Larry Bird's Legendary Moment in the Three Point Shootout

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I'd air in that deep position all of his balls kind of flattened out they hit the front room and I really put the pressure on them and here comes bird back in a familiar position so let's see if anybody can upset the world and that means Dale Ellis let me explain the coin toss here they'll toss the coin and the winner of the coin toss can elect to shoot first or second a loser would have his choice two baskets baskets now won the toss Bob so anyone who wants to do say I will receive Dale Ellis won the toss but he can choose to go first and he has said he will go first and Byrd chose the end opposite to the direction they are walking for his shooting well he's been wearing this in doubt they will be back in a moment for the finals Dale Ellis we are not going to go away Dale Ellis is going to shoot right now one minute 25 balls a maximum of 30 points the winner with $12,500 second place $7,500 this first rack is probably the most crucial for Ellis if he can get a good rhythm going you'll have a chance he's got it going like you said see four in a row you know I might mention here he may have launched that first ball before the siren sounded and we'll make sure to see if that in fact is an official point Ellis is a player that you know can feel a little bit of pressure but he's got so good results in a first Iraq now we have 30 seconds remaining and Ellis with nine and 11 with the 2.4 all the balls up this time he has yet to do that well this record hurt him Steve got a big ball there now he's got to really go with some speed in accuracy from the corner ten seconds left 14 points Bareilles he gets them all off unofficially Ellis with 15 but we're going to hold just a second to make sure of that the first shot may not the true time defending champion nobody has ever defeated him in the long-distance shootout is set to go right after we take a look at Dale Ellis there you see Dale firing away he got off to a terrific start like you said Stephen I thought that that would get him going however even though he's shot while in his second rack the third and fourth racks were really his downfall he was only able to drop that one brown ball and one two-point shot in on those two racks and that could prove to be very costly going up against the defending champion Larry Bird you know how bird is he feels that when the money's down no one is better than himself watched him he lined all those balls up to be in the perfect position on that first rack I'm surprised he didn't do it on all of them he has 60 seconds 25 balls he has to beat 15 points a slow start but he warms up as he gets going three points out of the first rack he's all over the place in this rack usually he comes back with that big money ball that keeps him close he's hit both the money balls both the 2-point balls and that gig over at Justin he's come up short and then he's all of a sudden throws it a little bit long he certainly doesn't have that normal bird rhythm going for him eleven has recounting 13 rack that time for bird still going to drop one here quickly 14 this is a tie for the money yo Oh 17 distant crowd at Chicago Stadium ice water in his veins the man is really spectacular he was all over the place too Steve pointed out in the first three racks and when it came down to the money time this is what the man responded to he needed to make a couple down the stretch he needed to make the last three to win and he's down to the last three there's one now he's tied and now he's the winner three times in a row he knew it when he let it go and was headed for that check in the winner's circle Byrd came through with the big big shot all right we're going to come back and have the trophy presentation in an interview with Larry Bird who is once all three of the long-distance shootout they're going to handicap this guy next year we'll be right back to Chicago Stadium so there you have the final standings of the 1988 long distance shootout Larry Bird the winner 17 to 15 it was really interesting there at the end on the floor right now our Mike Chamberland director of sport sales for Sheraton al Thomas senior vice president operations West for Sheridan Tony McKenna and vice president advertising and marketing programs American Airlines and Adrian DeGroot president of NBA properties presenting the check for $12,500 to Larry Bird the winner for the third time in a row you can see they had a sticker to put on for his name but they should just written it out - Larry early the question is will he shared with the rest of his teammates as Michael Jordan did in the slam dunk championship my prediction is no they say Larry while not being what you'd call cheap watches his money he's got more than most here's the presentation of the trophy wonder when they retire it is how many who will win who will be the next a great outside shooter and speaking of that I'd be interested to hear what both of you have and aren't there more 3-point shooters coming along now because of high school and college three points there are but again the difference is being able to shoot what is considered a man shot from NBA range and being able to get some sort of rhythm bird is a set shooter and he's got the technique down to a science I'm ready thank you very much Bob I guess it was no surprise but the dramatic way in which you wanted this third time is amazing what were you thinking after the terrible start on that monitor well I just learned I get the two point balls down after I missed the shots but hey you know I knew he just had 15 points and I still have plenty of time once I got to thought the key I knew I had to make some stars first two racks the ball is all over the place how did you get your rhythm back well you have to concentrate a little bit more and take your time minutes a long time to get up 25 shots I just took my time and with it was just hoping someone would start driving for me names like Al Capone and John Dillinger Chicago's had some memorable shootouts maybe not sakes this hot but nobody cool under pressure you really thrive in this well it's a lot of fun you know the guys come out and it's a little bit harder than it looks I got out there and I knew I had to be 15 points I just took my time and made some shots at the end and then everything worked out for me congratulations once again thank you
Channel: NBA Highlights
Views: 9,938,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Three, Point, Shoot, out, 1988, Larry, Bird, vs, Dale, Ellis, Part, Finals
Id: wx6OeoT4vkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2012
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