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Hello everyone, I am the sweeping monk! In 2024, should we gamble that housing prices will rise and buy a house directly with a loan? Or should we take advantage of the recession and continue to save money to wait for bargain hunting opportunities when housing prices fall? You will find out! The fundamentals of real estate seem to have changed! First of all, the population is getting smaller and smaller, and people no longer have children, so the supply of houses will exceed the demand, and housing prices will fall! Let’s look at Japan. After the economic bubble burst, housing prices collapsed , so people there advocated the idea of ​​not getting married or having children! Then you see, the reason why house prices are high is that land is expensive and the cost of materials used by builders to build houses is constantly increasing! So assuming that in the future , developers will not buy land like in Hong Kong now, does this mean that the government will lower the price and sell the land cheaper? And assuming that in the future everyone will live in mobile prefabricated houses like Musk, will the cost of building houses also be reduced? The most important thing is that U.S. inflation is at a very high level. Will the Federal Reserve continue to maintain high interest rates in the future? The interest rate is high and the cost of borrowing is high. Does this mean that if you have a house now, you should sell it quickly and wait until it becomes cheaper to buy it? Eh! Do you agree that the answers to these questions will determine whether you will be poor or rich in the next 30 years? But have you discovered that all the answers revolve around the premise that you want to buy a house! Is it just a matter of buying it now or buying it later, right? Let’s ask our conscience! Does anyone say that even if I have enough money to buy a house and the house price has hit the bottom, it is impossible to fall again, but I just hate the house so much that I will never buy a house in my life? I asked you before, if you had two million US dollars now, what would you invest in 2024? And among 10,000 people, 36% said they would invest in real estate! So let me ask you again, there is a high probability that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in 2024. What do you think will happen to house prices? And among more than 6,000 people, 51% think it will rise! 9% of people even think it will skyrocket! So are these viewers ignorant or prophetic? What will happen to people who buy houses in 2024 this year? Believe me! This video is definitely worth your thumbs up and collection because I will reveal the secret of when housing prices started to soar . If you understand it, your wealth class will undergo an incredible leap! This channel is dedicated to training bosses, investors, and wealthy people. If you don’t want to miss more useful information in the future , you can consider subscribing to my channel and then turn on the little bell! alright! For many people, buying a house may be the biggest investment in their life , so they really hope that the house price will rise after they buy a house! Better to skyrocket! Because if it falls, they won’t be able to sleep! Right? What they hate most before buying a house is that real estate speculators inflate house prices, making them unable to afford a house! What about after buying a house? They become the kind of people they hate the most! So let’s get straight to the point today, I’m going to reveal the secrets that no one outside will tell you about when housing prices soar, as well as the timing of buying and selling real estate flippers! Very simple! When everyone is willing to spend money to invest and consume, housing prices will soar! On the contrary, house prices may not soar, or may not rise, or even fall! How do you know? It’s not complicated to just look at the picture! look! The red line is the annual growth rate of Taiwan’s M1! You can understand M1 this way, it is money in everyone’s pockets! For example, cash, check, etc.! It is relatively circulating money! Then the blue line is the annual growth rate of Taiwan’s M2! M2, if you understand it this way, it means the money in everyone’s pockets plus the money in the bank! That is, money in circulation, plus money that is not very circulated! It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand. You just need to remember that if the growth rate of M1 is greater than the growth rate of M2 , it is the red line. If it is higher than the blue line, it means that no one likes to save money at this time and is willing to take it. Money to spend, money to invest! If it is the opposite, if the M1 growth rate is smaller than the M2 growth rate , which is the red line, and if it is lower than the blue line, it means that everyone is more conservative and likes to deposit money in the bank! Let’s see, the red line is obviously higher than the blue line starting from 2002, 2009, and 2019! It means that during this period of time, the economy is relatively active. People don’t like to save money, but invest money into the market . Will housing prices rise? Let’s look at the annual growth rate of housing prices in Taiwan! If these yellow bars are above 0, it means that housing prices are growing! Then you will coincidentally find that housing prices in Taiwan have also skyrocketed since 2002, 2009, and 2019 ! And it’s soaring like compound interest every year! That is to say, the price of a 1 million house has increased by 20% this year, becoming 1.2 million! Although it will only increase by 18% next year, it will also become 1.416 million! Then let’s turn our attention back to the past 22 to 23 years. The red line is lower than the blue line, which means that people are more inclined to deposit money in banks , so a lot less money flows into the real estate market! But note that the red line is higher than the blue line, which means that more people are willing to invest and consume money, so a large amount of money will flow into the real estate market, causing housing prices to soar! But it doesn’t mean the other way around. The fact that the red line is lower than the blue line doesn’t mean that house prices will fall. It just means that house prices won’t soar because it just means fewer people are investing and consuming! So we can see that although the growth rate of housing prices in Taiwan is slower than before, it has slowed down! But if it slows down, it is also rising! Hong Kong is not so lucky. The colors in this picture are reversed. The blue line is the annual growth rate of M1, and the red line is the annual growth rate of M2! You will find that Hong Kong is similar to Taiwan. In 2002, 2009, and 2019, the annual growth rate of M1 was higher than the annual growth rate of M2! Therefore, Hong Kong’s housing prices have also taken off like Taiwan in the past few years! But after 21 years in Hong Kong, the annual growth rate of M1 is lower than the annual growth rate of M2 . This means that everyone would rather save money in the bank than invest and consume! And you can see that Hong Kong’s housing prices have not only not risen since 2021 , but have even begun to fall and adjust! Why? Because the mortgage interest rate in Taiwan is only about 2% even if the Federal Reserve raises interest rates! And Hong Kong has adjusted to close to 6%! Therefore, the cost of borrowing money for Hong Kong people has increased. Most people, especially builders, would rather deposit their money in banks to collect interest because there is almost no risk. A fund of 100 million will be worth more than 20 million in four years! As a result, fewer people are buying houses in Hong Kong, and housing prices have adjusted! So what I want to say here is that if you want to be like a real estate speculator and seize the opportunity of skyrocketing housing prices , you should buy when the annual growth rate of M1 is higher than the annual growth rate of M2! Conversely, sell when the annual growth rate of M1 is lower than the annual growth rate of M2! Rather than saying, buy when interest rates fall and sell when interest rates rise! Just because interest rates are cut does not mean that everyone is willing to use money for consumption and investment. For example, mainland China has been cutting interest rates for a long time. Logically speaking, there should be a lot of money constantly circulating in the market , but mainland people still prefer to keep their money in banks! Because a lot of their money actually went into research and development such as chips instead of into the stock market and real estate market! So what we have to look at is whether most of the money goes into consumption and investment, or whether it is just saved! This is the most direct! And we can see that although the United States has raised interest rates , funds continue to flow into U.S. stocks! The stock market has gone from a downward trend to a long-term bull market! Continuously set new highs! This is why it only took me three months to make six figures in less than half an hour a day ! Because I only need to screen out stocks to find their buying opportunities, and then set the buying point, stop loss point, and take profit point . Then I don’t need to look at the stock market at all, it will automatically help me trade! If you want to learn an investment system with a very high error tolerance rate, even if you lose money on your investments 50 times, you will be able to continuously obtain stable and generous profits in the stock market . This system does not require you to keep an eye on the market and you want to grasp it. If there is only one opportunity to make huge profits in the bull market in five years , I have a new stock investment class that will be launched in 2024 and is worth $1,000 . But as long as you like and share it today, I will give it to you for free without making any money! So seize the last chance before the new year to sign up at the first link in the video description column and join my stock investment class! But some people will say that things are different now! Because of the declining birth rate, the population will only continue to decline! Nowadays, most people are only children. A couple raises a child, and then there are four elderly people above them . After these people pass away, these houses will be passed on to the child and the child. Who will buy a house then? Who will it be sold to then? So house prices will completely end and collapse! We don’t need to say anything, just look at Japan! The declining birthrate is already very significant, right? Japan’s housing prices have been worthless for 30 years! So can it be inferred that in countries with a declining birthrate, housing prices will be as worthless as in Japan? It’s actually quite disgusting! Most people talk about Japanese housing prices, but never Tokyo! But the place they travel to most often is Tokyo! Although it is said that 90% of the housing prices in Japan are worthless, in their Egg Yolk District, that is, Tokyo, housing prices are constantly reaching new highs! The housing prices in Tokyo are basically the same as those in Shanghai, the most prosperous city in China! So what does it represent? If the declining birth rate in a place becomes more and more serious , then 90% of the housing prices in that place will indeed collapse , causing the overall housing prices to average out and become worthless! But they are all eggshell areas, and the more serious ones are the egg white areas! It’s very simple. May I ask your grandparents, what city did your ancestors live in, and what city do you live in? In what city will your children live in the future? Like my ancestors, they left me a house in their remote hometown. Note that it was not a house, but a house! There is also a back garden and a fish pond! But I haven’t been back for a day! I remember the kitchen still used wood for the fire, and it was covered in spider silk! Right? What is the use? Because although the population has become smaller, people are not evenly distributed! Most people go to live in Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong Island, Taipei, Shanghai, and Seoul. No one goes to small cities like Danke District to live in places farther away in Japan, for example. There is no business, it’s all farmland, nature is there and people who live there are self-sufficient! If you live in a place like this, your commute to work will take longer! And there are no good schools, hospitals or anything like that! So if your house is not in the egg yolk area, not in an urban area, or not in a big city, you really have to worry about the problem of declining birthrate! So let me assume that you are a middle-class rich second generation. Suppose your grandparents are 70 years old, your parents are 50 years old, you are 25 years old , and your child has just been born! May I ask when can you and your children get these houses? Would you like to live with their extended family? You don't mind everyone's living habits? Don’t you want to choose your own decorating style? Don't you want your friends to come over to your own home? Therefore, as I have always emphasized, only egg yolk districts, big cities, and only places with the highest population density can have real estate! Then if everyone lives in Musk’s mobile houses in the future and the land government gives them to builders for free, then house prices will definitely collapse! I don’t understand why there are so many hateful people leaving comments saying what kind of intelligence does one have to say such things! Brothers and sisters, remember this! When we buy a house, we don’t buy steel bars or cement! But the location! It's very simple. You picked up a famous painting today, worth 100 million! So would you be willing to sell it for 50 million because you picked it up and there is no cost ? In the same way, if the land has no cost, but other builders sell it for one million US dollars, will you sell it for 500,000 US dollars? And who would live in a house like Musk’s? At least I won't! It is even more impossible to say that the government gives land to builders for free. Is this collusion between government and business? Not to mention that the biggest source of income for a country and locality is actually selling land? Now if you give away the land, how will the government operate? House prices are high not because of land prices, but because of the high cost of building a house! On the contrary, it is precisely because the house is valuable that the land can be sold at a high price. If the land is sold at a high price, the city will have more money to build shopping malls, schools, roads, medical and other resources. So why are house prices so expensive? It is precisely because this city has good prospects, good employment, good medical care, and good education that people are rushing in, houses become scarce, and the rising tide lifts all boats! These are unchanging fundamentals! Your house in Egg Yolk District has no elevator, is old and small, but it can be sold for $1 million! And your house in Danke District has a garden, an elevator, and is even built by a famous brand builder, but it can only be sold for $500,000! What does this mean? Explain that the house price increase has little to do with which builder, which floor, and which apartment type the house you buy is because the location has already determined 80% of the house price increase , so don’t waste your energy on these insignificant details! Remember! When house prices in good areas rise, bad houses can skyrocket! When house prices in bad areas fall, good houses can plummet! But I can’t afford a house in a good location! This is because when most people first come out of society, they will be asked by their elders to work because as long as they go to work on time and make no mistakes, they can get a monthly salary. The income is very stable, but what does stability mean? When you use your talents and make money for the company, you think there will be extra rewards, but you find that you still get that stable monthly salary every month! Some people think that if the company is good, then they are good, and it doesn't matter if there are no rewards. But who can guarantee that you can work in a company for a lifetime? Some bosses may even find an employee who demands a lower salary or see that as the employee gets older, all the efforts made by firing him will eventually become worthless! So if your contribution is not proportional to your income, you must find a job that will not be replaced by others . There is no age limit, the profits are all your own , and you can do it for a lifetime . The less time you spend with experience, you can Make more money! And let me tell you, this job is stock investment! You may feel something is wrong! Isn’t stock investment very unstable? The stock price rises 20% today, but it can fall 50% tomorrow! So they don’t dare to touch stocks! In fact, they don’t know how to catch the bull market, avoid the stock market crash , and obtain a steady stream of passive income without buying the bottom or watching the market! Then let you know how to choose the right stock that is skyrocketing without any basic investment knowledge ! And the most important thing is to let you know how to make the most profit and the least loss because actually making money in stocks is a very low-risk thing! So this set of courses worth US$1,000 will be given to you for free today without making any money! Seize the last chance and sign up for my stock investment class through the first link in the video description column ! So can I buy a house in 2024? You will find that even in Hong Kong in 2023, housing prices have fallen by more than 10% , but the transaction volume is still shrinking! House prices have become cheaper. People who couldn’t afford a house can now afford it, but they won’t buy it! Because what they worry about is that they don’t want to have to bear the mortgage loan for 30 years . What’s the point of living like a house slave? So I want to ask, if you have been fed by inflation all your life, no matter how hard you try to save, the money will continue to become worthless. What is the meaning of such a life? Why does it only take some people two minutes to go from the first floor to the fiftieth floor but it takes you twenty minutes? Because others take the elevator and you take the stairs! Others follow the trend, but you have to go against the trend! The world is playing an irreversible game! When the Fed keeps printing money, inflation will occur and money will become worthless! This means that you can buy fewer things with $100 in ten years , but at the same time, borrowing a million dollars in debt will become less valuable! It will only get easier for people who borrow money! Therefore, when the currency depreciates, our only option is to exchange the depreciated currency into assets! The essence of investment is actually to convert banknotes that can be printed infinitely into scarce resources that are difficult to increase supply at will. Because as banknotes continue to increase, the value of scarce resources will also increase . In other words, as long as inflation exists, our arbitrage opportunities will always exist. So which asset is better to buy? For example, if you have one million U.S. dollars, buying a million-dollar painting is actually different from buying a million-dollar house! Both are worth one million , but for famous paintings you need to find someone who understands painting before you can resell them. For houses, you only need to find someone who is in demand in this city. We say that bank mortgages are the best asset mirror! Because banks consider assets with less risk Only then will they recognize that it can be used as collateral! For the same famous painting worth one million, the bank may only be able to mortgage it for 30% of the original price! But most houses can be mortgaged up to 70%! Therefore, houses can be used for leverage and are regarded as relatively safe assets by banks! We buy a house through a loan, not to become a house slave but to double our wealth as quickly as possible! In fact, what’s so scary about a thirty-year mortgage? I myself bought three cars in two years. Most people who borrowed money for 30 years sold their houses in the fifth year because of rising housing prices! And even if you really live there for thirty years without selling, inflation will make the debt worthless! The longer we take to repay the debt, the more debt we repay in numbers, but in our accounts! For example, if the mortgage is repaid in 10 years, it only requires 1 million in interest. Now if we want to repay it in 30 years, we will have to pay 1 million more in interest, a total of 2 million! This may seem like a loss, but in fact it’s a huge gain! Because 1 million in 10 years may still be a pressure, because after the depreciation of this million, it may still be equal to the current 500,000 and you can buy a lot of things! But even 2 million in 30 years may only be equal to 10,000 now! When the interest you pay becomes less and less over time and the interest becomes worthless , in fact, your mortgage pressure may only follow you for a few years and then you will become relaxed and even able to buy more. One set! So can I still buy a house in 2024? In fact, in 2023, I have already found undervalued and cost-effective houses in Hong Kong and big cities in China, and invested nearly 8 figures of US dollars! From the perspective of appreciation, the previous video also said that I believe the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates in 2024. The M1 growth rate in most places will be higher than the M2 growth rate. In other words, everyone will slowly take out money from time deposits and use it. On consumption and investment! And my strategy is different from most people. When I buy a house, I don’t look at the appreciation but rather I don’t sell it after I buy it! I can’t understand it after watching the previous videos! What I want to say is that you will find that many of the people who bet on housing prices in 2023 will buy houses themselves! Quite funny! People who couldn’t afford it before can actually afford it now that people are paying attention! Therefore, as a person, you must be consistent . What I have always advocated is to buy a house when housing prices adjust, rather than selling a house! Because once you sell it, you can’t buy it back! When buying a house, there are costs such as taxes, renovations, agency fees, etc.! If you are scared when housing prices adjust, sell your house at a low price! Then you will find that the person who takes your order is the person who scares you! If you don’t understand, you can wait and watch my previous videos! Remember! House prices are expensive, but ordinary people like us who have nothing can use the smallest cost to leverage the most profitable assets. When we don’t have enough money , we can invest in real estate together and rent it out to make the repayment pressure easier! Just divide the profits according to the money invested! We must look at the essence of the problem. The pressure of repayment is superficial and external! The essence is that in the rules of the game, we do not buy a house because we need it , nor do we take out a loan because we have no money to buy a house . We buy a house not for living, but more for protecting wealth! Inflation eats up our wealth in the form of compound interest , and the appreciation of house prices also increases in compound interest! Okay, if you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied ~ I will continue to share about becoming rich, If you don’t want to miss the free information for entrepreneurs and investors to achieve financial freedom , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! If you like this kind of positive energy, you can also like and support me and share the video and positive energy. If you think you are saving others, you are actually saving yourself . See you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
Views: 105,460
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 買房, 買房2024, 少子化買房, 2024房價, 2024買房時機, 2024賣房時機, 建房成本, 貨幣供應如何影響房價, 房價為什麼會漲, 房價為什麼會跌, 2024買房的人有什麼下場, 投資房地產, 掃地僧買房, 买房, 買房賺錢, 買房財富自由, 買房被動收入, 買房出租, 投資買房, 買房投資, 香港沒人買地, 背30年房貸人生還有什麼意義, 如何降低房地壓力, 如何買房沒有壓力, 2024房價會上漲嗎, 2024房價會下跌嗎, 2024房價會漲還是跌, 房價, 升息買房, 升息賣房, 美國升息房價崩盤, 通脹貶值買房, 如何在房價下跌買房, 2024房價會反彈嗎, 房價下跌如何買房, 房價下跌怎麼辦, 如何買房, 如何買入被低估的房子, 買房教學, 投資教學, 買房賺錢方法, 買房賺錢套路, 買房時機, 怎麼買房, 房價的大趨勢, 房價崩盤, 房產陷阱, 賣房時機, 沒錢買房, 買房套路, 買房計劃, 借錢買房, 房貸, 月供房子, 大城市才有房地產, 買房買哪裡, 什麼房產會升值, 房產升值, 房價暴漲, 90後買房, 房價飆升時機, 房價什麼時候飆升, 別騙年輕人買房他們輸不起, 投資房產, 90後創業家掃地僧, 掃地僧 買房, 貨幣供應影響房價, 2024降息房價, 2024降息買房
Id: 4sfgb1jkUpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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