2022 PowerSheets Collection Reveal at 1pm ET

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waiting on youtube and leaving comments for us this is so great hi jacqueline hi erica hi cherie hi nicole hopefully you guys um can see us so let us know um that you can see us i see some friends of i'm not seeing anything yet please let us know if you can see us um if not head over well i guess you would be hearing me say this if you could see me but hop over to facebook um if you can't see us there on youtube um all right we are so yes it's so exciting you can see us okay wonderful okay i'm actually gonna kick us off because this is like this is one of the best days of the of the year that we get to reveal our 2022 powershades collection so if you are joining hi friends i'm in my special sequin outfit because this is just the best day ever but i would like for each person to stand up out of their seat because we are going to start with a little bit of a dance party so if you are like it's been a long day you need a lunch break go ahead and get up we are gonna dance cultivate your lifestyle [Music] oh my gosh i love it hi friends i cannot see you on facebook oh no oh no that is so sad okay sunscreen you guys you just it can't it can never be a bad day whenever you have you're wearing sequins am i right um all right [Music] i love it we are so excited to be hanging out with you today because um well first of all i'll introduce myself my name is kaylee i am the director of business development here on team cultivate and hi wendy i'm so glad you can see us now um meg here i'm gonna have you introduce yourself meg yes my name is meg and i'm on the marketing team here at team cultivate i hang out on and off with y'all on social and it's so good to be here with kaylee and it's so much fun to see the comments flood in we're so so excited to show you everything today awesome okay well tabitha i'm so i love your comment dancing in my office even though i was crying my eyes out 20 minutes ago i'm okay that's great well i hope that you can spend the next 45 minutes with us hopefully just having a little bit of fun and looking ahead to what is to come in 2022 um wendy you just said love the new products yes we did just send out the collection guide so we are actually going to show you a little bit of that today um but also going to answer any of your questions we can like open products up we can show you close-ups so if there is anything that you want to see feel free to leave in the comments this is pretty informal we will just show you different options help you choose your bundle for launch day um so anyways keep that in mind but feel free to leave questions in the comments but if you are brand new here we have a thing called powersheets launch day that happens every october and that is the day when we release our powersheets goal planner this little guy right here um and if you are new to powersheets it essentially is a way to uncover your goals set them really intentionally and live them out day by day so we help you do all of that in the powersheet school planner and it is not just like a daily tracker it actually helps you to really uncover your goals in a way that's kind of like having a life coach in your pocket and so there is a lot of good stuff that happens on the inside pages here so if you're just joining feel free to leave questions about powersheets um but we have a lot of other stuff that comes with powersheets so we are going to be walking through that later today um but meg i'm just i'm how are you feeling about the year ahead i know so i don't know about you all but after just all the twists and turns of the past year 2020 and then even going into this new year 2021 with hope and seeking joy but still so many unknowns um i don't know about you all but i'm just ready for a fresh start i'm ready to be able to say yes to what matters in my life and really let go of all the rest and i want to know that like no matter what is going to come my way i have a plan i have tools i know exactly what matters to me and where where to put my focus so i can refresh my mind and focus on what really matters so i don't know you all but that really sounds great to me i'm in you know the autumn the fall season is kind of the perfect time to press that restart button and get really excited and these 2022 power sheets i think are the best yet just they were made for this upcoming year they were made for the season that we're all in and the refreshes that were made on them um i it just really gets me excited for what's ahead so well meg i know you're in a season of transition right like you're about to actually move houses next week and so talk to me a little bit about the tension of holding the joy and the hard and how that relates to what we do inside powersheets yeah that's a really good question i yes i am in a very big season of transition just with moving houses and my husband starting a new job as well um and it can be really easy for me to start to feel very um untethered and overwhelmed especially when i lose sight of what really matters in my life and it can also i can start to tell myself that i'm not making progress on what really matters to me or i'm not really like doing thing important things i'm just going throughout my day to survive and so honestly powersheets throughout the last year have been a visual representation for me that i'm actually putting time forward on things that matter i am moving things forward that matter whether it be hanging out with my kids reading that book because i know it really refreshes me whatever those goals are that matter to me um i can see my progress on them and that really gives me some encouragement um as i'm in a season that can be really hard at times i think also um the powersheets process monthly just reminds me what matters and so i can be kind of starting to feel myself get overwhelmed but i can come back to my powersheets and remember hey i can let go of those things that i've said already don't matter and i pick up you know where i said this this uh plan or this path that i said i'm gonna take this year um and i have the tools and the steps i need to take to move forward so that's been really encouraging meg guys power keeps in a nutshell is that you you may feel overwhelmed right circumstances may be overwhelming and if you're in that position right now just know that behind all the sequins and fun stuff of launch day we see you and this is the tool that's going to give you hope um day by day through that season so if that is you feel free to share that in the comments i know it's been a tough year but we are here team cultivate we are here to be our cheerleaders as you dig into what matters most and set some action items um to move forward in the new year carmen you just said we relocated across the country and i too feel like i'm just surviving carmen i see you and i'm here to cheer you on i know that can be incredibly challenging um so welcome i'm so glad you're here um amy you said i'm leaning on powersheets to help me figure out the empty nest life with my hubby and have just embarked on this season is very hard for me and figuring out my purpose yes amy i'm so glad you're here um yeah just really grateful to have you guys here um and for you to share your heart with us so um without further ado i feel like we should get into some products that people want to see well first kaylee should i unbox the powersheets do you want to start with shades so i've seen a lot of questions of like do the boxes come with powersheets yes there are lots of different colors and powersheets i'm going to quickly run through them and then meg is going to show you what comes inside powersheets so natural linen this is our first ever neutral cover which is super exciting teal and if you want to look at color options um online we've actually color matched all of the photos to be exactly what it looks like in person i know here on screen it can be hard to tell clear skies coral pink and what am i missing here blues this is our signature print pattern and then our finally our limited edition 10th anniversary i feel like drum roll that deserves a cowbell oh but meg feel free if you want to walk us through okay so when you get your power sheets in the mail each powersheet set will come in a box just like mega is holding it yes and it'll be a coordinated box based on what cover you ordered so this um in particular is for the blooms but the green has a green box and so forth so these really are beautiful boxes for your power sheets they'll come in the box and i don't know what it is about unboxings but they're always so interesting there's lots of goodies that come with powersheets just your powersheets so you'll open your powersheets and this is so fun back and better than ever y'all are so excited we already have told so many of you about the right word or the word of the year card excuse me that'll be right inside your powersheets and then also we have the roadmap in here so you um have the next steps that you can take to just get started on your power sheets which is so fun um and yeah i think that i don't know about you kaylee but i think i'm going to keep my box like yes legacy boxes are designed so that you can store your power sheets and then on your shelf um even after you're done um all right friends i want to know who has been around for an entire 10 years of powersheets leave here in the comments how many years have you been using powersheets and our team will actually um if you've been around for 10 years would love um for you to leave that in the comments so that our team can see that all right okay let's dive into some powersheets accessories oh my goodness you guys have been so excited any of you that have had a little bit of a sneak peek we have snap in accessories so this one i'm holding up is the wild card snap in holder so it's clear and um oh my goodness it is made of such great material here but right now i just have my break it down notepad um taped on here with some tending tape and what's really cool about this is that you can just easily um customize your power sheets so we've had so many people saying lately that they're gonna snag more than one of these which i think is a great idea so you can basically just tape your wild card of choice on this and then easily um snap it in place wherever you kind of want to see it throughout the months or throughout you know quarterly if you want a reminder stuff like that so i'm excited a lot about that snap in and then we also have i feel like so many people have asked for this the snap in bookmarks so this is going to be a great accessory that you can flip from section to section i know in the past people have used maybe their tending tape or a post-it or they've tried to easily mark different pages but this will be so helpful to mark different sections if you want to flip back and forth from prep work to your monthly trending list or anything like that so so this is one page in the power sheets that i'm planning on flipping back to you quite a bit there's just some prep work pages that are really instrumental in the process that i feel like you will want to come back to and so spoiler alert there will be some really awesome bundles and we'll walk through that later um if you are new here we bundle products together so that you can save some on launch day um so that snap in will be available there um so go ahead and make a list of what you're liking um and spoiler the reason why we give you guys all of this information two weeks ahead of time is so that you can plan and honor your budget well and so that you can get all of the things that you need on launch day um to have the best year yet ahead um so without further ado let's see what do we have next meg yes okay this is a personal favorite because partially because i have used all mine from the last launch and i have been waiting for more but we have the everyday notebook is back and it is back in two different interior options y'all we now have lined which is like the perfect you know in between college ruled and wide ruled it's like the perfect line amount if you are an avid note taker and then we have the dotted so um i don't know if y'all can see that but um i'm so excited for the multiple uses of these this is just the perfect notebook whether it be for a gift or even just for yourself i know i love to have one on my desk for meeting notes in my purse for just everyday notes just everywhere so um i am notorious for having these everywhere i have one in my car i have one at my desk i have one in my purse i bring it to church for sermon notes this is my honestly one of my most used products i go through these so quickly i know i do too and i don't know if any of you are just journal lovers this is just such good quality it feels so nice um and high-end and i love the designs this year too are just fresh and new um and they match the powersheet covers too so fun what's new this year is that you may have used these in a set before right so we've had the everyday line notebook set but we actually separated these out so that if there's a cover option that you really love you can actually bundle and save and buy more than one and get three but get the same cover um so if you're trying to mix and match and customize your power sheets and all of your accessories you can do that with the way that we've set these up in our shop um and like meg said there's a lined option and then a dotted option on the inside so super excited about those those are only ten dollars each so they're really good like stock up and save gifts um for teachers friends um if you're thinking about gifting for the holidays already um christmas is coming soon um those are a really great gift so all right coming up we have one of my most favorite products that we've created this year so i think that this might be actually one of my favorite new things i've ever helped you know alongside lara and alexa and emily create from our team and these are drumroll please meg the action card decks so we actually okay i have to explain what these are um so we have heard for a long time people just want ideas you know they may know that they want to focus on wellness but they want ideas for okay how do i do that actually little by little day by day and so we created the 100 intentional action idea deck and so this is truly going to be one of my favorite products it is a card deck that when you open it up there are three different categories for wellness let's see i think it's mind body spirit um yeah mind body soul and so when you pull out these cards each one of these cards and they are color coded for category has an action card or an action step that you can do for that day so this one says make your favorite healthy meal ideas and recipes easy to access organize them in a pinterest board keep them in a google doc or print them out and keep them in a binder so there are literally a hundred different ideas of small action steps that you can take on these and they're really just like designed to either you know be used whenever you're setting out your attending list or as something that sits on your desk that you can just pull out that day and know that you are making progress towards your goals so if that is something that has been difficult for you of like you know i really struggle to think through creative ways to little by little break down my goals this is a great way to do that um excuse me yeah i am so excited about these because sometimes you just need a jump start too you just need like some fresh inspiration and so these mini like really quick action steps will just propel you forward too which is really exciting and i think one of the best i don't know anybody that loves color coding these are color coded to match the cultivated life um goal categories that are in your power sheets so for example i think like faith category is yellow um wellness is green um so it's just really fun to to be able to kind of tie together um all of those categories and make that work so okay so there are three of them and these actually will be available in the custom bundle and we'll show you more about that later on so we have wellness and i asked someone noticed um or asked if these were faith-based so the wellness and the parents action card decks are not faith-based um so parents wellness and then we do have a faith action card deck as well awesome okay let's see oh rachel you said oh my you all are seriously knocking out of the park with these new products i love it so much um yes gene brandy said genius um jenny you said the box idea sounds great i love how simple it is guys like you can keep this wherever you know in your kitchen or somewhere and you can just pull things out and if you have kids like what a great way to invite them into your goals too right um and bring them alongside you so awesome okay brandi you said i've never been more excited for the custom bundle yes um rachel you said oh okay so they have a basic set and then a faith one love that there is something for everyone yeah so there's a faith category and like meg said um these match up to the cultivated life evaluation product power sheets so we help you kind of categorize your goals and make sure that you're looking at every area of your life and that's why those relate to that um joanne you said can you show us or yes joanne you said can you show us the faith-based one i would love to okay so this is the safe one you know yeah and i don't know like there are times too where i feel like i really want to grow my faith or i want to get more mentally and physically healthy i just don't know where to start and so i think sometimes when you take that cultivated life evaluation in your power sheets and you know there's an area of your life that you do want to focus in on these are like the perfect next step for you to be able to look at um and just see what resonates with you for what you want um yeah i love meg that these are like you can do some of these in two minutes these are not like big projects that is one thing that is fundamental to the powersheets process is that we believe in little by little progress say things that you can do and tackle within you know two to five minutes sometimes one minute um all right so faith i'm gonna give you guys some examples so this one says think about the gifts god has blessed you with how could you use them to glorify the lord and bring people to him this one says choose a way to serve or go deeper at your local church this one says choose someone in a circle or in your circle in a new season of life um be the hands and feet of christ for them with your time your presence encouraging words or by serving them in some way so honestly these are just great kickstarters for ways that you can dig in and um live out your faith goals day by day little by little all right okay yes there are definitely more examples um if you have other questions feel free to email us at orders at cultivatewhatmatters.com and we can give you some more examples of those um all right let's keep rolling we are already at 30 minutes i'm like we could talk all day about this new stuff okay um this is another new one kaylee i'm excited about this one this is actually actually my favorite product if i had to choose one um this would be the absolute favorite and this is all right drum roll please very cute the cultivated conversation card set all right so this one super cute nice box size wise it's a little bigger than the action card deck this is a group of categorized conversation cards to gather around the table good with friends family parents kids literally anybody different categories of conversation cards um so this is like this is designed see a dice here it comes with this cute little colored dice to choose a category so you can either play it as a game or you can choose where you just pull out um but it comes with this nifty dice situation and you can roll the dice okay i got green and then you can pull from a category and these are just conversation cards that are broken out into i think six different categories meg yeah yeah i know wealth the past the future what matters most daily life and just for fun um so these are just super fun this one says are you a morning person or an evening person and they're just really thoughtful questions i know emily on our team he's on maternity leave currently really spent a lot of time thinking through how can we help you guys facilitate thoughtful and intentional conversation around either a table or with girlfriends it can be used anywhere you can take them camping or something i don't know they're just so cute and packable and really just really excited about these yes i know um abby on our team i think a while ago actually she was testing out some products for us and mentioned that at dinner time she would pull them out and she did a few questions with her husband which i thought was awesome and i think it's not the typical conversation card deck i think it is so revolutionary for relationships whether it be co-workers or new friends or even just people you want to go deeper with i mean one of the questions that we ask um often here at cultivate is where do you want to be when you're 80 years old and without a doubt most of the answers are always focused on relationships so what a better way to cultivate those relationships in your life and um really create a legacy with the people around you so i'm excited for this one yes rachel you said this is a wonderful product so excited to use these cards with my boys i love that and really these are family friendly so they can be used with girlfriends or kids um or your parents or whoever um i'd love meg just to give some of these so this one is from the past it says what was it like growing up in your hometown and this one is what is one of your favorite memories of us together so you can see how really this helps facilitate really good conversation to allow you to go deeper in your relationships which is really at the heart like what meg was talking about of why we do what we do is to help you facilitate legacy um in your own lives with your family with your friends with your community so really this is one of the products that i feel like will be a game changer in so many women's lives all righty all right so i think i mean we have a few products that we have revamped and they're back and better than ever too from um past collection so one of the first ones our tending tape um revamped for the 2022 collection and we have two options let's get in the camera here we have the bright option and yeah i just love that it comes in this awesome tube i mean it's so easy to keep on hand and then for all our neutral lovers check out these neutral tiny tapes i mean so you can choose between the neutral and the bright and tending type is back and better than ever another thing that's back this year um are our page markers and instead of a set this year we have them in these really beautiful cultivate colors individually so you can just choose which ones you like best um we have the coral pink the teal and clear skies here and let's see like let's just test out the magnetic cage markers because i know they work super well right they're not too heavy they stay on here super great um and can kind of be used with multiple pages too so i know yeah well we'll use them for like you know kind of like a paper clip situation you can actually group multiple pages into there and so if that's something that you're wanting to do to keep things accessible at a glance these are definitely a favorite like meg said these are some of the products that we've kept year over year um and just have brought back in refresh patterns and yes love that bag and now it's just so like i love being able to mark different sections with these in my power sheets i also just love them in my books at night they're way better i used to be an avid doggier page folder don't get mad at me um but now i definitely use these and they're so flat that's my favorite thing about them is they're flat they're not bulky when you close your powersheets or yeah i love these awesome okay next up and we're gonna try to keep going quickly here um so i did see some questions about when everything launches so everything will be available at 10 a.m eastern time on october 6th and word to the wise get your shopping list ready because some things will go quickly um so just plan for that okay next up we have our wild card page packs so these are a pack of i believe 24 sheets of customizable pages to add to your power sheets and these are these have been a favorite for years um so this pack i'm gonna open one up i actually have one right here to show you guys everything that comes inside they are all this beautiful clear skies color and it comes with a couple pages of these goal at a glance sheets now these are to keep with um your seasonal refreshes or right near your attending list so that you can see your overarching big picture goals at the plants um yes mag is holding up the um wild card snap in and those are great to use with that there is some space in your power sheets to add those um but just want to make sure if you want to customize even further that wild card snap in is a great option all right this is a little calendar situation perpetual calendar at a glance um here is the blank perpetual calendar where you can add in birthdays or um just things that happen consistently so that's kind of flexible all right this next one there's a couple of these these are bucket list style fun list so if you were into making seasonal bucket list to celebrate that season really well this is a great great way to do that all right here's some more and if you go to our website you can actually see everything listed out of what you get in that face pack because our listings are um listed as coming soon so you can go in there and read about those so it will show you there's like all kinds of different pages in here so this one is about organization and decluttering i need that one um what to read next so if you're into reading this one is a reading log where you can rate books so really they are across so many different categories and so there is something for everyone and really truly designed to kind of customize whatever big picture goals that you come up with in your footwork awesome all right if you have questions for those feel free to leave them in the comments um and we will get back to you there at the end of this live all right meg yes well real quick we just we also need to know that and these will be available with the bundles which is so great but some of our notepad pads are back so we'll have the weekly sticky note pad which is a favorite the daily planner pho uh notepad which is also a favorite and the break it down so those are great options to add on to whether it be your custom bundle or any of your bundles because those are really helpful for you to live out your goal action steps day by day week by week awesome um let's see okay have the wild pages changed yes there are some different wildcard pages this year so feel free if you go to the listing you can see everything that is included in that page there's over i mean there's 24 pages there's a ton listed in there awesome meg do you want to show all the different color options for the notepads yes let me see and make sure that i have all of them on hand here i have i have them here if you i do have like break it down obviously and i'm which you can tell i have used this a ton um i also have the today notepad i know is in the teal correct yeah meg i've got him here okay so they break it down notepad this is truly okay someone asked about um having more space arielle you said does the wildcard paycheck include some of the goal setting pages for action steps and things really like i recommend getting this notepad it comes with i think 50 50 sheets um to break down your goals and so this is really good if you have a project that you're working on in your attending list that may require some more like smaller action steps and planning out when you're going to do them this is a bestseller in our shop and has been for a couple years i really love this yes i actually i'm currently using mine i want to make a photo book of just our summer adventures and so i didn't want to write down like every little mini action step like researching what photo book platform to use you know gathering all our photos so that was perfect will you hold that up um luna asked to see on a bigger screen there you go all right that's the break it down notepad yeah all right awesome okay the next one this one actually always sells out and so we're going to do a better job this year keeping this one in stock but the weekly sticky notepad so these are i'm actually going to make you kind of small there meg so i can show this full screen this notepad it has enough pages for a full year and is designed to be able to see your week at a glance you can list priorities over there on the right and then any to do's now this is the best part about it is that it is designed there we go um to be kind of post-it style where you can actually take this and it's sticky and you can post it on your fridge or you can post it in your power sheet a lot of people will do this where they put kind of their agenda in here and then we'll keep that next to your attending list awesome okay jenny you said has the small weekly sticky note had been replaced by the larger desk weekly pad nope we've got it yeah we've got this one a lot of people prefer the smaller option um and a lot of people prefer the bigger option they really serve two different functions so that larger um intentional weekly planner notepad is great for like a desktop or maybe in your kitchen where you can keep everything kind of visible um for your family and this is more of a like personal and this honestly you can customize this if this is like i really want to make a lot of progress on my goals this week you can list out action steps when those are gonna happen um but a lot of different uses for that awesome okay we're ready to reveal the next the next thing okay we saved these for last on purpose because they are a ton of fun and one of our best sellers and we love to see how you customize your power sheets with um these products so this is i'm going to hold them all up these are the accessory pouches for 2022 yes um yes these are one um really one of my favorite products as well um but they are accessory pouches that are lined with this nifty zipper situation and i'm going to hold this up to the screen so you can see all of the details on there so that is gold foil stamped it has this nice coating on there that makes it super wipeable these can get coffee sold on them on the outside and still be okay um and they have this nifty strap here so that you can put them around your power sheet so we do this situation and you can put your sticker book oh we have not shown the sticker sticker book we'll go through that one next um let's see sticker book magnetic page markers let me grab my super book and show you how it fits in here so just like that and keep all of your supplies in one place so this is really great so that you can keep everything on the shelf pull it out when you're ready to do your timeless for the month and keep everything together so that is the natural linen with the clear skies pouch and then we have a teal tile pouch super fun and the inside of that one is kind of a teal green blue green on the back and i know someone mentioned the teal looks a little darker on camera look at it on line those colors have been color matched to what it is in person the lighting is kind of rainy here in chapel hill north carolina today so that might be why it's looking a little dark all right and then my personal favorite this incredible blooms pattern that our deer alexa hand designed she did this pattern and then this beautiful kind of poorly pink on the inside with a hot pink strap all right um okay can we peek inside the pouch let me know which pouch you would like to see i think clear skies i would love to show you and then i'm gonna get on and talk about some of our bigger pouches so that clear skies has a light um clear skies inside all right these ones are brand new meg this year um we released some of these larger carry-all pouches back in the spring and we were just kind of blown away by how much you guys loved these so these pouches are a perfect size to fit in a tote bag or let's see i'm gonna drop stuff here um they are the perfect size this is why we designed it to fit your power sheets inside so they fit in just like that these are really great to put into a tote bag tool bag um there are hundreds of uses of how to use these i kind of like to oversized pouch situation um so it's like how cute would that be just walking into a coffee shop with all of your goodies like to sit down and do your power sheets um but these are some of my favorites so all of these pouches have a liner like that on the inside and i'm going to show you all of them so this is the teal tile and if you look at the scale of the pattern it goes great with the smaller one it's just a little bit of a different scale pattern um amy you said totally getting a large pouch this year great i love that um charmaine you said love that i love it all right um this one is a teal with a light blue on the inside yes and then clear skies and this was actually one of the favorites among the team this is a natural tile so it's kind of a neutral that goes really great with that natural linen set of power sheets so they just fit in just like that and like i mentioned this is super durable um i've loved using mine whenever i travel and so really the possibilities are endless there um all right april you said can you compare the teal tile with the teal power sheets you know i'm actually going to show you guys i know nifty tool this is magic y'all just hold on and just see what our amazing teammate uh irene has created on our collection guide which you can see the collection guide at cultivatewhatmatters.com 2022 and if you go there y'all check out the guide scroll through all of the products product information is in there but there is something extra special here if you're wondering about what pouch to combine with your power sheets check this out kaylee's going to show you ah this is so amazing okay um all right friends let's let's take a look at this okay so when you go to our collection guide y'all have been asking for this for i don't know how many years but you guys really want to see how to pair the perfect pouch with your powersheets and your accessory pouches so we can finally say that we have a nifty little tool um that you can do that so if you go on here you can select your favorite power sheets covered and then you can choose your let's see which let's do light blue accessory pouch um and then carry all pouch let's do this pink color and you can go in here and see exactly what your combination is going to look like and great news this is available in the custom bundle so that custom bundle on launch day it is the best deal we're going to go through that here in a second but you can choose a large pouch and an accessory pouch so be sure to choose your selection and we really love when you guys share this in the powersheets facebook group and so if you guys want to drop in um your selections on there on powersheets facebook group they can help you choose which options um they think should go together so awesome meg i'm gonna add you back on here and three two one hello i think the only other accessory you have to go through um real quick before we just hit on how you can make you know your best decision and best deal on launch day with the bundles and any date details for y'all so you are just feeling prepared and equipped um the last accessory we just need to go through is this goal setting sticker book which i don't know how we skipped over that but i am loving this also so hard to get in the camera there um the cover of this is just so beautiful but inside we have a lot of the same favorite um clickers that we've had in the past we also have the color coding um and the flags yeah let's go page by page because some of these stickers are new so the garden stickers here you'll open up to the first page these match the blooms cover stickers and so somebody was asking what are the differences um there are a lot of differences in the stickers and the sticker packs so we have kind of consolidated different themes into the sticker packs and this is kind of a one place catch-all like you're going to get a variety of different stickers for your power sheet so specifically for goal setting and so these are some inspirational phrases um bloomery you're planted you know all those things you've always wanted to do you should go do them yep some different uh tending list kind of decoration stickers that you can add at the top of your tuning list all right and then we've got some goal-setting flags so these flags go on your powersheets prep work as you're setting your goals we've kind of left some different ways um or some spaces to color hold color code your goals yes but you can give each of your yearly goal um a color on your in your powersheets so you can assign them a color with this flag which is so awesome and then you can connect your yearly goal with these next few pages are the color-coded dots so then when you put your a goal on your attending list that corresponds to a yearly goal you can keep track of what category it's in by color coding them in your monthly and weekly and daily steps that you're taking which is super helpful so that fits on just like that cool awesome all right melissa you said i love the flags those are some of my favorites too and we've given you two whole pages of those so there are also color coding dots that match the flags that um you'll want to use on your attending list and if you go to our powersheets facebook group we have some wonderful ladies in there who have shown you examples of their attending list all right meg talk us through what these are this is for the cultivated life evaluation so once you go through those categories you can kind of categorize via these stickers these will correspond to each category um we also have certain types of goals you might want to set these are so pretty in the gold foil um but you might want to do like a habit or mark something as a big dream and these will be helpful when you do that and if you're thinking to yourself i'm like every year we here you know i'm not really a sticker person and i'm like well just wait just use this and then we end up hearing like i wasn't a sticker person and now i am because this is just so fun so if you are a sticker girl feel free leave a comment and give some love for our sticker friends um but they are just so helpful to you as a visual reminder of what matters most and so as you're going through your prep work identifying adding some stickers to things is super helpful um cara you said can we see what colors coordinate with which categories um yes so you can actually set your own color coding to your goals however you would like to but if you would like to follow the um cultivated life evaluation health and wellness is green friends and community is orange finances is that lavender color spiritual and personal let's see does that say spiritual and personal growth vocal relationship family work and learning and recreation so we've color coded everything for you if you would like um to match that amy you said totally a sticker girl uh brandi you said everything you all carry is top quality and i will say as someone who produced a lot of our products i make an intentional effort to make sure that the materials we're using in our products uh match up to um the experience we want to create for you as you sit down into your power sheets and so we know that a lot of good stuff happens in these pages and that it's not just about fun and stickers it's about giving you an experience that you can be hopeful to sit down and take a moment to take a break from your life and sit down and cultivate what matters absolutely awesome okay so i think there i mean there must be like over 1800 or something stickers in here there's a ton in that so um if you are asking about the stitch sticker packs those are in our shop and we'll be in our shop during launch day they they're still there right now so if you want a little bit more focused um stickers yeah i think we have a garden sticker pack face sticker pack celebration sticker pack there is a planner sticker pack so if you do um want to really coordinate your power sheets with your day planner i would highly recommend getting that one awesome okay let's talk through what everyone would love to hear about bundles mike you want to kick us off i will kick us off with what i think is the most fun bundle i can't pick a favorite though um but i love this we have rolled this out just the past few launches and have kind of made it better and better each time but our custom powersheets bottle and this honestly is um the best deal that you can probably get on launch day with mixing and matching to make just your perfect goal setting system so with this you will if you buy your power sheets in a bundle you will save um money and you um so i think the custom powersheet bundle is 139. and what you'll be able to do is you can choose your powersheets you can choose your accessory pouch you can choose your carryall pouch and then you can choose on top of that five of your favorite accessories that are in the collection so you can kind of see what you think you'll use most of and pick and choose that so i'm really excited for that and just to really personalize what i want yes and meg this is absolutely the best seller of launch day so last year um it was the best seller by far we really loved seeing how you guys coordinated all of your different accessories to fit your unique path right like you have your own unique goals and so this is a great way to do that so some of the accessories that will be in there you can actually go to the shop listing and look and kind of mix and match and create your bundle um so i'm actually going to show you guys how you can do that um meg i think it's live is it live that i can go look at yeah it should be and it's really fun because you can select um your different products and awesome okay so this is the powersheets custom bundle and you can see you can save a lot of money choosing this bundle on launch day so if you go in here you select your powersheets then you select your carryall pouch you select your accessory pouch and then you get to choose five accessories so you can pick any one of these you can actually choose multiple of some of these things and all of those sticker packs that y'all are loving are actually in here too so we've got a lot of different variety here so you can mix and match and customize and then you can kind of save this as your shopping list and so if that's something that you're wanting to plan for i highly recommend going in there and kind of figuring out what you want um to select on launch day all right meg i'm gonna have you hop back in here hi friends um okay any special edition for buying at launch like the pin last year um so dina we do have some exclusive items that will probably sell out on launch day so that is the um biggest reason of why you would want to plan to shop on that day uh the limited edition green cover will probably sell out but there's really a lot of things that we're kind of nervous about selling out um this year on launch day um barbara you said it's the collection guide site live now yes and what's the web address if you go to cultivatewhatmatters.com forward slash 2022 you can see all of that good stuff there um and if you end up running into any problems um just clear your cash i think that typically does help that um all right meg what's what's next yes so we have gone through the custom bundle so we have two more bundles on lunch day don't we caleb okay this one i want to i want to kind of give the caveat to this so a couple years ago i was like you know i keep seeing all these people on these lives that really want to buy everything i was like we should let them buy everything and we should give them a big discount for doing that so the ultimate bundle is back and it is a kind of sampling of everything brand new to the collection so if you go into our shop you can actually see everything that you get it's over like 18 different items i think um i mean it's like you could get christmas gifts for everybody um it is kind of bananas how much is in there um but go ahead and go to our shop so you can kind of browse that but it is going to be a silly deal um so if you're looking for the best skill that's one of those yeah it it and like just get this so maybe you just want to have one of everything you just have to do one click one click and you add that bundle to your cart and um you just have all of the new products for the new year which i think is very cool and i do believe this is valued over 300 and you save around dollars by buying everything getting crazy i'm like we're getting it's really kind of bananas um but that ultimate bundle will only be available during launch week and so that we are expecting that to sell out pretty quickly so if that's something that you're looking for to either kind of split up and get gifts for friends i highly recommend buying that early on launch day yes um okay kate you said is there a bulk discount for power sheets what a great question and we do get that question quite a bit because um people will buy for their teams at work or for gifts for families um like you know sister-in-law mom sister friend um so if you do want a bulk discount go ahead and send us an email at orders at cultivatewhatmatters.com and we can help you get set up there um nicole you said does anyone know when the reviews will start going up i'm so excited for this great question um we do have some product reviews available if you want to read through them on products that have been kind of long-term long-standing products in our shop like powersheets i think meg are we up to over 900 five-star reviews it's something crazy i mean thousands of women have used powersheets we're on our 10th year and so if this is your first year welcome you have a lot of people ready to cheer you on um all right and we we've kind of just gone here in a q a so if you do have questions feel free to drop them in there we would love to answer them for you for a few minutes um yeah and here you noted too like if you're new here um we and you don't want to spend the mental energy trying to figure out what best tools to snag and what to kind of get on launch day but you do want to take that first step and get your power sheets we have one last bundle the best seller bundle that you can choose your power sheets and choose the color of accessory pouch but then it is this is just a really great standard if you want to take that next step um it'll have the wild card page pack the sticker book intending tape so the best way to get set up for the next year ahead so that's our last bundle that we will have um on launch day and all of these bundles um i know within the first few days we always sell out of certain combinations so um tell us about cultivate your your life i have some gals in here in the chat um asking about whether that will be online this year and what is that does it count toward free shipping because that is going to be available for like 50 off on launch day right so cultivate your live um marissa and abby on our team have been working so hard at this and y'all if you've been along for a while you know that we've offered this year after year it used to be in person and then we pivoted once covid hit and we offered it online and y'all loved it um we were able to interact more in the comments and it was so great so on launch day only there will be one day only launch day deal for cultivate your live tickets they will be on a very good discount i think it's like forty nine dollars um for ticket and this is the best way um to get set um on your power sheets laura casey will be teaching um and coaching throughout that whole workshop and really it's hands-on goal coaching for you to go through your prep work in your powersheets and get set up for the new year so that's going to be happening on december 6th online again within our goal school platform and you can buy your ticket um i would buy it on launch day for the launch day deal the one day deal for 49 it is such a great deal you get to meet other powersheet users during the event um there's always fun activities like stretch breaks dance breaks and honestly just really you will feel like you're set up for success for the new year ahead um and you'll be able to prep your power sheets with other people right alongside you and you can take your time if you want and revisit later or if you just want to get it done you can get it done that whole day so i think the event is going to be like from 10 until um sometime in the afternoon but all of that information will be emailed to you right after you buy your ticket and um yeah hi yes meg thank you so much and caitlin you asked as a ticket to cultivate your your live count toward the 100 free shipping yes it does um so if you want to buy powersheets and cultivate your your live you would get free shipping um and feel free just go on to the collection guide and kind of make your shopping list a lot of people do take advantage of the 100 free shipping level um so highly recommend that okay we've got some questions on tending tape so this is that neutral tending tape here i'm gonna try to have that show up let me actually make my screen full screen here so you can see the patterns okay those are the patterns they're just a really nice um neutral version of some of our patterns so that um teal tile pattern is available in that neutral tuning tape and then our blooms pattern is available in that neutral color all right um melissa yes i loved going to cultivate your live last year was so much fun um eileen i'd love to participate but it's a weekday we actually have um women in the hotel room they take off that day and they get child care and take a day off and if you are new here the concept of taking time uh and brain space away to work on your power sheets women love to do that we call it a powersheets retreat and so that is really i think a lot of women are gonna take is it a monday monday off um and go get a hotel room and really take some brain space to um dig into their power sheets with some peace and quiet all right we do have some questions on linen and sorry meg i'm going to let you chat no go for it please i will say from personal experience there is nothing that can compare to showing up to the event live and so i would do all that you can to remove those barriers to be able to show up and just really give yourself that time but obviously we we completely understand that there are some things sometimes so we have responsibilities and things get in the way so don't worry we'll be able to take care of you as well you'll get a recording sent to you afterwards you'll be able to access that so if you still do um want to be able to take part in that goal coaching we highly recommend there's next to none you know something about just showing up live and be able to be coached like that but you also have the requirement access to you i love that mag okay so we have questions on the insides of the natural linen power sheet so the tabs are caps are different and so they have that neutral color there um and then they also have the same pages that are in um every single set of powersheets so there is a little bit of color in there but for the most part we've really simplified a lot of the pages so that um your your words can fill most of the pages there's a little bit of color in there but um yeah i just gotta say laura did an amazing live i think yesterday it feels like it was like a month ago already but yesterday she did an amazing live with our product developer and graphic designer alexa all about the inside of the powersheets what's new what's changed and they've gone through it so please watch that recording if you want to dig a little bit deeper into the inside pages um it was really great even for me to just watch so yes um okay we did have a question on the goal refreshes and we have made those super like they've been revamped this year i know laura and emily spent a lot of time working through that and so there will be specific refresh sections i mean we know that your goals change right we can focus on something mentally researched shows for about 90 days and then your goals may shift um so we have work set into the power sheets um right when you need it three months in um every three months and they lara your goal coach in a pocket is going to help you refresh your goals and so those sections are really like we've spent a lot of time kind of thinking through the process there um and that is really it brings a little bit of the prep work into those goal refreshes so i really love that um gloria you said where can we watch the replay of laura and alexa that can be found on youtube or on facebook um it should be available there awesome okay friends we are gonna hop off here we're actually gonna head over to instagram and have a little fun over there so if you want to join feel free um we actually may invite some of you guys on it so if you want to be on video we can kind of go rogue and do that do that um but it was such a joy to hang out with you guys thank you so much for your questions and your excitement we are so excited as team cultivate to celebrate you guys um making a decision to take a step forward toward what matters on launch day with powersheets so thank you guys
Channel: Cultivate What Matters
Views: 859
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Id: Zoa9hwff0HI
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Length: 61min 11sec (3671 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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