NEW 2024 Tesla Tips & Tricks For Model Y & 3 | Tesla's Best Features

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Tesla makes some very fun cars and a big piece of their cars is software while Tesla's UI is very good there are tons of little hidden things within software and around the car itself the owners may not know at first glance today I'm going to break down all the tips and tricks to know for your Tesla so let's get into [Music] it the first tip here is for those of you who don't yet have a Tesla and are looking to buy one definitely make sure to use someone's referral code when you are buying a Tesla right now you'll get a year of free premium connection activity which is a value of about $100 along with a 3-month trial of full self-driving mine is linked in the description below but you can use anyone's Tesla referral link and it gets the same deal now there are some things we'll talk about with the car physically itself but a lot of tips and tricks come with software because most of what you do in a Tesla is controlled on screen the UI is very good but it is a lot of stuff packed into a 15-in display so there can be a lot to learn there most of the time this is what your display is going to look like on the left side it's your vehicle controls and then once you go into drive those actually change into your full self-driving visualizations or just standard autopilot visualizations and then this 2/3 of the screen is your Maps if you bring up anything else it's going to cover up your Maps so I bring up title bring up Apple music bring up my rear cameras bring up my general settings all that covers maps and then if you want to close it you can either drag down from there or you can just tap it again one thing Tesla changed about a year or so ago is with how audio is handled on screen so there's this card at the bottom left that's pretty much always there and it's nice because those options for music are always there no matter what app you're using so even if I'm over here this stays here and I can play go to the next track previous track like the song but you can also drag this up and then you can see what's next on the album you can see recents favorites and then sources sources is a little bit redundant if you have things in the dock but it's not redundant if you don't have those options in the doc and we'll get there in a second the other options here are Shuffle repeat then your EQ settings which gives you all your audio settings as well as the balance so you can move where the speakers are actually aimed at in the vehicle General options like this and then your sources here is where you actually determine what sources will actually show up in music this is something that's nice to customize because when you go to all of your apps here you're not actually going to need all these things if you don't have them so for me I don't use Spotify so I have that unchecked here if you don't use title or apple music or any of these other things you can uncheck them and then you won't have those extra icons all the time for apps that you're never going to actually use last here you can click the search button and that brings you to your normal music search that is totally available in the normal music app itself so this is title and all the music apps are designed by Tesla so they're all very similar even though it's title Apple music or Spotify they all pretty much work in the same way right here this is title I can go home and scroll around and see all the main stuff my collection explore there's downloads for title which I think is something exclusive to title which is kind of nice because you can download in Hi-Fi and then if you get somewhere where there's no cell recept seon you still have that music and it's playing full quality not just streaming but again there's that search right there I will say this search is a little bit finicky but you do get used to it as an example here let's open Apple music you can see it's a little bit different on the home screen but in general this pretty much looks the same listen now Library browse radio and then a nice thing about Apple music is you can just click back to get to whatever page you were on last in title if you're scrolling around and clicking into something it's right here but Apple music you can actually go back and then forward but another thing that's interesting about this card that applies for any audio that you're playing in the car is that if you close it swiping it down it actually populates up on the top of the music app then if you close the music app you have nothing there so this is a little bit of a cleaner look but then that little card lives with this icon temporarily so you tap that and now it's back and you see the icon has disappeared if I drag it down there it is one fairly new app for Tesla is Apple podcasts and so this just syncs with your Apple podcasts app if you have that on your phone pH which is pretty nice as with all these apps as I was mentioning there are kind of a few ways to get to all the different sources so you can swipe up on this card here go to sources and switch between them there or you can tap on this title icon and switch between them there or you can tap into all of your apps in the doc and they're all there as well one last thing to mention for this card is that there's three little dots right here and that's cuz there's three cards so there's the music One first then there's your odometer and then there's your tire pressure and again those are all things you can check elsewhere I usually just go right here and then go go to service to see my tire pressure if you're the driver most of the time you're probably going to be handling volume by the scroll Wheel by going up and down on the left scroll wheel on the steering wheel but if you quickly need to turn it down and you're already using the screen or something you can just tap here and then swipe all the way and that's how that works so you don't have to sit here and tap tap tap tap tap you can actually just swipe down here same with the bar itself and then right there you're probably recognizing that that's your audio settings so if you quickly need to get to audio settings you tap and then you are the same applies for climate as well so right here is your temperature I have it 68 right now I can tap that and then swipe and I can go all the way high or tap that and swipe go all the way down and that brings us to climate controls the first tip there is that if you want to just turn it off entirely you can just tap and hold here you don't even have to open it now it's off and as you can see it's kind of great out there to represent that tap and hold again and we're back alternatively you open climate and press the power right there but usually this is just a little bit faster I personally like keeping climate in Auto all the time and then I just turn down the temperature and it figures it out I also have my settings for the vents set to my driver profile so my vents are pretty much never something I'm moving but you can of course move them here if you need this has everything else that people are used to seeing heated steering wheel and such but one thing people don't often know about is that when it's in Auto you can still turn up the vents so it's on low and I can go to medium or high and that allows you to somewhat customize the auto controls if you really just want more air flow but it's not doing it you don't always have to turn down the temperature you can actually just turn it up to high and then of course now the model y Model S and X all have bioweapon defense mode you press that and this actually pressurizes the cabin and it's going to get a lot louder in here with all the vents there's certain areas of the country where it smells incredibly bad when you're going down the freeway somewhere this happens with cows in California so I like to turn that on and it actually works incredibly well if you get it on in advance and past the cow Farm you don't smell any of that manure smell because this does such a good job and then of of course it will actually help in smoke or other times when there's actually problems in the air then over on the right here once you go into park these options come up for keep dog and camp and I love these because if you're going into the grocery store really quick you just press keep and it will keep your temperature exactly as it is one setting that's a little bit buried in the menus is mirror settings now a lot of times people would tend to think it would be in one of these main menus but it's actually just under mirrors so you go to controls mirrors and then you tap that and then you have your mirror settings for things like autoold Auto tilt and auto dim that's of course also how you adjust the positioning of them this next tip is something that's actually fairly new and it's for people that don't always want to be interfacing with the screen Tesla has added some more options to the scroll wheels that already exist so the right scroll wheel is always dedicated to autopilot you scroll up to go 1 M an hour at a time or you flick up to go 5 miles per hour at a time and same for going down then right in left adjust your following distance and pressing engages a voice command and that never changes however the left scroll wheel is usually dedicated to Media you press it to play and pause you go next or previous track and then you can scroll up or down for volume but now if you press and hold all these other options come up on screen and you can see here I already have it configurated for dome lights but if you click left here it goes to the menu and there's tons of options that you can make this kind of secondary scroll wheel option so you can adjust temperature fan speed wiper speed brightness save dash cam acceleration mode steering wheel Heat camera defrost dome lights open glove box so if you're driving and you want to open up your rear cameras but you don't want to interface with the screen now I can just press and hold this and they come up automatically and also I can scroll down to close as well it shows these options pretty clearly or I can just press and hold and it's going to close as well that one's a pretty basic one but again I can change this at any time by pressing and holding then clicking left I go to this menu let's say I want to change my brightness of the screen so you scroll and you get all of the these different options all the way up to 100 something like that is actually lot more useful to adjust rather than going over to display and then swiping here sometimes it's nice to just be able to press and hold and then you're scrolling like this in the front doors of a model 3 or Y this is how you open it by pressing this button but there's also these backup releases right here in case the car were to lose power however in the back seat you'll only see this and then when you look down here there's no manual release that's because it's actually hidden in the door door pocket right here you lift this out and then there's this little red tab right there you pull that and then within that is another thing that you pull and then this releases the door manually definitely something that's good to know in case of emergency when closing the front trunk of a Tesla always be gentle and it's usually two clicks another tip to know off hand if you ever have any issues with the software in your car is that you can reset the infotainment system and it's all separate from the driving so right now I've been having issues title wasn't loading I was going around to apps and things were just really slow it just keeps circling it doesn't actually load it and then if I go here I do have signal so I'm not sure what's happening I can even be in drive while doing this and then all you do is press and hold the two scroll Wheels until you see the screen go blank and then a Tesla logo pops up on screen and that's totally restarting the infotainment system but again you can still drive totally fine so you can do this while driving if the screen were to freeze just both scroll wheels at the same time I'll press and hold so this is a soft reset and again I can drive totally fine and there we go the Tesla logo is coming up so the whole system is restarting now that's considered a soft reset so if you need a more involved one there is a hard reset the only difference is you add the brake pedal into that so you press and hold both scroll wheels and the brake pedal and it restarts and that does a hard reset need lless to say you can't do that while driving with normal basic autopilot that is included with every single Tesla today there are a couple new options here and the first is that you can do single or double pull to activate it so essentially single pole just means you're only ever going to go into autopilot and out of autopilot there's not like two levels to it so if I do double pull one pull puts me into traffic aare cruise control and I'm still doing all of the steering right here versus then I do two poles and then I'm fully in Auto steer where it's driving for me and steering for me and then I can of course exit this whole thing by pressing the break or if I was already in there I can exit it by going up on the stock but the other way that you can exit It Is by steering out of it this can sometimes be a little bit confusing for people but if I don't like how much it's turning over here I can just steer out of it and now I've exited Auto steer but I've not exited traffic aware cruise control it's still going to be cruising along for me so that's important to remember that if you're using double pull an auto steer and you steer out of Auto steer it's still going to stay in traffic aware cruise control and then to exit that you go up on the stock or hit the brake I personally only use autopilot fully if I'm going to use it so I like to go for single pull and that just means one pull and now we're in full auto steer same thing here if I steer out of it it's now exited all of Auto steer and there's no traffic aware cruise control happening anymore go back into it press the brake or up on the stock one thing that can be kind of nice with double pole though is if you're in it and you're in full auto steer like this you need to make a lane change there's no automatic Lane change included unless you buy the enhanced autopilot or full self-driving package so once you signal it kind of recognizes that and steering out is a little less intense so if you're in double pull here and then you signal it's a lot easier to make the lane change and then you can enter back into full autopilot that's a situation where it's kind of nice that it continues being in traffic aware cruise control but for me I just keep it on single pole if I'm going to make a lane change I fully exit autopilot do it all myself and then get back fully into autopilot one other small thing for autopilot is that you adjust your speed up or down in increments with the scroll wheel or if you want to go 5 mil an hour you just flick under pedals and steering a lot of this is pretty self-explanatory for the average customer there's usually chill in then normal or chill in sport if you have an acceleration up upgrade here and chill is just going to not give you as much out of the pedal which for some people is pretty nice but one of the Fairly newer options is apply brakes when regenerative braking is limited and it gives you some pretty good info about this but essentially if you think about it once you get to 100% charge in a Tesla battery it can't do regenerative braking anymore because there's nowhere for that energy that it's regenerating to go so most Tesla owners in a car like the model y are only going to be charging up to 80% every day if you have an lfp chemistry model 3 standard range or over overseas a model y that is that way you'd be charging to 100% every day so usually customers who are used to charging to 80% every day are shocked because all the sudden once they charge their model y to 100% regen is gone one pedal driving is gone all of that is kind of out the window and you're back to having to use both pedals all the time but this setting changes that it basically just simulates regenerative braking by automatically applying the brakes so you get one pedal driving from 100% all the way down to zero it's really nice under autopilot settings you can turn on the green Traffic Light chime it'll just give you a nice little chime to ding at you once the light turns green I will say it's not 100% perfect so don't just take that and then go you actually should look at the signal as well not totally trust the car and ensure that it is green because sometimes it gets confused with green arrows under locks is where you would assign a key to a driver profile so you can see right here I have this key and it says unknown key and it's not assigned to any driver profile that I have in my car so I can just tap this icon right here and now it's assigned to mine cuz I was in mine at that time so if you want to assign it to a different driver profile you just enter that driver profile and then assign the key the function of this is that you get in the car with that key and then it's automatically using all of your settings under the safety settings on screen you can definitely turn on Sentry mode and one very good tip to do right off the bat if you're able to park safely at home is to exclude a home so it knows your home address that you've probably programmed into maps and once the car is there and you're safe it will not use Sentry mode and that's good to have because Sentry mode does use up some of the batter battery but if we scroll down here we can turn on dash cam and have it on auto and then also on Honk so it's automatically going to be taking Clips when it thinks it needs it and then when you honk the horn it will automatically save a clip sometimes this drive will randomly get full though and if you haven't had anything that you've needed to look at or save on that drive you can delete all your dash cam clips or just format the USB drive which starts it from scratch I just had to do this the other day and sometimes it's good to keep the dash cam icon in the dock like this because it will clearly show you that it's not actually going to be available because that Drive is full so from time to time you may need to come to the safety menu and clear out the drive another option here is allow mobile access and that is what allows you to stream your cameras to your phone app unless you turn it on in the car it will not do it another thing that I think is fairly new here is an automatic 911 call and you can have this on or off but basically if the airbags deploy in the car it's automatically going to call 911 through a Bluetooth connected phone then one last thing here is Joe mode and this essentially just reduces the volume of all the Chimes in the car under the service menu there's probably not a lot that you need to engage with day-to-day but there is the owner's manual and then Car Wash mode so here's what that looks like when you're actually at a car wash so you tap Car Wash mode and it tells you that car wash mode closes all windows locks the charge port door disables the windshield wipers Sentry mode walkway door locks and parking sensor Chimes and it will exit Car Wash mode if the vehicle exceeds 10 mph so it will pretty much automatically exit it for you but you enter it it gives you a green light to show that all of these things are locked you can also turn on screen clean mode from here which automatically makes it so you have no controls here and then you hold to exit right here it takes like four seconds you can fold the mirrors and then you can also enable free roll your foot does have to be on the brake but then essentially this is entering neutral the other way to enter neutral is the way that a lot of people do on accident at first and that's just like a little baby half pressed down on the stock and I'm into neutral now let's talk about maps maps is extremely useful in a Tesla and for the most part it's probably going to be the maps that you're going to use unless you're adding a phone overall it's really good but you may notice that there's not as many options as you may have thought right here and the way to get those up is you just tap the middle of the screen and now I have Chargers you can see all the superchargers in the area which is really impressive and it gives you some clear details here about all these Chargers it tells you how many are available at this given time and then if you tap a charger like this one it shows me six stalls available out of 16 stalls it shows me the speed that they're at and on top of that it will tell you if there's any out of order stalls I mean these are all pretty good there's not many out of order stalls I'm seeing but I'm sure I can find one yeah right here it tells me out of order 1 a and 1 B so if I pull up to that charger with 23 stalls available I'll just note that I don't want to pull into those this card also will give you more information like what the pricing is at at any given time and then it shows some photos of the charger itself and gives you a little icon of what amenities are nearby the other options that pop up when you tap in the middle here are traffic and then satellite view if you want that instead now navigation works from point A to point B but but it also works from point A B C D and everything in between if you want it to so right here I'm going to navigate to Tito Tacos in Culver City so it's routing me directly there but if I want to add more stops I click these three dots and I can either add a stop or click edit trip I usually just click edit trip because I like to see it this way and be able to add all my options and drag them around so if I add another destination there's that and then I tap over here and I can swipe between these if I want to change the order can even do some pretty insane driving here like I want to go to Irvine and then San Francisco and then Tito tacos click done and it's going to calculate it and find the superchargers that I need for that trip within this it gives you tons of information as well like I'll arrive at 15% charge for 20 minutes charge there for an hour all that stuff within navigation you can program home and work and it'll figure out which one of those you're going to depending on the time of day and potentially using your location as well so right now it knows that I'm going to want to head home I swipe down here and it's automatically navigating me home it's pretty nice because you don't even have to tap in and then click home or tap in and typee in an address or anything you just bam and you're good A little tip for your phone audio when it's connected via Bluetooth you go to the Bluetooth menu and you may look at this and think okay Ryan's 14 pro let me change settings there most uis would make you think that an arrow would be clickable there but it's actually not if you need to change any settings from your own phone you actually have to click pair new device and then it brings up the menu with all the phones and then I can turn everything off and then I can change settings as needed including priority device where it automatically connects to my iPhone first when getting into the car while we're here if you prefer to look at percentage versus mileage you can just tap on that and go back and forth really as often as you want just keep in mind that this mileage prediction is a prediction and isn't always reflective of the real world one other thing that's kind of exclusive to testas at this point is autot turn signal cancelling this is located under light settings so this is something you're probably used to in most vehicles but it's really just done by Once you turn the wheel back a certain amount then it turns off the blinker for you but here as it describes it actually turns off your turn signal after a merge fork or Lane change has been completed and it also recognizes if you're needing to do another one and it will keep it on it's pretty nice to have because you just Lane change and then your signal automatically turns off as opposed to needing to turn it off and back on yourself now when you go into park in a Tesla with stocks you click once and you're into park but if you press and hold it actually goes further into park so this would be good if you're parking on an incline or anything next are voice commands and some people have mixed results with these but overall I'd just say to experiment with them you press on the right scroll wheel in a model y or in a refreshed model 3 you press the voice commands dedicated button and then you can have it do a lot of things throughout the car pretty much anything you can access in the menus you could do a voice command for put temperature at 65 the four quick control options in the Tesla app are customizable you press and hold on one of them and it brings up the options so you can drag to replace any icon that you want or if you take a fifth one and drag it all the way to the right sometimes it's a little hard to land this you can add a fifth one and then have five quick controls available to you at all times most importantly fart can be that fifth control it even adds that fifth icon that you've added to the Tesla widget under location you're now able to navigate and plan out a whole trip with supercharging stops and all and then send it to the car using your Maps app of choice you can send this to your car by clicking share and then tapping the Tesla app and then under security and drivers you can turn on the Sentry mode cameras and live stream them to your vehicle the automatic view brings up four cameras at once but you can also check two other cameras from the car as well as the interior camera charge stats gives you very detailed info about how much you're paying to charge and how much you're saving over gas and then if you tap the three lines at the top you get to more options including refer in earn which shows you the referral program if someone you know is buying a Tesla give them your referral link and you'll get points that you can redeem for different things within the app that's a ton of little tips and tricks for Tesla owners across the board the interesting thing is that this video will hold up in in the future but in the future there will surely be a lot more as Tesla keeps improving their app and in vehicle software it's an exciting part of owning a Tesla but sometimes it's hard to truly know at all so I hope this video was helpful for you in the meantime if you want to see the latest Tesla news you can check out that video linked up here or in the description below thanks so much for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Ryan Shaw
Views: 90,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, model y, elon musk, model y tesla, model y review, tesla model y review, model y 2021, 2021 model y, 2022 model y, model y 2022, model y issues, 2023 tesla model y, 2023 model y, new model 3, tesla model 3, tesla price cut, new 2023 tesla, investor day, cybertruck, tesla cybertruck, model 3 new, project highland, new model y, model y byd, model 3 leaks, new model 3 battery, cybertruck leaks, tesla earnings call, model 3 released, 2024 model 3, updated model 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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