Rivian R1S Delivery Deep Dive Features Review

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I'm buying a Tesla I'm ordering a cyber truck you're out it's the flashlight that did us in hey guys it's delivery day from my rivien r1s those of you that follow the channel know that I had a rivian r1t I actually ordered an r1t and an r1s long time ago I got the R1 T first uh but I figure if the r1s is going to be a better fit for my family because I already have a pickup truck the Ford F-150 Lightning I don't need two electric pickup trucks so I sold the R1 T to a good friend of mine taking delivery of the r1s today now rivian offers home delivery service because they don't have dealerships you can elect to pick your vehicle up at a service center the closest service center to me is in New York it's like 55 miles away in Brooklyn it's really not convenient for me to go there and pick it up so they offer home delivery service and like the r1t I'm having the r1s delivered to my home now if you follow this channel you may have seen a video I did on my r1t home delivery where the person Sade the delivery specialist did an awesome job explaining the whole vehicle to me showing me how to set it up all its features and the video did actually very well people were very engaged and liked it so I figured I'd do it again now with the r1s now unfortunately we don't have Sade as my delivery specialist we have another gentleman company his name is Anthony now I did check with rivien to see if it was okay to record this and have Anthony do everything on camera show me how you know you take delivery of Irving the point of this isn't for me to get any kind of special treatment because I'm a journalist and I run state of charge I mean that's probably going to happen there's no way you can get around it but I basically asked give me the basic delivery service that you do for everybody explain all the features now I know I understand a lot of how the rivian works the infotainment system all that stuff's the same as the r1t but we're going to treat this as if I don't know anything about it and have Anthony go over all the different features in the truck so that way those that may be be getting ready for an upcoming r1s delivery will know what to expect so I'm standing outside of my porch we're supposed to have delivery at 11 A.M it's 10 55 now the truck should be pulling up any minute so um let's see how this goes we're going to cut back in once the truck is here and perfectly on time Anthony is pulling up way it works is they deliver the vehicles on a flatbed they don't drive them to your house I thought maybe that's how they did it the first time and then like uber back to the service center but no they they flatbed them up and here she comes I got the r1s in the same color combo that I had my r1t the forest green with ocean Coast interior I love that interior [Applause] looking good all righty let's go over and see what Anthony has to say hopefully rivien has let him know that I'm going to be doing this and he's okay with doing this on camera [Music] you should be Anthony correct Anthony how are you my name is Tom I hope rivian told you that I was planning on recording this whole thing making a video okay we could tell from Anthony's expression he knows this is going to happen so it's going to happen and I want to thank you for agreeing to participate in it now I've done this before I had the r1c I know before we do anything you're going to unload this guy and then we're going to sign some papers we don't need to get that on on camera but um I'm going to let you take the r1s off maybe get the truck out of the way so we can do this recording up here and then I'll go inside the docs and we'll get going let's do it thank you cool there's my lightning and how's that for a garage I don't own the Mustang Maki I actually have it on loan this week from Ford because it has the new blue Cruise 1.2 and I'm doing some content on that and seeing how good the new blue Cruise system is all right let's let Anthony unload this guy and uh we'll get on with it this video is powered by qmerit North America's leading provider of installation services for electric vehicle charging home energy storage and other electrification Technologies see how Humera is making the energy transition easy for home and business owners by following the link in the description of this video so Anthony then carefully lowered the r1s off the flatbed we then move it around a little bit so we could get the flatbed out of the way and pull it down the driveway we then went inside and as I said we have to sign some paperwork before the vehicle is officially mine once that was done we headed outside to check out the vehicle and give Anthony the opportunity to explain all the features to me okay congratulations thanks for being a part of the family thank you well I've been pulling a family for a little bit I'm again so this is the the ribbian vehicles come with one physical key and two key cards that's so this is what you're handing me now because we signed the paperwork and now it's yours yeah it's my vehicles all right there you go all right well we're going to pair it with the app and everything later once we get inside the truck but for now um I would assume I want you to do uh this like you would do it for anybody now one thing I want to let people know is that most people take delivery at the delivery service centers they can't wait to get their car as soon as it's in they drive there and pick it up but if you have a circumstance where you can't go where you prefer home delivery you can arrange for that and that's what we did here today I live like 60 miles from the Brooklyn service center it's the closest one to me and to be honest with you it's a pain in the butt for me to get there from here so way out Northern New Jersey so that's why I elect to have these and also to do these recordings which makes it um good for me to show my audience all right so I own the truck now um I want you to do a typical delivery you know if somebody buys a car at a dealership the sales person after they've told them about the car they purchased they show them the features you don't have dealerships so let's see how do you explain the truck to people right you gotta you got to get on board you got to know what's going on here so the first thing I like to do is show them the storage in the front Okay because it is you know something they got to get used to where to put their groceries they go in the front now I mean you could put them in the back we'll get there but this is where a lot of people put their gear so the way to open the front trunk is right under here go ahead and feel the rubber button there yep and press it right there and of course we got to make sure it's unlocked so if it's unlocked you just hold it for an extra second duh I'm a r1t owner and I didn't hold it long well this is a good point because you may have been used to opening it maybe from your screen you may have been opening it from your key fob you can open it from your app I usually opened it from the app because I'm carrying stuff walking up but I have opened it from there I just I just blew that one I didn't press it long no it's good it's good everybody likes a authentic blooper every once in a while no um so this is your front trunk it's got a lot of space for your groceries for your gear whatever you may be doing and there is a little rope in here that kind of reveals a deeper layer yep so if you notice the magnet goes up against the back wall and now you've got a deeper layer here and this can lift out I believe that's correct yeah just lift it right up yeah it pops out this is like a false floor that's in the bottom of the front and if you really just want to have a lot of volume you can take it out exactly put it back in exactly perfect by the way what's this this is a goodie bag it's a portable charger okay so in case you're not at home to charge or in case you're not near a public charging station you've got your own portable charger that you can plug right from your vehicle to a wall outlet a regular wall outlet and there's also an adapter in there if you have access to a washer dryer Outlet okay like a 240 240. so it's a 120 and 240 volt charger it's a dual voltage charger we call these which is good because you never know where you're going to be and have the need to opportunity charge you can plug this into either a regular household Outlet or if you find a Nema 1450 240 volt Outlet exactly you want to feel covered yep so no matter your situation you've got a charging access the uh window sticker which isn't a sticker it's just a piece of paper so uh yeah oh don't remind me how much I paid for this but it's worth it it's a great vehicle I'd say Jewel yeah and and for the families out there who have little ones that may want to play hide and seek in the front trunk our CEO has two little ones as well and he installed a glow-in-the-dark escape hatch button you press that so that if anyone accidentally gets stuck in there you can get out with a little button in there well this is New Jersey and we kind of have a reputation of putting people in the trunk I don't know anything about it I never I don't so um one part that I would ever do that so um there's also a up in the front here same as Morrow one t it looks this is probably exactly the same size and everything it is literally the exact same there's a um a mesh bag in the front here that has I guess the front license plate holder I told Ruby and not to install it I'll do that later and then also the uh child seat lower anchors for the back that's right if you use child seats these little guys make them easier to latch in yeah okay cool okay all right so we're done with the front yep we can close it automatically using the same exact button okay there's the front shrunk very good so what do we what do we look at next one thing I like to show with the rivian is the second row okay um now whenever you would like to we can also talk about the front uh charge port okay we'll do that let's go this this way around the floor we'll finish up over there cool so the second row okay Anthony so we've got the uh back doors open this is the second row seating this is your second row now obviously you know the r1s has a third row so in order to get to the third row you have a shoulder button on either side you just press it once and now I can get to the third row so you just take one step up and I'm in the third row now before you get to the third row you may want to adjust the second row so one second I notice when you push that seat back it didn't go all the way back yep it just gonna cut locks into place if you want to go farther forward or back or farther forward you have the bar underneath here so if I lift that bar I can then slide it on its track forward and backward okay same with the recline you also have a lever and you can see it on your side outside there there's a little lever that you lift to recline the vehicle to recline the seats so just like that yep perfect and that'll throw it flat so you can either go recline or you can let it all go okay and now you've got the adjustable second row yeah so we're going to check in a second though does this go flat with the third row seats when you put those down because that's just very flat a lot of times when uh you see hatchbacks or cars that say flat folding and you get in there and it's like this and they're like yeah it's flat folded you're like give me a break yeah so yeah so this is flat and the third row is flat yeah there's we'll see back there there's a slight drop off but we have a flattener I guess you could say we'll I'll show you that um when we get back there okay so are we done here are we going to the back yeah the only thing you need to know is that these second rows slide forward and backward as well as recline yeah and then you can get to the third row no problem okay excellent let's take a look at the third row yep okay so I'm not 100 sold yet on the third row having enough leg room once somebody's sitting in the second row how tall are you 510. all right so I'm five eight so you're taller than me I want you to sit back there and then I'm gonna sit in the second row and adjust the seats to make it comfortable for me okay okay all right seems like you fit yep let me get in here and I'm going to move the seat up because I'm not going to give myself a ton of leg room just enough to give you some now I'm going to put my seat back because it's really just foreign so let's see your legs back here yeah you're touching no you're not touching it's close but you're not touching and I'm reclined a little bit yeah I could even get a little bit more upright to give myself more space and I honestly could go a little closer if I really if you were taller I could sit here like this just fine and you know what we didn't even factor in the fact that we didn't adjust the front seats they look like they could go up more up forward too so um that's the whole point you got a first row and a second row that is adjustable yeah so even though the third row is static the first and second row folks can help yeah I'm pretty sure this seat can go further up unless it was somebody really tall in the front um and uh make enough even give a little bit more room so but uh this is great I could do a road trip like this it looks like you can fit back there also I'm feeling good all right let's take a look at the back okay so to undo the second row just press the shoulder button right here once and now I can get out beautiful foreign back of the vehicle now show me how this all works this all works with a split gate so underneath the V is your button just press it once and let it go you didn't have to hold it like I had to hold the front as much I think you're cheating on me over here I think you'll get used to it it's pretty easy and then you got your tailgate all you got to do is press this here and it comes right down okay okay so this is your opening it's it's not a power lift gate right that's correct it's a manual manual okay uh now this top one is power yeah that sounds up and down automatic there this is your cargo room behind the third row okay it's a good amount of cargo room for again any gear groceries whatever you may need looks like it's about 20 inches from here to the back seat about and this is here like this is going to actually stay there because we're gonna it's kind of a lip that we're gonna make a flat surface out of so I'll show you that I'll let you do your thing yeah yeah yeah um this is obviously for uh just any extra room you may need if you want to sit it's carpeted yeah it's carpeted and I'll show you a little bit over here we have a wall outlet if you want to plug in a refrigerator or any sort of extra fun stuff you can enjoy some beverages here's technical question how much can it put out do you know uh it has 1500 watts of power so it's 1.5 kilowatt yeah okay so good you're good on you you know it that's fine that can power almost anything that you would plug into a regular 120 volt Outlet because most circuits at home are only 15 amps so okay okay so let's talk about the third row you can throw the third row down a lot of people if they're not hauling folks in the third row 100 of the time they they flatten it maybe to get some extra cargo space right so how to fold the third row shoulder strap or shoulder latch yeah lift the shoulder latch and throw it down okay all right so lift it up and push it down all right okay so now you have this pseudo flat surface yeah as flat as you were saying before we're going to make sure that fixes all right we're gonna fix that uh so there's a lip right here take the floorboard three inches by the way it looks like there's a lip where the lower section's about three inches lower than where the rear seat folded down the road we thought about that right we know that when people are loading suitcases or when they want to sleep in their vehicle you want a flat surface so you can take this floorboard and put it right on this lip four a flat surface okay well it's not it's it's ramped down but it is flat but it ramps down a little bit it's a little round yeah um and you know when when folks put like a little air mattress on there and everything you're not going to feel that yeah you can see the stars through the window um and so that's what people like about this obviously so that's that the panoramic glass roof and the r1s is in two pieces and the r1t it's just one giant roof but since this has the rear section it looks like that front glass panel is about the same size as the r1d was but then there's a crossbar and then a second uh uh roof that's right a glass window there's two so those third row passengers get really you know their own little their own connection to the outdoors and the roof um has three crossbar uh sockets so you can install the two crossbars if you were to buy those from our gear shop they have three uh sockets for you okay excellent so now this looked like there was a lower section under here yeah so underneath your floorboard uh we can actually just kind of remove it okay easily and you've got a couple bags here this is your compressor bag it's a hose to go from your compressor which I'll show you in a moment to the bike or to the tire if you want to inflate or deflate your own tires you don't have to go anywhere for air and that's a question that I've been getting now on my uh channel was everybody knows the r1t has the built-in air compressor uh it's a truck and you know of course you'd want that to air down your tires and everything but what I think a lot of people don't realize the r1s comes with it also so uh you know I think they assumed well it's SUV it's it doesn't have that feature but it does so and this is where you keep the hose and kit in the r1t this is kept in the gear tunnel door so okay yeah good and so you know just for folks I do like to show this uh so people know what they can inflate and deflate you've obviously got the hose so that goes into your valve and then connects to your item but then in these little pouches you've got the key this is the key that actually attaches to your hose and from this key you can put any adapter that you might want we give you some in this other pouch we give you the you know basketball bicycle the raft yeah okay anything you may need to inflate so this is testing this out because one of the things I noticed on my r1t it has difficulty stopping at the set point um a lot of times I set it to the 48 uh pounds per square inch because that's what the R1 T Tires I think these are the same I'm not sure and uh and I'm pumping and pumping and pumping after I air down and I'm like God this is taking a long time so I took it off and put my tire again and it said 56 pounds per square inch it didn't stop at 48 so I'm gonna see if this one works and it happened more than once on the R1 T So something you may want to do yeah just make sure that whenever you set it to the desired PSI um I had it set right I was gonna say it wasn't maybe as you get closer no absolutely I know as you maybe get closer uh yeah check it periodically as you get closer I'm not here to we're going to try to dial in it's just yeah yeah I noticed that since we're talking about it I noticed that with my r1t and I'm going to test it with this I might have just gotten a faulty one or whatever and I I should on me I should have brought it back to service and had them look at it but I've just been busy and and having I told I um told the person who I sold it to because I just sold the r1t in order to pay for the r1s that that is an issue and he's going to probably have it checked out but anyway let's not Sidetrack this I just uh it was a sidebar because I I remember that it wasn't working no that's helpful it did work though I mean it pumped up the tire it just didn't stop at the set point yeah you can pump up the tire you can deflate the tire right for off-roading purposes some people like to do that this is also coming in the bag and this is a tire patch kit yep okay so if you elect to buy a spare tire then you've got that under here if you don't which you know some people don't yeah you've got a spare a tire patch kit which you know kind of works this stuff but anybody who's used this goop before knows it can be a painful process if you don't do it exactly right you could end up with stuff on your hands that you don't want to have to deal with it's getting out the turpentine to get it off yeah in any event it's like a solution yeah yeah so that's emergency use that inflatable Tire stuff if you need to and although in other circumstances use the the other alter right so very cool and there's roadside assistance this lifts out wow that's right underneath your bags let's lift this up you've got yep take it right on out yeah and so and there's a first aid kit on the other side also so now it's even a lower section yeah so a lot of people use that for storage and of course that's where your spare tire would go if you bought one yeah okay so you've got two little tracks here silver tracks these are tie downs so if you lift that little hook there you can even slide it along the track you press a button and slide it that's right as soon as you lift up the button it locks it locks right into place so some people set points like every seems like every inch or so yeah snaps in it's it's frequent yeah you know some people like to tie down their cargo yeah the extra security whatever it may be that's always there yeah that works all right so now I think it's good to show you the how to throw down uh that second row and your wall outlet over here very cool so I'll put this back into place on our little ramp all right and then I'll come over here okay let me move around here alrighty let's roll yeah so you've got two panels here one up top one at the bottom the bottom one is your compressor so you can see you've got a plus a minus and a play so you just kind of set your desired PSI and you press play you can feel the air coming out so that's all good and so that's how that works up here you've got a couple things a wall outlet a 12 volt Outlet just for your rear electronics and then you've got two buttons here that throw the second row down so if you want to throw the third row down you do that with the shoulder strap if you want to throw the second row down just go ahead and tap one of these buttons come over here remove this a little bit you can tap it okay all right beautiful and now we can see we've got this long flat surface and I mean this is as I said this ramps up a little bit but you don't even notice it like if you were laying here you would you really wouldn't know that it wasn't completely flat that's awesome do you know do you happen to know what the dimensions are in between this these two not off the top of my head okay but I can get something for you yeah no I I I I I had to ask you a question you couldn't answer while we're here and it's nice because on the outside it doesn't look massive yeah it's got a Sleek look from the outside but on the inside the cargo room in here is awesome outstanding and while we're here I am going to measure this on camera because I want to show people exactly what the width is in between so they know what what it can fit let's do it all right so I'm back with a measuring tape let's see what this width is here it is I gotta climb up from here to here you've got 42 and a half inches so well actually 42 and a quarter so it's 40 42 and a quarter inches in between the two third row arm rests so and going forward I just want to see what you have from the seat to here the way we have the seats set now there's 86 inches to the point here where the uh the rear the tailgate will lift up so that's long lots of room in the back of this you want to go height yeah might as well shoot let's do the opening the opening here is a 30 and three quarter inches that's what I'm getting from right here yeah and but as you go up because it ramps up let me do the smallest point the smallest Point here is 28 and three quarter inch so you would need that to be able to get a box going through there so but this could fit uh you know the uh the biggest uh you know LED TV that you'd want and uh probably a lot of other things I might have to do the uh charger box test and see how many boxes of charges I could put back here yeah well you've got plenty I was just in your garage and it's it's loaded do you know the cargo capacity of back here uh off the cubic feet of Storage off the top okay that's fine I'll provide that in the video so okay you know I can't let you answer every question yeah I know I appreciate it you can't I gotta go review my stats my specs okay so anything else back here we need to talk about no I think we're good um maybe one thing just the third row folks get an arm rest yep so you can lift that oh that's nice these these lift up in their storage unit and I see there's a USBC ports inside of those on both sides and cup holders yep so very cool we're now leaving the third row passengers hanging yeah very cool and they do have their own climate as well specifically for them which when we get to the climate control on the screen you can see they get to control it or you do it up front you do it up front yeah and they live by your rule okay as it should be all right let's uh I assume that's it for back here let's maybe well let's go look at the charge port and then we'll uh go inside the vehicle and look at the infotainment system let's look at it awesome all right do you want to close that yeah that's fine okay so the charge port for the all rivian vehicles is all the way up here in the front corner of the vehicle and it's a power operated charge port um why don't you explain how that opens and everything we need to know there's three little lines on this black uh panel here yep you just place your thumb on those to open and you can also open this from your screen you can open it from your app yeah but that's typically the easiest way since you're already kind of out here getting the plug absolutely and one thing I want to point out is I had my rivian r1t through the winter and I was concerned that this would freeze over and it wouldn't pop open but it never happened to me and I had some mornings where everything was iced up pretty good but it was able to crack it and and push the ice out and pop it know how to make sure that gear was strong enough yeah and we've done significant winter testing obviously we encourage people to go into the wild with these including like the you know Canadian and upper Minnesota it's an adventure vehicle of course it better open up when it's this is how you power it so it's very important to get access to it um now the charge port in here is a j1772 this is a standard charge port you're going to find at you know most every single charging station has that standard charge port this is compatible with that of course I thought the nacs was the standard North American charging standard that's Tesla's connector I didn't even know that was called so here's why you don't know just recently Tesla decided to name their connector and call it the nacs the North American charging standard and I guess they believe that by calling something a standard it was going to make it a standard but I don't necessarily agree with that I know some Tesla faithful do and say it's the standard because there's more Teslas than anything else which there is there's way more Teslas than everything else combined but calling something the standard isn't they're the only company that uses it aptera may use it if they ever bring their vehicle to Market but they don't use it yet so every electric vehicle sold in North America uses the j1772 port for for level one and level two charging 120 volt and 240 volts so I just want to straighten that out right now and then we'll talk about the DC fast charger you're the charging expert I can't let somebody talk about charging and not jump in that's right this is good I'm glad they you might see uh Chad Mo plugs but those I believe are being retired so if you know I think only maybe one manufacturer might use those and those are being retired so really this is the most all the charging stations that are popping up other than Tesla Supercharger of course Tesla superchargers have their own plug now I believe there's been some press recently that they've released that allows other non-tesla vehicles to visit those stations I don't know which exact stations those are there's about 10 in the country right now and they're going to proliferate later on but as of now you have to pretty much Bank on if you don't have a Tesla vehicle you can't use a supercharger unless you happen to find one of the 10 or 15 that are currently opening so but that's gonna this is going to be an evolving thing over the next it's evolving everything's evolving right there's tons of chargers popping up and in your screen you'll be able to see all the Chargers that are compatible with this one with this vehicle you can navigate right to it yeah which talking about it's interesting and I know it works because I've had my r1t and I see it's compatible just I was just driving the Ford Mustang Maki I have it on loan from Ford and they're in car navigation will navigate you to charging station so I hit it to see what was around and it was navigate me to Tesla superchargers and they weren't ones that are compatible to CCS so Ford's got to get that a little bit straightened out the the rivian system does work at least in my what I've seen so far it only will navigate you to stations that have uh CCS or j1772 yeah and again it is an evolving thing because I believe that there might now be some visibility into Tesla I don't know yeah how much or whatever that's our software team who kind of tracks they'll probably make it um have the Tesla stations that have this they call it the magic dock that it'll charge CCS Vehicles they're probably integrating that in and just picking cherry picking the supercharger sites that can charge CCS yeah so look okay so it closed automatically because it was just going to sleep yeah you just place your thumb back on those three lines to open and close it the only other thing I wanted to say was there is a flap if you drop that flap that allows you to you know um CCS charge yeah yeah those are those are the two ccs fast charging pens and those will be uh just a bigger plug you'll see the station is a little bit bigger and it charges your vehicle a lot faster and of course you can identify which ones are fast charging and slower charging on your screen yeah that's good we'll go over that when we go inside I like that feature and you can even filter out which level how fast of a charging station you want the the system to set to show you right so you could say I don't want level two Chargers show me all the the the DC fast Chargers now show me all the really fast DC fast it has two levels yeah we'll we'll do that once we get hop inside cool okay so to close it and again it's really simple same exact thing and I also know that when you put it in drive like if you unplug your vehicle and then you know dock the connector and then you don't close it you get back in the vehicle and turn and as soon as you turn the vehicle on or as soon as you put it in drive it closes yep so you can't drive off with the charge port open that's not the case with a lot of electric vehicles a lot of electric vehicles don't have power operated charge port doors so if you don't close the flap it stays open and there's been I know people that have driven away with their charge flap open and in the rain and they had a lot of problems because the the inside the charge port just got soaked so it's very good I like to see this and if the EV doesn't have this automatic closing charge port door because that adds cost to the vehicle I understand why a lot of vehicles don't have that there should at least be a notification on the driver's screen that says charge flap open so to open and then you get out and you close it a lot of VBS don't have that it just stays open you don't you don't know so anyway good on on rivian I like this whole design here I like how it works I've been using it for eight months now with my r1t and it's a very good functioning charge port there's nothing wrong with a little Pizzazz you know you get a little bit of oohs and Oz especially if you got young ones who showed off to their friends you know it's a cool little magic trick yeah the only thing and this is another question I might stump you with um do you know if there's a manual opener for this because let's say it broke or you know the 12 volt battery's dead can you open that our service advisor would be the guy to talk to about that yeah I don't want to give the wrong answer so I would definitely defer to them okay our service team um I've never heard of that uh coming in I'm on the delivery team yeah so I've never heard of of a malfunctioning charge port door but it's a fair question these are all new now yeah four or five years down the road things start breaking right you know um you know hopefully there's a way to to pop that open I've always been impressed by our whole design team and how thoughtful they are so I can't imagine this slipped past them I'm sure there's a solution I just I don't have the verified okay and I should even know that I should have looked into this in the past it just happened to be coming up with me right now as we're talking yeah okay so I think that does it for the exterior walk around okay let's uh oh no there's one thing that I want to take a look at around here I'm sure this has the uh uh flashlight so let's take a quick look at that before we hop in the vehicle to do the interior okay all right okay so one of the things that I loved about the rivian these it's the little things that matters is there's a flashlight an LED flashlight that's tucked into the driver's door and it's always charging so it's always ready when you need it it's a flashlight and it uses the same battery I'll let you say this no you're no it's good I like when you say it it uses the same battery cells that rivian uses in their battery pack and the rivian battery pack uses 7 76 battery cells and when you add the one for the flashlight rivian Vehicles this is for the large pack because they have they're gonna have a Max pack and a smaller pack but right now well actually they just started launching the max pack I think yeah but for this one this is our large pack the large pack so including the flashlight it has 777 batteries used in this package this is a fun fact yeah so let's check it out yeah so it's right here in the door oh oh yeah you forgot my flashlight you know what I thought I'd throw in a little surprise for you and the audience um no honestly this is supposed to be here Tom this is this isn't getting cut out this is going to make the video I understand no it should here's how this works uh we do take it back I don't want it I'm done don't do this I'm buying a Tesla I'm ordering a cyber truck you're out it's the flashlight that did us in um I really wasn't staged I I really apologize okay uh here's how this works I'll bring you a flashlight uh we are to bring it to me put it in the mail and mail it we'll make sure you get a flashlight drop it in a box but I want my flashlight oh you will definitely get a flashlight tonight and a sincere written apology from me personally from you how about from RJ well here hey RJ what's going on with this our team is you know who I am I think he does actually no yeah we have Matt by the way he's a cool cool guy yeah but uh yeah no I want my flashlight and if tonight if I break down somewhere in a really bad area and I get out of the truck and I'm stumbling to to do something and I trip and fall you're getting sued this is bad this is yeah I might sue you personally in addition to rivian because you should have checked that before you came well yeah so that's what I was gonna say oh my gosh she's giving me the business I I don't I don't uh you know I I understand all right no biggie just drop it we do a big um you know pre-delivery check and so our team uh you you know may have who knows I don't necessarily want to come up with an explanation but we'll make sure you've got someone fired fire that person no I don't not at all I people make mistakes everybody's you know that that's something that's really uh can happen you guys right now are ramping up deliveries I know because I report on this stuff yeah you're pushing them out the door as fast as you can listen that's that's nothing no don't worry about it but definitely include it in the video it's oh yeah no it's not getting cut out you know this is real life you don't hide anything here it's state of charge so okay all right well but that's where the flashlight we are going to see the flashlight but this is how it works just use your imagination right you push in it comes out I'll use b-roll from my r1t flashlight because everybody knows what it looks like the same exactly even the Dork the car the doors the same we almost could have done this and not let people know because this part of the vehicle looks exactly the same you know it's your same color right it's the same interior I could use Sade's uh clip where she showed it people do like wait a minute how did that how that in a substitute for the moment all right so all right let's let's jump inside we beat this uh dead horse too much already but uh so this is what happens it's not perfect but uh you know as long as everything else is fine I guess I'll I guess I'll keep it let's hop inside and check it out okay to my surprise about two hours after Anthony left another rivian associate pulled up to my house with the flashlight in a box I'd like to thank every customer would get this type of white glove treatment but I'm guessing it probably had something to do with who I am hopefully that's not the case though in any event I got my flashlight all right Anthony we're inside the r1s we're going to go over the infotainment system so you know act like I have no idea I've never seen a rivian show me how this all works absolutely so this is our welcome sequence this has a quick process to set you up with your phone key and your Bluetooth make sure you're connected to your Wi-Fi so let's go through that real quick and then we'll go through the actual experience on a day-to-day basis that works good morning Thomas got my name already keyed in that's because I paired it with my phone earlier that's right so that's why it's got knows me once you officially accepted it it kind of transferred that and initiated this sequence so press let's go and get comfy so obviously we want to make sure you're comfortable in your seat your driving position press continue yeah and then to make sure you're safe with your mirrors you can press your name and then tap steering wheel yep and then you'll use the scrollers on your steering wheel to sort of adjust the height and the telescoping with the left one this the right one does the height the left one does the telescoping okay push that away I'll set that up later but whatever and then hit remember you would hit remember yeah well then you would do side mirrors side mirrors yeah adjust those the same way the right one does the right mirror the left one does the yeah it just timed out so let's tap it again there you go and the left one does the left mirror up and down okay and the buttons next to the scrollers go the left and the right left and right yeah move it in in and out very very cool okay very nice continue and remember continue now remember I'll set that up later so now we're gonna add your phone as a key okay all right so go ahead and go into your rivian app doing that now and it should prompt you to swipe up to add the key okay it says one second let's set up the key begin setup right there you go all right add your phone as a key by swiping up all right it's nice and that should be sending a signal to your screen here preparing the connection and in a moment it should prompt you to pair from your phone okay allow it to pair allowing okay it's ready so I'll go ahead and press setup now it recognizes your phone here it's just sending a signal and then it pairs it to it okay your phone is now okay yeah so now um my wife is going to drive the vehicle also how do we this was simple because it was forcing me to set it up before we get going could you maybe show us I definitely well you don't have to do it right now yeah let's do it okay absolutely now continue and now you use Bluetooth yes all right so let's quickly go to your Bluetooth settings in your phone okay there we go and we'll go ahead and press continue here so you'll see a couple of rivian sensors right there just leave those alone it needs to use Bluetooth for those you'll see your name here so tap your name on the screen it recognizes that now so it's going to send a signal to both screens press pair press pair pair and there you go so your phone is now paired very good press continue do you use Alexa I don't have Alexa at the home no okay for anyone in the audience who uses Alexa it pairs with the same account you use inside you can either use that in this vehicle or you can skip to confirm yes and this is how we protect your data that's always available you just press done okay your electric Adventure Starts Now again it continues it continues all right so now we are officially in and I may just answer your question about your wife's key real quick so if you want to set up a second phone key you can do that in settings we go in settings and you go to drivers and keys and then before you can make her name appear you need to invite her okay you do that through the app you go ahead and go through the app all right and then and then you would walk the same process she will have to accept the email invite and then her name appears but yeah do it while she's in the vehicle okay is that what you yeah because the signal has to receive it very good devices that works all right so now let's let's continue on as you would for showing uh somebody that's never been well the most important thing is climate uh you got to be comfortable right you can't have everybody yelling at you so to adjust the climate you can just tap the blue or the Red Arrows really simple up and down yep and your passenger can too yep so it's dual climate and then you if you want to adjust anything above and beyond just the Heat and the cooling press the number and that brings up your climate screen yep all right so you see the different vents here in order to change the direction of the air just press and drag and one of the things I notice it's showing on my side air conditioning is on but your side heat is on so you can you you can do it either way depending on how you set it doesn't everybody doesn't have to have the same type of uh you know climate coming in people run hot okay people run cold so yes the dual air conditioning is nice and then this brings the lower those are your feet yeah and then up here you tap that and then it's for the windscreen yeah yeah so okay great you can move this is how you move you angle them yep you got depending on how where you want it yeah the bottom is on those on and off and you've got your cooled seats and heated seats your passenger has cooled and heated you also have your steering wheel Heating and then this is where the r1s fan settings yep the fan settings are right there a lot of people like to use Auto that just sets the temperature and forget it you know so you don't have to really constantly adjust um this is where the r1s differs from the r1t a little bit you can have the middle in the back so go ahead and hit the middle absolutely and now you can control the folks foot Vents and their face and their face okay yeah and they can move their stuff as well they have manual um vents that they move yeah yes it's right here above their screen and from you can also turn their heated seats on okay okay they don't get cooled seats just heated they're second classes you know and the third row gets nothing because they're a third row season if that's the way you want to put it no yeah the these are the Primo seats right here um so what's this up in the right hand corner now if you want to lock out their screen so they have no control over their heated seats or anything let's go back that timed out go back to your middle you can actually lock them out so only you yeah maybe they're fighting over it because they have a touch screen in the back also that they can adjust their temperatures yes okay okay so then let's look at the back to be clear for me uh yeah and we'll show you this in a second to be clear they can't adjust their temperature okay uh whatever you have up here on the set there yeah yeah so they can see what it is and they can complain to you if they have problems the funny thing is I never I never sat in the back of my ribby and I always saw the the screen with the numbers there and uh I didn't even realize that they couldn't adjust it that I was the only one I thought they could also they're just it's just uh letting them know what they have what the temperature what I've decided they should have in the back okay but we all want to keep our passengers as it should be yeah um all right so let's go to the back yeah third row so remember those vents I showed you in the back so there they are you can turn them on and off yeah okay it's just a one button yep situation but it keeps them comfortable you can increase or decrease and they don't get heated seats back there right yeah so it really is a class system you know we get everything first class hey one second class ABC um all right so climate you feel comfortable with climate yeah everything's good great so let's go Navi that's your first icon right there perfect and this has um a really cool experience we've designed this navigation specifically for our owners um what's special about it that maybe stands out from other navigation systems it is connected to your vehicle so it knows how much state of charge you have um and it will tell you hey if you're navigating to X location and you don't have enough it's going to tell you where you're going to stop along the way so that you know you're never going to tell you the remaining miles are state of charge at your arrival Point that's exactly right so you're and it works all of that into the ETA so however long you have to stop at that station it works that into your accurate ETA it accommodates for traffic it uses Google data so the two things mainly that people do with this are search for net addresses and search for Chargers yeah to search for addresses it's really simple tap the magnifying glass and then you you would type in either a store name or an address and it'll and it'll pull it up or you could use the Alexa voice uh exactly you don't have to have an Alexa account to use the Alexa voice command here you know yeah it it it works because I don't have an Alexa account and I use it all the time with my uh with the r1t right so the voice command still works just not the integration yep so you just wouldn't connect to like an account okay so you would search for addresses pretty straightforward with all navigation systems and then you could also go in here and look at the different uh points of interest right if you want to find a coffee shop grocery shop it kind of just looks right in your area yeah and it looks right in the area Okay so that's nice cool so points of interest and then charging let's say you're anywhere and you want to find a public charger you just press the lightning bolt down here in the bottom right and you see the three filters so now you can filter your search by those but I'd let's just leave them alone so it searches for everything all you got to do is zoom out yep okay so you just keep zooming out and then let it process for a second and all those charges will pop up yep and if you'll notice you've got some with one lightning bolt some with two lightning bolts some with three lightning bolts that's the speed okay so if you really want to fast fast go to the three lighting bolts and if you press it it might give you some information yep it might kilowatts yeah so but one thing I do want to clarify I think some people think that means Level One charging one bolt level two charging two bolts level three charging three bolts that's not how it works the one bolt is for basically for level two charging it could be level one also but they're level one typically aren't listed here on on this so the single bolt is AC charging uh which the the rnt and RNs can accept up to 11 kilowatts and then the the two bolts and the three bolts offer level um level three charging well it's DC fast charging right and it and it will um depending on how much power can deliver less than a hundred you see that in your speed filter sure yeah oh yeah there you go right there so if it's um level two charging well it says up to 25 kilowatts that's what the stations can deliver but the truck can only accept eleven and a half yes in our waypoints charging system you know it can have an optimized charging for the rivian yeah okay but DC fast see two bars it's 200 kill uh 100 kilowatt up to 100 kilowatt and over 100 kilowatt you'll have the three bar the the three lightning bars there so those are the ones if you're on long trips you really want to try to find the uh the three bars two bars will be okay but the three bars will really get you along your way a lot quicker yep yep you really just have to kind of stop for and you can filter out I forgot to mention that so let's say we only want to see the three bars see there you go and now let's say okay I'll I'll do the two bars also um then one just popped or a couple of just popped up um you know if you could say look I don't want to see level two because when you're on a long road trip you really don't want to see level two unless you're staying overnight in a hotel yeah um so this is what you'd have it set at and that way you can see where the fast charges are okay very cool next up yep so yeah and you can also filter by availability like which ones actually have plugs available sometimes we have that information you know we try to give everything that we possibly can yeah it depends if they're networked yeah exactly so and then and then the network is the other option and so these are the networks we search for in here and again the Tesla um I'm not sure if our team is only showing Tesla Chargers that are with that plug I can tell you in a second I know where they are let's see you see right now you would see a lot of Tesla supercharging stations but you don't and so let's see they haven't been integrated yet because the Tesla um the the Tesla charges with the magic dock you would you would see populated right here so it has it there but they haven't they haven't turned um made it work yet yeah and our team is is especially with this new information probably constantly evaluating and updating and that's my that's a good Bridge obviously to the software update which is a big feature for an EV owner okay this is software yeah so what's cool is you get the newest software over the air delivered whenever we have an update yeah I had a few updates with the R1 taste so yeah it fixes bugs it obviously provides new features so as the EV World expands we keep up with it and so do you okay as the owner all right so yeah and then you just tap the lightning bolt yeah to take it off and one last thing to point out if you want to have a uh the view of uh you know the overhead view rather than the uh the regular map you'd click on the a world view there and that's when you get the satellite satellite view yeah that's what the word I was trying to search for okay cool some people have small preferences like they always want the map North up yeah uh or so that's a settings right here and you can see right now North is up but some people prefer the 3D yeah and there's different uh variations there yeah so yeah that's Navi um now music is right here that's the next icon and these are your music listening options over here we've got a few uh apps that are integrated so depending on whatever you use for music listening like some people use Spotify you can log into your account right here and boom it's integrated so you can just control your entire experience from the screen and then we have TuneIn we have title and then we have up top radio yep FM radio and then for other people who use let's say iTunes or Amazon music any other music app you just choose the phone and then you can control it from your phone yep now the basic controls like play and pause and next and previous that can be controlled from here it can even be controlled from your steering wheel but otherwise the interface in your phone is what you'd use we even have an equalizer down here that's where you set everything up that's where you set everything up so you can adjust your preferences you even have like genres up here in the top right um for your preference but yeah the speaker system is outstanding and uh it's awesome yeah okay very good okay let's go into drive modes yeah so Drive modes is also here so that's the third icon and there they are so there's your drive mode you got all purpose sport now sport is going to or all-purpose I'm sorry is what we're going to want you know you to do do every day it's what we recommend it has great efficiency great performance you're going to get the most out of your vehicle in most terrains that's how I drove the R12 almost all the time in that all-purpose mode yeah it feels good yeah sport if you really want to go you know yeah and this will lower the ride height is it safe yeah listen are there any cats there's no there's no animals under there right now let's lower the ride height so in sport mode it drops it down you might see the roof over going slightly it's dropping you could hear it yeah so anyway this goes to the lowest ride height possible and as you can see there's nine and a half inches of ground clearance so that's the lowest that this vehicle offers and it goes all the way up to 15 inches of ground clearance in off-road mode so it's a nice range that that air suspension yep gives you one tip about conserve conserve mode is really only recommended when you are low on battery a lot of people notice that conserve is attractive because it extends your range so if you go ahead and press conserve notice your range increasing yep that's tempting to be in conserve all the time here's why I don't recommend that we have some people come into our service center and they're like seeing that there are wheels in the front are worn down and they're frustrated yeah the reason why is because they've been driving and conserved for let's say six or seven months straight yeah and it's only a two wheel mode yep you're running front wheel drive it decouples the rear Motors and makes the drivetrain more efficient exactly but how about this um I'm going on a long road trip you know I always drive in all-purpose mode but today I'm going to drive to Florida okay and I want to go as far as I can between charges would you not recommend running in conserved mode on that one trip or would recommend not going into conserve mode when you're off the highway here's why when you're braking that's when this you know seven to eight thousand pound vehicle is putting all its weight on two tires yeah okay so if you're braking like if you're off the highway and you're kind of doing I would not be in conserve okay and now look but just on the highway for the long drive it's okay just you know then go back into all purpose don't just leave it in conserve mode all the time okay all right because it sounded at first as if you were kind of recommending don't use it at all if you want to use it to extend your range on Highway drives when you need it not every day when you go on Highway drives but if you know your own Florida yeah yeah because I've used it when I've done range tests with my rivian and it makes a noticeable difference the vehicle is a lot more efficient in conservative mode on the highway yeah but but primarily because it's yeah it's in two-wheel drive mode and so you don't want to put all that pressure onto the front wheels I'm just trying to keep people from yeah from wearing out their front tires and I understand that's how it works is what we're saying here exactly use conserve mode sparingly when you need it on long drives don't just leave the vehicle in conservable all the time because what you're going to do is you're going to end up prematurely wearing your tires and the money you saved on you being more efficient in the vehicle saving a few bucks on electricity will cost you hundreds of dollars in time tires so that's the lesson here exactly now snow mode is an awesome mode especially for first-time EV owners who are not used to that regenerative braking regenerative braking is when you lift your foot off the accelerator pedal and it feels like braking this vehicle has regenerative braking so it's kind of like one pedal driving and snow mode is the only mode that offers low regenerative braking or it's it's the lightest aggressive uh feel so you don't necessarily have to be in snow to drive in snow mode it just supports that lower regenerative braking the reason why it has that is because if you're on snow and icy roads if you have very strong regren it could create a slipping surface a slipping surface so I understand why it has that that's great yeah off-road mode now this is going to ask you if you want to go up so go ahead and press go off-road yeah and now this will use it now we're going up yeah we're sailing baby yeah um so this will go to 15 inches of ground clearance which is the highest in the industry from the factory and then there's also once you're in off-road mode now you have all terrain Choice you've got soft sand rock crawl rally and drift modes okay so you got you got a lot of options a lot of different terrains yeah okay and so I don't know if a lot of people know this but when we first started we were a sports performance company sports car company car yeah and so we built our first prototype it was a hybrid sports car when we pivoted to Electric Adventure uh which was a smart pivot we didn't want to lose any of the fun performance aspects so this is a lot of the fun you can have and especially in sport mode as well yeah it's amazing very cool okay um so and then there's also Towing mode yeah um and uh check your trailer connector we don't need to drop it into that but um do you can you tell a little bit about what Towing load does of course yeah yes with Towing you've got trailer braking for anyone who's Towing it's got the standard trailer braking it's got the hitch as long as you're attached just go to tow mode and you're set you're good okay cool now I notice on the bottom here you can adjust your ride the regenerative braking and your stability control you can turn it on and off right you've got three yep characteristics soft and stiff for the ride I guess depending on what you prefer and then here regenerative braking it's standard and high and then as you mentioned earlier for snow mode it was low but you don't have a choice you can't put it on low if you're not in snow mode so uh but uh standard and high I'm going to drop it on high like driving in high and actually I'm going to put this back on soft because I prefer soft with high regen we leave the stability control on that's where you would turn it off oh no and also reduced so um if you want to play with your stability control you can do that there most people are just going to leave it on and I recommend unless you know what you're doing and you really want to play around with the vehicle just leave the stability control on and then coming over here to the ride height you can adjust that yourself now it will automatically change depending on what mode mode you're in but then at least I know in all purpose mode Let's drop it in all purpose now it's going to go back to standard but if you wanted to leave it in high you could press it right and uh you know is it safe to well hit lower for some reason well it's kind of lowering from the off-road I went too fast so um yeah lower but if net and now it's going up ties so you could manually set it to the height that you want um but it's going to automatically drop it in an appropriate height that it thinks depending on which mode you're in yeah if you don't want to worry about manually setting the height you can just press Auto yeah okay and it will recognize various factors that will either raise it or lower it you really won't feel it you know it's just optimizing for range and performance very good all right let's let's check out the next side amazing yeah so these are just some controls yeah so you might want to fold your mirrors you know those right here yeah you want to fold your motor well it will automatically fold though we could do that in uh in the settings but yeah that's just to manually do it you can open your hood right from here your charge port get it all going these are just some controls you can control these from your app as well um okay lock and unlock open the lift gate but it doesn't close it just opens so I'm not going to do that now well the lift gate is different than tailgate remember it's a split yeah so the liftgate will automatically open and close from here you can close it yes I did I didn't realize that I thought when I did the first media drive I didn't realize I thought it didn't cool I thought you could only open it from here okay cool you definitely can go and close it from there this is important yes I was going to say that so if you press the I this will tell you what car wash mode does if you're going through a car wash in this type of vehicle you know it's gonna maybe have some audible warnings it's going to accidentally open the charge port door whatever it may be oh I put it in car wash mode so now because I pressed it twice look it's closing the windows we're getting ready Car Wash you shouldn't have to car wash it yet on day one yeah no um so this just obviously makes sure that the sensors are desensitized and it can go through a car wash let's get out of there yeah and because for instance the uh charge port uh if you were running through a car wash and the brush hit that little the three lines the charge port door might open and and the car wash would pull it off uh you know so it might hit the button in the front and slap it and the hood opens up or the automatic wipers so this shuts Powers all that stuff down yeah so uh yeah no that's good um that's a good feature uh before I go into the security system we do have uh light preferences over here so if you prefer this screen to be light all the time or dark all the time or automatic right there's default settings open with door yeah basic what you can get in most vehicles but that's where you adjust all your interior lights your preferences and then this is just your specs for your vehicle your VIN and all that stuff your mileage yeah okay and what really let me go back into that um so this is there's two trip uh gauges for the R12 and r1s trip a and it'll show you you know how much total energy you've used uh the total distance you've driven wow this thing used 151 kilowatt hours and only 28 miles what kind of consumption am I going to get so these are significant we're testing your vehicle I don't know how you were testing it we want to make sure this thing is ready to run I'm going to reset that now but what I um what I'm actually see I'm going to reset this I didn't want to because I usually like to leave the original a trip but this will throw off my overall consumption see it's showing less than one mile per kilo hour that must have been from testing the vehicle we must have had it on running things and everything so let's reset this now but now my trip B is is always going to be 28 miles behind the total vehicle uh miles so but that I leave because I I like to have an overall consumption rate for my vehicles a year or two whenever I sell it yeah I I always like to reference that that's great I'm glad I picked that up now before I I drove it much so okay we'll go back to what you uh yep okay so this is our security system it's called gear guard right now it's not turned on if you were to turn it on it would activate whenever anyone gets close to the vehicle someone gets close to the vehicle it will turn on the security cameras on the outside of your vehicle and capture the activity and it will be there in videos for you and then it notifies you when you arrive back to your vehicle this little bell here will have a little yellow dot on it and it tells you that we we recorded an event so you can watch it there you can't watch it while you're driving your car I've tried you shouldn't watch video while you're driving but you have to be in park for it to um for it to work and but it's good it requires the cameras all around the vehicle somebody messes with your car if they swing their door open and ding your car you know you've got it all captured so that that works well the only thing it doesn't do which I wish it did was I wish when it was capturing a video you got an alert on your phone because let's say you're in a restaurant and somebody's messing with your car it would be nice if it give you an alert you can go out and see it the way it is now you get out to your car and you're like oh wait a minute there was an event and now you see somebody backed into your car and crunched their tail your headlight but anyway I know that's not I will take that back it'd be nice to get a nice little alert you know yeah I hear you so yeah that's how you would turn that on and so that's gear guard definitely recommend all right we'll go into settings is next yes settings this is similar to any device you might buy you want to set all your personal preferences so the main area you do that is under vehicle and access yep so right here is where you can kind of whenever you press unlock do you want it to unlock all the doors or just the driver door you know that's a preference same with when you um put it in park do you want it to unlock all the doors when you put it in park or just a driver door there's a lot of different things on here I think the most contentious ones uh are the ones that you know really get turned on and off frequently proximity locking yeah that's when you approach your vehicle with a key in your pocket it automatically unlocks some people like that some people don't yeah and then the kneeling feature the kneeling feature lowers the vehicle once you put it in park to provide a little bit easier entry exit yeah and that's important that was added as an over there update when I had my R12 and that was a problem because I take my parents from my parents are older and um for them getting in and out of the vehicle I had to keep putting it into the lowest setting every time we got out it was a hassle now it kneels down so we have easier entry um yeah I wish this vehicle had running boards that would make it a lot easier I think I might even put aftermarket running boats on but that's another another story uh because they then my parents actually asked me to drive in my my lightning over the r1t when I would drive them around because they can step on the running boards and get in and this didn't have a running board option I think rivian's working on that but as of now there's no running board option yeah anyway let's uh can neither they're confirmed or yeah I understand but no I hear you and that's very important we're very good I think at listening and responding so that would be big running boards as an option you should you should offer that taking it back taking it back Tom thank you all right um yeah and then one thing a lot of people like to do is at their state of charge which is in the bottom right of their driver screen some people like to see a percentage yes not just a mileage number how do you do that right there you go to units and then scroll down and then you can have range yep do both as well yep that's actually how I how I run with it I want more info the more information the better I want and you can adjust to uh PSI or whatever Fahrenheit miles miles per hour Yep this is all um you know Freedom Units and uh so the only other thing I might tell you is the three dots here go ahead and press the three dots and we go to we have owner's guide settings phone camping gear guard energy and cameras yeah cameras is fun yep you got a front view camera it's got the overhead view on over here yeah the overhead view which you can change to the side views right yeah this is for curb parking makes it easier to parallel park without you know hitting off-roading for so you don't um you blow out a tire on a sharp rock or something like that you could watch as you're going yeah we got cameras right there for you press it again you get the overhead bird's eye view there's always a drone flying over your rivian so constantly so wherever you are it can give you the bird's eye view of the uh of the truck it's like a little partner uh no they use the cameras on the outside of the vehicle to you know stitch them and calibrate them together to make it really yeah it's just a drone up there you know let's keep with that story that's a fun one and then you've got the rear camera by toggling yep back front front you can go front and it's nice that you have all the control yep with the cameras you know and of course whenever you put into reverse it automatically goes into the rear view and yeah also in the three dots you have your owner's guide we don't give you um a glove compartment I know we want well we want it to provide more leg room for everybody and we have this really deep uh center console yeah so yeah you press the button yeah you just press a button and anything you'd want to put in there and there's two USBC ports in there that's correct two USBC ports there but we don't give you a big book ownership why because we're updating things all the time so we just give you a digital owner's guide that is incredibly useful when it comes to you know intuitive searching and anything you may want to look into for folks who like camping I think this is really cool sometimes you're parked on a campground it's uh uneven surface yep if you go into Camp mode You Can level the SUV yeah so if you want to sleep in the back and stuff you don't want to be rolling over the left and the right so this will level the vehicle using the air suspension no matter what type of surface you're on yeah and that's also something that came as an OT update when I got my r1t it didn't have it right but then it had it so that's one of the cool things about rivian and some of the other new vehicles they get better as you own them like in all of a sudden six months later you get an update on a feature that you didn't have when you bought it so they're basically giving you something like oh by the way you know we're going to make your vehicle better over the years rather than it getting worse so that's really cool yep obviously the the body will look the same yeah but hopefully you know this stays relevant for a long time how about these Camp courtesy and flood lights yeah these are just options for you when you're at the campground sometimes you need to provide brighter lights for maybe cooking and whatnot you've got the flood lights okay yeah and sometimes you just want to turn your display off yeah so you can actually manually do that and kind of put it to sleep yeah if you don't want uh you know sometimes you're sitting in a in the vehicle and you just want it to be dark you know yeah and also often you want to plug in at campsites so you do need to turn your vehicle's outlets on right and where are the outlets we saw one in the back yes where where where are there other outlets the one is in the back and then the one is right here under the climate screen so there's two outlets yeah okay ammo one last thing when you put the outlets um on the most you can leave them on is for 24 hours they'll turn off having them on the inverters draws constant energy and also you know you just if you're not using them there's no reason to to leave them on exactly okay and I think that's a fair point for anyone who's new to EV driving like how much reduction in range does various things have everything impacts range you know similar to a gas powered vehicle if you're towing something it's going to reduce the range well same with the electric vehicles so like if you have a lot of weight in the vehicle it reduces the range if you're blasting the AC it reduces the range so if there's the suspension up to the highest level versus the lowest on Long Highway drives more air resistance yes so yeah aggressive driving right everything impacts range so you always just want to be cognizant of your range even the weather outside sometimes if it's extremely cold or extremely hot that can impact the range okay um cool where are we at let me see I think we're golden we don't I mean if you want to go through energy yeah I just want I just want to show people that because this is an important screen yeah with electric vehicles this is super important so here's actually how another place where you turn the accessory power on and also you want to set your charging limit they had it set to 100 because they obviously set it to 100 percent to charge it up they want to give me the vehicle pretty much fully charged 95 but most people are going to set it there you don't want to charge your electric vehicle depending on the EV some Vehicles you can charge 100 particularly with the newer lfp battery packs but most all electric vehicles you don't want to charge 100 daily charging unless you need the extra range if you need the extra range that's fine but for daily charging 85 is The Sweet Spot and that's why Ravine has these um these different set points here so that that's what we recommend you do you can set charging schedule up here if you have time of use plans where you pay less for your electricity overnight you would set that all in there uh it doesn't have scheduled departure which I'm a little disappointed hopefully that's going to be something that comes in an OTA update where you can set the vehicle to say look I need to leave at eight o'clock in the morning uh have my vehicle fully charged by eight o'clock and also precondition the battery so it's all warmed up and ready to go at eight o'clock rivian doesn't offer that yet there's another feedback thing that I hope they do that's one of the things that my lightning has which really helped in the winter extend its range because I could set the my departure time with scheduled preconditioning the battery's warm the cabin's warm I'm at 100 percent so that's a little feedback definitely we'll take that and also when you precondition the vehicle because you can precondition the vehicle manually I hear that maybe you want to set it as a specific time to automatically do it yeah but if you were up in the house and you preconditioned the vehicle from inside it will warm the battery up and warm the cabin up but yeah you'd have to do it manually it really doesn't stay on long enough to to warm the battery up in my my opinion it really is meant for cabin preconditioning because on a really cold day if this parked outside the the preconditioning might have to be on for like an hour to get the battery warmed enough where it helps and I've just found that the app it just doesn't it it's not good enough you should be able to set scheduled one less thing over here if you put your leg back a little bit we have the uh charging amperage this will the rivian vehicles can accept up to 48 amps that's about 11.5 kilowatts if you want to charge at a lower rate or if you're on a charger let's say that hasn't been installed properly and and it you can overdraw the circuit it shouldn't be the case if it's all done properly the charger will be on a circuit that can only deliver the maximum power that the charger can deliver but if you think that there's a problem with over drawing a circuit you can do this here you can lower this down to say okay you know I'll charge at 30 amps today and some people just like doing it anyway because they charge overnight and they're like there's no reason to really charge their vehicle that quickly by the morning it's always going to be fully charged and by charging it at a slower rate it's a little bit easier on my battery for level two charging I don't really think that that's a case but some people might have a different opinion you can lower it here and I'm going to go back up to 48 because I want to charge this thing as fast as possible I think it should also have an 80 amp onboard charger like the lightning does such a big battery pack 135 kilowatt hour we should be pulling 17 18 kilowatts here on AC charging but I'm not going to beat up Anthony about that either and that can't get done with an over-the-air update that would need different Hardware but um uh I and I my prediction is rivien will offer that as an option Within two years so but let's see um anyway okay let's let's move on we're getting really long here this is great um anything else that we wanted to touch on over here I think um you know we cut we covered most really covered a lot yeah I just try to do actually everything so obviously you've got your defrost in your front and your rear um but no that's one last thing I want to point out on the driver's display so um the way it is now if you can see on the left hand side of the drive display it's on nav there's two other screens you can scroll to by holding this left button down you can use the tire pressure monitoring right now it's saying nothing because you need to drive a little bit you press down again and you get your efficiency and what it does is it gives you your driving efficiency for the last 15 minutes there's nothing there right now because um you haven't been uh driving it at all so once once I drive that'll come up there I usually leave it on the efficiency because to me that's you know that's the most usable thing I know sometimes when I'm on nav when I'm going somewhere it's nice to have that also I don't have to look over here to the nav but I like that feature that you can sculpt scroll through those uh three different um uh you know options to have displayed on the left hand side of the screen and some people ask about the autonomous driving yeah let's the driver plus system let's talk a little bit about that really quickly driver plus is what we call our autonomous driving system it allows you to adapt your speed to the car in front of you once you engage it and if if you um you can engage it by pressing on your drive stock downward once you're driving and it adapts to the car in front of you it can slow all the way down to zero so if you're in traffic you really can just you know take the ride uh as long as it has information on the road like the lines in the road and everything it will indicate that you can go into the lane keep and if if you get that indication you can go ahead and Trigger it it's the same stock you just trigger it down again push it twice quickly yep and now you're in Lane keep and adaptive cruise control and so you don't have to actively steer but it is is not a hands-off system it is not you have to keep your hands on but it'll steer for you or you know if you just tug on it I mean you could hold it very lightly just tug on it every now and then let you know you're there it needs your warmth yeah it wants to know that you're that you're you haven't fallen asleep put your hands off yeah and um uh and and so it actually works pretty well too I've I use it a lot with my uh with my r1t and um you you disable it by pushing up uh on it it once down does the uh the adapter of cruise control twice down quickly and then on pre-mapped roads the roads have to be pre-mapped it needs information which is I found most of the highways around here it's not for use on secondary and tertiary roads this is a highway driver assist system so um there's some other systems out there that'll work on on other roads the rivian driver plus really only works on on on highways and pre-mapped roads it's something that we're doing extensive testing on and certainly want to provide as much value in that regard as possible but safety is the number one thing we just got rated the top safety pick Plus Award from iihs which is the most rigorous standards and the most rigorous testing so you're driving the safest vehicle very good in the industry let's before we go there's another feature that the truck has that's really cool it's the yes the removable Bluetooth speaker so once you pull that out underneath the center console you've got a removable Bluetooth speaker you can bring right into your home or put it on the tailgate and hang out with your refrigerator and your drinks and it's cool I use that a lot with my r1t oh it's got really cool oh excellent It's got really cool LED lighting around the base so when it's dark out the whole base lights up and you got to pair it with your phone and uh you know actually all my friends had it paired with their phones so now that I got a new vehicle they're gonna have to repair it because we're hanging out like they wanted to have control of it so and it's always charged it's constantly charging under there like the flashlight that I should have had it's always ready whenever you want to use it um so um it is an absolutely great quality speaker and yeah charges in there six and a half hours of battery life that's really cool I love it and the sound quality is great yeah so yeah what do you think we anything else we need to cover I think we pretty much covered everything man I feel like I'm you know just ready for like a long drive you know yeah I I think that's in store for me today I want to check out this guy one last thing I want to mention that we didn't mention earlier when you said there's no uh glove compartment we have the center console here but also underneath both seats you pull them down and there's little compartments there which are really good for like sunglasses and things like that I always yeah yeah I always put that stuff under there so um that was that that was good and uh got the Deep Pockets on the side of the doors and um one thing that everybody loves is because there's no transmission box here this is just open so especially the ladies who are driving this they can put whatever bag however they want to use this open space is on the center console there's a little mat here and that's the wireless charging port which doesn't work well I'm getting take another criticism as soon as you accelerate your phone moves it disconnects and I can't get mine to work when you drop down it works fine watch it's going to connect yeah it connects it didn't there you go but as soon as you move it shuts off I know so I always use the USBC plug inside here yeah so I mean they know and they can take some people yes I hear you yeah I totally hear you yep you gotta make sure that that doesn't move and some people like to use this area as kind of a phone stand yeah what they should do some cars have drop in wireless phone uh Chargers and it holds the phone if rivian re-engineered that and had even if it was sideways where you drop it in there and then it charged it would hold it and that I think that'd be a huge Improvement in in my opinion so but uh you know I'm nitpicking here but that's that's what I do fantastic so all right listen um that was fantastic thank you so much I think this went really well I'm pretty sure that my followers are gonna think that you know you did a great job you had it you had you had a tough act to follow oh my gosh awesome job on T um and I were one of the first folks to um deliver Vehicles out of the Brooklyn service center which was one of the first delivery centers and she has been is she still Whispering because I was at first I was kind of expecting her to come back but you lived up to you you carried you know what she's doing today I didn't actually see her yet so maybe she's off today or something she was probably like I don't want to deal with that guy again Anthony you go he had me there for two hours no it was it was it was great to meet you and and I'm happy I don't expect to get the comments that Sade got oh I was even in the kitchen rock star combat she is a rock they were like RJ give her a raise she's awesome yeah she's getting it but I have to tell you you did a fantastic job here today I'm sure you know you might not get the love that she got because I think people were surprised at how good it was yeah and now now they're kind of like well if the bar is here so well yeah he did a good job but he should you know she did a good job last time so it's awesome it's a great company to work for um and it's it's an awesome product to be a part of awesome listen thanks for your time I appreciate it I'm looking forward to getting this guy out and seeing if it uh you know if I'm as happy with it as I was with my rnt I love my r1t but I don't need to pick up trucks and I have the lightning and I really love the lightning I'm going to keep the lightning um and now we've got the SUV and the pickup truck thing going I think that's a good blend for the family well we hope to see you around man thank you very much oh you will you'll hear a lot from me too good a lot of reviews coming up on the rivian r1s so uh but I don't know should I wait to get my flashlight before I start doing any content for rivien um you know I also wanna I promise you that I've been asking rivian to send me their level 2 home charger for a while so I can review it and for some reason they just won't send me one so I might have to buy one I'm not saying that'll influence my review you because I'm honest but all the companies send me the charges to review and reviewing for some reason has not then a lot of people are asking Tom have you reviewed that charger yet so that review is coming up soon whether I have to buy one or they provide me one on media loan either way I'm going to be reviewing the rivian charger coming up soon along with tons of content on the rivian r1s alright so that's pretty much it I really appreciate you coming out this was fantastic and uh listen uh keep up the good work keep delivering those vehicles and good luck to rivien thank you you too listen if this your first time here at state of charge don't forget to smash that subscribe button so you don't miss any upcoming electric vehicle news and reviews and as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: State Of Charge
Views: 36,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rivian r1s review, rivian r1s, rivian, rivian r1s interior, rivian r1s price, rivian r1t, rivian review, 2022 rivian r1s review, rivian r1s suv, 2022 rivian r1s, rivian r1s range, rivian suv, rivian r1s off road, rivian r1t review, r1s, r1s rivian, review, r1s review, rivian suv review, 2023 rivian r1s review, rivian r1s test drive, rivian r1s first drive, rivian r1s electric suv, rivian review 2022, rivian truck, 2021 rivian r1s, rivian r1s 2022, rivian vs tesla
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 20sec (5060 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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