2024 College Women Basketball 3-point Contest

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rules are simple to follow let's take a look eight competitors 60 seconds per round top four advaned to the semi-final top two advaned to the finals five stations five ball racks four regular balls one Bonus Ball that Bonus Ball worth two points players may not step over the line while attempting their shots take a look at the participants of tonight Rachel Kent Jay Wills pick Haley Frank from Missouri Sarah Scalia from Indiana unique Drake from St John's de Asia fair from Syracuse Michelle sidor from depal ly trong from Gonzaga and then her teammate Rena Maxwell also from Gonzaga long time waiting to get going I know I was going to say hey you want to is there a them in the back or something but I know that they're just born and ready to just shoot lights out so let's get ready for the show Money ball goes down for Haley Frank she's got three on the opening rack see if that momentum carries over the second round she's made the first two give her three there's four perfect rack no missed the Money [Music] Ball Jay will what are you seeing from Haley Frank out of [Applause] Missouri all right great Point Jay will we don't pay you the big bucks for nothing Jay bis how about [Music] you and let's go Haley I like the point that you made though let it fly and then get the next B you don't have to wait to see it go through the net that's what Haley Frank did right there Haley Frank an impressive 23 J her form is just impeccable and she was a a high school golfer in three times All State in uh and quickly but I tell you what get ready for Sarah scalla at IU the most breas in program history how about Big 10 as well this season only second behind some young lady named Caitlyn Clark a near perfect first rack for her second rack here it goes everything's gone down is it perfect it is she's missed only one shot so far she's got 10 points through two racks OHA jiner I'm sorry it's my fault it's like pitchers I don't believe in that when they have a no hitter like the guy up in the booth says hey it's an O hitter through seven all of a sudden somebody gets a hit it's the guy in the Booth's fault yes okay unique Drake trying to make a comeback here getting in the final rack she's at 13 that's she's at 15 she'll need both of these oh some massive scores being put up early here Scalia gets 21 after struggling from the top of the key into depal she said the pace of play at depal really suited her game she had to free her mind and allow herself to find her Rhythm early in game she has not found her Rhythm early in this competition she didn't make one from the first R the Asia Fair only one on this side see if she can get it going on rack number two yeah see needs to slow herself down you can tell like when you have a lot of energy at first you come out of the gate really strong there's a Poise you have to have does it start to get in your head though when you haven't made one through the first two rcks yeah it's kind of like me on the driving range when I'm just tossing Turf up in the air J villis I've noticed that the Asia Fair looking to get going Money Ball at this end got it that moves her up to 13 she'll need a really strong final rack with some of the scores will be posted already top four will advance into the semifinal da jafer needs the money ball missed it [Applause] 16 Haley Frank still took it to the Stanford Cardinal in the noncon neither one can stop for one second to see how the other one is doing Money Ball for Tron it goes down she's got three after the first rack see if it launches her into the second [Applause] rack Zs had a magical season all year long ran through the WCC perfect in the conference regular season they lost in the championship game in Portland but then advance in the NCAA tournament one of the best scoring teams in the country they're both tied at seven they're going to need to finish strong here angel gray yeah absolutely but kayn she's had the rec made in program but Brena said kayin thinks that she's going to win so just everything about her release everything that she can do as far as setting herself up we need to see a little bit more of that get this crowd into it we see a little bit more energy they got to get to 16 I don't think either one's going to be able to make it my math isn't great but I think two points is not going to be worth three and so therefore they both fall short Gonzaga Bulldogs go 15 and 14 respectively and that will put him outside of the top four I don't think coaches some big scores Haley Frank dropped the mic with the first round of 23 everybody else has been trying to play catch up since then the ties of 16 they both get in as well the Asia Fair will try to pick it up in the second round our semi-finals are set that every body will be chasing two will advance to the finals here we go right Angel gray besides working on your golf swing right now what stands out most to you here in the semi-final well the fade that I just hit and then also just how good the age of fair is I mean you your eyes are glued to her everywhere she goes she's at five make it six open for the Money Ball missed it what's score do you think they have to post here Jay given what we saw in the first round Jay bis I would say 21 or 22 means we got to see somebody pick up the pace here fair at the top of the key got going she's at 11 see if it carries over to the opposite Wing yeah you have to go into these semi-finals finals matches think in the mid 20s J your fair at 15 if she has a clean rack here she could get to 21 she misses the first and the second she told me I don't have to speed up until I need to but she did not get that last shot off I question the Rhythm in that last rack how important is rhythm angel I think it's pretty important if you're a shooter them here would be both good enough to advance and have a rematch for the championship P's original soft touch women's three-point Championship Scalia looking good on the open opening rack missed just the Money Ball Haley Frank finding her Rhythm look at the rotation on gallia's shot you can pick either one if you want Angel Greg cuz Haley Frank just had a perfect rack on the wing like Dave villis said like every shot is in Rhythm it's just so [Music] smooth top of the key A little sluggish for both giving them a little bit of trouble Scalia getting going on the opposite Wing she hits him she's up to 16 Haley Frank she's up to 16 oh make it 17 and she missed it uhoh are we going to have a three-way tie oh wow you've been here for 10 years what happens next well I will explain it to you in just a second Scalia and Frank advance and and the tiebreaker comes down to this is shots made Scalia had 16 total shots made in that last round and then it goes down to the best overall rack which is what Haley Frank was able to deliver on the title is set Jay Williams Jay bis myself Sean faram here at the State Farm College Slam Dunk three-point competition the finals The Hornet sound and and here we [Applause] go okay there's the Rhythm there it is finding that R this has been the spot where she has been absolutely on [Applause] fire four out of five including the money ball on the wing Jay Phyllis what do you like it's just every shot is the same I mean her for is impeccable and she's a terrific athlete she's an outstanding softball player played for her dad in high school she's got a great feel for this get in there miss the money that 13 going to need going to need a really strong final R yeah you can't afford to miss almost every single one in the rack got it 18 Angel gray I go to you do you think that's going to be enough I don't know you don't know or no I brought up by her Father Peter who was also her travel bow coach I said do you think that really impacted your ability to shoot she said no but it was written about in the newspaper so why not stick with it I think it's more so that her Idol is mayore and she's having a good opening rack does the money ball go down no she misses it number 18 is where she's got to get to she's at four make it five Money Ball you need it she got it Jay bis this was your pick which means she has to got to get going need this rack right here she's at 11 make it 12 13 needs this one got it she's at 15 she needs three from the final rack there's one there's two she's tied it she won it why [Applause] not Sarah Scalia with 19 points Harry Moren what do you think that she's saying right now about your performance well I mean she's probably just proud of me but she's know she knows I've done it all year um I proved to show uh that you know I can shoot the three ball so um yeah this is for hoer nation for sure uh they always show out and show show love this for them you said even when you went to a you just wanted to be a winner shattering all type of Records in the three-point line but what does it mean for you to get this soft touch chain it it means a lot just cuz you know Indiana uh it's a special place to me I was I was only there for two years but uh I think it really changed my life as far as just my P perspective um just on basketball and on life in general and I'm just I'm really happy I do this for them you do know that you're going to have to face off against aay so what do you think about what that performance is going to be like what do you need to do oh gosh just make shots honestly I mean you saw him in the the mens yeah he's crazy he's he's obviously really good so I mean just make shots we're ready for the show thanks for your time and congrats thank you all right Angel gray with the champion she mentioned there will be the battle of the Champions that will come up in just a little bit
Channel: Matt Highlights #2
Views: 21,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AaLy-bHQKVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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