20210501 | Mark Of The Beast | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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we live in an age of confusion on one side and absolute certainty on the other and only those whose minds are quickened by god's word will be able to last after the dust is cleared this morning i want to pray and ask for the lord to lead in this message are your heads with me a kind gracious father in heaven we are so blessed to know that you love us so much that you fail not to call us to warn us to say to us be sober be vigilant in this day of distractions and confusion we are asking father for your holy spirit to have his way take this message we ask and create in the hearts of those who are listening in urgency and an awareness of what lies ahead but may we not lose sight of jesus in the midst of all that is happening and swirling around and us by your holy spirit we remain prepared in jesus name we pray amen have you ever seen one before one of those machines where they say to you get in the cylinder and when we turn the fan on grab as much money as you can have you ever seen one of those before and we watch people go absolutely crazy trying to grab as much money as they can as a swirling all around them they are in the vortex of a wind tunnel and the money is floating all around them because the winds are blowing today my brethren we are in a spiritual wind tunnel every wind of doctrine is blowing around us and people are reaching out grabbing things that they have really no control over they're just grabbing whatever flies past them but today we're going to turn off the fan and point to the unmistakable high value truth of god's word so that we not become a people caught off guard the mark of the beast is a topic that really says to us we are coming head to head with the final showdown of the ages and when we study god's word we see that the bible predicted that the last days will be characterized as a time of speculation and conjecture and so many people today are almost being distracted by the speculation because they don't have anything to compare it against the apostle paul told timothy he said for the time will come second timothy chapter 4 verse 3 he says for the time will come when they will not endure what are the next two words sound doctrine he is saying to timothy the time is going to come when sound doctrine is going to go forth but they're going to be people that say that's not what i want i'm grabbing for something else i prefer something else they will not endure that means when sound doctrine tests where they stand they won't pass the test but when you study the bible you find out that speculation is a two-headed monster first it is a news driven social media deployed event manipulated beast that has a tale with no end speculation is a two-headed monster monster first it is a news driven social media deployed event manipulated beast that has a tale with no end secondly it is founded on scriptural ignorance when you don't know what the bible teaches i can tell you anything and your base your willingness to believe it or maybe something you see or something you hear or maybe your respect of me or your admiration of the person that is saying those words god does not want us to base the validity of his word on how anybody looks he wants us to base it on a plane thus saith the lord the apostle peter brings to our attention in second peter chapter 2 and verse 17 he talks about this atmosphere of scriptural ignorance people saying things that have no foundation he says describing those in that activity these are wells without water clouds carried by a tempests for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever what he's saying is speculation never delivers what it advocates speculation says to you if you wait long enough speculation may become reality but the bible is saying these are whales without water clouds carried by a tempest they are blowing in every direction and speculation never delivers what it advocates but to add to that we are living in an environment where many are mentally manipulated to believe or disbelieve the media we live in a pundit polarized society people believe their favorite commentators and disbelieve the others and as i thought about that i said to my wife i said i wish people were just as passionate about what god's word says as they are about what their favorite politician says you talk to somebody about the person they don't support politically and they say that's not what he said i wish somebody would say to somebody else that's not what god's word says and i'll find the video to prove it don't send me a video about a mortal man send me some scripture i wish folks today were as driven emotionally as they are about men who in a few short breaths will be nothing but a tombstone can't get past can't get past living in the past nowadays also many people conclude what they believe by internet searches don't believe everything on the internet other people believe somebody's social media posts or an uploaded video everything you watch everything you read you better check it out by god's word people are posting videos intending to warn us of some hidden impending medical doom that the presenter says he has specialized secret knowledge about have you gotten one of them i cannot count the many videos i was sent and each time people send me a video you know what they say in the post you need to watch this video and i respond you need to read your bible they get a guy that just looks so credible i am the phd mma and i was in congress and i heard the secret meeting and the secret meeting had been seen by nobody but him and if you and share this video with someone else the only video that you need to share is those established on a plane thus saith the lord the problem behind all this ever increasing darkness and disappointment of speculation is this people are at the place in this modern world that they just don't read or believe god's word as they should and jesus diagnosed what's behind the heartbeat of speculation listen to the words of jesus in john 3 and verse 19. he said this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men love what darkness rather than light it's amazing they love darkness they love darkness when i was in the club scene i like darkness too the one thing we don't like is when they turn the light on because when the when the light comes on ex partiers the party's over can i get an amen from a former sinner that's the last thing we want is when the light comes on we know the party's over my brother and my sisters the light is already on but there are some people that are saying i rather have darkness another reason for prevailing ignorance is people don't walk in the light that was already confirmed by countless years and decades of intense prayerful research so they go out looking for something new and fanciful believe me if you want to look for something new and fanciful that appeals to the whims of your intellectual hunger the devil has something that he would like to sell you strangely enough people that i thought i could turn to i'm learning what that passage means or what that statement means when ellen white said years ago many bright lights will go out that you once admired for their brilliance that's why jesus once again warns in john chapter 12 and verse 35 these solemn words he says walk while you have the what the light lest darkness overtake you he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going doesn't even know it can't tell where am i going i don't know i'm in the dark just to get an idea of how uncomfortable that is have somebody walk up to you and they say bob close your eyes hold my hand don't peek just follow me immediately because you know you can't see there's a discomfort that immediately overtakes you because you don't know where they're going but the bible exacerbates the picture because it says not only is it in this case somebody who can see who's leading you asking you to close your eyes but the bible says if the blind leads the blind they both fall into the pit that's why we have to trust men less and trust the unquestionable word of god don't trust the conjecture of finite men trust the unquestionable tried and true word of god why isaiah the prophet tells us in isaiah 46 verse 9 and 10 i love the first word what's the first word say with me remember remember the former things of old god is saying that remember what i told you before remember the former things of old and then he qualifies why you should for i am god and there is no other i am god and there is none like me why should you trust me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done sing praise the lord my counsel shall stand and i will do all my pleasure what is god saying he's saying men will come and go but my word will endure i know how it's going to happen i know how it's going to play out i can see the enemy working in his shop of deception and before he manufactures his lives publicly i already know what they are aren't you glad to serve a god like that keeps us in the light and the remember in that passage is equally as important as the command to remember the sabbath day to keep it holy remember remember what do people do forget forget i rather forget what god says and look to my special pundit to find out what he says and follow him but the problem is this generation cannot claim ignorance it is choosing ignorance but on the topic today one of the reasons why ignorance has played such a major role in the understanding of the mark of the beast on the platform of ignorance the mark of the beast has metamorphosized through the decades from one belief eric to another it's taken on a different depending on who you speak to it takes on a different exterior let's look at some of those you may remember years ago if you're more than 30 maybe more than 40 when procter and gamble had this little symbol on the side of its ivory soap bar anybody remember that and at 13 stars people said don't buy it because procter and gamble is probably in league with satan worshippers people rather stay dirty than buy a bar procter and gamble soap all because of the symbolism they said it's related to the a satanic system don't buy it and then if that's not ridiculous when the 40th u.s president ronald wilson reagan entered into office the the the the conspiracy theorists almost lost their minds they said have you noticed that there are six letters in each of his names six six six and they said president reagan is going to us you're in the mark of the beast in america bulletin you can go see his memorial respectfully so not to belittle the man but talking about the ridiculousness of conjecture and speculation then it went even deeper when former president mikhail gorbachev came on the media scene and they saw that tattoo on his forehead they said ah-ha we found him an evangelical preachers i got a i have a book in my office mikhail gorbachev on the front cover written by an evangelical preacher who lives in the dark says he will usher in the mark of the beast he's no longer president now i'm not sure if he's still alive or not but maybe siete can tell us is he still alive fieta okay he is not the one to usher in the mark of the beast but once again speculation speculation that's what happens when you don't allow god's word to be your guide let it keep going it keeps going i remember when the bar code came out remember that man don't buy anything with the bar code if we still believe that we won't have anything in our house because everything has a barcode even your driver's license and all your credit cards and they are so plentiful that they're everywhere you can't buy anything even an instructional instruction instructional manual has a barcode in it nowadays they're minimizing printing manuals they just send you the product and they said scan the barcode and download the manual so we know that's not the mark of the beast you saw people once again a lot of preachers had books and on the cover they superimposed the bar code on somebody's forehead and said that is the mark of the beast that is going to be the etching that's going to be superimposed an invisible ink on our forehead how the kids say it ba humbug that's an old saying by the way then it metamorpho metamorphosized into the qr code the quick response code you've seen this one it's almost on everything nowadays just scan it you can get admission to tickets you can get all kinds of information it's a new form of another way of communicating media people said ah they're really getting smart now i have a qr code on my phone i needed a qr code to enter into the country or the the the country of st tom it's not country of but it's a part of america my wife and i went to the virgin islands recently well we had to have a qr code on our phone indicating that we cleared and we were medically clear to enter the country that means our covertest was negative the island of saint thomas thank you honey now let me make a point here will men try to create a diversion they always have men have always tried to create some kind of diversion and those who don't read god's word says that's got to be it procter gamble ronald reagan mikhail gorbachev the bar code the qr code and i don't have enough energy in our time to tell you what they're saying about the mask and may the lord have mercy on you if you dare get the vaccine because not long after that your dna is going to change and you'll be able to be controlled by the push of a button somewhere in washington dc it does sound stupid doesn't it i won't even use a highfalutin word it just sounds stupid but that's what happens that's what happens when you don't allow god's word to be your guide but before i dive into the scripture reading for the morning i want to say today thank god that through all this speculation and all these changes god's word remains consistent amen god's word does not change the teaching of the mark of the beast is so of such importance like french writer luke clappier wrote he said simple truth is a relief from grand speculation simple truth is a relief from grand speculation what is in essence then just tell me the truth i never forgot when when we moved into the church there in northern california into the city of antioch a young gentleman came to help us move in he was the first one that showed up and i tried to figure out whether or not he was a church member phil cackhouse good friend of ours today and um he was there and i said are you a member of the church no are you no i started are you an elder no are you deacon no are you a member no he said well who are you he said well i heard that you were moving in and i want to come and help you move in and he said i have just one request when you preach could you just say it and not dance around the bush please i baptized that young man and his wife and dedicated his children and they are still in the church today she was a hard cookie to crack being raised as a catholic he found some material at one of our hospitals in the napa valley saint helena hospital thinking that saint helena was a catholic saint that's called adventist diversion undercover so he took all this material from that adventist hospital was reading it and then he would leave it around the house then i had a revelation seminar he attended the seminar he responded to the call to be baptized his wife says there's no way i'm getting baptized i'm not leaving my faith she was raised very staunch catholic but he would come home and he would notice that he put his bible study on his table but it was in the living room or was by his nightstand it was in the kitchen and he didn't say a word and then when the day came for baptism she joined her husband in baptism and they are still in the church today strong in the lord i love to look back and god has given me the heart of i love to look back and see people that are baptized 15 20 30 years ago that are still in the church why because they were established on god's word the challenge today is a lot of people are being established on entertainment and not on god's word christianity is becoming a thing that we feel rather than a foundation that stands on the unchangeable word of god so now that i laid the foundation let's go ahead and go to the scripture reading for this morning it's a very solemn one in revelation chapter 14 verse 9 and 10 and i'm going to intentionally today use the king james version for the scripture reading and you'll find out later on why revelation 14 verse 9 and 10 we read in god's word and the third and the third angel followed them saying with a what kind of voice loud voice if any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in the forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb when you read that text you've got to ask yourself the question why would satan want you to understand anything about that text why would the devil want you to even know what that means because it warns you away from following anything he has established as a diversion to the truth of god's word so let's begin by answering the very basic question there are five questions that i'm going to take care of over the course of sermon one and sermon two today i'm going to spend a lot of time on the first question who is the beast let's begin daniel 7 verse 23 daniel 7 sorry verse 3. thank you honey daniel 7 verse 3. daniel had a vision about four beasts god showed daniel the progress of the four great empires of the world and daniel wrote and four great beasts came up from the earth each different from the other each came up from the sea let me read that one more time daniel seven verse three and four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other anytime the bible uses the symbol c it has two applications two applications you gotta trace the pages of history to find out at a place in time where the world was facing instability and agitation because the sea is never stable if you find a stable sea you've got to be one inch from the shore and there you still have the waves coming in and out the sea is never stable the second thing that the bible points out or the second application for the sea is it is a region where population is great as the ocean is larger than the land mass so also the sea is larger in scope and in size than just a piece of ground so the bible is saying in a very populated area these four great beasts were rising on the scene we also find in verse 17 daniel now defines what these beasts are all about daniel 7 17 it says those great beasts which are how many four are four kings which arise out of the earth so daniel is saying if you want to find out what application the bible is given to these four nations to these four beasts they're coming up out of the earth and more significant than the beasts themselves of the or the kings themselves the four kings is the fact that if a beast represents a king a king must have a what kingdom daniel continues daniel 7 verse 23 and 24. before we go there let's look at these four applications here these are the four basic kingdoms that the bible has unveiled babylon the first great world empire an amazing not large in size but powerful it is also represented as a beast that was a lion that had eagle's wings a very very powerful dominating could not stand against it empire but then it was subdued by the medo-persian empire when belshazzar had a night of drunken revelry god brought the power of babylon down all the water around the motive the city of babylon dried up and the medo-persian empire came and brought that kingdom to its end followed then by the grecian empire and you see the dates there if you can make those out the grecian empire under the leadership and rulership of alexander the great and the reason why i said it's more about the kingdom than the king himself is because alexander the great died of alcoholism in his thirties and then his kingdom was divided among four generals the leopard with four heads and four wings the medo-persian empire was a bear with three ribs in its mouth why three ribs because when the medo-persian empire rose to prominence it brought down three powers babylon the first one lydia and egypt these are the three powers that historically stood in the way of the rise of the medo-persian empire but daniel goes on to define very clearly what the bible teaches about these four great kingdoms look at daniel 7 verse 23. the bible says thus he said the fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth now this is why we're going to focus on the fourth beast we're not talking about babylon me to persia greece we're going to spend time on rome because rome is predicted and defined as the last great world empire even though the united states exists roma is still established as the last great world empire in daniel 2 rome represents the iron the kingdom that's powerful that that crushes everything in its path and even in the toes of the image it's iron and clay all the way till the very end you take the time and read daniel 2 for yourself but the bible says talking about the fourth beast thus he said the fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom where on earth but look what it goes on to say which shall be different from all the other kingdoms and shall devour how much of the earth the whole earth trample it and break it in pieces what a powerful power what a ruthless power but verse 24 magnifies it even further the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom those are the nations of antiquity that have modern names today and i'll talk about them at another time because the focus is not the ten kingdoms the focus is the beast but the bible bible goes on to say the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom and what is it says another shall rise after them he shall be different from the first ones and shall subdue what three kings when rome rose to prominence there were three nations that three nations that resisted his political rise the vandals the hare eli and the ostrogoths so when rome rose to prominence the reason why it talks about another one that shall arise after them out of these horns that will be different when it transitioned from pagan to papal rome it subdued every power that resisted its religious and political uh coalescing the ostrogoths the vandals the harry ally these aryan powers resisted rome's position and as religion and politics began to merge together they stood in opposition but how can you stand against an iron kingdom that crushes everything in its path you cannot and so we see the transition very carefully from 168 bc to 476 a.d this pagan political power reigned 168 years before the birth of christ rome was in place and when you read the new testament you'll find unequivocally that the entire new testament is written under the earthly reign of the power of rome it was during the power of rome the reign of of of the the leaders in rome that an edict was given to take the life of christ we find pilate's judgment hall a roman governor and all throughout the new testament from from matthew all the way down to revelation john the revelator was banished in a roman prison on the island of patmos unequivocally all through the new testament the power of rome existed but even more than that the bible says it will be a pagan political power from 168 bc to 476 a.d and then a transition to a religious political power from 538 to 1798 a d at which time it received a deadly wound are you following let's go on to the next passage daniel 7 25 what did rome intend to do during the time of its reign the bible says daniel 7 25 he shall speak pompous or great words against who the most high shall persecute the saints of the most high shall intend to change times and law then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and what else half a time when you apply all these identifying marks to the kingdom of rome you find unequivocally let's start with the time of its reign the bible talks about he was given authority to continue 42 months we'll see that passage in just a moment but 42 months or 260 years the time times and half a time is the same time frame 42 times 30 12 60 1260 days in prophecy is 1260 years and rome reigned unequivocally you apply the symbols to the definitions given in scripture in numbers chapter 14 verse 34 and ezekiel 4 6 and you see a day for a year principle and you discover every aspect of the power of rome is identified in the bible yes the roman religious powers spoke against the most high how did they do that by claiming to be god on earth by claiming to have the prerogatives that belong to god alone to forgive sin and today it's amazing the pope is saying something opposite today almost admitting the decades the centuries of their ignominious hindrance of the fact that the only mediator between god and man is jesus christ nowadays he's saying oh you can pray to god directly turn the light on not only that for that one thousand two hundred sixty year period they persecuted more than fifty million christians the saints of the most high they intended to change times and laws they changed the ten commandments they got rid of the one forbidding image worship and they cut the ten commandments the fourth commandment down by simply saying remember the sabbath day to keep it holy you can still find in the catechism the whole commandment exodus chapter 20 verse 8-11 but they later on say we don't have any problem with the fourth commandment we just think that we have the authority to change it from sabbath to sunday but they intended to change it because you can change what you want on earth but in god's eyes it hasn't changed it's the same it's the same bible is very very clear for that 42-month period rome dominated europe for 1260 years rome dominated europe the bible confirms that rome is the kingdom that both the bible and history confirm but even more frightening than that is that the aim of rome was not limited limited to the nations of antiquity the aim of rome is focused on devouring the whole earth and breaking the earth in pieces not just europe to make it very clear rome's past activities and future aspirations are identical we're going to answer the question why let's go to revelation 13 now revelation 13 and we're going to see again the lord bringing this picture into focus and once again i said there is a part two because there's no way that you're going to be able to drink an 8 ounce glass of molasses in this one sermon let's ask the question who is the beast of revelation 13. john now looks back on what god gave daniel in his components daniel gave us the first glimpse of rome now god says to john take it to the next level revelation 13 verse 1 and i want you to zero in because there's a twist coming and unless you follow the foundation you're going to miss it then i stood on the sand of the sea and i saw a beast rising up out of the sea together having what seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns and on his heads let's say this very carefully a what's the next letter a blasphemous name a means singular now we should focus not only is john continuing the picture of daniel 7 and the beast with the ten horns but he's also giving us a glimpse of the completed representation of how babylon will coalesce with a supporting system during the time of the end let me say that another way we look back on rome's activity during the dark ages but john is saying rome is still here because the beast with seven heads and ten horns hasn't gone anywhere it only received a temporary wound but the bible says when that wound was healed all the world marveled and wandered after the beast and i can ask you today does the vatican does the system of the papacy have world recognized renown unequivocal without any without any equivocation without any challenge every political leader that reigns during his or her time they acknowledge the power both political and religious of the system of the papacy undeniable but john is saying that while rome is presently a world dominating religious movement it is going to become an even more dominant present crush everything in its past dominate the entire world it's large now but when it transitions it's going to transition watch me now from a system of blasphemy i'm going to say it slowly so you grab it from a single system that blasphemes god's truth by its teachings it is going to eventually coalesce with all the false systems of worship that collectively by their teachings do the same and let me break that down one of the dangers of becoming familiar and saying i know this message and i want to tell you what happened to me this week i started my sermon on tuesday i was sure i told my wife by thursday it will be done well it wasn't done until about three o'clock this morning because god says hold on john the problem is you know this message and you're seeing with old eyes but i want to show you with my eyes and i sat back and i i i almost i felt such a strong impression by the lord to say slow down i i it was so powerful i came to the room and said to my wife the lord told me slow down stop stop stop because you've been seeing that passage but you just have not been seeing that passage you've been seeing your understanding of that passage but i need to show you what it's showing you that you don't see yet and i want you to keep in mind as i say again rome all by itself and by its own teachings and the teachings are numerous is a system that blasphemes the truth of god's word and the authority of god that's unequivocal and i'm not talking about people i'm talking about the system but when rome fulfills its ancient aspirations in a modern setting it is going to reach out to all the other systems spiritualism judaism islam and every other false system buddhism you go down the list and eventually apostate protestantism and they're going to coalesce together with the kings of the earth the merchants of the earth and behind the scenes satan's unclean spirits are going to be going to the kings of the earth and the whole world to gather them together in the battle of armageddon let me say it this way it's a lot bigger than we even imagined and so while we're saying to people rome rome rome rome rome god is saying wake up and spin around and you see that what rome has done has been done by other false systems of religion judaism rejects the existence of the messiah islam while they recognize there was jesus he was just a prophet they exalt muhammad and i mean no disrespect to any religion at all and buddhism and spiritualism the ideology that the soul never dies and so many other religions on the earth and they're becoming more and more they're they're falling out of a glass of deception like somebody just keeps pouring more deception in it and they're just falling out and people are going from ridiculous to ridiculous i couldn't find another word to more ridiculous and the devil is having a heyday while we just focus only on rome but let the bible speak i'm going to show you revelation 17 verse 3. now remember rome is described as a blasphemous name say that with me what is it described as a a blasphemous name but as i said to you the holy spirit has something that we often ignore look at revelation chapter 17 verse 3. we see it again and the reason why john saw it is because the holy spirit was leading him we will see when we allow the holy spirit to lead john 17 verse 3 so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and what did he see and i saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was come on now full of names of blasphemy having what seven heads and ten horns pause this molasses is thick rome goes from a blasphemous name seven heads ten horns two full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns do you think it's a mistake that the vatican is traveling to all the religious leaders around the world do you think is coincidental he's gathering them he's gathering them he's gathering them the evidence is clear revelation 17 verse 12 he's gathering them and the bible says it's going to happen watch this revelation 17 verse 12 the ten horns which you saw the ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom yet but they receive authority for one hour as what kings with the beast you getting it political leaders in the world economic leaders the evil spirits the kings of the earth political leaders presidents prime ministers governors whatever category they may be defined in their own country satan is busy gathering the world together you'll find that in the next sermon why he's doing that and what he's aiming at and what he's seeking to accomplish but what i want to make very very clear according to the prophecies of revelation 17 it's a picture of a system of symbolic babylon with its leader and its supporting cast rome is in the position of leadership but we have to go even farther than rome to find out wait a minute where did this come from are you ready it's important to understand the note and who's behind this first piece of revelation chapter 13. here it is revelation chapter 13 verse 2. the bible says now the beast which i saw was like a what leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a what lion but watch this the dragon okay here it is the dragon gave him his power his throne and what else great authority does anybody know who the dragon is just as not to take it for granted revelation 12 and verse 9. so the great dragon was cast out that serpent of all called the devil and satan who deceives how much of the world the whole world he was cast to thee what earth and his angels were cast out how with him cast to the earth he could not overthrow god's dominion he could not overthrow god's kingdom so he came to earth and establish his own kingdom he even said to jesus i'm going to show you all the kingdoms of the world and all their glory and i'll give them to you if you worship me put that in the jar and don't forget that point i will give you all the kingdoms if you worship me rome got its kingdom because rome is the system established to be the very extension of satan himself so to deceive which he does he sets up a system to deceive which it does but to deceive means to lead someone to think follow carefully that his worship is acceptable to god now did this happen before let me move a little quicker now did this happen before let's look at genesis chapter 3 genesis chapter 4 verse 3 to 5. let's see if this happened before and this is a significant paradigm in the in the unfolding of the sermon genesis 4 verse 3-5 and in the process of time it came to pass that cain brought an offering of what of the fruit of the ground to the lord and verse four abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and their fat right and the bible says and the lord respected abel and his offering but it says in verse 5 but he did not respect cain and his offering and cain was what very angry and his countenance fell watch it guys here it is from that day forth two groups of worshipers were established able he's able he's able and cain this group abel those who offer god what he requires and this group offer god what they want but the bible makes it very clear you could offer it but god ain't going to accept it so don't get to the idea that all that matters is that we worship god that's not what the scripture says you worship god the way he wants and requires to be worshipped because you'll offer it but he ain't going to accept it cain's anger led him to carry out the most hideous act look at genesis 4 and verse 8. now cain talked with abel his brother and it came to pass when they were in the field that cain rose up against abel his brother and did what and killed him and i want to tell you the anger of cain represents the anger of those that refuse to worship god according to his requirements if you think i'm kidding talk to somebody that don't believe how you believe and mention the sabbath or the commandments or the truth about death and you will see that anger i've tried it for more than all of my ministry before i was a pastor i tried it i had pastors walk out on me some of them one of them put me out of his church when i was 17 years old the anger that was displayed by cain is the same anger that proceeds when a person is determined to do what they want rather than what god wants but here's why i mentioned that story god took note of cain's action and god moved to do something genesis 4 and verse 15 what did god do here it is and the lord set a mark what's our tithe what's our message what's our message today the mark of the the mark of the beast is the title of the message genesis 4 15 and the lord who did it who did it the lord set a mark on cain unless anyone finding him should kill him let me ask you the question was kane walking around with a big tattoo on his forehead but who saw it come on say it who saw it god did god sees what god marks it doesn't have to be visible to you and i want to say this again men will attempt to create a diversion but the mark that is being talked about here is a mark that god said on cain god saw it you've heard the phrase before he's a marked man have you heard that before oh yeah we may have used that before you better mark that person and the bible even says mark those that cause division among you and avoid them do you put an x on the forehead of people that you don't like or dot on their back you see the person with the red dot in the office watch out for that person no you mock somebody saying you know what you need to stand clear of that individual because they don't mean you any good and god did that to cain but everything that god does satan always seeks to create a diversion every move that satan makes however is linked to his original ambition what was his original ambition here it is isaiah 14 14 the bible says i will ascend above the heights of the clouds satan said i will be like what i will be like the most high his ambition was not only to replace god but to usurp what belongs to god alone and to accomplish his ambition satan constructed a system on earth let's go on let's go on revelation 13 verse 4 if you miss it just play the video back because sometimes you got to take it slow but i'm working with a clock revelation 13 verse 4 so they worshipped who the dragon who's the dragon satan speaking about rome now so they worship the dragon who gave authority to the beast that is the power of rome and they worship the beast saying who is like the beast who is able to make war with him now watch this satan constructs the system of papal rome and people rome is so emassed and so powerful people say when they look at it who is able to make war with him can i answer the question god is the same one that ward against the constructor of this system god is able to do that god is able to do that but why did satan construct this system because he wants to accomplish he wants to accomplish through this system what he was not able to accomplish in heaven let's look at it together revelation 13 verse 5 through 8. revelation 13 verse 5 through 8. and he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months same time frame verse 6 and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against god you notice the blasphemy that rome did it's being reiterated again and all the systems that joined with roman the very end will do the very same thing to god through their teachings blaspheme god of heaven to blaspheme his name what are they blaspheming and i want you to grab this they're blaspheming his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in heaven does the beast have a name yes we're going to find out that in the next message and it goes on look at the next verse it was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and authority was given him over what every tribe tongue and nation and verse 8 all who dwell on the earth will worship him whose names have not been written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world is satan going to accomplish universal worship according to the bible he is are god's people going to be taken in by it according to the bible they won't we'll find out next sabbath why the devil is so angry with that woman he had fun with her in the garden he said you won't really die and she says i believe you it took her 6 000 years but she broke up with him and said i need me a man i can trust i need me a man whose word is sure jesus said i'm looking for a bride that i want to do so much for i want her to be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing i also want her message to be without spot or wrinkle or any such thing and when god established the church on an unshakable foundation satan said that's it i'm going to establish my own and i'm going to try my best to get the world to follow mine but god says i will have the last save what do you say so friends the question we have to ask ourselves is how the worship will occur is an issue of chronological importance is there going to be a use is there one day going to be some kind of universal enactment that will command us to go to some local shop to receive a mark on our forehead or in our hands the issue is worship the issue has always been worship the issue help me lord is not about whether or not to wear a mask it's not about a vaccination any more than it's about the spot on gorbachev's forehead ronald reagan's name the bar code the procter gamble symbols or the qr code it is about worship the issue is not about dna altering technology you're not going to wake up one day and start speaking opposite that your husband or wife does not recognize you because some button was pressed somewhere in washington and it's not about a digital signature that's going to be implanted in your forehead through invisible ink to the eye will men attempt to create diversions yes but these are fallacious ideologies they try to connect to what the mark of the beast really is and that's why i call it pinhole theology they look through the pinhole of time and they think they've seen the entire room that's why you don't trust them you trust god because he owns the room when you do that people latch on to just a portion of the story and they create a narrative that ignores all the other components of what god has already revealed that's why the teaching that you can't buy or sell unless you have a literal mark ignores the totality of the prophecy and here it is my last two scriptures what is revelation 13 17 we're going to deal with 16 next sabbath revelation 13 17 what does it say and that no one may buy or sell except one who has what the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name it's not just the mark it's one or the other or the other the same result will pursue if you have one or the other or the other the bible reveals that any future prohibition to buy or sell occurs if you fall into one category other the mark you are allegiant to the name or you are allegiant to the number but too often the focus is just on the mark when the focus is not according to scripture just on the mark now let me end on this note we know who the first piece of revelation 13 is we know who the last piece of daniel 7 is next message we're going to talk about what is his number his name his image and his mark how is that going to come down the pipe but let me leave the sermon with a hook you ready for the hook is it possible that both the mark of the beast in the forehead and the seal of god in the forehead are literally revelation 9 verse 4 you have to wait a week to get the answer but here's the reason i asked the question revelation 9 verse 4 look what it says to us speaking of those that will escape the tyranny of men the bible says and it was commanded them you'll find out who they are in a moment that they should not hurt the grass of the earth neither any green thing neither any tree but only those men which have not the seal of god in their foreheads how could you not hurt someone unless you see something that says if you see the mark don't hurt them i'm going to leave the cliff is that mark literal or is it symbolic is the seal of god literal or is it symbolic is the mark in the forehead and the seal of god in the forehead literal or symbolic i'm going to leave it there you got to wait till next week for the rest of the answer brethren here's the issue it is all about making your decision today to trust jesus in his word tim where is my brother tim i'm going to ask you a question as i close today just play softly what a friend we have in jesus are you thankful that jesus is your friend do you know revelation is the revelation of jesus christ now let me wrap it up this way if you are a son or daughter of jesus christ one and you trust his word over speculation this subject should not awaken fear in you at all but if you spend your time meandering in the maze of mediocrity pondering at the pool of popularity negotiating at the table of the enemy then you ought to be concerned today i want to ask you to make a decision it's not about masks or vaccines or an assembly line of at a tattoo parlor somewhere it is about having the word of god sealed in your heart and in your life and today if you are committed and you want to remain committed to what god's word has said would you stand with me today lord jesus i want to thank you for being my friend saying you shall no longer call me master but friend you're watching out for your children you're looking out for your friends we're in a diabolical environment and satan is angry he has been attempting to steal what belongs to you alone not just worship but he wants to destroy your children he wants to destroy your church he wants to destroy your family father thank you i praise you and thank you that you are willing to watch out for me for us to give us light in this dark world to give us certainty in an atmosphere and a vortex of speculation and may we turn off the mouths of misguided men and open the reliable word of god we know it's coming we know that there will be aversions and distractions and satanic duplicates satanic diversions things to make us think that's it that's it that's it but may the issue be settled when we decide i am going to worship you and you alone so lead us father not in a relationship of fear but in a relationship of undiluted allegiance to you alone and to your word so that others who are in the dark can see this marvelous light and come out of babylon before it is too late we pray this in jesus name and for his sake and all of god's people said amen you
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 28,114
Rating: 4.8733029 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 16sec (4156 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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