Sunday is coming, pastor Milano

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anyway I pray that you be blessed with it let's see if this technology will [Music] work there is coming a day when no heartaches shall come no more clouds in the sky No More Tears to dim the eye all is peace forever more on that happy Golden Shore what a day Glory day that will [Music] be what a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see when I look upon his face the one who saved me by his grace then now [Music] World lead me to the prom land what a day glorious day that will [Music] be [Music] there be no Sorrows there no more bird to bear no more sickness no more pain no more parting over there and forever I I will be with the one who died for me what a day glorious day that will [Music] be what a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see when and I look upon his face the one who save me by his grace when he take me by the hand and lead me through the promised land what a day glorious day that will be oh what a day glorious day that will [Music] be welcome again everyone glad that you are [Music] here hello testing there we go I want to make sure this PO I mic is off all right did you know that we can we turn that down just a little you know that we're supposed to be um striving for personal and corporate Revival a Revival of true godliness Among Us is is what we need as a people as a church to prepare us to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit um the latter rain I don't know if you're familiar with that term some of you are you know the Lord is going to uh pour the Holy Spirit out upon his people those who are ready to receive the Holy Spirit and so a Revival is necessary and it begins with me begins with you and then it becomes a corporate event and then we continue to see great things happening then we're ready to receive the Holy Spirit Spirit um at that time to fit us up so that we could take part in heralding the loud cry to the world and we recognize I think that we're living in the last days but as a people we can get complacent can't we I don't think there's anybody here no matter what your personality type is uh that at one point or another you've been complacent you just said you know I'll do that some other time or you put things off and so it really is important for us to uh to be reminded from time to time and as students of the Bible and as teachers of the Bible and of Prophecy we are going to recognize I hope these verses our scripture reading Revelation 14 6-9 um as being part of the Three Angels messages vital messages in the last days that need to go to the whole world um and the work of sharing these messages is ours it's not been given to Angels but it's been given to us and so let's let's go there Revelation 14 and we're going to read verses six and seven and we call this the first Angel's message and there's Bibles there in the pews I encourage you to to open those bibles if you uh don't have one with you grab a Pew Bible and we'll go to Revelation 14 beginning in verse 6 the Bible says and I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven having the Everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and Kindred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and The Fountains of water in 2 Peter 1 verse2 we read this wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things though we know them and be established in the present truth God's desire for us is that we would be established in present truth and present truth is Bible truth that is pertinent to the time in which we live um and so as we begin I want to um just before we pray I want to remind you that the Lord has his people in all denominations and anything that I say or anything that I point out that appears uh to be critical of someone or something it's it's not aimed towards individuals um we're rather looking at organizations okay God has his people in all denominations and he loves his people all over the world and he's working uh to save them all and so some of what you he today you may have heard me say before in other messages but fear not because repetition is good it helps us to uh remember so let's pray Father in heaven we want to thank you um for each person here for bringing us here together on your Sabbath thank you that we are free to worship together um we believe in Divine appointments Lord and you have everyone seated here for a reason um I ask Lord that you would speak through me uh that the words that come out of my mouth will be from heaven and we know that your word will not return unto your Void we thank you and praise you in Jesus name amen in Ephesians 5: 10 and 11 the Bible says proving what is acceptable unto the Lord in other words test things to see if they're acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove or test them or expose them so scripture tells us to expose the unfruitful works of darkness in other words we're to bring the light bring to light the workings of the devil to save those who are being deceived who or who are in darkness go to First Timothy if you would all the teaser together in your Bible uh First Timothy is after 2 Thessalonians and we're going to just read uh one verse there in chapter 4 so it's 1 Timothy chap 4 and we're going to read the first verse it says this now the spirit that's the Holy Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils now often times we will read this verse and we'll immediately start thinking of spiritualism and you know and those that have uh died coming back to you know to communicate with the living and that's certainly part of this but when you consider that word seducing it just means misleading or deceptive and so when the Bible warns us that some are going to give heed to deceptive or misleading spirits that that encompasses just about any topic that could include any Topic at all you and I could be deceived on any number of things and this is the warning um that the Bible is giving in the last days the days that we're living some are going to leave the faith maybe you know someone who's done that um that has Le left the faith because they have been misled or uh someone has shared something that was not biblical and they were deceived and so I want to lay a foundation um this is a uh the title of the message is Sunday is coming and it's uh the beginning of a very short series um of messages where we're going to examine what every Christian needs to know um living in the last days and I want to lay a foundation in scripture um you know we could speculate about verses in the Bible we're going to look at some things where many people have specul but we're going to let the Bible um the Bible interpret itself so go to Daniel 7 Daniel chapter 7 I'm going to begin reading in verse three Daniel chapter 7 let me know when you're there okay now if you remember in Daniel chapter 7 uh Daniel has a dream the Bible says dreams and Visions in the first year of belshazzar and so he has a dream and he's going to uh discuss that here and we're going to look at it we're going to begin in verse three it says in four great beasts came up from the sea diverse from another the first Beast was like a lion and had Eagle wings I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it and behold another Beast a second like unto a bear and it raised up itself on one side and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it and they said thus unto it arise and what devour much flesh after this I beheld and lo another like a leopard which had upon the back of it four wings of a fou the Beast had also four heads and Dominion was given to it after this I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth Beast Dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly it had great iron teeth that devoured and break in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse or different from all the beasts that were before it and it had 10 horns and he goes on he said I considered the horns and behold there came up among them another little horn before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots and behold in this horn were the eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things so we could speculate what these beasts are but we're not going to do that let's go to verse 17 same chapter the Bible's going to answer the question what are these beasts verse 17 these great beasts which are four are what Four Kings which shall arise out of the Earth but the Saints of the most high shall take the possession and possess the kingdom forever even forever and ever so the Lord through Daniel um and he's done this previously in Chapter 2 with Nebuchadnezzar he's laying out the kingdoms of the world and he's saying many things but one of the things he's saying is you can trust me and you can trust scripture because I'm going to tell the future for a very significant period of time right up until the end when Jesus comes and if I can do that then you can trust me so he does that with Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 2 here we are in Daniel chapter 7 and now he's given Daniel a vision that parallels the vision in Daniel chapter 2 laying out the kingdoms of the world uh for us to see for Daniel to see um to build our faith and so we're going to continue verse 19 says then I would know the truth of the fourth Beast which was diverse from all the others exceeding Dreadful whose teeth were of iron and his nails of brass which devoured break in pieces and trampled the residue with his feet and of the 10 horns which were in his head and of the other which came up and before whom three fell even of that horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake very great things whose look was more Stout than his fellows and I beheld in the same horn made horn made war with the Saints and prevailed against them until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was given to the Saints of the most high and the time came that the Saints possessed the kingdom thus he said the fourth Beast shall be what the fourth Kingdom upon the Earth which shall be diverse or different from all kingdoms that's the third time in this chapter that he said that that it's going to be different from all kingdoms and shall Devour the whole earth and shall tread it down and break it in pieces and the 10 horns out of this kingdom are 10 kings that shall arise and another shall arise after them and he shall be diverse there's number four from the first and shall subdue three kings and he shall speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the Saints of the most high and think to change what times and laws and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time but the Judgment shall sit and they shall take away his Dominion to consume and to destroy it unto the end so again we let the Bible uh interpret itself those beasts are kingdoms or Powers write down through uh to the little horn power that is described there now if you look at the screen who is the Beast that we're talking about have we looked in Daniel and I want to go to Revelation as we look at this screen here go to Revelation um chapter 13 Revelation 13 when you're there let me know I'm going to attempt to go backwards here but I don't know if it's going to let me okay you're there very good so we're going to read Revelation 13 beginning in verse one it says and I stood on the Sands of the sea and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea so the Bible in in the Bible in Bible prophecy a beast represents what a kingdom that's right rise up out of the sea having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his horns 10 crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy this is speaking of the same power that we just went over in Daniel chapter 7 and the Beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great Authority and the Bible tells us that the Dragon is who that's right we see that we don't we don't speculate on that either if you look at Revelation 129 and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan so the Bible tells us who this is okay the dragon gave him his power and his seat and his great Authority so keep this in mind the the problem that uh we have on this planet is not with people the problem is with Satan right and sometimes people get caught in the claws of Satan and Satan uses them but Satan is ultimately the problem right verse three it says and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wandered after the Beast and they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the Beast and they worshiped the Beast saying who is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue 40 and2 months or 1260 years or time times in the dividing of time verse 6 and he opened his mouth in blasphemy unto God to blaspheme his name and his Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and Nations and and all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man have a have an ear let him hear he that leadth into captivity shall go into captivity he that kth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the Saints how many of you are familiar with those verses those first 10 verses that we just read raise your hand okay so about half maybe maybe a little more maybe 2third um who is it talking about Daniel chapter 7 and those first 10 verses uh who's it who is it talking about he's talking about the papacy right papal Rome is there anybody here who's not a Seventh Day Adventist do you mind raising your hand anybody okay we have one okay maybe maybe two all right well praise the Lord so hopefully I don't lose you um in in this message but it's coming from scriptures now I want to look at this list quickly um these are points that identify what you just said uh these verses are pointing to to the papal power right okay it rises up out of the sea it receives its power seat and Authority from the dragon that's Satan it becomes a worldwide power it's guilty of blasphemy it rules for 42 prophetic months it's diverse or different than all the others it receives a deadly wound that heals it's a religious power that receives worship it persecutes God's Saints it has the mysterious number 666 um is led by one supreme man and it thinks or it tries to change God's laws now I put this up on the screen for you Daniel chapter 2 if you remember Babylon meita Persia Greece Rome and divided Kingdoms in the toes the feet in the toes okay and that's very clear from studying Daniel chapter 2 Daniel chapter 7 we just read that and and here it lists the different beasts but basically it parallels Daniel chapter 2 Babylon me Persia Greece Rome the little horn power now we are right down at the end there because the little horn power is in power we have there's ambassadors from all over the world that are ambassadors to Rome to Vatican City and there's a man at its head and you know having grown up in the Church of Rome I know all about it I'm not a Jes it infiltrating the Adventist Church um I don't say it to make you laugh but sometimes people think that way I remember um because I'm retired law enforcement when I was a pastor in my last uh conference Northern England conference there was a church member who stopped coming to church because she felt that because I was uh prior law enforcement that I would be one of the people that Satan would use to round up the seventh day Adventists uh during the time of trouble and have them jailed so some sometimes people think certain things that I just wanted to to to put you at ease that that's not the case I'm in this uh to the end so now let's go to um Revelation again we're going to go to chapter 14 now so we're in Revelation 14 I'm going to read the scripture readings and I'm going to read um a couple of other verses so Revelation 146 and 7 we're going to start there and I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven now the angel there that word Angelas in the Greek just means messenger okay all Heaven is assisting God's Messengers did you know that you are to be God's Messengers okay and so it goes on it says the message is having the Everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and Kindred and tongue and people so you I hope you see God's love really in scripture but you clearly see it here he's leaving no one out every single single people group in the earth there's 24,000 people groups in the earth our church has reached about half 12,000 people groups but by God's grace and by the work of the Holy Spirit and His Holy Angels it will the work will be completed very quickly we don't let statistics worry us at all um and so this message the Lord says is going to go to everybody if you speak some foreign dialect in some third world country guess what the the Everlasting God gospel is coming to you and I can't tell you exactly how that's going to happen but it's coming because the bible promises it now look at verse uh seven saying with a loud voice so here is the messenger the Angelas the messenger and this is the message this is the Everlasting gospel and of course it get it has tentacles and it goes much deeper but it's summed up in verse 7 saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and The Fountains of water now those last words there worship him that made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and The Fountains of water where did they come from they come from creation they come from the Ten Commandments don't they Exodus chapter 20 the Sabbath commandment because one of the parts of the Everlasting gospel is a call to worship the Creator and the Creator created a day that's the Bible calls the seventh day the Sabbath right that is the day he has called us to worship it is very clear from scripture and so don't lose that that's very important all right let's look at verse n and the third Angel so we've skipped uh the second Angel no reason that I'm doing that other than for time verse 9 and the third Angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in His image and receive his Mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb so I see God's love in verse n and 10 why because a loving God warns his people every nation tribe tongue and people people need to hear it that if we worship the beast that's what's going to happen because this issue of worship is the issue worship has always been the issue and worship is the issue in the last days in heaven the issue was worship Satan wanted to be worshiped right in the Garden of Eden the issue was worship Satan wanted to be worshiped and our first parents uh gave him exactly what he wanted and then the trial of our Lord Jesus on this Earth in Luke in in the Book of Luke in the Gospel of Luke the issue is worship right Satan said if you will Bow Down and Worship me I will give you everything it's always been about worship and it will continue to be about worship have you heard of project 2025 anybody raise your hand okay some people have presidential transitional project okay um it's a coalition of conservative interest groups and I looked at the list last night and I got tired of counting how many people were on that list so I just said I'm not going to do it it's a 920 they have a 920 page document okay so it's it's a coalition of these uh Conservative Christian uh some in some cases Christian groups interest groups and think tanks under the Heritage Foundation guidance and they're attempting to establish the policy agenda for the next president okay and their goal is that in 2024 the presidential election um will result in a Republican president Victory as they would say and on page 589 of their 920 page document it says this God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest and until very recently the judeo-christian tradition sought to honor that mandate by moral and legal regulation of work on that day moreover a shared day off makes it possible now I added all of the highlights here I'm just letting you know that uh moreover a shared day off makes it possible for families and communities to enjoy time off together and provide a healthier Cadence of life for everyone Congress should encourage communal Rest by amending the fair labor standards act to require that workers be paid time and a half for hours worked on the Sabbath that day would default to Sunday now why do they want time and a half for people that work on on Sunday this the so-called Sabbath any guesses in hopes that employers would not have people working on Sunday that's all it is that's all it is um you can uh Google this um this Coalition and you can read that document it's uh it's right out there for anyone to read um I want to look at a couple more I got a bunch of quotes that I want to share with you Sunday is coming um and I want to just share share some quotes with you I think the implication this is from um eternity news and all of this stuff is very fresh okay uh this one's December just before the new year most of the quotes that I have are from January um I think the implication was that when most people think of the Sabbath they think of it as a time to recover and to be restored one day in seven we are supposed to stop what we routinely do is that what the Bible says it doesn't say one day in seven does it but you see what is going out into the world right it doesn't matter which day one day and seven and they're going to pick the day I'm just letting you know that the Bible is clear they're going to pick the day and it won't be the Bible Sabbath I assure you says one day in seven we are supposed to stop what we routinely do and pause for a day of worship reflection and rest it allows time for church family and friends and gives a perfect excuse to switch off from the often Relentless demands of the workplace and isn't that true doesn't Sabbath the true Bible Sabbath allow us time to come to church worship together praise the Lord to uh get filled to fill others to uh be with family and friends it does so I want you to see how this is presented and how it's marketed Satan is a genius marketer he really is and so we continue uh and it gives a perfect excuse to switch off from the often Relentless demands of the workplace and at a time when many workplaces want 24/7 availability pushing back in this way is often important for our mental health and long-term well-being is Sabbath rest good for our mental health and our well-being absolutely God knew that we would need it he knew knew that we would work ourselves to death that's not the only reason he gave us the Sabbath but but he knew that right the problem with the Sabbath is not that it fails to restore but that many don't take one day in seven off and over the longer term suffer from their delusional conviction that their work could never get along without them for Christians the first day the work is Sunday and most Christians consider this to be their Sabbath day and that is absolutely right isn't it is absolutely true what he just said Sunday was chosen as it is Resurrection Day and Resurrection is at the heart of the Christian faith is that true no it's not Resurrection is very important it is not at the heart of uh what did he say heart of the Christian faith and Sunday was not chosen because of the Resurrection Day although that is the reason given in honor of the Resurrection well let's keep going we take the first day of the week off to rest sounds odd doesn't it and it's true it does sound odd he's got that right surely we should take the last day off when we are exhausted and flustered and that's true right are you happy when Friday afternoon comes and it's like woo Sabbath is coming I get to let let everything go right so is absolutely true truth here mixed with error when we have worked hard enough to earn a break ah but Sunday Sabbath observance pushes in a different direction and that's absolutely true it pushes against God's commands against what God wants for his people because he knows that the Sabbath does something very important and we're going to look at that here momentarily you get the gift of a day before you have earned anything and that day is Resurrection Day so they're saying every Sunday is Resurrection Day that's very odd that is very odd all right I want you to go to uh Ezekiel chapter 20 and that's just before Daniel so I want you to go there take the time to go I want you to see two very important verses Ezekiel 20 and we're going to start by reading verse 12 now we know that Sabbath is designed to give God's people a rest right and he wants us to come together to worship our creator he wants us to rec recognized creation we saw that in Revelation 14: 6 and 7 it's a memorial of creation a memorial of it reminds us of our creator it does so many things and then we find in verse 12 of chapter 20 of Ezekiel moreover also I gave them my Sabbath to be a what a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them that word sign you could put Mark there it's a Mark or a seal or a sign it identifies God's people now verse 20 same chapter Bible says and hallow my sabbaths and they shall be a sign between me and you that ye may know that I am what the Lord your God the Sabbath the seventh day Sabbath identifies God's people and Sunday is coming this is from grace for the day the title of this uh paper is the dying American rest ethic January 6 2024 not very long ago God created the world in six days and on the seventh day he rested it was the seventh day that he made holy for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the Earth the sea and all that in them and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy so he quotes a version of Exodus 20:1 this is a reversal of the values of Americans we value work although we complain about it and we see rest as a lost opportunity for work we allow allow those who get to work early and leave late in other words everybody wants to be like them rarely taking a day off or going on vacation they are entrepreneurial go-getters and truly capitalists folks will project their work even over their own mental health that is why it is difficult to schedule therapy sessions for modern workers they must not leave their jobs the seventh day God called the Sabbath the one he made holy the holy day is the day his people rested he was so protective of this day of rest that he made its violation punishable by death and that's very true this is uh from Exodus chter 31 for for 6 days work may be done but on the seventh day there is a Sabbath of complete rest holy to the Lord whoever does any work on the Sabbath they shall surely be put to death it was not just a day of rest but a day of complete rest we work because God works and we rest because God rested or we should I get it the Sabbath was a part of what Jewish ceremoni law so you see there was all kinds of Truth there and then they slide in just a few words and everyone is derailed Christianity is now off the rail and and if we're not looking closely at scripture and it's Adventist we have an advantage but not everybody's an Adventist we need to point these things out the Sabbath was not Jewish ceremonial law it was created at creation hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years years before a Jew ever existed while it was designed as a day of rest it was intended to be a Sabbath to the Lord Moses said to them this is what the Lord meant tomorrow is a Sabbath observance a holy Sabbath to the Lord for six days Jews were allowed to work to provide for themselves and for their families the seventh day the last day of the week was to be devoted to God it is fitting six days of work to take care of everyone you love and and then one day to thank God for the blessing that the six days brought to his people it was their day of worship so you see now that it doesn't matter what day and they're going to pick the day and it's not going to be the seventh day Sabbath is it any Wonder we have raging epidemic of anxiety and its sister depression you need a day of rest it is sad that God had to legislate a day of rest for the Israelites did he legislate a day of rest for just the Israelites nope but he knows how we humans are you are not a Jew is that true no it's not we're all spiritual Jews the Bible is very clear in the New Testament we're all Abraham's seed if you believe in Christ you're Abraham's seed you're a Jew you're a spiritual Jew and you live under the Testament rather than the Covenant is that true no they're just they're playing semantics and basically Testament and Covenant are the same but you need to see the wisdom in rest no telling how long you might live and how healthy you could be if You observe a day of rest to the Lord so do you see how many different reasons for rest were thrown in there right family time and depression anxiety to keep that down and and now for your health mental health uh all of these things that they just they're throwing out there and they sound really good but they're going to dictate the day and it's not going to be the seventh day uh this is an article uh from Salt and Light January 4th 2024 titled Sabbath for all creation because we need more reasons because think about what the devil has to do he has to get the Christian and he has to get the atheist and everybody in between and so he has to have something that appeals to everyone right because there's a lot of people that don't believe in God he's got to appeal to everyone Sabbath is has an image problem for some it conveys Victorian strictness starched uncomfortable clothes in proving books and long church services others may remember last ditch camp campaigns to keep Sunday Special by preventing supermarkets opening and they close liquor stores right the Sunday laws those blue laws are still on the books by the way um today's Sabbath often conveys overwhelming negative ideas don't do that especially if it's enjoyable and I pray that is not the truth in your house the Sabbath should be a joy and by God's grace Michelle and I raised our kids Sabbath was special it was something to look forward to and if you have kids or grandkids that you have an influence on make Sabbath special okay it's not about the dos and the don'ts it's about just the beauty of communing with our creator let's keep going how far this is from God's plan for Sabbath it's meant to be a joyful celebration of the very goodness of all creation Now I agree that it is to be a joyful celebration of the very goodness of God and his creation okay but we got to be careful as we read things like this because there are subliminal messages in a lot of this stuff I've recently been struck a new by the richness and relevance of the Sabbath for hectic and hurried Humanity for our oppressed fellow creatures now it's about animals and it's about the environment we're going to see that that's a big one um the 2015 encyclical by the pope uh was all about the envir environment is the reason that Sabbath needs to be mandated and for the exploited environment we all depend on so now now it appeals to The Atheist right the agnostic whoever it can appeal to uh people that you know that don't believe in God at all after all this is no marginal theme in the Bible Sabbath is instituted in creation part of how God created the universe to be codified in Covenant it's one of the ten command commments at the heart of Israel's life again throws Israel in there um but it's for all God's people transformed in Christ the Sabbath is transformed in Christ Jesus is the lord of the Sabbath very true not replacing it but reinterpreting it the Sabbath is a foretaste of Eternity that's true it is a pointer to the Eternal rest of all creation in Christ this is from The Washington Post now I don't read The Washington Post I don't advise that you do either but this article is there and there are many many many people reading the Washington Post getting their information here that's why I share it why Reviving a 2600 year old spiritual practice made my life better that's the title of this article for Millennia religions have regarded this ritual rest it's a ritual now okay um as a spiritual necessity yet clergy are now arguing that this practice whether in a secular or religious context can help redirect the world societies away from catastrophic what climate change and that's a myth and I'll argue with you about that if you want sometime in a nice loving way but we have been the world has been duped to think that this Earth is about to end because we've done some you know compared to the 70s our planet is remarkably cleaner our waterways or the planet so don't buy into this climate change agenda okay it's a tool that Satan is using now do I want you to take care of the planet and not waste and recycle and all that absolutely the Bible says God will destroy those who destroy the Earth so we need to be careful but we do not need to live in fear that the planet is somehow going to explode you know because we are not doing certain things that they want us to do um to save the planet okay yes the climate is constantly changing some years it's colder than most some years it's hotter than most but it basically balances out so it goes on here it says a sheared day of rest at a minimum might slow the pace of consumption curb emissions or ease the burden of so many people working very weekend so again now we're appealing to a totally different group of people this is designed to Encompass the entire world religious or not you have a reason to embrace Sunday worship because it will do all of these things supposedly that they say this is from Catholic news January 30th 2024 just a couple of weeks ago recently we received an 80-page booklet entitled what's behind the new world order it admits to be a collection of excerpts from the book will America survive which was originally published a 100 years ago under the title The Great controversy now this is just a few a couple weeks ago Catholic news they have over a billion members so this is going out all over the world it's important to see this book was written by EG white foundress of the Seventh Day Adventist it claims that the Catholic church is behind the New World Order the booklet claims that this is true since the church is the Beast of Revelation 17 and it's the Beast of Daniel chapter 7 and Revelation chapter 13 we looked at that according to the booklet one Mark now notice that word one there's only one mark of the beast there's not more than one but they throw that in I don't know where they get that they don't get that from the great controversy um if you see where they might have gotten that please let me know i' I'd like to know says according to the booklet one mark of the beast is not observing the Sabbath on Saturday is that true that's not true no it's not true see the Church of Rome and I'm kind of sidelining a bit but um they say that their Mark of ecclesiastical Authority is the fact that they changed the Bible Sabbath to Sunday so their Mark is Sunday worship the mark of the beast nobody has the mark of the beast today do you agree with that right it's very clear okay it's only when this becomes the issue and everyone is fully aware of the whole topic IC and then they make a decision to go against God's law and embrace uh what this this power this uh papal power imposes through legislation of governments specifically the United States as it begins then people will then re receive the mark of the beast that the mark of the beast is Sunday worship after pushing the Bible aside and God's commandment aside and saying no I'm going with the world what the world is doing so it goes on it says it is alleged that in the 4th Century the church and Emperor Constantine replaced the Sabbath with the Pagan day of the sun I.E Sunday now it is true that the Old Testament says the seventh day but signing that to Saturday is Hebrew tradition is that true that's not true right that's been investigated at nauseum and that is not true at all the weekly cycle has never changed and you can trust um that today is the seventh day of the week and if you went back to Jesus's day it would line right up they've checked that as Christians we must consider this in the light of the New Testament and the teachings of Christ if this is a mark of the beast almost all Christian churches today bear that Mark bear the mark too that is not true nobody has the mark of the beast so do you see what they're doing is they're now painting a picture that somehow the seventh day Adventists are publishing a very derogatory uh understanding that if you're not keeping Saturday you have the mark of the beast and that is not what we teach that is not what we're saying that is not what the Bible teaches nobody has the mark of the beast it is true that the Catholic Church through the authority of Christ place the Hebrew Sabbath Saturday with the Lord's day Sunday is that true absolutely not right uh it's not a Hebrew Sabbath not a Hebrew Sabbath and what's interesting is um if you spend any time examining the publications of the Church of Rome you'll find that they contradict themselves on this topic all over the place um I have a catechism perhaps in my office I think Catholic catechism that says the complete opposite of this says we changed it and and if you are a Bible believing Christian then you should be a Seventh Day Adventist and keep Saturday holy those are their words and then here 2024 they're saying something different it says it's they're now calling it the Hebrew Sabbath Saturday with the Lord's day Sunday now the Lord's day appears in the Bible how many times I heard 59 times I heard something else over here how about once in Revelation chapter 1 now the Lord's day is talked about okay but that phrase the Lord's day only appears once in Revelation chapter 1 and it does not say Sunday we have to look at scripture to find out when the Lord's day is and the Bible is that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath the seventh day Sabbath so the Lord's Day actually is the 7eventh day Sabbath but they immediately equate it with Sunday and they have no Authority or backup to do that and this is important to know if you grab a Strong's Concordance and I haven't looked at one recently but I bought one I went to the back there's a glossery there and one of the words was Sabbath I said I want to see what they say about Sabbath Sabbath Sunday the Lord's day I said really strong concordance the Greek the Hebrew Aramaic they you know they parse out every word all the definitions and they mess that up I had take a black Magic Marker and cross that out and fix it in case somebody picked that book up and and went there and looked so you see it's just subtle just throw it out there some countries have changed the calendar and Sunday is the seventh day of the week um Norway and places like that have done that all right let's keep going um Sunday however this occurred very early well before the time of emperor Constantine in the 4th Century for Christians two important events happened on Sunday first the resurrection of Christ occurred on Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday as we refer to it secondly the Holy Spirit descended upon the church on Pentecost also after his resurrection Jesus appeared to the apostles twice each on Sunday as a result Sunday became known as the Lord Lord's day for Christians is that true no it's not true it's not true and so I share that with you um and of course this requires further study and it's a series of messages but I share these things with you because I want you to be on your toes and I want you to use um spiritual discernment you know Jesus said to the Church of leod deia that we would have isav right so that we would have a spiritual it that picks up on these subtleties because Satan uses subtleties to deceive now if we're going to be equipped as a people to share the Three Angels messages with people we have to be aware of these things and don't you know don't be concerned if you haven't embraced all of this or you don't understand it all come to me come to one of the elders ask questions we'll continue to study this with you I'm going to continue to get into this in this Min series of messages but um we need to understand it so we can share it I have family members that I love that I don't want to see receive the mark of the beast that have succumbed to the subtleties of Satan in this area and they think it doesn't matter one day in seven is fine and God appreciates our worship he wants us to worship him every day but he's only set one day de side for Holy use and that's the seventh day and so um I hope and I pray that it this this message does more than one thing number one it renews our um earnestness to be ready for Jesus to come because those quotes are just a few days old and this is happening and I could have just went on and on and on with the Publications in the Fox news reports that that I mean uh in the lifestyle section of of newspapers and news organizations that millions of people watch this stuff is being talked about and these subtleties are being presented and people are reading that and say yeah you know we need a rest and and you can see how what the Bible says is going to happen is is easily going to happen the world is going to embrace this stuff because it has so many appealing particles in their presentation and then we have a government that does whatever it wants at times and so you can see how it could happen very easily so I want your faith to be renewed I want you to have a renewed enthusiasm for finishing the work for being ready to receive the Holy Spirit and then equipped to share the message I think that's important do you all right if you're able to kneel with me uh kneel with me otherwise just bow your heads and we'll pray together I'm sorry I went a little long father God I want to thank you for each person here um Divine appointments Lord I I've always believed that you bring your people into your house not by coincidence or by chance uh but by Divine appointment and I know Lord did you have a blessing for each person here I pray that folks were blessed um by the words of scripture uh that we read today and Lord it's a great reminder for me um to see these things to read them and to recognize wow this is front and center in our world uh certainly in this country uh it's being talked about and we see uh many Avenues in which the enemy is subtly bringing this to be a very popular uh thought process and so father we want to be ready um we want to be ready uh individually and then corporately we need a Revival in our hearts and then corporately a Revival in our church so that you can continue to bless us us Lord you've told us to ask for the Holy Spirit we're doing that now we ask you to to pour out that great gift uh of the Holy Spirit upon each one of us he has a work he wants to do in our hearts and Lord help us to take down any barrier that's preventing the Holy Spirit from coming in and guiding and directing us um and then Lord help us to have Divine appointments to share this vital message it's present truth that people don't know about they need to know and give us courage and strength and wisdom to do it and we thank you and praise you in Jesus name amen is himm number 604 we know not the hour 604 please stand we know not the of the Master's appearing yet signs all for tell that the moment is nearing when he shall return is a promise most cheering but we know not be are he will come let us watch and be ready he will [Music] come hallelu hallelu he will come in the cloud of his father's Glory but we know not there's life for the wise who are seeking salvation there's truth in the book of the Lord's Revelation each prophecy points to the great con but we know not here he will come let us watch and be ready he will come hallelu hallelu he will come in the CR of his father's right Glory but we know not be will watch and will pray with her lamp trimmed and burning will work and will wait till the mastering will sing and rejoice and we and Discerning but we know not the he will come let us watch and be ready he will come Hallelujah hallelu he will come in the glory of his father bright Glory but we know not the amen you may be seated have happy [Music] Sabbath
Channel: Murfreesboro SDA Church
Views: 3,146
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Length: 62min 57sec (3777 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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