20200620 | The Sunday Controversy | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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songwriter once said oh my lord what a time what a time a song that resonates in our minds as we think of what's taking place in the world around us and this morning i am going to ask for you to bow your heads with me i praise the lord for his word for the book of revelation for the unveiling of end time events so that the people of god will not have to be guessing as to what is taking place on the horizon as we enter the topic the sunday controversy i pray and ask for you to be in an attitude of prayer solemn prayer that you will be listening for the voice of god to share with you not only what is in his word but what your response to it should be let's pray gracious father in heaven it is an awesome responsibility to stand before you and i pray lord that as your word is opened as it goes forth and i thank you for the promise that you said your word will not return unto you void cast your bread upon the water and it shall return after many days we pray lord that this word will accomplish what you intended to accomplish that hearts and minds will be listening not only for information but they will be desiring transformation and lord i pray that when the message is done all the glory will go to you in jesus name i pray amen you just heard the scripture reading revelation chapter 13 a passage that shows us where we are in the scheme of last day events my brothers and sisters and those watching we are living between the resurgence of the power of rome in america and in the world and the united states preparing to legislatively make a union with the power of papal rome we are living on a delicate stage if you would put your ear to the pavement you would hear more than just covet 19 and riots and unrest and a push for racial equality you'll hear more than that you will hear the signs you will see the signs taking place around the world you will understand the book of revelation unfolding in a powerful and clear and unmistakable way but today as i open before you i want to lay some foundation briefly because this topic sunday the sunday controversy is one that has been under development for a long time more than a thousand probably two thousand years or more but even further back than that when you think of the impact of paganism through the dark ages before the dark ages during the time of christ even in old testament times the sun has always been a body a luminous body that pagans of every degree and every description have looked up to as a massive power to be worshiped and honored but the sunday controversy as it now leans itself into the last days is beginning to take on a political and religious tapestry it's pulling together components from the secular government from the religious institutions from the united states from the papacy from the evangelical world from the from the world of merchants if you look around you you'll see unequivocally that the first day of the week sunday has risen to prominence around the world almost in every society and so why call it the controversy it is a controversy because sunday in the minds of many religious leaders have been exalted and seen as a day that we are called to gather and to worship corporately but the question is does the bible support that and so as a person who believes in sola scriptura the bible and the bible only it is imperative that we allow the bible to be our guide it is imperative that the word of god be our map for these last days the opinions of learned men scholars theologians people in the walks of life that are the movers and the shakers all of man's opinions would fade into insignificance when we allow the word of god to rise to the surface but how did rome develop that the dark ages was an era where truth was cast to the ground and false doctrines were born when you study history you find out that the church of rome injected into the minds of the people of that era teachings that had no scriptural support and amazingly the church doesn't deny it the church of rome does not deny it a matter of fact it takes ownership as the authority and believes that god has given it the authority and a directive to make these changes but before we examine the sabbath and the sunday controversy it is important to understand the basis of the controversy god's law it is imperative to look at the law of god to consider its legitimacy and its immutability meaning it cannot change and its legitimacy is in fact it is from god so the questions are is god's law faulty is there something about it that needs to be changed is god's law eternal let's begin by looking at a summary of the ten commandments as found in exodus chapter 20 verses three to 17 you'll see that on the screen and i'll go through one of them and the the full version you can find in those passages i cite but notice the first commandment you shall have no other gods before me the second commandment you shall not make idols the third commandment you shall not take the name of the lord your god in vain the fourth commandment remember the sabbath day to keep it holy the seventh day is the sabbath the fifth commandment honor your father and your mother the sixth commandment you shall not murder the seventh commandment you shall not commit adultery the eighth commandment you shall not steal the ninth commandment you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor and the tenth you shall not covet now let me ask a very basic question how many commandments are there ten look at god how many fingers do we have ten how many toes do we have ten god's intention was for mankind to remember the perfect ten his commandments one through ten they are immutable they are legitimate they are from the hand of god written by the finger of god and so when we look at that the question you've got to ask yourself is as you saw that which one of these commandments needs to be changed which one is seen as faulty and is necessary to alter to delete or to replace strangely enough i i must be obvious this morning for for the reasons that will be clear as we go on all all ten commandments begin with you shall not with the exception of the fifth one honor your father and your mother and the fourth one begins with the word remember remember if god said remember my brother and sister i can guarantee you that god had a special purpose for that and we'll find out this morning when god says remember it is life-altering to forget but it's even more life-altering to say to others i know what god said but i'm telling you to forget what god said to remember and that is what happened in our world that is what happened during the dark ages that is exactly how sunday today has risen to the forefront of prominence and sincere christians of every walk of life both ministers and people alike organizations denominations have somehow in the backs of their minds seen sunday as a holy day a day that we must gather and what we're going to do today is also look at the new testament scriptures that are often cited to try to give credence and authority to the observance of sunday but let's now look at a couple of the bible writers and let's begin with some questions what did john the apostle say about the ten commandments look at first john 5 and verse 3 this is what the apostle john said in the new testament he says for this is the love of god that we keep his commandments and look at this and his commandments are not burdensome some people say are you still under that old law that law of bondage that burdensome law no my brothers and sisters the law of god the commandments of god are not burdensome as a matter of fact john said this is the love of god that we keep his commandments that's john's voice are there any old testament writers that can support that let's look at the words of the patriarch david what does he say about the ten commandments psalm 19 verse 7 notice these words let's hang our ears on every word he said the law of the lord is perfect perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure making wise the simple i want you to keep that in mind the law and the testimony because when we get further you'll find that the law and the testimony as david said is perfect and sure are two issues that really troubles the devil the law of the lord is perfect now let's ask another question what did the apostle paul say about the ten commandments what did this new testament convert say about the ten commandments here's what he said romans seven and verse twelve therefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good the apostle paul a new testament bible writer one that existed one that was converted after the ascension of jesus he chimes in and says there's nothing wrong with the law and if you know the if you know the apostle paul he says the law is holy but we are the ones that are corrupt we are the ones that are sinful the law is holy and just and good the law is holy the commandments holy and just and good the problem has never been god's holy just and good commandment law the problem has always been the corruption of the human heart but let's now go further and ask vanessa next question what did jesus say about the 10 commandments let's look at matthew chapter 5 verse 17 to verse 19. this encapsulates not only the opinion of jesus but his direct statement he said concerning his law do not think that i came to destroy the law or the prophets i did not come to destroy but to fulfill verse 18. for assuredly i say to you notice the perpetuity of it till heaven and earth pass away one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled let's not forget verse 19. he says in verse 19 whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever does and teaches them he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven notice the lord said i didn't come to change him i didn't come to destroy them i came to fulfill them what that means is as isaiah 42 21 says the lord will magnify the law and make it honorable and also make this point very clear is he said if you break any one of them not just the sabbath if you break any of them all ten are important how did the lord magnify the law when jesus came he said he who hates his brother is a murderer already he magnified it there was the belief by the pharisees that until you committed the crime it was okay to hate oh no no the lord says if you hate him you've already killed him how did he magnify the law the pharisees believed they believed that their religion and what they did outside of that was exempt from god's uh scrutinize and from his scrutiny and from his judgment so they lived lives that were not in harmony and the lord said to them if you commit the act of adultery that's not the only place that you're guilty if you look upon a woman to lust after her you have already committed adultery in your heart the lord says you don't even have to do the act to be guilty if that's how you think if that's what's taking place in your heart you are already guilty that's what the lord said that's magnifying that's not shrinking it that's magnifying it and making his law honorable but now let's ask the next question a very important and pertinent question what does satan think about the ten commandments well now we know before we even answer the question we know he's going to be on the opposite side of the coin but let the bible speak for itself revelation 12 and verse 17 and the bible says and the dragon who is satan was enraged with the woman who is the church and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring or the remnant of her seed and who are they notice the two components again who keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus notice that the law of the lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the lord is sure law and testimony in the old testament law and testimony in the new testament the devil hates the commandments of god even further he hates those who keep the commandments of god he is at war with the commandments of god and when you ask yourself the question which one of these can he strategically change and people will think it's not really that important well killing adultery stealing coveting lying dishonoring your appearance taking god's name in vain bowing down to idols well those are all obvious but if he convinces people that well this one is just a matter of a day as the songwriter says what a difference a day makes it's not just a matter of a day as you'll discover in just a few moments he focused on this one i'm going to say it now and reiterate it later on with scripture he focused on this one because satan's desire was to be like the most high and the sign that god created as an institution of his a divine authority as a sign between him and his people is the sabbath he created that to be a sign between him and those that worship him as the god of creation and the god of redemption but when the devil said i want to be like the most high he said i can substitute that day and nobody would really really think much about it nobody would really make a big difference about it that's why many people today say well as long as we remember god that's all that matters well you tell that to your wife if you forget her anniversary every year you tell that to your wife when you forget that special day that you were both married on and just say to her well it's just a matter of another day you get the point it's not a matter of another day tell the bill collectors when they send you a statement pass due pass due penalty call them and say it's just a matter of another day they'll say no sir you've been late every month it's not the matter of another day when god says remember god means remember when you follow the devil you'll discover that changing god's law was the singular strategy that satan accomplished through the power of rome that fourth beast of daniel chapter 7 through pagan rome and then through papal rome for the bible predicted the change would come god told daniel the change was coming look at daniel 7 25 the bible says he shall speak pompous words against the most high or great words against the most high shall persecute the saints of the most high shall intend to change times and law and the sabbath contains both time and law then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time i dealt with that in particular detail about the dark ages the time times in half a time i dealt with the persecution of the saints of the most high but i also pointed out that the devil through the power of rome intended to change god's times and laws he strategically and methodically and slowly the change came about so gradually that it took a period of hundreds of years and when you think about it for more than a thousand years the church of rome has fed christians false doctrines that is why doctrines that have no biblical support are still being practiced in christian circles today when god's word is no longer the basis for christian practice this is important when god's word is no longer the basis for what you believe resistance to unity is removed and powers that will normally be opposed to one another create a bond they find a synthesis the garden of eden is a perfect example god warned adam and eve god warned them that the day that you eat you'll surely die but the devil methodically convinced the woman eve who the woman represents the church today the devil methodically and carefully convinced the woman to disbelieve god's word and believe his and here we are today we are in the mess we are in today because a perfect woman was beguiled by the devil she believed his word and normally the two opposing sides that would never even initially think that we should get together they created a bond because god's word was no longer the basis for the safety in the life of eve the church of rome during the dark ages trained christians to accept tradition over truth and when truth is rejected unity occurs unity occurs on the basis of experience rather than truth when you look at christianity today you'll find in so many circles it's about a feeling i feel the spirit oh raise your hands lift your voice nothing wrong with that but my brother and my sister if you are moved by feeling and not by the word of god if you live by emotion and not by principle it's a deadly mix if you feel that this is truth rather than know that this is truth if the atmosphere is so seductive and you feel the presence of god or the spirit of god and you believe that the spirit of god cancels out the truth of god it's a dangerous concoction so many people today say i'm in the spirit but they don't want to be in the truth and the emotion overrides logistical logical thinking they say this feels good therefore it must be good and the devil who was a master musician has even taken christian music and has so designed it that people are making decisions based on how they feel rather than what god's word says well my brother and sister one of the reasons why the devil is angry with the woman in revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 is because she's not moved by feeling she lives by principle and by the truth of god's word so he is no longer able to penetrate her armor that's why today we are communicating what god wants us to tell you the church of rome trained christians to accept tradition over truth today when you try to talk to people about truth many of them say i don't want to hear it they say my brother my sister this is what god's word says i've had time after time experience after experience where pastors have said to me i don't want to hear it that's your opinion and i said well this is god's word well that's how you see it and the fight has been amazing but that did not catch god by surprise because he said the time will come when men will not endorse sound doctrine and so that time has come we're living in that day and age where doctrine has been deleted there are even those that say we are non-doctrinal we are the new testament church we don't teach doctrines non-denominational non-denominational well if you go to a bank with a hundred dollar bill and you give it to the teller and say i'd like some change she'll ask you what denomination respond by saying i don't want any denomination just give me change it's not possible everything you believe connects to some denomination out there and the devil has so denominationalized the world that we think that all you do is pick a flavor and it's okay with god well i want to tell you god's people are in every walk of life in every denomination but when it comes to the truth god is guiding his people from darkness into this marvelous light and the reason i'm communicating this message with such conviction i believe somebody's watching that wants to know the truth somebody wants to know what god's word says somebody wants to know i no longer have to guess about my stand with god i can know that god's word is reliable before we investigate how sunday worship rose to prominence allow me to explain why the ten commandments were not nailed to the cross there are two texts often cited for sunday observance these two texts that are often cited to push the sabbath out are colossians 2 16 and ephesians 2 verse 14 to 15 but understanding these two major references will show us the difference between the ten commandments and the ceremonial law the ten commandments and the ceremonial law let's begin with the book of colossians because by themselves if you read a single verse by itself it seems to be against the creation sabbath that's why it's important to read the entire context so let's begin with colossians 2 verse 14 and i'll read all the way to verse 17. here's what the lord did on the cross the bible says having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us which was contrary to us and he has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross verse 15. having disarmed the principalities and powers he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them in it and then verse 16. this is the key verse often disconnected from the other verses so let no one judge you in food or in drink or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths small s plural and verse 17 is the key which are a shadow of things to come but the substances of christ the substances of christ i've got a shadow it's on the floor here well because the light is on the floor all over the place but if you step on my shadow i won't feel it but if you step on me i guarantee you i'll feel it when the bible talks about the shadow it says if you follow that shadow you'll find the substance if you follow the shadow you'll find the substance the lord established a shadow system that by observing this shadow system later on when the substance came which the bible says the substances of christ people would understand ha everything we did to this point told us that jesus was coming when you when you study the five books of moses genesis exodus numbers leviticus and deuteronomy when you study the five books of moses you'll discover that in those five books not only would you find the ten commandments the ten commandments but you find the ceremonial laws including also the ceremonial sabbaths and to make a very important point all of the ceremonial sabbaths and i'll touch on some of them today every one of the ceremonial sabbaths were created after sin the seventh day sabbath of creation was created and blessed before sin i want to repeat that just so you can get it all of the ceremonial sabbaths were created after sin those were the shadows but the seventh day sabbath the last day of the week of creation was created before sin just like marriage was created before sin should we outlaw marriage well there are probably thousands or millions that will say i can marry whoever i want but as a christian you don't believe that you believe that what god set up in the garden of eden man and woman that's still god's ideal for the marriage in the very same way the marriage was created in a perfect environment well no wonder the devil has attacked the marriage institution the sabbath was created in a perfect environment no wonder the devil has attacked the sabbath also because both of these institutions are a representation of christ and his church the woman the bride the husband the man jesus is the husband man a representation of christ in his church the sabbath a sign between christ and his church the devil attacked both of them and today we have a world that's messed up because they are getting the ceremonial sabbaths mixed up with the sabbath of creation the sabbath of creation once again there was not a single jew in existence for more than fifteen hundred years down the road when the seraph when the sabbath of creation was established there was no such thing as a jew just one man and one woman when god ended the creation week when you look at the ceremonial sabbaths i'll give you an example of some of them there are so many i cannot cover them all but some of some of the ceremonial sabbaths you may have heard before rosh hashanah the jewish new year then you have yom kippur the day of atonement you have rash kodesh the new moon then you have hanukkah which is the festival of lights you have sukkot the feast of boots or the feast of tabernacles and then you have passover commemorating the exodus from egypt which is an experience that lasts for seven days passover but just to name a few in the book of leviticus and deuteronomy many of those sabbaths are there in the book of leviticus the sabbath is mentioned 12 times and you'll discover the afflicting of your souls the seventh day sabbath the first day sabbath the eighth day sabbath these are all ceremonial sabbaths these were symbols shadows leading to the coming of christ they served a particular purpose and you'll find out in just a moment why that was important but let's break down the passage we just read first it said these were the handwriting of requirements handwriting because it was not written by god's hand it was written by the hand of moses look at deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 24 to 26 deuteronomy 31 verse 24 to 26 hand writing of requirements here's how the bible makes it clear talking about the law of moses the bible says so it was when moses had completed writing the words of this law in a book notice the difference right away not on stones moses wrote it in a book when they were finished verse 25 that moses commanded the levites who bore the ark of the covenant of the lord saying verse 26 take this book of the law book of the law not tablets of stone take this book of the law and put it beside the ark of the covenant when you study the bible the ten commandments of god were on the inside of the ark of the covenant but the book of the law was on the outside besides it put it beside the ark of the covenant of the lord your god get this that it may be there as a witness against you paul said in colossians it was against us why was the book of the law against the children of israel because it contains ceremonies washings ordinances the killing of doves the killing of lambs the killing of goats the killing of bullocks blood was being spilled by the thousands and thousands and thousands of gallons men men slaughtered animals every day a carnal system but it was the only way that god at that moment could reveal to man what had happened what sin caused the wages of sin is death a system that became corrupt in the course of human time a system that ran its course only simply being used to point to the coming of christ paul also said it was nailed to the cross he said it was contained in food drink festivals new moons and sabbath when you study the bible you clearly see that the ceremonial law was written by moses in the book of the law the law of moses when you study this had more than 600 laws that's why christians today saying you're in bondage to the law that's what they're talking about six more than 600 laws a combination of sacrifices ordinances statutes and ceremonies and why were they a shadow look at hebrews chapter 9 verse 9 to 10 this is why they were called a shadow hebrews even uses the word hebrews 9 verse 9 it was symbolic for the present time in which both gifts and sacrifices are offered which notice why this is why i was done away with which cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience why because you still remember what you did it couldn't clear your conscience it couldn't soothe your heart jesus is the only one that can clear our conscience killing animals and shearing blood and and sacrifices in order could never keep the person with a free heart could never give them a clear mind look at verse 10 and it makes it clear connecting right back to colossians 2 concerned only with foods and drinks various washings and fleshy ordinances or carnal ordinances that the king james version says and look at this imposed until the time of reformation the word until means it only has a duration of time until the time of reformation meaning when reformation comes its time has run its course and you may remember when jesus died on the cross it was during the time of the sacrifice and before the priest was able to take the life of the lamb the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom exposing the system of sacrifices because the lamb the shadow was pointing to jesus the lamb of god why kill a little lamb when the lamb of god was hanging on the cross what were the shadows here the shadows and hear the substances the shadow a sacrificial lamb the substance the lamb of god as john says behold the lamb of god that takes away the sin of the world when john when john pointed to jesus and called them the lamb of god the religious leaders should have known who it meant because for more than a thousand years they had been killing lambs so john used the shadow language behold the lamb of god but then the substance is jesus what was the shadow the seven golden candlesticks in the ceremonial services what is the substance jesus the light of the world the shadow the temple labor where the priest washed his hands what is the substance jesus the living water what is the shadow the table of shell bread what is the substance jesus the bread of life the shadow the altar of burned offerings where the lamb and the animals were burned and their fat was burned where's the substance the cross of calvary was a symbol of the altar burnt offerings what is the shadow the earthly temporal high priest they died and another one replaced that high priest when he died what is the substance jesus our eternal high priest whoever lives to make intercession for us i hope you're getting it because as i preach this message today we have a high priest who is sitting at the right hand of the father intervening and mediating for you and me he is the substance what is the last shadow the ark of the covenant what is the substance the mediatorial work of christ in behalf of humanity my brother and sister grab it that was the shadow there's no more need for a sacrificial lamb no more need for golden sticks and the laver and a table of show but an altar of burnt offerings and an earthly high priest that's why the system of catholicism is a sad duplication jesus is our high priest the ark of the covenant there's no longer a need to carry around a box on our shoulders like the jews did because jesus sits in the holiest of holies mediating for your salvation and mind look at hebrews 10 and verse 1 the bible is clear so many people have been misinformed and raw taught wrongly so they get the mixed up hebrews 10 and verse 1 for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of those things why because the image is christ the writer says can never with these same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year make those who approach perfect it could never it could never make humanity perfect can you imagine the stench of all the blood in the communities where are you going i'm going to perform a sacrifice and the father has to look his into the eyes of the lamb and cut his throat and hold a bowl below the throat of the lamb or the goat as the blood runs out and the life force falls out of that animal then he's cut into pieces then he's put on the altar burn offerings and his blood has sprinkled on the horns of the altar these were all the shadows but so many people not knowing and so many preachers not knowing this have cl have clumped them together have clumped them together they could never make the person performing the sacrifices perfect look at hebrews 10 and verse 4 the bible further reiterates the sacrificial system was a shadow because it was faulty everything that it was based on was flesh and blood it was faulty jesus is the only faultless one hebrews 10 verse 4 says for it is not possible not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sin that's why when jesus stepped on the scene thereby the river jordan john with joy in his heart says behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sin of the world john said you have been killing lambs for a long time but here he is here he is this is the lamb this is the lamb the spotless lamb peter says we have not been redeemed with corruptible things like gold and silver but with the precious blood advocacy of as of a spotless lamb jesus that precious lamb he is not a shadow he is the real thing the only one that can cleanse us from sin his name is jesus my brothers and sisters get it clear look at galatians 3 19. let me make it clear as i read this passage when adam sinned god put the ceremonial system in place and it was only to be there until jesus came it had a beginning it had an ending it can only last up until the coming of christ look at paul the apostle made it very clear and when you read this people clump it together not understanding what the bible writer meant galatians 3 19 paul asks what purpose then does the law serve he's talking about the ceremonial law here's what he says it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made when jesus said in the garden of eden to the serpent i will put enmity between your seed and her seed he was talking about this seed the seed is christ when jesus said to abraham through your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed he wasn't talking about abraham isaac and jacob he was talking about the seed that would eventually come through the lineage of david that seed is christ that's the seed this seed when jesus came there was no longer a need for any more shadows that's why ephesians 2 is so significant this is the second passage now when you look at all of that you will understand what this means now ephesians 2 verse 14 and 15 the bible says for he himself is our peace why because the ceremonial system could never bring peace what has he done who has made both one what do you mean by both the jew and the gentile jesus brought together in the ceremonial system they were separate because you had to be circumcised to keep the ceremonial laws but not unto christ in christ is neither male nor female bond nor free juno gentile he made both one what has he done he has broken down the middle wall of separation that ceremonial law verse 15 having abolished in his flesh not the flesh of bulls and goats in his flesh the enmity that is against that is the law of commandments don't stop contained in ordinances all those ordinances sacrifices burnt offerings sin offerings trespass offerings all the ceremonial sabbaths why did he do that so as to create in himself one new man from the two notice thus making peace when jesus breaks down walls friend peace occurs when jesus says you're a jew you're a gentile and they love each other peace happens when jesus says you're black you're white and they join together peace happens you're from europe you're from africa when they join together in christ peace occurs jesus wants peace this world needs peace and you can't have peace get this you can't have peace by throwing out the law of the prince of peace he is the prince of peace but his law is immutable it cannot be changed cannot be abrogated cannot be deleted cannot be denied it is eternal just as his character is eternal when you love your mother the law of god is still there when you don't bow down to idols and take his name in vain the law of god is there when you do not steal or commit adultery or covet or lie or murder the law of god is there it's being worked out in your life that is still binding today that's the prince of peace when you live in harmony with god's law the bible says great peace have they that loved thy law and nothing shall offend them psalms 119 verse 165 great peace have they that loved thy law and nothing shall offend them that's the kind of peace that god wants us to have a peace that is based on obedience to the only thing that can sustain peace but now let's look at the law of god we talked about the law of moses the law of god was not written in a book it was written on two tables of stone the law of god contains only ten commandments not six hundred plus only ten nothing ceremonial about it and by the way for those of you who say well we're not saved by the works of the law you're right because in the ten commandments the only place the word work appears is thou shall not do any works that means take the sabbath off rest from your labor as jesus rested from his it doesn't suggest that you work to be saved it suggests that you honor the commandments of god because you love him just to make it clear that there were only ten look at god's law in deuteronomy chapter five and verse 22 the bible makes it clear that there are not 640 laws or 630 or 611 there was only 10. here's what the bible says deuteronomy 5 verse 22 these words the lord spoke to all your assembly in the mountain from the midst of the fire the cloud and the thick darkness with a loud voice and notice this and he added no more and he wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me that's moses speaking he wrote them on two tablets of stone he added no more but the ceremonial law was continually attitude they made the ceremonial law a burden oh they made the sabbath the burden they twisted the jews the pharisees the sadducees they twisted god's law and they could not even honor it themselves they made it a burden but that's not what the lord did the sabbath of the ten commandments was not made after sin it was made at the end of creation week and brethren god only blessed the seventh day god only blessed the seventh day when you follow a dictionary an encyclopedia a britannica no matter how they twist the calendar because the devil is into twisting calendars now making sunday the seventh day it's happening all over the world he's twisting calendars don't rely on a twisted calendar look at the definition the seventh day is always always the sabbath always saturday and by the way in so many languages around the world in the spanish language sabbath is sabado unequivocal the seventh day of the week look at what jesus did at the end of creation week genesis chapter two here it is here's what the bible says thus the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished genesis chapter 2 verse 1 thus the heavens and the earth and all the hosts of them were finished now verse 2 and on the seventh day god ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done notice cessation of work not salvation by work and then verse three then god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it notice what he did he rested from all his work which god had created and made why did he do that ask yourself why did he do that he did that not because he was tired he was setting a cadence in time he was establishing an institution that was spiritual it didn't die like trees or die like birds or fade away like the grass of the fields it was so perfect it had no dimensions its dimension was locked into time a 24-hour period from sunset to sunset sunset friday to sunset saturday was the canopy of time that god never deleted to get rid of the sabbath do you know what that means that means you only have a six day week because there's no other reason for the seventh day to exist no other reason for the sabbath to exist other than the crowning act of god's creative week that seventh day but satan aimed at the fourth commandment because he knew that by observing the bible sabbath we acknowledge the god of creation and redemption as our lord look at exodus chapter 20 verses 8-10 exodus 20 verses 8-10 the bible says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work and get the identity but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god notice the devil knew that ah i want to be like the most high i got to get rid of that day because as long as people keep that day god knows that they belong to him i've got to get rid of that day and put my own day i've got to put my own day there you see the sabbath is a sign between god and his people and something else that's vitally important that we have to grab right now is why is it so significant look at exodus exodus chapter 31 look at exodus chapter 31 verse 16 and 17 when you read this you're going to discover something that is powerful you discover that the sabbath is not just one of the ten commandments look at what the bible says verse 16 and 17 of exodus 31 the bible says therefore the children of israel shall keep the sabbath to observe the sabbath throughout their generations as a look at these two words perpetual covenant perpetual covenant i'll i'll amplify that in a moment verse 17 it is a sign between me and the children of israel for how long forever for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed let's back up for a moment perpetual covenant children of israel first point children of israel do you know that the apostle paul says if anyone is in christ he is abraham's seed and heir according to the promise do you know that the word israel doesn't mean a nation it means an overcomer israel is a spiritual term it's not a it's not a national term jew is a national term that's why romans 9 verse 6 says they that are of israel are not all israel meaning those that are born naturally are not necessarily converts to following christ but if you are a follower of christ you are an israelite a spiritual israelite not only that perpetual covenant this is powerful the sabbath became a perpetual covenant before the ten commandments were written on mount sinai that's why the sabbath was a perpetual covenant that was established the lord set that covenant in place at the end of creation week delivered it to the children of israel so that they could deliver it to the world and he says as long as there is an israelite as long as i have children this is a perpetual do you know what perpetual means forever cannot be removed cannot be dilated cannot be abrogated cannot be broken up cannot be removed out of the way perpetual that's why the devil knew that this perpetual sign had to be replaced with something that will move us off center and turn our allegiance away from god my brother and sister this sign has not been changed it's still a perpetual covenant today if you are a christian you are a spiritual israelite scripture in christ is neither male nor female bond nor free we are all one in christ this sign made at the end of creation week before jews existed is a perpetual sign between you and i and god praise god for that but why would the devil try to get rid of that because he knew the sabbath was the first covenant that god established and then he inserted that covenant into his ten commandments law but satan said in isaiah 14 14 these boastful words here's what he said i will ascend above the heights of the clouds i will be like the most high he said i will now following that statement i'm going to give you a series of quotations through the fourth beast of daniel 7 pagan and papal rome today known as the vatican today known as the monolith of the roman catholic church this monolith has repetitively repeated over and over that it contributes the change of the sabbath to its own authority and not to anything in god's word here's the first reference here's the first reference reverend stephen keenan doctrinal catechism page 174 listen to the church speak listen to the roman church speak have you any other way of proving that the church has power to institute festivals of precepts here's what she says answer had she not such power she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her she could not have substituted the observance of sunday the first day of the week for the observance of saturday the seventh day a change for which there is no scriptural authority how much no scriptural authority how much no scriptural authority the church that made the change said don't waste your time pastor trying to find it in the bible don't try to twist god's word and take away our authority it's not in there there is no scriptural authority for the day that rome substituted in place of god's sabbath there's no scriptural authority and after they made that statement they reiterated that they reiterated that fact in the following quotation here it is it's quite a lengthy reference i'll let you look that up and i don't go i won't go to the reference right now but here is the answer question question how prove you that the church had power to command of feasts and holy days answered by the very act of changing the sabbath into sunday which protestants allow of and therefore they fondly contradict themselves by keeping sunday strictly and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same church they're saying wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute stop protestant protestants stop wasn't your creed the bible and the bible only isn't that the clarion call of the protestant faith sola scripture martin luther said it sola scripture the bible and the bible only so then why are you ignoring everything else we said but you're honoring our day and it has no basis in the bible anywhere the challenge that non-catholic religious leaders follow or have is attempting to find scriptural support for something that has no scriptural support the challenge is trying to find something in the bible that's not there but modern religionists have entered into an excursion believing that the bible contains evidence for the change of the seventh day sabbath and the sunday and these are the verses that they use to try to say to rome we can make the bible say what we wanted to say well my brothers and sisters it's not in god's word but let's consider the three most popular passages that are often used to try to give support to the observance of the first day of the week let's start with acts chapter 20 verse 7. i would call this attempt number one acts 20 verse 7. now on the first day of the week when the disciples came together to break bread paul ready to depart the next day spoke to them and continued his message until midnight let's break this down paul was preaching because he was about to go on an 11 city tour throughout asia minor he was giving a sermon from sunset on friday on saturday night when sunday began but the most important focal of this point is this the most important focus of the text is this they said the breaking of bread on the first day of the week is evidence that the sabbath was now changed to sunday but that's not the case look at acts chapter 2 and verse 46 the breaking of bread in the bible was a daily practice acts chapter 2 and verse 46 notice that and the bible says so continuing daily daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart they broke bread house to house every day wasn't just one day of the week that what that's what you call nowadays small groups ministries house to house the gospel was spreading like brush fire from house to house that's why the lord gave peter a vision of the family of cornelius in acts chapter 10 he gave peter a vision and peter ended up at the house of cornelius where his family was converted and they were all baptized it was house to house ministry that's how the bible spread the gospel and that there was no physical church to go to the churches were hardly existing there were no major buildings i'm going to that church you're going to this church they went from house to house breaking the bread of god's word from house to house and who is the bread jesus is the bread of life secondly according to scripture when the sun sets a new day begins paul was giving a farewell message on what we now call in non-biblical language saturday night let me help you understand the cadence of scripture when the sun sets tonight look at the news ask yourself a question that you may not have even thought about when is sunset and the in the news reporter might say in the summertime well it's going to be 8 25 when the sun sets the day ends in the bible the evening and the morning were the first day it didn't start in the morning that's why get this term the light is going to come on when 12 o'clock at night hits you know what it's called mid night midnight not the beginning of a new day midnight when noon hits you know what's called midday and when you study scripture you clearly see you clearly see all throughout the bible oh that new testament the bible establishes that when sun sets a new bit day begins paul preached his sermon on saturday night and continued preaching all the way to midnight that's why eutychus fell out of the window he brought him back to life and kept on preaching at least i have somebody i know that preaches longer than i do the apostle paul does but notice there are eight references in the book of acts about the observance of the sabbath there are eight references in the book of acts about sunday the first day of the week and these eight references in the book of acts are references about how the sabbath was continually observed let's look at acts chapter 13 verse 42 you'll find that the sabbath didn't get lost sight of the followers of christ continued keeping the sabbath look at verse 42 and acts chapter 13. so when the jews went out of the synagogue the gentiles begged that these words might be preached to them the next sabbath that was paul and barnabas and the city of antioch now look at verse 44. that was the jews the gentiles asked look at the next passage on the next sabbath acts 13 44 almost the whole city came together to hear the word of god jews and gentiles so the sabbath the the apostle paul a convert to the gospel was observing the sabbath after jesus had already ascended to heaven the sabbath wasn't lost sight of let's look at another one acts 17 and verse 2. look at this then paul as his custom was went into them and for three sabbaths reasoned with them from scripture that's a cadence of three weeks in a row paul preaching on the sabbath if the sabbath was done away with why would the followers of christ perpetuate something that jesus nailed to the cross and by the way you know as i'm asking you the question why would you have to get rid of something called why would there be a need to get rid of the sabbath when it's simply a sign between god and his people but let's keep going let's keep going acts 18 verse 4 and he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath and persuaded both jews and greeks now we have a whole city we have jews gentiles now we have greeks this is not something just for jews the lord blessed the entire world all 10 commandments for every for everybody that walks the planet all 10 commandments apply to all humanity including the sabbath jews greeks gentiles in the entire city but the bible says he reasoned every sabbath how long was paul in this region look at verse 11 and he continued there a year and six months teaching the word of god among them do you know what that means if he preached every sabbath and he was in that city for a year and a half added up he preached 52 plus 26 78 sabbaths in a row would you do that 78 sabbath in a row and say to god i know you got rid of it but i still want to keep it absolutely not paul's life was a constant example of that which god never deleted the sabbath and he continued in his life to honor the sabbath that's reference number one breaking a bread was every day the sabbath was never lost sight of here's the second reference often used to try to support the observance of a first day first corinthians chapter 16 verse one and two here it is now concerning the collection for the saints as i have given orders to the churches of galatia so you must do also this is a bulletin sent out look at verse two on the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside storing up as he may prosper that there be no collections when i come notice not when you come but when i come there was a famine in jerusalem there was great want great need the people did not have the basic supplies so the letter that was sent to the churches in galatia was sent to other towns other churches and paul the apostle was saying we need to relieve the suffering of those in jerusalem so when i come by whatever you have put it outside just like the salvation army put it in a bag whether it's clothing or food or dried goods put it there that there will be no collecting when i come the truck pulls up or the wagon pulls up they take the things they move to the next house they wanted to do this expeditiously not wasting time this was not a church collection it was a community outreach to reduce the burdens of those who are facing hardship in jerusalem but ministers say but ministers say this was a collection taken in church that's not what the bible says look at the last one the third one john 20 verse 19 ministers used this passage to teach that the disciples gathered together on the first day of the week to commemorate to commemorate a new day of worship nothing is further from the truth john 20 verse 19 let's let the bible speak this was at the time of the crucifixion and resurrection of jesus bible says then the same day at evening what day the resurrection day this is key the same day and evening being the first day of the week when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled were they gathering together to sing songs no they were gathering for fear of the jews they were terrified they just killed jesus we're next they shut those doors down and they were whispering at the lowest point the bible says then jesus came and stood in the midst and said to them what peace be with you the jews the these disciples were hiding behind locked doors for fear of the jews they were not singing songs having a church service they were terrified for their lives this was not a new day of worship being instituted this was on the resurrection day they said you know guys we are in trouble if they killed him what are they going to do to us that's what this reference was but here's the point let's go to matthew 24 20 because as you read this next passage if jesus intended to abolish the sabbath he would not have made reference to an event that would occur 39 years after his ascension he would not have made reference to the destruction of jerusalem that took place in a.d 70 and the statement you're about to read was made in ad31 39 years before jerusalem was destroyed look at the words of jesus he warned them he says pray that when this happened matthew 24 20 and pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the sabbath pray that when destruction comes it doesn't happen when you're worshipping because if you're in church on the sabbath when destruction comes they'll know exactly where to find you pray that it's not the winter and pray that it doesn't happen on the sabbath now why would jesus say pray that it doesn't happen on the sabbath if he nailed the sabbath to the cross once again a weak argument because there's no reason why the sabbath needed to be nailed to the cross furthermore the followers of jesus at the time of his crucifixion they observed the sabbath at his death which is further evidence that he did not abolish it luke 23 56 notice what the bible says jesus was laid in the tomb and the bible says then they return and prepared spices and fragrant oils and they rested on the sabbath get this according to the commandment what commandment the fourth one remember the sabbath to keep it holy they the women that followed jesus wouldn't violate the sabbath they said when the sabbath is over we'll go ahead and anoint the body and as you know the story they went on the first day of the week and they found that jesus had already risen but now let's look because you know what my brother sunday that many leaders called the lord's day once again the catholic church and by the way let me make it clear if you want to know where these references come from all you got to do is go to amazon and download the 2011 version of the catechism of the catholic church the 2011 digital edition this is not stuff that's from thousands of years ago this is up to date this is what they're saying today listen to what they say about the lord's day catechism of the catholic church united states conference of catholic bishops reference 2184 here's what they say just as god rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done human life has a rhythm of work and rest they're doing good so far but here's where they peer off the institution of the lord's day helps everyone enjoy adequate rest and leisure to cultivate their familial cultural social and religious lives in other words they knowing the sabbath was there they said wait a minute we want to help family culture social and religious lives so we are going to establish something called the lord's day now you might say well how do you know that they did that look at the next reference the same book 2011 digital version of the catechism reference number 1163 they said it here it is holy mother church believes that she should celebrate the saving work of her divine spouse in a sacred commemoration on certain days throughout the course of the year once each week on the day which she has called the lord's day she keeps the memory of the lord's resurrection she the catholic church instituted sunday in honor of the lord's resurrection they cannot get rid of the sabbath sunday is not a deletion of the sabbath it's an abrogation of its permanent unmistakable immutable character it cannot get rid of you cannot get rid of the sabbath so they gave sunday and to try to legitimize it they call it the lord's day that's why they use this passage in revelation 1 and verse 10. they use this passage to try to legitimize that observance this is what they use john says in revelation 1 10 i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet they have taken that reference and say hey that is the sabbath day that's the lord's day but if you let the bible speak for itself the bible makes it clear what day the lord calls his day look at isaiah 58 and verse 13 the lord makes it clear as to what day is his day he says if you turn away your foot from the sabbath from doing your pleasure on look my holy day the sabbath is the lord's day that's what he call it and call the sabbath a delight the holy day of the lord reiterated over and over honorable and shall honor him not doing your own ways not finding your own pleasures nor speaking your own words he says that's my day the sabbath is my holy day the sabbath is the holy day of the lord don't let men take scriptures and apply to it what they think it should mean follow god's word and you'll never be in the dark but my last reference and this is most startling i didn't even i didn't even think i would find such a powerful resource this is from history channel a very reputable program that continues to bring to the forefront historical events that have taken place in the course of human history this is history channel you can find a reference go to history channel constantine decrees sun day as day of rest the 7th of march 3 21 a.d listen to this blockbuster of a quote they said the gradual process toward christian tradition and ritual was underscored in 321 when on the 7th of march constantine decreed that diasolus or the day of the sun should be observed as a universal day of rest continuing the pious observance of the sabbath was important in expressing thanks for god's toil and showed deference to the claim that god rested on the seventh day of the creation let me pause they said keep the sabbath but also keep the lord's day and for some time my brethren both were kept together he said yes when we honor when you honor the sabbath you recognize god's creative work but let's keep the lord's day also the sunday look at this the decree was far-reaching stating that numerous activities should be avoided should be avoided notice goals should be avoided on sunday merchants were forbidden to trade and administrative establishments were closed apart from those that dealt with the freeing of slaves farmers alone were permitted to continue working on the sabbath in recognition that some farm activity was impossible to defer in other words the people needed to eat constantine chose sunday to be the day for christian worship as it already enjoyed special status in the roman week this was the pagan arm of rome but look at this named after the pagan god invictus sunday became sunday had become the day when wages were traditionally paid to workers leading it to be seen as a day of what celebration and thanks in corresponding the christian sabbath was the christian sabbath with an already established day of rest the sabbath constantine ensured that his decree would be accepted swiftly and harmoniously and when you study history for for more than 200 years the sabbath was observed in constantine's day and sunday was observed side by side until one died down as the power of rome began to push the other one to the forefront you see my brethren it's very clear there's no denying history in the bible works arm and arm hand in hand to verify a few things the sabbath was made of creation honored in the old testament honored in the new testament honored by jesus it was not nailed to the cross the ceremonial law was the commandments were honored by the disciples honored by the apostles honored by the church of god will be honored in heaven and will be honored in the new earth and my question to you today is are you willing to honor the lord by keeping his sabbath are you willing to be a part of that perpetual covenant that god is saying ah that's my child that's my son that's my daughter that's my pastor that's my church they are honoring this perpetual sign between me and them and if you need a reason if you need a reason to keep the bible sabbath like all the other nine commandments here's the words of jesus if you do what jesus did you'll never do the wrong thing he simply says if you love me keep my commandments if you love me not if you love tradition not if you love convenience not because sunday is better for you but if you love christ not because this is what i've been doing all my life or this is what my family taught me or this is what my pastor says is the right thing to do no not what man said not what family did you don't drive a a 1915 ford you drive a newer car you don't ride around in a horse and buggy times have changed god's word has not and i'm calling you my brother and sister if you want to say lord jesus i want to be a part of the sabbath blessing not the sunday controversy i want to align my life with the lord of the sabbath i'm praying as i bow my head that that will be your desire that you too would say thank you pastor thank you lord for your word thank you for the evidences of history and prophecy thank you for the examples of the apostles and disciples thank you for the surety of your word thank you for the integrity and the immutability of your holy law and thank you for the example set in the life of jesus let us pray our gracious father in heaven we know we've covered quite a bit today but you've called us to be a people of truth truth is not always convenient but you said to us you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free in this day and age where the call to the left is political the call to the right is social we have issues about disease and violence and crime and the world is all a stir lord i pray that you'll say to your church it's time to arise and shine it's time to come out of darkness into this marvelous light it's time for the church to say to the devil i'm going to keep the commandments of god i don't care if you're angry with the church or not i am standing on the side of christ i want to be ready when jesus comes i want to remember what he said to remember and i refuse to take the authority of man above the authority of god's word i refuse to allow tradition to put its thumb on truth i refuse to allow good music to lead me away from a solid foundation of a thus saith the lord i don't want good feeling i want to know that i'm standing on the word of god i don't want to feel like i'm converted i want to know that i walk in spirit and in truth so lord jesus thank you today and i believe that some sincere person would be making that decision right now saying i just did not know i just did not understand but thank you for opening my eyes and father may all the glory go to you may someone life be changed today and may another soul begin to shine amid the darkness of this world that someone else will find this precious truth and fall in love with jesus in your precious name i pray and thank you amen and amen
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
Views: 30,688
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Keywords: Adventist, 3ABN, Sermon, Church
Id: oWiEQwYhMq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 0sec (4680 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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