Class A CDL Pre-Trip Inspection

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foreign side of the vehicle we can tell that the vehicle is not leaning left or right it might indicate a possible suspension problem and on top we have our clearance lights our clearance lights they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy Nutter bolts and they're in the proper color amber we also have our headlights they're properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no missing other bolts they are clean and clear and they have the high beams and the low beams present we also have our signal lights they are properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messing up to bolts they're in the proper color amber and they're used for left turn signal right turn signal and four-way flashers and at the bottom of the truck we can see that there's no oil leaks no coolant leaks and no puddles so once we open up the hood we're going to divide this area into five different categories into engine steering suspension Brakes and Tires so we're going to start off with engine with engine parts right here we have our alternator it is properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts the wires are connected properly they're not cut ripped or torn the alternator is belt driven the belt it is adjusted properly not broken correct or loose not cut ripped or torn and it has no more than three quarter inches of play on the driver's side of the engine compartment we have our coolant reservoir it is properly mounted secured not broken correctly loose no messy nuts or bolts the cap is on tight it is at safe operating levels and it's not leaking also the wires are connected properly and they're not cut ripped or torn right here we have our water pump it is properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no missing out your bolts it is belt driven the belt it is adjusted properly not broken correctly loose not cut ripped or torn and has no more than three quarter inches of plane also it is not leaking right here we have our power steering reservoir it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts the cap is on tight and it's at safe operating levels and it is not leaking the hoses attached to it they are not cut ripped or torn they're connected properly with clamps and they're not leaking as well here we have our engine oil dipstick the way I check it is I take it out clean it put it back in take it out and check to see that it's at safe operating levels up ahead in there we have our power steering pump it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts and it's gear driven it's not Bell driven and it's not leaking then we have our air compressor it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts it is not leaking in the air and it's also gear driven not belt driven in here we have our Airlines our electric lines and all of our general hoses they're all properly mounted and secured now broken correctly loose not cut ripped or torn and not leaking any air or any liquids now that we've already done engine compartment now we're going to be doing our steering components for steering we have our steering rod it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts and has no more than 10 degrees of play then we have our universal joints or U-joints they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing out to bolts and they're properly greased our gearbox it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no missing other bolts and it's not leaking also the hoses attached to it they're properly mounted and secured not correct and that cracked gripped or torn and they are not leaking my pitman arm it is properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messing up the bolts secured with Castle nuts and cotter pins my drag link properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy Nutter bolts also secured with Castle nuts and cotter pins down here we have our steering arm it is properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no missing other bolts secured with Castle nuts and cotter pins and then way at the bottom we have our tie rod it is properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no messy nuts or bolts Not Bent and also secured with Castle nuts and cotter pins to both Wheels now it's time for our suspension components for suspension we have our spring mounts they are properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts then we have our leaf springs they're properly mounted secured not broken correctly loose no missing out your bolts not shifted and they're connected properly to our front axle using u-bolts our u-bolts they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing out your bolts and then our shock absorber they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy nuts or bolts secured from top to bottom not leaking any hydraulic oil for our braking components we're going to start off with our Airline and abs lines they are properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose not cut ripped or torn not leaking any air this right here is our brake chamber it is properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing other bolts no missing clamps not leaking in the air our slack adjuster and our push rod they're both properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no missing outer bolts and have no more than one inch of pull with the brakes released inside we have our brake pads and our brake drums they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no messy Nutter bolts no oil or grease on them and also they have the brake pads have no less than one quarter inch of padding and now finally for our tire section we have we're going to start off with the top of the tire which is our thread it's an original tire no Recaps no regrooves no less than four 32s then for our tire walls our inside and our outside Tire walls they're properly mounted properly mounted to the rim no abrasions bumps or Cuts not leaking in the air for the rim inside and outside it's properly monthly secured not broken correctly loose no missing out the bolts Not Bent no illegal welds in here we have our lug nuts they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no missing nuts or bolts have no rust or shiny metal shavings indicating that it will be loose in here we have our Hub seal it is properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no messing other bolts not leaking any Hub oil and also it's at safe operating levels finally we have our valve stem it is properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose not cut ripped or torn not leaking any air and if and I would check it with the tire gauge to make sure that the tire is at safe operating levels between 90 and 100 PSI okay now for the driver door fuel area we're going to start off with our mirrors they're properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy Nutter bolts they're clean and clear uh we also have our our signal lights they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing other bolts they're in the proper color amber and they're also used for a left indicator right indicator and four-way flashers our door it is properly mounted and secured now broken crack to loose no missing out the bolts it opens easily from the outside and as you can see it's not loose and we also have our Rubber seal not cut ripped or torn not hanging and our door hinges they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct to loose no messy nuts or bolts we have our steps they're properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy Nutter bolts and not bent and in here we have our battery box it is properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy nuts or bolts all of the connections are connected properly and there's no battery acid or corrosion leaking here we have our DEF tank it is properly mounted and secured not broken correct to loose no messy nuts or bolts the cap is on tight and there's no less than 1 8 of a tank inside in here we have our diesel tank it is properly mounted secured not broken correct to loose no missing out your bolts uh it's supported by brackets and it's not leaking any diesel the diesel cap it is properly mounted secured and has a safety chain and the Rubber seal is intact inside then we're also going to be adding our catwalk it is properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy nuts or bolts Not Bent and we have our steps are properly mounted secured not broken correctly loose no missing out your bolts now for underneath the vehicle we're going to be focusing on three items first we're going to start with our drive shaft it is properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no missing lots of bolts connected properly to our differential with universal joints the universal joints are properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing into bolts and properly greased our frame or our chassis it is properly mounted and secure now broken correct or loose no missing out your bolts Not Bent no illegal welds and then we have our uh exhaust it is properly monthly secured not broken correctly loose no missing as a bolts not cracked no holes and there's no carbon suit leaking now for this section of the test we had to disconnect from our trailer only for the purposes so we can have a better View note you do not have to disconnect from your trailer at your driving test now we're going to start off with the rear axles with suspension brakes and tires so with suspension first we have our spring mounts they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no missing out or bolts then we have our eye bolt it is properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts we have our leaf springs they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct to loose no missing lots of bolts are not shifted and they're connected properly to our rear axle using u-bolts the u-bolts are properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy Nutter bolts we have our shock absorber properly mounted and secured from top to bottom not broken cracked or loose no missing other bolts not leaking any hydraulic oil then we have our airbags our property mounted and secured not broken correctly loose not cut ripped or torn and not leaking any air our airbag mounts they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy nuts or bolts then we have our torsion bar or our torque bar it is properly mounted secured now broken correct to loose no messy nuts or bolts now the next inch is going to be for braking systems the braking system is going to be similar to what we did in the front so it's going to be Airline and abs lines they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose not cut ripped or torn not leaking any air it also attached properly to our brake Chambers they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct to loose no missing nuts or bolts secured with clamps not leaking in the air as well our slack adjusters and push rods are properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no missing out your bolts and have no more than one inch of pull with the brakes released and then we have our brake pads and brake drums they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no missing nuts or bolts and no oil or no grease on them and also no less than one quarter inch of padding for the drive tires it's going to be pretty much similar to the front ones except for one thing is that now you have two sets of tires to deal with so we're going to start off with our thread our thread it's uh it's evenly worn it's in good condition and has no less than two 32s of depth in between the tires we can see that there's no spacers and there's no objects in the middle our tire walls they're properly mounted and secured to our to our rim and there's now cut ripped or torn no operations bumps or Cuts not leaking in the air our rims are properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing out the bolts Not Bent no illegal welds and then we have our lug nuts they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts no shiny metal shavings our Hub seal it is properly mounted and secure not broken cracked or loose no messy on the bolts not no oil leakings and then we have our valve stem it is properly monthly secured not broken cracked or loose no missing other bolts not leaking in the air and has um and it's between 90 and 100 PSI for a coupling devices we're going to start off with our Airlines and electric lines they all appear to be properly mounted and secured now broken correct or loose not cut ripped or torn not pinched not leaking any air also my electric lines they appear to be not cut ripped or torn and not leaking are not showing any um any wiring our connectors uh they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts they are connected properly they also connected properly onto my truck and to my trailer my glad hands are properly mounted and secured now broken correctly loose not missing lots of bolts that has the Rubber seal intact and it's not leaking any air my electrical connector it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no missing out to bolts and my electrical plug is connected properly onto my connectors all right then we're going to be going over to our apron it is properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no missing other bolts Not Bent and it's properly mounted onto my skid plate my skid plate it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked Not Bent not warped it has uh it's properly greased and there's no gap between the apron and the skid plate my fifth wheel it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy natural bolts and it's secured with with pivot pins and cotter pins then we have our platform it is properly mounted and secured now broken correctly loose no messy natural bolts support it with our mounting bolts they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing out your bolts this is a sliding fifth wheel so my locking pins are probably monthly secured not broken cracked or loose no missing out to bolts and they are in the locked position and there's also in the ripe and the correct position to where my truck will not crash onto my landing gear during turns and it's also this is my release arm it is properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing out the bolts Not Bent and it's in the locked position and then right here we have our Kingpin it is properly mounted secured not broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts and the Locking Jaws are properly unsecured not broken correct or loose no messy nuts or bolts and it's in the lock position around the Kingpin also the Kingpin it has no illegal welds now for the rear of the vehicle we're gonna start off with our lights they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy on the bolts and they're in the proper color red for left indicator right indicator and four-way flashers and brake lights and tail lights and wait for reverse and then we're going to go off to our mud flaps they're properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no missing out your bolts and they have reflective tape on them and they have proper clearance from the ground approximately eight inches our next category is going to be our trailer components so we're going to start off with our header board it is properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no no missing another bolts uh not crashed no holes no dents and no missing any rivets and then on top we're going to go to our clearance lights they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no missing out to bolts and they're in the proper color amber and continuing off we're going to go with our skirt it is properly monthly secured now broken crack to loose no missing lots of bolts not crashed no dents no holes no missing any rivets also has reflective tape or dot tape mounted all around the trailer and then in here we have the body of the trailer it is properly mounted and secured now broken crack to loose no missing out to bolts Not Crash no dents no holes and again no missing any rivets this right here it's our landing gear it's properly mounted and secured not broken correct to loose no messy nuts or bolts the landing gear pads are all the way up our position all the way up and the crank handle is also properly mounted secured now broken correct to loose no missing onto bolts and it's secured properly onto the hook then it's our mid marker light it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messing up or bolts and it's in the proper color amber and it's also used for a left indicator right indicator and four-way flasher this right here for our frame this is these are our cross members they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy notes bolts Not Bent and we have our floorboard it's also properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts no holes now for this section we're also going to call out suspension Brakes and Tires it's going to be very similar to the ones over there in the rear axles of the truck so just for the purpose of saving time I will not be inspecting the suspension Brakes and Tires in Parts individually however you will be having to inspect these individually with the proper description for whenever you take the typing test now for the suspension components you will still have the spring mounts with the leaf springs and they're attached properly to the axle with u-bolts now in this trailer it does not have shock absorbers nor airbags just be sure that you inspect that with your trailer if it does have shock absorbers or airbags with the braking components it's going to be pretty much similar to the front you still have your Airlines ABS lines brake chamber slack adjuster and push rod brake pads and brake drums now for the rear tires you will still have to inspect the thread the outer wall of the tires the rim lug nuts hubcap and valve stem now remember in your test you still have to give the proper description of each and every item you just mentioned here you have your door tie it is properly mounted and secured not broken correct or loose no missing any nuts or bolts and then you have your mud flaps they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts not cut ripped or torn and they have proper clearance from the ground approximately eight inches for the rear of the trailer you're going to have your doors for your doors they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts and your door locks they're properly mounted and secured now broken cracked or loose no missing other bolts and they're in the locked position your door hinges they are properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no missing out or bolts and your rear bumper it is properly mounted secured not broken correct to lose no missing bolts it has reflective tape posted around the bumper here you have your rear lights or your clearance lights they're properly mounted and secured now broken correct to loose no missing notes or bolts and they're in the proper color red our tail lights they're properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy nuts or bolts they're in the proper color red for left indicator right indicator and four-way flashers and brake lights and tail lights we have our license plate and license plate light they're properly mounted and secured not broken correctly loose no messy nuts or bolts once you have finished the outside vehicle inspection you will then ask your examiner to help you so that way you can examine the exterior lights operations so you will go inside you will place the key into ignition and you'll put the left indicator right indicator four-way flashers high beams and low beams and your examiner will give you a thumbs up for every light you check you will repeat this process in the rear of the vehicle as well left indicator right indicator four-way flashers and your brake lights now that you're already done the outside inspection then it's time to do the in-cab inspection the in-cab inspection we're going to divide it into four different parts vehicle parts gauges controls and Emergency Equipment okay so we will start off your income inspection by putting on your seatbelt once you put on your seatbelt you're going to do a safe start you're gonna turn the ignition on make sure you're on neutral put the clutch in and safely turn the vehicle on CE you do a safe start remember those five stages you're going to do categories you're going to do vehicle parts gauges controls and Emergency Equipment so we're going to start off with our vehicle parts we have our mirrors they're properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messing up to bolts they're clean and clear and they're adjusted properly to my line of sight we have our windshield it is probably mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose clean and clear and have no illegal stickers we have our window it is properly mounted and secured not broken cracked or loose no messy natural bolts and it's clean and clear and to our next category we have our gauges we have our oil pressure gauge it is working properly and safe operating levels around 50 psi our water temperature gauge is working properly and safe operating levels between 100 and 150 degrees our tachometer it is working properly at idling speeds our speedometer it is working properly and it's at zero because we're not moving our fuel gauge it is working properly and it's at safe operating levels our voltmeter it is working properly and it's in Safe Harbor levels around 14 volts our def gauge it is working properly and safe operating levels it's a full tank primary and our secondary air gauges they're working properly and they're in safe operating levels between 120 and 140 PSI now for our control section we're going to start off with our left indicator it is working properly our right indicator it is working properly our four-way flashers they're working properly our headlights are working properly and our high beam indicator is also working properly our city horn it's working properly as well as our air horn is working properly then we have our heater and defroster our heater and defroster are working properly and then right here we have our windshield wipers and washers they're working properly and the blades are mounted properly not broken correctly loose not cut ripped or torn as well now that we've done our in-cab inspection now it's time to do the air brake test so for the air brake test we will turn the vehicle off turn the ignition back on to electrical only and then we're going to press our parking and our trailer brake valves when air stabilizes meaning when you no longer hear that sound the air sound you will press and hold the brakes for one minute and you shouldn't lose more than 4 PSI so press and hold for one minute now that the minute has passed by you will say I did not lose more than 4 PSI you will then pump your brakes to 60 PSI and the low air pressure alarm will turn on my low air pressure alarm is working properly I will then pump my brakes to 40 to 20 psi and my parking and trailer brake valves will pop out okay parking and trailer brake valves are working properly you will do a safe start neutral clutch turn the engine on and release the clutch slowly you will rev the engine to about 1300 RPMs until your primary and your secondary air gauges reach the safe operating levels of 120 to 140 PSI in less than three minutes [Music] now that you've done your air brake test now it's time to do your tuck test so for your tuck test you will need to inspect either one of these two first so so you can choose either one that you like so right here if I'm covering this one I'm going to be choosing to test my parking brakes so it will say I will test my parking brakes place the vehicle in and first gear press the clutch in release the clutch slowly once you feel a slight tug you'll press the clutch back in inside and say my parking brakes are working properly now you're going to release your trailer brakes valves and press the parking brakes and say I will test my trailer brakes again clutch low gear release clutch slowly until you feel that tug and say my trailer brakes are working properly it's time to do check your service brakes so you will press both in and now it's time to check your service brakes you will need to drive about five miles per hour and slightly smoothly press your service brakes so again clutch first gear or low gear and drive about five miles per hour my service brakes are working properly then finally it's my trailer brakes again clutch low gear release the brakes or the clutch slowly just enough to where it starts moving and then press down on your trailer brakes my trailer brakes are working properly putting back in neutral take the clutch out set the parking brakes and say this concludes my pre-trip inspection congratulations this concludes your pre-trip inspection it is very important for you to remember to stay calm and don't rush through the process also remember to divide every item into categories this will help you stay organized throughout the process my name is Ricardo Bali and on behalf of Safe Ride Driving Academy we thank you for choosing us for your class A CDL training program
Channel: SafeRide Driving Academy
Views: 119,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4gSA-xKpj4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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