20200502 | Babylon's Cup | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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right now bow your heads with me as I asked for the Lord's wisdom and guidance a very sobering message babylons Cup I want to ask for the Lord to give me wisdom and I want to pray that he will give you the fortitude to listen as revelation says he that has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit says to the church this morning today God has a message for you bow your heads as I seek the Lord in prayer gracious father in heaven we stand on the portal of the entrance into a new paradigm our world is being shaped and molded and as it were marshaled gathering together to stand against the armies of light and truth and every man woman boy and girl on this planet are in the crosshairs of the enemy of salvation and truth and so this morning we pray that as we open your word you will give wisdom take Lord what you have given to me and send your Holy Spirit to bring it to life may your people not only here but may they make decisions that will impact and give them the blessed assurance of knowing where they will stand in this final battle and where they would stand on the day of your soon return we pray in Jesus name Amen as I share this message I want to begin with a particularly heartfelt appeal to Christians if you are a part of any Christian Fellowship this message applies with particular force to you therefore I'm appealing to you it is imperative that you pray for the Lord to guide your mind and your ears to listen all the way through pray for spiritual discernment because as I stand here today every Christian walking planet earth every one claiming to have a connection with Christ well in one way or another be affected for good or for evil for salvation or for destruction there will be no third category and so I'm praying that you will listen to hear what God's word has to say to your heart and that you will make up your mind in advance that whatever God's word lead you to understand wherever the Holy Spirit impresses your heart to make a decision even if it is a change that you would be willing to follow the leading of the Lord secondly I want to make a very important point this sermon is not about any political party I'll repeat that again it's not about Democrat it's not about Republican it's not about independent and on the very same notice not about any particular pontiff or leader of Rome when you study the Bible you'll discover that regardless of who's in leadership in Rome or in the United States John the Revelator has been given an accurate and reliable picture of how the endtime events are going to unfold so it's not about any particular party that the gate has been set the tracks have been laid the Train is moving in the direction that God has already foreseen it's unfolding but make no mistake about it politics definitely has a part to fulfill and all scriptural prophecies however the revelation scenario is far broader than just politics but the sad reality is because of political polarization many will be hesitant to admit that they may be a part of a political movement that can actually facilitate their own demise so God is wanting today to open your eyes he's wanting today for you to make a decision as John did as Daniel did and as Jesus encouraged his disciples to do render to Caesar what is his but don't forget to rent it to God what is God's and as Moses stood before the Israelites he says whoever is on the Lord's side come to me and this is a time to gather this is a time to make sure that we know where we stand in the unfolding of solemn testing great final events my brothers and sisters we are living in the midst of the greatest battle that has ever been thought and is only going to get more intense because it is the stage leading up to the Battle of Armageddon not in a particular location in the world but a battle between light and darkness between truth and error between evil and good between God's kingdom and Satan's Kingdom all of the inventive skills of human destruction are being considered by the army of darkness Satan as it were is going through his 6,000 year old record book retrieving and taking special note of every demonic success he has ever encountered every tool he has ever used he has studied the human and its nature in the laboratories of darkness he understands our nuances our feelings therefore we cannot leave anything to chance we must make our minds up that we will stand under the protective care of the righteousness of Jesus and as we approach the end the coalition of Darkness will increase in number that's why the Apostle Paul encourages us with these words found in Ephesians chapter 6 look with me to verse 12 he says to us about this coalition he says for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places the battle is far greater than just what's happening here on earth it's far greater than just music and entertainment and religion it is a concoction a compilation it is a merging together of everything ever invented to resist the power of God and the power of righteousness and only those I say that again only those will be safe if they are firmly connected to the commander of light and truth our only safety is to be indelibly connected to Christ the only commander of light and truth and when we do that the guarantee has been nothing can penetrate our armor and nothing can divert our minds when you look at the New Testament disciples and after Jesus took back dominion from Adam sorry from Lucifer as he overthrew Satan's Dominion that he stole from Adam in the Garden of Eden that he led Adam as Adam chose to open the door to transgression Satan so delightfully took the Dominion that God gave to Adam and for 4000 years until Jesus victoriously took it back he boasted about the fact that he was the one in charge of the affairs of this planet the praise the Lord even though Satan held sway of Earth's Dominion he was still under the limiting almighty restraint of God Almighty but we are told that none but those who have fortified their minds with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict I want to repeat that again because in so many circles of Christianity the Bible is seen as a single text where the minister can spend another hour on just a single verse and I understand that there are those who may be gifted to do that but the Word of God is a book that needs to be studied line upon line precept upon precept here a little there a little compare Scripture with Scripture the danger that many Christians face is that they are part of a denomination that has developed an entire doctrinal belief on one Scripture and God has never intended for his word to be used that way that's why when Paul it's back the curtain at the Assembly of the armies of hell notice what he says to us he talks about our safety he says in Ephesians 6 and verse 13 therefore take up the whole armour of God the whole armour that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand after you have done everything that the Lord has told you to do after you have prayed after you have study God's Word after you have embraced truth he is saying everything that you have done will be of no value if you don't make up your mind to stand you see my brothers and sisters in this last great conflict the question is who shall be able to stand you find that question asked in revelation 6 when the wicked are running to the rocks in the mountains because the great day of God's wrath has come they said who shall be able to stand and Jesus made it clear the only one that can stand in a last great conflict he who has clean hands and a pure heart purified by the work of Christ in the life purified by the understanding and application of God's Word we've got to make our minds up where we're going to stand because the Apostle Paul looking at the Assembly of the armies of darkness notice how he tells us to stand he now breaks down what that armor is all about he says stand therefore having girded your waists with truth is truth important to you or is just an opinion something you prefer stand therefore having your waist girded with truth he continues having put on the breastplate of righteousness make sure that your heart is covered with the righteousness of Christ he continues in verse 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace what does he mean in Olympic language he says put on your foot put on your sneakers put on your sandals you are about to carry the gospel make sure that your feet are tightly shard the gospel of the preparation or the preparation of the gospel of peace what else did he say above all things taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench notice all the fiery darts of the wicked one and my brothers and sisters you will have no idea how many darts are in the arsenal of the wicked one until you stand on the side of truth until you stand with God you will never know how many darts are in the arsenal of the wicked one and then Paul says and take the helmet of salvation and then he now includes the only offensive weapon to this point everything else is defensive it's the armor to protect the body from head to foot but what about the offensive weapon and then he says and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God it's our defensive armor that's imperative but if we don't know how to use our Bibles if we don't understand how to use our offensive weapon the defensive is fine but without an active weapon and knowing how to use it we will be nothing more than a beautifully clad victim you see the devil wants the church to celebrate the fact that we are covered by the righteousness of Christ but my brothers and sisters how can you just settle for the outward covering without understanding how to use the Word of God remember I told you before I told you in the past the way that Satan was able to get to Eve he got her to modify and dismiss the offensive weapon what God had said when Jesus was faced in the wilderness with the temptations of the enemy he did not leave out the offensive weapon he said it is written it is written it is written we must know what's written for ourselves we cannot put our salvation in the hand of any denomination in the hand of any leader we must check out everything by a plane thus saith the Lord because in this great conflict we have no idea what we are up against in the book great controversy we read these words in the great final conflict notice what we are told by the pen of inspiration Satan will employ the same policy manifests the same spirit and worked for the same end as in all preceding ages in other words why change what has already been working but she goes on that which has been will be except that the coming struggle will be marked with a terrible intensity such as the world has never witnessed or what have mercy and then she says Satan's deceptions will be more subtle his assaults more determined if it were possible he would lead astray the elect praise the Lord when Jesus talked about the elect he said there will be signs and wonders in signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible let me make it abundantly clear it is not possible when you stand on the truth of God's Word it is not possible for the enemy to penetrate that armor so don't ever preach that the enemy will penetrate that armor there will be those that may be temporarily misguided because they've understood the truth but my brother the Lord is saying when I seal the elect there is no way the enemy will be able to penetrate their armor if possible that's his desire but God will have a people that will stand unmoved unshaken in a world that is falling apart God will have a people standing on the shore foundation of truth and of his word God will have a people that will not drink from the cup of Babylon God has a church that has angered the enemy because he knows that woman of Revelation 12 and verse 17 she keeps the commandments of God by his grace and by his strength and by His Holy Spirit and she has an insight behind the curtain God has given her the gift of the spirit of prophecy she sees the final movements if the devil can silence her then he knows he has the world in his captivation when you study the Bible the Bible depicts a convert virgins of a global Confederacy let me summarize that very quickly for you revelation 12:9 the Bible says Satan deceives the whole world revelation 14 verse 8 speaking about Babylon the Bible says all nations drink of the wine as we stand here today in entertainment in public life in private life in political life in social life and in religious life something in that cup has caused the nation's to want to drink and have another drink and have another drink leading to the point of inebriation where they cannot tell the difference between light and darkness truth and era all nations will drink of that wine revelation 16 now adds the invisible component he says the demons are working they're going to the kings of the earth and of the whole world notice the whole world all nations the kings of the earth and the whole world is far deeper than just America and Revelation when it talks about the three angels messages that message is to go to every nation every kindred every tribe every tongue every people in this last battle every man walking the planet every girl every husband wife every person alive in the end time will be a part of that last great onslaught if you miss the quotation that I talked about Rome's desire just go to the prior sermon Armageddon the final coalition and you will be able to read the aims of the papacy they have always desired and Daniel the faithful prophet said that in the last days Rome will trample the earth and break it down in pieces so come with me to one of the most revealing scriptural accounts that takes us back to the captivity of God's people in Babylon of antiquity now here's where we're going today here's where we're headed today when you understand what happened in antiquity in Babylon of old that no longer exists you'll be able to understand and see how Satan is crafting his final attempt for symbolic Babylon it's not a physical place it's not a physical okay not in the middle-east not near to Iraq but the spiritual Babylon of Revelation is synonymous in many ways to the ancient Babylon of antiquity when we understand how it worked in the past we can see how Satan is going to work in the future go with me now and we begin with the question how did God's people end up in Babylon Daniel 1 and verse 1 in the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it you know when you study the history of Israel we will discover that because of the unfaithfulness of the king of Judah in this particular instance his name is Jehovah Kim because of Jehovah Kim's unfaithfulness leading the people of God away from obedience to God's Word leading the people away from true worship leaving the people away from all the standards that God havest had established for them not only did the king of pasta sighs but the people followed in his train and the Lord said if you're gonna live like Babylon you can't live like Babylon in Jerusalem so the Lord desired the Lord said if you want to live like Babylon go into Babylon and for 70 years God appointed the children of Israel specifically Judah to be under the under the restraining hand of the king called Nebuchadnezzar he allowed them to go there to understand what it meant to be under the restraining arm of a power that they had admired that they had emulated that they had been playing within toying with and the Lord says I don't want my people in Jerusalem to live like those that are in Babylon and the Lord continually pleaded with them I want to make it very clear the erosion of Israel began when they admired the popularity of the nations around them that God told them to avoid they also began to emulate their worship styles and then they eventually began to bow at altars that God never erected I'm gonna make a point here and I'll come back to it later on in the message you know my brothers those of us that have been given the truth for this time specifically those of us who are members of the seventh-day Adventist movement I say movement because we're not a stagnant body but God has given us the the responsibility to go and grow to carry this message to the farthest ends of the earth but one of our dangers is to do what Israel have all did to admire the popularity and influence of religious and political leaders that are out of harmony and out of step with God's Word it's a dangerous thing I'm gonna say it again it is a dangerous thing to put someone in your pulpit that has not made a decided commitment to proclaim the word of truth regardless of that individuals popularity never have someone who has not made a determined stand with the truth of God's Word to be in your pulpit it would be as though taking the leader of Babylon inviting him to Jerusalem and saying I want you to give the sermon God does not want us and so many of us that have been educated and have risen to high places in the educational aspects of society we rub shoulders with doctors of other religions we rub shoulders with the doctors of other denominations and we say hi doctor hi doctor and somehow somewhere we both take the medication of each other and unfortunately Satan in that admiration in that moment of admiration he merges to these two Minds together and before we know it we are shoulder to shoulder arm in arm with someone who has made no commitment to the undiluted truth of God's Word my brother if God has blessed you as a pastor in this denomination to proclaim the three angels messages do not admire the way that the other churches do it because your responsibility is far greater than anyone outside of the circle that God is not speaking to but make no mistake about it in the call back to truth God is going to reach out beyond the circles of this church because God's people are in every denomination but you understand in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 18 and 33 God calls those who understand the truth he calls them Watchmen on the wall when you see the sword coming and refuse to blow the trumpet because somebody else has the trumpet when you refuse to blow the trumpet because you don't know where it is for lack of use and somebody else is going to take your congregation by force and before you know it instead of following the truth and the light of God's word they'll be off somewhere Admiral admiring at somebody else's altar study and understand what happened God told us people do not admire the popularity or influence of other nations regardless of their strength do not emulator worship styles and so many of our churches today are adopting worship styles that do not lend itself to clear thinking so many churches are becoming so emotionally charged that when the simple word of God goes forth they can't absorb it because it's not emotionally stimulating God never wants to emotionally stimulate us he says think as a man thinketh so is he he wants to get to our minds let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus Jesus did not dance his way to the cross he carried the cross with you and me in mind and today ministers we must take up the solemn responsibility to give the trumpet a clear distinct sound so there are members will not be turned out of the way if we follow in the path we have a king like Jehovah Kim you find that's one of the reasons why the Hebrews refused to bow in Babylon in spite of the music they chose I will not allow music to lead me to bow at the wrong altar my brother's my sister's church members right now we're living in a day and age where so many of us are listening to the same music the same Christian music that are formulated another church and there's nothing wrong with that if it's praising God but don't allow that same music to pull you away from the altar of light and find yourself bowing at the altar of darkness that's what the devil is seeking to do remember he's more subtle and don't forget he was the chief musician before he was toppled from his position in God's kingdom and he hasn't lost that skill music and adornment are the two gifts that he possessed he walked back and forth in the presence of God and today I must say this today not only is our church emulating by styles of music but it's leading our people to the wrong altar but our church is beginning to look like Babylon in its dress God calls what his simplicity of the woman of Revelation chapter 12 and verse 17 clothed with the Sun the moon and the stars may we in all of our import and our deportment and in our garments reflect the simplicity of Christ not to be dressed like the world we have this idea that if you wear little earrings or small necklaces that somehow you are in harmony with God the Bible never taught that God's people can drink a little bit of babylons wine or dress in a little bit of babylons clothing look at the Egyptians that's what happened to the Israelites when they left they wore the garments of the Egyptians and God rebuked them and said remove it so that I may know what to do with you and the very same thing applies to God's people in these last days the only thing that we should be covered with is the righteousness of Christ don't find yourself compromising thinking that because the earrings are small and the necklaces modest that somehow God has given you the authorization to display it the thing he wants us to display the thing that God wants us to display is a meek is an ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which in the sight of God here's what the Apostle Paul says here's what the Apostle Peter says is of a great price don't waste your money on things that fade allow the price Jesus has already paid to cover you with his righteousness God always appealed to Israel he continually appealed to them to protect them no what he says in Deuteronomy as we developed the cup of Babylon the Word of God says in Deuteronomy 12 and verse 29 when the Lord your God cuts off from before you the nation's wood which you go to dis possess meaning to take their place and you displace them and dwell in their land look at this caution my brethren take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow to follow them after they are destroyed from before you and this part is very sobering and that you do not inquire after their gods saying how did these nations serve their gods I will also do likewise I also will do likewise Satan has been studying not only the world but his aim has been toward the Christian church and even more poignant his aim has been toward those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus he's studying us he wants us to get to admire and emulate and follow what other churches do and he wants us to say I'm gonna study how they succeed and I'm going to do likewise my brother we will succeed if we proclaim what God has given to us the undiluted three angels messages we will succeed if we follow the blueprint that God has given to us notice what the Lord said to Jehovah Kim speaking of the king of Judah the book of second Kings gives us a direct correlation as to what happened to the children of Israel 2nd Kings chapter 24 beginning in verse 9 the Bible speaks of what kind of leader Jehovah can became and he did evil in the sight of the Lord according to all that his father had done and then verse 10 at that time the servants of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up against Jerusalem and the city was besieged any time you see the word Jerusalem in the Bible that is synonymous to the church when we begin as the leaders of God to emulate and to practice evil we open the doors for the enemy to come and to card us off to a place that we have not known that's what happened to Israel they ended up in Babylon for 70 years because they followed the dictates and suggestions of their King my brothers and sisters whenever we study God's Word whenever we hear a sermon going forth or a message or a Bible study your safety will be in examining what is being said like those in Thessalonica the Bible says these were more noble why because they receive the Word of God with readiness and the Bereans they searched the Scriptures every time they heard a message to see whether or not these things were so we must know for ourselves what the Bible teaches when we think about those in Babylon the captivity in Babylon this is a story that we are so familiar with and this is going to lay the foundation to help you understand the two major principles that are part of the cup of Babylon the story you heard about it Daniel and the three Hebrew were these to show you how much that story has impacted us it's amazing to this very day it's amazing to this very day that instead of saying Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah we say Shadrach Meshach and Abednego those are their Babylonian names they're they're their Israelite names or Hananiah Mishael and Azariah but notice what happened and this is the first principle of what happens when we are under the control and influence of the power of Babylon look at Daniel chapter 1 and verse 7 the Bible says and this is speaking about now there in Babylon their captives it says to them the chief of the eunuchs gave names he gave Daniel the name Belteshazzar to Hananiah Shadrach to me Shaq to mishil Meshach and to Azariah Abednego it's amazing now notice something that you you've heard this before but let me bring out something that you may have missed one of the first things that happens when we are under the control of Babylon oh this is amazing his Babylon seeks to change our identity did you hear that Babylon seeks to change the identity of those associated with the true God he begins by changing the name what do I mean by that what is so significant about that pastor john i'm asked myself the question what is so significant about that many of you may not know that when the pioneers labored over what to call God's remnant movement the Lord led them to formulate the title that should not be changed the seventh-day Adventist Church why is that title so significant because it's not just a label it is a summary of our message who are seventh-day Adventists they're looking forward to the second coming of Christ who are they they keep the commandments of God seventh-day Adventists they still honor the Bible Sabbath but when you change the name to community they're so community of that or or miracle this or miracle that or whatever you decide to change that name to you don't understand that you are walking in the very same pathway of what Daniel and Hananiah and Mishael and Azariah experienced Satan tried to change their names when he dragged them as slaves into the province of Babylon my brother and my sister hold the banner of God's truth hi don't change your identity you'll notice in scripture when Saul was in rebellion he went to the Witch of Endor and hid his identity he changed his outer garment and she did not know who he was and when you find in the Bible every time rebellion is spoken of one of the first things that happened is they change their identity my brothers and sisters it is too late to change our identity God has raised up the seventh-day Adventist Church to stand as a beacon of light a beacon of truth a beacon of lack of compromise and God is still working on the members in the church but don't mistake the message is a message born in the annals of God's kingdom it is a message to get us people back from where where Babylon has driven them today as I preach I want to make it very clear that while God raised up a remnant movement God has his people all over the world they're everywhere but if you turn off the lights as many years ago I used to always love that Motel 6 commercial you may be too young to remember that but I always thought that this should have been a statement made by Christians motel 6 always said at the end of their commercials we'll leave the light on for you my brothers and sisters when you stand as a seventh-day Adventist Christian you leave the light on don't turn the light off keep the light on when somebody drives by they said what makes them different and when they inquire they'll see it's not us that are different it's the message that's different we are not a different people our biology is the same but it's the message that God has given to us like UPS the driver is just like you like the post office the worker is just like you but they have been given the responsibility to deliver the message and it's too late for us to turn the light off do like motel 6 leave the light on for a world in darkness but the second point is even more diabolically clear the first point is they try to change your identity but look at the second thing that Babylon seeks to do Daniel chapter one and verse five and the King appointed for them daily a daily provision of the Kings delicacies and of the wine which he drank and three years of training for them three years of training so that at the end of that time they might serve before the King Wow I want you to soak that in because when God revealed that to me I have to lean back in my office chair and say Lord I have read that passage numerous times and I've never seen it that's why when God opens our eyes we see things that we have never seen before when the Lord showed me that he brought out three very important things and this by the way is the second thing that Babylon seeks to do which to me explains the condition of modern Christianity when I read this I thought to myself I now understand I see why there are people in darkness I see why the our people that don't understand the truth for this time look at the three things that they did the first thing is the king decided to influence and control these Hebrews by feeding them from the menu of the king of Babylon now watch that this is the menu of the King of glory where is the menu of the king of Babylon make no mistake about it it's Satan's menu he picks from that menu things that he wants to feed to the people of God as he holds them into captivity not only that he wants to change the way they've eaten if you don't eat on the Word of God you'll start eating from the menu of Babylon if you have not made God's Word your diet if God's Word is not the menu from which you pick your daily food you are eating from the menu of the king of Babylon but the second thing he did he decided to train them he said I want to train them for three years that I can train them to adapt to the lifestyle and service no to notice what he said at the end of the time that they might serve before the king he wanted to train them to adapt to the worship style of Babylon and at the end of three years he said if they follow my plan of training they will worship before the king in Babylon wow what a solemn statement there are so many worshiping before the king of Babylon and in this capacity that's Satan himself he told Jesus if you worship me I'll give you everything and that has been the cadence throughout history he's seeking worship that belongs only to God remember he said I will be like the Most High and there's nothing greater than you can ever receive than worship in the courts of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar desired to break these Hebrews down and train them to think like to walk like to live like to worship like and then ultimately to serve the king of Babylon but if you go further back than that you may remember that when the people of God were bound in Egypt as slaves for 400 years over and over jesus said through tell Pharaoh to let my people go that they may serve me you see my brother and sister it's not about denominationalism God is calling his people back to the truth but they cannot do so many of them have been so trained that it's going to take a detoxification it's going to take time for them to understand and I've had people join our church that have been members of the other churches for many many years and some of them said see you next Sunday I see you next Sabbath it took a while for them to get to understand God had to train them as isaiah 1 verse 18 says cease to do evil and learn to do good but Satan wanted to train them in Babylon to live like and adapt the lifestyle and the service of Babylon but the third part fits into the sermon of the day what did he want to do he wanted to give them wine from the cup of the king of Babylon he wanted them to drink the wine eat the food he wanted them to drink the wine and eat the food and he knew and then wine that alcoholic wine that intoxicating wine that you read about that caused the overthrow of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar grandson on the night that Babylon was overthrown what was he doing drinking wine he was defiling the vessels of God Satan wants to defile your vessel by putting the wine of Babylon the teachings of Babylon in your mind and in your life he wants to defile the vessels of God that God calls golden vessels read the story in Daniel chapter 6 when Babylon fell it fell on the night that the vessels of God was filled with the wine of Babylon and that's what's happening in the last days Satan is trying to fill the vessels of God you and me with a wine the teachings of Babylon and corrupt our thinking the reason why so many Christians today can hardly find their teachings in the Bible is in some cases unconsciously they've been eating from babylons menu unconsciously many have been trained in the lifestyle and service of Babylon some people raise and they just simply continue in the Church of the tradition of their family because they don't know any other way but even those sincere hearts the Lord is saying I understand your past other sheep I have that and out of this fall but I'm not leaving you there I'm gonna call you out of darkness into this marvelous light and there are those whose thinking have been altered by drinking the wine of babylons intoxicating doctrines look at how jeremiah identifies the condition of Babylon those doctrines are definitely intoxicating what happens when you imbibe the wine of Babylon Jeremiah 51 verse 7 the Bible says Babylon was a golden cup in the Lord's hands that made all the earth drunk look at this the nation's drink her wine therefore the nation's are deranged deranged their churches that are deranged there are religious leaders that are deranged I'm gonna talk about some of them next Sabbath next Sabbath's messages entitled the wine of Babylon today we're talking about the construction of the cup but I'm gonna deal with doctrines that some of you have held for many many years as founded on Scripture but the reason why you think that is because your leaders have drunk of the wine of Babylon and they are deranged the Bible says this is some strong wine this is 200 proof this is alcohol that inebriates and immobilizes it gets you to the place where you cannot think I often see those pictures and sometimes you may have seen those when a police officer pulled over somebody when they pull someone over and given a give them a sobriety test the reason why they do that is very important because they notice that they're weeding all over the road one thing a drunk person can't do is drive a straight line or walk a straight line that's why God wants to detox his people they are in the grist the grasp of Babylon there in the churches of Babylon the God is saying today that cup that has been so constructed has inebriated you that's why I like this next part on the story of Daniel there's something that Daniel did that shows us our safety lies the only safety that you and I will have today is to do what Daniel did notice in verse 8 of Daniel chapter 1 but Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the Kings delicacies nor with the wine which he drink therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself he said I may be in Babylon but I'm not was not in God's Word and you're buying your time many sincere Christians of all walks of lives have heard the truth of the Sabbath have heard the truth about what happens when you die have heard the truth about other doctrines in Scripture and they said I knew that there was something in this wine that was not right I knew there was something in babylons food that was not from Scripture and they gave up that menu and now they're eating the bread of life the undiluted Word of God they are drinking the good wine and I'll talk about that next sabbath they are drinking the wine that clears the mind not the wine that clouds the mind Daniel made up his mind and today my brother and my sister you may be one who has has already accepted the truth but I want you to know because you have accepted the truth does not mean that you are yet safe you got to make that decision every day every morning you wake up every opportunity you have you have to make up your mind that you're standing on the undiluted Word of God you're not compromising Daniel said I will not it was not an intellectual decision it was a heart decision Daniel purposed in his heart that's intentional Daniel said I will not my brother and my sister we've got to get to the place when somebody says hey let's let's listen to this kind of music let's dress this way let's believe this kind of doctrine let's go to this church you got a purpose in your heart not to defile yourself because we're living in the final battle and so many people say well if you go to my church I'll go to your church well if I go to somebody else's church you know I'm going so that I can be a light not to participate in an atmosphere where I know that there are people they that needs to be rescued I remember many years ago when pastor Doug Batchelor I did a series of meetings in California and it was a lady that was baptized at one of our series of meetings and there she saw a person that worked with her that had come to her church about a year earlier and watched her baptized and I never forgot what that lady said when she was being baptized in the seventh-day Adventist Church and she turned around and saw in our congregation one of her fellow co-workers and she said to that lady I never forget as I overheard that conversation she said you mean to tell me you came to my church and watch me baptize and you knew this truth and wouldn't tell me it was a sad moment they reconciled and they became good friends but I want to tell you my brother you cannot know the truth and keep it to yourself God says when a candle is lit it's not to be hidden under a bushel when a city is built it's built on a hill it's not built to be invisible don't allow your light to burn folk but make sure that you let your light shine this point is powerful as long as Daniel was in Babylon he refused their food and he refused their intoxicating drink why wow look at this this is why this is what's happening in Christianity today listen to the scripture proverbs 20 and verse 1 the Bible says wine is a mocker strong drink is raging and whoever is deceived thereby is not wise Wow listen to that whenever your truth does not come from God's Word you are being mocked by the enemy whenever the things that you believe are not founded on a thus saith the Lord you are being mocked by the enemies of light whenever what you believe in what your practice is not authorized by God you are being mocked but make no mistake about it God is not mocked whatever you sow that you'll also reap not only that the strong drink of Babylon and I know it's strong because I've talked to pastors and I've said to myself as I've walked away and these men have been like trying to break through a granite wall I'm saying but this is what God it says and I've even had a pastor once say to me stop saying to me God said and just give me your opinion and I told that man I said my opinion doesn't count for anything if God's Word doesn't say it it doesn't count my friends your opinion cannot make you saved the devil did not want Jesus's opinion jesus knew it and he said it is written we will not be saved by opinion as good as it sounds opinion cannot get you an inch off the ground and there's no such thing called opinion in the armor of God it's called a sword of the Spirit not the opinion of the Spirit make it very clear that's why the writer the wise man said whoever deceived thereby is not wise what does he mean the commandments of the Lord is sure making wise the simple sums 19 verse 7 8 the commandments thy word is a lamp to our feet a light to our path you got to understand you got to understand when you follow the commandments of God it gives you wisdom and clarity the entrance of God's Word brings life you will never be a victim of the cup of Babylon if your diet is God's Word you'll never be a victim of the wine of Babylon when you're standing only thus saith the Lord what you don't understand is what the ancient king of Babylon sought to do to Daniel and the Hebrews modern Babylon under Rome's influence is seeking to do the same thing in the Christian world and to a great degree Rome has succeeded as I said next Sabbath my next message is going to be the wine of Babylon what's in that cup and I'm going to methodically walk through each of the teachings that came out of this cup of Babylon that came out of the system of Rome during the Dark Ages that has to a great degree inebriated and deceived and mocked those that want to serve God with a sincere heart look what the Bible says in Revelation 14 verse 8 about this system called Babylon and another angel followed saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations notice all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication I'm also going to deal notice all nations not just all religious nations but all political nations all social nations the picture is so diverse the picture is so complex that I have to put it into part 1 and part 2 into part 3 in part 4 so stick with me as we walk through this journey together my commitment to God and to his word as this my commitment to God is not greater than Jesus commitment to you he's not willing that any should perish but as a spokesperson for Christ as a disciple of Christ as a voice for Christ I must commit myself as the Apostle says I cannot but Speak the things that I've seen and I've heard I'm committed to tell you the clear truth of God's Word the undiluted truth but all nations today all nations today are drunk but I'll give you a glimpse one of the first things that were poured from the cup of Babylon from that Roman cup is the exaltation of Sunday you see as the Christian Church was developing the sensual support system the central support system for worship in the New Testament church not the Old Testament alone because remember the Bible calls the woman revelation 12:17 the remnant the remnant meaning she's the last part of that movement that has always been following the same course in the New Testament Jesus kept the Sabbath Luke 4:16 his apostles kept the Sabbath his disciples similar kept the Sabbath the Sabbath is mentioned 60 times in the New Testament but they're religiously does that say to you the Sabbath is not mentioned in the New Testament that's far from the truth the Sabbath is clearly talked about in the New Testament it's mentioned 60 times in comparison to the first day in comparison to the first day of the week Sunday it's only mentioned 12 times and eight of those twelve references deal with the resurrection and the crucifixion of Christ so there's only four attempts we're going to talk about in detail there's only four to reverse the Sabbath and by the way why would you want to reverse something that is a sign between you and God that was created when there was no sin in the world you know why because Satan knows that by reversing the sign between God and His people he establishes a sign between him and the people that want to be God's people he establishes a sign that pulls them away from a thus saith the Lord and that's why today Sunday is exalted economically it's exalted politically it's exalted religiously and it's exalted socially in many cities malls stay close on Sunday till about eleven o'clock why to give people time to go to church and this happened gradually I'll talk about how that came to play one of the first things poured out of a cup of Rome that Babylonian wine was the institution and substitution of the Bible Sabbath that's why we are told here in the seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary volume 7 page 977 this very important phrase the Sabbath question is to be the issue in the great final conflict in which all the world will act apart men have men have honored Satan's principles above the principles that rule in the heavens God gave us a seven-day week you have no reason for a seven-day week except the last day God blessed and I as I said I'm gonna deal with this in specific God blessed the seventh day but the devil who wants to replace God's throne he blessed it he sanctified he hallowed the seventh day he even rested on it not because he was tired but because he left an example for us to follow but the devil said hey I want to be like the Most High so I'm gonna get my own day and he has successfully for almost 2,000 years worked on getting Sunday in place of the Sabbath and the evidence of the intoxication Babylon is that ministers and preachers of other denominations are trying their best to find Sunday Authorization in Scripture but I'm gonna tell you next week that even the Roman Catholic Church will tell you in the course of their own enactments they'll tell you you can search the Bible from Genesis to Revelation you'll not find a single solitary line authorizing the first day of the week they said which has no scriptural support I'll give you the references next Sabbath you know why I'm gonna do this because God has his people in Sunday churches there are people that love the Lord they're gonna be bowing at altars on tomorrow on the first day of the week they are looking to serve God with all the light they have the God is saying in the last days Satan has stolen my people I want my people back that's why I friends the solemn warning of God to his people in the last days Satan has so successfully substitute substituted God's holy day for a day that God never sanctified the false Sabbath was poured out of babylons cup never before when you think about the Copa 19:00 environment already it is being suggested and I'll share those quotes with you already it's being suggested that because of the positive impact of the environment it may be a good thing it's being suggested in Europe it's being suggested in Rome it's being suggested in America everybody saying look at the benefit to the environment if we can do good on the side of the environment if we could do better to society maybe we should have a day of the week that we all should rest well now what day do you think the Roman pontiff what day do you think the Vatican is going to recommend Sabbath no Sunday it's a it'll be easy as pie because it's already universally acknowledged not yet legislated it's already universally acknowledged in the minds of so many that Sunday is a holy day and the sad reality they try to find all the reasons in scripture to give it legitimacy but you can't find it and on the most important foundation that you cannot find it is this Jesus kept the Sabbath if I doubt how to be saved all I got to do is do what Jesus did look at the book the great controversy here's a quotation here that's powerful never before has the world been so ripe but listen to what we're told that's why I praise God for the spirit of prophecy for the writings of Ellen White she's not an addition to the Bible she's not a replacement for the Bible but God has given her insight like Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Daniel and all these other men of the old scriptures of the Old Testament he's given her insight and when we study history we can see the very same things that God is declaring through her great controversy page 590 paragraph 1 it will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday Sabbath look at this it's already being suggested by Pope Francis that maybe the Cova 19 is because we have so violated the laws of nature he's already suggesting that it will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday Sabbath that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforce right from Babylon skub and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment which is the Bible Sabbath thus destroying reverence for Sunday our troubles of the people preventing the restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity in other words Rome is going to suggest that's why Jesus in Matthew 24 and verse 9 he says then you will be hated of all nations why would a people of God that are obedient to God's Word be hated of all nations why because all nations have drunk of the wine of babylons teachings and now that Babylon suggests a new day of worship that we all must rest on for environmental purposes then this little group keeping the commandments of God this Mordecai as it were standing by the gate refusing to compromise will now become the object of universal destruction but let's look at one more quotation from another book councils for the church page 335 and by the way as I read this let me make it very clear many religious leaders think of this is a good idea but they have no idea what happens when you link yourself to the power of Rome that took the lives of 50 million Christians for ignoring and stopping and standing against its dictates look at this the sunday movement is now making its way in darkness the leaders are concealing the true issues and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending here's the reason why it's professions are mild and apparently Christian but when it shall speak it will reveal the spirit of the dragon lord have mercy who is that dragon revelation 12:9 Satan that very dragon that gave Rome its power is the very dragon working through evangelicals in America the very dragon that revelation tells us will one day lead this nation that will leave this nation to abandon its Protestant principles to reject the Bible to reject our constitutional freedoms and unite with Rome read revelation chapter 12 of chapter 13 and read the second from verse 11 all the way down you'll see that the United States will one day follow in the footsteps of Rome that's why the Lord said in Deuteronomy 29 verse 26 for they went and served other gods and worshipped them gods that they did not know and that he had not given to them today the Christian Church today under babylons influence today under the power of the Roman hierarchy so much of what Christians believe today have come from gods that they have not known their worshipping gods that God has not set up their worshipping things and teachings and principles and doctrines that God never established in his word but how does that happen John the Revelator made it clear how it's going to happen Revelation chapter 13 verse 2 now the Beast which I saw was like a leopard his feet were like the feet of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion the dragon gave him his power his throne and great Authority what John is describing here is that Rome if he didn't catch it is that in this system of Rome our Babylonian characteristics and notice where these Babylonian characteristics are placed out of the mouth of the lion the lion was the symbol of Rome I mean the symbol of Babylon Rome's mouth is like the mouth of a lion what else does the Bible say about a lion the devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour what many people don't know he's not trying to devalue by biting you he's trying to devour you by using the things coming out of his mouth to seduce and deceive you that's exactly what they tried to do to the Hebrews in Babylon to try to get them believe what was coming out of the mouth of the Babylonian leaders the mouth of the lion and make no mistake about it the dragon gave Rome its power its throne and it's great Authority Satan began his Babylonian construction through Rome as far back as the days of Christ look at 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 7 the Bible makes it clear this is not new it started a long time ago 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 but look what the Apostle Paul says he says for the mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let until he has been taken out of the way what the Bible is in essence saying here is God still has a restraining hold he still has not released the chain he is still not given Satan and his angels full control but the time is coming my brothers and sisters that's why we've got to make a decision today that we will not partake of the cup of Babylon I'll talk about what's in that cup but the construction is clear that's why the Jewish leaders sided with Rome against Jesus and I want to show you in the trek of Rome Rome's influence covers the entire New Testament the Bible makes it clear Rome will be the very last power that's why when it came to choosing between Christ and Barabbas the Jewish leaders the religious leaders of the days of Christ did what the religious leaders in the end time are going to duplicate they sided with Rome to crucify Christ in the end they will say the same thing about Christ they'll to say the same thing about us as they did about Christ they will say it's better that one man should die then that the whole nation should perish but notice what they did to Christ Matthew 27 verse 20 and 21 the Bible says but the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask for Barabbas that's what happens when you follow that's what happens when you want to be buddy-buddy with the powers that are in existence the powers of Rome that they should ask for Barabbas and do what and destroy Jesus the governor answered and said to them which of the two do you want me to release to you and they said Bar Abbess all my friends in these last days people are making decisions to accept Barabbas a murderer who else is the murderer Satan was a murderer from the beginning he seeks to kill to steal and destroy your salvation he seeks to lead you in darkness and deception but today there are so many people that are siding with him why because it fits to their preferential treatment there are some people that say I can't keep the Sabbath because I go to football games and basketball games well watch this is it strange that the Lord shut down football shut down basketball shut down the mall shut down the movie theaters shut down the amusement parks why because God is saying in this covert environment don't make the same mistakes that the Jewish leaders did in their day the religious leaders of his day sided with Rome that's why when he came to his own people the Bible says in John 1:11 he came to his own and his own did not receive him but the sad reality is you will reject Jesus how when your doctrines are preferred above Bible doctrines you will reject Jesus when your worship style is favored above the worship of in spirit and in truth you will reject Jesus when you are seduced by music and the dress of Babylon you will reject Jesus when emotional stimulation replaces sound doctrine you will eventually reject Jesus when the prosperity gospel replaces the everlasting gospel you will reject Christ and make no mistake about it in this last battle it didn't just begin last month in addition it didn't just begin when the coronavirus came it's been under construction for thousands and thousands of years since the establishment of the Christian Church it has always been Satan's determined purpose to get Christians to abandon the face but look at how he did it look at his attempts go to Acts chapter 20 verse 29 and 30 a two-fold attack look at what he did and he's going to do the same thing again in the last days acts 20 verse 29 the Apostle says for I know this that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you not sparing the flock also from among yourselves men will rise up what are they going to do speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after themselves the church in the last days will go through an internal and external attack let me speak to Adventists right now the internal attack is coming from those that are questioning the validity of the Spirit of God they are saying the Holy Spirit is a force a byproduct he's not a part of the Godhead that's the internal attacks those who come up with an extra gospel even those that exalt the writings of ale and a wide above the Bible internal attacks be careful make sure that what you believe is supported by Scripture watch out for the internal attacks but also they come from the outside and the internal and external attacks are to draw away disciples after themselves Jesus made it clear departure from Bible truth will cause the world to hate those that remain loyal to God's Word that's why matthew 24:9 says you will be hated of all nations for my name's sake don't let anybody pull you out by teachings that are so cleverly devised that unless you study God's words you will never be able to tell the difference between light and darkness Jesus also warned in Matthew 7 and verse 15 and notice what he said he says beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ravenous wolves let me make a point don't even believe what I'm saying check it out by God's word make God's word your guide don't take my outfit to be a legitimate outfit check it out by God's word because Rome has the most ostentatious mind seducing outfits you can ever think about they look so godly they're clothed with purple and scarlet and white robes and gold and crowns and stabs and candles and all these external accoutrements and it looks so holy and when you go into these massive cathedrals 100 feet high and you hear the echoing sounds of deceptive music it sounds so holy but God is saying the dragon gave Rome its power its seat and it's great Authority I must be clear the final battle is coming together don't let all the external accoutrement seduce you even if the music makes you feel great in your hands or as high as you can lift them make sure that it's not how high you lift your hands but how straight you walk when that music is done that's what's happening today the devil has pulled out all stops music dress worship styles he has every arsenal that he's developed for 6,000 years the caution is don't be content with appearance check everything according to God's Word isaiah 8 and verse 20 to the law and to the testimony if they do not speak according to this word why it is because there is no light let me say that again no light not some light no light you know why because a half-truth is a whole lie no light some people say well they got nice things in other Christian churches let me tell you something half truth is all I you can be almost saved but he be entirely lost half truth is not sufficient while they do things kind of like you do it kind of like is not just like we can't be kind of like Jesus we are called to be like Jesus we are not called a condo except the truth we are called to worship God in spirit and in truth not kind of like and don't make it any motion of seduction either you see the reason why deception holds many Christians today is their teachings are based and they have no foundation in the Word of God now let me bring it down let me narrow it down as I begin to close watch this the question is how would Christians know what practices and teachings to embrace I'm gonna make a phrase that I'm gonna repeat it's all about the woman it's all about the woman what do you mean pastor John it's all about the woman unlike even Genesis there was only one woman that Satan aimed to deceive but in the book of Revelation there are two women Satan knows it's all about the woman the Lord has a woman that he's pointing the world to and Satan is going to try to direct us away it's all about the woman look at revelation 12 verse 17 the first woman the first woman this is the one that the devil cannot stand and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ which revelation 19:10 says is the spirit of prophecy he doesn't like this woman you know why because this woman is saying this is era this is truth that's wrong this is right don't believe that believe God's Word when somebody gives the trumpet a certain sound the devil says I gotta shut that trumpet up but let me tell you something friend the devil will never be able to silence the trumpet of God because the trumpet is in God's hand God can choose another man if I don't build a trumpet God will get somebody else to blow the trumpet I must give the trumpet a certain sound because I am in as the kid says the Lord's army this woman he cannot stand this is not the same woman that Satan deceived and Eve in Eden this is God's woman this woman stands for truth she keeps the commandments of God she understands Bible prophecy this is the woman called the remnant why because she represents the church that remains faithful to the commandments of God and to God's Word I'm always sad when I go to Facebook and see people fighting against God's commandments people determined to lead you away from keeping God's commandments and then they say you can't keep it my brother Jesus would not try to trick us by saying if you love me keep my Commandments without providing the strength to do it I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me he wouldn't say if you love me keep my Commandments haha you can't do it no he gives us the strength to live a righteous life it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me Christ is the one the act of power in the life of the Christian salvation is not a second chance to do what you couldn't do the first time this is the time to take hold of a power that you never knew could do what it does and he does it in our lives in the lives of those who are be daeun so if you love him keep his Commandments what a Satan done what has he done he creates a diversion the cup the Babylonian Cup he creates a diversion he finds him another woman and he's been working on this woman for thousands years revelation 12 verse revelation 17 verse 1 and 2 it was our scripture reading let's go back to it who is this second woman now here's the point before I read it he knows that people are looking for a church he knows that people are looking for a church and he has led many to believe that it really doesn't matter what church you're a part of you'll be fine nothing can be further from the truth revelation 17 verse 1 and 2 then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me saying to me come I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication they were made drunk but how is she dressed she dressed seductively she's dressed in a way that get people to be more enamored by the way she look the way she looks rather than what she says look at the description in revelation 17 verse 4 the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication I reiterate I can't say it too much I'm going to deal with what those abominations are I'm going to methodically by God's grace Lord give me the strength give me the humility give me the strength one by one my brother and my sister we're gonna deal with the filthiness of her fornication what is in that cup that the world leaders that Christians would rather drink than the Word of God the effectiveness of babylons intoxication is seen when 15 different churches can teach 15 different things about the same doctrine and they're so inebriated they all think they're there version is correct you get 15 drunk guys together they'll all think that they're telling the truth you get 15 and neighbor eiated intoxicated people together they'll all think that they're telling you the truth that's what babbling has done pastors are intoxicated they are intoxicated and they all think well that church is right that church is right who in their right mind could apply that principle to math you can't get 15 different answers two two and two and they all think that they're right but how can people do that when it comes to religious things because they are intoxicated the Apostle Paul says in 2nd Timothy 3 and verse 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth never able to come to the knowledge of the truth that's why Jesus said don't be stuck in the vacuum of always learning if you're learning the truth God can give you more but if you just simply caught on the vacuum of positive thinking prosperity gospel your ship is coming in you're bought the spread your wings God is gonna give you this week all this foolishness all this seductive intoxicating nonsense people packed into Stadium like churches come in one way leave the same no change no change because your ship is coming in your bank account is gonna overflow your car is gonna work that's not the gospel the gospel is a change life a sanctified life a life that gets people ready for eternity 30,000 people sitting down your ship is coming in your ship is coming in no Jesus is coming again not your ship Jesus is saying in order to be ready for my coming sanctify them through thy truth John 17:17 sanctify them by your truth Your Word is truth but this time Satan has not only produced a diversion but he is now in niibori to God's people Satan did not only produce a diversion but he wants you to be enamored by his woman my last two texts revelation 17 verse 5 and on her forehead a name was written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth how important is this I want you to look at that scripture for a moment in your Bible this is one of the very few times in scripture outside of Jeremiah where the Bible has the Lord our righteousness this is one of the very few times in scripture where the writer has put this in all caps why because it is urgent it's a Levitical urgent it's your destiny it's your life it's your eternity he's saying look out she's not just by herself she's not just one woman she's got daughters he has created a diversion with little diversions and the quest of all these divergents that are linking their teachings to the system of Rome will be involved in that last great deception if you want to find out where Babylonians leader where these Babylon leaders are do the following tell them that the bible does not teach that sunday is the holy day tell them that the Bible teaches that Saturday is the Bible Sabbath tell them that at death we rest in the grave until Jesus comes tell them there is no such thing as an eternally burning hell there is no such thing as a soul that never dies tell them there is no such biblical teaching that there is a secret rapture there is no such teaching that Jesus is going to reign on earth for a thousand years tell them that the bible does not teach that you can just eat anything tell them we do not pray to dead Saints we pray to God through Jesus Christ and tell them that Jesus is the only one that can forgive sins my brother and my sister I just touched the tip of the iceberg the wine that is in the cup of Babylon but I end with this statement and this is true about you and me this is true about all those who find themselves where God never placed them the appeal to Daniel the longing of the heart of Daniel is the longing of the People of God there are those in Babylon who don't know it there are those in Babylon who are enamored by its teachings and there are those in Babylon who have drunk of her wine but Daniels longing when he was in Babylon was to one day return to Jerusalem to church where he can worship God and freedom and truth look at our last scripture Jeremiah 29 verse 10 and 11 many of Nouveau many of you know verse 11 but you have not connected verse 10 to it one of the most favorite passages is verse 11 but look at the reason for it in verse 10 this is what the Lord said about those in babylons captivity for thus says the Lord after seventy years are completed at Babylon I will visit you and perform my good word toward you and cause you to return to this place for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope my brother and my sister pastor and member alike today God is saying it's time I'm going to visit Babylon I'm gonna get my people out of Babylon I'm gonna bring them back to this place I'm gonna bring them back to the place that they can worship me in spirit and in truth I'm gonna bring them back to the place where nothing but Bible based doctrines are taught I'm gonna bring them back to the place where the character of Jesus is vindicated where Jesus is not seen as a tyrant or a tormentor or a torturer or worse than Hitler and Satan himself I'm gonna bring them back to a place where they can find peace and truth my brother and my sister today God is extending a wake-up call to you many years ago my wife and I missed a flight we were in somewhere in Colorado we missed the flight because we failed to set our phones to wake us up we failed to call the operator and say give us a wake-up call but today my brothers and sisters you don't have to miss the last departure you don't have to missed the last hoorah you don't have to miss the last call because today there are men like me all over the world issuing that final call God is saying to his people in Babylon it's time to wake up God is saying it's time for spiritual revival it's time for spiritual rebirth God is calling us to invite his Holy Spirit in to direct our lives God is saying this is the hour this is the moment and my brothers and sisters I say once again I appeal to you today that wherever you may be pastor of a different denomination you may be hearing something you never heard before and you want to know more there's an email connected to this broadcast there's an email connected just click that link below and you'll find out how to send an email if you want to know more you can find out how to find the truth of God's Word in these last days my brother my sister young men young women God is calling you to take a stand Adventist God is calling you to undiluted truths not to allow the things of the earth and the things of other denominations to draw away Oh allegiance from the truth of God's Word so as I pray as I pray I pray that it is your determined desire it is your determination that you want to be in that number that you want to stand with that faithful woman that you want to stand with that faithful man his name is Christ Jesus that you understand where he stood to by your salvation that you want to walk where he walk in the light of truth that you want to live how he lived and that you want to receive the kingdom that he's preparing for you as I speak today one day he's gonna say come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom I prepared for you from the foundation the world inherit the kingdom I'm building for you now I go to prepare a place for you and I'm coming again not babylons cup not babylons Kingdom not Rome's power not the power of the political and social leaders of this earth but God's kingdom if that's your prayer today I'm gonna pray for you right now that you will make up your mind to throw away babylons Cup and to start drinking from the fountain of life let us pray our loving father in heaven I know that this is an urgent message I know that you have called me not to speak what I want to speak but to speak what your word has made clear to me father I'm praying for your people I can understand how Noah felt when for 120 years he proclaimed with every breath he could one that they came for the doors of the ark to close multitudes were on the outside I understand what it was like when lot pleaded with his family that Sodom was going to be destroyed and they ignored his pleadings and when the fire came down lot barely escaped with his daughters I understand the pathos of John the Baptist repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and there were those that looked at him as a misguided distorted person wearing goat skins and eating locusts and honey and they ignored his message but Jesus came and he said the same thing the kingdom of heaven is at hand Lord Jesus today you've given us the responsibility to say to the world the kingdom of heaven is at hand and babylons cup is being constructed I pray that if you're listening today if you're listening to this message that you will do things you'll share it with somebody else but you'll pray for God to lead you and guide you that when the final battle has been told when all the casualties of war have been gathered back home when all those who have been shewn all over the world respond to the call of God that you will be in that number that you will stand firm for the truth as it is in Jesus and father I pray this only for your glory only for people to find your truth only for people to live their lives in the path that you have laid out and for the glory of your holy name in Jesus name I pray amen
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
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Id: qUxfyjmdTqc
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Length: 87min 18sec (5238 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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