2024 Primer & Powder Update

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[Music] hi welcome to Chase is everything shooting today's episode is the 2024 update on primers and powder and really what's going on we're not going to get too in depth we're going to talk about pricing and different things like that and inv a little bit of inventories but we're going to kind of go over a broad view and then here coming up in the next couple of weeks I'm going to definitely have a real deep deep dive so let's get to it today's episode I'm kind of titling it as hear no evil see no evil and speak no evil okay first of all there are a lot of Reloaders and shooters that don't want to hear about what's going on in the in our industry and I'm kind of using that is is hear no evil and the second the shooters and Reloaders only want to see the bad well I'm using that as See No Evil and the third is I won't speak any evil about our industry I'm going to kind of tell you what's going on what I see and what's coming and hopefully you can make the decisions on what's important to you and across the board you know primers have been an issue getting them and then the pricing has gone through the roof and we've all been out there and we've been to the been to the gun shows and your local retailers and online trying to find our primers now all of us that are Reloaders and really kind of heavy Shooters most of us are reloading and it's gotten to a point where it's been really really hard to find primers and so we've all kind of adapted a little bit I think to when you see them and they're close to a reasonable price you snap them up as fast as you can you know I went to my local gun store and and talked to them and they're the the store I buy most of my firearms from and they said you know we get very little of those shipments in and when they do they come in and they go out very very quick and I will tell you they're not cheap they're probably 20% higher than what I can find online but by the time you add freight and um the extra cost in that Freight being hazardous you know it kind of gets a little crazy so sometimes it's probably smarter for me to buy them directly from them than it is online but we're going to kind of be going over that you know our domestic primers really have been man just almost non-existent and you know that's been for the last few years this this was happening before covid hit but after covid hit it definitely changed the powder and primer market so let's kind of get into what's happened and we'll kind of go through it and then at the end we'll kind of have more about powder and more about what possibly may be coming so let's look at large rifle primers large rifle primers uh back in 2019 were 3595 per th000 today on 2024 $89.99 for 1,000 now what I did is I took an average of the five retailers that I could find now that's online that's also here in my city in my town and uh I kind of averaged them out some were super super high some uh were low but they had no inventory so I used the top five that had a somewhat of an inventory and what I mean by somewhat that means that they said that they could ship within 24 hours so I'm going to say they had some inventory there so if you look at that on just the large rifle primers that's a 150% increase from 2019 holy moly now I don't know how many of you are shooting large rifle primers I'm guessing if you're hunting and you're reloading then you're into the large rifle primers the largest uh amount of primers going out from what I understand from one of the primer manufacturers is the small pistol primers and in 2019 small pistol primers were 3795 per thousand in 2024 they were 8999 per th000 again I use the same criter IA as I did before on the top five retail outlets that had them and so that goes to show that in small pistol primers they've gone up 137% that's a pretty big jump now let's go to large pistol primers those that shoot the old 45 ACP a lot of the older shells use the larger primer so we're going to go to that one real quick and in 2019 they were 5595 per th000 2024 they're 9995 per th000 again on the average that's a 79% increase and you all may be kind of wondering well why is there a difference in the increase well from what I'm hearing because the small pistol primers are really they're wanted more than most of the other primers that's why they've raised the price up on those am I saying it's right no I'm not going to say that I'm just saying that's what's happening now I do want to throw in the shot shell primers for those of you that are ski Shooters and Trap Shooters and do a lot of reloading of shot shells uh 2019 the primers were $ 29.95 per thousand in 2024 they're 69.95 per th000 that's 133% increase yeah that's big that's huge well are there that many of those primers being sold well from what I'm hearing yeah there are well okay we know that Trap Shooters and uh ski Shooters you know there's a lot of reloading that they do because they're competition and that's what they're doing but there's not that many of them compared to Pistol Shooters uh hunters and large pistol uh Shooters large pistol primer Shooters I'm sorry so you know there's a lot going on there and so can I tell you that that things are are great they're not for the for the shot shell primers but there's more inventory of those that I can see than most of the others so you know I'm kind of looking at this and trying to figure out what's this really telling and this is really telling us that there's more demand than there is Supply and when that happens we know what happens the price just starts creeping up and keep going up and goes up now is the demand that high or is it the economy that's driving it well I think it's both I think the economy is driving it because we have such high inflation rates and in some states $6 a gallon 625 a gallon other states you've got you know 260 280 a gallon for regular gas so you know there are there are some differences and we've seen that happen go up with with the inflation so I think there's some inflation in there but I think there's a lot of demand in there also some of the positives I have to say is that we have two new primer manufacturers in the United States one is White River and they are in Arkansas the other one is uh fuchi who built a plant in Arkansas also and their goal when when I've talked to them and gotten some information back is is they're building primers to fill in the market they're saying that those aren't going on the retail Market they're going on the manufacturing side of the market so that might free up some of our other domestic primers in order for us to get them retail who really knows I don't know we're trying to figure this out and we're we're all kind of in the same place now let's talk about gunpowder and you know gunpowder is one of those things where you know it's it's gone through the roof it's gone down there's no inventory well right now I'm I'm seeing a little bit of inventory which is very very good now is it a wide range of inventory of all the different powders no there's some that are definitely out there that there's a little more inventory some of them may be the powders we don't use a lot of so I'm kind of watching that myself and that'll be in my next report of kind of going through that and what's happening in that Market but let's just look back to a one pound container of 700x you know it is discontinued and I do know that and I do realize it there are a few retailers that have some 700x left now I would have thought that would have gone out as soon as they said no more 700x but I kind of think that the reloader and shooter kind of said well if I have to change I'll figure out what I'm going to change to and I'll just make the change so they had a little bit of inventory on that so in 2019 I purchased a pound of uh 700x for $23.95 and in 2024 whatever retailer has a little bit left it's $29.95 so I think they're trying to kind of push it out the door trying to kind of make it get rid of it because it is going to be totally obsolete it is obsolete it is obsolete so that's kind of the 700x now uh the one PB container of bullseye bullseye is a great kind of allaround and in 2019 2795 for a pound and in 2024 47.99 a pound which is a 41% increase not too bad but you know what again we're what's happening is there enough inventory when I started doing the research for this post inventories were very very low and a lot of the online said that it may be 4 to n weeks if we placed a order it would be on back order so kind of thinking it's kind of a few in a few gone a few in few gone so we'll have to see on that now the the other thing I purchased in 2019 was an 8B uh container of Red Dot I use red dot a lot because I use it on my shot shells it's very uniform and and it really is one of my favorite powders for my shot shells and in 2019 I paid $153.96 for an 8B uh keg of it in 2024 it's $269.95 yeah that's a that's a pretty good increase 76% but again with powders it's getting harder and harder to find them and and are the favored powders out there it's hard to get it really really is so you kind of have to start being smart about your reloading and looking at Alternatives that are there and working through those Alternatives wow can't speak today and trying to make that work with your mixture your primers and what you load and the accuracy that you want now one of the things that's really come to my attention and a couple of subscribers that put it in is that 1 pound containers aren't one pound anymore and I'm not going to go over manufacturers I'm not going to do this I'm just going to say you need to look at the containers and see because there are a lot of containers out there that are still in that same one PB container but you're only getting 14 oz now in the calculations that I did for this I didn't calculate per oun or anything like that but you have to know that if it's 14 oz you're 2 oz short and so really the per ounce price or gram price or however you calculate it would be up a little higher so that's something to think about also so make sure when you're out there shopping or you're online that you look and make sure that it's it's either the 14 o or it's the true 16 ooun pound now you know what there's a lot of things happening in the gunpowder industry and uh a few episodes back probably about six or seven I talked about the wars affecting that and what's going on and we're starting to really see that come to fruition and talking to uh a manufacturer a huge manufacturer of gunpowder they had kind of mentioned that they're going to be shrinking their amount of powders so instead of having 50 different powders they're going to start shrinking that down because they want to be able to manufacture more gunpowder and get more out on the market but having to manufacture all these these different uh 700x and and Red Dot and Bullseye and unlimited and uh Target and all those you know those those take different formulations and there's different burn rates there's a lot of difference to that but you know what they're they're having to get smart and saying hey if we've got this much nitrocellulose to make our gunpowder I want to make these gunpowders not these gunpowders so look forward coming up we're going to start seeing more and more discontinued items out there and you know what we're all just going to have to get smarter because we're going to have to experiment and that's what change is about change is it's always going to be there so I know there's a lot of us that are stuck in our way I mean I love red dot if I got a change from Red not I got to go out and figure out what I'm going to change to if I'm going to change from 700x which I had to change I had to go out and find a new powder so you're going to have to do some experimenting but you know what that's part of what we do and that's part of what we enjoy doing as Reloaders and Shooters so I thank you for watching please subscribe and like we know that uh Google's playing some games with algorithms so please do like and subscribe if
Channel: Chase "Everything Shooting"
Views: 27,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shooting, Hunting, Reloading, Guns
Id: lIe9cPbqs6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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