2024 College Basketball 3-point Contest

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men's three-point Championship rules eight competitors 60 seconds for Round Top Four will'll advance to the semifinal top two to the final five stations five balls per rack four regular balls one Bonus Ball the bonus balls worth two points players may not step on or over the three-point lineup it's just silly how good this field is some of the best three-point Shooters in the country I picks Tyler Thomas Jack GOI was Angel Gray's pick Boogie Ellis was Jay Will's pick boo buoy 60% of his career shots made are three-pointers Jameson battle at the other end from Ohio State in this match up between two big 10 opponents 49% of his career shot made our three-pointers so season high with six May threes against Ruckers he made a career best 913 pointers this season for the Buckeyes and here we go battle makes his first shot see he finds their Rhythm Money Ball good for both always important Jay Williams to not be first rack sensitive whether it's good or it's bad in the three-o competition where you can't stare at the fly of the ball you got to catch it out of roack and keep it moving obviously can make them all with the rhythm is important okay bis what are you seeing from boooy he found the range on the third ball on his first rack and he's really starting to shoot the ball well he made 89 threes on on the season over 300 for his career and he played for a pretty good shooter Northwestern and Chris Collins meanwhile battle at the other end a perfect rack for him hosted a big score in the opening round Jameson battle from Ohio State continues to be hot on the final rra he's already over 20 the Money Ball if it goes gets him to 23 wow what a round for Jameson [Applause] battle Bo again this doesn't mean that boo buy by the way is out of the competition he loves Steph Curry met him when he was 18 years old s I'm going to tell you one of the most exciting players to watch in college basketball if you ever found yourself T tuning in to watch him play his range is as soon as he steps over the half court line Boogie Ellis at the opposite end of the floor from USC originally transferred from Memphis for best 35 points a season to go against Arizona he can get going said his best memory at UFC was those UFC UCLA games he also said his grandfather Dennis actually taught him how to shoot so we's see if he can pay some H Jay Williams what are you seeing I Daga is in a rhythm thought he is just in a flow you see watch the way the ball just comes off his fingertips look at the rotation top of the key looking good get the money ball got it Oho boy it's higher than Cay pepper he is not stopping yeaha he is going to put up a number here folks oh missed the Money Ball near perfect rack goes to the corner remember the right now 23 is the top scor by battle in the opening round Boogie Ellis by the way at 11 that's a unbelievable Here Comes the Money Ball if he makes this he wins he's waiting for the buzzer Steph Curry like stop oh come on oh come on you can't be serious about that my man waited for the buzzer Let It Go and looked at the crowd all right coming up next from the University of Kentucky Antonio ree First Team all SEC selection 37% of his career makes are from three he had six this season was a season high that was against vanderville Quincy Oliver from Xavier transferred in from Rice a great three-point shooter 52% of his career makes are from Deep seven was his season High against the Paul what do we expect here from Reeves J bis Antonio Reeves has a a quick release it's a little bit low and he doesn't have a ton of arc on the shot but he averaged 20 points a game at Illinois State and then 20 points a game at Kentucky he can fill it very getting a little hot on this rack needs the money ball missed it Reeves getting going that's two in a row from the top that's three there is four the money ball oh I needed that one Jay Williams what's it like after watching that last round and seeing the excitement and then being the next guy up do you think that mentally hits you at all oh listen with the way he just shot it sets a tone for everybody shooting you know there's a number that you need to get in order to get over to the next round 19 for Antonio reeds see olivar finished with 14 ran you know who's not afraid of that number coming up 97% who did I who did I vote for you got goie okay you also had the first pick so let's not act like you did something great there way to go out on a limb angel I appreciate that thank you no worries so it's gokki and it's Thomas Thomas the pride of hofra I'm excited for this one let's go let's go RI said he's not used to having to grab the the ball off the rack we'll see if that impacts him at all he's made two does he get the money ball no got to find that Rhythm Thomas got the money ball at the opposite end the eyes on Goki here in the wing that's two in a row Money Ball got to find it no that it's crazy his hands on top of his guide hands on top of the ball watch his guy hand and sits on top of the ball I've never seen that before Jay bills what are you seeing right now at a goal key I think goal key is there rule that he can't shoot one ball from one rack go to the next one cuz he needs to shoot on the Move that's where he's better John caliper sitting here in the front row going shoot we should have just had him shoot off a rack the entire game he did say he needed a contest so if you want to run out there Jay have at it Thomas with 15 Goki gets 15 coming down the stretch here they need 19 to advance ah money ball goes Thomas could advance and he does ooh the upset the 12 over the five oh I make it's planned work and you see the results kamaga battle Thomas buoy buoy advances over Antonio Rees as I mentioned because of the perfect rack they go with your best rack Bo buy had a perfect rack of six the best rack for Antonio Reeds was four BU buy yesterday he mentioned what he's most happy about leaving Northwestern is the fact that the environment at that home court has now become one of the better environments in the Big 10 if you build it they will come and just seeing what he's been able to do in his career he has been able to show out I know that they are definitely watching and cheering him on tonight Thomas getting hard caught on the second rack perfect on the second rack for Tyler Thomas he's continuing that's seven in a row that's eight in a row that's nine in a row give me everyone in a rack goodness that's 10 11 oh he stopped at 11 almost but he gets right back at it J will he's in a rhythm right now stay hot stay hot wow look at the way that thing's coming off that index rer and the hand is not on top he made his last shot to get in to the semifinals now he's posting the best score of any round so far today a 26 yes daa player of the year yeah I think one of these guys will I'll go on that tomaga yeah I'll go take the bet Sean I'll go with it it's ESP and bet take the BET don't bet on it ladies and gentlemen Aaron Dolan is joining the broadcast now along side where's D cuff when you need him not a good start it's not how you start it's how you finish he's got plenty of action still ahead of him look at this the flick of the ri my goodness battle out in front though he's at seven make it eight there's nine there's 10 battle posted a really good first round score and he is continuing at the top of the KJ bis what do you like everything battle is stroken he's at 17 going to the wing wow tomonaga is trying to turn it on at the opposite end of the floor money Bol good for tomaga he's at 19 battles at 20 get hot got get hot tominaga is at 21 hot there's 22 there's 23 is he waiting he is you're going to do it again that's oh my goodness he did it again he did it again he did it [Applause] again Jay villis I don't even think he knew he needed that shot to go down in order to advance Thomas overall 26 points tominaga with 24 points he advances on that shot if he misses that shot battle would would have advanced with the score of 23 to go last I want to close it out I want to see my mark That's me though Jay bis do you want to post it or do you want to chase it I want to do the opposite of what Jay will says cuz I know that's the right thing and I'm going with Sean you're only asking Shooters why are you asking [Laughter] bis Thomas opening rack needs the money ball missed it only two on the opening rack oh no dro the ball he's going to need to get that back come on guys he's going to need to get a ball back give it to him he's short one ball no he can still shoot an another no I'm not on I make the rules here angel I've been doing this for 10 years going to exit days left you got to get hot fatigue Factor hitting here a little bit Jay will no he's got to get hot it's the Money Ball it's a big L got to finish strong to managa is going to know the number you got to make everyone this back it's a 17 oh he forgot he had a they gave it to him did they count it I to give that to him filled the excitement high five people start walking around the court come say hello to Jay will do an interview with Angel in the middle of it he's missed his first two course his first one goes down there it is again once he finds his rhythm it's really silly guys how easy it is for him to shoot and he doesn't stop smiling like this is a g like he's literally having fun with it really wow like we couldn't tell like I mean it looked a lot of fun some people are stressed in here Sean okay toaga at 11 make it 12 missed it needs 18 to win uh-oh needs to find that rhythm again there's 13 14 16 he needs two does he know that's the question he knows 17 18 19 take it in this is your moment why not stop [Laughter] [Applause] it I am so grateful he participated in this contest tonight I that was fantastic talk about so many rations and we'll take this chain from you I think Jay wanted it too yeah thanks so much he's not done yet he'll have the battle of the Champions a little bit later on but who will be going against him for the battle of the Champions here tonight
Channel: Matt Highlights #2
Views: 86,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z_NBU6dT9Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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