His will for us fundamental knowledge shall be increased it refers to the knowledge really of Daniel and Revelation that's primarily not the knowledge of iPhones and iPads not that the primary reference is to the right the prophetic opening of The Book of Daniel which was closed in the time of Daniel it was open in the 790s and so that's the primary reference knowledge shall increased not that we have planes and boats and submarines the primary application is the knowledge in the word of God because that's the knowledge that saves John 17:3 Jesus said this is life eternal that they might Know Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ so knowledge is a acquaintance with the will of God as expressed in every you can learn the knowledge of God by studying a flower or tree or whomever the knowledge of God knowledge is the awareness of God's Will and God's working in all of creation Christ first and then creation and so the Bible says in Psalm 19:1 the heavens declare the glory of God Isaiah 6:3 the whole earth is full of his glory as we look around we gain knowledge about God for the inv visible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood as knowledge by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they're without excuse you look up into the skies and you get not God is a designer God is a god of uh of uh organization he's a god of law because that star is the same place at the time of the year without failure a plant is growing you cover it it starts to move so it can find the sun there's a God you you gain knowledge that way about God because God's first lesson book was nature for Adam and Eve nature then we get the Bible hundreds of years later but so we learned about knowledge is all that we can learn about God through his creation man first through the Creator who became human then through his creation and the knowledge of God accepted is life are only 144,000 people going to heaven oh no no no no no go to Revelation 7 Revelation 7 read from verse 5 you have Revelation 7 verse 5 read with me of the tribe of Judah 12,000 of the tribe of Reuben 12 thou of the tribes of GAD 12,000 of the tribe of Asher What napali Manasses Simeon Levi iser zebulun Joseph Benjamin Now read verse 9 all by yourself what does that say and behold a great multitude which no man could number of all nation and Kindred and people and tongues yes now that's fine that's fine thank you for your eagerness God bless you there were the 12 tribes and a multitude which no man could number now let's back that up 430 go to Genesis 21 where circumcision is introduced Genesis 21 I don't know why you don't like reading or you read into the Pew not out loud you have G what I'll do I'll call different sides to read see if that will work let's start with the middle you have Genesis 21 let's read verse 9 verse 10 what does that say now this is circumcision introduced to Abraham what does that say therefore M Genesis sorry Genesis 1710 177 21 is uh ishmail being thrown up Genesis 17 read 10 this is my Covenant which shall keep between and thy seed finish the verse every among you shall be now this is circumcision every male child shall be circumcised verse 11 and you shall circumcise the Flesh of your and it shall be what for a token be now read verse 12 and he that is8 days old among you shall be now here are two distinctions keep reading he that is born in your house come on B ah born in the house means biological connection bought with money is not biological but still in the house whether biological or B the person must be circumcised so we have the 12 tribes biological we have a great number circumcised so more than 144,000 will be saved far more mhm are you with me there all right can I have an easy question now um oh yeah this is an easy one I'm sure okay what is meant in 1 Corinthians 14:34 uh women to be silent in church no that one I don't know that's controversial I don't know but if it really meant no woman could speak but L could not have spoken in the church iodius and cynthy could not be assistants to Paul in Philippians 4:2 Aquilla could not have taught Apollos in Acts 18:2 24-26 that is controversial and the church has no clear position on it yet and things that are controversial and clear clearly in God's eyes are not pressing priorities it can distract us from something that's very clear the Three Angels messages but I have no direct answer on that I don't want to give opinions all right but I'm glad El white spoke in churches okay my wife speaks very well by the way can we be perfect meaning live without sinning yeah answer that ready the answer is yes capital y capital e capital s bull print italicize underline not only we can it's required are you with me it's required a perfect life is required to live in a perfect world one by the way I say this many times you might have heard it the first time God made he made a people first he made the world first then made Adam are you with me Adam opened his eyes and here I am in the perfect world I didn't ask this time time God makes perfect people first then puts them in a perfect world so today he's asking them through the gospel would you like to live in a sinless world if the answer is yes practice now MH then I'll make the world when when I'm convinced you're serious then I'll make the world and put you in it mhm how many of you are serious you want to live in a sinless world I I look it's coming you know it's coming you're preparing for Christmas it's down the road the sinless world is coming when you have to convince Adventists of that it's painful yes if we are not to partake in the levitical feast then why do we partake in Passover or as we call it communion well Jesus tells us to do it as often as you do it you do it in remembrance of me he doesn't tell you how often he just tells you to do it so he tells us do it but all the feast were fulfilled in Christ that's why Paul can say Christ Our Passover is crucified for us that's gone they all pointed to him but the communion service was not part of the feast that's a brand new thing is there a difference between sin iniquity and transgression now let me pray again father H you know what I don't know speak through me please in Jesus name amen go to Exodus 34 next time I'll ask for questions ahead of time so I can pick the easy wants to answer Exodus 34 okay do you have Exodus 34 it's 25 to5 the sunset of 502 come on find Exodus 34 let's read from verse 5 when you found it say Amen if you have my virsion read with me and the Lord descended at the cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of the Lord and the Lord passed by before him and proclaimed the Lord the Lord God merciful gracious and longsuffering abundant in goodness and Truth keeping Mercy for thousands pause give me those three words again you used listen carefully iniquity sin iniquity and transgression keeping Mercy for thousands keep reading now forgiving iniquity come on transgression we have the three words now the three different Hebrew words by the way but I want you to notice something that makes them all common the same he forgives them but don't look at me look at the verse look at the verse does the verse say forgiving yes or no forgiving what iniquity come on uh-huh so whatever the difference is between them they all need to be forgiven that's the Practical importance amen so I'm not haggling with what exactly does iniquity mean and transgression it has to be forgiven and that means none of them is any good are you with me now go to Psalm 32 Psalm 32 if you want a book that has all human emotions read psalms David said kill my enemies break their legs kill their children that's what David they called imprecatory Sons kill his wife you know shoot his cousin you all the Psalms are serious but they were inspired by the Holy Spirit okay do you have Psalm 32 nobody answered the preacher I tell you all right this side read from verse one blessed is the man blessed is he whose transgression is whose sin is so we have transgression and sin keep reading blessed is the man unto whom the Lord do not impute and in whom there is no yes now King James first so we don't get confused just the King James version nobody else read but King James version so we have iniquity transgression and sin read verse five I said acknowledge my sin today have I not keep reading transgression the Lord and thou forgest the iniquity so whether it's iniquity sin transgression they all have to be forgiven go to Psalm 51 Psalm 51 read from verse one it's a familiar verse a familiar familiar Psalm do you have it read with me nice and Loud have mercy upon me oh God according to thy loving kindness according unto the multitude of thy Tender Mercies blot out my transgressions Wash Me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin stop do you see the three words transgression all have to be washed away cleanse forgiven and so whatever the differences are the common feature is if it's an iniquity you need to be forgiven it's a transgression you need to be forgiven it's a sin you need to be forgiven that's all you need to know unless you in the s semary and you want to higgle over you know what is between tall and lanky they all need to be forgiven so all three are bad I ask for easy question do you have one okay yeah that's easy this should be pretty easy good um let's see uh why do you only use King James version and then not easy that's nosy okay okay that's not easy that's no well I love the Poetry of the King James version you see the King James when it was made in the 1600s one of the requirements was it has to be so made that it's nice to be read orally it was translated to be read orally so the words were chosen for oral presentation and so that's what I love about and it's very poetic and it's very different from Modern Way of speaking so it creates a challenge for the mind you see creates a challenge and you challenge the mind but don't not the NIV no the clear word was written by an Adventist but that's not a translation it's not a translation because I can write a Bible I put the word Bible on it wouldn't make it a Bible but the American Standard Version the new Americans you know and King James they reliable versions but I love the King James I read other versions for studying but in the pulpit and for recitation nothing beats the king the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures he leadth me beside the Still Waters he restoreth my soul he leadth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake y though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me thou preparest the table before me in the presence of my enemies thou anointest my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever please don't modernize that leave it as it is beautiful all right next question yeah this is the last it's pretty simple yeah a Romo church is need of a pastor interested oh I asked for a question not a joke okay I'll pray about that let the Lord send someone who doesn't mind when the church doesn't answer him but I would have a hard time I'd die so that I'm not the guy I'm not the guy I'd be whipping you every Sabbath why don't you answer me okay so the Lord will send some but thanks for the thanks for the thought all right how many of you were here last night this morning this afternoon what decisions have have you made you don't have to answer me go to Second Peter I'm doing the same thing I did this morning let I'm finishing go to Second Peter chapter 2 we'll read 20 and 22 20 to 22 of second Peter 2 father as I come to the end of this QA session please be with me I pray in Jesus name amen we have second Peter 2 now this is my last I hope hope it's my last verse be nice Read With Me King James version pronounce each word for if after they have escaped what of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ they are again entangled they in and overcome the latter end is worth with then from the beginning in other words if after they've known about Jesus been delivered you see from the and they go back the latter end is worth with them than the beginning Now read read verse 21 for it had been better for them keep reading not to have known the way of righteousness then after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment committed unto them for this is happened for it has happened unto them according to the true proverb the S the dog is turned come on to his own vomit again and the s that was washed to her wallowing in the M go back to verse 21 let me show you something again with righteousness and the law of God read it for better for them come on not to have known what stop not to have known what the way of keep Ling the way of righteousness then after they have known what's the next word after known wait wa minut then after they have ah what does it refer to the way sister blessings upon you read microscopically pronounce have a function after they have known it what's that the way of righteousness finish the verse to turn from but the verse should say to turn from the holy commandment but the verse says from the way of righteousness but the verse says turn from the holy commandment which means the holy commandment is ah sister God bless you with a husband who has a lot of money yes the way of righteousness is the holy commandment am I too hard on you okay I was getting a little worried what decisions have you made don't tell me but I took you to Second Peter 2 2022 it was it would have been better for you not to have come than come and not make some choices you see what I'm trying to say it is is better never to know God than to know him and not make a decision because knowledge brings responsibility so I hope based on what you heard last night today you've made decisions and choices let's stand any prayer requests we praying for Giani spiritual problems okay anyone else yes uh coworkers struggling with diabetes have you ever recommended to her the the eight laws of Health okay that's one recommendation but really are nine laws for me there are nine laws of health law number one confess your sins then the other eight can follow because all sickness come from sin whether your sin or living in a sinful world the first law of Health confess your sins Eli said the consciousness of right doing is the most important prerequisite for good health knowing I'm right with God someone else prayer request yes a brother all right y sister Health spiritual oh okay okay okay yeah yeah okay I understand we pray for her and the husband yes sister for your children too come out of the world and come back to Jesus okay they used to be in the church and they left Isaiah 49:25 I will contend with them that contend with thee and I will save thy children pray hard parents who have lost children to the world pray hard and when you pray I see it remind god of what he said in 2 Peter 3:9 the Lord is not willing that any should perish and put your child's name in that verse are you with me you say father you said that you're not willing that Christopher should perish whatever your son is please keep your word but let God do it his way and most likely his way will be painful yes my sister the Rocky Mount Church okay God always has servants he'll send the right man any other prayer yes your brother-in-law and your sister yes your grandfather what oh need of a pacemaker okay all right okay yes yes hi your mom is having a baby okay we'll pray for your mom's baby the mother you know John the Baptist mother when she was carrying John the Baptist while he was in the womb he was filled with the spirit Luke 1:15 if there's a pregnant woman listening to me that child in womb can be filled with the spirit while it is in your womb but it is up to you and your spiritual life Jeremiah was filled with the spirit in his mother's womb so was Jesus we'll pray for your mother yes okay family healing all right mhm anything else okay any word of praise and thanks to God somebody tell me don't take long a word of thanks to God okay okay he's a nice person okay now you client what do you do oh nice nice nice nice meal prep cooking food is serious religion okay anybody else a word of praise to God tell God how nice he is and yes your what what' you say oh praise God for that oh yes you know Psalm 34:1 to3 I Will Bless The Lord at all times his pray shall be continually in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the Lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together you know God is really good let's give him thanks even when we're under trials and tribulations anybody else a word of thanks to God do you know God has yes ah he answers your you know God has prayer requests we have prayer requests God give me this give me that give me that God has prayer requests here's some requests God has study my word pray more witness to somebody change your diet God has prayer requests that he gives to us do these for me we keep sending to him he's sending some to us stop criticizing the pastor get to church on time God has prayer requests are you following me so he heard yours I hope we've heard his let's bow our heads in heaven we thank you so much for the sweetness of Fellowship we thank you for your word if Lord I misrepresented you I apologize and I ask you on my next occasion wherever that may be use me effectively bless your beautiful people who met this weekend you heard their requests quite a few for family for Spiritual reasons there's a mother who's carrying a baby others who may be unwell some in financial crisis maybe someone facing a divorce some facing termination on the job somebody harassed by The Neighborhood whatever it is their God intervene father intervene father and stand for your people but remind them that they must also stand for you and so God you heard every request intervene father and respond to every request brought to you today Father go up above and beyond our expectations just to remind us that you are a good God bless this church bless the Rocky Mount church both need a pastor send the right servants to your people I pray father Keep Us Faithful and when you come let Souls be in the Kingdom because of us let no one being held because of us in Jesus name we pray let God's people say amen and amen one uh please I have to do this no love offering please no love offering don't do that no love offering don't do that are you with me don't don't be too mad don't put me in prison no love offering please don't do that you'll send me home Happy God is good Ah that's weak God is good all the and all the time God is good say it again God is good all the time and all the time uh one of my favorite quotations from Ellen White I believe is our High Calling page 116 paragraph two your last thought at night your first thought in the morning should be of him in whom is centered your hope of eternal life another one I love Bible commentary volume 7 page 974 paragraph 3 it is it is not necessary to gain strength a month ahead we are to conquer from day to day in other words don't ask God for strength this week ask him for strength today so she says it is not necessary to gain strength a month ahead we are to conquer from day today God bless you and put a double blessing on your children
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 86,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Msanii Records, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Hymns, Gaither Music TV, @3ABN, Randy Skeete, Zabron Singers, Doug Batchelor, John Lomacang, Mark Finley, Fountainview Academy, Heritage Singers, Sandra Entermann, JEHOVAH SHALOM A CAPELLA, Wintley Phipps, BESY Choir (Official), Acapeldridge, Speak English With Tiffani, T.D. Jakes, Pastor Steven Furtick, Stellenbosch University Choir, America's Got Talent, Karen Gibson, Gospel Music Hymn Sing, Color Music, The Acappella Company
Id: KwPmrT0Y1yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 37sec (9757 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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