Reloading primers with homemade priming compound H-48

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all right folks i am going to attempt to make my own priming compound this is the h48 recipe um pretty simple to do but you got to be a little careful because some of this stuff isn't friendly so the first is nine grains of antimony sulfide make sure that's nice and powdery okay make sure it's all broke up break up put a little pieces anything gonna do just kind of this is pretty stable right now okay looks pretty good a couple little pieces here and there it's all into the center nice and happy all right a couple little pieces over here and right there and we got three grains of sulfur break that up a little bit right here on its own little card three grain sulfur four grains of ground glass very finely ground glass it's in there give this little mix makes her up nice happy happy little chemicals happy little chemicals all right two tenths of a grain of sodium bicarbonate and two tenths of a grain of aluminum powder and again we're just gonna very gently mix all the happy little chemicals together happy little chemicals white simple now we have potassium chlorate our unhappy chemical and we're gonna make sure this is all broken up nice this is 17 grains of potassium chlorate i probably should have broke this up before i started filming but that's my fault you have to bear with me do not just dump this directly into that mixture once this is added together it will be very shock sensitive and it will no longer be happy chemicals it will be unhappy chemicals so grind this up nice and fine well it's over here away from the happy chemicals you can probably end up fast forwarding through this a little bit here but since i got it running and i don't feel like along with the camera let it go nice and fine this is 17 grains sorry for that ding somebody sent me a message nice and looking pretty good looking nice unhappy like it's supposed to be all right i'm keeping these separate right now close together but not too close okay all right all right get all that off of there make sure that's all right now to make this together we're just kind of just fold them in fold them in [Applause] back and forth that's starting to combine back and forth trying to keep this is from being unfriendly i feel like i'm ending blow up a basement right now now very gently i'm just going to use this brush to kind of combine this all together make it a nice even gray color all right nice even gray color brush is very gentle you've seen little small parts i can kind of move them around till they break up i'm going to push down on it and try and crush it because this will be very unhappy if you do that and we must keep our chemicals as happy as possible so the wife doesn't get mad and i keep all my fingers blend it blend it blend it blend it and a little one there right there gonna push it around with the brush falls apart i think i'm gonna sorry a little video failure there she's back up and running again okay looking pretty good all right last little bit all right well we're gonna have to load some of these and some primers and let's see well see what happens so i'm gonna grab a few primers here one two three four and five five happy little primers all right let's do six let's do six six he's even number now i have my little gadget here that i used to fill these up i've been doing this with primal for a while and it seems to be working pretty good but let's see how this compound works this would be a little more energetic just brush this into here fill them up because they'll get tamped down lightly when i uh add the acetone there's two one two and we got two more here one come on line up two happy boy up this happy one up good that's four and yes this is tedious and time consuming but it's fun yeah there and one more so that happy one up there we go all right boom and boom there are six wonderful little primers now we're gonna go and add acetone to these this is a mixture of one part acetone or sorry seven parts acetone one part shellac the shellac helps just form a nice solid disk one drop drop in what's everything down makes it safer to compact safer not perfectly safe nothing's perfectly safe and i need a little paper okay all right that's a paper disk here that we will place on here and tap them down voila another one take it down okay there's another one and another one i dropped them another one sorry about this guys they fell off the bench they blow away you just move that was moving the paper around they uh blew off and that one all right we get more than enough back in pick it up drop it in push it down pick it up drop it in push it push it down pick one up drop it in push it down now paper may or may not be completely necessary all the time but uh i've had good success using it with the prime all so i'm gonna stick it with this on this too and we'll see what happens all right that's done now we'll add in some anvils which i have right here all right one and two oops three four oops yes it's time consuming five yeah [Music] number six all right now i'm going to push these into place i have to re all right this is the my press that i used to sit the anvils in keeps me away from them when i'm giving it a push so they don't care the heck out of me when they blow up i only had to happen once because i let the compound dry too much again it was a primal so these are still really wet so they should be pretty safe here we go another one here good five oh that one was not in right and it detonated so we'll do six that was my fault because i you were too hard of a press and that's five we got five good ones so that's good thing i did six all right let those dry and uh we'll test them out tomorrow i'll compare them to the primo and then standard primer so we can see what happens thanks for watching
Channel: Andrew Michaels
Views: 120,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ybRhewRS9o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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