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all right um what's good I've been wanting to make a tutorial like this for a while because I see a lot of people that just like generally just can't aim and people just think it's like a lot harder than it is but it's it's just like it's something so simple and that if you just practice it like you can aim like everybody else so uh I mean this is gonna be like a really simple tutorial and just like some general tips on how to get some like better aim okay bro what if anybody knows how to fix this bro please tell me all right uh like I was saying before my game bug the first like simple tip I want to give you guys just to like being able to hit more shots more consistently is your Crosshair placement I mean some people still don't have this down and it's kind of crazy to me like and it's something that's so simple too you see this guy right here let's say I was like speed boosting and I come out the ramp and this guy is here and I'm aiming to like I'm speed boosting like this my crosshair's all the way down here I come out and this guy's here I'm half I'm having to make this extra movement for no reason to go up to his head to shoot him when instead I can just be speed boosting keeping my Crosshair at head level and when I come out the ramp like I don't have to move my Crosshair up or like down to aim at his headlights already there so all I got to do is adjust sideways and it's just so much easier another tip I got is I mean I can't go there right now because when I just went there there was some guy streaming the n-word but just going into Red Zone and just like taking the time to practice your aim and not even that just like just running around and practicing your aim but developing good habits at the same time like when you're in Red Zone focus on your cross replacement focus on your movement while in Red Zone because that's going to transfer over to when you play a Rams when you go to Arenas you play Van Wars whatever when you do Wagers like those habits are going to transfer over it's just it's good to develop those habits you know another thing I also want to say is I feel like a lot of well not a lot of but a part of aiming is like the mental part so like relax and breathe for a second bro like I see some people like their aim will just be like so sporadic and it's just so out of control and they're just like so like choppy like that oh like they don't got the right sense and I'll get to that later but one thing is just like mental bro just taking a breath in like getting relaxed bro because some people are just so tense like they're just so sporadic like you just gotta relax and just like control yourself I mean yeah like I was saying it sounds stupid but in reality I feel like it has like made my aim improve at times where I felt just like tensed uh and I just had to like take a breath bro just like relax and control myself and I mean my aim just felt better after that so all right another tip I got is uh investing in Kovacs aim Labs is good personally I don't use aim lab I use it for a little bit I really like it investing in Kovacs I promise you you will not regret it like I was saying investing in Kovacs I promise you the smart decision I don't even know how much callbacks is I think it's like five bucks bro it's five bucks spend the five dollars get Kovacs you will not regret it bro it's better than aim Labs better than the other aim trainers like the scenarios are just there's so much more detail and just like little things that just make it better than aim left especially like the settings like and I'll link a video on how to uh sync your 5m sensitivity to uh Kovacs or I'll make one in the future but for now I'll just link the one that I use to uh link my sense but anyways investing in Kovacs in doing these scenarios all uh I'll link my playlist that I use and I'll add some scenarios to it for you guys you want to try that out uh but just like finding scenarios that help you improve the areas that you feel like you lack in like if you can't track if you're just like really choppy bro do tracking scenarios like control your aim just like make it smoother foreign because it is 2 A.M and I'm kind of more focused on talking than doing this right now but doing scenarios like that it just like improve things that you lack in like tracking I promise will help the more you do it like the more muscle memory will build up like the more control you'll feel over your mouse No Matter What sense you play on because the more you develop like this natural like aim like whatever sense you play on you will feel somewhat comfortable and you will feel in control because like you practice aiming so much like practice flicking you practice tracking whatever like you'll feel in control so you can just try different senses that also put that all right yeah like I was saying just um doing scenarios that help things that you lack in like tracking uh this was a good one that I like to do for tracking uh this was another uh one wall six Targets this helps with um Mouse control just like General like clicking from Target to Target this really helps with that I'm not doing that good because I'm honestly like slouched out in my chair right now I'm more focused on talking but just doing scenarios like this will generally help you I promise you it'll like develop good control over the mouse and whatever sense you're using like you'll just feel better it really depends on how much you want to do this same thing with like going in Red Zone whatever like it depends how much you want to do this uh I mean it's kind of nerdy if you make like uh some like routine for like aim training not that serious but just [ __ ] around train for a little bit and your aim will feel better I promise you uh another quick tip I can give for static scenarios like this is if you're on a Target like this and you're trying to go to this target over here instead of under flicking don't feel scared to over flick remove your mouse too far like over a year like don't be scared of that because what that's going to do is that's gonna force you to adjust your mouse back to the Target do a little micro adjustment back to the Target until you get it perfect like you can flick to the Target easily every time try to focus more on overflicking instead of under flicking does that'll help you uh with like micro adjustments and just like adjusting your mouse back to the Target I promise it'll help you some guy told me that trick and it's helped my aim the last tip I can give you guys besides like aim training or any of that stuff it's just a player bro like look for a league teammate wager whatever bro don't be scared to lose just play the more you play the more you'll develop good habits the more you'll develop your aim like you'll just the more you'll develop as a player I guess like the more you just play the game I that's one thing I just can't show enough bro you just gotta play just play the game like you'll get better the more you play uh I'm still not that good of a player I've put a bunch of time into this game I started like probably like two three years ago but like I know I've developed as a player and I've gotten better over time and I mean that's really all I can say is just play the game and you'll grow as a player I mean it's not really that serious like the way I'm saying it makes it seem way more serious than it is like in reality it's just a game like who really cares but I mean those are some tips that I can give that I feel like have made my aim better in general and really just a better player overall like game sense movement aim whatever it's just it takes practice I feel like that's pretty self-explanatory but for people who just needed some tips I just want to make this video real quick to uh help anybody out who feel like they just can't aim uh I just want to give you some tips on how to improve that so I've never really made a video like this so I probably sound stupid as [ __ ] but uh let me know if it helped you guys in the comments I might make some more like helpful tip videos or whatever so just like comment stuff that you have questions about I'll leave my Discord in the description if you have any questions so uh yeah that's really it appreciate you watching
Channel: skin
Views: 101,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fivem montage, fivem, montage, gta fivem, gta 5 fivem, fivem gta 5, tryhard montage, gta online montage, gta v fivem, fivem rp, fivem install, gta5 montage, fivem roleplay, fivem online, gta online tryhard montage, fivem mod, fivem gta5, drift montage, fivem trolling, ruthless montage fivem, fivem rp police, fivem servers, pvp, TMF GANG, fivem aim, fivem aimbot, fivem cheats, fivem aim tutorial, fivem tutorial, fivem aim trainer, fivem aim guide, fivem guide, mighetto
Id: 2FkM8uSuaJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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