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If you miss this opportunity for economic recovery in 2024, you don’t know how many more years you will have to wait for the next asset surge! Because you will find that U.S. stocks, Bitcoin, the U.S. dollar, and gold have all skyrocketed recently! So as long as you were obedient and invested your money with your eyes closed four months ago , you will find that you no longer need to work! Is it really? I tell you! The skyrocketing assets are not as you imagine, you can get rich overnight, drive a Ferrari and live in a mansion! The real situation is that countless people have lost money and gone bankrupt. Why? Because only a very small number of people know that the skyrocketing asset prices are the beginning of the scam! Hello everyone, I am the sweeping monk! From the moment you step into this scam, you will think that you are making money , but in fact, the money in your wallet is no longer yours! It's very simple. If you buy a stock today and it skyrockets, you will regret why you bought so little in the first place. Then after you double your profit, you think it’s okay, so you sell the stock! As a result, it doubled again! You will regret selling too soon! Then what? Buy the stock again! As a result, you made a little more, so you didn’t sell it , but it started to fall! Although you regret not selling sooner! But at the same time, you will convince yourself that the current decline in stocks is just a temporary adjustment! When the stock price falls, it becomes cheaper. In the past, you could only buy 50 shares for 100 yuan , but now you can buy 100 shares, so you increase your position and invest more money! As a result, the bull market is over and the market has officially plummeted! Some people still don’t believe it. The more they fall, the more they buy. As long as they rebound, they can make their money back! But when the stock falls to be worthless, they can only sell the stock they bought back for 100 yuan at a low price, and are willing to sell it for 10 yuan! Then he said he would quit the stock market in the future! But they seem to know how to heal themselves. After a while, when the stock market skyrockets, they will repeat the same path they have taken before! Isn't this a scam? First, we will lure you in through skyrocketing profits , and then after you make some money, you will not leave! As long as your money is never withdrawn from the stock market and you keep trading, then the person who cheated you will not lose because in the end it only takes one plunge to wipe you out! The bull market is like going to the Empire State Building in New York. If you want to go from the underground to the top floor, you have to take an elevator for an hour . The bear market is like jumping off the top floor of the Empire State Building. It only takes a few seconds! But we speculators love this scam. Why? Because this scam has only one blind spot. As long as we all avoid this blind spot , the money most people lose will actually end up in our pockets! You will find that in fact, I have said so much that if a person invests money and loses money, it is not because he bought the wrong stock! Because no matter how bad a stock is, the bull market may surge! It’s not because of greed or fear. Who among those who make money is really not greedy for money, and who is not afraid of losing money? Therefore, the only blind spot in this game is that most people will always be hindsight when they need to escape at the top of the bull market ! But I tell you! In fact, before the end of the bull market, the stock market, Bitcoin, and even gold will send us signals and warnings . History always repeats these warnings and signals, and there are only a few of them! And any market has almost the same signal! In other words, as long as we run away as soon as we see these warnings appear , we can avoid the bear market! This is also the advantage of speculation over investment! Investment lasts for ten or eight years , but for speculation, I just need to run away before the bull market ends and that’s ok! Then you will find that Buffett, who advocates long-term investment, actually runs months faster than anyone before every bear market! It's very simple, because he holds a large number of stocks , so he can't sell them all at once. Otherwise, it will cause a crash and then he won't be able to sell them at a good price! So recently, Buffett has actually held the largest amount of cash in history, more than 160 billion US dollars! Does this mean that the surge in U.S. stocks and various assets has reached the peak of the bull market? Does this mean we have to run away too? What are the signs before the bull market ends? And the most embarrassing question is, can I still buy US stocks and skyrocketing assets such as Bitcoin? Will it go down after I buy it? If you think buying and selling stocks is as dangerous as racing a car , then today's video will make you, like Takumi Fujiwara, turn racing into a simple matter of sending tofu! Because danger comes from ignorance. Ignorance comes from not knowing where the risk lies! Then when we know all the risks in advance , you will find that everything is no longer dangerous! And if you don’t want to miss the period of rapid wealth recovery after the economic recession , then you can subscribe to my channel for free and turn on the little bell! If you are afraid that you will not be able to perform after listening to it , you can like this video and the video will automatically be stored in your playlist so that you can follow it at any time! In fact, whether it is stocks, bonds, oil, Bitcoin, foreign exchange or even brand-name bags, as long as you can use money to invest and make money through asset appreciation , then they will all follow one rule, which is the tulip scam! What does that mean? The tulip was worthless at the time and was taken back to the castle by the German Emperor! As for the royal flowers, of course many gardeners were hired to take care of them, so the ordinary flowers became noble! And those Europeans may have never seen this kind of flower before, so when those nobles and wealthy daughters saw tulips in the castle, they began to fall madly in love with this flower! This is the beginning of the Tulip Scam! Soon tulips will have a bull market! Not only the royal family, nobles, and wealthy people want to buy this flower. When tulips become a symbol of identity and status , every ordinary person who wants to climb to the top of society will want to buy this flower! Therefore, the demand for tulips skyrocketed instantly , and when the quantity grown locally was not enough to sell, the price of tulips also skyrocketed for no reason! At that time, when the prices were at their craziest, a tulip could be exchanged for a mansion! Those who can't afford tulips will buy tulip-printed carpets, towels, clothes, etc.! Some people even buy the bulbs from which tulips are propagated! In the end, it seemed that one person ate the tulips when he was hungry. Everyone felt that the tulips had no value anyway. You don’t need to know the reason. In the end, what was certain was that the big traders sold all the tulips at once , and everyone saw the price drop. Everyone wanted to sell their tulips but couldn't find a buyer . Suddenly, the price was equal to a house of flowers or even an onion! Yesterday you were a rich man sleeping in a mansion. Today you are a beggar sleeping on the street! Well, today I’m not going to tell you about history so boringly! What I really want to say is that in fact, the only time for any asset , including today’s Bitcoin, to make big money is in a bull market! The bull market actually has three stages! First of all, only the royal family and nobles bought tulips. This was actually the first stage of the bull market! This is what we call foreplay! Later, when ordinary civilians followed suit and even foreigners wanted to try their luck and went to Europe to speculate and sell tulips, this was actually the second stage of the bull market! This is what we call the excitement stage! Then at the end, when no one can buy tulips, the supply exceeds demand , so everyone can only buy peripheral products! This is the last stage of the bull market! That’s what we call climax! Then when there is a climax, the price will erupt and then drop very quickly in an instant! In other words, we can actually make money during the foreplay, excitement, and climax stages of the bull market ! What really makes us lose money is that after the climax erupts suddenly, the price of the asset will plummet instantly! To put it simply, we just have to hold back before it erupts! Then immediately sell the appreciated assets! Eh! These foreplays, orgasmic eruptions , etc. are actually professional business terms that foreigners use. I don’t know why they have to speak in a pornographic tone! alright! Let's see! This is the U.S. stock market before the 2008 financial crisis! We can clearly see the three stages of the bull market! The first stage is foreplay! Do you remember who participated in the foreplay? The royal family and nobles are equivalent to the current big bankers! They will secretly buy stocks! At this time, only these few people know that the bull market has begun! This foreplay was actually preceded by a bear market. In the past, the stock price fell sharply in the bear market, so the market had a great reaction to bad news! And in the foreplay of a bull market, you will find that the market has become numb to all the bad news, and no one cares about it anymore! Just like in the early days of the epidemic, everyone was looking at the new numbers every day . But at this moment, who cares about how many new cases are added in a day? So you will find that during foreplay, when good news slowly appears, the stock price will stop falling and start to rebound! Why does it rebound? It's because a few large investors have already bought and placed their orders , while most retail investors are still selling! Because these retail investors don’t know that the bull market has arrived , they will want to sell as soon as they see a rebound! In fact, this is the opportunity for big investors to buy goods at low prices! So we can see that in the foreplay of the bull market, the stock price stopped falling. Although there was a rebound caused by large investors , it quickly fell back because a large number of retail investors were still selling! So during foreplay, the amplitude is very large! We are not buying stocks at this time! It's very simple. Even if you buy it at the bottom of 100 yuan, it will rebound to 200 yuan but will soon fall to 80 yuan! Even dropped to 50, 30, 20! It is difficult for us to make money. If we make a little today, we may lose even the principal and interest tomorrow! And as I said just now, only the big family knows whether this is foreplay. Looking back now, we know that it was foreplay! But there is also a chance that once we buy stocks in the middle of a bear market, they will continue to plummet! Therefore, if you buy at this time, the risk is not only very high , but the profit may not be very impressive! Then the existence of foreplay is to induce excitement! That is the second stage of the bull market! When good news continues to appear, even ordinary retail investors and stock investors start to become optimistic and start buying US stocks, Bitcoin, and tulips. When the price of assets will rise! That is, you start to hear the media saying that the US stock market has soared and it is very profitable. Now many people do not save money, but use the money to speculate in the stock market. When everyone starts to invest in the stock market, these belated funds also begin to enter the stock market. If you hope that the stock will rise, no one will sell it! Therefore, in the stock market, when demand exceeds supply, the stock price will form a long-term and stable rise! Just like you could make money by buying U.S. stocks with your eyes closed from 2003 to 2006 ! Because even if you buy it for 100 yuan today and it drops to 90 yuan tomorrow , as long as you don’t sell it for a month, it will rise to 150 yuan or even double! Therefore, our best time to buy is during the transition period from foreplay to excitement! Even if we miss this handover period, we will only make less money if we buy later, and the impact will not be big! Because the period when we really make the most and fastest money is the climax of the bull market! When large investors and retail investors are rushing to buy good stocks, when buying tulips, even tulip peripheral products and junk stocks that no one cared about before will be sought after by everyone! This is called chasing after! So you can see that he rose the fastest during this climax eruption period ! On this graph, the slope of the green line, which is the climax phase, is greater than the slope of the orange line, the excitement phase! The slope of the orange line in the excitement stage will be greater than the slope of the blue line in the foreplay stage! To put it simply, it means that it rises faster. The climax of this bull market only took one year! The entire market rose by 36%! During the previous excitement period, it only increased by about 50% in three years! Therefore, at this stage, we will not rush to sell the stock immediately , but will be very vigilant and pay attention to whether there is an escape signal! Because after the eruption, the price will instantly soften! You may have seen that in 2008, it plummeted by nearly 60% in one year! And this is just the U.S. stock market. Many stocks may fall by 8-90%, or even go bankrupt! So if you don’t want to miss the last opportunity to make huge profits in the U.S. stock market, you must learn how to enter and buy with the lowest risk during rising and skyrocketing prices ! How to make the lowest risk stop loss when you look at the wrong direction and trend! I play a game with a high probability of going up. I play a game with high odds! To put it simply, when I toss a coin today, I not only know that there is a 6-70% probability that it will come up heads , but if I guess it is heads, I will make 100 yuan! But if the 3-40% probability makes me guess wrong, my loss will only be 1 yuan! I don’t need to spend time watching the market , nor do I need to learn to read financial reports, look at fundamentals and other factors because these are all very subjective and the only thing that can really affect the rise and fall of asset prices is supply and demand! And these will leave clues on the chart! You can't lie! But many people said that my previous courses were too expensive and you couldn’t get into the courses! Come! Let's make a connection! Next, I will give you a bonus. As long as you are my fan, you can sign up for my 2024 latest stock investment class worth $1,000 for free through the first link in the video description column! Well, now many major shareholders have begun to reduce their holdings of U.S. stocks. As mentioned at the beginning, Buffett holds the most cash in history . Even Apple, his largest position and the most money invested, has sold part of it! And Amazon’s Bezos also sold part of his company’s stock! Does that mean that U.S. stocks have peaked? After all, if assets such as the stock market and Bitcoin have reached their peak, what are the escape signals? Pay attention! Because if you escape slowly, all the profits you made in the previous bull market will evaporate, and you may even lose your principal! So the first escape signal is the simplest! That is, after the market index has risen for a period of time, it suddenly shows a rapid upward trend, that is, there is a relatively large increase in a short period of time, and its rising speed becomes unprecedentedly fast! To put it simply, the stock price is shooting up! Let’s look at the Dow Jones Index of the U.S. stock market, which is the broader market. Before the financial crisis in 2008, this index was also on an upward trend, but the speed of its rise was accelerating. Have you seen it? The first period of growth, from 2004 to 2006, took nearly two years to rise by more than 20%. What stage of the bull market is this? The excitement stage! Then you look at the subsequent increase from July 2006 to February 2007. It rose by 19% in 5 months. In such a short period of time, it almost completed the increase of more than a year ago. So we know that during this period The market's rise is accelerating, as if it's preparing for launch. We need to be careful! Then we continue to look back from April to June 2007. In less than two months, the market rose by 11%, as if it had already erupted! Can you see that the slope of these three upward trends is getting steeper? Especially the third red line is extremely steep, close to 90 degrees. This tells you that the market's rising speed is accelerating. This is actually the bookmaker lying to you! Just like a casino, when you first enter the casino, you definitely don’t dare to bet with all your money . Then the dealer will let you win money. And with every subsequent round, the money you win becomes more and you want to take it first. must be given first You win 1,000 yuan in the first game, and you win 100,000 yuan in the second game! In the third game, you can win 1 million! Aren't you excited yet? Then many retail investors who don’t know the inside story will feel very regretful. I wish I had sold the house to place a bet! You can definitely earn 10 houses now! Therefore, many retail investors made money in 2006 and saw that the market rose so much in less than two months in 2007. Their greed expanded, and when it expanded, they went crazy . Not only did they make money, they also mortgaged their houses and cars. Go get a loan to buy more stocks , and these are actually false prosperity before the end of the bull market , because soon the financial bubble exploded in 2008. These gamblers lost all their wealth, and even worse, they have to jump off the building. Then we will Looking directly at the Taiwan Weighted Index, that is, during the bull market in Taiwan from 2005 to 2007, its rising speed accelerated instantly. It took almost one year and two months for the first rise , and the market rose. 40% This is the so-called extended rise, which is also the excitement stage! Then the second rise, it rose by about 14% in 3 months. The third and final rise took more than a month, and the market rose by 17% . These two rises were the launch and eruption of the climax stage! Then in actual combat, we only need to draw the upward trend line for each rise , and then we can see at a glance whether the market is accelerating its rise, and how many times it has accelerated now, but remember! This climax stage may not necessarily rise twice quickly. It may erupt immediately after one launch! So it’s possible that it’s only once! So when the stock price rises rapidly for the first time, I will sell part of the stocks in my hand, or even all the stocks! Even if it goes up again later, it doesn't matter to me! Because I bought it earlier, my profit was already huge! I don't need to earn my last copper! I’m not going to guess when it will peak! I just escaped without hesitation when the escape signal appeared! It's like if there's something wrong with the plane and you're going to parachute to escape, you're not going to wait until the last minute to jump because what do we want? Survive! As long as I can enjoy the wealth that the bull market has brought us , then I will repeat the bull market several times and roll profits through profits! Anyway, for example, if I sell U.S. stocks, I can use the profits to invest in Bitcoin, Hong Kong and Taiwan stocks, gold, and real estate, which have just started a bull market. That’s fine too! And then there is a second escape signal! There are more and more stocks falling below the 200-day moving average . What I mean here are not ordinary stocks, but the constituent stocks in the entire market index. What do I mean? Very simple! Today I want to know whether the entire US stock market has gone up or down! Can I look at just one Apple stock? Because people all over the world know Apple and Steve Jobs, if Apple goes up, other U.S. stocks will also go up! Can this be done? Is it possible that Apple is going up but Amazon is going down? Of course it's possible! So Apple cannot represent U.S. stocks! So the S&P 500 appeared. It found 500 stocks that best represented the United States, brought in big companies like Apple, Amazon, etc., and then directly calculated the average price of these 500 stocks! This average price is the so-called market index. The higher the index, it means that the US stock market is rising! On the contrary, it falls! So the market is composed of these 500 stocks. These 500 stocks are the constituent stocks of the market! And different constituent stocks occupy different proportions! For example, Apple may occupy more of those stocks that you can't name, but only occupy less of them! So suppose Apple rises by 1% but several other stocks you can’t name fall by 10%. In the end, the market may still rise! So how do bankers and large households cut leeks? At the climax of the bull market, it only needs to push up stocks with a relatively high proportion of Apple, open a few more accounts, buy with the left hand and sell with the right hand, and sell the right hand to retail investors. At the same time, once the stock price drops too much, it will open a few more accounts. Buy low with your left hand! Create a signal that Apple will continue to skyrocket and let more retail investors enter the market to take over! When Apple's stock price rises, the market index will also rise, and then you will buy those peripheral products , that is, stocks that you can't name , because you think the prices of these stocks are relatively cheap! At this time, the big investors will sell these stocks to you! As a result, the prices of these surrounding stocks have fallen , but the market index will not reflect it, because Apple has driven the market up! So avoiding this trap is easy! For example, look at this picture! In 2021 , the S&P 500 above is still rising, but you can see that the green line below is falling. The green line is the proportion of S&P 500 constituent stocks higher than the 200-day moving average . In other words, the U.S. stock market is actually When it was rising, the stock prices of many of its constituent stocks had fallen below the 200-day moving average! What does it mean that it dropped from 90% at the beginning to 74% ? If the price of a stock falls below the 200-day moving average, it means that the average price of people buying the stock in the past 200 days is higher than the current price! In other words, everyone who bought stocks in the past 200 days lost money. People now are unwilling to spend more money to buy stocks than in the past. Simply put, most people are already bearish on this stock! So when more and more large-cap stocks fall below the 200-day moving average, it actually means that large investors have already fled and many smart funds have left the market early! So when we see this signal, we know that the current bull market is probably unhealthy and may be ready to climax because the dealers are deceiving retail investors to take over. So what we have to do is to sell the stocks quickly to escape , otherwise the result will be in 2022. When the Federal Reserve really raised interest rates, the U.S. stock market had been in a bear market for the whole year, and the S& P 500 fell by nearly 30% . Some stocks that were not constituent stocks but were sought after by many people at the time, such as Alibaba, fell by more than 80%! 100 million is gone and 80 million is gone! Let’s look at 20 years and the S&P 500 will also reach a new high during this period, right? So what you see is that the market is still rising , but this is just false prosperity! The green line below is the essence. We can see that at this time, the green line has already started to fall! That is to say, more S&P 500 stocks fell below the 200-day moving average . The bull market in the U.S. stock market ended immediately after it erupted and plunged 35% in an instant . On the eve of the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. stock market was also a big bull market! The S&P 500 is also at a new high. As a result, you can see the green line below. When we find that more and more constituent stocks have fallen below the 200-day moving average, this is a signal that the bull market is about to end. But many people do not know that this simple signal is The signal you can see at a glance as soon as you open the picture viewing software leads to missing the final escape door! The result was the tragedy of committing suicide! So I have been applying the logic of the Art of War to the stock market! The simplest thing is to know yourself and the enemy so that you can win every battle. We must know what the dealer is doing instead of seeing the appearance that the dealer shows to most people! That is, what kind of news, inside information, stock reviews, etc.! We must see from the appearance that the essence is how many constituent stocks have fallen below the most important 200-day moving average! Here comes the third danger signal: What does it mean when the market is at a high level, suddenly plummets , and the trading volume is higher than in the previous weeks ? It’s just the banker who is selling stocks! Why did the market suddenly plummet? Who has so many chips to make the entire market and so many constituent stocks fall together at the same time? A big banker! So if you look at the S&P 500 in the second half of 2021, it will also be a bull market, right? But if you look at the three K-lines above the dotted line, it means that the stock prices of these three days are all red, right? In US and Hong Kong stocks, red means falling, which is a black candlestick! Moreover, these black candlesticks are still very long, which means that the decline is very large. Their corresponding trading volume is the bar chart below the chart . If you look at their corresponding bars, they are all relatively high. In other words, in the bull market, the stock price actually increased. It’s strange that the trading volume is so high after falling so much in one day , right? It was obviously rising so well before, why did it suddenly fall? That’s right, because this is a red flag that the bull market is ending! This means that a lot of people, especially market makers, quickly sold their stocks and ran away, so most stocks in the market fell. Even the constituent stocks of the S&P 500 index, leading companies such as Apple and Amazon, also began to fall! You may not have a big feeling when you look at the picture , but if you have bought stocks in the bull market, you will know that the news these days will report that the stock market is plummeting! Then you should be alert, because during a bull market, if one day the price plummets with huge trading volume , it may be a sign of shipments by large traders! At this time, you must sell some or even all of your stocks! Even if it goes back up later, you may think that you will make more money if you sell it after a few days , but let me tell you! Even if it falls and then rises again, you won’t sell it! Because you will imagine that it will continue to rise! Just like after this picture, the stock price has really risen again. If you don't sell at this time, and you even think it will rise again , and then invest more money to buy stocks , what will greet you is the plummeting later! So let’s look directly at the U.S. stock market! Did the first thing rise rapidly? That is, was there any launch or eruption? look! Now the US stock market index is developing in the purple ascending channel , but it has not quickly broken through the top of the ascending channel! Then secondly, we see that the U.S. stock market is now in the process of rising , and the following constituent stocks whose stock prices are higher than the 200-day moving average are also increasing! Finally, thirdly, has there been a sudden plunge from a high level or a sudden increase in trading volume? It was there in September 2023, so it fell by about 11%! But soon, every time the market fell to the bottom of this rising channel , it quickly rebounded! And now, there is no sudden plunge in one day! Therefore, I personally feel that the U.S. stock market is still developing in a healthy bull market for the time being! We are still in the second stage of the bull market, which is the excitement period! On behalf of me and my disciples, we can still make money in the US stock market easily and simply! If the U.S. stock market suddenly breaks through the top of this ascending channel and suddenly rises rapidly , then we should be careful because it sounds the first alarm! At this time, if there are fewer and fewer constituent stocks whose stock prices are higher than the 200-day moving average, it will sound the second alarm! So when one day the market suddenly drops sharply, it may be the day for large traders to ship , and then the third alarm will sound! Of course, more escape methods include how to judge when to buy in bull and bear markets, when to sell, how much to buy , how much to sell, etc. The details will be discussed in detail in the stock investment class! So if you don’t know how to escape before the bear market comes, you will lose all the hard-earned money you spent frugally and go to work early in the morning! What's even worse is that some people don't make any investment! What will be the result in the end? The CEO of Coca-Cola is very powerful, right? His annual salary is $50 million! Then you pay the tax and half of it is gone! But you know Buffett, who invested in Coca-Cola and earned more than 500 million US dollars a year for nothing. This is passive income! He doesn’t need to manage the company, he doesn’t need to think about marketing strategies, he doesn’t need to think about product positioning . He just needs to buy at the best time and manage the risks best, and then he will have financial freedom! So you want to work hard to become the next Coca-Cola CEO? Or should you just relax and use stocks to help you work and make money? If you choose the latter, if you want to get rid of the endless cycle of working, if you want to become my disciple and learn our automatic stock money-making system that has been witnessed by the market, just go to the first link in the video description column to sign up for a free stock investment class. Bar! Therefore, the highest state of our stock investment is what Sun Tzu said in "The Art of War": "Those who know whether they can fight or not, win!" In the bull market, our advantage is big enough, that is, "can fight", then we have to attack and buy But as long as we see these 3 escape signals and find that there is danger, the bull market is likely to be over soon , so we must take advantage of the situation! Just like Sima Yi in the Three Kingdoms, when he saw Zhuge Liang planning an empty city strategy, he sent an escape signal! So he was afraid of death and didn't dare to break in. As a result, he was laughed at for more than a thousand years. so what? The competition between fighting and making money is to see who can survive to the end! Whoever has the most foundation will have the most capital! Isn't it Sima Yi's family who became emperor in the end? Aren’t the people who finally win money in the stock market the ones who give in in advance? Okay, the release time of my videos will be changed next. I will continue to share free information about becoming rich, entrepreneurs, investors and achieving financial freedom every Sunday at 8:30. If you don’t want to miss it, I will continue to share it. I call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! If you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Well, we will see you next week, Bye!
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Id: 6yqUAAnhnz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.