PreT inspection

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inspection the examiner is going to tell you this we're going to do your pre-trip inspection for your cdl exam we're going to start in the front of the vehicle we're going to do the front of the vehicle both sides of the engine compartment then we're going to do the driver's side of the vehicle down the entire length the rear of the vehicle and then the end cab as far as axles are concerned you only have to worry about three axles one axle on the front one axle on the drive and one axle on the tandems all right at that point he'll tell you to go ahead and get started if you have any questions and of course if you have any questions during the test make sure you ask all right so we'll start right out here in the front and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to check our lights i'm going to check my identification lights which is the three in the middle my clearance lights my high beam lights my low beam lights and my pet lights they're all properly mined secured they're not cracked or broken they're the proper color i'm gonna look underneath my engine compartment make sure there's no excessive leaks we're done in the front that quick all right okay at that point we're gonna come up and open our hood and it just makes better sense to start over here on the passenger side i'm gonna try to stay out of y'all's way the best i can all right so on this side of the engine i'm gonna do an overall view of the engine i'm gonna make sure i don't see any excessive leaks i don't see any leaky hoses i don't see any frayed wires or loose wire connections all right then i'm going to check my coolant reservoir it's properly mined secured it's not leaking it's filled to the proper level and the cap is in place i'm gonna check the jam nut on the front of my alternator to make sure it's properly mined secured and not loose i'm gonna check my alternator belt to make sure there's no more than three quarters inch plate and the belt's not uh cracked or dry rotted i'm gonna check my alternator to make sure it's properly mined secure not missing any nuts or bolts i'm checking my wiring harness on the alternator to make sure there's no frayed wires or any loose wire connections i'm gonna check my water pump to make sure it's properly mined secured no signs of water leaks i'm going to check my water pump belt to make sure there's no more than three quarters in its play and the belt's not cracked or dry rotted i'm going to check my turbos and exhausts to make sure there's no signs of black soot which would indicate an exhaust leak make sure that there's no oil leaks on the turbos all right everybody good because we're doing it on this side probably stay out of your way the best i can you got two options right here i can tell the examiner i'm doing an overview just like i did on the other side if i tell him that it's done all right or i can just do the overview i'm doing an overview of the side of my engine block make sure i don't see any excessive oil leaks checking all my hoses to make sure there's no abrasion bulges or cuts no signs of leaks i'm looking at all my wiring harnesses to make sure there's no frayed wires or loose wire connections or i could have just told him i'm doing an overview just like i did on the other side all right i'm gonna start with my oil level i'm gonna check my oil level to make sure it's filled to the proper level i'm gonna pull it out wipe it off stick it back in it should be between add and the fill all right you don't have to physically do that if i'm going to put oil in the truck i'm going to put it in right here it's measured in gallons and not quarts fuel station is my internally driven air compressor it's properly mined secured no signs of leaks now when we're talking about leaks sitting right here with the truck not running we're talking about oil leaks all right because the truck's not running so there won't be any air leaks okay from here i'm gonna come on back and i'm gonna check my power steering reservoir it's properly mined secured filled to the proper level no signs of leaks i'm gonna check my power steering hoses there's no abrasion bulges or cuts in my hoses no signs of leaks and all my clamps are in place all right i'm going to check my steering rod and my steering knuckle they're properly mined secured they're not damaged not twisted steering knuckle is properly lubricated my steering box is properly mined secure not missing any nuts or bolts no signs of leaks from here i'm going to go down and i'm going to check my pitman arm my castle nut my drag link my rear pitman arm and my tie rod they're all properly mined secure there's no signs of damage they're not bent cracked or broken no missing nuts or bolts all right everybody good so suspension system i'm going to do my spring hangers properly or not my spring hanger my control arm mount it's probably mine secured not missing any nuts or bolts my control arm is properly mine secured it's not been or twisted u-bolts are properly mined secured no signs of looseness my shock absorber is properly mounted and skewer top and bottom with no signs of leaks if it's going to leak it's going to be leaking right here under the sleeve all right my airbag is properly mined secure top and bottom no signs of abrasion bulges or cuts on the airbag no signs of leaks all right everybody good with that all right we're done with that part of it what's next where do we come to next my airlines my air lines are probably mine secured no abrasion bulges or cuts no signs of leaks my brake chamber properly mine secured no signs of damage no missing nuts or bolts my push rod and slack adjuster properly mine secured no signs of damage can you see my hand right here there's two pins right here i got my fingers on both of them those are the two pins we were talking about inside the classroom so not missing any pins not missing any carter pins so the carter pins these are the nut side over here the head side the carter pins are over on this side everybody see what i'm talking about got two pins here so my push rod and slack adjuster is properly mine secured no signs of damage not missing any pins or keys no more than one inch free travel now that push rod and slack adjuster activates a set of what they sit inside a brake drum what's that my brake pads you're not going to be able to see your brake pads on this front axle because i got dust covers on them but you still got to call them my brake pads are properly mounted secured at least a quarter inch thick square not rounded not cracked or broken those brake pads sit inside of what brake drum my brake drum no damage no illegal welds no oil or grease all right from that what's next wheel and tire assembly so we're going to check our inner and outer side walls there's no abrasion bulges or cuts there's no signs of damage i've got 4 30 seconds tread depth even tread wear no recaps my inner and outer rims no damage to the rims no illegal welds my lug nuts are all properly mined secured no shiny threads or any loose or rust trails which would indicate looseness my hub seal is properly mined secured with no signs of leaks my valve stem is properly mined secured no damage the cap is in place and my tires are inflated to the manufacturer's recommendation on the side of the tire move along to the driver's side of the truck we're going to check our driver side mirror it's probably mine secured the glass hidden cracker broken and it's clean we're going to check our door latch to make sure the door latch works properly we're going to lift up and down on the door to make sure the hinges are tight we're going to make sure our weather trim is properly nice and secure with no abrasion bolts or cuts we're going to make sure our steps are properly mounted secure nothing that'll cause a slip trip and fall we're going to check our left turn signal and four-way flasher it's probably my secured proper color not cracked or broken we're going to reach inside here and grab this pin we're gonna you gotta pull the pin and open the door at the same time you might wanna hang on to it the door is properly mined secured no signs of damage the weather stripping is in good conditions no abrasion bulges or cuts i've got three reflective triangles i've got a 5 bc fire extinguisher fully charged 10 bc for hazmat i've got spare electrical fuses no signs of damage to my fuel tank there's no fuel leaks my fuel tank straps are properly mined secured with rubber to metal not metal to metal these are rubber gaskets behind these straps my fuel cap is in place my seal's in good condition my t-bar and chain are present come to the rear of the tractor we start at the top and work our way down my dot reflective tape is clean and present my vertical exhaust stack and my exhaust stack mount are properly mined secure with no missing nuts or bolts there's no signs of damage there's no signs of exhaust leaks which would be black soot we come over to our tractor protection valve make sure it's properly mounted secure with no signs of damage from our tractor protection valve we move to our emergency and service lines there's no abrasion bulges or cuts in the air lines they're properly mass secured they're not dragging the frame rail my electrical line is properly mined secured not dragging the frame rail with no signs of frayed wires if we turn around and go ahead and check our glad hands we make sure our glad hands are properly mined secured grommets are in place our electrical pigtail is properly mined secured seven holes for seven pins with no signs of corrosion all right i'll check our steps and our catwalk to make sure they're properly mined secured nothing ever cause a slip trip and fall we're going to check our frame rails and our cross members properly mine secured not vent or twisted no illegal welds we're going to check the drive shaft to make sure it's properly mined secured not twisted or bent we're going to check our rear universal joint and our front universal joints to make sure they're properly mine secured and tight all right we're going to check our splash guard to make sure it's properly mass secured no missing nuts or bolts no signs of damage who's my examiner you my examiner you're the examiner i'm checking these brakes just like i did on the previous axle all right there's a brake can here if you can't see that one there's one right there so i'm checking these brakes just like i did on the previous axle there's my control arm mount i'm checking this suspension system just like i did on the previous axle all right they're exactly the same we've already established that right okay i'm checking my wheel and tire assembly just like i did on the previous axle with the exception of i'm making sure i've got at least two thirty seconds tread depth on the back tires even tread wear no mismatched tires i've got at least two inches of gap between the tires and my rims are butted together properly all right i'm also checking my axle seal to make sure my axle seal is properly mined secured no missing nuts or bolts no signs of leaks all right now at this point i don't have to go back through the lug nuts and the rims and the air pressure because it's exactly what it was on the front tires and i've already established that i'm doing it exactly like i did on the front tires with the exception of right does everybody follow me on that now the one thing that i do have to warn you about if you choose to go that method and you did miss something on that front axle you're gonna miss it on this axle as well okay so let's just not worry about that let's get that front axle front brakes and front wheel done right okay now before i move on i'm gonna check the top of my trailer and make sure my clearance lights are properly mined secure they're not cracked or broken proper color i'm checking my headboard to make sure there's no damage to my headboard i'm checking my d.o.t reflective tape to make sure it's clean and present okay i'm gonna step over here to the side i'm gonna look down the side of my trailer make sure i don't see any fresh damage to the side of my trailer i'm looking at my d.o.t tape is clean and present down the entire length of the trailer i'm looking at my frame rail rivets down on the bottom of the trailer to make sure none of those rivets are shaved off or missing okay good all right here we go we're going to come right here and start on our fifth wheel let's identify some parts right quick this is my trailer apron this big metal plate on the front of the trailer is the trailer apron the top of the fifth wheel is referred to as the fifth wheel slide plate this is your release arm the platform that the fifth wheel sitting on top of it is just that the fifth wheel platform these bolt nuts and bolts holding it to the frame are the mounting bolts for the fifth wheel all right so when we inspect this we're going to inspect that trailer apron to make sure there's no damage to the trailer apron we're going to make sure there's no gap between the trailer apron and the top of the fifth wheel we're going to make sure the fifth wheel slide plate is properly lubricated with grease we're making sure the release arm is in the locked position the fifth wheel platform is properly mined secure with no signs of damage the fifth wheel mounting bolts are properly managed to screw over no signs of looseness all right good because i'm gonna look up into the back of that fifth wheel i can see my fifth wheel kingpin is probably mine secured i can see my locking jaws wrapped around the shank of the kingpin and not the head all right you can't call that from out there beside the truck because you're not looking at it if you're not looking at it you ain't inspecting it right right all right y'all see up in that bevel on the back of that fifth wheel you can see the kingpin hang you can see the kingpin up in the top and then you see a square piece of metal coming across the back of that kingpin that's your locking jaw good i'm gonna check my my rear pant lights and brake lights they're red in color they're not cracked and broken i'm checking my mud flaps they're properly mine secure not missing any nuts or bolts i'm checking my d.o.t tape to make sure it's clean and visible across the back of the tractor right here at my landing gear so i'm going to check my landing gear make sure it's probably mine secure with no signs of damage there's no missing nuts or bolts my landing gear feet are raised to the proper level which is all the way up there's no debris on the top of the landing gear see while i'm under here i'm gonna check all my trailer frame rails make sure they're properly mined secure not cracked or broken no signs of damage to the trailer floor then i'm going to come out sure my landing gear crank arm is in the stowed position and properly mounted secured all right now we've already covered the whole side of the trailer we did that from up at the corner right so we can just start making our way back my left turn signal four-way flashes probably might secure it's not cracked or broken proper color all right so i'm gonna get under here and i'm gonna tell my examiner a couple things first thing is i'm checking these brakes just like i did on the previous axle second thing is i'm checking this suspension just like i did on the previous axle i'm checking my trailer slide rail is properly mined secured is not damaged my locking pin is in the locked position my release arm's in the lock position i'm checking this wheel and tire assembly just like i did on the previous axle with the exception of [Applause] i'm checking my hub seal to make sure it's filled to the proper level properly mine secured no signs of leaks all right so somebody tell me what's wrong with that hub seal somebody's cracked it and it's got it's been cracked since last week somebody it wasn't cracked last week all right we're going to check our door hanger to make sure it's properly mined secure we're going to check our mud flap to make sure it's probably not secure no signs of damage not missing nuts or bolts we're going to check our rear clearance light is properly mined secure not cracked or broken and proper color if it's on the rear it should be what color red rear equals red if we come on back to the back of the trailer we start at the top and we work our way down we're going to check our latches at the top they're properly latched dot tape is clean and present at the top looking that all of our hinges are properly mined secured not missing any nuts or bolts my doors are latched at the bottom my door latches are stowed properly my door hangers are pre or the door chains are present at least three inches long dot tape is clean and present across the rear of the vehicle my identification lights are properly mine secured not cracked or broken proper color my inside lights on my brake lights and running lights red in color not cracked or broken my outside lights are my four-way flashers turn signals and running lights red in color not cracked or broken my tag light is white in color not cracked or broken visible from 25 feet all right we're done with the outside all right so once we get in the cab the examiner will get in with you the first thing we're going to do is we're going to not only put our seatbelt on but we're going to inspect it make sure it's properly not secured it's not cut or frayed unlike this one we're going to make sure that it latches and unlatches properly then we're going to make sure the truck's in neutral we're going to push the clutch pedal all the way to the floor perform a safe start crank your engine we're going to let the clutch out nice and slow make sure it is actually in neutral and then we're going to go ahead and start our inspection while we give the truck a chance to do what it's supposed to do i'm going to check my mirrors to make sure they're properly adjusted for me i'm checking my windshield to make sure there's no illegal cracks it's clean and free of obstructions i'm checking my weather seal to make sure there's no signs of leaks no abrasion bulges or cuts i'm checking my windshield wipers to make sure there's rubber to glass and not metal the glass at that point i'm going to drop down and start on my dash i'm going to come across the dash the first thing that comes to me is my 4-way indicators i'm going to make sure my four-way indicators are working i'm going to make sure that my oil pressure is between 30 and 60. i'm going to make sure that my temperature gauge rises as the truck warms up i'm going to check my voltmeter if the volt meter is not showing up on the screen push this button until your volt meter shows up your volt meter should be reading between 14 and 13. i'm gonna check my air pressure gauges to make sure i'm building air pressure i'm looking to build between 120 and 125. if i work my way on across this dash there's nothing else that needs to be inspected right now so like a typewriter we're going to drop down to the next line and come all the way back across so right over here this whole cluster of switches nothing to be inspected don't have to worry about it none of this we come to the steering column and work our way up the steering column we're going to check our left turn signal indicator our right turn signal indicator and our high beam indicator all right we're going to continue to work our way up the steering wheel we're going to check the city horns we're going to check the road horn the road horn will blow when the air pressure gets above 80. we'll come over here to our windshield wipers we'll check the windshield wipers make sure they work we'll check the washer fluid to make sure it works we come on down to the dash and work our way across we're going to check our defrost we're going to turn it to defrost mode turn the fan on make sure we got air moving on the dash we're going to turn the fan to heat make sure we got air moving on the floor just so you know that when you check to see that there's air moving in this truck there will be no air moving because there's no fan all right everybody good with that all right so at this point what do we have left to do the brake test right the brake test is the parking brakes service brakes leaks alarms and buttons so at this point i'm going to go ahead and bring my rpms up so i build my air pressure quicker if you just put it on the floor it won't go any higher than 1400 rpm so that's fine so while we're waiting on air pressure let's do the end cap again first thing i did was my seat belt then i made sure the truck was in neutral push the clutch pedal all the way to the floor crank the engine then i checked my mirrors to make sure they were properly adjusted my windshield no illegal cracks no obstructions windshields clean weather trim no signs of leaks no abrasion bolts are cut windshield wiper or rubber to glass not metal to glass start it on my dash check my four-way indicators they work make sure my oil pressure is between 30 and 60 make sure my temperature rises as the truck warms up my volt meter reads between 14 and 13. my air pressure gauge are building air looking for 125 or 120 to 125 nothing else on this dash right now nothing over here on this corner on these uh buttons up the steering column left signal right signal high beam indicator up the stand column to the steering wheel city horn road horn [Music] over to the windshield wipers wipers work washers work turn it deep frost make sure i've got air with the dash turn it the heat make sure i've got air on the floor go ahead and build your air pressure up 20 pounds of pressure so i'm going to start my brake test all right first gear and i'm going to leave it there for the rest of the test that means you're going to have to sit here and hold this clutch in i'm going to check my parking brakes first it makes no difference what order you do this in i'm going to push in the red valve and release my trailer i'm going to ease the clutch out just so i feel a little tug and then i'm pushing the clutch back in i'm gonna set my trailer brake release my tractor now i'm gonna check my trailer brakes little tug make sure it doesn't go anywhere now i'm gonna check my service brakes i'm gonna push both buttons in i push them both in we're not pulling them back out right all right i'm gonna explain to the examiner because it takes about 10 minutes to charge that trailer back there to get it to move that i'm gonna roll the truck forward at five miles an hour i'm gonna push in the clutch and hit the brakes the truck should stop it shouldn't pull left or right all right so now my truck's in first gear both my buttons are pushed in i'm going to shut the engine off release my clutch turn my accessories back on dash lights this is what the examiner needs to hear now i'm going to apply 90 pounds of pressure for one minute i shouldn't lose any more than four psi so i apply 90 pounds of pressure the examiner is going to say your minutes up now i need to make sure my warning lights come on at or before 60 psi so i'm going to start fanning my brakes my warning lights are on now i need to make sure that my buttons pop out between 20 and 40. i'm going to continue to fan the brakes both the buttons are popped out and i'm done with my pre-trip inspection
Channel: Dianna Gee
Views: 27,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uuS1NwZ7miQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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