2022 Rivian R1T CarTech How To

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hi folks I'm Nath with two guys and ride and Welcome to our cartek how-to video on the 2022 rivian r1t today I'll be covering the driver's information and infotainment screens I'll do a general overview show you how to access information and do a deep dive let's get started today we're working with our friends at mori's Luxury Auto in beautiful Golden Valley Minnesota so the driver's information screen in the front here is a 12.3 inch screen and there are a few things that you can do with it not a whole lot but I really love it that rivian's put a a screen up here and I love the size of it too so um on your very left of the screen you've got a couple things you can change the middle of the screen this is where all your safety systems are going to show up your adaptive cruise control and your driver plus Highway assist uh stuff that will show up there over on the far right you that stuff stays static except for I'll point out a few things that change but there's nothing that you can personally change so over on the left hand side of the screen is the area that you can change and you do that using the two buttons that are over on the left side of the steering wheel okay and it doesn't matter which one you choose but you have to push and hold so if I go like this you can see I get navigation push again and I get tire pressure push again and I'm back to my efficiency scale and it doesn't matter which button you're using okay now uh that is the only thing that you can actually change on the screen these two buttons are also your skip forward skip backward or change your radio station and then this rotary up or down is your volume all right so on the on the stock itself you have a windshield wiper physical button if I click that up you got a couple choices off auto I love these titles sprinkle drizzle shower downpour or storm the other switch that you have is the light switch on lights here I've got off parking Auto uh low beams you've got lights and front fog or lights and front and rear fog so all fog lights and then you can toggle down uh back to off again but you can control it from either side of the stock on the right hand side these two buttons control your speed when your adaptive cruise control is engaged so this increases the speed this decreases and this sets the Gap okay your rotary button up or down on the stock that's behind the steering wheel um which is your gear selector once you're in drive if you tap down once you should get adaptive cruise control and then double tap on it gives you the highway assist which gives you the um I'm going to call it semi-autonomous steering because it really wants you to keep your hands on the wheel but that does adaptive cruise control it does um you know the lane change does um or the lane assist excuse me and then so it keeps you centered um and then adaptive cruise control runs so those are all right there now other than that what's really cool is if I tap it into drive look at the screen you see the car rotates uh and and you can see some really cool things uh on the screen as we're driving down the highway you can kind of see what that looks like there's a quick push here to put it back into Park hey but I like how it rotates I like how it shows you the lights that are on in the back if I take my feet off the brakes the lights go off and that's just kind of neat um down over here on the gear selector um over to the right when I put in Drive you're gonna see there's a tiny gauge that shows up and that is just a basically a sort of a coach it lets you know how well you're driving okay it's in terms of economy okay and then down here when you change the sport modes then you this symbol will change that's all that happens and then right here this is your right height then of course it tells you your range and your percent charge other than that that's it on the driver's information screen so next we're going to move over to the infotainment screen all right so moving on over to this infotainment screen this is a uh 15.6 inch screen it's beautiful I I it's really really nice and it's really nice to laid out and you'll you'll see that so uh but let me tell you a few things about it for instance um it has uh Spotify you have FM radio no am uh and you have Bluetooth but short of that you don't have to have apple carplay you don't have Android auto no Serious XM um now all those you know like shares XM you can run off your phone through Bluetooth but it's not built in it does have Amazon Alexa uh so you can use that assistant to do most everything uh that you know about the basics temperature uh audio uh climate those kinds of things so I'll do a quick demonstration Alexa turn up the heat okay increasing it by one and you can see it went up all right so that's through Alexa all right so on the screen itself let me go through these buttons on the top and then we'll go through them on the bottom so on the top you basically just have a lock and unlock button for the entire vehicle okay um you have profiles right here and under profiles you can adjust your steering wheel and if you're gonna do that you have to you know you the steering wheel is highlighted and then you use the right and left rotary buttons to mix three will go down and to telescope it out I do wish that they would just put a physical button for that it's just easier but that's where it is and if you want to adjust your side mirrors it's the same thing you have to click on side mirrors and then your left right buttons on the left um we'll adjust the mirror right and left and the Rotary will adjust it up and down and then the same functions for the button on the right okay so those are there this is your Homelink stuff so this will attach to your garage you can go ahead and you can add a garage right there okay uh under settings here um this just gives you another place to look at it you can hide the garage icons you can name your garage when you put it in so really neat things all right so that's right there um now this is elect the I'm not gonna say the word but you can disable that word right here and then this button here is just notifications over here you got your hotspot signal you've got the outdoor temperature Bluetooth symbol Wi-Fi symbol LTE symbol and of course clock and if you do click on the Bluetooth symbol you can pair your device right from there and if you click on the Wi-Fi symbol you can go looking for networks click on your known one that sort of thing you can go to the Gear setting and then of course it brings you back to this screen where you can then manage networks or find a hidden network okay so those are the buttons on the top down below here you're gonna have of course temperature settings this is Dual Zone climate control and you notice you don't see anything on the passenger side that's because it won't turn on until someone's sitting there okay um and if you tap on these buttons here like right on the temperature it brings it up in the screen so here you've got climate if I push it again which I'm not gonna do uh it'll go off okay you can control the front you can control the rear the the interesting about the rear is that there's actually no way to control the actual temperature in the rear uh from the rear you have to control that from here so it adjusts to whatever uh you set it to right here and it could be different but it's it's set from up here not back there okay uh some cool things about the air vents you know when you get a symbol like this it means it's shut off if they look like this then they're on so my floor heat's on right now if I go like this then I have uh front vents if I take this and I move it you can actually I don't know if you can see in this light but the vents are actually moving so this is how you direct the flow of air and it's you know it's a little you know it's limited like a standard one would be um so it only goes certain certain ways but all of these run the same way okay the only one that doesn't of course is defrost so that is really cool of course you have uh climate on our uh temperature on or off okay you've got Auto you have recirculatory and then this is now of course the only place you can actually sync the two temperatures together you do have your heated steering wheel button here you have a heated seat here and you have a cooled seat here now what I like is you notice the buttons down here it's just one button the one thing you can't do down here is you can't change it from heated seat to cooled seat so if it's on heated up here it's going to stay on heated until you switch it up here you got front frostory of course you've got rear defroster here uh you can blow cold air or warm air you can see that changing there and of course the rear defrost is just hot uh now over here you've got a bunch of buttons here this is navigation it does have a really nice built-in navigation system okay very responsive okay if you want to zoom around okay uh and this happens to be the 3D look course you can change that so you can plot um a course simply by using voice command or you can go up here and type it in manually like any other system it you know gives you some things you can quickly look for you want to see where grocery stores are around you emergency shopping okay and then at least all the reasons right here okay um the cool thing is I like is if you need a charge you can click here and it's and it should show you well right there now it's active sorry and it should show you any charging stations that are close by there we go so there's a charging station right there if I click on that okay it shows me now not only does it show me where it is and can plot a route but it also tells me how many kilowatts Max and how many charges are there I can save it as a favorite I can call there if if there's a phone number available Okay now what's cool about this system okay is that you can say all right I wanna I wanna search for okay let's say chargers right however I want to filter by the speed that it's going to charge at so I'm going to go to this one I want yeah you I guess you click them to go off so now it's going to search for just these ones um I can go over to network and I say I want only rivian Chargers or electric America electronic America charge one you can select the ones you want the ones in Gray are the ones that are going to is going to show you okay and then I can go over here to availability I believe if it's grayed out is where it's going to filter for availability so now it should be showing me any charging station around the parameters that I sent and then I can simply click okay and there's a route and I can hit start this button here is the satellite view if I click out you're going to get the non-satellite view still 3D buildings so the other way you can program a route is through using the voice command so let me do that and demonstrate he Alexa navigate to the closest Dairy Queen the Dairy Queen treat 1.6 miles away on 7724 Olson Memorial Highway okay so just click on start and there we go on any route that you've plotted if you want to see the overall whole entire route that you've traveled click on here and it's going to show you okay there's the entire out then it zooms back in you also have a mute for the volume and then of course an end the next button down here is Media now media is interesting there's again there's FM there's Spotify and there's tune in and then Bluetooth Okay so you know no apple carplay no Android auto uh no SiriusXM so a little limited um as far as what we're used to is this is a nice easy interface though okay you can um power it off there you can turn it on you can use this to change to the next station you can dial in a specific station right there you can make a station of favorite by clicking a heart right there okay it'd be nice if they let you then just tap it again to unselect it as a favorite but that it just makes it a favorite and down here is all your audio settings it is the rivian elevation sound system which is the meridian's 19 speaker sound system with 1200 watts of power and it really does sound good um but you can manually adjust your graphic equalizer you can go in here to the Three Dots and a Riven is built in a couple that are preset for you you can adjust your uh 3D surround sound you can adjust your Dynamic Sound and that basically again is the faster you drive the louder the music gets and hopefully to your ear it all sounds the same Sound Stage Center allows you to kind of refocus the sound across the vehicle more kind of like a bounce left right is how I think of it but that is where that is and that that's the screen and then right here you can of course um adjust the uh the thing bounce right there so this obviously has a little more effect than a little different effect than that does but that's all right there you want to reset something you just go here okay so I am gonna go ahead and hook up my phone just so you right here so you can see what it looks like and to do that I'm just going to tap here I'm going to click Plus uh I'm gonna turn my phone on I'm gonna go to my Bluetooth settings scroll to the bottom of the Bluetooth list of devices over here I'm gonna hit next okay I'm gonna click on my phone okay and it comes up with a Bluetooth pairing request with a number and yep that's the same number so I'm gonna hit pair okay nothing to do over here I have to allow contacts and favorites to sync from my phone I'm going to click don't allow if this is your car you would want to click allow uh all right so that's all set up I should now be connected it says I am on my phone so now I'm gonna go back up here open Pandora so this is what it looks like when we're set up to the phone here and for for media so over here we have drive modes now this is kind of cool so um right here I've got all purpose and the screen is set up so that all of your modes are here you can reset any customized adjustments you made right here uh but you have choices for ride break regen stability and ride height in every mode now every mode will put you in a particular category but you can customize it so friends if I hit sport it'll say I'm you're going to lower ride yep and you click and the ride will lower and it's fast and this is the standard setup but if you want to customize you could say um I want to stiff right uh I want break uh Regen to be high I want stability to be either reduced or off and if it's going to warn you it's going to tell you okay safety features will not be active Okay and there goes and it's off okay so you can customize all those things right there and you just have to play them to see which one is the best for you so next mode conserve lower right height yes I'm gonna show you snow quickly off-road so if you hear the noise behind us it's all the air suspension stuff pumping and airing and releasing air but in off-road you get all these different modes right so this is a little different from the other modes you get all terrain soft sand Rock crawl and in rock crawl you get a choice here about your your hold so this is your break it's automatically set to off so the minute you release the brake you're starting to roll whereas in all the other modes that's on and you don't even see that option okay so that's the the default mode you have rally mode and then of course you have drift the last mode you have is Towing I I love it that they that they had these little graphics on there that's awesome trailer brake gain you get under Towing so you can adjust that there um otherwise everything is standard okay all right that's modes and let's go to vehicle so in this screen you've got three different uh menus that you can look at this is the most common one here so I think it's wise first but you can unlock or lock the whole entire vehicle you can turn the rear bed lights on you can open the front in the front open and close the charge port uh the hood is open only but this is open and close gear tunnel doors these awesome gear tunnels that are right here you could open those uh left or right can't close them but you can open them tailgate open only okay and then over here again you got another spot where you can adjust the wheels and the mirrors you can fold your mirrors from here and then you can uh lock or unlock the passenger Windows okay so there are some interesting features that this does now this is made so that you're when you're away from your car the cameras if that senses movement around the car we'll go ahead and turn on and record things okay and then you can view them when you come back if you don't if you want the actual alarm to go off you can have that on click that off and the actual alarm doesn't go but what's kind of cool is that if people are walking around the car this picture shows up on your infotainment screen to let people know that you're watching and rivian says well they wanted people to know it's not like a girl right here to get you we're just you know just just let you know the cameras are on okay and you can set it from Just places away from home or everywhere what I like as a pet owner is if I go to the climate section which bear with me you see this paw print if I click there and say turn on pet Comfort okay it's going to then adjust keep the car adjusted climate wise for my animal okay so that is really cool and the neat thing is if someone comes to look at your car and they see the dog inside and they're all or animal they're all worried this guy senses because of the cameras that people are looking at the car it will pop up and say something about I can't remember the exact message but something about the pets are safe and comfortable so let's know that your car is you know not like off off even though it seems like it is okay so I like that all right that's that's what's underneath uh uh accesses and security if I go to lights Real simply this is where you adjust all your lights because there are no buttons the display you can set it to Auto so that at night it's a little dimmer during the days a little brighter or you can say I want I was bright always dim takes a minute to adjust and also adjusts your driver's information display which is interesting makes sense but it's cool okay so at night your white screens that you're seeing are both of them are going to get dark you can of course adjust that temperature as well um and you can turn that adjustment to Auto if you want um rear display okay you can lock that if you want that's the um climate control system if I go to the truck here this is where you can have tripane trip B and all you gotta do is click on it it gives you a lot of information and that's also where you can reset it so that's kind of neat to have that in one spot so I'm gonna go here the last icon and you can access the cameras so we'll click on here cool thing is while you're driving you can turn these on front or rear camera and they'll stay on so I really really like that you do have a choice between having the 360 view here plus a front or rear camera view or you can turn the 360 off and now I'm getting my left front tire my right front tire and my front camera and I like the way riving has done this because to me most Vehicles put these two pictures right together here I get what my left tire is doing I get the whole front and I get my right tire I liked that view I think that's perfect if I click that this again you don't get a choice to not have the 360 you just get the 360 back so either have the front tires or the 360. okay so nice camera and of course if you put in Reverse it automatically goes in and you do have Dynamic swivel guidelines in the front and the rear okay I'm gonna put that back in park uh we'll go here you notice that this icon just changed so these four are locked in place this one will change to whatever was most recently used all right I'm gonna go click here to the energy view you can see how many miles you have left uh the range is based on All Purpose mode so if you click here you can say well if I go to conserve mode I can get 55 miles if I go to sport I'm going to get 50 miles so and then you can reset the history and this is based on your driving in each mode you can open the charge port there you can set the charge limit to 85 or 70 percent all the way up to 100 this is where you turn on those accessory power outlets in the rear okay um you can set a charging schedule if you want and then you can actually change the charging app based on uh you know where you're charging you can go all the way up to 48 amps if you want yeah it goes in increments of two then you can look at a charging summary right here too all right let's go back here camping okay let's go here uh phone so I'm connected via Bluetooth right here so if I go right here and I don't have my contact seat or anything so if I want to dial a number I can just go here um and I can hit call and then this would normally be all my contacts right here but I don't have any for that okay um and then right there if I click I can change to a different device if another one's hooked up or add one all right uh let's see let's go back here and let's go to settings um now here you can decide if you want Amazon to store your contacts or not I'm going to click no because it's not my car but that's up to you and we've got a couple of things here so connect you can look at Bluetooth Wi-Fi hotspot the garages you have and of course this really cool speaker that sits down here which you can it's always charge and then you can pull it out and it does have a USB charger on it a USB C so you can plug in um your phone once it's out then you can take your music with you you can lock the dock so that it doesn't slide out under vehicle I want to point a couple things so this is where you can set some of your remote stuff this is what the remote looks like looks like a carabiner but it's not don't use it as one but basically you can unlock the trunk the trunk and the doors okay and you have here you can say do I when I do this do I want to unlock all doors or just the driver door and then you can make the same choices as we go down in here and be because of there's so much information I won't go through it all but this is where you go it you can tell the side mirrors for instance to automatically retract when the vehicle is locked so you don't have to ever go in and hit that button okay all right under driver plus this is your safety systems right so forward Collision warning you know I suggest you leave that on you do you want it normal or early okay early we'll just warn you you know a little bit more in advance than normal will okay automatic emergency braking okay that'll help to prevent a collision on or off you just click it to turn it off but boy I'd leave those things on Lane departure warns you if you drift too close okay all right you want early or normal okay you can have it on a sound or vibration or both or just click one of those off leave the other on okay we'll leave those both on Lane keeping assist I'm going to turn that on that keeps the vehicle centered between the lanes blind spot warnings you can see on our drive that you know your your blind spot shows up in your driver's information screen which is really really cool okay uh now park assist that warns you when there's objects around the car um automatic front camera when you shift from reverse to drive rear cross traffic warning automatic high beams so I would leave man almost all those on you can also change units right here you can look for updates and rivian is very very responsive to its customers it's interesting to read the the social Forums on online but uh they they listen and they make frequent updates and try to address what their customers are looking for um you can uh for service here you can check certain things on like uh either you're in park and the wipers are off tire change you know it it tells you what to do that's all right there you can click those they're all off now but if you needed to service it you might want to look in there exterior lights okay interactive light bars when you unlock are locked that's that front light uh light bars when charging okay uh well Paul stream when charging Stay Green on a full charge and turn off when locked entry lights that's those compass on the grounds it shows it's like a puddle light from your lamp are you the bottom of your door I'm not sure where it's coming from on this particular vehicle but uh it gives you a compass it's really cool you turn that on or off guidelines you can set it I want them on for two minutes one minute or 30 seconds charge port light when locked can be off or on automatic high beam headlamps can be uh um activated or turned off right here um apps of course we've got media and then we've got Alexa this is where you're going to program keys you can read about here you want to see data privacy that's you know I won't go through there but this is where it is tells you what it's sharing okay and then of course there's a legal area now if I go back here the only other area here is the owner's guide which is Handy but I always think it's easier to just watch our videos over here you can adjust the volume if you especially for the passenger all right and that is it for the driver's information screen and the infotainment screen on the uh 2022 rivian r1t and again this is the adventure trim level we hope it's been helpful thanks for watching
Channel: Two Guys and a Ride
Views: 842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2022 rivian, rivian r1s, 2022 r1t, rivian r1t review, rivian ev, rivian mods, rivian truck, rivian stock, rivian launch, rivian vs ford, rivian storage, rivian vs tesla, rivian vs nikola, rivian range test, rivian reliability, rivian truck review, longest range ev, r1t range, r1t vs ford lightning, r1t delivery, r1t drag race, r1t acceleration, best ev, r1t tent, ev pickup, r1t off road, r1t 0-60, ev truck, apple carplay, android auto, car tech, How To, Navigation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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