30.06 (Varget)

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[Music] hey everybody and welcome back to the Washington reloader Channel I am your host Jared this is our third video where I test my 30 out 6 in the last video we tested hodan's bl- C parentheses 2 powder not terribly good numbers or group sizes going into that video I had heard good things about this powder but it just didn't match well with the hornet bullets but that's why we test right anyway in this video we are testing hodan's Varget Powder as with the last two videos we paired it with hornady's 168 grain boattail hollow point match bullets and cci's number 200 large rifle primers here are the results from the latter test that we shot uh before coming up up with our starting charge weight and in this graph you can see we have a flat spot in between 49.6 grain and 50.2 gra of powder with this information as a guide we started our charge weights at 49.9 grains of powder and increased the charge weight by .1 grain increments with the inch charge weight of 50.5 grains let's take a look at how things went our first group had a charge weight of 49.9 grains and gave us a group size of 1.3 93 MOA this group had an es of 16 ft per second and gave us an SD of 6.5 ft per second our second group had a charge weight of 50.0 grains and gave us a group size of 451 1 MOA this group had a es of 11 ft per second and gave us an SD of 4.5 ft per second our third group had a charge weight of 50.1 grains and gave us a group size of 612 MOA unfortunately only the first shot uh velocity was recorded so I don't have any data for the extreme spread red or the standard deviation our fourth group had a charge weight of 50.2 grains and gave us a group size of 2.28 MOA this group had an extreme spread of 58 ft per second and gave us a standard deviation of 23.7 ft per second our fifth group had a charge weight of 50.3 grains and gave us a group size of7 53 MOA this group had an extreme spread of 31 ft per second and gave us a standard deviation of 13.5 ft per second our sixth group had a charge weight of 50.4 grains and gave us a group size of 1.43 2 MOA this group had an extreme spread of 25 ft per second and gave us a standard deviation of 12.5 ft per second again our seventh group had a charge weight of 50.5 grains of powder and gave us a group size of 1. 1266 MOA this group had an extreme spread of 41 ft per second and gave us a standard deviation of 17.3 ft per second so overall the Varget pwder has worked uh well in this circumstances and it has given us good numbers and good group sizes I've also had good luck with this powder in other rifles which you'll see in upcoming videos so I think I'm definitely going to be testing this powder further with my 30 out 6 well that's all I have for today's video I want to thank you for watching as always if there's a bullet and powder combination that you'd like to see me test Please leave it in the comments remember to hit the like button and subscribe to keep up to date with all of my future videos also if you like these videos and you find the information useful please think about donating to the Channel all donations will be used exclusively in the making of more videos until next time may your powder stay dry and your rounds hit their target [Music] a
Channel: TheWashingtonReloader
Views: 2,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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