2022 Q1 Book Releases! THRILLERS I HORROR I SCI-FI

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hello bookish friends welcome or welcome back i'm elizabeth this is reading riley where we like to read riley not take ourselves too seriously and have some fun with books and today is going to be an exciting adventure because we are exploring some new releases that will come out in 2022 and specifically in the first quarter of 2022 [Music] i've made a list that denver stepped on and got all dirty because he has no respect for personal space none whatsoever so we're gonna go through these and i'm just gonna tell you about these books they all release in january through march so the first three months of 2022 they are mostly thrillers but there's some speculative some sci-fi some horror mixed in there just stuff that specifically i am interested in based on what i've found so i'm going to tell them to you in order of their release date but before we get into the books if you enjoy this kind of content if you are watching this video and you think hey i might want to hang around if you would be so obliged i would very much appreciate it if you could click that subscribe button just know that it really helps me out and i appreciate you okay so let's move forward let's start off with the january releases the first book that i want to talk about is the maid by neeta prose i believe this is a mystery and we're following molly gray the description makes it seem like she might be on the spectrum so she relies on her grandmother a lot and her grandma has given her this kind of code to live by about how to interpret social interactions her grand pass is away and she is a maid in a hotel so now she's on her own trying to navigate life so she just throws herself into her work but then one day she walks into this hotel room to clean it it's the hotel room of charles black who is a really infamous and wealthy person and she finds him dead in his bed and from what i gather it seems like she becomes the suspect of this maybe people think that she was the last one to have seen him and it's supposed to be a locked room mystery it's compared to clue and apparently this is supposed to be quite heartwarming as well so yeah sounds interesting i like it the next book i'm interested in is a flicker in the dark this is a debut novel by stacy william it's calling it a lyrical thriller so i'm really not sure what that means if her prose is a little bit on the lyrical side or if it's is tending towards literary which i don't think it is based on the description but this one is about chloe davis when chloe was 12 years old there were a bunch of these 16 year old girls that were going missing in her hometown in louisiana it was just this summer of girls going missing by the end of the summer her father is arrested coined as the killer as a serial killer there's also a second timeline where it's 20 years into the future and we are following chloe now as a psychologist in baton rouge she's getting ready to get married she feels like life is finally coming together like she's got a grasp of her life and her surroundings and then teenage girls start to go missing again so we wonder if it's connected and she ends up having to figure out what the hell is going on and i think it probably has something to do with her dad maybe her dad wasn't actually the killer who knows oh it's said to be for fans of gillian flynn and karen i can fly slaughter we get a more perfect comparison like hi uh yes please sign me up also this has already been auctioned for a limited hbo series produced by emma stone so this is gonna be a hit very excited for that the next one is released on january 18th it's called real easy by marie rutkowski i think it's going to be like a feminist type thriller it says it's an unexpectedly hopeful thriller set in a midwestern strip club so in 1999 samantha is she's danced for years she doesn't really trust anybody she kind of keeps herself separated from everyone at work she's got her own issues going on but she decides to take this other dancer under her wing and give her a drive home one night somebody ends up running them off the road and then when the police get to the scene there's only one body there so that's all we know from that point then we have georgia who's another dancer she is drawn into the investigation as she tries to assist the detective named holly and i guess the point of view shifts from a whole bunch of people from the dancers to the detectives to the people in the club to the children who i don't know who the children are but i guess i'll find out when i read it and it says rakowski immerses us into a subculture that is all too often reduced to cliche gripping deeply feminist and character-driven real easy spell binds us and gets us to the heart of this timeless question how do women live out their lives knowing that men can hurt them interesting interesting the next book that i'm interested in in january is called devil house by john darnielle we're following gage chandler he is a writer and an author it says that his mother told him that he was descended from kings i don't know what kind of relevance that has but he is a true crime writer and he had one really big success it had a movie adaptation all of the things and then since then his popularity has been dwindling and he's only just made enough to pay the bills but living and riding nonetheless he has this opportunity he's offered this big break he's to move into this house that is deemed the devil house apparently something went down there in the 80s people all assumed that it was the work of disaffected teens he begins researching what's going on with enthusiasm but then he starts to uncover some things that lead him to a puzzle that he never expected it leads him back to the core of who he really is so maybe that has something to do with the fact that his mother calls him a descendant of kings i don't know if this has something to do with satanic panic because it has the 80s it's called the devil house i don't know i'm just kind of trying to put pieces together here but in any case sounds really interesting and i don't know if that is a thriller or if it's horror it could be like a haunting thing i don't know i don't know but it sounds great the next one is released on january 25th and this is called dead silence by s.a barnes it's described as titanic meets the shining so i'm intrigued it's a sci-fi horror novel it says a ghost ship a salvage crew unspeakable horrors we're just getting a little nip so far very interesting so we're following claire and she's days away from being unemployed oh it's not a regular ship it's a ship in space that confused me the first time too okay so they're in space they're on the last leg of their voyage whatever they're doing she gets a distress signal from this other ship that's in close proximity so her and her crew are like okay we got nothing to lose we're about to be unemployed anyway let's go check it out and what they find is a famous luxury cruise liner spaceship that disappeared on its maiden voyage over 20 years earlier so they're interested but as soon as they approach it something seems really off oh it says there's whispers in the dark flickers of movement words scrawled in blood claire must fight to hold on to her sanity and find out what really happened to the aurora before she and her crew made the same ghastly fate okay yeah uh yeah i want to read this i don't know what it i don't i've never heard of this author i wonder if that's a debut i don't know the next release comes out on the same day january 25th and this is called notes on an execution by danya kukafka this one seems like it is also kind of a feminist look at serial killers it says it's an atmospheric work of literary suspense we're following ansel packer he's scheduled to die in 12 hours he knows what he's done he knows that he's going to suffer the same fate as he brought to the girls that he killed but the way it's told it's destructing the story of this serial killer and it's told primarily through the eyes of the women in his life so we follow his mother a 17 year old girl and a detective it says it blends breathtaking suspense with astonishing empathy and it unravels the familiar narrative of the american serial killer interrogating our system of justice and our cultural obsession with crime stories in general asking readers to consider the false promise of looking for meaning in the psyches of violent men i'm in i'm in so now let's get into the books that are coming out in february of course the first one that i am interested in is the new sarah j maas so it is house of sky and breath it's crescent city number nose so i'm not really going to get into the description of that but i will tell you i was hesitant to get into this one because we're used to sarah j maas we're used to the fairies the fairy smug that's what we want that's what we need and when i read the description of this one it had like angels and devils and all kinds of other interesting characters i was like i'm not really interested in reading about that like not really but i can confirm it's still just as good as her other writings so basically this one we're following bryce quinlan and she had the perfect life she would party all night sleep all day and then her very best friend in the entire world is killed by a demon but then when the accused person of killing her best friend is in jail and these crimes start happening again she starts to realize that it's probably not the person responsible for killing her best friend and then she gets deeper and deeper into the investigation and meets an angel who is like a detective and it gets spicy it gets hot and then there's powers she's pretty much selena sardofian she's selena from throne of glass if you've read throne of glass you're gonna love bryce quinlan so i'll just leave it at that and this is the continuation of that story and where it left off was a huge cliffhanger so i cannot wait to read this next book in this series the next book i'm interested in comes out on february 22nd and that is the paris apartment by lucy foley i read the guest list as i was called and i liked it it wasn't amazing it wasn't terrible but i'm definitely interested in reading more i haven't read the hunting party because i've heard that that wasn't as good but if i should read it let me know the paris apartment sounds really interesting we're following jess she needs a fresh start she's got a half brother in paris and she's like maybe i'll just go stay with him when she gets there her half brother ben is not there and she finds the apartment is like really nice and she's like how the hell could he afford this this is like lap of luxury type in paris how can he afford this and then he's gone so where did he go so she's just hanging out in his apartment and so the longer he's gone the more she starts to dig into his situation and try to unravel what's going on with his life and how he can afford something like this it says that his neighbors are an eclectic bunch but not necessarily friendly like maybe they know something that she doesn't and she starts to suspect the neighbors so it says everyone's a neighbor everyone's a suspect and everyone knows something they're not telling good setup sounds great moving on the next book comes out on the same day february 22nd it's called the paradox hotel and this is by rob hart this is another author that i haven't read before but this just sounded really interesting to me and it's kind of in this this summary there's a lot going on but it all sounds amazing so it's another locker room murder mystery set in a hotel but this is a very specific kind of hotel in which really wealthy people come to travel through time so it's a time traveling hotel rich people come in there's a bunch of different time periods they can go to now we're following january cole she's head of security for this hotel but something's going on with time space and something's not right also january can see ghosts again i don't know how they're gonna put all this together but her job's getting harder because they're trying to privatize time travel so all these trillionaires are in town to like put their bid on this on time traveling meanwhile there's a blizzard and so they're all locked into this hotel and january sees a dead body but she only knows because it's not actually a body it's a ghost and nobody else can see it so nobody else knows that there's a killer on the loose and she has to try to figure out find the killer yes yes i mean yes just yes okay all right let's move on to march releases that i'm interested in [Music] the first one comes out on march 1st and it is the night shift by alex finley i have not read their last book ever last year i heard mixed reviews again if this is something you think i'd be interested in let me know but this one caught my eye so i'm interested in checking it out it's called night shift it's about a pair of small town murders that happen 15 years apart so i think we're doing a dual timeline here again the first murder happens on y2k 1999 new year's eve everyone's expecting chaos they're expecting elevators to fall down planes falling from the sky you know the world market crashing and i remember this i don't know if y'all do some of y'all might be a little young but i remember y2k the setting is a blockbuster video yes childhood memories coming to life um in new jersey so there are four teenage girls that are working at this blockbuster that night and they are attacked and only one of them survives 15 years later the same thing happens at an ice cream shop four people working they're attacked one survives the two surviving victims both hear their attacker saying the same words and that is good night pretty girl that's pretty much all i need to know honestly like we don't even need to get further into that because we're gonna find out there's a connection between the two i think it's the same killer if not it's like someone like a copycat going on it's connected so yeah that's night shift moving on the next book i'm interested in is called the golden couple and this comes out on march 8th this is by sarah pakinen and career hendricks again some of their books i love some of them i don't so much love but i'm not going to miss this like i they're kind of an auto buy we're following avery chambers she is this like miracle therapist but apparently she has controversial methods and so she lost her license but there's this couple marissa and matthew bishop and they seem like this absolute perfect golden couple but then marissa cheats and they decide they want to get therapy for the sake of their relationship and for their child marissa finds some kind of article about avery and she decides even though avery has lost her license that she wants the best of the best so she doesn't care if it's by these controversial methods or what she wants to make everything right again so she goes to see them but when the bishops go to see avery and marissa reveals her infidelity all three are set out on a collision course the biggest secrets in the room are still hidden and it's no longer simply a marriage that's in danger so maybe she has something to do with this couple maybe he cheated too with avery that's just my like off the wall guess and they try to kill each other i don't know but that's just my guess you want to come up buddy come on oh okay i meant not not up on me but on the couch thank you though thank you the next book i want to read comes out on march 15th and that is nine lives it's the new peter swanson novel very interested in this this one is a story about these nine strangers they all receive a list of names including their own name and then they realize that these people are starting to get killed off there's an fbi agent jessica winslow whose name is also on the list they can't find anything in common they have all different occupations they live in all different places they don't know what's going on but this fbi agent jessica winslow she's determined to find out so yeah that's basically it this is definitely giving me like agatha christie vibes kind of what is um and then there were none this is giving me and then there were none vibes so don't know what that's about but i'm interested to see if this lives up to the hype as well the next book i'm interested in also comes out on march 15th and that is a book of cold cases by simone st james now i've yet to read anything by simone st james but i will be reading the sundown motel probably this month so i'm already invested like i've heard so many good things about simone james she also has the broken girls i think it is yeah the broken girls that has a lot of praise so you know i'm just going into this author blind and it's about a true crime blogger so hi we have two timelines which i am beginning to feel like is kind of a staple for simone st james the first one is in 1977 in claire lake oregon there were two men that were murdered with the same gun they had really strange notes that were left behind beth greer was the suspect of this crime she was seen fleeing the scene but she gets acquitted and apparently she's really rich and after she's acquitted she just lives the rest of her life kind of alone in her mansion then we have 2017 and we're following shay collins she's the receptionist she's a true crime blogger she got interested in true crime because she escaped an attempted kidnapping when she was a kid so she's that kind of piqued her interest in true crime she meets beth by chance and just randomly hopefully asks her for an interview and beth agrees so in 2017 we're following this timeline where they are together and she meets beth at her mansion to get this interview this is giving me the seven husbands of evelyn hugo vibes because we have the young ingenue we have the older rich woman who has the stories of her past but while shane is interviewing beth in her mansion she thinks she sees somebody looking in the window or things moving out of the corner of her eye and she's like what the hell is going on here so is this a haunted story as well i don't know but she knows something's not right like something's not right with beth with his mansion and she doesn't know if she's being completely manipulated and that beth actually is this murderer but she's trying to get the details from beth to figure out this true crime case so sounds really good okay i only have two left so we're getting to the end hang in there we're almost there the next one i'm interested in is the long weekend by gilly mcmillan or jillian mcmillan i'm not sure how you say that this is another isolated setting thriller so we're following this group of women and they are heading to a retreat at darkfell barn and it's supposed to be a perfectly isolated retreat there is no cell phone service of course there's no interaction with the outside world their husbands are purportedly reportedly supposedly meeting them the day after but they're going a day early to get their girl time in so this cast of characters let's see there's ex army jane who's hardened and serious but also damaged ruth the driven doctor a new mother who is battling demons of her own and young emily who's just wed and insecure she is the newest addition to their group and for the first time this year they're missing their friend edie who was the glue that held them all together until her husband died suddenly they hope this is going to be a relaxing break but as soon as they get there they find a note that says that one of their husbands is going to be murdered and of course they can't contact any of their husbands because there's no service there's no cell service and none of that apparently these women all have secrets of their own and they start to turn on each other it gets ugly and things are coming to light anyway all right the last book that i'm interested in in march comes out on march 29th is the resting place by camilla stein this one i was interested in because i liked alice feeny's rock paper scissors so much and this is another one that's involving that same trope of face blindness or prosopagnosia we're following eleanor she walks in on the scene of her grandmother's murder and comes face to face with the killer but she has face blindness so she has no idea who the killer actually is apparently her grandmother was super cruel and eleanor spends her days after that just terrified can you imagine coming face to face with the killer and not knowing who it is thinking that they could be anyone anywhere and you have no idea apparently this faceless phase is infiltrating her dreams her sleep life her waking life everything until she can't tell the difference between them anymore then she finds out that she's inherited this house from her grandmother which has housed a dark past for over 50 years so she goes there with her boyfriend and her reckless aunt and they go into this house of secrets looking for answers but as they get closer to bringing the truth to light they'll wish they had never come to disturb what rests there so that's that one again very excited to look into it and there are some really big names coming up in 2022 y'all for the rest of the year that are releasing new books that i'm really excited for so i'm going to do one of these for every quarter of 2022 and so if you're interested in hearing about those go ahead and subscribe now and we will get to those when the time comes so until then don't forget that life is short so read riley cheers y'all and goodbye [Music] love you i love you [Music]
Channel: Reading Wryly
Views: 1,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anticipated thriller releases, 2022 book releases, 2022 thriller books, 2022 horror books, Thriller books, Thriller recs, Thriller recommendations
Id: IPS95sZXdvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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