2023 Tesla Model Y tips and tricks

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hey guys it's me Ken also known as dho in today's video we're going to be focusing on a bunch of new and old features regarding owning a Tesla in 2023 if you're new to the channel I have a 2020 Tesla Model y these features will be more geared towards the three and the Y but some of them may apply to the S and the X reason for this video is because Tesla is constantly updating their software so it's good to keep up with the latest features and how they would benefit your life as you may or may not know already Tesla in the past week have been dropping the prices on their whole Sexy line by up to 18% for some of the models so I figured this would be a good video to help out the new owners out there as well I'm just going to machine gun through these features and you guys let me know in the comments below if you like or dislike any of these features and if you want me to make more videos like this in the future let's get to it let's first start off with the auto signal cancel and that came with the latest update under Auto turn signals this is exactly what it is uh if you have it on Auto cancel Once you turn it on it will automatically turn off once it detects that you have merged or changed lanes in any sense if I go back to the right turns off next they brought back the cards at the bottom left that gives you a bunch of great information before you will have to navigate to the control panel here and then go to trips and then you can see all your efficiency and this is really useful information that if you're a a data geek like me uh I always like to look at this so now you can just go to the bottom here and if you swipe to the left you can see everything you can customize this by checking up the SH cards so if you uncheck it it'll go off so you can customize it the way you want I have it on the current trip and since last charge and the odometer so if you swipe left again another good one is your tire pressure I always like to see what my tire pressure is at before leaving on a trip or especially a long road trip it's great to check see if your PSI is accurate because this can really affect the efficiency of your trip also if you want to hide this right here this is just my YouTube that's up uh you can just swipe down on this and it will pop up at the bottom here it looks like a little music note and then if you tap it back it'll come right back my Q garage was a just came on the recent update once you link everything there is however a subscription which is not the best but it's fairly cheap if you're very lazy and you want to just automatically open the garage while you come back uh if you want to manually open it there's a little tab right here you go right here this is my parents house so I click this and now that it's it's just fully integrated with this garage but once I get home I have it set to my house when I arrive it will automatically open and automatically close when uh I'm leaving so it's really handy next to adjust your mirrors navigate to the control panel here and then go to controls and then uh your mirror option is actually right here now the function I want to show you guys is this mirror Auto tilt because it's really helpful when you're going on reverse reverse um let me close this here as you can see when I'm on reverse watch what the Tilt does this really helps with my parking see it tilts down so if I had lines I can actually see this helps a lot with parking especially reversing into a parking spot so here back to drive and back to reverse next we have the auto camera on Signal to enable this and I highly recommend you enable this because it makes your Driving Experience much better so you go to autopilot and if you go right here it says automatic blind spot Monitor and all that does is signal have this on your blind spot monitor comes up if you don't like the position of this in a couple updates ago uh they let you position to where you want it to actually be I like it in the top left so you don't have to look down all the way originally it was down here so just play with it good thing to note this never need to shoulder check again cuz this is actually checks my whole blind spot next we have Sentry mode plus dog mode if you want to turn on Sentry mode quickest way to do it is a shortcut here you just tap on this and the if this is red that means Sentry mode is on and before you wouldn't be able to have dog mode enabled as well so now I can do this and if I tap this now you can see that dog mode is on and also Sentry mode is on uh this wasn't a thing you had to take your pick before so it's nice that they added this next we have a feature under pedals and steering under the control panel it's to apply brakes when regener braking is limited I'm just going to bring this up here as I talk about it so uh when the car is cold or you're overcharge to 100% you're not going to have regen braking I typically like to leave this off because I find the braking way too hard uh you can play with this though it's supposed to mimic regenerative braking when uh you're driving in the cold or when you have a 100% but I find the braking is way too hard this is there if you if you would like to use it but uh in the cold temperatures I like to be more in more control of my braking so I leave this off next one actually took me a while to figure out and that is to put your Tesla into neutral or activate your parking brake so to put in the neutral it's just a quick half step down hit the brake half step down so now it goes into n to make sure your brake is applied so this would be useful when you're going through a automatic car wash if you choose to go through those and uh yeah it's just a half step down if you go all the way down it goes to the drive and then all all the way up it goes in new reverse so let's go back to park so regular Park is just a quick tap and um if you want the parking brake if you're parking on a really steep hill and you want to make sure your your car doesn't go anywhere you just hold this down and you can see this parking brake this red thing on the right so again you hold this down and this parking brake will will will come up next I just want to show you guys real quick how to use the start your car remotely function so someone else can access your car when you're not even in the same country so navigate to the controls menu on the Tesla app and then unlock the door for the person and you push start that should have started now see how it says active and that's uh how much time you have for the person to go in it so I'm just going to leave my phone here and run to the car now it's unlocked and I can just drive the car ready that's how easy it is I don't have the key with me it's up it's right outside on my garbage can right now real quick here if you're liking my content so far please feel free to like And subscribe to the channel Neil will love you long time next we have the quick unlatch door feature where if your door is frozen maybe it's like - 30 and your door is frozen and you can't open it you just have to go into here you're going to have to hold down on one of these shortcuts and there's a unlatch door down here right here and then you just have to drag it up for Save and then when you push unlatch door here see the door opens up then you can open it up easy peasy next don't be afraid to use voice command there's pretty much a voice command for everything you can look at the list or you can just kind of play with it you just have to hit this right button right here and then once that comes up you'll start recording what you were saying here's the common ones I like to use a lot turn wipers on there go stop wipers off open glove box here's one I use every day navigate to bamp so that's how you it's way easier to just say navigate instead of typing it in using this keyboard that will take you forever to do next if you're about to wash a car be sure to put on car wash mode that's under control panel uh service then Car Wash mode is right here this basically locks all your doors make sure all your windows are up uh turns off Sentry mode and the most important one is when you're spraying especially when you're handwashing uh once you're spraying the charge port door because you can actually just push it to open it uh sometimes the high pressure spray on the door will open up the charge port and then you'll start spraying the inside of the the charge port which is can't be too safe uh those things can be wet but don't do High Press water to spray in there so make sure to turn on this car wash mode next is one that is very uncommon concept if you're coming from a ice vehicle to an EV and that's a shifting gears while you're still in motion so because of how there's no gears it's literally just telling it to go forward and going backwards you're able to switch from drive to reverse under 5 km/ hour let me show you how it works so right here we're just going to put it to drive okay we're on drive as you can see right here we're on drive so now it's right now it's on hold so I'm just going to show this right here pay attention to the speed right here so I'm going to move forward I'm going 2 km 3 km I'm still holding down the pedal right now I'm just going to push up it'll go reverse again push down while I'm doing this I'm just leaving my foot on the foot pedal I don't know if you can see it's kind of dark but I'm not actually letting go of the accelerator so it's really fun to just go you know under 5 km per hour you can just go back and forth back and forth thanks for watching guys please consider subscribing if you haven't already and uh like and comment any questions you have uh if you're watching this right now I actually will be in Hawaii in Honolulu or Maui enjoying the nice weather there um I was thinking of sharing some of that content if I rent a Model S or a model X or something like that but unfortunately it was out of the budget so uh I'll see you guys when I get back too [Music] out
Channel: Tesla Ho
Views: 19,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #tesla tips, #tesla model 3 tips and tricks, Tesla model X tips and tricks, Tesla model S tips and tricks
Id: FONBWVnnow0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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