Cover Reveal with Lara Casey

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to be here with you and i brought out the ukulele for a little historical knowledge who remembers a ukulele and some singing action from a previous cover reveal who was with me on that reveal and what year was it i know we have some powersheets historians here so i'd love to hear if you know that fun fact hey hi guys hello hello i'm so thrilled to be here with you i have a stack of goodness that we're going to open momentarily and i have four friends that are going to join and just have some fun we're so excited hey everybody um hi i'm laura if we've never met before i'm the creator of the powersheets intentional goal planner and i say that uh with a little hesitation because really you guys are the creator this community of women has just been totally amazing and truly especially over the last year as we have learned more and more to cultivate what truly matters hey everyone please say hey in the comments it's so good to see you here uh like i said i'm laura and i'm so thrilled we're so happy that you're here i have a lot to share with you and i know you're itching to see some covers um you've probably already seen them through our email or social and i would just love to hear what you're excited about so far uh and more than anything far more than the visual covers that i'm going to show you today it's all about what's on the inside so truly take the pressure off doesn't matter what cover you pick truly it doesn't it's just fun but i know that you're ready to feel more joy you're ready to feel energized and you've been through it over the last almost two years now there have been so many unknowns and we want to know what matters most that's the thing that never changes a lot of things changed for us over the last couple of years but one thing did not change and that's what matters i'm so excited to be here because the process of the powersheets is really built by you um oh i love it y'all are so sweet with all these kind comments um and yes there are six beautiful new cover choices but truly it's the process on the inside that i think that you guys are going to be even more excited about so stay tuned for a future live i think it's next week where we're going to share all the things that are new inside of powersheets but without further ado let me show you some things i'm going to show you very first the cover that um has a lot of significance to us and something really fun that i i think i might be showing for the first time um this is our 10-year anniversary of powersheets i say r not just as our team but with you this is our 10 year anniversary of um cultivating what matters with powersheets and i'm so thrilled about that because this year we're celebrating saying yes to the things that matter most whether it's over the last 10 years that you've been doing powersheets with us whether it's over the last five years over the last two years or you're just getting started this year it's never too late to make progress on the things that matter so before we talk about the covers let's talk about the real magic on the inside for just a second behind every cover of course is an even better than ever proven process that works we've taught thousands of women across the world including so many of you um how to make flexible action plans and also to make steady progress on the things that matter and that is what we're all here to do are you ready are we ready this one right here is our 10-year anniversary cover and it comes in as to all of the power sheets this year our 10-year anniversary keepsake heirloom box i know y'all isn't that gorgeous it's just really beautiful so you can use this for so many different things not just holding your power sheets but maybe this is a place to put photographs or items that have been meaningful to you to help you build a legacy i mean really i can't wait to hear the creative things you guys use this with um but inside this beautiful box are the power sheets but first look at this box it has our our heart on it really for this year uh and in little tiny words you can see here it's cultivate what matters celebrating 10 years yes to dreaming yes to leaps of faith yes to purpose yes to legacy yes to progress and yes to what matters yes to what matters so without further ado let's look inside this box and i'm opening these for the very first time y'all so literally i just took the plastic off of them the wrap on the outside all right this is our limited edition 10-year anniversary cover and i'm gonna open this baby up right now i've been debating whether or not i should choose this one for the blooms i'm not entirely sure um yes i saw someone say that you love the box as a marie condo fan all right here we go this is our 10 year anniversary green celebrating growing good things over the last decade i know it's so beautiful isn't it i love that but again remember we're here to just have some fun and get excited about the covers but it really doesn't matter what cover you pick you're probably not going to look at it that much you're going to be using what's inside um so cultivate what matters 2022 power sheets inside the word of the year card is back after popular demand we have our beautiful gold foil word of the year card this adorable road map to cultivate what matters and start your power sheets y'all it's just the cutest thing ever but i know you want to see i'm not supposed to look inside of these with you but here we are here we are why not uh and it has the blooms pattern on the inside so excited about that so that right there is the green cover green okay next next up we have pink pink right here uh this one is bright and bold i love this one so much and yes they all come with a matching box oh actually this is the blooms cover camera this is blooms and it's beautiful too so this is our new pattern y'all we spent so much time with um our pantone books and if you've never heard what that is uh pantone books are essentially the color swatches that we oh my goodness so many variations of colors and tones and our amazing designers she hand drew all these flowers aren't they beautiful look at that i know it's so pretty so this one comes in a beautiful pink box to match and this is our blooms pattern this year with little gold flecks inside i know it's so pretty isn't that beautiful okay next back by popular demand is clear skies in a clear skies box so thrilled about this clear skies in a clear skies box with all those great words on top for you to remember what matters most and hey if you're just joining i'm here live at home in my office hanging out to show you all of the new powersheets covers i'm opening these up fresh for you so there you go clear skies this is the exact same color as last year so if you love this one last year which most people did uh this is the same cover color as last year and yes the box matches i don't know if you can see that very well but the box matches oh that box on a wallpaper on my wall with that hi everybody hey i'm laura so good to have you here i have some amazing friends that are going to join us momentarily after i'm done showing you all these covers so get ready uh i know you were set on green before anna oh man the blooms is really beautiful i also was set on green before and then i told the ladies in my office i think i'm gonna have to switch to blooms but i'm not sure yet not sure all right this is our teal cover this is so pretty this box okay one second i want to make sure i'm telling you all the things about these uh this one right here is actually a different when i show you the powersheets you'll see it's a different color than last year uh it's an updated refreshing teal this one is classic and fun all in one all right you ready to see it here we go i love these boxes um they would certainly be a great place to keep little love notes mementos meaningful things things that are uh memories of you cultivating what matters over the year all right here we go this is your teal i love this it's to me oh it matches me it matches me almost here we go there's your teal okay and last but certainly not least i have two more this is the first year i think we've offered six covers i know these boxes all right here we go coral pink i am very excited about this one and i may end up choosing this one now coral pink start your new year on a bright note coral pink the box matches perfectly all right here we go i know which one are y'all loving the most so far here we go uh this one is coral pink and it's so hard for me to show you the real color on the camera you really got to see these in person this one to me is vibrant um hold on one second there we go there you can see it there's my cute little word of the year card popping out look at that i know isn't that beautiful so pretty okay and then um the one i think a lot of you are very excited about and this is this is different for us and we've gotten a lot of emails about it some very excited emails about it uh last but not least is our natural linen so i'm gonna show you natural linen in this dreamy buttery box there you go natural linen you know it's been a it's been a tricky year it's been a tricky year we could have certainly said that about last year but i think even this year as we all continue to navigate um just a crazy world uh and so to me i i am very grateful for good words that help me to focus on what matters when i lose sight of that and that to me is why i love the powersheets that's why i made them for myself because it's so easy to forget right um okay here's natural linen natural linen i love this so much look at this okay i'm gonna hold this up together because they match pretty well here lovely a lot of you asked too if the natural linen is neutral on the inside we did i'm going to say neutralize some pages but in general you're going to get to customize a lot of the colors that's why we made these covers solid for the most part except for blooms too because you get to choose you get to make them your own you get to customize um but yes the tabs actually are neutral on this one so look how lovely that is i know so buttery and lovely isn't that nice um quality means a lot to us so i love these so much okay one more time through and then we're gonna have our friends come on to tell us which one they love so as a reminder we have natural line and this is the neutral that you've been waiting for this is the neutral you've been waiting for we have green which is perfect for growing good things y'all should see my office right now oh my gracious there's so many power sheets where did i put the green the green decided to go here we go okay this is green this is perfect for growing good things this is our limited edition this will sell out limited edition uh 10-year anniversary cover and then we have the teal of course which is classic and fun all-in-one like i said i really don't need to do um arm exercises all i need to do is lift these babies right here they're not that heavy but uh here we go there's the teal classic and fun and then we have the coral pink coral pink i know it's hard to choose but again don't make this hard just pick whatever you love and and move on what's gonna matter is in the inside uh and you get to mix and match and have some fun with different accessories too which we'll tell you about very soon okay and then we have clear skies which was a huge favorite from last year clear skies there you go and for anybody that's wondering these are a linen cover but they have a coating on them so they are waterproof so if you spill coffee on them we've tested this y'all before and they do not damage very easily i need them kid proof and coffee proof okay and then we have blooms which is our reimagined favorite to help you bloom right where you've been planted uh and it has gold flecks in it this is hand illustrated it's just so beautiful and i think i got them all did i get them all yeah great but y'all just want to see this more i know you just want to see that okay great and all these beautiful keepsake boxes okay i can't wait to talk to my friends so i'm gonna bring on um a lovely lady here are you guys ready i've never done this before let's see if that's how this works okay um i am going to bring on the lovely magical net are you ready that can we do this okay i'm so excited here we go oh my goodness okay three two one we're here we are here hey everybody oh my goodness hello i'm going to send you a big hug through the screen okay tell us all about how you've been cultivating what matters with power sheets and then of course everybody's going to want to know what's your favorite color of course well first of all i've been using powersheets for years and they are a total game changer for me and this year when we started no day but today was what we started with i love rent so much um so my one thing this year has been saying yes to intentional time and it's okay if you don't start at the beginning of the year if you it's okay if you start in the beginning of the week the middle of the week whenever just start so cultivate what matters the power sheets have been so instrumental in even just my mental health it has been absolutely amazing the last two years i have chose the blooms and i think this year i am going to put the solid color i'm thinking about it i'm not sure and so far the classic teal yes has been my favorite yes yes i'm so excited uh ned i love that you reminded us too of our time with my friend telly at our cultivate your year live event um he is just a dear friend from college and he came and he was on rent in broadway and he came and he sang part i have chills i'm gonna cry now it wasn't good i cried the whole time no i didn't throw anything no day but today and it was so first of all so beautifully done and so generous and you are so generous to say all these things i am like praise the lord that is so amazing to hear and it was also the words there's no day but today no day but today whether you use powersheets or not to cultivate what matters most in your life so thank you net you're saying absolutely and thank you laura oh i gotta give you some cowbells too for all that you've done this year stay tuned high fives high five [Laughter] oh my goodness y'all that was fun we've i've never done this before with bringing people on the camera annette you're a delight thank you so much that was just so fun okay our next friend is a longtime friend actually and i've known her for ever and ever i feel like uh and actually there's several people on here that i've known for a long time natalie frank is probably someone that you all know and likely love she has written a new book and um it's just been such a huge cheerleader not just of the work that we do but of women everywhere of entrepreneurs and helping people cultivate what matters and helping to champion uh creativity and community over comparison and competition and she really started that movement so without further ado natalie oh my goodness three two one happy cover reveal day oh it's like teleporting it's just too fun this oh my goodness it's so good to see you natalie you've had quite a journey and you and i have known each other for a long time and you've had an amazing spiritual journey too like just tell us a little bit about your powersheets journey and then of course we have to know what are you gonna choose oh my gosh okay a lot a lot of good questions um powersheets have been really a place for me to get clear on what matters in my life um i wear a lot of hats i build communities i've been an entrepreneur i'm a mama i'm currently 34 weeks pregnant oh my god lots of amazing important things but having a place where i actually get to spend meat it's like my me time to focus in on what matters and to carve out that time has just given me such clarity in in my walk and in my journey whether it's family whether it's professional whether it's faith having a place where i get to do the work i get to to cultivate what matters in my own life and then see that lived out in my actions has changed everything for me and um especially with writing the book i mean getting this book out has been you know such an endeavor so grateful for you and for your whole team and what you're doing to impact women it is so needed and women are changing the world and they're doing it when they understand what matters and they can move forward in the pursuit of that in terms of covers you've given us an impossible task like this isn't fair this isn't fair okay because i even like i already know i'm i'm going with lennon i'm i'm doing the natural linen this year because it's been for me a very chaotic season with lots of things and so there's something about the simplicity first of all all just that i love like the green you almost had me i was really close to switching but the simplicity of those covers many of them and even the blooms which has so much dynamic like it's such a dynamic cover it's still so peaceful and tranquil there's a tranquility ribbon i'm seeing throughout the 2022 planner after two years that have oftentimes not felt that way so i can't wait to get my hands um on on the planner and then most importantly to open it up and to get into the pages so thank you so much for for everything and they look amazing oh you're so different i i just like i really want you all to know like how instrumental this gal has been in my life and in so many people's lives and i hear a lot of comments right now that you love rising tide society and comparison is actually something that i'm just going to open up on page for y'all to see um you know community over comparison and competition is something that is fundamental to this because in order for us to live out what matters most we have to do the most radical thing anybody can do and that is to walk our own path right and there's so much noise and there's so much just blah i don't even have a word for it that it's really hard to do that and so in order to focus on what matters most we have to make sure that we're focused on the right thing so okay here we go i'm going to show you one page uh here we go comparison isn't just the thief of joy it's the thief of everything so this is where you start in the power process so thank you so much natalie for helping us to do that because it's easy to forget and it's easy to get lost and i'm grateful that you are like a lighthouse and you help to lead us home so thank you so much thank you oh my gosh happy happy cover revealed it oh thank you and congratulations on the baby [Laughter] bye friend oh y'all so fun so great okay without further ado charisse are you ready my friend let's do this oh my goodness three two one oh it's so good to see you so good to see you how are you doing i'm good how are you we're great i i see you have something in front of you that looks familiar so tell us all about hey here's our food story i have my power sheets before we even get started congratulations on 10 years i'm throwing up a lot of imaginary confetti it's imaginary so you don't have to clean it up it's all over the place you know how much i like imaginary confetti because every time i do it here in my little home office i feel like it just gets stuck in little places although it's kind of nice because then it reminds me of celebrating life no matter what you're so sweet but i am so thrilled for you guys and congratulations to you and the entire team but i am so in love with powersheets i discovered you guys maybe about two to three years ago and i was just really trying to focus on planting seeds um i run a non-profit and so i was just really trying to just put my head down and just throw all my seeds everywhere and i we sort of set like a vision for our organization this year where we said well we planted all the seeds so let's cultivate all the hard work that we've done in the last two seasons so that's what we've really been doing and planning and just cultivating all of that but one of the things that i've been really honing in on this year is my yes and no list yeah because it's so easy to see oh i got to do all the things like i got to do this and i got to do that and i should do this and i should do that but i have to often come back to attending tuesday and say you know what that's one of your no listeries good no to that and so i've been really adamant about okay i want to do that wait a minute when you did your planning well you said no to that so don't don't lollygag and go back and so i've been really trying to cultivate more of saying no and being okay with saying no and realizing that i'm not hurting with anyone else's feelings because i really need to focus on things that are going to matter not only in my life right now but what's going to matter five years down the road ten years down the road and just the longevity of that and being okay with that oh preach y'all we need to stop right there that was amazing thank you so much for that truth and i love how this is woven into even into our boxes to remind us because you're right it's so easy to just keep saying yes to the wrong things or get lost or kind of go through the motions right and even here i'll pull up the green box here even just to look at these words yes to leaps of faith yes to it's backwards on my screen yes to dreaming yes to purpose yes to legacy yes to what matters and yes to progress these things are not easy to choose sometimes right like i imagine in those moments for you when you're sitting down and you're like oh my goodness i need to make a shift here it's hard isn't it sometimes it's hard and not only that when you're like leading something your team looks to you for that vision they want to know that we have a clear path and that we're not adding all these extra things and those things could be good things but not good right now and so i'm learning to embrace the not right now i love it every season gives us an opportunity to cultivate what matters but we can't do it all and do it well charisse you are awesome now tell us what cover you're going to be choosing this year well because i've been spreading little seeds everywhere i'm in a season of blooming and i'm just so excited about all the things that are going to bloom and blossom and happen in our lives this year like just i am so excited for you and also for your team thank you for your leadership and all the work you do you are extraordinary thank you for cultivating what matters because it really does make a difference it's going to help not just you guys but everyone else to bloom aren't you all so encouraged right now i know the comments it's just amazing you're awesome so good you're awesome you keep being great thank you all right bye bye y'all i could do this all day i just love talking to people i love hearing what matters to you i love seeing women choose what matters and let go of all the rest because it has ripple effect and it matters it matters to my children and lord willing their children and it matters in the big picture woo amazing all right my final friend is someone who i've known for quite a long time from the southern wedding's days if you didn't know we used to publish southern weddings magazine which we retired after a decade um and i'm so grateful to welcome on melissa hi all right here we go three two one oh my god hello it has been a long time i think since you and i have been on a screen together it's just yeah we are so overdue thanks so much for having me i have to tell you when you did your cover reveal and i saw bloom i was just like oh my gosh it took my breath away it was an instant mood uplifter and it was like a no-brainer i'm like i have to go for that but we're done done we are doing the blooms i know i saw it too it arrived in our office last week and i was gonna go with green but then i saw this and i think that's it's an amazing thing that color and um we take a lot of that into account that color and movement in an image or the design of something really can lift your mood right so absolutely there's a lot of meaning to it but anyway tell us about your journey with powersheets and cultivating what matters yeah i have been a powersheet user for eight years and i have to tell you laura it has moved mountains in my life um even back in the day i'm like gonna try not to cry but even back before i had my daughter claire i'm gonna show you right now i saw your beautiful pictures back there look at her i remember the days when you'd say make the pinterest boards and put your make your visual board and i put pictures of being pregnant and having a second child and i kept visualizing it and visualizing it i just remember just with the whole power sheets going through that journey and then finding out i was pregnant and so i always look back and i'm like she's my power sheets baby that's that's so amazing yeah no it is it is so amazing and i have to tell you i've grown i've always been a stationary girl since i was a little girl i'd always buy pins and notebooks and planners your powersheets is the number one stationary item that i've used consistently since i've started buying it it has made a impactful change in my life it has moved mountains for me and truly i can't thank you and your team enough for all that you've done you have made a huge difference in my life and my family's life too well and vice versa you have been such a supporter of our company and our small team for so long and we just can't thank you enough y'all i don't i don't know i'm having a moment right now just having a moment just thinking about i know uh just thinking about it i mean as we're here celebrating 10 years we're not celebrating 10 years of powersheets we're celebrating 10 years of doing our very best within the mess of life to choose to cultivate what matters and in the moments where we totally mess up which we always will in the imperfect to get back up and to choose it again and to choose it again and this is just proof even in your life that little by little steps actually do add up they they actually do add up i do preach myself on that many times so praise the lord and thank you so much melissa so good to see you so good to see you thanks for having me bye y'all what a gift what again we could just keep going there's so many of you here who have either used powersheets for so long and we've really connected in person to you know back pre-covered um and i'm just so excited to think with more of you some of you asked if we're going to be doing cultivate your live again yes we are we were just talking about it yesterday so um the next time you see me we'll probably be on launch day here um to celebrate and also for cultivate your live in december which mark your calendar i won't tell you the date yet but cultivator live is happening which is the day we're going to do all of our power sheets together i'm so thrilled okay i'm going to show you the covers one more time any questions you have pop them in the chat window our team is here to answer i'm going to zip through them one more time and then i have a few extra things to tell you at the very end that are very important are you ready for this okay so i'm gonna go through which one would you like to see first tell me in the comments which one which one would you like to see first i need to get my ukulele out but it's covered in powersheets right now and guys i want you to know that i actually watched a tuning video before this and it still sounds terrible ready oh no it's terrible [Music] but all for you all for you did anybody guess by the way who was with me on the live where i had the ukulele someone please tell me in the comments do y'all remember this do you remember this anybody okay you want to see green i see that teal and green but anybody have a guess on who was with me on the live when we had a ukulele in the past this exact same ukulele actually all right if nobody has a guess i think maybe it must have come in a previous comment it was nicole nicole is still such a dear friend and she's doing amazing things and nicole and i literally sat here in my office and showed you the new power sheets and i believe it was the year 2016 when we first had our coil bound set so that was the year that we offered both the loose leaf sheet set and the coil bound set i know things have changed y'all okay are we ready are we ready we're gonna do it looks like you guys want to see green so we'll see green first okay this is green and i'm also gonna show it to you in its box if i can get all my ducks in around here um hey everyone okay here we go we've got green this is our 10-year anniversary cover and then i'm just gonna show you the box top okay here's your box that goes with it the top of the box with all that beautiful 10-year anniversary pattern i know it's so beautiful net you want me to hold all six i will try just for you i'm gonna i'm gonna try um all right and next i'm gonna show you teal i saw that that was a request as well and i'll hold them next to each other so you can see okay this is the teal it's got all those cute little word of the year cards popping out this also has our um seeds pattern on the inside let's see if i can do this this is a beautiful new pattern i love that one so much okay so this is the the green and the teal uh and i didn't show you the teal box here's the box all right there we go and then we're gonna go to blooms put that lovely lady right in the middle star of the show it's got all of those beautiful colors in it i know isn't that beautiful okay let's this is the test y'all this is the test can i do this this one comes in a beautiful pink box okay there's the top this one comes in that signature pink box love that that is so pretty and that lovely i know uh okay next clear skies all right it's getting real in here y'all it's kids getting real do i look awkward because i feel awkward uh there is your clear skies i'll show that to you up close all right clear skies and then here is the box for clear skies all right look how pretty that is oh it's just so lovely buttery i love it okay next i'm going to show you with linen all right here's linen these are just lovely beautiful and yes these are coated the linens are coated so i'll pour some water on it and show you in just a second all right so there's that i know i'm trying to let you see all of them together and the light in my office is really bright there we go that shows you the color a little bit better you see that okay i want to make sure i'm as helpful as i can be for you guys okay and then um oh the linen box don't let me forget all right there's the linen box this feels much like trying to get three kids out the door to something it's like holding all the all the plates in your hands uh okay and this is the bright coral pink it's actually a really nice soft pink i love that okay and the box top is on the floor let's see if i can do this y'all are you ready here we go oh my goodness okay and she's back up all right there is the box wait there we go there's the box stop okay i'm glad you all are enjoying this now i'm gonna try to hold them all so you can see oh this represents a lot of hard work and prayer i remember when emily and i sat down to write the new process this year and i was walking outside and the spring air was just so wonderful and i just felt such peace about this year just felt such peace about um thinking about all of you guys filling out these pages and truly having more clarity than ever in this new process so there's a lot that's different inside and all from your feedback and all from things that we know are going to be helpful for you so i'm excited for you okay there we go that's it that is there she is okay all right i'm going to pour water on one and then i'll take a couple questions and then oh my goodness these are lovely and then we will send you off with some very important information all right i think the easiest one for you to see water on to make sure you can see like a watermark if there ever was one it's probably going to be the pink let's give this a try shall we okay is the pink the same as last year no it's not it's not it's a little bit richer it's more of a coral and i think we have some images where we can show you too i don't have a towel hold on let's see if this works all right there we go the water just sits on top can you see that yeah you can see that okay great so i'm gonna attempt to wipe this off with a towel oh my gracious all right and the water is literally rolling around it's not soaking in so if you spill coffee on this this is a lesson and water tension for all of you homeschool families like me teach your kids about water tension it just sits right on top all right there we go i feel like a qvc ad there's no mark so there you go yes and i'm happy dawn to show you the inside of the pockets okay beautiful little cards that come in there this one has the blooms pocket uh this one right here this has beautiful gold foil stripe let's see if i can get you to see that there we go great gold foil stripe you guys are wonderful can we do this in um person one day that would be great do a diet coke test i don't drink diet coke i wish i could uh and i don't drink coffee either i know i'm such a weirdo but um we have tested it with coffee and we will again um here we go this is the blooms here's your cute little insert cards here and this one has just a really nice soft peach inside i know isn't that lovely lovely okay this is teal teal has that really pretty soft um like kind of a blue on blue seeds pattern inside love that okay and last but not least the green oh this is delightful that's just delightful isn't that lovely y'all are going to be so delighted by all the inside pages too not just the design of course but the experience i'm excited for you okay let's see what questions can i answer um did i did the pockets great uh gail you're so sweet i know i just don't use social media anymore too much going on i missed y'all too though but you'll see me here back again okay i'm gonna tell you some things uh some things you need to know is what you can look forward to the rest of the month you're gonna see all the inside changes and learn what's new inside of powersheets on september the 21st which is i believe next week right so september the 21st come on back here kaylee and alexa are gonna be and sorry if i just set off your alexa do y'all do that too we spell it in our house so it doesn't go off um they're gonna be here to tell you about all the inside changes in powersheets next wednesday i believe um september the 22nd which is the next day uh you're going to look for that 2022 collection guide and you're going to have that in your email if you're on our email list but we're going to release the entire collection to you i believe next week according to what i'm reading here that's soon y'all that is soon and then the big day is october the 6th starting at 10 a.m eastern time that is launch day october 6th we just had our gold school premium members am i allowed to say this they got to shop early yesterday and they are excited oh my goodness y'all it was very exciting so um i will see you all again in less than one month for our launch day live i will be back here on october the 6th please share this live with your friends you are not going to want to keep these surprises to yourself and there is so much more really probably the biggest collection we've ever launched with accessories and all kinds of good stuff so stay tuned for that i'm going to give you one more review of this we have six new covers clear skies coral pink blooms green teal and natural linen so i'm going to take some votes before we close out for clear skies who is getting clear skies let me know in the comments who's getting clear skies who is getting clear skies this one was a huge favorite last year and again we made all of these mostly solid because you get to customize you get to make this your own and this can mix and match with whatever's in your life and you probably won't look at your cover very much i'm just telling you the truth you're going to be looking at the inside pages but these are fun to choose so if you're going to be choosing clear skies let me know in the comments all right and if you're choosing teal teal which is different than the teal from last year this to me is a i think it's a warmer teal it's really lovely love that so much team teal let us know if you are on team blooms give us a shout out there team blooms i know danielle i like your guesses on what you think will be the best sellers this year you think teal and green very interesting okay i will see we'll see um so and then we have of course a lot of you have been asking us forever and ever and ever to make a neutral version of powersheets this one has neutral tabs as well um but for the most part they're all the same on the inside this one has a couple modifications that aren't as bright as the other ones okay so this oh guys you're all excited oh hi india hey friends hi maggie hi guys hey debbie oh my goodness y'all it's so good to see you here hi chante ah team neutral team neutral okay great and let me just say proverbially there is nothing neutral about this one this has boldness all on the inside pages my friends don't judge a book by its cover all right team pink team coral pink the box for this one just makes me happy team coral pink team curl pink you know it's so pretty oh lots of you love this one that's great to see this is probably my favorite pink that we've made last year's pink was a little bit lighter and we've made a pink previously that was a hot pink this is not those this is not a light pink or a hot paint this is more of a coral pink this has a little bit of warmth to it i love it so much um did i get them all i think i did okay there's all your lovely ladies hold them up one more time um and if you're not on our email list and you want more details and you want to be notified very first of when you can shop and all the good stuff please go to 2022. call 2022 to get on the list you're going to want to be the first to shop on launch day we say it every year and every year stuff sells out and if you have to have a friend shop for you because you have something going on that's totally great do your thing um but there you go there they are i know so thrilled for y'all and again it's not about you know the beauty or the aesthetic of a cover it really is about you guys getting excited about cultivating what matters and if a cover choice helps you do that i'm all about it [Laughter] you all know that nothing fires us up more than seeing women do what net and charisse and all the friends said today which is to choose what matters and say no to all the rest and as our box says this year yes to leaps of faith yes to dreaming yes to purpose yes to legacy yes to progress and yes to what matters so we're excited to celebrate 10 years with you huge hugs all around and i will see you soon mark your calendars and go to 2022 is so
Channel: Cultivate What Matters
Views: 962
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2Tyc2gZwEKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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