We Went To War On F-BLOCK! GTA 5 Rp

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bro [Music] killed one um mid-rolled him in one time [Music] I just turned on crazy I got I got to get back again kill one probably like SEAL Teams died [Music] I killed three [Music] it's gonna be it's gonna be on the internet I mean the impound [Music] driving up boom all right so I have a really bad stream because I've been helping the devs like with the server um I still been like RPM while I was like managing everything so I'm gonna get y'all up to date EOS is in the city where a lot of mbf mbf is the old mbf2 the OG mbf and right now we built up a little bit of beef with OTR hpk and the Crips but it's been fired um we definitely was going at it last night if y'all appreciate videos like this like comment and subscribe I'm about to be posting a lot of videos like this since I just dropped the server but I'ma speak to y'all in the next vid you need to pull it off they jump back in his league and live ARS oh my God I'm just running around shooting they're shooting they're shooting watch out Luke impact I just spaced him twice what killed one I'm using Mark to use my fist I got no bullets mid-rolled him in one tapped his man drop that [ __ ] I'll tap the one off they got they got our homie though me on the roof was he eating yo they wasn't they wasn't lying our block is nice I'm had a chop I think did you scroll down there's there's a is this you drop the block here AP [Applause] face the scar too what are you talking about I'll give you my Deluxe selfie needs to go deeper than the [ __ ] garage or some [ __ ] almost there 'll be on that drop all of them I got a drink I was just going dumb bro they almost got cleared how to violate so bad bro I ain't go a lot I got a lot of you after that like five more ran over my body if they killed all of us it's fine bro I'm gonna go somebody where y'all at impound yeah I'm gonna take the five five sixes I got a Tommy Gun I'm about to take that I just need what is it 45 I got 45 for you I think the stabbed that boom pop bro what am I that [ __ ] tape I think it's five out of six or seven six two one of the two pretty sure five five six so now yeah I was putting all the EOS homies on to like the Ally ship too so they should all be in tune I actually what does the draco's take 762. we're gonna take seven six it's still over there I just turned on crazy oh my God I just turned on two of them back to back oh [ __ ] going crazy coming in so get my SMG off that deep one that I can see everyone's dead Castle pulling off that's it uh Georgia Boy uh right side opposite [ __ ] Church yo look at the whole time we having Bangles over here just keep on stacking yo listen just keep on stacking everything up inside that grandma's little closet and we'll split at the end and the [ __ ] handle out of that combat PDW thing we'll put this [ __ ] in the closet okay oh PD is also how to book it okay he's in a pistol is it it's like 300. I gotta add pistols too yo that's actually a w move but look every time you're getting bang also on F we should just keep because they ain't gonna come in here and check on things I'm saying it'll be mad random for them to do that we could just keep on standing next for like a whole night and then split at the end of the night and just shows back up back up back don't fight it alone what's that guy I got I got to get back again kill two I think that's awesome one more one more easy back out killed him dead everything hit those guys on the corner yo bring everybody to EMS whenever my EMS are coming do they oh there's a cop there's two cops right there yeah good he didn't see you doing this then bro he's straight where you at lingling get the [ __ ] out of the crib someone's in the car police police that boy hostage come in this house I was trying to just be a threat I wasn't about to shoot at and nobody shot at me first gang they shot at me first game yeah I was I was aiming at his men's and he just started shooting at me so I had to face and what I'm saying we got to get loaded we should spend off real quick we gotta Get Low let's go tomorrow let's go tomorrow somebody grab the bag real quick we gonna we're gonna go to Masha yeah yeah someone grab that bag oh no that shit's on the um that shit's on the navigation y'all all the car doors a lot yo images good as lacking bro my bad Bros in my head bro where are we going right now we're gonna go we're gonna EOS the one like after the mess is a little project a little mess I Go part is okay bro [Music] what's that [ __ ] gotta go on the shot grannies right I'm gonna say yo no cat yo look One Cop ran into the crib I just heard he's the other one's sitting outside going left to right just aiming this gun at me I'm eating my Chopstick at him he starts to shoot at me bro I just faced him huh these kids gotta Beast these kids gotta be sick Bro I lost a lot of [ __ ] I've only lost like two or three guns I didn't even lose them though they probably got recycles oh yeah all that everything everything I lost boom Mac gave me a [ __ ] yo you got that six oh I have six feet that Raptor I don't yeah I don't have sexy I was tired oh no we all get you doing that has six seasons I said false Advertiser [ __ ] is that six-seater that's right that's what I was thinking TF Tango Willow Fox oh let's go bro come on I'm about to unleash the slide I just noticed he got the Drake haircut we're going home foreign hold on don't dump the fence or nothing yet that was just a [ __ ] right there y'all just made that obvious they'll wrap around like the canal like the whole Canal like that little walkway type or not I just got no vest so I'm playing it smooth how fast underneath everyone I eating where you at yo he's over here he's on the roof he knows me over here two of them kill one let me know pull up the backyard you might as well as I faced that kid but he didn't die thank you probably like steel teams died I killed three I'm pulling out I'm pulling out I'm pulling out the back of the houses back of houses on the roof on the roof on the roof I killed him oh they killed all of us try to get the guns yeah foreign oh my God oh [ __ ] my bad my bad I just did them so bad happened there bro cameras for a [ __ ] slider phone look turn around wait are y'all driving images dumbass just drove off from yeah to their bed he started Facebook that's because he was all in the car though he just held that Kona they say sorry I'm aim another she wave buddy I can really do this thing's slow as far oh Crips is what we have next to Earth shot off this one let's try to after that I'm next to Carlos I'm between goggles clothing store all right there I'm telling to hop out if you want oh yeah that's your man's right there that's your man's right there that's your maze right there he said nah nah nah nah nah don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot he did welcome [Music] I'm rapping I ain't got a gun for me they're behind you too now you is some I ain't gonna lie so chosen his help um the club is that two behind you free behind you I'm sorry is that you know let's see how that kid dropped me right there bro I don't even know who we got shot at by when we were in the Middle Street right there who's that right there keep eyes on that for the grannies sitting in the back be on the front corner face team come on grannies hold on yellow they know we're in here now killed another one look at my child finessing but I'm running sad right you tried got another one that's three oh black one yeah I'm on the Block if you're gonna run it let us know right away clear Lucy's body's a but I'm gonna hit these and my clothes real quick who is this I'm coming in and dropping who's that right there dead oh hold on let me drop real quick yo flock you got two scars in it yeah what the hell there's still another one on the Block I think I just killed toes bro exactly and I was gonna add users TPS someone killed the cars over there because uh pulling up right now [ __ ] 20 [ __ ] bullets I'm good go over here like I'm right behind you ain't still there with an IP OD touch and [ __ ] got a lot of [ __ ] on them if you find them yeah he has my military rifle and everything announcements let him raise himself he was making an announcements I think he won I think he wants Kos what are you doing what did he say in the announcement is open [ __ ] with this AP when I open the bands back up I think the bins is not like two slots all right so look at when can everybody be on tomorrow I want to do this [ __ ] when it's lit bro anytime I'm like I'm thinking about like eight now take that frog that's yeah that's that's good for me we can open the ticket right now hpk encrypts against mbf it was that'd be a crazy West yeah EST no EST like Eastern Standard Time yeah yeah I'm an Australian Eastern Standard Time well then trans translate that it's hard sometimes we said chess sleep that 20 different that's another language gang there's 20 different time zones in [ __ ] USA you know slow what do we got like three time zones [ __ ] mostly time in USA and Google to give you [ __ ] like 80. yeah he's so many bows yeah yeah it's uh yeah EST and then West Coast is three hours block game yeah for initiation for that [ __ ] [ __ ] let's kidnap [ __ ] job I want to set up a meeting with Joe kidnapping bro I'm pulling up in an M3 oh I pick up OTR too I ain't gonna lie to you oh that'll be able to get rich or active wholly active Yeah tomorrow's gonna be lit no cut yeah that would be a good person somebody in the back of grannies bro I swear I just seen somebody run through that window that's only you guys everybody charge me where was that truck going on they're at the bottom block two of them too my name Pete what's that right hand yeah one has a spider my game is lagging like [ __ ] zero FPS gang we mid-rolled him at the same time no cap we did a dirty bro imma send you that clip killed one where do we get shot from where are we getting shot is that behind what the back I killed another one that killed one coming back down we got all of them yeah I think so I'm about to go drop over it's too easy hold on to lose my mind the amount of times I've been wanting to have not looking at somebody's huh booty on left towards the main note or what yeah yeah right here in the alleys on their houses and [ __ ] you guys try it out right then get another house I got him self thank you grab the Bros guns but a way out one tap whoa on some oh my God who just had seven guns on them bro we're spamming like that bro we get it you did he's in the back of this in the back of Grandma's crib let's go go um bring his stuff inside I can't I can't open his inventory in the back or something inventory in the back yeah there's me pulling out front yo slow again bro you just look at all these guns bro they're about to be in here this we just had eight guns on him my bad game yeah another call I just had a house six dead I killed one kill one military car wash if that's not yours this is this is us this guy I can't see no one someone's on roof or something let's go Smite from somewhere body in front of liquor store has mad guns on it like right in front of the liquor store I almost faced him he's right here killed him he's dead that's gonna be a good YouTube video foreign at the same pile don't vlog [Music] what's the word okay can I get my loot crates from the uh winning draw bro oh yeah are we sweet this is me I'm in the CRX okay [Music] let's be behind main clothing let's do Jump Around behind the church and some clips gang it feels like can you hop out real quick if you don't oh [ __ ] two cars rollers I'm gone let me just pull up to one of our hqs at the end and split all this [ __ ] up nope please [Music] that Batmobile right there shitty ass it's a clean uh what I'm not sure I'm not trying to grab it it's gonna be on me in the impounds yeah all right like when you small Hospital you don't grab anything yeah don't grab nothing yet because I don't know how much it's gonna fit in the video I've seen you run here like 30 times I want you to go out there with all that [ __ ] on you and I'm saying it popped I'm standing here with all that [ __ ] on me till you get me to go I need those levels for like stamina and shooting and all that [ __ ] it'd be [ __ ] not as just make a [ __ ] point zero zero [ __ ] with one person every time you [ __ ] shoot [ __ ] 10 bullets I'm bringing a low out right now nobody come out with another load until this load is good I want y'all to get killed with that [ __ ] you feel me like but come outside with me somebody yeah uh some [ __ ] trap some [ __ ] bro they probably lost so much money don't forget I've been [ __ ] robbing them today and finding like 900k [ __ ] on some of them so like ah I know where jaw is when his hands are going through pain right now he's in here he told me at the the clothes store he don't we don't want y'all to master to pop up y'all behind behind Car Wash rabbit booty he running to the left down the alleyway 115. go ahead you get him look at the Chopstick that down yes that's me with that where that yo somebody can't go get another car yeah hey we can use my car so far you just gotta stop as soon as you go in there [Music] oh no I mean my car you can pull it out at any it's just don't go away nobody's gonna go right now I just throw my [ __ ] in there yeah yeah you don't want to put your stashway when there's a bunch of [ __ ] [Music] um what's it called there's a few duties someone told me there was none isn't it isn't that just pillbox yeah well done so is about to be a freezing too I'm pulling up from uh [Music] this [ __ ] on uh backside Foot Locker tapped him nah gang and now it's gonna be moving devious I ain't gonna lie okay and [ __ ] there's 15 mil right here 3 000 bullets two four six four six eight I'm gonna fix it up and put that one and there's another one hold on 19 and a draco it's 19 pistols on that one yeah that takes the pistols Drake how many people here hey if if if y'all want to exclude me from this I'll take the Drake and that's all I need I bet take that [ __ ] I'm gonna need that ammo for it too all right so everybody gets six combats you want that big gel busy yes sir yeah that's all I wanted that entire time I told flight from the very beginning all I want out of this is a big 25 I'm gonna count the bullets real quick it would have been a lot more big trucks if you're in earlier he says six combos right I'm trying to find where the Firefox is yeah he says six combats oh the Draco takes um 762 oh [ __ ] yeah it does I got my six combats I'll make some of the deal my six combats for the for some dirty money everybody everybody gets 647 what's it called but let's yeah let me get that dirty so I can get ammo for this [ __ ] that's 50k 50k dirty open on the side oh [ __ ] yeah 50k dirty all you need well listen cheap yeah much I don't know how much we got in here do we have our own apartments and [ __ ] or like because I don't know money okay oh eight of us like everybody how much how much um or haven't you work that out 6 47. you said 1.5 mil 1.7 I'm at the grocery one where's the icon to put this [ __ ] in here go next to the garage and it'll tell you to flex G oh for some reason it says it's not my vehicle but it is I bought it oh no no no okay me as well
Channel: FLOCKIO ❤️
Views: 48,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta v rp, gta v role play, gta 5 rp, gta 5 role play, gta gang, grizzley world rp, tee grizzley gta 5, gta 5 roleplay, grand theft auto 5, gta rp troll, gta rp, gta, gta 5, gta 5 online, gta v roleplay, e-girl, funny moment, funny, funny moments, gta5, gtav, gta 5 funny moments, gta 5 online funny moments, gta v funny moments, gta fails, gta 6, gta 5 compilation, gta 5 clips, gta funny, soup gta, stackswopo, fivem, flockio, flockio gta 5, flockio fivem, flockio settings
Id: EDgTaYhX_64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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