2022 Anticipated Book Releases | Round 1

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oh hello today we are doing the first of three most anticipated book videos that i will do for the year of 2022 i always do my first one towards the end of the previous year my second one early in the year and my third one towards the end of the summer of that year so that's just to accommodate the fact that publication dates change new things come onto my radar new books are getting buzzed et cetera and i just love making these i think they're so fun if it wouldn't be such a huge part of my overall content output i would probably do this like every month but i hold myself back and so this is my first 2022 anticipated book video i think that this is going to end up being kind of an unusual list or a sort of a weirdly weighted list because i think that because of supply chain issues and the pandemic we are just continuing to see that impact book release schedules that started in 2020 and i honestly think it's still going on i'm seeing books that i thought were going to come out over the last couple of years that are still pending release and right now are targeted for 2022 but we will see and also i've noticed that some of these sources that i go to in terms of blogs et cetera are a little slower in having their anticipated lists up which is often kind of how i have like different places i go for different genre kind of postings about what's coming out so in particular i think this list will be light on sci-fi fantasy pics because some of the go-to sources i have just haven't published those lists yet but i am still gonna go ahead and make this in my normal slot and uh well i'll just kind of roll with it which has basically been our motto since this personal pan pizza started we're all just kind of rolling with it so there's still plenty for us to talk about i should mention that the front list that i tend to keep my eye on in terms of new releases versus reading older things in terms of genre tends to be non-fiction sci-fi fantasy mystery thriller and romance so if you are not interested in any of those then this video or this list may not be that helpful to you so just a little tidbit there so let's start in january and we will work our way towards the end of the year actually i say that before we get into january why don't we go through a few books that i have on my radar but don't have a clear release date yet many of these are sequels so we will get a new site changeling book usually that comes out in july so i don't know the title or the exact release date yet but obviously i'm looking forward to that i have a whole podcast dedicated to that series there are a few elona andrews books that have been pending release for a while again in theory we might be getting the second iron covenant book maybe maybe not it sounds like that is pretty dark for them to work on and that's part of why they've delayed working on it but that could come out in 2022 as well as the next book for the other spin-off series from kate daniels which uh centers around julie and her new life so those are things that could happen from elona andrews but rebecca roanhorse is supposed to be releasing more books in the sixth world series at some point maybe that will happen in 2022 i would love to see that because i really enjoy that series and i'm wanting to see what happens further with our characters in that series so that could happen and then talia hibbert has an untitled first entry in a series that is called the sky briar series and i know nothing about that but i love talia hibbert and so i have that on my radar love on the brain is gonna be the next release from ali hazelwood whose love hypothesis i absolutely loved in 2021 so definitely anticipating that new release from her next year and then there's also a release from rosie danim without a clear date yet called not ready to make nice i was very intrigued by what i read in the intimacy experiment from her this year so also interested to see possibly what that new book might be like and we are also i'm assuming going to be getting the next entry in the murderbot diaries series for martha wells in 2022 but there's not a specific release date so maybe that will slip into 2023 who knows okay with that in mind uh now we'll move into january so maybe we can start with a couple that i have read already that i have arcs for and i've gone ahead and read we have reckless girls by rachel hawkins and this is a mystery thriller that is an isolated closed circle thriller so you guys know that i absolutely love those and i do think that this is the rare occasion well not rare but it is often i think alluded to on back cover copy that something's going to be an isolated closed circle mystery but when you actually get into it you realize like no that's not actually really what this is i think that this is actually an isolated closed circle thriller and basically the setup is this couple who is sort of a little bit down on their luck with an asterisk because there's a lot of discussion of like money and privilege in this book but down on their luck because they have a hole in their boat in hawaii and that's like kind of their dream is to sail around the world they get this offer from these two rich girls to take them to this like remote island location where their spookiness or like kind of a history of bad things happening there to meet up with this other couple who is on the island spooky murderousness ensues between all the different people who are there really liked this book up until about the last quarter of it then it kind of went off the rails a little bit for me but i definitely think that if you like an isolated closed circle thriller this is well worth seeking out another one that comes out on january 4th is the next installment in the wayward children's series by shauna mcguire oh where the drown girls go and i actually forgot to even look up what this one's about it kind of doesn't matter i always am interested in this release from shauna mcguire oh that's right okay yeah this is actually about a similar institute than the home for wayward children that we've been in but it's like the mean version of it but it's the same kind of boarding school so i'm definitely interested in this one i think that's a really interesting premise and an interesting evolution of the series so that comes out on january 4th and then the last one on january 4th is the maid by neeta pros which i've already read and i will tell you it's probably one of my favorite contemporary cozies i've ever read i gave this four stars and probably would have given it four and a half if there wasn't for like a couple of off notes for me at the very very end but overall the writing in this one is super charming basically our pov character is molly who is a maid at this very fancy hotel and she finds a dead body and basically gets embroiled in the investigation and is suspected of being part of the murder and it is her and her friends at the hotel working through how to get her exonerated and try to get justice and i thought that there's some really interesting layers to this one and it's very voicey in a way that i think was really successful like the writing itself in this is very good and the character work is very good so this is definitely more on the cozy end of things but it wasn't twee which is what sometimes can put me off of a cozy so this was really really good like a unique i don't know that i've read a lot of books quite like it and i've i enjoyed that aspect of it it doesn't have a lot of i think read-a-like titles for it there is also a release from laura lippmann on that day which i have a copy of i've not yet read this but this is called seasonal work and it is a collection of what i believe are sort of like literary mystery short stories and laura littman is an author that i've always meant to try and i tend to enjoy trying authors with short stories that's a good way for me to get a sense of if i like the writing itself enough to pick up a full book so i am excited to get to this to try an author i've kind of always meant to get to and so if you either like laura lippmann or you're like me and you've been looking for something to sort of dip your toes in with her this could be an option that comes out on january 4th then a few things on january 11 we have a flicker in the dark by stacy willingham which is a debut and it is a thriller set in a small town in louisiana and it's sort of like a secrets from the past these girls went missing or died 20 years earlier one of the girls who i think either got away or knew one of the girls who was killed has come back and they're sort of a copycat potentially on the loose so that is a thriller setup that i tend to really enjoy and evidently it's already had a bunch of it's like movie rights options so that tells me that it's likely an interesting plot set up if it's already getting that kind of attention and then also daughter of the moon goddess by sue tan which i believe is the first in a duology like a fantasy duology and it is a retelling of legend of chang who is apparently the chinese moon goddess and i personally love folk tale retellings of any kind mythology retellings all of that that is something that is very much in my wheelhouse and i'm always excited to see that with maybe folk tales or mythology that i'm not as familiar with that's something i've always really loved in elena andrews work is just different mythology from around the world so i thought this sounded really intriguing and then two sequels i thought i'd mention that are coming out on january 18th one is electric idol by katie robert which is the second in her dark olympus series which is sort of like erotic urban fantasy greek mythology retelling so i haven't read neon god yet which is the hades and persephone first book in the series but i'm excited for it and i know that this is going to be a very hyped up and anticipated release and then akata woman by neddy okorafor is the third book in her akata witch series which i very much enjoyed both of the first two they're very imaginative and like evocative in a way that i find unusual to any fantasy but particularly fantasy aimed at younger readers the series has been aging as it goes so the first one is pretty much middle grade the second one i'd say is more firmly y a and the fact that this one is now called a kata woman i'm wondering if it's gonna be sort of more new adult but i'm very excited to see where the series is going in this one and then two more that i'll mention for january one i've already read one i have not highland wolfe is the latest release in the highlander series from lindsay sands i absolutely love these books they are historically inaccurate but very fun very rompy they always have a murder mystery at the heart of the plot they always have these like hot dumb fun warrior guys and these hot dumb brave glasses who they love getting together getting it on in locks and it's just good times this one is no different i think this is a really good version of this kind of book that she does that's i think she got a little bit of a slump there for a few books but the last couple i think have been really really good and i really enjoyed this one i think i gave it four stars and then an author whose podcasting work i very much enjoy is dana stevens and she is releasing her biography i guess of buster keaton which is called cameraman and i really enjoy her on the slade culture gab fest i think her movie criticism is often very interesting and so i have this on my radar as potentially like an audio pick and then the last one for january and i forgot to write down the exact release date is monroe by cresley cole now look this has been sort of a lucy in the football kind of situation with this next book in the immortals after dark series for the last seven years or something like we've been waiting for this book for a long time it sounds like there may have been some things going on in cresley cole's personal life that has influenced the delay in this book being released so no shade to her of why it's taken so long for this book to come out but this has been a long anticipated release this is a book that we have had a release date set for several times and then it's been pushed i think i've heard that people have actually seen like an arc of this out and about like some somebody it sounds like has actually read the book at this point maybe i misunderstood a tweet but i think that this may actually happen this january so i'm very excited for this i'm sure everybody who is a reader of the immortals after dark series is also very excited for this i'm really hoping this means that she's going to actually finish the series because i think that it definitely has been left in a place where it's going to be a bummer if we don't get another few books there's definitely a macro arc that i think a lot of fans would like to see finished so i'm wishing her all the best and i'm also hopeful that this means that fans are gonna get a conclusion to a series that i know we all really enjoy so tentatively hopeful that this time lucy is not gonna pull the football charlie brown's gonna actually get to kick it and we'll all get to enjoy this book so then moving into february first is an anthology that i have as an arc and i'm very excited to read it is called black love matters real talk on romance being seen and happily ever after it is edited by jessica pride who i believe is a writer at book riot um in their romance stuff but i think this is gonna be a super interesting nonfiction book about the romance genre i always love non-fiction literary studies on romance and i think particularly i'm very excited to see this topic addressed in that kind of an essay collection so have that as an arc i'm excited to snuggle in with it and get to that i'm assuming well before february hey there popping in because as usual i missed something uh also a little coffee time i'm about to get ready but last night i finished reading amari and the night brothers by bb alston which i really enjoyed and therefore am certainly looking forward to the sequel to it which is amari and the great game by bibi alston and uh i definitely think you probably need to read the first one my guess uh to go into the sequel it's definitely what i would describe as a serialized story rather than episodic so just do yourself a favor and go read i'm reading the night brothers because it's a very charming middle grade fantasy i think you can tell it's his first book which is why i didn't quite get it to like a four and a half five star in my range but i think the characters are super well rendered hated some of those 12 year olds that he talks about and yeah i'm really excited for the next one that comes out on february 1st that comes out on the first and then on the 8th we have the next in death book by jd robb which is abandon in death this is the 54th book in that series which i am fully caught up on one of my all-time favorite series absolutely love these we get a new one about every six months we get one of actually yeah we get one in february and then we get one in september and i just love them this is on pre-order can't wait to read it a nonfiction pick on the 15th of february that intrigued me is called index a history of the bookish adventure from medieval manuscripts to the digital age by dennis duncan and i just thought this sounded like a really interesting history of kind of non-fiction book which is the history of book indexes and why they came to be and how they have impacted the history of books in general so i just thought that sounded like a really intriguing non-fiction angle on a history of books the last one that i have for february comes out on february 22nd and i am very excited for this i have an arc of it and i'm hoping it's gonna be as fun as the premise says it's going to be and that is the paradox hotel by rob hart and the tagline on this is that it is a locked room murder mystery set in a hotel for time travelers so that is a very interesting high premise and i if this delivers on that premise but at all i think it'll be at least good if not great hopefully the writing is good so i'm very intrigued by this this is exactly my kind of a book so fingers crossed i really enjoy it okay and then moving into march we've got hook line and sinker by tessa bailey this is the second book in a i think a small town romance series that she has going i really like tessa bailey's writing do not be deceived by the illustrated cover because i think sometimes that can communicate more of like a rom-com kind of tone that may not be like the sexiest of books tessa bailey is like the queen of dirty talk if you've read any of her independently published stuff i think you know the tone that this will have i assume that that is the case because i heard that was the case for the first book in the series but this is a small town friends to lovers he's kind of like a man and he finds this woman who wants to be around him for his personality so they end up becoming friends rather than lovers and then she ends up staying with him she has to stay with him in his house kind of close proximity of them being roommates and then things progress from there so i'm excited to get into this one this one comes out on march 1st also on march 1st is the next book out from alex finlay which is called the night shift i really really enjoyed every last fear by him this year in 2021 so i'm excited to see where he goes because i believe that was his debut but this one in terms of what it's about it sounds like at y2k back in 1999 there was an attack on the people who were working late shift i think at like a video store and then 15 years later there's a similar attack but at an ice cream store and so like there it's like secrets from the past trying to figure out like how these crimes are connected etc he did a really good job of secrets from the past and his first book so i'm expecting that this will also be really good we'll see if there's a sophomore slump but i'm very excited for this one okay and then nine lives by peter swanson so i am really excited i mean i keep saying i'm excited take a shot every time i say that but very excited for the setup of this one a group of strangers all receive a piece of mail with nine names listed on it including their own and then those people start dying that is a rad premise and if this book delivers on that premise like at all i'm gonna be pretty happy with it and i did enjoy eight perfect murders from him a couple of years ago so i have pretty high hopes that this will deliver on that premise but i think that just sounds really fun excited to get into that one and then i just realized that pretty much everything in march except for this one are pretty much mysteries that i'm looking forward to so the next one is called under lock and skeleton key by gigi pandian and this one is a cozy mystery which is not oh like i struggled with cozy mysteries in the past but i am excited about this because i think because the premise of it is that this woman goes home to work in her family business and their family business is building secret staircases for people which i just think is a cool setup because then she goes to a job site and somebody is found dead in the secret staircase that they're building so i just thought that was a i hadn't heard of a premise quite like that before or a setup so i am excited to try this cozy mystery and i have my fingers crossed that i will really enjoy it and then i also have an arc of the next release from simone st james who wrote one of my all-time favorite mystery thrillers which was the broken girls this one is called the book of cold cases and basically that is an allusion to the fact that the present storyline like the timeline in 2017 is a woman who is running a true crime website and she is i think getting involved in this cold case that happened in the 70s so it's like 40 years later i am pretty intrigued by this one i really like simone st james's writing i think the setup sounds like something that i will be into and she is one of the most successful people i've ever seen handling a dual timeline so i have confidence she will be able to do that well for me at least to like my tastes again in this one then the last one i have on my radar for march is the resting place by camila stein that comes out on march 29th should mention that this is a work in translation so just keep that in mind i know that is a pro for some people in a con for others and the setup for this one is that our heroine's grandmother was killed and our heroine actually ran into the killer on his way out but she has face blindness so she can't remember who it was and now things in the present are happening where she has to figure out who done it to save herself so i thought that was a cool premise and something i hadn't quite seen you know i think variance of that i guess was framed a little differently than i've seen before so i'm very intrigued by that one okay then coming into april we've got a little more romance in this one so first we have to marry and to metal by martha waters and this one is the third book in her historical romance series she's had going i really really love martha waters writing itself she is probably the closest read alike to tessa dare in terms of her actual writing quality i will say the first book in the series trope-wise just wasn't like my personal favorite series of tropes and the second book i really enjoyed but i think was knocked down by some well-meaning but poorly handled intention versus impact here elements around a lesbian character so i am hoping that this third book is going to both have elements of it that i love because i believe that it's a marriage of convenience and also not going to have the elements that i think ding down the second book so i have an arc of this i'm very excited to read it comes out on april 5th also on april 5th is a sequel from mia sosa to the worst best man which came out in 2020 which is a really charming rom-com that i think was super well written very good characters and had like an enemies to lovers kind of set up to it the wedding crasher is the sequel not even really sure what it's about but it's supposed to be with the same world and the same group of characters so i'm in then on april 19th we have go hex herself from jessica claire who also writes under the pen names jessica sims jill miles and ruby dixon and this is her first urban fantasy type release with berkeley and i believe the paranormal element is witchiness and i just love jessica claire i love like she's one of my all time she's like a top 10 favorite author for me i love the way she does romance of all kind her humor really works for me doesn't work for everyone but for me it really really works and i'm just excited to see what she does in this particular one i think that this is like a hate to love kind of trope if i'm remembering rightly it actually sounded somewhat similar to the setup and the x hex which came out this year but i'm really excited for this one happy to see her coming back to the speculative element in her work in the her under her more like mainstream non-indie published pen name also on april 19th is fevered star by rebecca rownhorst which is the next book in her oh god i forget what the actual overall series is called but the first one was black sun which was definitely my favorite book of 2020 one of my all-time favorite fantasy books period it is a perfect book for me in my opinion for fantasy so i cannot wait to see where the series is gonna go so that comes out on the 19th as well and then we also have a dance of smoke and steel by mila vein this is the third full novel the a gathering of dragons series and i think it rounds out that trilogy got delayed from 2021 so i'm excited for us to finally get this i guess conclusion but i definitely think there's room for it to continue on as a series potentially alrighty we're now in may and on may 3rd there is book lovers by emily henry coming out which is her next adult rom-com kind of book this one is set between two professional rivals in the literary publishing literary agent publishing world who happen upon each other when they are back in a small town together in north carolina so it's like enemies to lovers big city to small town small town romance kind of vibe really like emily henry's actual writing so i'm hoping this one works a little bit better for me than people we meet on vacation which i enjoyed but found structurally to not be my favorite in terms of how like satisfying this as a romance um so i'm hoping that this one will be more satisfying as an actual romance and then on the 10th is a book called set on you by amy lee which is i believe our heroine is like a fitness influencer but she's like a plus size fitness influencer and i think it's like a rom-com with her and a guy she meets at the gym i've seen really good blurbing on this and like kind of pretty hyped for it so i am hopeful that this is one that i'm going to enjoy i think that this is this author's debut or at least like major publishing house debut i've got my eye on that and then something wilder is coming out on may 17th from christina lauren and this is one where our i think it's sort of like a romance adventure because our heroine's dad was a treasure hunter and he leaves her like clues to find a treasure i think but also there's romance so i'm intrigued like this is more of sort of like a action-adventure romance which i don't feel like we get a lot of and i really like christina lauren's actual writing style so i have pretty high hopes for this one i think this will be good on june moving into june on june 7th we have a one called the woman in the library by sulari gentile who i think writes sort of like literary experimental mysteries and this the setup for this one very much intrigued me a woman is murdered in a quiet room in the library and there are four people who were in the room at the same time and like it's them trying to figure out what happened so i just i i liked that as a setup uh she's an author i keep meaning to try so this very well may be my first outing with her i do have another book from her on my shelves called after she wrote him which also got really good reviews back in the day so i'm intrigued by this one and then the only other one in june on my radar right now is american royalty by tracy livesay which comes out on june 28th basically this sounds like a version of the prince harry meghan markle story and i've heard absolutely wonderful things about tracy lysa literacy lifesaver never sure i've never actually read something from her but a lot of my friends who i have similar taste and romance with uh really enjoy her writing so this one is definitely i'm intrigued by the premise and i've been wanting to try something from her so this seems like potentially a good opportunity to do that and then the last one i have an actual arc for moving into july is bet on it by jody slaughter this comes out on july 12th and this is a small town romance they're trying to like bang it out and they're gonna have like a on vacation type fling and then they're gonna go back to their lives not always my favorite trope but jodie slaughter is another author i've been really meaning to try she has a lot of people who really love her independently published stuff or self-published stuff so this is i think her major press debut and like i said she's an author i've been meaning to try so i figured this was a good time to jump in and see what her writing's like three in a row where it's like oh that's an author i've been meaning to try and i guess this is my opportunity to try something from them the other july release on my radar is booked on a feeling by jc lee it comes out on july 26th and i was frankly just hooked by the sort of like little blurb for it which is it features an overachieving lawyer a failing bookstore a childhood friend and the chance of a lifetime and that is in the context of a rom-com so i'm surmising it maybe a friends to lovers rom-com set in a small town with a bookstore involved and like all of that seemed like elements that i could get on board with okay and then three books in august that are on my radar one is ruby fever by elona andrews this is the third in her second hidden legacy trilogy so the sixth book overall in the hidden legacy series the third in the second trilogy things left off at some pretty intense spicy places in emerald blaze so i'm very excited to find out what happens in ruby fever i have definite theories i'm sure we all do but very excited for that and then the latest from rf quang comes out on the 23rd and that is called babel or the necessity of violence in arcane history of the oxford translators revolution and this is i think gonna be another version of like historical fantasy so fantasy based in some kind of real history but instead of this being rooted in the opium wars in china in the 1800s i think this is going to be set at oxford somehow so i love rf quang's writing and sort of imaginative landscape i'm very excited to see her in a new series because we've really only gotten one series from her so far and i feel like her writing like the writing itself has gotten better and better book over book so i'm really excited to see what this i believe it's a standalone what that ends up being like from her and then the last one in august is the final gambit by jennifer lynn barnes that comes out on august 30th and it is the final in the inheritance games trilogy i finally got around to reading the inheritance games earlier this year really thought it was a lot of fun i have the second one but i think i might save the second one until right before this one comes out so that i can just read them back to back but i absolutely love what she does and why a mystery thriller i have a lot of confidence that she's gonna have this be a very satisfying overall mystery thrilling arc and popping back in again so quarter to midnight is coming out on august 2nd and this is a new karen rose entry in her larger series like all of her books are technically in the same series but she has like different cities she goes to and i think this is going to be one in new orleans and it sounds like it's like a conspiracy kind of romantic suspense the hero's dad died and the heroine is an investigator of some kind like a private investigator they're gonna work together to find out what his dad knew and why he was killed i really enjoy karen rose she's probably aside from nora she's my second favorite romantic suspense author i would say behind nora roberts so i'm excited to get a new one from her and then the last one with an actual date on it is the third the long-anticipated third book in the czech a files series from daniel o'malley and it is called blitz now the rook which is the first book in this series is one of my all-time favorite books like i'd say probably top 20 all-time favorite books the second book i enjoyed but i would have liked it better had it not been in the same series like if it had been its own thing i think i probably would have liked it better than it as a follow-up to the first book so i'm intrigued to see i'm gonna keep going because i like the world i'm intrigued to see where he goes in this third book we've been waiting for it for a few years and i don't know we'll see we'll see what happens with it so that is where new releases sit as of this november in 2021 four books are coming out in 2022 definitely when i check in in the beginning of the year some of the books that i don't know if they're gonna come out yet in 2022 we should have some release dates for i'm hoping there may be new things on my radar by then as well so sit tight we'll check back in at the beginning of the year but for now definitely let me know which of the books i mentioned that you are most excited to read let me know if i didn't mention any books that you are also looking forward to definitely let me know that in the comments and yeah i think that that will do it for this video so if you enjoyed it please like subscribe follow me on the social medias if you are so inclined i have all that information listed in the description box below and i think that that will do it i hope you're having an absolutely lovely day today and i will just talk to you soon bye you
Channel: bookslikewhoa
Views: 7,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, reading, booktube, literature
Id: bZ25wckWCkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 38sec (1898 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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