2021 Pokémon Players Cup 25th Invitational VGC W2 - Wolfe Glick vs Santino Tarquinio

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these players cup champions are going to be bringing some really interesting choices here and the thing i see straight away is we've got a weather war on our hands here adam santino picking kyoga as his restricted whereas wolf has opted for that groudon so a lot of the time it's making sure that you get the weather up on your side so the synergy that you've built around it on your team is able to come through pick up those kos i really like that we get to see this match up it's something that i hadn't seen in a little while and it's a slightly different version of kyogre and groudon than we've seen previously but i do like it and i like that when you've only got one you have to be really kind of thoughtful about your weather with both trainers really committing to playing around with that weather right you know the the tornadoes being able to take advantage with the hurricane the rilla boom feeling very very safe against fire attacks even the serena as well really nice bit of team building there from santino and wolf doing the same thing around that groudon you know the cherim gonna be highly reliant on of course having the sun available to activate its ability the entei able to take great advantage of it dealing even more damage so a whole lot to really think about um making sure you control the weather and you play it right it's going to be really important for both of these trainers i personally have always been a bigger fan of the kyogre as well but okay i i i know it's a little bit controversial i know a lot of people have seen more success from the crowd on but i've always been a bit of a bigger fan of the kyogre and i think it you know if you get it in after the after the groudon you're always going to be in a good position to take that game so really the pressure on santi a little bit to to manage the board and get the kyogre in at the right time and i think sometimes groudon as much as it's my favorite out of the two i normally saw a lot of success with it when it's paired up with the second restricted like xerneas for example and on its own it maybe doesn't have the same utility as something like the kyogre when you've got a pokemon like tornadoes that can go for those kind of priority rain dances as well to help sell the weather back up in your favor if needs be then kyogre definitely can work really well in kind of team synergy but groudon as well certainly has a lot of potential it can pack a really heavy hit and if you're able to kind of switch it and utilize it really well then you can definitely pick up those kos as well but i think it's time adam to jump into the battle of the weather wars let's jump into game one and see which of these pokemon is going to come out on top and whether it's going to be raining or sun shining at the end of the match wolfe leading out with the zapdos and the incineral no restricted on the field yet but we will of course see the intimidate come down from that incineroar into two grass type pokemon here we've got the boom and the serena out for action yep no restricteds both trainers very acknowledging uh that you know you've got to make sure that you you don't just give up you're restricted early and you lose control of that weather so really nicely done nicely kind of set up i think um you know serena coming in with the queenly majesty could be quite important limiting and taking away some of those options from the incineroar yes it got the intimidate down but i think overall taking away something like the fake out from it and just saying no you can't do that really really important um looking through the moves available over on this serena there's one i'm really excited about i don't know if it comes to the floor now but it's actually a move that i think santi is the only person playing it in this tournament and it could be really really huge i'm talking of course about triple axel yo i wonder if we're going to see that come into effect at some point in this match but ridiboom just going to go straight away for the fake out obviously not affected by its partner's ability and can capitalize on that zapdos going to retaliate with the thunderbolt interrupt only doing a little amount of damage here leaving itself slightly vulnerable but serena just going to go straight away for that u-turn no triple axel as of yet just santino utilizing this opportunity to maybe switch up the ball position bring him one of those pokemon from the back going for that weaver though so that pokemon can come in um apply some possible ice pressure to the opposing zapdos yeah that's going to be uh one way to deal with the zapdos and you've got to start forcing wolf down to you know the last two or three pokemon early on because that's how you force out the groudon santina revealing to us yes there is that kyogre in the back so i think he's gonna be trying to kind of apply the pressure early doors to to get the zapdos gone force him to reveal the groudon as early as possible uh there was not just one triple axel by the way there was actually two triple axels on this team uh when i was looking through it and and reading a little bit about this match i was like oh that makes sense on the weeble and i saw it again on the the serena and i was like oh it really really committed to the triple axel play oh well doubles the chances of us maybe seeing it and weevil is indeed gonna go for the triple x silver into the detect of the opposing zapdos here really gonna go for the u-turn however down into that opposing incineroar there's a decent chunk of damage with a critical hit as well going to be procking the berry on that opposing incineral there citrus barry going to regain a little bit of hp from in cinnamon of course some good information as well for santino of the item choices that wolf has gone for here no it helps you just kind of pick through this team in game number one again it's that closed team sheet that you've just got to be so thoughtful of and uh make sure that you you're learning as much as you can in wins and losses this is a tough choice santino he is going to go for it though and we get to see the item on the kyogre as well which i think could be pretty impactful um one thing i really like about this kayo cause it reminds me of about 2010 when choi scarf was the choice on the kyogre every single time and and being able to get that in and be able to maybe just put down some big damage uh could be really big here this this could be an immediate switcheroo though yeah that's the thing you know kyogre can apply a lot of pressure to the field but with the parting shot on the incineroar it does allow wolf the utility to bring in that groudon and change up the weather and cetina doesn't really have an option to change that weather out without switching the kyoga at some point in this game of course kyogre can still deal some good damage with something like an ice beam into either of wolves pokemon here but that's not necessarily the move you want to be locked into kyogre does like to be in the rain the most it wants to be in the rain it's taking advantage of that choice scarf and throwing out huge water spouts would be preferred here the weave are in a really good position though and obviously santy the only person in this tournament bringing the weevil might be able to capitalize on it um just you know throw out triple axels that are gonna be able to land you know consistent damage on something like the groudon look at it in the menu super effective on both and not even messing around saying well you know what you're going to show me the groudon i might have to take my kyogre away but i will catch something as you do that that's the thing you need to pick what wolf's going to do here because we're going to be you know pretty certain there's going to be an ice beam coming out from that opposing kyogre or a switch at this position it's just making sure that you can kind of call what your opponent's going to do wolf does decide to switch it bring it in the incineral that's of course going to be able to take an ice beam much better than something that the groudon would have if that's the target choice santino's gone for but instead goes just for the water spout here does good damage catches down cylinder on the switch and even in the sun that still does deal some critical damage incineroar doesn't have the berry recovery anymore but we see it now finally adam that triple axel coming out connecting onto that opposing zapdos and connects twice onto it as zapdos can retaliate with the weather ball fantastic synergy on the team going to be turning into a fire type move due to the sun in the sky and just takes out that revolve oh that weave are so unlucky to not land the third hit of triple axel obviously the most damaging of the three as well it gets stronger with each consecutive hit and the item choice there making sure that you're hitting these moves every time just didn't pay off i think if he lands that hit there it's a whole different ball game and the zapdos is just knocked out so uh it's a really unfortunate situation being locked into the water spout you know yes it did some decent damage but the sun's still up reducing that which is a problem and of course your your switching options are are getting a little more limited so it's going to be a tough turn or two for for santino to to stabilize and get through this one i think and needs to find an answer quickly the fake out is defended though i do like that the queenly majesty is back in play yes definitely but both of santino's pokemon is sitting quite vulnerable to the supposing zapdos whether it is with like electric type moves or with that um weather ball as well coming down into that opposing serena for example wolf just got to switch things out and bring the cherum into the field so all of the sun synergy really being artistically demonstrated here by wolf the cherub is going to go for that flower gift ability you know he looks so happy out here on on the field here at the invitational as grassy glide comes out from the serena not enough to be able to pick up the ko and the static is going to retaliate onto serena and give it this potential paralysis chance kyogre once again going for the water spout due to the windows hp on zapdos i think it is enough to be able to pick up the ko against it so at least that's one pokemon santino doesn't have to worry about but sharon easily able to take that yeah and in the sun getting uh to change its form as soon as it comes in it's been wolf's game with complete control of the weather speaking of 2010 i think that was the last time i saw cherum as well uh there's definitely a bit of a throwback here from from both these trainers and then something a lot more modern alongside it so uh santino definitely got a good little bit of wiggle room out of that turn i think just going for it uh really paying off for him not getting caught with switches uh too much and finally getting that knockout on the zapdos i like to see that he's just just committed and just going for it i mean this is where the triple axel on that serena could really come into play because it can obviously deal some really good damage to that opposing cherum um and that's something that the kyogre would really like to benefit from at the same time kyogre is still sitting here in the sun and i don't know whether it would be in santino's best interest to try and get that pokemon off the field and reset it just so the wolf doesn't get the synergy from the sun that he's been able to demonstrate so well you know you've got to remember with the incineroar as well the sun's going to boost up any flare blitzes that wants to dish out now the the incinerator also it's kind of being forced into the flare blitz with the presence of queenly majesties so um this this could get a little bit dangerous depending on on how santy uh went about this turn i mean wolf just throwing pokemon out there um throwing it into the water spout yeah the sun's there but that's still a good chunk yeah dealing good chunk to that posing groudon um the chair i'm able to go for the solar um solar blade here absorbing in all of that amazing sunlight here and targeting them down into the opposing um kyogre here huge huge damage amazing animation and i mean that's one way to stop the damage of water spout just put it right back into his poke ball hit and santino loses his restricted pokemon the triple axel does find its mark again on the chair and we see one two and we do see the third triple axel able to pick up a co in retaliation on that cherum ah that's exactly what was needed and making it through the paralysis chance really really helpful there but getting that damage down on groudon i think could be important this game really really close even though wolf has had control of the weather for the whole game i mean this groudon yes it can deal big damage but it's now going to be next to uh you know in the face of this willow boom and this serena um the serena keeping away that fake out just saying no you're not allowed to do that means the willow boom and serena are both free to throw out grassy glides and it's two to two really really close a lot riding on this uh incineroar actually i think to to deal the damage that it needs to yeah and of course the rid of boom as well can deal some good damage to for example the growling in retaliation here something like a grassy glide as well um going to be able to benefit from the grassy terrain being in play giving it that priority and obviously the boost the grass type moves as well i think you're right here if you're wolf you need to make sure you're preserving um your groud on here it's not going to be ko'd unnecessarily um and the incinerals certainly could benefit from some of those collaborations you're facing down against two grass type pokemon you're going to be able to deal a huge chunk of damage but the hp on that cinema is not mighty either the recoil could very easily take it out and the grassy glide's certainly going to help with that reducing it down into the red of its hp stand the grassy glide actually doubling up not going to be enough to pick up a ko but we'll guarantee that with the flare blitz the recoil is going to be enough to pick up the ko against that opposing incinerator yeah i don't know if both of those grassy guards were required but it's definitely making sure and trying to avoid that a really smart play by santee i do like that he's gone for it and it does leave this uh you know groudon just to deal with the serena um but it ends it with the heat crash i think maybe doubling into that was a little bit a little bit too much i think you had to spread the damage around and try and deal with the groudon as well yeah and i think in kind of our conversation about the weather wars there it certainly was all about the sunshine i think we saw kind of the rain come out first and you know kyle was very happy to be on the field but wolfe was able to capitalize on that same term i think believe it was a parting shot with the incineroar to just bring in the groudon and then really that's kind of how the weather stayed able to use the weather ball on the zapdos um able to bring chairman with flower gift and just be able to kind of capitalize on the fact that sun was in the sky and although i didn't admire the fact that santino was kind of just bravely standing in the faces going for the water spouts that was dealing you know decent damage it just wasn't enough when you compared the offensive pressure that all of those pokemon were able to do in the sunny environment yeah it was it was just a weird mismatch and i think it's gonna have to get changed up let's see if it does get changed up as we head into game number two a lot more care needed around that kyogre and the drizzle ability and control of the weather so plenty to think about between games more just throwing out the groudon immediately and oh here we go this is what i was expecting from this map shop yeah this was the adaptation i wanted to see from santino bringing that tornado that can have that priority rain dance just to make sure that if the groudon's on the field bringing the sunshine you have the option to turn it around straight away and bring that rain back onto the field but i think that's a wonderful lead here from wolf because then you've got the zapdos to still apply some pressure with electric type moves now the zapdos is gonna be threatening both of these pokemon with thunderbolts just being able to start picking those off so santi really needs to get an advantage and get it quickly i think um this could be kind of the the big reveal of something the wolf doesn't know about because of the close team shoot format they're playing in not available yes the one way wolf has to be able to manipulate the weather play is making sure that you can switch that kyogre back in i'm sorry the groudon back in because kyogre is on the field in its primary environment the tornado is helping with the rain dance bringing the water onto the field and of course we know the item on that kyogre with the choice scarf it's going to be super speedy huge huge damage here will be picking up the ko against the incident uh but zapdos able to hang on with an absolute slither of hp ah that is uh not a good time to switch in if you're the incineroar left to come in and just you know take that damage is just such an ask and um you know yes it had the potential to be a really impactful switch if there was you know if it was able to take something but you're not gonna be able to take that wolf kind of being forced now down to you know show the chair in the groudon's got to be coming in and if if that can get cold and maybe dealt with with something like another rain dance santee is going to be in a really good position to to fight this one out i mean the kayoke is going to be locked into that water spout and having taken the thunderbolt from the zapdos the damage output is going to be reduced now so even if you know the groudon switches in for that zapdos maybe brings the sun onto the field sharon's going to be happy um potentially only for a moment though of tornadoes wants to go for something like the rain dance then the damage isn't going to be as impactful but i feel like wolf maybe would want to preserve that groudon a little bit more in the back it might be a case of having to sacrifice the zapdos but santino actually shaking things up doesn't want to be locked into that water spout anymore and serena is going to jump in onto the action zapdos going for the thunderbolt into the opposing tornadoes they're revealing the wackenberry on there though so gonna negate a lot of the damage from this first electric type attack it won't be there for the second one though if that does happen and zapdos gonna be helped out by its buddy cherum here with the pollen path gonna regain a huge chunk of hp uh a lot of help for the zapdos it was so dangerously low and being able to get healed up like that really really helpful the the toner just has to be careful now the wackenberry is gone has to you know can't take another thunderbolt and of course getting that icy wind damage down is gonna help a little bit um but the cherub doing a lot of work hasn't changed form yet uh just feeling pretty good about its options and and i think uh the serena is gonna have to come in and try and pick up some damage you know maybe just try and finish off this zapdos get the groudon in then you can bring back in your kyogre you're not locked into waterspout anymore you can start scalding things yeah that's true but again if you're the zapdos you have to be careful you are at relatively low hp and you have had your speed reduced by that icy wind potentially you know even if growling comes in changes up the weather zapdos is still going to be in quite a precarious situation um but you never know it might be able to you know switch out have that reset and can come back in a little bit later and start threatening in the sun with some of those weather balls cherum however just going to go straight for a protect here doesn't want to take any damage in this turn as tornadoes goes for the hurricane in the ring which would have been 100 accurate so charon why is he protecting in the face of that serena is able to connect the triple axel onto the opposing zapdos and once again does get caught by the static here it does however go for the second triple axel and picks up the ko so santino able to deal with that zapdos i think that's exactly what santino needed in that turn the zapdos forcing down to the last two for wolf this is what we talked about at the top of the game it's all about having that position and control of the weather yeah you get the drought up but the kyogre is just in the back and is able to come in and deal with that kind of at its leisure uh and it gets away yes the the cherubim transforms but i don't know if these two are going to be enough with a kyogre in the back especially a choice scarf variety it has its pickup moves it can scold it can ice beam it can thunder you know the only thing it doesn't really want to do is of course throw out that water spout but it's going to be a bit of a bit of a tricky one for wolf as soon as that pokemon comes back yeah it's certainly a difficult situation here tornado is able to go for the rain dances wolf wasn't able to deal with it before getting locked down into the situation where he's unable to switch out the groudon anymore so rain is going to be the dominant weather force on the fields here and share him as happy and delighted as it was to be out in its form is going right back um with vladimir being retracted there cherub is going to absorb light however the sun has come out of the sky as the rain is joining on the battlefield so serena gets the opportunity to go for this triple axel reconnects once connects twice and that is enough needed to be able to pick up the ko against the cherum so now it is just groudon facing down against the pokemon on santino's side but we know with that kyogre in the back particularly with the choice scarf is just going to be able to come in and deal with this kyogre nice and quickly yeah at any point uh santina can end this game and i think maybe just limit testing a little bit seeing how much damage he can do with this serena tornado's combination which has been really really good at seeing him through the mid game since he had to switch out of course that that kyogre early on uh hurricane doing a good chunk getting the confusion as well um and now time to see if you can you can get lucky on your triple axels oh well no lucky at all it actually manages to avoid the confusion as well just gonna add some insult to injury there to the ground on but this does buy wolf a little bit more time to really think about how to adapt um you know potentially going into this game three particularly with the information that you've gleaned here from santino and the adjustments that were made going into that game too i think like you said there i am kind of working around the tornadoes and the kyogre is a strategy the wolf has to try and figure out hurricane gonna come down into the kyogre and with a critical hit as well for some extra style points there from the tornadoes gonna be able to take game two for right balancing it up one to one and uh this battle between the two north american players kept one and two champions really going all the way it's the winners bracket and you want to stay up there and keep going both of them have shown a very clear strategy on how to win though and i think game three we're going to get more changes they both kind of they change from hide the the weather setters to show the weather setters i think we might go back to save them and play around them a little bit more yeah exactly it's just preserving those restricted pokemon and making sure that the weather is you know not always not necessarily always out in the field for you but that you have the option and kind of work towards that end game really well and i think speaking of end games let's jump into game three and see exactly how this particular set is going to go one player will remain undefeated in the tournament and the other one will be dropping down to the losers bracket but wolf making a lovely adjustment here we've got incineroar one of my favorite pokemon the dust clubs out here on the field as kyogre and serena joined the field for the opposing side uh definitely a little bit different from wolf and i like that that makes up you know the the way that i think santino's been been putting himself in good positions is just by being so fast and just saying you know what yes i do want to just uh deal damage first that choice scarf kyogre being so impactful really make the choice card useless if you just set up a trick room and that um could be really really big if that's something that the kyogre and serena pairing just can't deal with um so a lot going on the queenly majesty though i do like it a lot i think the fact is keeping the kyogre safe from that fake out means wolf's options are a little bit limited and we may just see him switch it over to the groudon well kyogre just going to go straight away for um the the damage dealing move here coming out into that posing incineroar straight away picking up the ko against it huge huge damage from the water spout um as serena is able to go for a taunt really really nice play here from santino being able to lock down any of those status moves that we know that dustin's like to go for and it was indeed that trick room which would have been great for wolf in the face of a choice scarf kyogre wow this serena's move set is absolutely crazy being able to lock down stuff like the dust clubs being able to take out threats like the you know the zapdos as well it's kind of been doing everything on this team you know usually a lot of people bring it just for the ability and you know it's got a pretty good stat line but it's one of those that has been doing so much work in this set i don't think it can be ignored i think wolf expected santi to to switch out the kyogre there expecting the groudon to come in but sanji just stuck with it and took out that incineroar immediately this kyogre does not back down and i think it's it's fair to say it is so brave i mean look at the damage it's dealing out to that opposing groudon and putting dust stops in a really precarious position as well um oh not gonna be able to steal too much of the dust spots though and gravel is gonna go for fling with that iron ball going into that kyogre huge huge damage of course ironbord a very damaging item to be flinging around on the battlefield does deal a very heavy punch and kyogre gonna be followed up by that duskblot obviously taunted it's only going to really be able to with a sort of standard move pool be able to go for something like that nightshade but it's not enough kyogre is going to still be on the field but of course it's not going to be dealing as much damage with those water spouts anymore no you've got to get out after you've uh you've started water spouting that's fine but you do have to leave after a certain point if you don't get the knockouts with it you've got to switch it around now i think the pressure's on wolf to try and take advantage of this you know knows that something's coming in he's got to get rid of his desktops thinks the knights shades aren't enough and this is a good change for for wolf this puts him in a much better position yeah the intake coming in here is certainly very very threatening serena going to go for that grassy glide into the protect off the groudon so no damage coming out here i'm just going to be the grassy terrain just kind of re redealing a little bit of hp here but i love the enta switch in here there's so much that nt can do um to really kind of manipulate the battlefield at this point i think the ante is going to be really important obviously he wants to take advantage of the sun and look at what it's staring down the river and the serena must look like dinner for it it feels you know it feels like it's in a really good position to to maybe try and just land huge attacks take advantage of the sun not like the willow boom can slow it down anything either i mean you know it's really difficult to deal with an entei and this i think is probably wolf's end game win condition it's actually the entei there's just because of how much damage the groudon took earlier on i think that puts the pressure on something else um to go for it well the tornadoes has joined the field this was certainly the thorn in wolves side here being able to go for those rain dances and then of course the hurricanes being 100 accurate in the rain as well it can certainly crush the sunny dreams of wolf's side of the field really i'm going to go for that grassy glide though into the dust spots that switched in you know trick room wasn't able to go up the slopes wasn't low hp it wasn't really going to be able to do anything too much in this match but it did allow wolf the option to switch pokemon again but you know it picked up a ko and it gets carried in retaliation the sun in the sky with that sacrifice did huge damage coming out from that entei yep that's a lot of damage going down but what's really important for santi in that turn is he got the knockout onto the dust clops and that means wolf is down to his last two and that means that the rain dance just kind of wraps this one up a little bit um you know just sort of tidies it up i think and just makes this really easy obviously doesn't have access to water spout anymore it does but you know it's not going to do that much damage yeah it's not a premium water spout but it is available if you're feeling like it probably going to lean over onto something like the scald um but the weather's just going to be easy to get controlled with a rain dance from the tornado so i think santi in a great position you know pick up one knockout this term um maybe go after that intake it's a little scarier in my opinion uh but then you know you can deal with groudon a little bit down the line yeah that's the thing santino's really got control here at this point you can go for that rain dance um i guess the one thing you have to be wary about though is if wolf maybe protects the pokemon you pulled the wrong target necessarily with something like the skulls and then it would allow the other pokemon on warsaw to pick up the ko but santino not going to play into that just bringing the serena back here onto the field as tornadoes goes for that rain dance so you know bringing the rain to protect the grass type partner pokemon i think is really nice in the face of both of horse pokemon as well and it does mean that kyogre can come in when the rain's already on the field meaning tornadoes doesn't have to go for it in that turn the sacred fire however in the rain still does a huge chunk to that opposing um serena there and of course the intake moving very very fast here as well probably indicative of the item choice on wolf's side of the field as groudon follows up with the heat crash as well again thanks to the iceland serena regaining a little bit of hp serena easily going to be able to survive this and the double up allow the tornadoes to freely set up that rain dance yep getting that rain dance through really really big and this tornadoes now has access to hurricane which is going to help it out to just deal the damage required and i think santi playing it smart playing it safe there with the removal of the kyogre when you come down to the single target issue you really want to be able to make sure you get it right and if you can use your other two pokemon available because he does have that extra pokemon over wolf if you can use them to take out one of the opposition then you never have to make a mistake in guessing and getting it wrong so very very smart by him you know even if something gets knocked out now knows that the groudon just protected and how to kind of play around that one exactly and you know the ends are going for the sacred fire again you know indicative it's not going to be able to go for any protection it's going to be locked into this move allowing the tornado i think probably freely just target down into that slot the grassy glad of course not being able to target down into that groudon um but the hurricane hitting down onto the entertain not going to be getting any confusion on this opportunity and santino now free to bring the kyogre in from at the back yup and knows that there's no real protecting options available the entei of course is showing off that it's locked into one move i think the sacred fire you know might be able to sneak a knockout but you do have to respect it but the groudon as well just protected and you know that you can go after it with something like this gold in this turn so i'm really kind of wise i like the tornadoes is just applying that pressure with the hurricane trying to keep things locked down a little bit and yeah here we go kyogre gets to move first i think this just wraps it up yeah a huge damage here going into that groudon removing the restricted full bulb just leaving the entei here in plane as you can see it is slower than that opposing groudon is not actually even able to pick up the ko against it but does actually get the cheeky burn so kyogre will be going down at the end of this turn as the hurricane comes out does huge damage again not picking up the ko but getting that confusion there's a lot of these secondary effects coming through i'll be honest i didn't know how much a sacred fire was gonna do to the kyogre in the rain i was like it might get there but it didn't the burn will obviously uh try to but the last turn of the grass oh this poke is gonna get to wrap the game up yeah i thought it was gonna go down i forgot all about the grassy terrain obviously activating first the koga in all of its glory in the strictly game and i think it has been obviously the hero for santino here in this battle of the weather wars able to go for that choice scarf to scold into the end tape picking up the set for santino so santino gonna remain undefeated here at the invitational we'll still in the tournament but we'll just
Channel: DaringNite
Views: 338,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, world, championships, pokemon championship, championship, pokemon world championships, worlds, finals, masters, nationals, regionals, top 4, vgc, tcg, grand finals, ポケカ, pokemon go, vgc 2021 finals, pokemon world championships 2021, worlds 2021, 2021 finals, tcg 2021, 2021 pokemon world championship, vgc 2021 worlds, pokemon vgc 2021, pokemon 2021 vgc, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, 2021 regionals vgc, vgc 2021, wolfe glick, aaron zheng, players cup 25th
Id: my6AHrXQNa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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